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30 Oct 20:14

I keep spinning the crystal to see all sides but I can never exactly see the side that is turned away

by but does it float
Photographs by Robert Schlaug Title: Clark Coolidge Photographer via Arpeggia. Title via wood s lot. Will 50 Watts
30 Oct 16:21

Twin Cats Always Mirror Each Other in Sleep Scientists are...

Twin Cats Always Mirror Each Other in Sleep

Scientists are baffled by twin cats, Merry and Pippin, who reportedly always sleep in an exact mirror image of one another.  

“Even if we place them in disparate starting positions or in separate rooms, they somehow always wind up sleeping exactly like the other,” said leading cat biologist and feline sleep expert Dr. Tobias Winslow.  ”I’ve never seen anything like it.”

A polysomnogram revealed nothing out of the ordinary about the cats’ brain functions, eye movements, muscle activity, breathing or heart rhythms.  ”We had expected to find that Merry and Pip were synched up on an internal level,” explained Winslow, “but it is literally just in the way they position their bodies for slumber.”

More tests will be done later this month during a scheduled comprehensive sleep study.

Via  0mumu0.

26 Oct 16:04

The Travelling Salesman movie is coming to the UK!

by mf344

Travelling Salesman poster

Date: Tuesday 20 November 2012, 6.30 pm

Venue: Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Clarkson Road, Cambridge CB3 0WATickets: Entry is by ticket only, £7.50 each. PLEASE NOTE THAT TICKETS FOR THIS EVENT ARE NOW SOLD OUT.

read more

26 Oct 15:55

Astronomers Confirm Planet Fomalhaut B | Astronomy |

26 Oct 02:25

Mammatus Clouds Over Saskatchewan


Add to bucket list: ver mammatus clouds ao vivo! ^^

Mammatus Clouds Over Saskatchewan
26 Oct 02:22

Whale mimics human speech

by Mark Frauenfelder

From the NMMFoundation:

A new paper published by the National Marine Mammal Foundation in the scientific journal Current Biology sheds light on the ability of marine mammals to spontaneously mimic human speech. The study details the case of a white whale named NOC who began to mimic the human voice, presumably a result of vocal learning.

"The whale's vocalizations often sounded as if two people were conversing in the distance," says Dr. Sam Ridgway, President of the National Marine Mammal Foundation. "These 'conversations' were heard several times before the whale was eventually identified as the source. In fact, we discovered it when a diver mistook the whale for a human voice giving him underwater directions."

26 Oct 02:16

October 24, 2012


26 Oct 02:05

Talk show de Sergio Mallandro estreia com gafe sobre Hebe Camargo

by Mauricio Stycer

Vendo Sergio Mallandro entrevistar Roque, o veterano assistente de palco de Silvio Santos, me pergunto como é que demoraram tanto para lhe dar o comando de um talk show. Com seu personagem meio maluco, desbocado e desengonçado, Mallandro é a pessoa certa no lugar certo.

“Me falaram que você tem uma réplica, na sua cabeceira, do saco do Silvio. Todo dia que você acorda, você dá uma puxadinha. Verdade ou mentira?”, pergunta a Roque, que responde no mesmo tom: “Ai eu pergunto: você vai puxar o saco de pobre, o que você vai ganhar? Então tem que puxar de quem tem.”

“Papo de Mallandro”, exibido pelo canal pago Multishow, dificilmente vai roubar público dos talk shows tradicionais, de Jô Soares, Danilo Gentili ou Marília Gabriela, mas oferece-se como uma alternativa interessante, para quem gosta de programas “lado B”.

Tudo é trash no talk show do Mallandro. O programa tem uma banda no palco, chamada Salcifufu, que encerrou o programa tocando “A Pipa do Vovô”. Tem a ex-mulher e o filho de Mallandro na platéia, em funções indefinidas. Tem a “pergunta gluglu”, a “pergunta ieié” e a “pergunta rá”. Tem as assistentes de palco. E uma lista de convidados para os próximos programas de causar inveja: a dupla sertaneja Edson e Hudson, Mara Maravilha, o cantor Juca Chaves, Zé do Caixão e Inri Cristo.

A certa altura do programa de estreia, Mallandro apresentou a Roque uma série de nomes. O assistente de palco de Silvio Santos devia dar “medalha de ouro” ou “de lata” para os nomes citados. Gugu Liberato (lata), Eliana (ouro), Mano Menezes (lata)…

A coisa corria bem até que Mallandro disse o nome de Hebe Camargo (1929-2012), mas o público não ouviu a resposta. A gravação certamente ocorreu antes da morte da apresentadora. A edição suprimiu a resposta, mas não teve o cuidado de eliminar a voz de Mallandro perguntando a Roque. Uma gafe que faz todo sentido num programa como esse.

