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26 Jun 23:07

Shovel Knight review: rewrite history

by Griffin McElroy
Game Info
Platform Win, Wii U, 3DS, Mac, Linux
Publisher Yacht Club Games
Developer Yacht Club Games
Release Date 2014-06-26

Shovel Knight is inspired by the past in all the right ways — but it's far from stuck in it.

Countless games have attempted to exploit our nostalgia for the 8 and 16-bit golden age, but none have cherry-picked the era's best attributes as judiciously as Shovel Knight. It's the stuff our childhood dreams were made of, assuming you dreamt of combining your favorite platformers from the '80s and early '90s into a single, streamlined package.

The magic of Shovel Knight is how it accomplishes that recombination without becoming derivative. The all-too-common praise for these sorts of modern-retro projects is lauding them as "the best NES game never made." Shovel Knight is, by leaps and bounds, the most authentic retro game ever made, and might actually be deserving of that designation.

Though tons of NES games make up Shovel Knight's DNA, the most obvious mechanical comparison is Capcom's 1990 platformer DuckTales. Shovel Knight's unique, titular weapon behaves like Scrooge McDuck's cane, allowing him to flip enemies, bounce over obstacles or unearth hidden treasures. Bouncing is really the main order of the day — it allows you to dispatch enemies without putting yourself in harm's way, and lets you cross gaps by chaining together head-stomps.


Simple as it may be, it's amazing how well that one mechanic has held up. Figuring out how to combo-bounce through an entire screen of flying enemies, killer spikes and projectiles is endlessly rewarding, which is fortunate, because you'll do it a lot throughout Shovel Knight's campaign.

Shovel Knight revives a lot of great ideas from the 8-bit era, but its biggest strength might just be what it leaves out. The (occasionally charming) obtuseness present in the games it draws from has been excised entirely — there's no repetition in its exploration, no confusion in how its systems operate. More notably, there's very, very little referential humor or retro-parody in Shovel Knight's writing, making it feel less like a cheeky dissertation, and more like a franchise that actually could have existed (and wildly succeeded) on the NES.


Those lovingly reimagined mechanics are bolstered by a handful of more modern designs that help Shovel Knight establish itself as more than just a retro knock-off. It has a novel, almost Dark Souls-ian take on death, forcing you to drop a large portion of your collected gold when you die, but giving you a single chance to get back to the scene of your death and reclaim your loot. It's a system that reinforces constant, challenging risk-reward evaluations — can you even get back to that point without dying again, starting that cycle anew?

The game's biggest achievement is how it has — no exaggeration — perfected the idea of checkpoints. If you ever find the distribution of checkpoints is making your playthrough too casual, you can, at any point, smash a checkpoint, granting you the huge pile of gold within. It's a huge gamble, as destroying a checkpoint renders it inert, ostensibly sending you way closer to the level's start point (and even farther from your dropped loot) upon death. Considering each level takes about a half hour to complete, that distance can become enormous.

And do not get it twisted: You're going to die in Shovel Knight, and often. Its earlier levels throw a few curveballs at you while introducing the game's mechanics, while the last few levels are just curveballs top-to-bottom. Spikes and bottomless pits are one-hit-kills, and there are a lot of enemies (and bosses!) in those stages that are very, very good at pushing you into them. It's not quite as unfair as, for example, a Castlevania Clock Tower, but at points it does come awfully close.

The game's sole weak link is its economy, which somewhat undermines the cleverness of its death mechanics. There's a bunch of upgrades, equipment and items to purchase from the vendors in Shovel Knight's world, but you'll earn enough cash to buy all of them well before the game's ending. I cleaned out every store shelf when I was about three-quarters of the way through the game, making the remainder just a little less compelling.

It's not just the mechanics of old-school games that Shovel Knight nails, though; it also has that undefinable, metaphysical look and feel of an NES classic. The game's setting is memorable and quirky, with inexplicable animal-human hybrid inhabitants like the Goatician, a goat-man Magician who sells health upgrades, or the Troupple King, a gigantic, apple-shaped fish who, after a ceremonial dance, spits out various flavors of helpful potions. It's a bizarre, lovable world that can stand toe-to-toe with any Hyrule or Mushroom Kingdom.

