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23 Jun 19:13

NASA's 70-metric-ton Space Launch System (SLS) is poised to be the rocket that will take us to Mars

by George Dvorsky

NASA's 70-metric-ton Space Launch System (SLS) is poised to be the rocket that will take us to Mars and beyond . An aerodynamics team at the Langley Research Center recently tested a model of the SLS in the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel to measure the tremendous static and dynamic forces that will be exerted on the vehicle during launch.


23 Jun 19:00

Poorly anonymized logs reveal NYC cab drivers’ detailed whereabouts

by Dan Goodin

In the latest gaffe to demonstrate the privacy perils of anonymized data, New York City officials have inadvertently revealed the detailed comings and goings of individual taxi drivers over more than 173 million trips.

City officials released the data in response to a public records request and specifically obscured the drivers' hack license numbers and medallion numbers. Rather than including those numbers in plaintext, the 20 gigabyte file contained one-way cryptographic hashes using the MD5 algorithm. Instead of a record showing medallion number 9Y99 or hack number 5296319, for example, those numbers were converted to 71b9c3f3ee5efb81ca05e9b90c91c88f and 98c2b1aeb8d40ff826c6f1580a600853, respectively. Because they're one-way hashes, they can't be mathematically converted back into their original values. Presumably, officials used the hashes to preserve the privacy of individual drivers since the records provide a detailed view of their locations and work performance over an extended period of time.

It turns out there's a significant flaw in the approach. Because both the medallion and hack numbers are structured in predictable patterns, it was trivial to run all possible iterations through the same MD5 algorithm and then compare the output to the data contained in the 20GB file. Software developer Vijay Pandurangan did just that, and in less than two hours he had completely de-anonymized all 173 million entries.

Read 6 remaining paragraphs | Comments

23 Jun 18:49

Steam Summer Sale Day 5, Buy 2 Wii U Games and Get 2 Free, FTL

by Shane Roberts, Commerce Team on Kotaku, shared by Shane Roberts, Commerce Team to io9

that GIF tho

Steam Summer Sale Day 5, Buy 2 Wii U Games and Get 2 Free, FTL

With the long-awaited release of Mario Kart 8, it's a great time to get a Wii U. Luckily, Target is running a nice promotion to flesh out your library. Just buy two select games, and you'll get a third free. Plus, Nintendo is still running a promotion to get a free game when you buy Mario Kart 8, so if that's one of the games you choose, you'll actually get four for the price of two. [Buy Two Wii U Games, Get One Free]


23 Jun 18:48

A-Rod was kicked out of a building for bringing back too many prostitutes

by James Dator

Have what it takes to be an MLB star?

Alex Rodriguez may never break the MLB home run record, but he could set baseball's prostitute record -- at least according to one New York City apartment building. explains A-Rod's propensity for prostitutes, which was an unbroken streak that emulated some of the game's best records.

A-Rod was known for his love of call girls, "usually two at a time, twice a week." Since he lived there for two years (February of 2009 to February of 2011, give or take), at a rate of four prostitutes per week, that would mean that he brought roughly 416 prostitutes into an apartment that was on the market for $55 million.

Whoa. Rodriguez may end up with a batting average of .300, but he was clearly batting a thousand with New York's sex workers.

23 Jun 18:47

Microsoft offers $650 to MacBook Air owners who swap to Surface Pro 3

by Tom Warren


After offering $200 for an iPhone or iPad, Microsoft is back with another promotion designed to tempt Apple hardware owners over to its own devices. This time it’s the Surface Pro 3, "the tablet that can replace your laptop" according to Microsoft. The software giant is offering up to $650 when MacBook Air owners trade-in their laptops for a Surface Pro 3 between June 20th and July 31st. Microsoft doesn’t mention which models are eligible for the promotion, but the MacBook Air laptops must be in working condition and traded within Microsoft Stores in the US and Canada.

It’s no surprise that Microsoft is targeting the MacBook Air with its latest promotion. Surface chief Panos Panay spent a large amount of time during the Surface Pro 3 press event comparing it to the MacBook Air in terms of weight and thinness. Microsoft truly believes its latest model can replace a laptop, and it’s positioned directly to compete with Apple’s MacBook Air. Microsoft’s latest offer follows a similar offer from earlier this year when the company targeted PS3 owners with $100 to trade-in for an Xbox One. We’ve reached out to Microsoft to comment on the MacBook Air models involved, and we’ll update you accordingly.

