Shared posts

31 Oct 06:25

brigidkeely: randomdeinonychus: rashaka: ultralaser: mewmii: ...


I love where this went.








The Anatomy of a mermaid

yes, thanks.

i hate when people draws mermaid’s tail like it was some sort of goddamn suit on normal human legs like this:

it just doesnt work

yeah we wouldnt want to make our mermaids too unrealistic

this asks more questions than it answers. they don’t really have vestigial legs, like those aren’t even motile fins, so why do they still have fully formed hips, why hasn’t the pelvic bone changed significantly? and where did the tail come from?

[proto whale]

[orca skelly]

whales as we know them evolved from land animals that went back out to sea, and it’s all spine all the way down to the tail fin. the pelvis is vestigial to the point of being tiny and unrecognizable, and the rear leg structure is //gone//. and by the time they evolved all that, their forelegs had turned into proper fins and they didn’t have hourglass figures, because they built up walls of insulating fat and blubber where it was needed most - around the vital organs.

[walrus skelly]

which brings us to the walrus. as you can see the skeletal structure and the external appearance are fairly ursiform - the rear legs are basically still in there forming the tail, and the pelvis is intact, and above that it may as well still be a land animal. if mermaids did exist, as hominids who went back out to sea, and if they hadn’t evolved into basically dolphins, then a walrus skeletal system, complete with vestigial thigh bones inside a kind of muscle skirt, and with significant fat and blubber deposits //on the main body// would be most likely. which is to say, mermaids with human torsos and seagoing lower bodies would waddle around on their tails, have clearly defined thigh structures, and would be a hell of a lot rounder above and about the waist than they’re usually depicted.

which begs the question, then, if you see a mermaid and it’s a skinny little thing with a slinky waist and an eel-like tail and a perfect bosom and a coy smile, //why does it look like that//? because whatever that is? it is not a land animal that readapted to the sea. it is not your distant kin. it is a sea creature that adapted //to get your attention//.

maybe it’s all an illusion, a frilly mane, an hourglass shape, and narrow antennae that mimic the shape of human arms, waving lonely sailors into the water, only to realize too late the bioluminescent patterns of lipstick and pert breasts are to distract from what lies behind them - viselike jaws and row after row of stiletto teeth.

or maybe it’s all soft tissue, the gelatinous bell of a jellyfish folded into a pleasing shape, luring the unwary down to be caught up in a tail that is nothing more than thousands of barbed lines of stinging neurotoxin cells.

or it could be that the tail goes deep into a shadowy well, and the beautiful woman is a mask for a single enormous jaw, the internal skeleton just the endless spine and ribs of a vast and hungry sea snake.

or, perhaps most terrifyingly, the face is real but not the face of the eyes looking out of it - a human mask for an intelligence both cold and calculating, wearing an inviting smile to bring you within reach of the dagger behind it’s back. waiting to slice the skin off of you because it needs a new disguise, because it is shaped like you but does not look like you, because it must pass as you so it can go among you, so that by starlight it may go on land and into town, where your kin are sleeping, unsuspecting.

Jesus Christ back up a minute buddy

I am 100% on board with eldritch horror mermaids.

Can I set up something to just reblog this every time I see it? Like automatically? Because this is perfect and I love this.

30 Oct 09:26

megaceros: megaceros: gummy lamas And the less talented...





gummy lamas

And the less talented brothers

30 Oct 09:23

copperbadge: nichristi: boredpanda: I Quit My Hr Job To...


Oooo! Pretty.




I Quit My Hr Job To Create Paper Art 

@copperbadge, this is not origami, but it’s BEAUTIFUL!!!

It is some gorgeous quilling!

30 Oct 09:20

sixthsomatic: calamitystars: marcharig: morphial: Lee Seung...





Lee Seung Jun

sourced via google


0_0 // oh my

Please fuck me up

Hello delicious friend

30 Oct 09:18

ironoverwine: theinturnetexplorer: Being a nature photographer...


The best part is the the person taking the pictures saw all this happening and still paused and clicked the shutter.



Being a nature photographer seems great, maybe I should try…

29 Oct 08:29

Artist Creates Bold Blackwork Tattoos That Look Like Charcoal Sketches

by Jessica Stewart

Ooo new Janiak tattoo photos! Love the movement and dynamism.

These incredible blackwork sketch tattoos are the work of Polish artist Inez Janiak, who has amassed a significant Instagram following by regularly sharing images of her spectacular pieces. Treating the skin as her canvas, Janiak's tattoos seem to dance across the flesh, with broken lines and shading giving the illusion of charcoal sketches. The pieces are often tinged with a dark, Gothic feel, but remain balanced by the light, feathery strokes that create depth and movement.