Wrap Up:

Shovel Knight is the kind of game people write love letters about

There is a reason we can all remember so much from games that are almost 30-years-old, and Shovel Knight has tapped into that reason in a profound way. We don't love the brands of our youth, we love the characters, the settings, the way actually playing those games made us feel. Shovel Knight doesn't settle for acknowledging those aspects; it includes them around every single corner. Shovel Knight is so much more than a love letter to the genre — it is, in fact, the kind of game people write love letters about.

Shovel Knight was reviewed using code provided by Yachtclub Games. You can find additional information about Polygon's ethics policy here.

About Polygon's Reviews
26 Jun 23:07

Meet the Kickstarter whales, the people who spend $10,000, $100,000 to launch dreams

by Colin Campbell

There's a part of every Kickstarter page where giant, leaping whales cavort among their merry waves of moolah.

This is the place where the $10,000 backer level lives, for those with the wealth and the commitment to drop that sort of cash. If you're an average American, $10,000 is about three months worth of post-tax household income, but if you're a Kickstarter whale, it's a top-level treat tied to the project or producer you really care about.

By the time most of us have scrolled through the $50 product-and-poster levels, the $500 limited edition statuettes, the $2,000 in-game avatar, we're wondering what else could possibly tickle the wallets of wealthy fanboys and fangirls. The answer is often a Big Day Out with the producers; an exclusive party or a dinner. For rich backers, the real treats are not so much tchotchkes, as memorable experiences.

So who are the Kickstarter whales, and why do they do it?


Many top-level Kickstarter backers are wary of publicizing their purchases, while the companies banking their passion-lolly are equally shy about such high-level dealings. At the point when you throw $10,000 at someone, they usually reciprocate with lashings of personal respect and privacy.

But a few folks we spoke to were happy to talk about their largesse.

Kevin Clark, 31, from Fairfax, VA has spent over $100,000 on various Kickstarter projects, including games. Backing Kickstarters, he said, is just his hobby. He said that his parents had left him with a comfortable income, which he enjoys using to help bring new projects to life.

He backed Republique (above), an iOS adventure from Camouflaj. His prize was a visit to the team's HQ, to talk about the game, and see its development in action.

"The people attract me," he said. "I like the game idea but what pushes me to the higher level is if I am really interested in the people making the game. One of the great things about the higher level backer options, is that they open up an opportunity to see these guys at work and to meet them. It was really good fun to see Republique."


Among the whales we spoke to, this is the most common reason given; the sponsor admires the creator and would like to meet-and-greet, while helping bring something new and fascinating into the world. "When I first got into this, it was projects and people that I really admired, " said Steven Dengler, who has backed multiple Kickstarters at a high level. Dengler is an entrepreneur, best known for founding currency conversion site

"You're helping people out that you like or projects you admire, or some combination of the two, and it's exciting," he added. "I've been fortunate enough to do rather well, and I want to support some of the things I really enjoy."

Dengler sometimes backs creative endeavors as a full investor, but has also helped Kickstart games like Wasteland 2 (above), Double Fine Adventure and Project Eternity. As a top-level backer for the Veronica Mars movie, he landed a speaking role.

He said that, after a lifetime of collecting "geek artifacts" he has lost interest in adding to his haul of possessions. The thrill is in getting close to works he admires, and, ever so briefly, laying hands on the projects he cares about. He has visited various studios, seen himself inserted into games, and picked up production credits. But he said this tourism is starting to wear thin, and he's mostly just happy to see good things get made.

"I think the primary satisfaction I derive is just being a part of the project," he said. "The satisfaction of knowing you played a role in bringing something to life that people really want to see. I can say I helped in a substantial way and something got made. It's not purely done for the rewards. A large part of it, for me, is just the knowledge that something got made that wouldn't have got made otherwise."

Jen Lee qualifies as a Kickstarter whale, having backed Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure at the $10,000 level. For that she received a visit to the studio, to participate in the game's development.

Lee said she works a regular job, and saw the contribution as an opportunity to take a dream vacation. She has been a fan of Tex Murphy games since the 1990s, and is well known on forums dedicated to that series of FMV comedy adventures.

"I have a normal job, I'm not really rich," she said. "But Tex Murphy is something that is important to me. I have made a lot of friends through the games, and become part of the community online, even during the time when there were no Tex Murphy games.

"I was happy to hear about the Kickstarter and wanted to support it fully, and also to be as much a part of the project as I could be. The visit to their offices was an ideal way to do that and I enjoyed my time with the team and on the set. It was worth it."