23 Jun 18:47


23 Jun 18:39

CreoPop, A 3D Printing Pen That Uses Light-Sensitive Photopolymers Instead of Melting Plastic

by Rollin Bishop

CreoPop is a 3D printing pen that uses light-sensitive photopolymers instead of melting plastic. This means that there’s no heating element or smell of melted plastic associated with the device. Instead, CreoPop uses a UV light to solidify the photopolymers of varied colors. CreoPop is currently raising funds via an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.



images via CreoPop

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

23 Jun 18:39

Wobbly Whiskey Glasses, Lowball Glasses With a Convex Bottom That Allow Them to Lean Without Spilling

by Lori Dorn

Wobbly Whiskey Glasses by Vat19 are lowball glasses with convex bottoms that allow the glass to lean without spilling the contents.

Wobbly Whiskey Glasses feature a convex bottom which keeps them tilted when at rest. The design demands you fidget with them, but no matter whether you’re pouring two fingers, three fingers, or a whole fistful, Wobbly Whiskey Glasses won’t spill.

Wobbling Whiskey Glass Table

Wobbly Whiskey Glasses

Wobbling Whiskey Glasses

23 Jun 18:38

From Backup Dancer To 'The Wire': How A Scar Transformed A Career

Before Michael Kenneth Williams played Chalky White on HBO's "Boardwalk Empire" and the infamous Baltimore stickup man Omar Little on "The Wire," he was a dancer. He appeared in music videos starring artists like Madonna and George Michael. Then, on his 25th birthday, everything changed.
23 Jun 18:37

The Young Neo-Nazis Trying To Put A Stylish Face On Hate

Inside the tote-bag friendly, "Harlem Shake"-happy world of Germany's "nipsters."
23 Jun 18:37

Justice Department Releases Memo Authorizing Targeted Killing Of American Citizen

After Freedom of Information Act lawsuits by the New York Times and the ACLU, the Justice Department has released a memo approving the targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki, an American citizen deemed a terrorist.
23 Jun 18:28

The X-Men Episode Guide 4×09: 'Beyond Good And Evil, Part 2′

by Chris Sims

'What could a few of the lesser-known mutants be doing to help Apocalypse fill his tubes with psychic women? And please note that Gambit is already involved.'

X-Men Episode Guide 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2
The early ’90s were spoiled for choice when it came to comic book adaptations. Not only was Batman: The Animated Series on the air, but X-Men led Marvel’s push to get on the small screen, diving right into the often convoluted continuity of everyone’s favorite mutants, luring in a generation of fans, and paving the way for cartoons to follow. That’s why we’ve set out to review every single episode of the ’90s X-Men animated series.

This week, our time-spanning saga continues as the show forgets how literally everyone’s powers work.

Previously, on X-Men:

In our last episode, “Beyond Good And Evil” began with everyone’s two favorite shotgun-toting time travelers, Bishop and Cable, getting caught up in even more shennanigans than usual. Specifically, Cable accidentally handed Apocalypse his time machine and basically doomed everyone who has ever lived and will ever live in one fell swoop, while Lucas “Bishop” Bishop found himself jolted right off the arrow of time and into an extradimensional Mario Kart level. Also, Jean Grey got kidnapped, because it’s Tuesday.

In our discussion of signs that Apocalypse somehow missed in his five thousand years of attempting to dominate the world and destroy all who oppose him that may indicate that he’s actually evil, the Commenteers came up with a few solid leads:

“Do you somehow feel incomplete if you are not accompanied by people called “War,” “Famine,” “Plague,” and “Death?” You might be evil.” — Patrick Adair

“Now, I’m no expert on moral relativism or theology, but hasn’t Apocalypse made kind of a habit of capturing and torturing Angels? That sort of thing is usually frowned upon.” — Harry Jenkinson

“His baseline tip is 10% and he adjusts up or down based on the service. Only the strong should be tipped well!” — Anthony Capraro

“Apocalypse: (Plops down on throne of skulls in giant menacing pyramid) ‘Why doesn’t anyone want to just, I don’t know, hang out or something?’” — Seth Shaw

I dunno, I’m still not convinced. Let’s see if we can find any more clues to Apocalypse’s undefined morality when we continue his team-up with a dude whose teeth have been filed into points named Mister Sinister.

