Shared posts

10 Jul 15:22

Manny your stations: An updated Grim Fandango is coming to PC

by Phil Scuderi
Grim Fandango, by LucasArts

This is Manny’s happy face. You can tell by the inclination of the scythe.

At E3 last month, Tim Schafer and Double Fine announced they were bringing Grim Fandango back from the dead for a stint on Sony’s various consoles. This odd news was met with an expectant reply: and… and!? Today, finally, a sense of closure: the Grim reboot is headed to PC, Mac and Linux, too. I feel a joyous warmth where my heart used to be.

There’s no word yet what improvements we should expect, but support for higher resolutions seems a given. It’d be great to see a revamped control scheme in place of the original’s Resident Evil-style tank controls–especially now that we know it can be done. Tim and company are working directly with some of the game’s modders, so a point-and-click makeover isn’t out of the question.

After the jump, Double Fine’s crafted a touching retrospective (for they know no other kind) on Grim Fandango, its production and history.

10 Jul 13:57

warm-up drawing

by michaeldeforge

09 Jul 19:48


by Damon Hastings
Taylor Swift


OOIOO are an outfit of genre-transcending Japanese soundsmiths founded in 1995. They’re led by the illustrious Yoshimi P-We, well-known as the primary drummer and one of two consistent members in the legendary Osaka-based noise/psych outfit Boredoms (the other member is Yamataka Eye). Over the decades she’s been a driving factor in Boredom’s evolution from chaotic noise punks into the disciplined mystic-psych apostles they are today. She’s also the namesake for The Flaming Lips album “Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.” Boredoms have been relatively dormant in recent years, but in that time OOIOO has managed to put out a couple of albums, including 2009’s Armonico Hewa.

OOIOO seem to reinvent themselves for each album, although complex polyrhythms and epic pop melodies have remained a focus throughout. Their latest album, released stateside early this month on Thrill Jockey, is called Gamel, so named because it features metallophones from the ancient Javanese style of music played on gamelan ensembles. It might just be their most radical release yet.

Gamel’s overall tone is a challenge to Western ideals of harmony and melody, since unlike most Western music, traditional gamelan compositions often don’t measure notes in half-steps, resulting in irregular intervals and songs that don’t resolve into dominant roots the way most Western classical and pop music does. By combining this style with an experimental use of rock instrumentation like drum kits and electric guitars, not to mention meticulous vocal harmonies and chants, they create an absolutely otherworldly sound. That said, the pieces on Gamel flow seamlessly in-and-out of melodious grooving glory, laying down funky beats that will wiggle their way inside your body and make you dance. Indeed, every instrument, from voice to guitar, can be used like a drum for OOIOO. The end-result is a circusy celebration of life, occasionally erupting into moments of euphoric noise while remaining firmly grounded in the repetitive, strange and mysterious sounds of a few souls hammering away on gamelan.

If that all sounds too good to be true, you can experience it in person when OOIOO hits the road for a brief (and rare) U.S. tour next week, making stops in Philly, D.C., New York, Chicago and, yes, Boston, where they’ll be hitting up Berkeley’s Red Room on July 19th. They’ll be joined by Providence’s Black Pus, the primal drum-and-noise solo project of Lightning Bolt drummer Brian Chippendale. Kindred rhythm spirits, it won’t be the first time Chippendale and Yoshimi have shared the bill. Lightning Bolt and Black Pus have both opened for Boredoms in the past, and Chippendale was among the drummers who performed in Boredoms’ original and positively spiritual 77 Boadrum performance beneath the Brooklyn Bridge in 2007. It will likely be a once in a lifetime opportunity, certain to cause regrets in those who miss it, so, you know, don’t miss it.

The post OOIOO – GAMEL appeared first on The Boston Hassle.

09 Jul 17:13

Black & White Summer Layering w/ Nadia, WEGO & Spinns Harajuku

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

Really digging all the applications of "sheer dress layering" posted on this blog so far but this one really knocks it out of the park IMO

Meet Nopi, a 17-year-old student wearing black and white who we met in Harajuku. Her hair is braided in two tails and accessorized with pink bows.