For some, backing a Kickstarter at the top level is a kind of thank-you. George Pantazis from Melbourne, Australia is a successful software developer. He said that his experiences playing one particular space-trading game back in the 1980s inspired him to pursue a career in code. Now, three decades on, he was able to back Elite: Dangerous at the top level.

"In a way, I wanted to repay my debt, for the sheer enjoyment Elite gave me for many years as a teenager. I would have to say the main reason I am in IT today was because of the impact Elite had on me at the time. So it's a big thank-you."

Pantazis will get to meet Elite creator David Braben in Cambridge, England, when the game is complete. He is also having a star system in the game named after him. "I wanted to meet David who at a very young age was able to program magic. But I'm just glad that Elite: Dangerous is now a reality after many years of rumors. Like-minded people who have also been affected by what I believe was a paradigm shift in games demonstrated that we wanted this game to happen and Kickstarter provided the platform for our collective voices."

The whales serve a useful purpose for crowd-funders; dropping significant revenues for relatively little return. But they serve another function, as a focal point for the genuine gratitude many creators feel for the thousands of people who back them, even at low levels, like $5.

Dengler said that, when visiting studios, he is often overwhelmed by the many people who come to thank him. "At first I was confused because I was thinking, 'You raised millions of dollars. I put in, whatever, $10,000. That's a tiny percent of the project.'

"What I realized over time is they were using me as a stand in, as a proxy to thank their fans. It's pretty wonderful because you realize you're part of a group of people that have put up their own money. For them, that $10 had more value than the $10,000 I put in. You're all a community, you've all come together, you're making something happen, and that's satisfaction. But then there's the additional element of the creators coming back with genuine, sincere thanks and saying, 'thank you'."

26 Jun 22:08


26 Jun 22:07

inacom: The “Codex Rotundus” owes its name to its round shape....


The “Codex Rotundus” owes its name to its round shape. It is a small book of hours (9 cm diameter) made in Bruges in 1480. Thumbnails are most likely from the workshop of Dutchman Willem Date illuminator (active from 1450 to 1482). (Hildesheim Cathedral Library, Germany)

26 Jun 17:26

Dad Magazine: June Edition

by Jaya Saxena and Matt Lubchansky
popular shared this story from The ToastThe Toast.

Previous installments of Dad Magazine can be found here.
Photo credit: Claire Zulkey

Read more Dad Magazine: June Edition at The Toast.

26 Jun 17:25

#3DPrinted nylon bodice #3dthursday

by Pedro Ruiz

Kinematics Bodice from Nervous System on Vimeo.

The bodice is composed of 1,320 unique hinged pieces and was 3D-printed as a single part. In order to fit the bodice into the printer and minimize the space it took up in the machine, the design was printed in a flattened form that was designed with Nervous System’s “Kinematics” folding software. The bodice was wearable straight out of the printer; no pieces were manually assembled and no fasteners were added. The back features integrated 3D-printed snaps for fastening the garment.


Read more on:

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

The Adafruit Learning System has dozens of great tools to get you well on your way to creating incredible works of engineering, interactive art, and design with your 3D printer! If you’ve made a cool project that combines 3D printing and electronics, be sure to let us know, and we’ll feature it here!

26 Jun 17:25

3D Printed Humanoid Skeleton, made with a 3D Pen

by Noe Ruiz


The 3Doodler is probably one of the more successful gadgets to emerge from Kickstarter in the last 18 months. The hand held 3D printing pen, which to those who have no artistic ability, may be viewed more as a glorified hot glue gun, happens to be an awesome artistic tool, for those who learn how to use it. Last week we did a story on the man who used his 3Doodler to print out an actual remote control airplane. It was incredibly well done, and almost unbelieveable.

read more

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

The Adafruit Learning System has dozens of great tools to get you well on your way to creating incredible works of engineering, interactive art, and design with your 3D printer! If you’ve made a cool project that combines 3D printing and electronics, be sure to let us know, and we’ll feature it here!

26 Jun 17:25

Drawn – French startup 3D prints your furniture using a 3D Printing robotic arm #3DxFurntiture #3DThursday #3DPrinting

by Matt

Drawn – French startup 3D prints your furniture using large-scale 3D printer. From

An amazing assortment of 3D printed home furnishings (chairs, lamps, tables) were showed off last weekend at Maker Faire Paris. The company behind it, French startup Drawn, has launched its own line of 3D printed furniture showing off its excellence technical know-how, aiming to inspire everyone to design and make their own furniture.

