Shared posts

11 Aug 17:14


by Italo Deviance

Between 1984 and 1990 one of the worlds largest beer companies Budweiser organized the 'Budweiser Showdown competition'. Local artists throughout the U.S.A. would have a song cut to vinyl on the Budweiser label with each artist representing their local radio station. These records were pressed in limited numbers and were used to promote the artist in the competition. The eventual winner would get their song released and secure a record deal with a major label. Some of these 12's have since become highly collectable as well as being played on the soul scene particularly artists such as Sir-Prize, Hotliners, Kooley, After Five, Elan, Mary P Jackson and Jon Paul Martinez. 

(Source: Independent movement)






- - -

03 Aug 02:35

Tim Carmody on the Facebook/OKCupid manipulation experiments

it's a larger symptom of social platforms treating users as customers, not clients  
01 Aug 06:43

Noisy, blinking package shuts JP street; turns out to be a bag of stolen alarms

by adamg

Oliver Young reports he called 911 when he spotted a "package blinking and making noise in the bushes" around 7:50 p.m. on Sigourney Street near Robeson.

Police shut the street, the bomb squad arrived, looked around and determined it was "just a bag of alarms," he says. "Shoplifting. A bunch of them. Five or six in there."

31 Jul 17:52

Eloquent JavaScript

the second edition is free online in advance of its print publication  
30 Jul 00:48

BitcoinJS 1.0

BitcoinJS 1.0 (GitHub: bitcoinjs / bitcoinjs-lib, License: MIT, npm: bitcoinjs-lib) has been released. This is a library for working with Bitcoins. For example, Bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom can be used to generate a new address, and you can create transactions with new Bitcoin.Transaction().

The API is clean and easy to learn, and it comes with a test suite. It depends on crypto-js and some modules for working with base 58 encoding. Typed arrays are used to ensure it has solid performance.

BitcoinJS is a popular module, and is used by some popular Bitcoin-related services, including Hive Wallet,, and BitAddress.

It comes with support for browsers, so you can use it in client-side code as well as Node.

The 1.0 release signifies a milestone that the author has been working on since 2011. For more details, see the 1.0 announcement.

26 Jul 20:07


by Mary Kate McGrath

OOIOO never fail to surprise, every album in their prolific repertoire takes its own unexpected twist. With “Gamel” the band took inspiration from gamelan, a music ensemble that is part of the traditional music of the Indonesian islands. The backbone of this album is the medley of percussion instruments that make up a gamelan, which range from familiar instruments like the xylophone to the lesser known, like the saron. As a band known for their experimentation with odd, offbeat rhythms, the gamelan instruments are a seamless addition to the bands sound. Even more so, the tones of these instruments, which are loaded with ancient tradition, add a new tone and spirit to the music. Intertwined with the percussion instruments are the eccentric vocals of vocalist Yoshimi, which both come in bursts or are stretched through the background. In many of these songs, these vocals become another percussion instrument, another part of the spotty rhythms. The album, filled with all these bizarre qualities, is incredibly colorful. Every song is intricate, and has something to offer when picked apart. There are definite feelings and moods that every song conveys. The songs on this release may not make meaning the way that classic songs do with classic structures, but it is a captivating listen nonetheless. The album is available on Chicago record label Thrill Jockey Records.

The post OOIOO – GAMEL appeared first on The Boston Hassle.

25 Jul 14:52

Another Important Message From The Entertainment Division Of Cumbucket Media : New Albums From Jonly Bonly & The Gotobeds

by GC
Taylor Swift

2 dope jams

1 BEST copy

For the degenerate minority of us who buy records and obsess over ‘em, The Gotobeds first came to our attention when word began to spread that Kim Phuc guitarist Eli Kasan and drummer-turned-guitarist Tom Payne had a new band. That powerhouse pedigree certainly didn’t hurt, but non-residents of Blitzburgh were in for a slight headfuck upon hearing The Gotobeds’ debut 7”, “Ipso Facto (It’s All Happening)” (Mind Cure) in the Fall of 2013. Teamed with bassist Gavin Jensen and drummer Cary Belbeck, the quartet’s chaotic take on smart-dude avant punk could’ve passed for one of the best singles of 1979, ’89, ’99, really, any year that ended in a 9. 1859. 2019.

