Shared posts

28 Jul 01:03

Old Masters Buzzfeed

by Xeni Jardin



A tumblog of greatness. Read the rest

27 Jul 18:21

NASA’s Social Media Strategy Is Genius—And Kinda Maddening

by Nick Stockton

Good read. TL;DR - NASA is the best public agency at the social medias. We should all take note.

NASA’s Social Media Strategy Is Genius—And Kinda Maddening

NASA's obsession with social media is damaging its mission to educate the public.

The post NASA’s Social Media Strategy Is Genius—And Kinda Maddening appeared first on WIRED.

23 Jul 18:36

The top 10 best running gags on Arrested Development

by Jason Kottke

This makes me feel really good.

Still, where did the lighter fluid come from?

Sister is my new mother, Mother.

I'm afraid I just blue myself.

I'm about halfway through season two of Arrested Development again on Netflix and it might be the best show ever on television. I'm not even kidding.

Update: NPR has been obsessively cataloging the show's running gags here. Holy shit, the extensive foreshadowing of Buster losing his hand! This show is amazing. (via @Nick__Vance)

Tags: Arrested Development   best of   lists   TV   video
20 Jul 17:15

WATCH: Chaperone at concert makes the best of a dad situation

by Andrea James

He set the bar.

Taking the kids to see The Vamps? Might as well bust some old school moves and have more fun a than those bored dads at One Direction concerts. Read the rest
20 Jul 17:08

Turkey testicle eat-off founder is pretty relaxed about nearby town copying his festival

by Xeni Jardin

NOT an Onion headline. Oddly.

Because there are plenty of turkey testicles for everyone who is inclined to eat turkey testicles. Read the rest
20 Jul 13:21



Found by surya adi pras
16 Jul 21:39

It's a Mad Mad Mad Max Fury Road - Trailer

by Mark Frauenfelder

Same color palette.

This works. Created by Ezequiel López.

(Unrelated comment: I love the colors of 1960s movies. Please bring them back.)

(Thanks, Matthew!)

16 Jul 13:55

What Is Code?

by editors

Code is such a pain in the ass to read about. This piece is the opposite. Plus it's gorgeous and silly. The corporate-only angle still embodies a lot of the code writing issues I have, but I can appreciate the author trying to deconstruct social power in code (plus big-fucking-surprise the article is from Bloomberg). Blah blah: here's something really complicated the author describes with expert clarity:

"So what if, whaaaat if, we made a little box called Customer (call it a “class,” as in the taxonomical sense, like a Customer is a subclass of the species human, which is a subclass of mammal, etc.), and we put the data and methods relating to customers into that box. (And by box, it’s literally just “public class Customer {}” and anything inside the {} relates to that particular class.)"

Dig in. Fear no code.

A 38,000-word answer.

[Full Story]
15 Jul 04:26

Hoxton Street Monster Supplies : Lovely Package . Curating the very best packaging design.

by turn
14 Jul 20:50

A musical journey away from Earth

by Jason Kottke


Lightyear FM

Taking inspiration from the opening sequence of Contact, is a musical journey away from the Earth. As you get farther out (say, 10 light years away, just past star Ross 154 in the constellation of Sagittarius), you hear music that was broadcast on the radio at that time (Gold Digger by Kanye West).

Radio broadcasts leave Earth at the speed of light. Scroll away from Earth and hear how far the biggest hits of the past have travelled. The farther away you get, the longer the waves take to travel there -- and the older the music you'll hear.

This is the coolest.

Tags: audio   Contact   Earth   movies   music
14 Jul 19:40

Trump threatens to "kick El Chapo's ass," then calls FBI when El Chapo returns threat

by Mark Frauenfelder

for the gif.


Yesterday Donald Trump boasted on Twitter that he would "kick El Chapo's ass." When the recently escaped Mexican drug lord (or someone pretending to be him) tweeted back to Trump that he'd "make you eat all of your goddamn words," Trump complained to the FBI that he was being bullied.

14 Jul 18:03

A Visual History of Humanity’s Exploration of Pluto - Facts So Romantic

by Shannon Hall

Lookin good, buddy.

Before I could string full sentences together, I used to wander outside past my bedtime. I would push open the sliding glass door and immediately look up, searching for stars sprinkled beyond the silhouetted trees. At the time, I couldn’t even begin to comprehend what I was seeing. Instead, each beacon of light represented a mystery, a final frontier in a vast, unknown universe.