Nopi’s sheer top is from Nadia, worn over a white t-shirt and printed WEGO shorts. Her chokers, fishnet over-the-knee socks and flatforms are all from Spinns, Nopi’s favorite shop. She is also carrying a black rucksack.

When it comes to music, she told us she likes listening to Sexy Zone. Check out her Twitter and Instagram for more details.

Nadia Top & WEGO Shorts Sheer Top Over T-Shirt Spinns Chokers or Tattoo Necklace Two Tattoo Necklaces Black Rucksack in Harajuku Spinns Harajuku Flatforms

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

09 Jul 14:30


by Mrs. Blythe

Hey guys,

It has been a while I have featured each month my top 5 fave edits. It isn’t an easy work to dig and choose good gems I want to share with you among edits I receive and discover by my own. The month of May was poor so I decided not to feature anything. 

However, I think it is time now to highlight my top 10 fave edit makers and projects I really enjoy from label’s initiatives, artist collectives or directly from artists, new, regular and active players re-editing some amazing gems that you must follow if it hasn’t been done yet.

Thank you to all edit makers. Sorry, I can't feature everyone I like. It is always hard to make a choice.  Please, keep doing great edits.


1/ Macadam Mambo (FR)

Macadam Mambo is a Lyon based label run by Sacha Mambo and Guillaume des Bois that wants to promote different genres of music focused on weird, eclectic and happy music from disco to synth pop, acid, industrial, techno or Chicago house. Since 2014 they have released 11 amazing 12" of edits. 

2/ Edit service (I’m a Cliché, FR)

Edit Service is a special brand made by the French label I’m a cliché that gives away twice a month as a free download mp3 an unreleased edit produced by members of the crew or beloved friends such as Red Axes, Moscoman, Young Marco, La Mverte, Marvin & Guy, Hugo Capablanca, Jacques Renault etc.

3/ Foc edits (TR)

Foc edits is a collective music edit project from Istanbul started in 2010 by Turkish dj/ producer Kaan Duzarat and Mehmet Koryurek (aksak - Mr. Pink). Their idea was to edit and rework some tracks that they have enjoyed listening but were not necessarily able to play out and dance to at all. The first track was a love song by Özdemir Erdoğan called Aç Kapıyı Gir İçeri. The edit was so successful both domestically and internationally the duo kept working (or FOCing) tracks as they deemed appropriate. Along the way the project got new members and collaborations with the househeads of İstanbul, Ali Çetinkaya (Ave Astra), Anıl Devran, Emrah Arslan (Fattish), Rn Eren, Dogu Civicik and Osman Başaran (Kozmonot). All had some part in FOCing with the tracks of local legends Barış Manço, Ajda Pekkan, Moğollar, Fikret Kızılok, MFÖ, Erkin Koray, Ayla Algan and Bülent Ortaçgil as well as international musicians like MJ, Geraldine Hunt, Curtis Mayfield, Yoko Ono, Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones, Horace Silver and Dennis Parker.

4/ Les edits du Golem (FR)

Les edits du Golem is a French project that releases (maybe too rarely) some amazing edits of obscure tracks in various genres (disco, funk soul, synth pop, house etc…). The last release was the great Cubo edits project featuring I:Cube in 2012.

5/ Vidal Benjamin (Versatile Records, FR)

Vidal Benjamin is one of the most impressive diggers I know in this world. He makes us rediscover the sound that was so characteristic of a certain early eighties french scene: wacky, happy, dancing and at times even poetic.
He is releasing on Versatile Records on August 30th  a 7" limited edition "Vidal Benjamin presente Disco Sympathie Limted Edith Sampler”, a preview of the release in october of the compilation Disco Sympathie on which each track has undergone an editing treatment by obscure french producers such as Jeff from Get a Room!! and Jean-Marc Misere. As a prelude, before releasing the compilation, Versatile will come with two limited 12" and 7" vinyl EPs.