Her ability to change the emotive force of each piece is significant. A growling bear snarls aggressively enough to make you think twice before approaching its owner, while a dancer's hair twirls around her, lost in the enthusiasm of her movement. Janiak's work also takes on a geometric quality, with the raw sketches revealing the shapes and forms used to compose the overall figure. Whether tattooing animals, elements of natural, or human figures, her distinctive style is instantly recognizable.  

Janiak is primarily tattooing out of the Od Świtu Do Zmierzchu studio in Lódź, Poland, but the artist has taken to Facebook to hint that she may be heading to the UK for some guest stints in the coming year.

Inez Janiak: Facebook | Instagram
via [Illusion]

All images via Inez Janiak.

29 Oct 08:22

Kodak Developed a New Smartphone Designed Specifically for Photographers

by Sara Barnes

For this I might give up my physical keyboard. Such a cute phone holder!

Most smartphones put text, email, and social media above all else, but the Kodak Ektra has a different priority—it’s built with photographers in mind. Designed for both enthusiasts and experts, the phone fuses Kodak’s rich 128-year legacy in photography with stunning technological innovation.

The Ektra promises high quality images by boasting a 21-megapixel fast focus camera sensor as well as a 13-megapixel front-facing camera with phase detection auto-focus. Using a custom-built camera app, it also features a SLR-style scene selection dial that optimizes the camera for a variety of settings; including: landscape, portrait, macro, sport, night-time, panorama, and bokeh. If users can't decided on one of those categories, there’s a “smart auto mode” that will select the best condition for the photograph.

There are many features that professional photographers will love to see on a smartphone. Luckily, Ektra has a manual mode where ISO, focus, exposure, shutter speed, and more can be adjusted. Better yet, the changes can be previewed on the screen before the image is even shot.

Editing photos is another prioritized feature on the Ektra. The mobile device includes editing software from Snapseed and has tools to manipulate images in the same capacity as desktop computers. And once a picture is ready to be shared with the world, integrated social media and a print app are available to make sure the work can shine on or offline.

The Kodak Ektra will be launching soon in Europe.

Kodak: Website
via [designboom]

28 Oct 20:39

theycantalk: belly rubs facebook // signed prints


This is pretty much my understanding of the process.

28 Oct 07:54

twinkletwinkleyoulittlefuck: why-animals-do-the-thing: bigbooty...


I did not know this!






Tortoise skeletons are the weirdest skeletons.

I never wondered what they looked like before. Wow. I literally just gasped. How neat!

Which is another reason you shouldn’t pick them up by their top shell

Everyone knows that you shouldn’t pick up a tortoise or turtle by their shell since their backbone is fused with it, but often it’s not really an easy thing to visualize how that works. Here’s a really cool image for that… 

Almost NOBODY knows this, because people don’t bother to simply show you a fucking image like this in school so before i saw this on tumblr i thought a turtle was simply a loose animal in a shell like a snail

well I’ll be go to hell o_O

27 Oct 03:56

tyleroakley: tastefullyoffensive: joshsundquist: As...


Holy shit, this is great.




As Cogsworth would say, if your body’s not Baroque, don’t fix it

Josh Sundquist debuts his 2016 Halloween costume. [video]

iconic, every damn year.

26 Oct 08:22

equestrianrepublican: out-there-on-the-maroon: lazysmirk: dyna...


I've known about these awesome bomb-sniffing rats for a while but I love the picture of the rat eating a banana.











Hero Rats



I’ll always reblog hero rats!

this same species is also trained to identify tuberculosis in samples by smell, meaning they can test for TB at a rapid rate with a high accuracy :)

The organization that trains the rats is APOPO 

You can sponsor a rat and you will get adorable personalized emails telling you how well “your” rat is doing! I did this for my sister a few years ago and she’s still getting emails about Martok the HeroRat’s mine-clearing successes and called it the best gift ever.

*hyperventilates* OH MY GOD I WANT AN ARMY OF THEM

Actual Pokemon


Rats scare me but this is a good post so I will reblog it.

Domesticated Giant Rats when?

26 Oct 05:47

archaeologicals: fun facts! leonardo da vinci was a year younger than christopher columbus. stalin,...


I love juxtaposition stuff like this.


fun facts!