Mais informações sobre o programa podem ser lidas na reportagem “Papo de Mallandro” mistura clima de micareta e humor politicamente incorreto. O programa é exibido às quintas-feiras, às 22h30 e reprisado aos sábados, às 16h, 22h30 e 5h da manhã.

24 Oct 11:56

Scumbag Mark Zuckerberg

Submitted by: betoecomp
Posted at: 2012-10-24 02:13:52
See full post and comment:

24 Oct 10:35

Building powered by algae growing on its facade


The very first building in the world with a shading system consisting of live micro-algae is being built in the suburb of Wilhemsburg in Hamburg. The “algae house” will be complete in 2013 and will comprise approximately 200 square meters of such elements. (Credit: Arup Germany GmbH)

The BIQ house in Germany features a “bio-adaptive façade” that uses microalgae to generate renewable energy and provide shade, PSFK reports.

Designed for the International Building Exhibition in Hamburg, the zero-energy house will be the first real-life test for the new façade system.

Algae in the bio-reactor façades grow faster in bright sunlight to provide more shade. The bio-reactors power the building by capturing solar thermal heat and producing biomass that can be harvested.

The BIQ house was designed by Splitterwerk Architects, in collaboration with Colt International, Arup, and SSC. Arup’s Europe Research Leader, Jan Wurm, said:

To use bio-chemical processes for adaptive shading is a really innovative and sustainable solution so it is great to see it being tested in a real-life scenario. As well as generating renewable energy and providing shade to keep the inside of the building cooler on sunny days, it also creates a visually interesting look that architects and building owners will like.

The building is due to be completed in March 2013, and it will allow scientists, engineers, and builders the opportunity to assess the full potential of the system as a green alternative.

23 Oct 21:54

Superman in different costumes

Submitted by: endorbine
Posted at: 2012-10-23 12:23:15
See full post and comment:

23 Oct 21:51

My friend made his own Iron Man suit.

Submitted by: heatacow
Posted at: 2012-10-23 06:15:33
See full post and comment:

23 Oct 21:51

Lawn Decorations WIN

halloween lawn decorations ufo Aliens roswell best of week Hall of Fame - 6696663296

Submitted by: Unknown

22 Oct 23:37

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson

by Christopher Jobson

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson planets Earth digital collage

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson planets Earth digital collage

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson planets Earth digital collage

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson planets Earth digital collage

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson planets Earth digital collage

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson planets Earth digital collage

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson planets Earth digital collage

Miniature Worlds Digitally Assembled from Hundreds of Photographs by Catherine Nelson planets Earth digital collage

Sydney-based artist Catherine Nelson refers to herself as a painter with a camera, in that she doesn’t see the world as a photographer does but instead uses photos as a medium with which she creates these fantastic miniature worlds. Each work is comprised of hundreds of photographs which she digitally stitches together, drawing from an extensive background in visual special effects having worked on such films as Moulin Rouge, Harry Potter and 300. Of her work Nelson says:

When I embraced the medium of photography, I felt that taking a picture that represented only what was within the frame of the lens wasn’t expressing my personal and inner experience of the world around me. With the eye and training of a painter and with years of experience behind me in film visual effects, I began to take my photos to another level. The ‘Future Memories’ series comprises of 20 floating worlds, meticulously composed with thousands of assembled details. Visual poetry, nature photography and digital techniques blend together to give shape to these transcendental landscapes. The result is a contemporary pictorial mythology that subtly reminds the viewer of a profound truth: that it is in the flourishing variety of the local that the fate of the world resides.

Although the pieces are quite gorgeous to look at right here on Colossal, it’s hard to convey the resolution and scale of each piece which measures about 40×40″ (100x100cm), a level of detail that requires Nelson to spend nearly a month on each piece. It was my assumption based on the perspective and detail that some of these works must be somehow partially rendered in 3D, however she assured me via email that this is not the case. Though she uses digital editing to assemble them, they are almost purely based in photography. Incredible.

Nelson had several pieces on display earlier this month at fotofever in Brussels and will have work later this year at Gallery NOW in Seoul and at CONTEXT in Miami. You can see much more of her work at Galerie Paris-Beijing.

