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18 Feb 18:15

Posters reúnem as mentiras que contamos para nós mesmos

by Amanda de Almeida

Quantas vezes você jurou para si mesmo que não precisava estudar, que iria beber só um copo de vinho ou que iria começar a dieta no dia seguinte? Estas pequenas mentiras que contamos para nós mesmos (e às vezes até mesmo para outras pessoas) no dia a dia foram transformados em posters tipográficos pela designer Lauren Hom, na coleção Daily Dishonesty. Em seu Tumblr, ela reúne algumas destas pérolas inofensivas, além de abrir espaço para outros designers convidados.

tumblr_mbri2bTTI51ribi8mo1_1280 tumblr_mbpfpt74hF1ribi8mo1_1280 tumblr_mckpygHs8X1ribi8mo1_1280 tumblr_mbpb52mAWQ1ribi8mo1_1280 tumblr_mc0hl5S27J1ribi8mo1_1280 tumblr_mdadk341Ge1ribi8mo1_1280 tumblr_mec7u60TG21ribi8mo1_r1_1280

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11 Feb 13:24

Mahogany art deco 'heater' houses Intel Ivy Bridge fanless home theater PC

by Steve Dent

Mahogany art deco radio houses Intel Ivy Bridge fanless PC

If you have certain interior design tastes, some types of PC case mods may not quite suit your decor. That's where Jeffrey Stephenson comes in, this time with a fanless home theater PC featuring an art-deco style Mahogany shell that slides right over the aluminum chassis. Inside, there's an Intel Core i3-3225 processor running Windows 8 with 8GB RAM, an Intel Cherryville SSD, 150W Pico PSU and Silverstone HE02 passive heatsink. While able to handily perform most media chores (and generate a little heat!), it stays in keeping with his other tasteful, retro designs for those of you who eschew Thermaltake Level 10-type PC cases. Or, almost all of you, anyway.

Filed under: Desktops, Home Entertainment, Intel


Via: Fanless Tech

Source: Jeffrey Stephenson

11 Feb 13:22

Worship this guy

Submitted by: guylifshitz
Posted at: 2013-02-10 17:33:02
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11 Feb 13:21

Nature's Great Survivors: Water Bears

by Miss Cellania


This may look like an origami creation, but it's a tiny animal called a tardigrade or water bear. Water bears are natures great survivors, having been found alive at high elevations, deep in the ocean, dried up and rehydrated, and in extreme heat and cold. They can even survive the vacuum of space! Read about tardigrades and see some awesome photographs at Dark Roasted Blend. Link

11 Feb 13:19

You want to play it like that.. fine!

Submitted by: mangarares
Posted at: 2013-02-10 20:18:45
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11 Feb 13:01

Penguin Intersection

by Miss Cellania

(YouTube link)

Penguins got highways! This crossroad sees a lot of traffic, most of it running smoothly. Don't get lost, little guys! Melissa Brennan shot this footage in Antarctica on her quest to visit all seven continents before she turns 21, which is documented at her blog meanderingmel. Link  -via Arbroath  

11 Feb 12:58

US is target of massive cyber-espionage: report

The US intelligence community has concluded that America is the target of a massive cyber-espionage campaign that is threatening its competitiveness, The Washington Post reported.
11 Feb 01:04

The simple form that could save your life

by Seth Godin

Medicine is a data processing business. Doctors measure, notice and inspect, and based on the data they collect, make decisions and take action.

Alas, despite years of promises, online data storage in medicine is a mess. Whenever I visit a new doctor, I have to start over, from the beginning, to the best of my recollection. And I hate forms, so I leave stuff out, or forget things, or my handwriting is a mess.

Perhaps we shouldn't wait for a universal solution.

This simple Word doc (Download file) (Google doc) will take you a few minutes to fill out. And, as you get older, you can keep it up to date. Every time you go to a doctor's office, print it out and bring it with you. Keep one where you can find it. Make sure your kids or parents have a copy as well. (And, while you're at it, forward a blank one or this post to people who will benefit from having one.)

No cloud security issues, no data format issues. An old-fashioned, paper-based sneakernet of your medical information. Over time, doctors will tell you what you should add or leave out for the next doctor, as you take charge of doing a better job of telling your doctor what your doctor needs to know.

[Thanks to Terry Heaton for the notion, to Dave Winer for the push and to Dr. Jonathan Sackner Bernstein for the edits]

11 Feb 00:35

you go to the bathroom and start pooping there is no toilet paper

you go to the bathroom and start  pooping

there is no toilet paper
11 Feb 00:32

Studies find carbohydrate restriction may prevent cancer and help in its treatment.

11 Feb 00:32

Stop touching me!

Submitted by: fannika4
Posted at: 2013-02-09 19:39:30
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11 Feb 00:27

What Happens if You Put a Red Hot Nickel Ball On Top of an Ice Block?

by Alex Santoso

How do you get over a million YouTube views in just a couple of days?

1. Heat a nickel ball with a blowtorch until it's redhot
2. Put it on top of a block of ice
3. ???
4. Internet Profit!

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

10 Feb 21:18

An Epic Journey

by Doug

An Epic Journey

Dedicated to Tiger and Bunny – it’s their anniversary today. Happy anniversary, you two!

With thanks to Matt Groening and Yann Martel, two inspiring and talented guys. Here are more special guests.