A subsequent 45 for Mind Cure, spring 2014’s “New York’s Alright (If You Like Sex & Phones)” upped the ante considerably ; though one publication called it Lee Ving-baiting, ’twas a Parquet Courts LP that was smashed into tiny pieces in the song’s widely seen music video. Lest anyone believes this was manufactured attempt at creating a feud, the simple fact of the matter is that hardly anyone is willing to talk about the consequences of poor LP handling. You call it a promotional clip, I call it a PSA —- can’t we simply agree the song was amazing?


After some OTT blog hyperventilating and an action-packed trip to SXSW and back, we can fast forward to ‘Poor People Are Revolting’, as confident and filler-free a debut rock album as you’re gonna hear in these sad, otherwise sloppy times.

JonlyBonly_1320 copy

(photo by Ali Copeland)

Through Jason Smith’s tenures in the OBN III’s and playing alongside Orville Neeley and The Flesh Lights’ Max Vandever in the modestly-named The Best, Jason long ago established himself as a rock/pop/punk/whatever virtuoso, a devastatingly great soloist, yet a wildly inventive rhythm player with a razor-like focus on service-to-the-song. In late 2012, Neeley left town for an extended stint with Bad Sports and Smith found himself with no gigs or rehearsals to soak up time otherwise spent giving dancing clinics.

And with that, Jonly Bonly was formed. Smith spent that winter break composing a pile of new power pop classics that guitar prowess aside, bore little resemblance to his work alongside Andrew Cashen in OBN III’s ; Austin gigs throughout 2013 & ’14 with the crack rhythm section of bassist Stephen Svacina (Sweet Talk, Uptown Bums) and drummer Marley Jones (OBN III’s, ex-Sweet Talk) unveiled a ridiculously talented trio far too dynamic to be relegated to side-project status.

??Put Together, recorded during this year and last with the assistance of Neeley —- in addition to sessions at Denton, TX’s Cool Devices with Mark Ryan and Jeff Burke (Marked Men, Radioactivity) has all the wit and swagger anybody who’s watched Smith in action has come to expect. And if you’re wondering, that he’s not even close to peaking is not an acceptable excuse for sleeping on this audacious debut album.

Preorder both albums here.

22 Jul 18:24


by John Bittrich
Taylor Swift

This is great

Hyperprolific Georgian ambient/synth composer Rachel Evans, aka Motion Sickness of Time Travel, is now most of the way through with her her most ambitious project to date. The “Moon Series” is a collection of 12 limited self-released CD-Rs, each comprised of one hour-long track, which are issued monthly and dedicated to the 12 full moons of the year. Each release is titled after the name each corresponding full moon is given in the farmer’s almanac.

The Strawberry Moon takes place in June and is also known as the Honey Moon. Interestingly, it fell on Friday the 13th this year. Evans’ take on this one, however, tends to avoid the ominous and spooky “Friday the 13th” vibe and instead offers us something more akin to an airy, ethereal midsummer night’s wanderings. Organs drone pastorally and light, shimmering synths flit about like fireflies as somewhere in the distance Evans’ voice occasionally calls out longingly and indistinctly like a half-forgotten pleasant memory. She creates beautiful ebbs and flows over the course of this piece, in a manner not unlike her subject creating the ebbs and flows of the tide.

Ambition on this level is to be commended, especially when the results are as pleasant as they are on Ballade for a Strawberry Moon. This beautiful, unobtrusive and simple music is perfect for reading, writing, working on art, meditating or just getting lost in your own thoughts.

Ballade for a Strawberry Moon (and the rest of the moon series) is available on bandcamp.


21 Jul 15:21

CRT-Royale and 3dfx Shaders

by (Hunter K.)
Two fairly new shaders have popped up that are worth mentioning: TroggleMonkey's CRT-Royale and leilei's 3dfx. They're both available in Cg format in libretro's common-shaders github repo, though CRT-Royale utilizes some advanced features that aren't available in RetroArch v1.0.0.2 (the most recent release at the time of this writing).