Sylvain Charpiot, and Samuel Javelle, founders of Drawn, met in 2012 during a campus FabLab creation project in Lyon, France. They both have a dream of producing locally-made, custom-built furniture. In January 2014, after Sylvain had sourced all the required technical data and equipment, the team printed out the first prototype in March – only 2 months later.

Their robotic arm 3D printer, called Galatea, was the result of 2 years of research. With the help of funding, they have built the Galatea, named after an ivory sculpture made by Pygmalion, a mythological Greek sculptor….

Read more.

Pasted Image 6 25 14 11 14 PM

Pasted Image 6 25 14 11 16 PM

Pasted Image 6 25 14 11 17 PM

Pasted Image 6 25 14 11 17 PM

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

The Adafruit Learning System has dozens of great tools to get you well on your way to creating incredible works of engineering, interactive art, and design with your 3D printer! We also offer the LulzBot TAZ – Open source 3D Printer and the Printrbot Simple Metal 3D Printer in our store. If you’ve made a cool project that combines 3D printing and electronics, be sure to let us know, and we’ll feature it here!

26 Jun 15:02

cellarghosts: *walks into starbucks with acoustic guitar* ohhhh there once was a hero named Ragnar...


*walks into starbucks with acoustic guitar* ohhhh there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red

26 Jun 15:02


26 Jun 12:24

fykamalakhan: MS. MARVEL #8 (SEPTEMBER 2014)G. WILLOW WILSON...


McKelvie on the cover, Alphona inside, magic doggie story


• Kamala crosses paths with Inhumanity for the first time -- by meeting the royal pup, Lockjaw!
• Every girl wants a puppy, but this one may be too much of a handful, even for a super hero with embiggening powers.
• He may be the Queen’s pooch, but this dog’s one royal pain in the neck.
• And the return of Adrian Alphona!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
26 Jun 03:54

Why Chicago’s 'MasterChef' Star Killed Himself


tw: suicide, depression

Josh Marks was a rising culinary talent. But then, suddenly, horribly, his life spiraled out of control.
26 Jun 03:53

Newswire: R.I.P. stuntman Terry Richards, the swordsman from Raiders Of The Lost Ark

by Sam Barsanti

As reported by the BBC, British stuntman Terry Richards died on June 14 at his home in London. He had reportedly fallen ill recently, and Terry Richards Jr., his son, explained that he suddenly took an unexpected turn for the worse. “He’d been dragged behind cars, fallen off buildings, shot, punched,” his son told the BBC. “He always used to get up, but this time sadly he wasn’t getting up.”

Though his career stretches all the way back to the ‘60s, with him doing stunt work in iconic films like The Empire Strikes Back and about seven James Bond movies, Richards’ most famous role is probably that of the Egyptian swordsman that Indiana Jones faces in Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Easily one of the most famous scenes in action movie history, it sees Harrison Ford’s rugged archaeologist running through the streets of an Egyptian city before ...

26 Jun 03:52


26 Jun 03:50


26 Jun 03:26

typeworship: Nice outline and fill diagram youbringfire: I...


Nice outline and fill diagram


I just got the BEST book in the world. This fantastic manual isn’t even printed any more. If you’ve seen the @sign_painters documentary, this is from the manual from Butera School of Art. So ready to practice!

26 Jun 02:40

amydentata: jaythenerdkid: alternative-pokemon-art: I’M SORRY...


first-ballot autoreshare hall-of-famer





this never stops being fantastic

This kills me every time

26 Jun 02:29

Buddy Cianci, twice a convict, wants to be Providence mayor again - Los Angeles Times


oh _lawd_

'Nathaniel Banks thinks Buddy Cianci will win. He said, "I think it's great. He's done a lot for this city and I think if he were to get in office. He could definitely do some improvements we've been missing out on."

Riverside resident, Reed Lahey said, "It's kind of comical, I don't have a whole lot to say there. He really, really, messed up. I guess he's still a Rhode Island icon, but like is he still culturally relevant? I don't know how he's going to get the younger population to vote for him."

Matt Kachanis lives in Cranston. He said, "I do believe as Providence goes, the state goes, I'm excited to see him run. I think hell win."

