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22 Nov 12:58

Petlyakov Pe-8ON with Charomskiy ACh-30B engines. These were...

Petlyakov Pe-8ON with Charomskiy ACh-30B engines. These were special VIP transports with a seating capacity of twelve and a cargo capacity of 1,200 kilograms (2,646 lb).

22 Nov 12:52

Hayao Miyazaki’s Akuyaku

by Josh

Tyler Clites (legohaulic)does it again with this pile of curvy goodness. This model is a recreation of a tank designed by legendary film-maker and artist, Hayao Miyazaki. In the words of that immortal tanker, Donald Sutherland, “It’s a mother beautiful tank!”.

Miyazaki's Bad Guy no. 1

14 Nov 15:48

See No Evil December

by James Wignall

wow dvein


Our Christmas special double show is almost here and boy do we have a mega line-up!
See No Evil presents an evening of inspiration with the delectable Malika Favre & Barcelona superheroes Dvein.
Free entry, prizes & good times!

Posted on Motionographer

14 Nov 15:38

scotch & jazz @ dusk

by joenagle
14 Nov 15:37



14 Nov 15:36

Somewhere Animation

by Baptiste

Nicolas Ménard a réalisé ce superbe film d’animation pour son projet de première année au Royal College Of Art. Avec un style très particulier et des choix de couleurs surprenants, Somewhere est un petit bijou d’animation, une métaphore sur le manque d’une personne à travers la distance. A découvrir dans la suite.

Somewhere Animation6 Somewhere Animation5 Somewhere Animation4 Somewhere Animation3 Somewhere Animation2 Somewhere Animation1 Somewhere Animation7
12 Nov 17:16

EUjxM.jpg (JPEG Image, 3153x2102 pixels) - Scaled (36%)

by slid3
11 Nov 13:02

King Kong

by (P-E Fronning)
King Kong 1933 title screen

Movie Title Screens
11 Nov 12:57

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich

by Christopher Jobson

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Thai photographer Visarute Angkatavanich shoots phenomenal portraits of Siamese fighting fish (betta). The intimate photos are perfectly lit in clear water and look as if the fish are floating in midair. See much more here. (via DDN JAPAN)

08 Nov 11:14

Des jouets qui montrent que les temps ont changé


super pour secret santa


08 Nov 10:59

Illustration for The Hollywood Reporter - How s...

by Emmanuelle.Walker

Illustration for The Hollywood Reporter - How spin class gurus hypnotized Hollywood. Thanks to AD Katherine Bryja. Read the article here.

Illustration pour le Hollywood Reporter - Comment les gurus du spining ont hypnotisé Hollywood. Merci à la DA Katherine Bryja. Lisez l'article ici.

08 Nov 10:37

I embrace you with all my heart

by Shaun Usher

100 years ago in French Algeria, on November 7th of 1913, author Albert Camus was born. The second son of Lucien and Catherine Camus, he was just 11-months-old when his father was killed in action during The Battle of the Marne; his mother, partially deaf and illiterate, then raised her boys in extreme poverty with the help of his heavy-handed grandmother. It was in school that Camus shone, due in no small part to the encouragement offered by his beloved teacher, Louis Germain, a man who fostered the potential he saw and steered young Camus on a path that would eventually see him write some hugely respected, award-winning novels and essays.

In 1957, Camus was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times." Shortly after the occasion, he wrote to his former teacher.

(Source: The First Man; Image: Albert Camus, via.)

19 November 1957

Dear Monsieur Germain,

I let the commotion around me these days subside a bit before speaking to you from the bottom of my heart. I have just been given far too great an honour, one I neither sought nor solicited.

But when I heard the news, my first thought, after my mother, was of you. Without you, without the affectionate hand you extended to the small poor child that I was, without your teaching and example, none of all this would have happened.

I don't make too much of this sort of honour. But at least it gives me the opportunity to tell you what you have been and still are for me, and to assure you that your efforts, your work, and the generous heart you put into it still live in one of your little schoolboys who, despite the years, has never stopped being your grateful pupil. I embrace you with all my heart.

Albert Camus

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06 Nov 11:41

A selection of backgrounds from the Steven Universe...



A selection of backgrounds from the Steven Universe episode: "Laser Light Cannon"

Direction: Kevin Dart

Design: Steven Sugar, Patrick Leger

Paint: Elle MichalkaAmanda Winterstein

06 Nov 11:40

Steven and his signature weapon: a shield! Lead Character...