  • leonardo da vinci was a year younger than christopher columbus.
  • stalin, freud, Ttto, trotsky and hitler walk into a bar……no really, it’s possible since they all lived in vienna in 1913.
  • aristotle tutored alexander the great.
  • abraham lincoln was twelve when napoleon bonaparte died.
  • an unusually well-traveled person in 5th century BC could have conceivably met confucius, lao tze, the buddha and socrates over the course of a seventy year life.
  • pharaohs and mammoths existed at the same time.
  • pocahontas and william shakespeare died, in the same country, less than a year apart from each other. 
  • oxford university is older than the aztec empire.
25 Oct 06:28

ghostmapped: samsketchbook: HAPPY HALLOWEEN GHOULS AND...


This is amazing.



HAPPY HALLOWEEN GHOULS AND WOLFBOYS! Here it is all 16 ghosts and ghoulies specially matched for your MBTI. Who will haunt you this Hallow’s Eve? prints too. SPOOKy prints

um this is amazing

25 Oct 06:24

Life Goals


Swing an adz!

I got to check off 'Make something called xkcd' early.
25 Oct 06:20

cyndibloodykisses: Bastet



22 Oct 05:50

textsfromsuperheroes: Texts From Superheroes Facebook | Twitter...


Hee hee.


Texts From Superheroes

Facebook | Twitter | Patreon

21 Oct 19:03

sahdirah: mm-imagerie: do-you-have-a-flag: technology related sensory memories from my...


So true, especially the tape unspooling and the phone cord thing.




technology related sensory memories from my childhood

  • sliding the metal cover on floppy disks
  • the slight resistance of inserting cassette and video tapes
  • ripping off the strips of holed paper off of dot matrix printer paper 
  • rolling the wheel on a disposable camera to take another photo

The heaviness and rubber texture of the roller ball in a computer mouse, and the little ring of lint

Unkinking the curly cord of a telephone while you talked

The -peww sound and slowly fading image of a crt monitor turning off, and then running your finger through the static on the dusty glass

The crunch of opening or closing a plastic Disney vhs cover

The sound effects in kidpix

Extending and collapsing metal antennas and using them as magic wands

…God, it is so weird these things aren’t around any more. Cause it’s true, the sensations are so distinct. It’s bizarre to think about missing these tiny relics.

The horrible high-pitched weeebidaweedeebaweenya of tape unspooling while playing inside a boom box

Being attached to the wall by the (albeit long) family phone’s cord, so instead of waking around aimlessly while talking to Grandma you’d just sort of ping away from the kitchen wall and back like a tetherball game

The sheer weight and bulk of a computer monitor, so that choosing where your computer would go was a semi-permanent decision

The resistance and heavy click on the dials of old TVs

21 Oct 05:09

awesome-picz: Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life...


I love cats but these are hilarious. The first one especially.


Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Poor Life Choices.

20 Oct 06:38

bakechochin: sersh: maisie_williams: Markus Lupfer, big...


Dammit now I know what I SHOULD be wearing to Dali Dinner...



maisie_williams: Markus Lupfer, big up


20 Oct 06:32

this-is-life-actually: these nuns are awesome! (x) | follow...


these nuns are awesome! (x) | follow @this-is-life-actually

18 Oct 19:16

knightoftaurus: aviculor: dendritic-trees: [A large and...






[A large and fluffy dog is sleeping on a porch. A tiny grey bird is bouncing around on the dog, stealing its fur.  Its tiny beak is full of dog floof.  The dog is totally still and does not appear to have noticed the thief.]

a burglar

a birbler

18 Oct 19:14

missveryvery: Hiroshi Ueda, the Red Devil of Roppongi, is...


Hehe I'm sure there's a manga about this.


Hiroshi Ueda, the Red Devil of Roppongi, is desperately trying to discover the secrets behind the YEEHAW Group that’s buying up strategic parcels of land in Minato Tokyo’s Roppongi district. But every time he gets close, he’s swarmed by lasso-wielding cowboys, sometimes on horseback and with six-shooters. Luckily, he’s been trained his whole life in the American art of wrestling and shooting people with assault rifles.

18 Oct 08:01

Spider Paleontology


So weird!

Whenever you see a video of birds doing something weird, remember: Birds are a small subset of dinosaurs, so the weirdness of birds is a small subset of the weirdness of dinosaurs.
16 Oct 22:47

bergamotandrose: sandandglass: The Daily Show, October 6,...





The Daily Show, October 6, 2016


16 Oct 22:46



Sublime indeed.








Gomez gives out better relationship advice than like 90% of dudes.

Gomez Addams is a suave motherfucker who loves his wife more than his own life.

Everyone should want a Gomez. He’s p cool.