6/ Diavol edits (AR)
Diavol is collective music edit project as well started in 2011 by Argentinean dj's and producers Joven and Premini that realized that Argentina needed a world class label that release the music they love. Diavol is intended to come up with new tracks as well as edits and revisions of obscure tunes from all over the world. Diavol is all about red lights, glossy vinyl, shinny leather, psychedelia, lonely beaches. 

7/ Sygaire (DE)
Sygaire (aka Roskow Kretschmann) is a Berlin based composer, producer, remixer, engineer, dj, member of Jazzanova and co-founder of the Black Pearl vinyl shop.

Another amazing digger that focuses on soulful music with a groove of all genres from the whole globe. He regularly makes amazing edits in various genres (Krautrock, cosmic disco, funk, afro etc.).

8/ The Very Polish Cut OutsPro (PL)

Started in 2010, The Very Polish Cut OutsPro is a very talented collective composed of Zambon (polish dj, producer and blogger) & Kacper Kapsa (dj & producer), Funkoff, Old Spice, Mental and  Yacht Rock Discoof. These polish edit makers re-edit forgotten polish gems from the 70’s and 80’s though compilations. 

9/ Psychemagik (UK)

No need to introduce Psychemagik, the UK dj producers duet formed by Danny Mclewin and Tom Coveney. They are also impressive diggers and are known for their very good edits from Fleetwood Mac to Yves Simon. 

10/ Prieur de la Marne (Alpage Records, FR)
Prieur de la Marne is a French artist signed recently on Alpage records. He isn’t aiming at bringing about a revolution in the process of musical creation since he is only interested into mixing pop treasures which have been more or less left aside, to turn them into charming as well as unexpected edits, in which François Miterrand meets Yves Simon whereas Romy Schneider has a rendez-vous with Lucio Battisti. In 2014. Alpage Records release "Messages Personnels”,  a collection of 12 handmade Super Clear 7" Vinyls. Each Vinyl is limited to 50 copies and is sent every month.

09 Jul 14:19

A new STALKER’s spawn is born. Or maybe it is just being fictitious?

by Xander Grishchenko
Taylor Swift

Womp womp

Even today there are lots of individuals wishing to get a piece of STALKER‘s fame. Another attempt to exploit this topic is Areal, a game developed by West Games studio.

A couple of weeks ago an announcement of a new project was made; a game allegedly developed by creators of STALKER. Great news, isn’t it? However, this announcement was accompanied by few controversial points that darkened the joy in some way.

I won’t go into details, just want to point out some key moments of this story.

GMBox tried to collect as much info they could.

So, what do we know about Areal? The project got into the spotlight of gaming press by the end of June. On June 24 it started a Kickstarter campaign. It was claimed that West Games is comprised by the key developers from GSC Game World. Moreover, Areal’s game setting is obviously inspired by its famous ancestor: post-apocalyptic world, open-world shooter mechanics, mutants, etc.

Questionable matters came to light right from the beginning of the Kickstarter campaign. Seriously, the goal to collect $50,000 looks too humble for a triple A project which Areal tries to be. This amount may be enough for making a demo for investors, but not for an entire project.

A promotional video at the Kickstarter page contained snapshots taken from Unity’s tecnhical demo and STALKER‘s early builds. In addition, many Internet users recognized one promo art being taken from the cover of the book “Areal: State within a state” [rus. “Ареал: Государство в государстве”] by Sergey Tarmashev, but no references to the book, neither to its author were made.

UPDATE. Now it is officially confirmed that the game is developed on the basis of Sergey Tarmashev’s book.

1Areal’s promo art

2Front cover of Sergey Tarmashev’s book

3A screenshot from Areal

4A screenshot from technical demo of Unity 3d game engine

Anyway, the fundraising campaign started well and West Games managed to collect over $30k during first hours since its launch.

Then the other “people behind STALKER“, Vostok Games (Survarium) accused West Games of fraud and use of someone else’s materials, exploitation of STALKER‘s and GSC‘s names and a reputation parasitism.