Today, two-plus decades of personal discovery leaning on centuries of scientific discovery have given me much greater insight into the night sky. But plenty of mysteries still stand. You could say that most of the universe remains dark to us. And that includes some of our own backyard.

Pluto—that cold, small and lonely dwarf planet 4.7 billion miles away—is still a single dot in a vast, starry sky, only dimly visible through even our best telescopes. We know little about it, save that it’s very different from what we know well: completely unlike the rocky inner planets and outer gas and ice giants of the Solar System. It has held onto its secrets for nearly a century. But that is about to change.

After a nearly-10-year journey, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft came face to face with…
Read More…

13 Jul 19:22

When You're Drunk, Bad Food Smells Better (According to Science) — Food News

by Kristin Appenbrink

well that explains it.

Thanks to science, you may be off the hook for some of your bad eating choices when you've had a bit too much to drink.

Scientists at the University of Indiana's medical school recently released a study that found that alcohol can make food smell better.


10 Jul 18:19

This shovel falling sounds exactly like Smells Like Teen Spirit

by Jason Kottke

this got way more milage with me than i thought it would (also check out the similar links at the bottom)

♬ With the shovel out, the ice's less dangerous / Drop the shovel, entertain us / I feel stupid and contagious / Drop the shovel, entertain us ♬

Magisterial. I love the internet. This is even better than the door that sounds like Miles Davis. (via @slowernet)

Update: Oh, and this nightstand door sounds like Chewbacca. (via @steveportigal)

Tags: music   Nirvana   video
10 Jul 00:36

Max Max: Muppet Road

by Cory Doctorow

Mad Max Mayhem [JoopaDoops/Deviant Art] (Thanks, Fipi Lele!)

07 Jul 19:25

This new GIF from NASA cuts deep — we’re so very, very close to...

This new GIF from NASA cuts deep — we’re so very, very close to seeing Pluto.

07 Jul 19:17

Did You Know You Can Freeze Leftover Whipped Cream? — Tips from The Kitchn

by Christine Gallary

Shit is getting real.

(Image credit: Christine Gallary)

Whipped cream is one of life's little luxuries that makes everything it touches just a wee bit better. Whether you like it to melt into your hot cocoa, crown your hot fudge sundae, or gild your pie or apple crisp, it's amazing how just taking a whisk to some heavy cream transforms it so beautifully.

But what about that leftover whipped cream that didn't get served? Should you just toss it? We're here to tell you that you should never, ever, throw away leftover whipped cream. Freeze it instead!


07 Jul 19:11

Kendrick Lamar’s new video for To Pimp a Butterfly’s “Alright”...


guys this video is really good.

Kendrick Lamar’s new video for To Pimp a Butterfly’s “Alright” is a beautiful piece of protest art. 

06 Jul 17:28

Just a drawing of actor Jeff Goldblum as your personal motivational centaur

by Xeni Jardin

more like this.


Believe. (more…)

29 Jun 17:56

Shadows of a Doubt: Hints of Emotional Conflict Within Black...

Shadows of a Doubt: Hints of Emotional Conflict Within Black Metal Promotional Photography by Aleksander Jacobsen

29 Jun 17:54

Hear What This 97-Year-Old Lesbian Has To Say About Gay Marriage

by Heather Dockray

The lens of time is something we can't understand. Oooh and check out that daper photo!

Image via the author

Jerre Kalbas is one of the oldest living lesbians in New York. While so many young gay people consider women like Ellen and Wanda Sykes as household names, Jerre grew up in a time when being gay wasn’t something you ever celebrated with a parade—it was something you hid inside the confines of an underground bar. So when I called Jerre shortly after the Supreme Court made its historic decision, and asked if she ever thought gay marriage would pass in the United States, she had exactly this to tell me:

“Oh come on! Of course not.”

She added: “I didn’t even think gay would be recognized. This, to me, I can’t even believe it. It’s just so fantastic.”