10 Feb 21:18

Stupid Computer

by Doug

Stupid Computer

More computers.

10 Feb 21:10

Why there is no Hitchhiker’s Guide to Mathematics for Programmers

by j2kun
For those who aren’t regular readers: as a followup to this post, there are four posts detailing the basic four methods of proof, with intentions to detail some more advanced proof techniques in the future. You can find them on … Continue reading →
10 Feb 21:05

Coca-Cola's algorithmic orange juice

by Jason Kottke

Complicated Orange

Simply Orange juice is actually not all that simple. The taste of the the Coca-Cola-owned brand is governed by a complex algorithm that allows for the 600+ juice flavors to be tweaked throughout the year to ensure consistency. I liked The Atlantic Wire's take on the news:

The explanation behind Coke's complicated new orange juice scheme is nothing short of ironic. Basically, all of their customers are realizing the soda is really bad for you, so demand is shifting to healthy -- or at least healthy-seeming -- alternatives like juice. Coke also figured out that people are willing to pay 25 percent more for juice that's not processed, that is, not made from concentrate. Enter Simply Orange. It is indeed just oranges, but boy have those oranges been through hell and back.

This is like White Zombie's More Human Than Human except More Orange Juice Than Orange Juice.

Note: Illustration by Chris Piascik...prints & more are available.

Update: I updated the post above to point to Businessweek's original report on Coke's OJ business.

Tags: Coca-Cola   food
10 Feb 21:00

3 vezes 3 de ouros

by (Philipe Maciel)
Nassim Taleb é um trader (excêntrico?) escritor, crítico de boa parte da produção científica hoje, em especial em estatística e em economia. Enquanto trader, fez fortuna com o crash da bolsa de 1987 e com a crise do subprime. O fato de ter "previsto" a crise do subprime o tornou uma sensação e seus livros frequentam desde então as listas de best-sellers.

Entre suas diversas teorias, ele postula que o futuro é imprevisível a tal ponto que, em vez de se perder tempo fazendo previsões, é melhor se preparar e ser flexível para uma eventual mudança.

Os eventos que seriam bem descritos pela estatística moderna seriam os eventos do "mediocristão": fáceis de se medir, mas de pouco interesse prático, como a altura da população.

Eventos importantes seriam situados em um "extremistão" e seriam imprevisíveis: essa banda de quatro garotos de Liverpool vai longe? Será que um livro sobre uma escola de bruxos vai vender bem? Depois do sucesso parece óbvio que sim, mas os Beatles e Harry Potter foram recusados por vezes antes de chegar ao sucesso.

Taleb afirma que grande parte da literatura em estatística sofre de uma "falácia lúdica", aplicando intuições derivadas de jogos de baralho ou de lançamento de dados a eventos que não podem ser reduzidos a uma distribuição conhecida. A vida seria como um jogo de dados de seis lados onde às vezes você poderia tirar, digamos, um sete. Esse evento imprevisível (mas que muitas vezes "especialistas" diziam ser já esperados por causa disso ou daquilo) ele chama de "cisne negro".

Feita essa introdução, apresento meu pequeno cisne negro. Ontem estava jogando buraco no Netcartas quando descubro... que havia três três de ouros na mesa! Em um jogo normal, há somente duas de cada carta em jogo.

Às vezes, mesmo em um jogo com regras plenamente conhecidas, há surpresas... Nesse caso, proporcionadas por um bug do site de jogos.
10 Feb 14:42

World Bank: “Brazil is officially the world’s most closed economy”

by Brazilian Bubble
Brazil is the country that imports the least in the world, as a proportion of GDP. The newly released data from the World Bank shows how closed is the Brazilian economy, despite complaints from local businessmen about foreign competition. In 2011, according to the World Bank, Brazil’s imports of goods and services were equivalent to [...]
10 Feb 14:42


10 Feb 14:41

For the Hobbyist

by Doug

For the Hobbyist

Here’s more art.

10 Feb 14:40

Closest Earth like planet may be 13 light years away

10 Feb 14:39

By comparing DNA of children to that of elderly people, researchers have identified gene variants that influence human lifespan

10 Feb 14:36

Curiosity drills into Mars

by Duncan Geere
Hole on Mars

Nasa's newest Mars rover, Curosity, has successfully made a six-centimetre hole in the surface of the red planet, extracting a sample for analysis.

The robot is pootling around the Gale Crater, a dip left by an asteroid impact somewhere between 3.5 and 3.8 billion years ago, close to Mars' equator. Part of its mission involves drilling below the surface of the planet to search for evidence of life.


By: Duncan Geere,

Continue reading...
10 Feb 14:34



10 Feb 14:34


10 Feb 14:33

Social media in real life

Submitted by: elonea
Posted at: 2013-02-09 18:37:50
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10 Feb 14:33

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Submitted by: madeyoulol
Posted at: 2013-02-09 21:51:30
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10 Feb 14:33

I hate applying a screen protector...

Submitted by: captioned
Posted at: 2013-02-09 21:46:35
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09 Feb 22:31

Escola Campeã

by Kentaro Mori

politica humor educação carnaval brasil  Escola Campeã

Que escola você gostaria de ver campeã em 2013?” [charge de hoje de Erasmo, publicada no Jornal de Piracicaba]

09 Feb 22:31

Pequeñas bestias #131

by Galantz