I’m not going to take sides in this matter, but I think this moment is quite self-explanatory:

On Vostok’s claims that West Games is not comprised of true S.T.A.L.K.E.R creators, West Games’ Igor Buryak stated, “Oleg Yavorsky says we have no former GSC employees. He points out high staff turnover in GSC. Well, this wasn’t addressed to West Games. He can’t make such a statement because it would simply be a lie. Since we’re at the very beginning of our work we can’t (and should not) make our whole team public, because as soon as we do that they’ll get caught up in gossip and accusations made by our competitors.”

Dave Cook from VG247 has been monitoring the situation from its start.

He makes a reference to the statement of Vostok’s Oleg Yavorsky made in personal correspondence “I think instead of blaming press, the Areal guys should really be grateful for all the hype the press helped them make for their yet non-existing project. If they are accusing press of non-professionalism, the best favour you could do for them is simply stop writing about them”

Only time will tell who’s right, but, honestly, I can’t remember an honest project causing such amount of informational noise (except for GTA‘s Hot Coffee, of course :-)) All I can say is that the whole situation with West Games is generating more questions than giving the answers.

09 Jul 14:14

Clipping planes

by jwz
08 Jul 18:25


by Chris Villon
Taylor Swift


Looks like the members of Western MA punk mainstays AMPERE have a big crush on the dreamy sounds of the 80s and early 90s. Last week we reviewed KINDLING, the noisepop project of vocalist Stephen Pierce and his partner Gretchen Williams. This week we bring you SIAMESE TWINS, which includes Ampere bassist and local show promoter Meghan Minior. The band’s members are states apart (doing time between MA and IL), yet their sound is a cohesive send-up to the sounds of classic 4AD and Creation Records.

“Submission” is all delectable bliss-pop, its reverbed magic anchored by a heavy drum machine and the absolutely smooth-as-silk vocals of guitarist Liz Panella, who also screams in Boston hardcore heroes LIBYANS. Panella’s vocals remind me a bit of Miki Berenyi of Lush in her wistful, breathy delivery. The video is a colorful collage of flower-print patterns in tasteful pink and turquoise hues in a decidedly sinister twee vibe. They also recently announced that they might “potentially” be playing some shows this Fall, so look out! Check out this enlightening interview they did with Pitchfork in the meantime.

Their excellent new LP Still Corner is out NOW on EUNUCH Records.

The post SIAMESE TWINS – “SUBMISSION” appeared first on The Boston Hassle.

08 Jul 16:03

Congress “might as well just hang up their oversight spurs and disband”

by humanizingthevacuum

Last weekend’s chilling Washington Post story by Barton Gellman, Ashkan Soltani, and Julie Tate revealed that the National Security Agency keeps pictures you sent to your girlfriend of your masturbating, the OK Cupid chatroom discussion in which you lurked, and the exchange between you and your mother about the speeding ticket you still haven’t paid for. The agency does not destroy the information. It keeps the information because to destroy it would undermine its utility:

Most of the people caught up in those programs are not the targets and would not lawfully qualify as such. “Incidental collection” of third-party communications is inevitable in many forms of surveillance, but in other contexts the U.S. government works harder to limit and discard irrelevant data. In criminal wiretaps, for example, the FBI is supposed to stop listening to a call if a suspect’s wife or child is using the phone.

There are many ways to be swept up incidentally in surveillance aimed at a valid foreign target. Some of those in the Snowden archive were monitored because they interacted directly with a target, but others had more-tenuous links.

If a target entered an online chat room, the NSA collected the words and identities of every person who posted there, regardless of subject, as well as every person who simply “lurked,” reading passively what other people wrote.

Kevin Drum, as previously noted not by any leap a radical, wrote on Sunday: “If someone in Congress isn’t seriously pissed off about this obvious evasion, they might as well just hang up their oversight spurs and disband.” National Review Online, the sparkling online community known by cognoscenti as The Corner, published nothing significant. I checked a couple of minutes before posting. Whaddya know — Charles W. Cooke posted a sober but redundant answer (find it yourself) to Conor Friedersdorf’s much better dismissal of critics who prefer questioning Edward Snowden’s motives to analyzing the consequences of the information he shared with The Guardian, WaPo, and other newspapers. That’s it. But Andrew Johnson, no relation to the seventeenth president of which I’m aware, posted clickbait with the title “Study: Average Reader Doesn’t Get Past Page 33 of Hillary’s Book.”