Steven and his signature weapon: a shield!

Lead Character Designer Danny Hynes

(Original design by Rebecca Sugar)

Prop Design Angie Wang

Color Tiffany Ford

06 Nov 11:40

Garnet and her signature weapon: Gauntlets! Lead Character...

Garnet and her signature weapon: Gauntlets!

Lead Character Designer Danny Hynes

(Original design by Rebecca Sugar)

Prop Design Angie Wang

Color Tiffany Ford

06 Nov 11:39

Gem Glow - Color Keys When I was art directing Steven I would...

Gem Glow - Color Keys

When I was art directing Steven I would try to do some quick little keys for the design & color teams whenever I had a chance. I was able to play around with general shape language and color theories in these paintings and then they could be used as reference or a jumping off point for the artists creating the final art. The final production BGs were drawn by Steven Sugar, Emily Walus, and Sam Bosma, then painted by Elle Michalka and Amanda Winterstein

Check out a great selection of some of the final BGs HERE!

06 Nov 11:38

Much Loved - stuffed animal portraits by Mark Nixon

by Mark Nixon

Ted | Age: 24 | Height: 9" | Belongs To: Helen Lyons

Much Loved started as a very simple idea: to photograph some "loved to bits" teddy bears for an exhibition in my studio, which happily has a gallery space.

I got the idea from watching my son, Calum. I was struck by how attached he was to his Peter Rabbit, the way he squeezed it with delight when he was excited, the way he buried his nose in it while sucking his thumb, and how he just had to sleep with Peter every night. I vaguely remembered having similar childhood feelings about my own Panda.

The photographer I admire the most is Irving Penn. His portrait work, from the 1940s and 1950s especially, made me want to become a photographer. With his still-life work, I loved the alchemy of his Street Material series, how he could take pieces of trash and cigarette butts off the street, photograph them, and turn them into works of art. The idea of making an everyday object, something so familiar that it's invisible, become visible again appealed to me.

So, I put the call out for people to bring in their much-loved teddies -- the more loved, unwashed, and falling apart the better -- to be photographed. I expected it to be mostly children, but it soon became apparent that the idea appealed very much to adults, and that many of them were still very attached to their teddies. It was as though they had been keeping a long-held secret and could finally tell someone what their teddies really meant to them.

Their strength of feeling took me by surprise. While waiting, they would tell some usually funny story about their teddy (how they had nearly lost it at some stage was a common theme), or would speak emotionally about what it meant to them. So the stories and memories became integral to the photographs, adding significance to them and bringing them to life.

Peter Rabbit | Age: 10 | Height: 16" | Belongs To: Calum Nixon

Teddy Moore | Age: 43 | Height: 14" | Belongs To: Daragh O' Shea

Ear Open | Age: 32 | Height: 10" | Belongs To: Maeve Whelan

Panda | Age: 50 | Height: 16" | Belongs To: Mark Nixon

Gerry the Giraffe | Age: 10 | Height: 23" | Belongs To: Sophie Farrell

Bugs | Age: 46 | Height: 9" | Belongs To: Conor Owens/Sarah Owens

Teddy | Age: 22+ | Height: 18" | Belongs To: Rowan Atkinson


06 Nov 11:36

Asphalt Snowboarding

by Mark Frauenfelder

putain ca a lair mega dangereux mais ultime

Matthew says: "Liam Morgan uses snowboarding techniques while skateboarding down some of the long, steep, twisting roads in the coastal canyons of Los Angeles." Videos: 1 | 2 | 3


05 Nov 18:41

A Handful Of Baby Chameleons

In this closeup is an adorable group of baby veiled chameleons. Along with the six upfront you can also see more lurking in the background!

Source:  /  via:

05 Nov 18:37

The Cool Hall of Fame #267

by Testify
Carol Kaye
05 Nov 14:18

Le bus de Nirvana, 1993


04 Nov 18:35

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park

by Christopher Jobson

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
SON MYUNG HEE, detail / 2010 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass lifecasting.

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
SON MYUNG HEE / 2010 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass lifecasting.

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
Wedding / 2009 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass lifecasting.

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
Han Hye yeon / 2011 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass lifecasting.

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
Han Hye yeon, detail / 2011 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass lifecasting.

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
Kim Seong Su / 2010 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass, lifecasting.

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
Kim Seong Su, detail / 2010 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass lifecasting.