CRT-Royale is particularly exciting for me because TroggleMonkey managed to overcome some issues with shadow-mask emulation that I thought were totally intractable at current common resolutions (i.e., 1080p). The result is some really great phosphor emulation at reasonable scale factors, along with all of the bells and whistles users have come to expect from CRT shaders, including "halation"/glow, bob-deinterlacing support and curvature, along with a ton of options that are unique to this shader.

I'm not going to cover many of them here because it would take forever to get screenshots and there's not much point when TroggleMonkey has included a very informative README with the code, along with support for RetroArch's new runtime parameter support (so you can see the effect of your changes in real-time). However, I thought the shadow mask stuff was super-cool and deserved some closeups. Here's a shot of the shader with default settings (as always, click to embiggen):

First, we'll look at my favorite effect, the in-line shadow mask (called slot-mask in the code):
This is the same configuration I was shooting for with my PhosphorLUT shader, and you can see that the configuration of the phosphors has that familiar vertical, staggered orientation:
Next, we have the very similar aperture grille:
The main difference between this and the in-line slot mask is that it doesn't have the slight staggering (only really visible in the closeups and at super-huge resolutions). In closeup of the LUT, you can see that it just removes the crossbars between triads:
Last, we have the dot-triad shadow mask (called "shadow-mask-EDP" in the code), which was common on CRT computer monitors:
 As you can see, it looks very similar to the high-res shots I took of my Compaq CRT monitor (from my emulation/TV post). And here's the dot-triad blown up:

The other shader I wanted to show is leilei's 3dfx shader, which tries to mimic the effects of a 3dfx GPU, known for some distinctive dithering among other things. In addition to obvious applications like RetroArch's Quake core, Nintendo's N64 also used a GPU that was very similar to a 3dfx, which makes it appropriate for RA's Mupen64plus core. When run at low-ish internal resolutions and paired with RetroArch's per-texture 3-point filtering, you can get a pretty good approximation of what N64s looked like.

Here are some shots of the shader at 320x240 and 640x480 (i.e., native and double res, respectively):
Native res:
Double internal res:
 As you can see, the doubled res looks significantly sharper, but the scanlines are thinner and less pronounced (and twice as many of them) relative to the native res. I also like native res because it makes HUD/menu items look a little less "pasted-on":
Native res:
Doubled internal res:

21 Jul 14:18

Ryuichi Sakamoto diagnosed with throat cancer

by (The Wire)
Taylor Swift

Ugh :(


Ryuichi Sakamoto has been diagnosed with throat cancer and has cancelled all forthcoming shows to concentrate on treatment. Sakamoto apologised for the cancellations, including his appearance at the First Sapporo International Art Festival 2014, where he was guest director, along with other planned performances of new material. In a statement he wrote that "the first wealth is health", saying that he plans to return to performing after a full recovery.

Read the full statement online here.

21 Jul 14:13

"Placenta Preview", with The Green County Boys (MP3's)

by Bob Purse
Taylor Swift

Oh my god

Placenta Preview LabelBack in April of 2007, during the second 365 project, The ToD was nice enough to share an interesting album by a group of doctors from the Ozarks, who called themselves The Greene County Boys. Some time later, I was able to acquire copies of the two other albums by this group. One of them, titled "Borborygmi", was also part of 365 days, by the equally nice Mr. Fab, and that can be found here. To round out the set, I thought I'd let everyone in on the wonders of the Green County Boys album "Placenta Preview". 

Everything I know about this album, which isn't much, comes from the paper insert which was included in the sleeve (a scan is below). The sleeve itself (also scanned, below), is just a generic blue through and through, and the album label has nothing more than the album title and side markings. 

The songs, by the way, run virtually right into the next track in most cases. This is why most tracks stop abruptly, with very little time for empty surface noise before the next track (a la "Sgt. Pepper", an album this collection will never again be compared with). And a few tracks (such as "Halitosis") seem to start mid-phrase from the pianist.