"He could probably pull it off. I'm supporting the republican candidate but, good luck to him I guess," said William Ricci.

Jason Darosa added, "I think he has his followers so he may be a very strong candidate."

By running as an Independent candidate, Cianci will go on the November general election ballot.'

Cianci 'was forced to resign from office twice due to felony convictions. His first administration ended in 1984 when he pleaded guilty to assault. His second stint as Mayor ended when he was forced to resign following his conviction for racketeering conspiracy (running a corrupt criminal enterprise), and he served four years in federal prison.'


Buddy Cianci, twice a convict, wants to be Providence mayor again
Los Angeles Times
Former Providence Mayor Buddy Cianci speaks with reporters at the WPRO-AM in East Providence, R.I. moments after announcing on the air that he will run again for mayor of Providence. Cianci was the longest-serving mayor of the city, elected to six terms ...
Reaction to Buddy Cianci running for mayorWLNE-TV (ABC6)
Cianci making post-prison bid for Providence mayorKSRO

all 127 news articles »
26 Jun 01:30

Sailor Moon Newbie Recap: Episodes 3 and 4 - Featuring: Evil radio programs and evil gyms.

by Susana Polo

'Tuxedo Mask doesn’t even show himself or say anything until after Jadite’s gone, and then it’s only to, well, Team-Rocket-blast off into the night, having successfully defended his spot as #1 most mysterious motherfucker in Juban.'

'The sub says she calls him “Motoki” in the dream, but she’s clearly saying “oniisan” and I understand the cultural significance of that, but I also watch a lot of Revolutionary Girl Utena, so I still think it’s creepy.'


This week, we get our first episode in which Tuxedo Mask doesn’t swoop in to save the day by doing nothing. Unfortunately, it’s hilariously terrible. But before we get to that:

The Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love

6 WOAH somebody get a scale sheet for Luna

This kitten!Luna brought to you by insufficiently studied scale sheets.

Hello, listeners. You’re living in a friendly urban community where the sun is hot, the moon grants young girls mystical powers, and mysterious masked gentlemen pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. Welcome. To Midnight Zero.

A new entertainment craze is sweeping the Juban district. Young women everywhere are listening to a late night radio program called Midnight Zero, where heartsick women send their love letters to be read out loud because grand gestures are just so much more effective and romantic than, you know, direct communication. Coincidentally, there’s also a mysterious sleeping sickness that appears to only affect young women.

Let’s pause a moment for Usagi’s parents to show off some classic gender roles.

7 Usagi's Parents and Normative Gender Roles

And also to tell me to believe in myself when I’m fighting evil monsters.

The writers of the best love letters get sent pretty flower broaches to show off with, and guess who shows up late to school with one? Ms. Haruna, naturally, who also immediately succumbs to a sleep from which she cannot be woken. That’s a strange coincidence that Luna probably would have picked up on, except she’s currently wandering the streets of Tokyo griping about how Usagi doesn’t respect her and bumping into Motoki. Fortunately, he does not hear a cat talking to herself out loud, and offers her a saucer of milk.

This is her reaction:

16 I ship it.

I ship it.

I’m not sure where I picked this up, but I thought that Luna is a woman disguised as a cat, rather than a talking cat. Maybe she’s just… always liked milk?

The next brief scene confirms what we suspect: Midnight Zero is part of an evil plot spearheaded by a beautiful, mean-looking woman! But then we get back to Usagi and Naru chatting after school.

Turns out Naru has been sending lots of love letters to Midnight Zero, pretending they’re to her future imaginary boyfriend, hoping to get one of those flower broaches. I’m sure this will in no way go wrong. Usagi is inspired to try her own hand at love letter writing, just before she bumps into her own future boyfriend, who has not even been named yet and he’s still insulting her intelligence. I mean, this time Mamoru doesn’t even show up near the site of the “crime,” he’s there entirely on coincidence. Get out of this show unless you’re doing some real vigilante work, Mamoru!

As it turns out, Usagi is just real bad at writing love letters. It’s like me and writing my own writer bios.

31 Plot

So she decides to go straight to the source, and ask Midnight Zero announcer J. Daito what makes a good love letter. Unfortunately, nobody at the radio station has heard of the show. And also, like, they don’t let teenage girls into their offices after dark, Usagi. Not after the last time. It took weeks to get the goat hair and candlewax out of the carpets.