Dianne Feinstein, steward of the national security state, has not commented.

08 Jul 15:14

YDLMIER 050 Release Show @ WSAC

by Boston Hassle
Taylor Swift

Oh man! Anyone wanna go??

Your favorite tape slingers will be releasing their 50th. This very special release will be a 3 tapes compilation bringing together all the best in the New England experimental/noise/weirdo scene. This obscenely awesome show will be an all day affair.

Tons of awesome people playing:

Life Partners
Matt Krefting
Article Collection
Wilted Woman
Michael Rosenstein
Patrick Emm
Alan Gesso
Solid State Entity
Mares Laig
Gay Shapes
Via App
Nick Neuberg
Morgan Evans-Weiler

DJ YDL pumping tunes inbetween.

Show starts at 2pm and goes to 11pm.

Saturday, July 19 @ 2pm
@ Washington Street Art
321D Washington St, Somerville, Massachusetts

FalseBarf EVENT

The post YDLMIER 050 Release Show @ WSAC appeared first on The Boston Hassle.

07 Jul 20:59

Reality Hopping

Taylor Swift

This trick works btw

07 Jul 19:51

Commission for KIBLIND

French magazine Kiblind commissioned me this illustration and its gif declination.

07 Jul 17:23

ATTN : Power Metallers In Search Of The Right Monologist

by GC
07 Jul 14:48

The Times Has a Moment with IF

by Nick Montfort
Taylor Swift


The New York Times has an article (online today, in print tomorrow) entitled “Text Games in a New Era of Stories,” about ye olde interactive fiction and new-fangled manifestations of it, including Ms. Porpentine’s Howling Dogs and Ms. Short’s Blood & Laurels.

(Okay, it must be admitted that even The New York Times didn’t refer to the author of Howling Dogs as “Ms. Porpentine.”)

06 Jul 00:07

Scott Walker collaborating with Sunn O)))

by (The Wire)

4AD have launched a site for a collaboration between Stephen O'Malley's Sunn O))) and Scott Walker. A source from the label is quoted as saying that Sunn O))) and Walker are "working together, and there is a record coming later in the year".

No more details have been announced, although there is a microsite for the Walker & Sunn O))) project here.

[Hat tip: The Quietus]

04 Jul 05:04

Return to Mock Draft Island

by Boring as Heck



03 Jul 21:39

Jasmine Deporta

by admin

// jasmine deporta

// jasmine deporta

// jasmine deporta

Matching thrift store clothes and thrift store couch series by Jasmine Deporta via still the sky is blue.

03 Jul 14:28

Original Hip Hop Art

by Jeffrey Zeldman

Original hip hop poster

WHY THE INTERNET was invented: this single-page, no-frills website presents a trove of original, old-school hip hop party posters mainly designed by Buddy Esquire and Phase 2, and featuring legendary rappers before they got famous. Word to your mother.

Hat tip: Fred Gates Design.

02 Jul 14:10

Sketchbook drawing

by michaeldeforge

01 Jul 19:27

VA - Guruguru Brain Wash (2014)

by Pausts
Taylor Swift

Oh man, awesome, this is legitimately free!

Migawki z aktualnej japońskiej sceny psychodelicznej.

Kikagaku Moyo started a record label called Guruguru Brain to contribute to Asian music scene. This is their first compilation of Japanese musicians who played Tokyo Psych Fest. This compilation is a perfect introduction to dig in the Japanese psych/space rock scene. Guruguru Brain Wash contains over 150 minutes of top notch psychedelic music, recommended, dig. (theelementaryrevolt)                          
01 Jul 16:52

Half Japanese releasing first new album in 13 years

by (The Wire)

Jad Fair's Half Japanese are releasing their first new album in 13 years on 3 September. Overjoyed is released on Joyful Noise, with the current line up of Jad Fair, Mick Hobbs, Gilles Rieder, John Sluggett and Jason Willett with Deerhoof's John Dietrich on production.