To my ears, the album is hit and miss, more miss than hit, with a few truly cringeworthy bits of singing, as well. For example, although I am pleased to have been introduced to the term "Aciphidity Bag" (also known as an Acifidity Bag), the last note sung on that song is amazingly awful. My favorite here, by a wide margin - most likely because of the peppy calypso setting - is "Pass-a No Gas". 

1.) The Greene County Boys – A Toast to the Doctors (MP3)

2.) The Greene County Boys – A Doctor Ain’t Got a Friend (MP3)

3.) The Greene County Boys – It Must Be a Virus (MP3)

4.) The Greene County Boys – Thanks for the Referral (MP3)

5.) The Greene County Boys – AFL-CIO-AMA (MP3)

6.) The Greene County Boys – T he Doctors’ PR Man (MP3)

7.) The Greene County Boys – I Married an Aciphidity Bag (MP3)

8.) The Greene County Boys – Halitosis Beats No Breath At All (MP3)

9.) The Greene County Boys – Pass-a No Gas (MP3)

10.) The Greene County Boys – A Doctor Needs a Wife (MP3)

11.) The Greene County Boys – Here’s to the Doctor (MP3)

Album Cover (JPG)  |  Album Label (JPG)  |  Album Insert (JPG)

21 Jul 12:26

Aqua Hair, Galaxxxy Kanji Print & Cutout Leggings in Harajuku

by tokyo
Taylor Swift


Watson is a friendly 16-year-old student who we often see around the streets of Harajuku. Her aqua blue hair is the first thing that caught our eye this time.

Watson’s look features a kanji print top from the Japanese brand Galaxxxy over a Glad News striped tank top, a remake skirt, cut out leggings, and black Body Line strappy platforms. Accessories – which came from Monomania, Galaxxxy, and Claire’s – include her remake silver clutch (to which she has attached playing cards), a leather o-ring choker, chain bracelets, a wide studded belt, an eyes leg decoration, and triangle question mark earrings.

Watson’s favorite fashion shops include Monomania, Wall and Galaxxxy. Her favorite music is Vocaloid, anisong (anime songs) and Urbangarde. For more info on Watson, check out her personal Twitter or Instagram.

Harajuku Girl in Kanji Top & Cutout Leggings Aqua Blue Hair & O-Ring Choker Aqua Hair & Question Mark Earrings Galaxxxy Kanji Top Playing Cards Clutch in Harajuku Cutout Leggings & Eyes Body Line Strap Shoes & Cut Leggings

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

18 Jul 19:19

Musicians to play on people's porches in JP tomorrow

by adamg
Taylor Swift

*hauls my dual-oscillator harsh noise rig out into the driveway*

Some 35 Jamaica Plain residents and churches are opening their properties for music performances tomorrow, during the first Jamaica Plain Porchfest.

Via Jamaica Plain Gazette.

18 Jul 17:21


by John Bittrich

Local duo GRUE have managed to put together something that is quite rare in underground black metal: self-released recordings with decent, relatively clean production value! Instead of a wash of reverb and distortion recorded as poorly as possible to create something like a hazy blur in the place of riffage, GRUE gives us a thick, full but relatively pristine guitar sound in which every note and chord stands right out. In fact, you wouldn’t be totally crazy in thinking the first minute or two of the RAKE EP, with its fast tempo and melodic chord changes, sounds like a really really good pop-punk record (at least until the vocals enter the picture). The vocals are up-front in the mix as well, and raspy but ultimately easily decipherable compared to many of their USBM brethren.

There is a complimentary through-line between the lyrics of this EP’s two tracks (the original track “All Mortal Greatness is But Disease” and a cover of Townes Van Zandt’s bummer country classic “Rake”). It seems to me that the first song discusses similar themes on a universal, societal level that the second one does on a personal level: the idea that everything we love and strive for and take pride in is ultimately meaningless and will slowly kill us. Such bluntness is served well by the unambiguous, up-front production style and Van Zandt’s lyrics in particular are so full of despair that it’s amazing nobody has thought to go metal with them until now.

The RAKE EP is a great follow-up to the band’s debut album and its 12 short minutes will definitely leave all you metalheads (and maybe even a few of you country fans and punk kids) wanting more. Hopefully another full-length will be forthcoming. In the meantime, you can check the band out this Monday at O’Brien’s with CHURCHBURN, BADR VOGU and ROZAMOV.

