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28 Apr 14:49


19 Apr 15:26


Masha Vorslav

проверяю шеринг ну и вообще

25 Mar 09:43

The Top 10 Vintage Lingerie Pieces on Etsy that I’m Crushing On

by thelingerielesbian
Masha Vorslav


I have always liked the idea of vintage lingerie, but I hadn’t really looked for any myself until I read The Lingerie Addict’s article on 10 Vintage Bras on Etsy that sent me down the rabbit hole that is searching vintage lingerie on Etsy. These are my favorite 10 pieces that I’ve found so far and I think they’re pretty spectacular:

1930′s Ladies Peach Silk Bra and Tap Pants, $125

This gorgeous 1930s bra and tap pants definitely have not gone out of style. The cream satin, sheer netting and pink stripes are so perfect together. I would love to wear this and feel like I was going back to a more glamorous time and maybe do some dramatic swooning onto a divan.

Stella Fagin 40′s Crystal Pleated/Ruffle Pink Bed Cape, $125

The seller said she’s never seen a piece of vintage lingerie as spectacular as this bed jacket and I’m inclined to agree! The layers of folds and frills make this such a statement piece which would probably ensure your nightwear was more exciting than your daywear.

Vintage Blu Christian Dior Bustier strapless bra in Blue and Ecru- 34C, $54

If I was a size 34C, this Christian Dior bustier would already be in my possession and I wouldn’t even let you guys know about it! The chevron front is so stylish and I love the combo of pale blue satin and ecru lace.

1940s magenta satin dressing gown by Kamore, $119.99

This magenta dressing gown would be a little too small for me, which is why I couldn’t justify grabbing it for myself, but the gorgeous color and sharp tailoring make me wish for one of my own. This is not the flimsy diaphanous robe that I often celebrate, but this might be even better (and very wearable outside the house, too!)

1950s Artemis Peignoir Set, $94

The fact that I only included two peignoir sets on this list is amazing, given how many I’ve seen and I love, but seeing so many has made me quite choosy. This set stands out for its subtle and usual color, as well as the lovely lace and flower details.

Vintage Lingerie French Camisole and Bloomers with Valenciennes Lace & Embroidery, $150

This vintage camisole and bloomers is so old-fashioned and so French that I knew I had to include it on this list the second I saw it. The camisole and bloomers do not technically match, but they go so well together they definitely look like they should. This is definitely a set for the detail and lace lover– look at the different types of lace and the tiny pintucks!

1960s babydoll with bloomers by Rogers Lingerie, $42

I’ve already talked about how much I love bloomers again and again, so it’s no wonder I had to include this adorable babydoll and bloomers set! I adore the pale pink color and I think that even though it has a distinctly 60s look to it, this set is definitely wearable today.

20s/30s pink corselette by Spencer, $95

This 20s/30s corselette is not quite as easy and wearable as some of the other pieces I’ve listed, but it is such a unique and distinctive piece, I think it would be awesome to own. If I was going to have a 20s-themed party, how fabulous would it be to have some authentic undergarments as well?

50s Vanity Fair Ruffled Nightgown, $168

Two different shade of pink + layers of frilly chiffon+ ribbons = the most perfect nightgown ever.  If you are a size extra small, please buy and wear this gown because I can’t!

Intime Marabou Feather Peignoir Set, $198

Marabou feathers are the ultimate boudoir trimming, which is why I chose this for the second peignoir set on this list. I’m also a sucker for that kind of subtle tan and pink coloring.


Pretty White & Red Girdle by Corsets Charmereine Paris, $55

At the last minute I decided to throw in this fantastic vintage girdle as well– so I guess it’s really my top 11! The red girdle with the white lace is absolutely breathtaking and so unique. I adore all the detail of the ribbon and the lace.

What do you think? Do you already collect vintage lingerie or does this make you want to start buying some?

19 Mar 19:48

Ed van der Elsken [::SemAp::]

Ed van der Elsken


07 Mar 19:59

masterxkiller: A visual description of my life.


A visual description of my life.

01 Mar 22:31

CR Fashion Book: Clearly

by kellina

CR Fashion Book: Clearly
By Kristin Sekora

In the second issue of CR Fashion Book there is a layout named "Clearly." Continuing Carine Roitfeld’s choice of the theme of dance for this issue, which she has studied privately for the past year and a half, the pages are filled with five images of the nude body of a ballet dancer in exercise and dance poses intermingled with beautiful art-quality see-through accessories. The stylist is Michaela Dosamantes.