While new material has been a long time coming, there's been a slew of releases and retrospective efforts in recent years. Along with Joyful Noise's 7" of tracks from the forthcoming album earlier this year, Fire records released a triple LP of Half Japanese albums from between 1981–85 for Record Store Day, which was the first in a series of four volumes, following up on a number of reissues in 2013.

Half Japanese also just joined Facebook.

01 Jul 16:39

“…this one flight to escort the poetry of coincidences.”

by humanizingthevacuum

Ricardo Pau-Llosa, one of the country’s best poets and a Miami native, needs more exposure. His best collection Parable Hunter(2008) contains “Seven Mile Bridge, Florida Keys.”

For one mile of it or thereabouts a pelican
flew beside us, glided exactly above
the concrete wall of the bridge, barely
a feather or muscle moving, exact
as a line thrown on the page of the world
with a ruler. From a quarter mile back
I saw the bird lift syrup slow, then suddenly
aright itself and take to an invisible
track four feet or so above the barrier,
and I knew I would have to brake a bit, and more
as we got closer, to cruise along his glide
in that joy exclusive to parallels.
Never mind that we were coming home
from a honeymoon, and that any dicethrow
of weather, bloom, sand, cloud, any dicethrow
spoke utterly of harmonies. Never mind love.
We, axle-bound and land-held, got to glide
along with Icarus, red striped chest, grey and white,
thick as purpose, as if designed for nothing
if not for this trajectory, this one flight
to escort the poetry of coincidences.

01 Jul 14:01

Bad Attitude Costs Texas in Fee Dispute

by Kevin

Hey, I get it—sometimes when you win and you think the other side's position was bogus, it's hard not to get all smug and self-righteous.

But you really should try.

Not trying very hard—well, not trying at all—cost the State of Texas a lot of money on June 18, when a judge awarded other parties in a voting-rights case $1,096,770 in legal fees and costs, even though Texas had a decent argument that it was the prevailing party and so it should get paid. (McClatchy DC; thanks, Mark.)

In the U.S., normally each side has to pay its own fees, but some statutes say the "prevailing party" is entitled to recover fees from the loser. But exactly who "prevails" in a lawsuit is not always clear, and that was the case in this lawsuit, which involved Texas's plans to redraw its voting districts. (Skip down three paragraphs or so if that could not sound more boring.)

Under the Voting Rights Act—Still here? Nerd. Under the Voting Rights Act, Texas was one of the states that had to get federal "preclearance" for redistricting because of the history of discrimination there. Texas decided to sue for a declaration that its plans were okay, and the feds opposed. Other parties (Democrats, basically) intervened because they also wanted to oppose. Texas mostly lost in the district court, and it appealed. In the meantime, though, it came up with new plans that were more likely to comply with the court's order.

One day before the new plans became law, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Shelby County that all this VRA preclearance stuff was unconstitutional—or had become unconstitutional at some point over the last 50 years, anyway, discrimination now being a thing of the past, you see. Told you so, said Texas, and moved to dismiss the still-pending case involving its first set of plans.

Okay, so who "prevailed" in that mess? The Democratic groups said they did, because Texas lost the first ruling and changed its plans, just like they wanted it to, and they filed motions seeking over $1 million in fees. Texas did not agree.

It did not agree so much, in fact, that it didn't even bother to file responses. Or, rather, it did file something but it couldn't bring itself to call the document a "response." It filed this three-page thing it called an "Advisory," saying that not only did Shelby County mean Texas won, it meant Texas had essentially always been right because the law was unconstitutional all along (an "affront" and a "nullity"), and the case never should have been brought. That's wrong for a couple of reasons, I think, but Texas was so sure of itself that it didn't bother to say much of anything else. 

As the judge's decision made clear, this was a Bad Idea.