Somebody’s gotta be airing the show, though, because it’s back on when Usagi gets home, and Naru’s latest letter is read out loud. The next day, Naru’s got her very own flower broach, which instantly puts her to sleep and even infects Usagi when she tries to shake her friend awake.

Cue Usagi’s hilarious love dream, which I didn’t until just now realize reminds me of my favorite dream sequence of all time: the dream within a movie clip within Singing in the Rain. Usagi’s all flying around some pretty clouds until she finds Tuxedo Mask, who is… brooding? Chillin’? Just like… hanging out.

Literally. Hanging in the air.

40 Just chillin

I dunno, maybe I’m broken, but this shot is hilarious to me. WTF r u even doing bro.

Tangent: I laugh at this dream because I have literally had this dream. Usagi asks her crush if he likes her too, he says yes, she’s super happy, and then they move their relationship to a new level of intimacy. I had one of those in college at a point when I was super crushing on a guy, and if you’ve ever had one, you will know what it’s like to both feel utterly disgusted with your subconscious for coming up with something so unsubtle, and SUPER DISAPPOINTED that you had to wake up.

Anyway, Luna wakes Usagi up, either because the magical sleep had less of a hold on Usagi because she wasn’t actually wearing the broach, or because Luna has has magical cat wake up powers (I’ll let the cat owners weigh in). I hope it’s the former, because then I don’t have to ask why Luna didn’t just wake up all the other girls in the hospital that Usagi has been taken to. Turns out, all the girls are dreaming of love, and their youthful energy is being siphoned off by Queen Beryl, et al. Luna tells Usagi it’s time for her to finally get around to solving the mystery of the week. Thank goodness for Luna.

Back to the radio station, where Usagi gets her fondest wish of last episode: a new item. It’s a Wand of Disguise Self, with command phrase “Moon Power.” Or it’s a magical pen. Usagi uses it to make herself look like “a gorgeous newscaster!”

52 Gorgeous?

Tell her, Usagi.

53 Yes

Usagi has best priorities.

For a moment Luna actually believes that Usagi can successfully masquerade as an adult for five minutes, but, having four legs, she hadn’t reckoned on the ganglyness of a teenager in high heels. Still, Usagi’s disguise gets her past the guard and into the recording studio, where it appears that Jadite and his monster-lady of the week Furau have put all the audio engineers and interns into an enchanted sleep.

Usagi’s reaction:

57 Usagi has best priorities

Usagi has best priorities.

But once it becomes clear that “J. Daito” is behind putting all those girls to sleep, Usagi gets serious real quick, which apparently manifests itself in A HILARIOUS GROUCHO MARX WALK as she stomps past Furau and into the recording booth.


In the name of the Moon! *STOMP STOMP STOMP*

Interrupting Jadite at his microphone like any good Strexcorp employee, Usagi delivers a stirring address about how the flower broaches issued by this station are dangerous to their wearers and should be taken off immediately. Furthermore, she says, everybody should just go talk to the people they’re interested in: expressing your love is meaningless if you don’t actually express it directly to your intended! Sure, she’s repeating what Luna told her earlier in the episode, but it’s still laying down the moral of the episode and establishing that not everything goes in one ear and out the other with Usagi.

Then Furau comes through the plate glass window of the studio like a train.

64 oh shit she came through the glass

ohmigod so cool

And then it’s time for… A ROOFTOP FIGHT.

67 rooftop fiiiight


You don’t understand, Batman is my favorite superhero. It’s all rooftops all the time in those comics. This is like coming home. Usagi only has a little difficulty disintegrating Furau with a tiara attack, but this is a two-part boss battle! Now it’s Jadite’s turn, and he’s apparently immune to tiaras.

Also, toddlers. Yeah, totally weird coincidence. This fight is still missing one crucial player, though. Are you ready for the most minimal Tuxedo Max appearance yet? So we start with the rose coming down.



Aaaand that’s it. Jadite gets this “Ohh, you” look and then nopes outta there through some kinda dimensional portal. Tuxedo Mask doesn’t even show himself or say anything until after Jadite’s gone, and then it’s only to, well, Team-Rocket-blast off into the night, having successfully defended his spot as #1 most mysterious motherfucker in Juban. All the young girls wake up, Midnight Zero is over, Ms. Haruna returns to class, and status quo is restored until next week.