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
Lie Sand Bong’s Dress / 2008 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass lifecasting

Meticulously Wrapped Aluminum Wire Sculptures by Seung Mo Park wire sculpture
Lie Sand Bong’s Dress, detail / 2008 / Aluminum wire, fiberglass lifecasting

Korean artist Seung Mo Park (previously) continues to amaze with his astonishingly crafted figurative sculptures made with tightly wrapped layers of aluminum wire based on fiberglass forms. The works shown here are part of the Brooklyn-based artist’s Human series where he recreates the delicate wrinkles and folds of clothing as well as the sinuous musculature of the human body in metallic layers remeniscent of tree rings. He’s also sculpted bicycles, musical insturments and other forms as part of his Object series. (via My Modern Met)

01 Nov 14:10


01 Nov 14:09

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek

by Christopher Jobson

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

The Bizarre Street Art of Daan Botlek street art illustration

Street artist and illustrator Daan Botlek is based in Rotterdam, Netherlands and is known for his strange form of character-driven street art. His generally simplistic, site-specific figures often interact with the space around them, passing in and out of unseen dimensions, shedding skin in the process. Kind of like morbid Keith Haring, no? You can see much more of his work over on Flickr. (via Lustik)

30 Oct 11:49

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the World’s Most Obscure Species

by Christopher Jobson

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
Segmentation, a distinguishing feature of the annelids is clearly visible here. Photo by Alexander Semenov.

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
Nudibranchs, together with a huge variety of other marine molluscs, are commonly known as sea slugs (Coryphella polaris). Photo by Alexander Semenov.

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
Many tube-dwelling polychaetes have elaborate, colourful tentacles for filter feeding and gas exchange. The funnel-shaped structure (operculum) seals the tube when the animal retreats inside (unidentified serpulid). Photo by Alexander Semenov.

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
The compound eyes of a cynipid wasp (unidentified species). Some insects have simple eyes in addition to compound eyes, three of which can be seen on the top of this wasp’s head. Photo by Tomas Rak.

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
The spherical test and impressive spines of a sea urchin. Coelopleurus floridanus. The mobile spines offer protection from predators. Since this species lives in relatively deep water, the purpose of the bright pigments in the skin and underlying skeleton is unknown. Photo by Arthur Anker.

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
A jellyfish (Bougainvillia superciliris) with a hitchhiking amphipod (Hyperia galba). Photo by Alexander Semenov.

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
In the cnidarians, what looks like a single individual is often a colony of polyps with specialized functions. In this floating colony (Porpita sp.) there are polyps for providing buoyancy, feeding (tentacles), digestion and reproduction. Photo by Arthur Anker.

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
The colors and patterns of the sea slugs warn predators of their toxicity. This nudibranch is Chromodoris annulata. Photo by Arthur Anker.

Animal Earth: New Photos Exploring the Diversity of the Worlds Most Obscure Species science nature macro
A sea angel, Clione limacine. In this image the grasping tentacles and chitinous hooks are retracted. Photo by Alexander Semenov.

We’ve all grown up learning about familiar animals like fish, tigers, elephants and bears, but this new book from Ross Piper takes the opposite approach: exploring the diversity in size, shape and color of the world’s most obscure and rarely seen organisms. With photography from Alexander Semenov, Arthur Anker, and other animal specialists and researchers, the 320-page Animal Earth promises to open your eyes to a variey of truly bizarre species from deepest oceans and the most adverse climates. The book is set to be published mid-November from Thames & Hudson.

29 Oct 10:58

Welcome to MAMAMA

Welcome to MAMAMA:

MAMAMA did a Tshirt with one of my illustration! Great!

28 Oct 10:26

They Were Collaborators #852

by WillyC

Ray Brown and Milt Jackson
25 Oct 15:53

Icelandic necropants

by Rob Beschizza
necropants "If you want to make your own necropants (literally; nábrók) you have to get permission from a living man to use his skin after his death. After he has been buried you must dig up his body and flay the skin of the corpse in one piece from the waist down. As soon as you step into the pants they will stick to your own skin." [Strandagaldur via disinformation]

25 Oct 13:27

Get to the choppa

by Arnold Schwarzenegger
via YouTube Capture.
Views: 881333
4826 ratings
Time: 00:04 More in People & Blogs
25 Oct 13:27

If it bleeds

by Arnold Schwarzenegger
via YouTube Capture.
Views: 2864396
18427 ratings
Time: 00:10 More in People & Blogs