In fact, she said, it presented "a case study in how not to respond to a motion for attorney fees and costs." While Texas might have lost anyway, to be honest, the attitude didn't help it, and at a minimum it waived any argument that the amount of fees claimed was unreasonable because it said nothing about that at all.

Granted, it was probably somewhat satisfying to file that "Advisory," but you have to wonder how much that satisfaction was worth.

01 Jul 03:50

A Companion Disk for 10 PRINT

by Nick Montfort

A C64 Running the 10 PRINT DiskMartin Schemitsch (a.k.a. Martinland) has compiled and released a disk to accompany our book 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10, one that’s full of BASIC and assembly programs. These include the programs in the book and the later, more compact versions of our demo thread. The disk was just released at Commodore-Treffen Graz $14, and of course the disk image is available for download. It’s a nice companion to the 10 PRINT book and a Commodore 64 emulator, although, as you can see, it also works perfectly well on a vintage Commodore 64.

30 Jun 19:04

Accidental Gameshark II

30 Jun 17:03

JavaScript Once Function

by David Walsh

Read the full article at: JavaScript Once Function


Every so often you have a function which you only want to run once.  Oftentimes these functions are in the form of event listeners which may be difficult to manage.  Of course if they were easy to manage, you’d just remove the listeners but that’s a perfect world and sometimes you simply want the ability to only allow a function to be called once.  Here’s the JavaScript function to make that possible!

The JavaScript

Think of this once function as a wrapper for the function you provide:

function once(fn, context) { 
	var result;

	return function() { 
		if(fn) {
			result = fn.apply(context || this, arguments);
			fn = null;

		return result;

// Usage
var canOnlyFireOnce = once(function() {

canOnlyFireOnce(); // "Fired!"
canOnlyFireOnce(); // nada

The wrapping function is fired only once because a tracker variable is used to ensure the function is only executed once.  Many JavaScript toolkits offer this as a feature but the code to accomplish this feat is so small that it’s good to have available in the case that you can dodge a JavaScript toolkit!

30 Jun 14:27


by John Bittrich
Taylor Swift

This is such a good record

THE SOFT PINK TRUTH is Drew Daniel, one-half of the Baltimore-based experimental electronica duo MATMOS. On “Why Do the Heathen Rage?”, Daniel explores and profanes the sound as well as the sometimes-questionable politics and philosophy of a well-selected collection of black metal covers in the form of winking, sexy club tunes.

Daniel’s work, both as SPT and with Matmos, has always had a strongly conceptual element, and this isn’t the first time he’s expressed an interest in harsher, more abrasive musical realms. He’s already released DO YOU WANT NEW WAVE OR DO YOU WANT THE SOFT PINK TRUTH?, an album of punk and hardcore covers. He wrote an entry in the 33 1/3 book series on THROBBING GRISTLE’s 20 Jazz Funk Greats. He also has a sincere love for black metal. He’s written a beginner’s guide to DARKTHRONE and essays with titles like “Corpsepaint as Necro-Minstrelsy” and “Confessions of a Former Burzum T-Shirt Wearer”. His picks for covers show a breadth knowledge on black metal: we’ve got VENOM, BEHERIT, SARCOFAGO, SARGEIST, DARKTHRONE, AN, MAYHEM, HELLHAMMER, and (hilariously) “Grim and Frostbitten Gay Bar” by Newton, MA’s own IMPALED NORTHERN MOONFOREST.

There are precedents for the cultures of black metal and electronica crossing paths. Fenriz of DARKTHRONE has professed a deep love of dance music and a number of these groups have experimented successfully with electronic sounds and textures . However a certain subset of black metal fandom is well-known at this point for the invective they spread at bands who deviate from the traditional black metal style. Occasionally, the purists have a point: not every deviation or experiment is necessarily successful. But by and large, this experiment is a success!