22 Oct 23:26

Nonsense paper accepted by mathematics journal

by Tyler Cowen

Last month That’s Mathematics! reported another landmark event in the history of academic publishing. A paper by Marcie Rathke of the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople had been provisionally accepted for publication in Advances in Pure Mathematics. ‘Independent, Negative, Canonically Turing Arrows of Equations and Problems in Applied Formal PDE’…

Each of these sentences [of the paper] contains mathematical nouns linked by the verbs mathematicians use, but the sentences scarcely connect with each other. The paper was created using Mathgen, an online random maths paper generator. Mathgen has a set of rules that define how papers are arranged in sections and what kinds of sentence make up a section and how those sentences are made up from different categories of technical and non-technical words. It creates beautifully formatted papers with the conventional structure, complete with equations and citations but, alas, totally devoid of meaning. Nate Eldredge – the blogger behind That’s Mathematics! – wrote Mathgen by adapting SCIgen, which does something similar for computer science. Papers generated by SCIgen have been accepted for publication at academic conferences and journals that claim to carry out peer review.

The article is here and it also excerpts from the referee reports, for instance:

We can’t catch the main thought from this abstract. So I suggest that the author can reorganise the descriptions and give the keywords of this paper.

For the pointer I thank Mark Thorson.

22 Oct 23:17

You'd Be Surprised...

22 Oct 23:12

21. October, 2012

22 Oct 23:12

sinshine: Neatest cam angle on a kitty jumping I’ve yet seen....


Neatest cam angle on a kitty jumping I’ve yet seen. Epic smackdown.

22 Oct 23:06

Where the Internet Lives: The First-Ever Glimpse Inside Google’s Data Centers

by Christopher Jobson

So it really is a series of tubes! [2]

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

Where the Internet Lives: The First Ever Glimpse Inside Googles Data Centers Google architecture

So it really is a series of tubes. For the first time ever Google has posted dozens of rare photographs inside and around its data centers revealing the absurd level of organization, energy and design that goes into powering some of the largest, most powerful systems plugged into the internet. My absolute favorite aspect is the color-coordinated design of their infrastructure as it correlates to the Google logo. What wonderful attention to detail. See many more photos of their eight data centers and Street View imagery of their Lenoir, NC data center at Where the Internet Lives. All photos by Connie Zhou.

22 Oct 23:05

ratsandsinkingships: Sad but true. “HAUHAUAHUA” tive que criar...


Sad but true. “HAUHAUAHUA”

tive que criar um tumblr 

22 Oct 22:41

Carros e o Custo Brasil em Testes de Colisão

by Kentaro Mori

A sensação de segurança é frequentemente uma ilusão. Um carro antigo, uma verdadeira banheira de mais de uma tonelada, com um peso que pode ser sentido não apenas pelo motorista mas pelos passageiros pode parecer um veículo sólido que destruirá carros modernos que mais parecem ovos. Mas no teste de colisão acima entre um Chevrolet 1959 Bel Air e um Chevrolet 2009 Malibu, cinco décadas de avanços em segurança ficam muito claros.

A fragilidade de carros modernos em verdade embute uma série de tecnologias, como áreas que se deformam intencionalmente, absorvendo a energia do impacto, preservando ao máximo os passageiros. A tecnologia foi inventada pelo engenheiro da Mercedes-Benz, Béla Barényi, e aplicada aos carros da fabricante a partir da década de 1950. Os alemães já faziam teste de colisão há décadas:

Nos EUA a segurança de carros só se tornou um tema de reivindicação popular, vencendo os interesses das grandes fabricantes, na década de 1960, principalmente após a publicação de “Inseguro a Qualquer Velocidade” (“Unsafe at Any Speed”, 1965), de Ralph Nader. Parte do mote de “Clube da Luta”, desde o conto original até o filme, é em parte uma referência ao livro de Nader:

“Se o novo carro fabricado pela minha companhia sai de Chicago em direção ao oeste a noventa quilômetros por hora, e o diferencial traseiro trava, o carro bate e pega fogo com todo mundo dentro, minha empresa deve iniciar um recall? Pegue o número total de veículos na área (A) e multiplique pelo índice provável de defeitos (B), depois multiplique o resultado pelo custo médio de um acordo extrajudicial (C). A vezes B vezes C é igual a X. Isso é o que vai nos custar se não iniciarmos já o recall. Se X for maior do que custará para recolher o carro, faremos o recall e ninguém vai se machucar. Se X for menor do que custará para recolher o carro, então não faremos o recall”.