Jerre grew up in a different era—actually, in many different eras—where gay marriage simply wasn’t a political issue, because gay people weren’t quite considered people. “Nothing was said,” Jerre told me, “You just didn’t talk about it.” While she remembers having feelings for women as early as the age of six, it would be years before she had the words and labels to identify the impressions as gay (“I didn’t know what I was doing!” she said). Still, that didn’t stop her from going out to New York’s underground bars to meet other young lesbians to date and befriend. While there were lesbian bars and gay men’s bars, sometimes, gay men and women would go to a venue together simply to avoid harassment from the police. “If there was a police raid, we would start dancing together, so everyone would think we were straight,” she told me.

But it wasn’t just her sexuality that Jerre had to watch—it was her gender expression as well. During high school, Jerre wore a tie instead of a scarf, which prompted one anxious mother to tell her daughter to, “stay away from me.” At the time, Jerre was confused. “I didn’t know there was anything wrong with me. I didn’t know anything was wrong until people pointed it out.”

Far right: Jerre Kalbas. Image via the author

And it wasn’t just high school, either—Jerre was always “tomboyish,” and grew up before World War II, when women were expected to wear skirts. So because Jerre couldn’t wear pants, she did the next best thing: “I wore skirts, with a man’s shirt, and a really short haircut. I didn’t want to use a purse, so I carried around a paper bag with cigarettes and my wallet.”  As much as she tried to blend in, she was still subject to harassment in the streets: “Guys in the street, they would shout ‘Dyke’ at me … I still hate that word.”

But Jerre persisted, because she is what scientists would call, “a badass.” She became a cook, and a silversmith, and ran her very own mechanical shop. She made friends and lovers and even more friends, and at 97—97—still flies around New York by bus. She’s an active member of SAGE, a nonprofit serving New York’s best LGBTQ elders, and a reader of the New York Times (“Did you see the cover of the Times this morning? Everything’s gay!!”). And while she has no plans to get married anytime in the immediate future, when I spoke with her this morning she had this to add:

“I had to struggle to make it. This is mind-boggling. This is wonderful … Did you see the White House in all the colors … I never thought it would be that way.”

Jerre is going out tonight, and tomorrow she’ll be celebrating the Pride she fought to build for 8.8 million people.


29 Jun 17:51

liartownusa: Shameful Dawn by United States Supreme Court...


AHH-hahahaha. Anyone want to guess what the first line would be?


Shameful Dawn by United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

“A terrifying look at America’s slick, glistening future…"—American Conservative

29 Jun 17:46

“That’s What I Felt This Week: An Open Heart.”

by editors

Last week was a good news week. This contributed to it. I hope speeches of this caliber show up under better circumstances in the future.

The president’s eulogy for the Reverend Clementa Pinckney.

Barack Obama | Jun 2015
[Full Story]
29 Jun 17:40

Chicago Pride Parade, Belmont/Halsted, 1977 (via)  (I posted...


Lookin' good for years. What a good weekend!

Chicago Pride Parade, Belmont/Halsted, 1977 (via

(I posted this video before, but today seemed like a good day to re-blog it.)

29 Jun 17:37

Sound Effects Vol. 7: Neighborhood Nuisance conceived and...



Sound Effects Vol. 7: Neighborhood Nuisance conceived and written with Rachel Lichtman @DJRotaryRachel 

26 Jun 19:45


23 Jun 21:16

mightyriot:I must decline, for secret reasons.




I must decline, for secret reasons.

22 Jun 19:37

“Primitive Technology” is the Best Thing on YouTube

by Gabriel Reilich

Strangely soothing!

About a month ago, a new channel “Primitive Technology” popped up on YouTube. And it’s the best. As the creator notes, the videos on this channel are about “making primitive huts and tools from scratch using only natural materials in the wild.” The videos are without narration and the results are striking. It’s the kind of stuff that puts Bear Grylls to shame. Watch below as this guy, who I can only assume could woo away anybody’s girlfriend if he so desired, builds an impressive shelter. The videos are satisfyingly relaxing to watch and provide a glimpse into what the creative life may have been for our distant ancestors.

Subscribe to GOOD on YouTube

22 Jun 19:34

Ice-T Law & Order SVU Part I


Helping you fight Monday.

Ice-T Law & Order SVU Part I

22 Jun 17:33

John Oliver on Internet misogyny

by Rob Beschizza

Must watch. Must share.

It's a nice place, if you have a white penis: "It doesn't just affect women in gaming."