Drew Daniel (with some help from Antony Hegarty, Daniel’s boyfriend/Matmos partner MC Schmidt and members of HORSE LORDS, LOCRIAN and WYE OAK) have delivered a thought-provoking but also deeply enjoyable and loving send-up. The riffs and chord progressions are largely unchanged, except in terms of the instrumentation used to produce them. Daniels’ trademark dense, heavily-detailed production is in full effect, from the drum and bass take on HELLHAMMER’s “Maniac” to the soulful diva house on AN’s “Let There Be Ebola Frost” to the cheeky samples of Rihanna and SNAP!’s “I Got The Power”. The whole thing occasionally veers into a camp industrial style not dissimilar to MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT. Especially since once you remove the shrieked delivery and sometimes dodgy recording quality of the originals, some of these lyrics sound really homoerotic and occasionally downright silly. A lot of the lyrics, however, manage to retain every bit of their coldness and ugliness, and the album’s various singers do a great job of delivering the lines in a way that highlights both the goofy and the grim.

The lyrics are, of course, in some places pretty reprehensible. Black metal can be racist, homophobic, fascist, misogynist and just plain anti-social. Obviously there’s a larger dialogue to he had about the issues of enjoying art that you find philosophically questionable, especially as a member of a group targeted by that philosophy. Drew Daniel himself could speak to how that factors into this project much better than I could. Luckily, he did. So I leave you with the disclaimer he wrote to accompany this album’s release:

“Aesthetics and Politics are neither equivalent nor separable. Black metal fandom all too often entails a tacit endorsement or strategic looking-the-other-way with regards to the racist, anti-Semitic, sexist and homophobic bullshit politics that (still) pervade the scene, on behalf of either escapist fantasy talk, shaky invocations of art as a crypto-religious path to transcendence, or–the oldest cop out in the book–the quietist declaration that “I just like how it sounds.” Just as blasphemy both affirms and assaults the sacred powers it invokes and inverts, so too this record celebrates black metal and offers queer critique / mockery / profanation of its ideological morass in equal measure. Mixed emotions about a murky, diverse and self-differential scene are all very well, but, as Barack Obama is so fond of saying at press conferences just before legitimizing drone warfare, let’s be clear: No apologies, no excuses, and no escape clauses are hereby offered. Murderers are murderers. No safe space for fascist garbage. The Soft Pink Truth hereby abjures black metal homophobes, racists, and Nazis categorically and absolutely: MAY THIS CURSE BIND! Remember Magne Andreassen!”

The post THE SOFT PINK TRUTH – WHY DO THE HEATHEN RAGE? appeared first on The Boston Hassle.

28 Jun 22:56


28 Jun 21:21

Police: Guy Who Stole Bird Costume Wasn't Hard to Find

by Kevin

According to this report in the Kansas City Star (thanks, Steve), witnesses saw the man break into the Kansas City Costume Co. yesterday at about 8:45 p.m., remove the big yellow bird costume and then walk down the street to a nearby drinking establishment. "Several witnesses saw this and called," said a KCPD police spokeswoman. "We located him at the bar and arrested him."

The pictures (bottom four credited to "Autumn Morningsky") tell the story adequately here:

Chicken route



Especially that last one.

28 Jun 19:32

New York Joe Exchange Pants, Panama Boy Sheer Coat & Platform Sneakers in Harajuku

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift


This is Akane, a girl with cute blonde twin tails who we recently snapped in Harajuku. She’s 20 years old, she works at Spinns on Harajuku’s famous Takeshita Dori shopping street.

Akane is wearing a graphic t-shirt with flag print suspender pants from New York Joe Exchange and a sheer coat from Panama Boy. Her blue backpack is from WEGO and her paint splash platform sneakers are from Yosuke. She told us her accessories are from her favorite shop, Spinns – we noticed flower and bow hair ties, anchor print socks, a seashells charm necklace, and a ribbon bracelets. She is also wearing a denim hat and pastel nail art.

Miliyah Kato is Akane’s favorite singer. You can find out more about her by following her Twitter.

New York Joe Exchange Flag Print Pants Panama Boy Sheer Coat Flower Hair Ties & Denim Hat Blond Twin Tails w/ Flowers & Bows Seashells Charm Necklace Pastel Nail Art WEGO Backpack Yosuke Paint Splattered Platform Sneakers

Click on any photo to enlarge it.