Gomez and Morticia Addams actually have a very loving and extremely healthy relationship, both in the old TV show and in the more recent movies. They were also one of the first television couples to be shown to have an active (albeit offscreen) sex life. Their frank attitude towards sexuality was shocking in its’ time, but their relationship and their family dynamic is actually more functional and more…dare I say it…sane than most families portrayed on TV.

The comedy in the show came from the family’s “odd” lifestyle, rather than from infighting and petty bickering, or worse, as was common on other shows of the time, thinly veiled references to spousal abuse. They didn’t make fun of each other or act like their children were creatures from another world. Were they strange and outside of social norms? Yes. Were they united in creating a loving home and being good, supportive parents? Absolutely.

These two support and adore their children, care for an aging mother and an estranged brother, put family before everything, and they love each other, wholly, fiercely, without reserve. They are every bit as much in love after at least a decade of marriage as they were the day they met.

Relationship goals. LIFE goals.

Just remembered in the second movie when their third child became “normal” for a period and although they were shocked and didn’t know how to handle it, they didn’t mistreat the child or love it any less. They accepted the difference, even though it was hard for them. 

Reblogged for truth.


Posts about Gomez and Morticia Addams are almost always uplifting and I’m happy to have them on my dash, but I think my favorite bit about this conversation is what Gomez is actually saying to Fester.

It’s nobody’s surprise that many of the aesthetic and thematic elements of The Addams Family in its various incarnations are influenced by Gothic tradition (not goth, that mostly came later. And not Goth, that was much much much too early), and I think Gomez’s words are a dead bullseye in terms of Gothic mentality.

“Make her feel like she’s the most sublime creature on earth”

The sublime is a recurring theme throughout Gothic literature. Although the word (like “awesome”) has lost a lot of it’s original luster over the intervening decades, sublime doesn’t really mean elevated and lofty (or even heavenly) as it’s often used today, but rather something possessing the power and grandeur to induce awe and veneration in the mind of the beholder. Although less than divine, something sublime possessed a wildness and power that transcended human ability to control…or even to comprehend.

Sublime is standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon leaning as far as you dare over the railing and still not being able to see the canyon floor below. Sublime is warrior-queen Galadriel being tempted by the One Ring. Sublime is waking up in the middle of the night in the heart of a wild thunderstorm.

“Make her feel like she’s the most sublime creature on earth”

Gomez isn’t advising Fester to treat a woman he fancies like a princess, or even elevate her to pedestal of angelic nature (who’s idea was it to equate femininity with purity anyway? What a laughable and historically damaging idea. Shame on whatever dead (probably) white dudes promoted that!)

Gomez is advising Fester that if he truly loves a woman he must do everything he can to remind her of how she’s an untameable force of nature who’s grandeur brings him to his knees in awe and terror. Just like Morticia, for Gomez.

I’ll sign off with one of my most favorite quotes of all time, because it feels suddenly very relevant:

“When I find myself surrounded by so much beauty, I feel as if I am the eye of a hurricane.”

- -Sanjay Kulkarni

16 Oct 08:16

List of bullshit I pulled in high school


I need to save this for Monsterhearts reference material.





  • My yearbook photo was a picture of some random baby off of Google I photoshopped my 17 year-old self’s head onto. It made it in.
  • Slipped a video titled “hot busty lesbian porn” into the personal folders of everyone in my computer class, which after they all crowded around to see what it was, turned out to be the video for Never Gonna Give You Up (it was 2007, so not yet a worn out joke). Thanks to them (like idiots) deciding to swarm a computer with sound, the computer lab filled up with cheesy ‘80s pop and the sound of me laughing so hard I ended up on the floor clutching my stomach.
  • Figured out that the school board internet filters blocked based on words and URLs, so I bypassed them simply by pinging their IP addresses, giving me free reign to Youtube and wherever else I felt like going to. I abused this power, and the fact I luckily had one of the computers with built-in speakers, to blast copious amounts of death metal all class.
  • Formed an air band called Minotaur Lizards whose career peak was “playing” a montage of classic rock songs during a school presentation.
  • Acted out the mock trial that made up the final for our senior year Law class as head prosecutor, wearing no shirt, no socks, a Dead Kennedys t-shirt, and shorts. Somehow got 10/10 for “appropriateness of dress” by being so utterly wrong that the teacher considered me to have looped back around.
  • Made sure that the yearbook contained the words “Harry Potter erotica”, and nobody realized until it had already gone to print.
  • Did accounting for some of the pot dealers in my year and ended up taking a good cash bonus home after my suggested “baked sale” hit it big.
  • Managed to get out of gym class the last two years on the promise to teachers that if I kept a friend, who was in a wheelchair and one of the above-mentioned dealers, occupied and out of trouble, I could skimp on doing class for non-test days and eke out a 75%.
  • Turned in so many bullshit essays and “I was bored on this vocabulary test so I write it all in haiku” results that teachers would be disappointed if I turned in ‘normal effort’ work.
  • Found out someone I really disliked hated my laugh, and dialed up how totally hilarious I found Cool Runnings so much that my laughter got him into a hissy fit that ended with his suspension.
  • Figured out the school’s weak exits where one could slip through without being noticed, and began selling this information to people once our school cut its truancy officer for budget reasons.
  • Managed to send through enough filthily-worded Valentine’s Day candygrams with the help of a friend on the inside that there were no candygrams the next year.
  • Did most of my work for my last year on a single piece of paper I’d just fold up and stick back in my pocket out of general laziness and my lack of need for notes. Math teacher kept poking fun at it, which led to an escalating war of attrition that ended when I handed in a test written on a corn tortilla.
  • Was voted Most Unique in what is most certainly the last flattering time that award was given in the school’s history