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

This week, we open in space, and hoo boy, that’s off to a pretty bad start right there in the first second of the show, isn’t it? Better settle in, folks, it’s going to be a long one.

Since this is an X-Men story, it should be pretty obvious that writer Jan Strand and producer/director Larry Houston have taken us to visit with everyone’s favorite imperialist space birds, the Shi’ar, and we have arrived in the middle of a pitched battle for control of the cosmos. Specifically, Lilandra, the good queen of the space birds who is also Professor X’s Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada, is having to deal with yet another insurrection by one of her good-for-nothing relatives, Deathbird, who is… well, her name is Deathbird. It’s a little on the nose, but in a word where Apocalypse can wonder just why it is that people don’t want him in charge, Deathbird probably feels like she has some really good ideas about outer space governance that could really help people if they’d just give her the chance.

It’s worth noting that she’s attacking with “renegade starships” that look an awful lot like the Klingon Birds of Prey, which are blasting their way past a bunch of planetary defense towers that I am almost positive were lifted straight from Star Wars:

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

Or possibly Super Star Wars for the SNES.

Despite the fact that she has an entire space-army, a team of super-powered bodyguards and someone who can actually see the future on her staff to help her deal with exactly this sort of problem, Lilandra proves to be no match for Deathbird, who blasts her way right into the Throne Space-Room with truly ill hair and an army of soldiers dressed as marital aids.

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

Also there is no way that isn’t definitely, 100% a frowny penis on the middle of her space-bra. How did this episode even get close to passing through BS&P?

Anyway, with Deathbird’s revolution having a sudden and total success, we are led to the important questions of this episode: What is the secret of her space-success in space-battle? Who is the mysterious force helping shape the space-destiny of the Shi’ar Empire?

Take. A. Guess.

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

That’s right, folks: Apocalypse is no longer content to restrict himself to messing around with Earth and its attendant one-eyed, metal-armed defenders, and has decided to expand his meddling to the stars. But wait! It turns out that it’s all a clever ruse! Rather than crushing Lilandra into a fine, feathery space-powder as he promised, Apocalypse instead grabs Oracle of the Imperial Guard and then krumps back to headquarters to fill up another one of those mysterious tubes in his basement.

Back on Earth, Cyclops is whining, so obviously this episode is just full of surprises. To be fair, though, his grief over Jean being kidnapped has driven him to be drawn alarmingly off-model.

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

I know I give Cyclops a pretty hard time on this show, and that that’s not always fair since it’s based on a snap judgment that I formed when I was a child and never bothered to change, but dudes. For real. This guy is complaining not about Jean being kidnapped, but literally whining about how he wasn’t kidnapped too. I’m not even kidding. It’s like Mr. Sinister took Jean out for ice cream and Scott wanted Ice Cream too and you said if he got an A on his test he could have some Professor you said.

As for Jean’s whereabouts, we go now live to that goofy looking spheroid that Bishop’s been hanging out around for the past week, which turns out to be, per Apocalypse, “the Axis of Time — where all times cross!” It seems that Apocalypse’s first attempt at time travel didn’t quite work out the way that he thought it would…

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

…and ended up bringing him here, where he wandered around for centuries unlocking the secrets of his new Escher-esque headquarters and, presumably, repairing the roof. It’s actually a pretty interesting reveal, since it means that in part 2 of the story, Apocalypse is hundreds of years older than he was in the first part, but still laser focused on the same goal. And that goal, I would remind you, has basically just been putting women in tubes.

Dude has some weird ideas about things.

At the mansion, Cyclops notes that between Jean, Oracle their his failed attempt to kidnap Professor X, Sinister and Apocalypse have been focusing on targeting mutants with psychic powers. To that end, Cyclops — who is still technically a superhero — suggests just using other psychic mutants as bait to catch them in the act. When Storm raises some objections about the morality of this plan, which is Dubious At Best, Cyclops’s response is essentially, “yeah, well, f**k ‘em,” and I’m not gonna lie. That made me like him a lot more.

So! Time travel! Apocalypse! Mr. Sinister! The Shi’ar! Is there anything else we could add to this that would make it even more complicated?