Em seu livro, Nader expõe como companhias aplicaram exatamente esta lógica financeira em diversos casos documentados. Mais impressionante é que mais de uma década depois, em 1977, uma das maiores fabricantes ainda se envolveria com um caso que é provavelmente o que inspirou diretamente o mote em Clube da Luta. Um famoso memorando, o memorando Pinto (o modelo de carro se chamava Pinto), fazia uma análise de custo-benefício entre um conserto de U$11 aplicado a todos os carros do modelo contra os custos de fazer acordos judiciais com todas as vítimas. Os acidentes envolviam um tanque de combustível que por falha de projeto tendia a pegar fogo. Isso não foi ficção.

Todo ano, mais de um milhão de pessoas morrem em acidentes de trânsito pelo mundo. É a principal causa de morte por ferimentos em crianças na faixa entre 10 e 19 anos – com 260.000 vítimas fatais, e nada menos que 10 milhões de feridos. No Brasil, pagamos valores altíssimos por modelos gerações atrasados em relação aos vendidos no exterior – e esse atraso não se traduz apenas em um visual menos moderno ou itens de conforto menos sofisticados, mas também em recursos de segurança mais atrasados.

Pessoas morrem em nome de maiores lucros para grandes fabricantes às quais análises de custo-benefício são, na ausência de ação por parte de seus consumidores, a palavra final. E não é preciso esperar cinco décadas para ver o progresso em segurança automotiva: veja uma colisão frontal entre uma minivan da década de 1990 e uma da década de 2000.

Mesmo uma década já pode trazer diferenças imensas na segurança aos passageiros. Já é preocupante que quem possa pagar sempre pelo último modelo tenha sempre maior segurança ao dirigir – enquanto o governo não instituir e forçar fabricantes a padrões cada vez mais elevados de segurança. Agora, é revoltante que com os valores que pagamos por veículos no Brasil, inclusive por veículos usados, poderíamos ter os mais avançados recursos de segurança no planeta.

Ao invés, temos uma frota antiga onde modelos novos são vendidos a preços exorbitantes, o que faz com que mesmo modelos antigos e usados sejam revendidos também a preços absurdos, equivalentes ou mesmo superiores aos mais avançados veículos no exterior.

O problema não afeta apenas o seu bolso. Como testes de colisão entre modelos antigos e novos demonstram bem, pessoas morrem diariamente no Brasil em veículos ultrapassados pelos quais pagaram valores altos. Pessoas que poderiam estar vivas se tivéssemos a segurança pela qual pagamos. Em algum lugar, uma análise de custo-benefício mostra que enquanto brasileiros continuarem pagando esses preços por esses carros, não há porque evitar mais mortes. [via core77]

19 Oct 19:58

‘Community’ Fourth-Season Trailer: “It’s Just the Two of You Pretending to Have a Show”

by Russ Fischer

Until not so long ago, fans of Community might have been excited for, or at least interested in tonight’s TV schedule. The show’s fourth season was originally set to premiere tonight, giving us the first taste of the troubled series without creator Dan Harmon. But the shortened season, now run by David Guarascio and Moses Port, has been indefinitely delayed by NBC.

But you can have some new Community today, as the cast (Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudi, Yvette Nicole Brown, Alison Brie, Donald Glover, Chevy Chase, Ken Jeong, Jim Rash) has come together to create a promo to explain just what today really means for fans of the show. Hint: it’s a mental state.

19 Oct 19:34

I think I have Batman in my desk.

Submitted by: sulleykid
Posted at: 2012-10-19 01:07:38
See full post and comment:

19 Oct 19:13

Breakthrough offers new route to large-scale quantum computing

In a key step toward creating a working quantum computer, researchers have developed a method that may allow the quick and reliable transfer of quantum information throughout a computing device.
19 Oct 19:11

malformalady: An unconventional apartment tower in Paris,...


An unconventional apartment tower in Paris, featuring flower pots built in at each level to surround and shade the entire structure. Designed by architect and green wall artist Edouard François, the apartment lies behind a wall of breezy potted bamboo plants, making it look a lot like a giant green hedge.

19 Oct 19:05

Annoying Childhood Friend

Submitted by: perfetti13
Posted at: 2012-10-18 11:03:08
See full post and comment:

19 Oct 15:21

October 19, 2012

18 Oct 18:00

Repeating History


Repeating History

Context has become the redheaded stepchild of journalism. -Ray


18 Oct 16:47

A little science goes a long way: Math and language scores improve with 10 hours of instruction

A Washington State University researcher has found that engaging elementary school students in science for as little as 10 hours a year can lead to improved test scores in math and language arts.
18 Oct 15:21

You Won't Create Sparks and Blow Up Your Engine, They Said

You Won't Create Sparks and Blow Up Your Engine, They Said My body (kit) is ready.

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: body kit , ground effects , lower your car , suped up car , suped up subaru Share on Facebook