chaotic evil

“wearing no shirt, no socks, a Dead Kennedys t-shirt”

How do you wear no shirt and a shirt at the same time?

By meaning to type “no shoes” and fucking that up.

16 Oct 07:24

thebrigadier: captbuccaneer: — say your prayers now...

14 Oct 21:40

Artist Sculpts Surreal and Dream-like Creatures in Exquisite Detail

by Kelly Richman-Abdou

Cool. This is almost too vein-y organic for me but the graceful lines keep it from tipping too far (in my book). The pair of gold and blue fish are really lovely.

As wildly apparent in her enchanting and elaborate designs, sculptor Ellen Jewett believes that "there is no such thing as too much detailing." Known for her surreal sculptures, the Canadian artist combines flora, fauna, and fantasy to craft fanciful composites of creatures.

With an eclectic background that spans anthropological studies, stop motion animation, medical illustration, and even the care of exotic animals, Jewett draws inspiration from a myriad of sources. Her art is molded by each of her talents, and her realistic-yet-unreal maquette-like models showcase her keen anatomical and anthropological understanding of animals.

Each captivating chimera is intricately handcrafted "down to the finest filigree" and scrupulously painted by the artist. Jewett uses only natural materials in her work, underscoring the unconventional feel of her creations and nurturing her connection to nature. 

Jewett’s curious collection of one-of-a-kind pieces is available on her Etsy shop, where you can find a piece straight out of your wildest dreams. 

Ellen Jewett: WebsiteFacebookInstagram | Etsy | DeviantArt 

All Images via Ellen Jewett. 

12 Oct 08:13

"I am sick of the girl being pretty once her glasses come off. I’m sick of the boy suddenly staring..."



“I am sick of the girl being pretty once her glasses come off. I’m sick of the boy suddenly staring at her because she’s taken her hair out of a bun. I’m sick of the dances that she said she didn’t want to attend suddenly being the place where she shows up and learns to live.
I want a movie where she gets kissed because her lab goggles left circles around her eye sockets. Where she doesn’t go to the dance and isn’t ashamed of it. Where she wins the science fair and the way the blue ribbon looks on her makes somebody’s knees weak.
I want a movie where the girl doesn’t get tamed. Where she’s still a badass bitch at the end of it. Where she doesn’t need a man because she has a killer girlfriend who is a cute nerdy radio technician. Where her freckles don’t get concealed on the big night. Where she shows up to prom in a suit and a model on her arm.
I want a movie where the queen bee is also a 4.0 student. Where she wears makeup and styles her hair and gets her work done. Where the pretty girl is also pure of heart, works on the weekends at soup kitchens, shows up with heels on. Where the queen bee lets the new girl have the boy because she doesn’t see the point in trying to compete. Where they end up friends at the end and the boy ends up with nothing.
I want a movie where girls are art without having to be painted over. Where we are beautiful without reason, where we don’t need to prove ourselves as being worth a boy’s affections. I want a movie where we don’t have to be secretly fuckable in order to get a happy ending.”

- We look good in a red ballgown and also while reading a book and also while burning this whole thing down. // r.i.d (via inkskinned)
10 Oct 02:28

captofthesswolfstar: lilta: MARAUDERS (James Potter, Sirius...


Not a huge HP fangirl but this cosplay series is pretty great.



MARAUDERS (James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew)

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good! (с)

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