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2


Psylocke attempts to use her ninja skills to rob Archangel’s ancestral castle in England (which he has now), but he catches her in the act and kicks off a fight scene where here can’t help but talk about her smokin’ hot bod while she’s trying to kill him. Romance! The thing is, Cerebro has predicted this rash of Ninja Crime, leading the X-Men to send Wolverine and Shard in an attempt to stop Pac and Sinister from kidnapping Psylocke by staking out… England? I guess?

Needless to say, it pays off. Psylocke reveals that Archangel was targeted for robbery because she disapproves of how he uses his money to deny his mutant heritage, in order to raise money for her brother so that he can better the lives of all mutants. They start to scrap again, but — Good Lord — Mystique and Sabretooth show up to try kidnapping Psylocke. Fortunately (I guess?) they are foiled when Wolverine elects to launch himself neck-first through a stone wall.

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

We are now onto a six-way fight scene between Wolverine, Sabretooth, Mystique, Shard, Psylocke and Archangel that involves characters literally throwing chests of pirate treasure at each other, and I’ll be honest, for a minute or two, this part is actually exactly as good as it sounds. But then the show starts to get a little confused, with Psylocke manifesting her psychic knife (you know, the focused totality of her psychic power?) and then shooting it out of her hands to zap Sabretooth with electricity.

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

That’s… that’s not really what knives do, is it? Have I been using them wrong all this time?

So then Magneto shows up.


I do not even know anymore.

Big Mags wraps up Psylocke in some convenient metal and then disappears into the same kind of glowing portal that Apocalypse has been using, handily defeating Wolverine by chaining him up to a cruise ship and then dropping it before he vanishes. Then, Storm and Gambit arrive by straight up teleporting inside a tornado like they found the warp whistle, and while I’m wiling to give you psychic knives, that is definitely not how Storm’s powers work at all.

Back at the Axis of Time, Magneto and Mystique have a conversation about what they’re doing without actually explaining what that is or why, leading me to believe that everyone in this show has the secondary mutation that allows them to use the vaguest possible pronouns. And speaking of vague, a few more of those tubes have been filled by psychic mutants that are a little too blurry to be easily identified — at least by me.

From there, we cut back to the year 3999, where Cable and Cable Jr. are doing some lazer-knife rock climbing becuse APPARENTLY THERE WASN’T ENOUGH CONFUSING NONSENSE HAPPENING ALREADY.

X-Men 4x09: Beyond Good And Evil Part 2

They are, of course, trying to kill Apocalypse before/after/during his plot to kidnap all the psychics, which may or may not have already succeeded/failed in the future that happened last week. So they need to steal a time machine.

Friggin’ X-Men.

Discussion Question: Wolverine mentions that it feels like every mutant on Earth is involved in this plot somehow, and while that’s certainly an accurate description of the feeling in this episode, I’m not sure it’s really accurate. What could a few of the lesser-known mutants be doing to help Apocalypse fill his tubes with psychic women? And please note that Gambit is already involved.

Next Week: Cable & Son steal a time machine. Which actually sounds kind of rad?

23 Jun 18:24

thefingerfuckingfemalefury: logicalabsurdity: vsiorc: Skeleton...




Skeleton thought to be Etruscan warrior prince is actually a warrior princess

Prehistoric cave prints show most early artists were women

so what feminists have been saying for years and years is true. women have always been involved in hunting, have been warriors and have made art. women have been inventors and made great discoveries… and women experts are finally breaking through the sexism to get the facts heard.

"But bone analysis revealed the prince holding the lance was actually a 35- to 40-year-old woman, whereas the second skeleton belonged to a man.

Given that, what do archaeologists make of the spear?

"The spear, most likely, was placed as a symbol of union between the two deceased," Mandolesi told Viterbo News 24 on Sept. 26.

Weingarten doesn’t believe the symbol of unity explanation. Instead, she thinks the spear shows the woman’s high status.

Their explanation is “highly unlikely,” Weingarten told LiveScience. “She was buried with it next to her, not him.”

Gendered assumptions

The mix-up highlights just how easily both modern and old biases can color the interpretation of ancient graves.

In this instance, the lifestyles of the ancient Greeks and Romans may have skewed the view of the tomb. Whereas Greek women were cloistered away, Etruscan women, according to Greek historian Theopompus, were more carefree, working out, lounging nude, drinking freely, consorting with many men and raising children who did not know their fathers’ identities.

Instead of using objects found in a grave to interpret the sites, archaeologists should first rely on bone analysis or other sophisticated techniques before rushing to conclusions, Weingarten said.