The post GRUE – RAKE EP appeared first on The Boston Hassle.

17 Jul 18:02

Scott Walker and Sunn O))) collaboration: title and release date announced

by (The Wire)

Scott Walker and Sunn O)))'s collaboration, Scott O))), has been given a title and tracklisting after its recent announcement at the beginning of the month. Five tracks run to 50 minutes long, and is titled Soused. Scott Walker also produced the album along with Peter Walsh and Mark Warman. The release date has also been confirmed as 22 September, and it will be released on CD, vinyl and digitally.

A tracklisting is on the micro site here. No word on whether we're supposed to pronounce the 'O'.


16 Jul 15:23

How Nintendo is Offering New Perspective on a Legacy Through Mario Maker

We talk to producer Takashi Tezuka about creativity, sharing, and the prospect of a portable version.
16 Jul 14:32

Hackathon Accidentally Picks Perfect Metaphor for Its Own Awfulness

by jwz
Startup Land only says something poignant about itself by accident, and this time is no exception:

The grand prize in an upcoming venture capital sponsored hackathon is a chance to degrade yourself in a booth full of money.

Literally, startup people waving their arms as quickly as possible in an attempt to grab free money out of the air. What other realities of the tech sector could be streamlined and replicated via tone-deaf novelty romp? Perhaps a pseudo-meritocracy game of red rover, where just the white boys from Stanford are called over?

Previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously, previously.

15 Jul 17:39

The end of the universe: Mi Clos announces Out There Ω Edition

by Owen Faraday
Taylor Swift


Just a touch of grey.

Just a touch of grey.

I see that Michael Peiffert has borrowed a tie-died skeletal astronaut from the Grateful Dead Space Agency to announce Out There: Omega Edition, an expanded re-mastered edition of the space exploration adventure that I loved so much earlier this year.

Out There has been one of the year’s biggest indie successes, shifting over 100,000 units, according to what Peiffert told us a few weeks ago. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that the man who spent almost two years hand-painting every object and environment in the game has completely overhauled the game engine for this Ω Edition, as well as packing in new alien races, new starships, 50 new text adventures, and an additional ending.

Peiffert told me today that the Omega Edition would be a free update to existing owners on iOS & Android, but that the game would also be coming to PC, Mac, Windows Phone… and a mysterious unannounced platform. Chumby, obviously. There’s no release date yet, but Peiffert will be showing off a playable build at Gamescom Cologne this August, so it can’t be too far off.

If you haven’t played Out There, read my review from February to see why I think you ought to correct that omission.

15 Jul 16:27

Bouncers at Canal Street bar learn you can't just beat patrons

by adamg
Taylor Swift

To be fair, "Hurricane O'Reilly's" is COMPLETELY the name I would make up for a Boston bar with a "large amount of blood" outside of it

The video posted on Barstool Sports.

Officials at the company that owns Hurricane O'Reilly's say they've fired the two bouncers seen on a Web video punching patrons in April - one to the point that he left, according to police, "a large amount of blood" on the ground.

The manager on duty at the time was suspended, then quit of his own accord, the officials told the Boston Licensing Board this morning.

15 Jul 15:21

Everybody Now

by Dorothy


14 Jul 19:13

Super Pixel Quest

Taylor Swift

This rules

delightfully minimalist 1-bit webcomic  
14 Jul 19:03

Pink & Blue Hair w/ Tata Christiane, OS Accessories & Long Clothing in Harajuku

by tokyo
Taylor Swift


Shoshipoyo and Yana are two Harajuku guys who often catch our eye around Harajuku. You might remember them from their previous street snaps.

18-year-old Shoshipoyo – on the left with pink hair and facial piercings – is wearing an oversized doll head print top from Tata Christiane with Mam Avantgarde flame print tights and Buffalo platform boots. Accessories include a KTZ horns beret, an OS Accessories choker with bone cross, a Vivienne Westwood armor ring, a Dominic Jones ring, and a Jeremy Scott keyboard-print handbag. Shoshipoyo’s favorite brand is W.I.A and he’s also a fan of Brooke Candy. Find him on Instagram or Twitter for lots more pics and info.