Oh boy, next week.

Learn How to be Skinny from Usagi

When I came into the office and told Victoria that I’d watched episodes 3 and 4 this weekend, she put on the nervous grin of the long time fan meeting somebody who just watched their series’ “that episode.” You know. That episode. For Battlestar Galactica, it’s “Black Market.” For Avatar, it’s “The Great Divide.” For Star Trek: Voyager, it’s “Threshold.” I got the sense from Victoria that this episode, where everybody Usagi knows tells her she’s definitely getting fat but that’s okay because some men like that, is maybe that episode for Sailor Moon?

So, right, Usagi is freaking out because she, a fourteen year old girl, has gained some numerical weight on the scale that is not reflected in her physical appearance. Her dad’s immediate reaction: “That’s okay, people look better with a bit of meat on their bones.” Nice try dad, replacing one physical ideal with another. A sit down talk with her smiling family makes it clear that they all totally agree: her weight is something she should work on and she should have realized earlier that her current lifestyle of eating and sleeping like your average fourteen year old is the problem.



Okay, though. In shows where teenage leads have big secrets or alternate identities, it’s fairly common for adult figures to be depicted as unaware of their surroundings, or silly, or, generally not as infallible authority figures. Maybe Luna, the magical guide, mentor, and mature member of Sailor Moon’s two person team will have the right words to make Usagi fee –


ok not gonna lie, I loled

DAMMIT, LUNA, I WAS COUNTING ON YOU. So Usagi starts to diet, and she, Naru, and two other girls whose names I didn’t catch, talk about the difficulties of conforming to unattainable beauty standards. One of them, clearly drawn to emphasize her roundness (and possibly also her homeliness, although I think she looks super cute) relative to the other girls, cheerfully agrees that it’s tough to stay fit.

The reaction:



The ideal motivation, they conclude, is wanting to stay super hot to attract the guy you love. Look, I think we all know what the message of this episode should have been, if the time period and whatever other circumstances got this episode into a series intended for the empowerment of young girls hadn’t gotten in the way, but let’s illustrate it just to be clear:

10 YES

Also, eating right and engaging in regular exercise is a great way to stay healthy, which is the most anyone should expect from anyone else, as long as they’re not ASSHOLES.

But it’s not just the poor body image message in this ep, there’s also the weird fan service shots. The girls have noticed that Ms. Haruna (man, give Ms. Haruna a break, last week it was endless sleep and this week it’s endless exercise) is looking pretty good these days, as the camera does a slow pan up her body. Cue Umino revealing his total creepitude.

Man. I forgot that Umino’s kind of a creeper. He’s taken expertly staged photos of Ms. Haruna before and after she started going to the gym. Grooooss. The girls chase him down once they realize he invaded a teacher’s privacy, perfectly setting up this expert comedy beat:

17 GROSS Umino

Okay, Usagi, drop a train on ‘im.

18 LOL

I am not ashamed to say that I laughed at this. Oh, Usagi, just when I think you’re growing up a little. Usagi and friends head off to Ms. Haruna’s celebrity-sponsored gym.

19 Nonsense, you just have to have at least three pokemon first

Nah, just bring at least three small animals with you, they let you in for free.

Fortunately, there’s a sale, so the girls will be able to start working out for free. But at what cost…  At the cost of their energy. We all know the drill by now.

22 Wow dude, you got great hearing

Dude, you have INCREDIBLE hearing.

Meet personal instructor Jadite, here to get your pecs chiseled, your abs rock hard, your buns like marble, your biceps like… more stone puns, is what I’m saying. Stone puns.

Also, meet three other personal trainers who I’m pretty sure are here because they didn’t make it into Street Fighter. I genuinely love these three random-ass tan, buff, unitard wearing dudes. My favorite thing in any anime is character designs that look like they walked in from another show (this explains my love for Samurai 7, where nearly every goddamn character looks like they’re from different anime).

The four girls get exercising as Jadite just crams in the destructive ideas about self-image. After their work out, he invites them into the Shape Ray, “the pride of our gym” and absolutely not a slow death machine, we promise. Fortunately, Usagi is again saved by being lazier than her peers: she’s chillin’ out in the spa, which we know because we get a gross slow pan over her sitting naked in a tub, complete with underage cleavage. That’s before we get to Jadite’s death machine, which, I mean. Look.