"Until very recently, and sadly still in some countries, sex determination is based on grave goods. And that, in turn, is based almost entirely on our preconceptions. A clear illustration is jewelry: We associate jewelry with women, but that is nonsense in much of the ancient world," Weingarten said. "Guys liked bling, too.""

had prints are cave-art signatures…

"This is a surprise, since most archaeologists have assumed it was men who had been making the cave art. One interpretation is that early humans painted animals to influence the presence and fate of real animals that they’d find on their hunt, and it’s widely accepted that it was the men who found and killed dinner.

But a new study indicates that the majority of handprints found near cave art were made by women, based on their overall size and relative lengths of their fingers.

"The assumption that most people made was it had something to do with hunting magic," Penn State archaeologist Dean Snow, who has been scrutinizing hand prints for a decade, told NBC News. The new work challenges the theory that it was mostly men, who hunted, that made those first creative marks. 

Another reason we thought it was men all along? Male archeologists from modern society where gender roles are rigid and well-defined — they found the art. “[M]ale archaeologists were doing the work,” Snow said, and it’s possible that “had something to do with it.”  “


I can’t stop giggling over how DESPERATE male archelogists are to try and make up some bullshit to explain away the idea of women being warriors and hunters in the past

23 Jun 18:23

A Cat's Courage


via Christopher Lantz

A Cat's Courage

Submitted by: (via funny-memes)

23 Jun 18:13


by tompepinsky

via Overbey

Here is today’s ultimate example of fusion cuisine. From Cali Deli in Menteng: Java Bread.
The backstory: the owner of Cali Deli, Ching Ching Sumampaouw, is an ethnic Chinese Indonesian who went to California and discovered banh mi, the French-Vietnamese fusion sandwich. She brought it back to Jakarta and made a version that fits Indonesian tastes, including Dutch cheese and chocolate (from the Dutch) and bananas.

So altogether, your basic Chinese-Indonesian-Dutch-French-Vietnamese-American sandwich. No, I didn’t try it.

23 Jun 17:43

Bartkira Vol. 1 is online: Neo-Springfield is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.!

by René


Endlich! Nach einem Jahr haben sie den ersten Band des growdgesourcten Simpsons/Akira-Mashup-Comics online gestellt (leider nur in MedRes). Die Qualität der Illus schwankt zwar, aber bei einem kolaborativen Projekt diesen Ausmaßes (468 Zeichner für 2000 Seiten) lässt sich das natürlich nicht vermeiden, und alleine schon für die Existenz dieses Teils muss man Ryan Humphrey und Harvey James, die Bartkira damals angeleiert hatten, dankbar sein. Ganz, ganz großartig!

Ich hab’ mich grade durch die 350 Seiten geklickt, hier ein paar meiner Favs:

18887_orig 474854_orig 2263586_orig 4055805_orig 4352215_orig 6379232_orig 6545514_orig 6907056_orig 7040312_orig 7079666_orig 7274242_orig 7293872_orig 7358339_orig 7496025_orig 7849982_orig 8087555_orig

Bartkira Volume 1

Vorher auf Nerdcore:
Bartkira: Neo-Springfield is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.!
Bartkira Artbook
Bartkira Update
Draw Homer, the Simpsons Drawing Club and the Bartkira Covers

23 Jun 17:35

Microsoft's Cloud Storage Service OneDrive Now Offers 15GB For Free

by samzenpus

all of these manage to suck in different and unique ways

DroidJason1 writes Microsoft revealed today that they will be offering 15GB of free OneDrive storage, up from 7GB. Office 365 users will now get 1TB of storage, up from 20GB. This announcement comes after Amazon revealed unlimited photo storage for those who buy the new Fire phone. Dropbox, a competitor to OneDrive, currently has 2GB for free but offers more space if you refer people to the service. Google Drive offers 15GB of free storage, while Amazon Cloud Drive offers 5GB.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

23 Jun 17:33

The United Nations Condemned Superman In The 1950s, And Believe It Or Not, They Made Some Valid Points

by Matt D. Wilson

When people think of the backlash against comics in the 1950s, one name often springs to mind: Fredric Wertham, the author of the 1954 book Seduction of the Innocent, which linked comic book reading to illiteracy, sexual deviancy (by his definition), violence and drug use.