In the first photo the dancer is in a split with her leg bent behind in back attitude, a practice stretch pose, all the more to take advantage of the soft PVC plastic of the glorious Givenchy shoe she carries on her foot. The shoe’s clear Lucite heel reveals a patterned interior and rests on the silver metal of a heel. The dancer’s perfectly pointed toe is revealed through the plastic. But in this first photo we begin to get the sense that the clearness that Carine Roitfeld intends for us is not the clarity of light but perhaps the see-through quality and nebulousness of a vacuum. Yes, CR is truly a woman of mystery and not to be taken for granted. Why does the dancer have no head? It cannot just be that it is behind her shoulder. No, it is gone. And most shocking of all, for a woman who once published a photo of a model with the Gucci logo shaved into her pubic hair, here Carine has airbrushed the dancer’s sex. The dancer has been defaced in more ways than one. CR is playing with us when she uses the word "Clearly."

However, examined closely, the pores of the dancer’s body are clearly seen, exfoliated with MAC Mineralize Volcanic Ash Exfoliator. The choice of a dancer instead of a fashion model goes beyond a mere adherence to the ballet theme, for Carine is showing us that the dancer is as dedicated to her art as the truly fashionable woman is to hers. The toughness of the sinews, the tightness of the muscles, all are mirrored in a woman’s pleasure in the touch and feel of the fashion objects with which she surrounds herself.

The photographer, Brigitte Niedermair, known for her startling female nude imagery such as the juxtaposition of a woman’s naked buttocks with a fecund cow’s udders, continues such imagery here. In the next two photos, we encounter perhaps the most beautiful art-quality objects, placed by Carine Roitfeld in the most disturbing context, for our eye is suddenly shocked by what seems to be flesh in an abattoir held by blocks of preserving ice. Is Carine saying that in some way beauty is cold? That we pay too high a price for it? Even the juxtaposition of the two photographs suggests shards of ice coming together. The objects here are incredible. On the left is a Gucci Plexiglas box to hold the lovely contents of a lady’s evening. On the right is a Valentino minaudière of such exquisiteness that it will be handed down for generations. It is Plexiglas, tiny, with the appearance of cut glass, with square marcasite-covered areas and a short burnished silver-toned chain.

In the final two photos, as in all the others, the dancer is contorting herself for fashion. She bends over backward to appreciate the beautiful Hermès cuff on the left. On the right, she does backbends over a PVC Michael Kors shoe with a Lucite heel. Is Carine Roitfeld at base cynical about fashion? I think not. These are exquisite art-quality fashion objects, not just everyday accessories. Carine has "Clearly" chosen to display them against the pristine beauty of a dancer's skin.

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Editorial images © 2013 CR Fashion Book.

21 Feb 08:15


Masha Vorslav


27 Jan 16:48


Masha Vorslav


25 Jan 21:54


Masha Vorslav


25 Jan 21:27


Masha Vorslav


23 Jan 09:20

Cocktail — происхождение оспаривается

Masha Vorslav


Пока Википедия определяется с происхождением слова «коктейль», бармены всего мира уже освоили самые изысканные рецепты и теперь без коктейля не проходит ни одна вечеринка. Можно относиться к алкоголю по-разному. Главное во всем соблюдать меру и использовать алкоголь не как способ «напиться и развеселиться», а как достойное дополнение к празднику и хорошей еде. К тому же гурманы согласятся со мной – многие вкусные и неповторимые коктейли стали такими именно благодаря хорошему алкоголю, использованному при их приготовлении. Если вы по натуре экспериментатор, умеете владеть собой и не страдаете от стереотипов, то этот пост для вас. Недавно мне прислали несколько интересных и даже интригующих рецептов алкогольных коктейлей, которыми я хочу поделиться с вами. Их даже не обязательно пить, сам процесс невероятно увлекателен!

Количество ингредиентов дано для ориентира, чтобы вам было легче в первый раз. Но если вы почувствуете драйв и настроение, то высчитывать капли не стоит. Импровизация тоже вещь хорошая, доверьтесь интуиции и пробуйте. Учитывайте не столько миллилитры, сколько пропорции.


Для приготовления этого коктейля, необходимо смешать 40 мл водки, 40 мл лимонного сока и 40 мл сиропа. Напиток должен подаваться холодным, поэтому добавляем колотый лед. Полученную смесь наливаем в бокал и добавляем несколько капель ежевичного ликера Crème de Mûre.

Raspberry Dream

В небольшую стеклянную ёмкость с колотым льдом положите 5 ягод малины и растолките их. Добавьте по 10 мл лимонного сока, малинового сока и сахарного сиропа. Перемешайте и налейте 40 мл водки. Полученную смесь процедите, и налейте в специальный бокал. Для украшения используйте свежую малину.