21-year-old Yana – on the right with blue hair – is wearing a Long Clothing top over black shorts with tall YRU platform boots. Accessories include an OS Accessories bone necklace, a devil horns cap, a leather choker with a steel o-ring, a Moschino by Jeremy Scott McDonald’s logo iPhone case, Style Icon Tokyo socks, and a large hologram bag from Bubbles Harajuku. Yana’s favorite brand is W.I.A. and he likes the music of Miliyah Kato. Find out more about him on Instagram or Twitter.

Harajuku Guys With Pink & Blue Hair Pink Hair & KTZ Horns Beret Vivienne Westwood Armor & Dominic Jones Ring Jeremy Scott Keyboard Bag Tata Christiane & OS Accessories Flame Tights & Buffalo Platform Boots Harajuku Guy w/ Blue Hair & O-Ring Choker OS Accessories Bones Necklace Bubbles Harajuku Hologram Bag Moschino McDonald's iPhone Case YRU Platform Boots & Style Icon Tokyo Socks

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

14 Jul 14:56

The Facepalm at the End of the Mind

by Nick Montfort
Taylor Swift

4,000 things I've been thinking about over the past decade summed up in a single post

I can no longer keep myself from commenting on the Facebook “emotional manipulation” study. Alas. Here are several points.

  • Do you want your money back?
  • Don’t we only know about this study done on 689,003 people because it was written up and reported on in a prestigious journal?
  • Could it be that other studies might have been done, or might be going on right now, or might happen in the future, and we might know nothing about them because their results will be kept as proprietary information?
  • Why didn’t something this massive and egregious ever happen on the Web – you know, the open Web that isn’t run by a single corporation?
  • Don’t we have, or didn’t we used to have, news feeds on the Web, like the Facebook news feed that the company manipulated?
  • Such as RSS feeds?
  • Using a free standard, which anyone in world can set up in their own way without adhering to a single company’s policy?
  • Don’t we, or didn’t we, subscribe to these RSS feeds with feed readers, such as Liferea?
  • Wouldn’t it be harder for a person or company to manipulate a news reader that subscribes to feeds on the open Web and is running on a person’s own computer?
  • Particularly if this news reader is free software and you can build it from source that you and everyone else in the world can inspect?
  • Could it be that the “users,” as we like to call them, are the ones who really made a fundamental mistake here, rather than Facebook?
  • You know how Facebook is, well, a company, a for-profit corporation?
  • So, it’s actually supposed to harvest data from users as efficiently as possible and exploit that data to make more money, up to the limit of what the law allows?
  • Can’t companies be sued by their shareholders if they don’t act to maximize profits?
  • Could it be that Facebook is, in everything it does, trying to harvest information from, exploit the data of, and learn how to profit from the behavior of those people called “users,” whom Facebook legally and officially owes absolutely nothing?
  • Remember the World Wide Web?
  • Remember blogs?
  • What happened to these blogs, including the one that I was part of that helped to shape the emerging field of digital media?
  • Was the recent zombie craze formulated to help metaphorically describe what has happened to blogs?
  • Why do I still blog?
  • Have you noticed that I get a comment on my blog about every other month?
  • What does it mean that I can announce the publication of a book that I worked on for years, and after more than two weeks, this post hasn’t garnered a single comment?
  • Remember how, after overcoming a few (diminishing) technical barriers, anyone could write about whatever topics – personal, political, academic, technical, aesthetic – and could host a forum, a blog, in which anyone else in the world, as long as they were online, could respond?
  • Remember how attitudes toward technology, changing methods of media consumption and transformation, and other important discourses were shaped by people having public conversations on the Web in blogs?
  • Why do I get thousands of spam comments on my blog each month, sent in complete disregard for the things that are posted here?
  • These spam comments might be sent by organized crime botnets, in part, but since some of them are commercial, might they be sent by or on behalf of companies?
  • Companies trying to maximize their profit, indifferent to anything except what they can get away with?
  • Why do we think that we can fix Facebook?
  • Why did people who communicate and learn together, people who had the world, leave it, en masse, for a shopping mall?
14 Jul 14:47