While Wertham’s book was certainly a catalyst for a lot of changes and censorship in comics, it wasn’t the first domino that fell toward the development of the stringent Comics Code Authority. Criticism of comics had been growing to a fever pitch for years before that, and io9 has uncovered one example that came a full two years before the publication of Seduction of the Innocent: a full-on United Nations condemnation of Superman. And guess what: It isn’t entirely wrong.

Here’s an excerpt from the text of a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization report on comic books, authored by Philippe Bauchard, a French press and radio specialist and professor:

The superman takes a great many forms. At one extreme we find Superman, the superman of the American “comics,” a demi-god with unlimited powers. Superman flies through the air by spreading his arms, holds up collapsing bridges, and kills with a look or with cosmic rays emanating from his fingers-tips, etc.

The strong attraction of the superman myth is probably the most marked feature of the modern children’s press. In all probability, this subject of the undefeated, superhuman, eternal, etc. hero satisfies a deep-seated popular instinct. Supermen are to be found in all traditional folktales, from the medieval verse-chronicles to Oriental legends. Moreover, the superman has always had a particular appeal for those whose own lives lack the unexpected, the violent or the exciting. There is some truth in the argument that the “superman” formula acts as a safety valve, although its value for that purpose, both on the screen and in the press, has on occasion been deliberately exaggerated.

Bauchard then lays out specific criticisms of superheroes including: they look like “sportsmen or mechanics” rather than “men of the world,” have “narrow cranial capacity,” don’t speak well, are into bondage, are fascists, and are permanently “adolescent.”

In its piece about the report, io9 concludes that Bauchard was fully on the side of ignorance with his arguments, and while his ends were certainly dubious — it seemed as though he, like Wertham, wanted comics to be banned entirely — the arguments themselves look a whole lot like many of the criticisms of comics today, including those made by comics fans.

The notion that comic books are stuck in a sort of permanent adolescence and are geared toward male power fantasies are points that that critics who wish to better comics, rather than outright kill them, often make now. And plenty of people have leveled criticisms at superhero movies, particularly Marvel’s, for being far too militaristic.

Sure, Bauchard got a good many of his facts wrong (Superman didn’t routinely kill people in the comics of the early 1950s, to my knowledge), and the notion that superheroes are stupid characters is pretty misguided (comics were written for children, after all) but his overall point isn’t as invalid as it might look through the lens of history. He wasn’t arguing that comics would make you gay and a psychopath; he was saying that they can be sexist, overly macho and send bad messages.

Those things are still true. But that’s not a reason to end comics as we know them. It’s a reason to make them better.

23 Jun 17:32

It’s Not Illegal to Play Pinball in Oakland… Anymore - All the people in jail for pinball offenses are going to be pissed.

by Dan Van Winkle


Hey, youth of the 1970s! Your favorite, oft-demonized recreational activity that doesn’t actually hurt anyone is finally going to lose its ridiculous illegal status so that you can go about your business in peace: Oakland is lifting its ban on pinball! …You knew I meant pinball, right?

In a long standing tradition of hating new things and making dumb laws about them, many cities all the way back in the 1930s outlawed pinball. Why? It’s a game of chance that takes no actual skill! While high score holders and The Who enthusiasts around the world may disagree, back when the laws came about, the machines actually lacked flippers and were used for gambling instead of proving your superiority to your middle school class. (Or getting you beat up, depending on your local social structure.)

Then, the law remained on the books, either because cleaning up old, outdated laws is hard or parents didn’t want their kids wasting all their time on that newfangled contraption. Either way, anti-pinball laws in other cities like Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles were lifted in the `70s due to demonstrations that showed it was actually a game of skill. I wonder what the sudden fascination was with a game of flashing lights and sounds in the `70s?

Recently, lawmakers in Oakland, CA came across their own pinball ban while reforming the city’s gambling laws and decided it had finally run out of credits, because they pretty much hadn’t even realized it existed in the first place. Now that pinball is officially legal, will we all be able to handle our new gaming freedom with responsibility, or will society degenerate into a lawless, neon gambling wasteland? The choice is yours, people of Oakland.

(via UPROXX, image via Donald Bell)

Previously in pinball

Are you following The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, & Google +?

23 Jun 17:30

Meanwhile at the World Cup

by Brad

via Christopher Lantz

23 Jun 17:24

Hub Comics in Somerville MA is doing a Sailor Moon art show...



Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

Hub Comics in Somerville MA is doing a Sailor Moon art show aaaah

23 Jun 17:23

"I was the first of the Potter actors to learn to drive. I passed my test at the second time of..."


baller masterclass

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

“I was the first of the Potter actors to learn to drive. I passed my test at the second time of trying. On the set, there’d always be a lot of talk about cars among the cast, although Daniel Radcliffe never joined in. He’s never been into cars at all. My first ambition was to become an ice-cream man, which is why I bought the Bedford van. Not long after I first got it, I pulled into a pub to do a U-turn and there were eight kids with their pocket money out, hoping to buy a 99 or whatever. But I had nothing to give them. I’ve learnt my lesson since then. I keep my van well stocked. It’s got a proper machine that dispenses Mr Whippy ice cream and I buy my lollies wholesale – 50 for a tenner – so I never run short. I’m not allowed to sell my merchandise. I’d need a licence for that. I tend to avoid July and August, but the rest of the year I’ll drive around the local villages and if I see some kids looking like they’re in need of ice creams, I’ll pull over and dish them out for free. They’ll say, “Ain’t you Ron Weasley?” And I’ll say, “It’s strange, I get asked that a lot.” The van often comes in useful. I drove it up to the set on the last day of filming on Harry Potter. The cast and crew were having a barbecue and I supplied the lollies and ice creams.’”


Rupert Grint. 

This man is better than you.  (via theuncultured)

This is awesome

(via diniknits)

oh my sweet ginger prince

(via casterley)

Attn champagnecarnies
23 Jun 17:08

dannyhynes: Bartkira pages.  I had so much fun doing this.  I...


the lead character designer of Steven Universe


Bartkira pages.  I had so much fun doing this.  I feel like I was probably a little too faithful in a lot of ways…but I learned a huge amount. Now to make more comics!

23 Jun 17:04

blackfangirlsunite: thegoddamazon: geekeryandhockey: nextstope...


come for the Storm cosplay, stay for the idiots

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.









Holy CRAP. She looks more like that character than the CHARACTER DOES!

no but

this is a cosplay mash up of Ororo Munroe and Diana of Themyscira

so she can’t ‘look more like that character’ because the character doesn’t exist

I think Gail is saying that the cosplayer physically looks more like Ororo. She was not mistaking this cosplay as an actual character. Gail Simone wrote for Wonder Woman. I think sheis aware it’s a mash up cosplay. 

Ummm, yeah… you’re both kinds not correct. Yes, it’s a mash-up, but also yes, this character DOES exist.



This happened. And it was awesome.

Fake nerd boys

Mansplaining Wonder Woman to Gail Simone…

23 Jun 16:56

I think Tumblr should see this TV commercial from Hong Kong...

I think Tumblr should see this TV commercial from Hong Kong (x

23 Jun 16:55

bankuei: Alien vs. Predator. this is way funnier than it...


via Toaster Strudel


Alien vs. Predator.

this is way funnier than it should be

23 Jun 16:39

"According to a study from the University of Washington, the rift between healthy grub and junk food..."


via Toaster Strudel

“According to a study from the University of Washington, the rift between healthy grub and junk food is wider than it’s ever been. Researchers were able to buy 2,000 calories of junk food for $3.52 — that’s an entire day’s caloric intake — where nutritious foods cost them a whopping $36 for the same 2,000 calories.”


10 Things You Didn’t Know About Food In The USA (via trashysnacks)

This is pretty much only shocking to people who actually have money lol. Any broke person could tell you this. I don’t eat McDonald’s breakfast burritos or their McDoubles because they’re so damn nutritious, I eat them because they’re one fucking dollar (and 300 calories each, yay).

(via basednisatheblackradical)

23 Jun 16:30

Instagram Photo by dj_empirical

by djempirical



Looks like Root will sit on top of club soda.

Original Source

23 Jun 16:25

maghrabiyya: ok after i reblogged that last post i had to go...


via willowbl00


ok after i reblogged that last post i had to go download some of Jolipunk's photography to post on my blog

i love the ‘Fucking Tourists!’ series with. a. passion.

23 Jun 16:25

Catapult (Ipswich)


via GN

The thing is very tall 7' or more and you will need a truck/trailer or tools to disassemble. If you can not pick up today do not bother responding. The weights required to make it work are not included. Include phone contact or your response will [...]