Beluga ginger spicy

В стандартный стакан положить 1 дольку лимона и 200 гр. имбиря. Добавить колотый лед. Затем налить 40 мл водки, добавить свежую мяту и залить содовой (30 гр).

Beluga Cappuccino Cream

Очень простой коктейль - водку (40 мл) и ликер Cappuccino Cream (40 мл) выливают в стакан слой за слоем и украшают свежей мятой.

Vodka Bamboo Oxide

Для приготовления этого коктейля, необходимо смешать 30 мл вермута, 30 мл хереса и 30 мл водки. Напиток должен подаваться холодным, поэтому его на несколько часов необходимо поместить в холодильник. Полученную смесь наливаем в бокал для мартини и украшаем цедрой лимона.

Buckthorn SUNRISE

Перемешать 40 мл водки, 20 мл облепихового сиропа и 10 мл апельсинового сока. Налить коктейль в бокал для мартини и добавить гренадин (сироп из гранатового сока).


Смешать сироп (15 мл), лаймовый фреш (20 мл), кофейный ликер Galliano Ristretto (15 мл), водку и добавить пару капель горького шоколада. Затем перелить в стакан с высокими стенками, наполненный колотым льдом и украсить кофейными зернами и цедрой лайма.

Для приготовления этих коктейлей рекомендуется водка Beluga, так как именно она гарантирует правильный вкус коктейлей. Впрочем, экспериментировать вам никто не запрещает, возможно, в процессе вы создадите собственный уникальный рецепт коктейля. Не забудьте поделиться ;)

Ну а для повышения творческого потенциала покажу вам праздничные витрины магазина Глобус Гурмэ, созданные в сотрудничестве с Beluga. Команду бренда Beluga вдохновил период арт-деко – самый яркий стиль двадцатого века, которому присуще смелое сочетание модерна, экспрессионизма и кубизма. В окнах гастронома разворачиваются сюжеты из книги Жуля Верна «Вокруг света за 80 дней». Колонные мосты, чемоданы, поезда и воздушные шары олицетворяют дух путешествий и приключений. Насладиться неповторимым дизайном витрин можно будет вплоть до середины февраля.

22 Jan 15:20

platooon: redhouseroad: You are CUTE DOG. You are stuck in...

Masha Vorslav

это пржк решается спиздить бокал из жан-жака



You are CUTE DOG.
You are stuck in SNOW.
What will you do?



21 Jan 12:22

fitandcurvydreams: silver-tonguedliar: this is literally the...



this is literally the best gif on the internet


15 Jan 04:45


13 Jan 20:16

thejogging: Nicki Minaj Personal Audio Ball...


Nicki Minaj Personal Audio Ball (Prototype) 2013


11 Jan 07:56


10 Jan 21:59

OUTFITS | Long Coat and Trainers

Masha Vorslav

вместо клатча рюкзак и заебись




cropped polo neck: Asos
coat: COS
trousers: vintage
trainers: Nike
clutch: courtesy of Backstage

My long wool coat and Nike trainers are best friends, though they are almost complete opposites I wear them together all the time. (Like today, when I've got to run all over the place, and really should be leaving n-o-w! bye bye!)
09 Jan 22:21

spookypuke: wedrinkvodka: Anna Paquin by Sebastian Faena for V...

Masha Vorslav




Anna Paquin by Sebastian Faena for V Magazine

my fucking goddess

06 Jan 09:12

russian delight - blinis with salmon caviar!)

Masha Vorslav

никогда не пробовала.......

russian delight - blinis with salmon caviar!)

05 Jan 21:56


Masha Vorslav

а у меня своя одри хорн есть

19 Dec 21:02


18 Dec 16:48

kimjongunlookingatthings: looking at children’s socks

Masha Vorslav

я в магазине


looking at children’s socks

13 Dec 22:32

Red Bottom Christmas

by (Vika Julia)

13 Dec 22:31


12 Dec 17:14


Masha Vorslav

неотрывно смотрела минуты две но так и не понял что он делает

12 Dec 12:25

z-araz: seensense: Agnieszka Czyzowska backstage at Maison...



Agnieszka Czyzowska backstage at Maison Martin Margiela, Fall 2007


05 Dec 15:00

Diana Vreeland’s caviar pie, photographed by  Oi-Cheong...

Diana Vreeland’s caviar pie, photographed by  Oi-Cheong Lee from the Photographic Studio for the Metropolitan Museum of Art

04 Dec 22:32


Masha Vorslav

пржк в комнату?

04 Dec 22:30


Masha Vorslav

я 1 января

04 Dec 13:33

elizabitchtaylor: annefrankzappa: no i’m crying 4x

Masha Vorslav

пржк не плачь




i’m crying 4x