welcome to your life / there’s no turning back

Taylor Swift


welcome to your life / there’s no turning back

11 Jul 19:19

All Of My Friends, Up High, In A Jumbo Jet

by michaeldeforge

Print version. Run of 100

11 Jul 18:57

Katie Eary Top, YRU Platforms, Adidas & Nike in Harajuku

by tokyo
Taylor Swift


We met Kathy and Weiki on the street in Harajuku. Kathy is a student at Tokyo’s famous Bunka Fashion College and Weiki is a hair designer. They are both originally from Taiwan.

Kathy is wearing a Katie Eary top with graphic leggings and YRU platforms. Accessories include Beats headphones, sunglasses, and a tassel shoulder bag. Kathy’s favorite Tokyo boutiques include GR8 Harajuku and Candy Shibuya. For more info, find her on Facebook.

Weiki is wearing a graphic top with black shorts and Nike Air Jordan Sneakers. Accessories include gold chain necklaces, a Boy London hat, gold rings, and an Adidas backpack. His favorite fashion brands are Joyrich and Boy London. As far as music, he likes Lana Del Rey and electronica. Find him on Facebook as well.

Katie Eary x YRU Harajuku Fashion Katie Eary Top in Harajuku White Tassel Shoulder Bag Graphic Tights & YRU Platforms Gold Chains & Boy London Gold Rings and Bracelets in Harajuku Blue Adidas Backpack Nike Air Jordan Sneakers

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

11 Jul 18:26

Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire's Secret Bases Make a Welcome Return

Taylor Swift


Why our resident Pokémon Master is getting more excited all the time for the remake.
11 Jul 17:26


by GC
Taylor Swift

Lizzy Plapinger with the scoop

on the other hand, anything that stops him from making his own music has to be considered a positive development.

11 Jul 17:26

Great Moments In Video Game History : “The Noid’s Super Pizza Shootout”

by GC
Taylor Swift


Persons of a certain vintage will remember — perhaps not so fondly — Domino’s Pizza’s creepy animated mascot, The Noid.  Domino’s former CEO / anti-abortion zealot Tom Monaghan (dubbed “the Anti Too-Tall Jones” by Robert Nedelkoff) commissioned a marketing company to come up with a troll-ish pseudo-alien figure who’d personify the myriad ways your 30-minutes-or-it’s-free-generic-fucking-pizza might be delayed.

Unfortunately, in early 1989 at the height of The Noid’s infamy, a deranged,  pistol-waving gentleman took hostages in Atlanta, claiming the character was a deliberate attempt by Domino’s to push his buttons.  Wait, did I neglect to mention his name was Kenneth Lamar Noid?

Priceonomics’ Zachary Crockett writes that Mr. Noid committed suicide a few years later, which makes the following passage, well, even more fucked up.

Domino’s Pizza “Noid Super Pizza Shootout” Facebook Game from Andrew Lincoln on Vimeo.

Following the ordeal, Domino’s swiftly terminated the Noid campaign. For nearly twenty years, the annoying character lay in glorious respite, before briefly returning in 2011 (his 25th anniversary). This time though, he was merely part of a short-lived promotional marketing campaign: in Domino’s Facebook game, “The Noid’s Super Pizza Shootout.” As quickly as he came, the Noid returned to the void.

Launching a Facebook game called “The Noid’s Super Pizza Shootout” after there already was, y’know, A REAL SUPER PIZZA SHOOTOUT (featuring a batshit, armed-to-the-tooth guy named NOID who thought the Noid was created to fuck with his head) is a move in such monumental bad taste, I’m consumed with jealousy and awe.

11 Jul 15:21

The American Standard 2889.216.020: Part III

by drew
Taylor Swift


I know I wrote about this toilet before (with more animated GIFs) but the ads for the American Standard 2889.216.020 keep getting better and better. If you ever shit out two White Castles without digesting them, you’d better do it into one of these toilets. Ignore the guy who gave it a one-star review because he still has to use a toilet brush to clean it when it gets dirty.