I hate exercising. I love being able to run and lift and crunch and plank, but I hate exercising. And I’ll be the first to look at something like the Bowflex and think “medieval torture device.” But there’s no getting around this. This is a death machine.

31 Not ominous at all

This is a death machine.

This is a death machine.

After having their energy sucked out in Jadite’s pods, Usagi’s friends feel and look sick, but Jadite tells them they look beautiful and they immediately cheer up. As Jadite says to Queen Beryl, “The foolish women want to lose weight no matter what.” Abandoned by her friends, Usagi wanders Juban, hungry and exhausted, creeping out kids with pork buns.

Turns out that by “on a diet” she meant “not eating at all” which is just about the definition of what not to do when you want to lose weight, and after an afternoon of hard exercise, she faints. Luckily, Motoki happens to be there.

In the faint, she has another one of her love dreams, but this time about Motoki instead of Tuxedo Mask. The sub says she calls him “Motoki” in the dream, but she’s clearly saying “oniisan” and I understand the cultural significance of that, but I also watch a lot of Revolutionary Girl Utena, so I still think it’s creepy.

Upon waking Usagi confesses her diet plans to Motoki, and he gently admonishes her. “Thank goodness,” I think, “the opposite gender mentor archetype is here to offer some real dang advice.” But no, dammit, he just likes curvier women. That’s right, Usagi, don’t listen to that guy at the gym. Listen to this other guy! She does, and runs out to buy some pork buns. Whereupon Mamoru shows up to fat-shame her. At least this time she deliberately throws something at his head.

After finishing the buns, she and Luna sit down at a park for some real talk.

56 YES

OH THANK GOD, somebody’s figured it out.

57 GAAAh

Get out of here, Sailor Moon. Just… end this episode and get back to regularly scheduled programming.

Luna tries to get Usagi on track with how the women who visit Ms. Haruna’s gym have all become skin and bones (which is not attractive to any of the male characters, and therefore just as unacceptable as being fat) and how it’s probably the forces of evil, but unsurprisingly, after literally everybody in the dang show so far has offered an opinion on Usagi’s weight, Usagi’s not really paying attention. She rushes off to the gym, not to save the day, but to keep working out. While there, Luna spies Ms. Haruna, skeletally thin and headed for the Shape Ray for her final treatment, after which she’ll be unable to recover her health and will die. It takes bared claws and threats of bodily harm to get Usagi off the stationary bike and into her transformation to Sailor Moon.


On this much we can agree, episode.

But before saving Ms. Haruna, Sailor Moon has to fight those three hilarious Street Fighter extras, who are being mind controlled by their hilarious tiaras. His mission accomplished, Jadite teleports outta there. Usagi is understandably terrified by fighting three adult bodybuilders, and won’t do it until Luna points out that fighting counts as exercise.


And so we’re treated to three beautiful shots of Sailor Moon kicking the heck out of these dudes, no Tuxedo Mask required.


So. Great.

Ms. Haruna is saved, but the bad guys are still calling this one a victory. And naturally, the stinger on this whole episode is Usagi realizing that despite all of her efforts, she’s gained even more weight.

Moon Prism Power Wrap Up

Man, I guess I could talk about “Mysterious Sleeping Sickness” and what Usagi’s disguise choices betray about the ideal selves of fourteen year old girls, but lets face it: “Learn How to be Skinny from Usagi” is the elephant in the room, here.

Initially, I thought this episode had conflicting themes, maybe as a result of writers trying and failing to write a message of empowerment. On the one hand, it says that it’s important that women should make their bodies conform to the prospective gaze of men and male desire. On the other, women are also foolish for choosing to “shorten their lives” to lose weight. But I think it’s actually not quite right.

The episode is saying that women should work to maintain an arbitrary beauty standard. The fault is that Jadite is exploiting women in their good pursuits and leading them to sacrifice too much. So work hard, ladies but not like, so hard it’s clear that you’re working hard. That’s not hard enough. NO, now that’s too hard. Look, why can’t you just do this naturally? It’s a gross message, but it’s also just sooooooo blatant that I’m sort of amused. I find it much harder to get past shows that are more insidiously supportive of stereotypical gender roles or harmful assumptions about sex, etc. But a show that just hamfistedly waves a bad message in my face? It’s like watching an incredibly annoying eight year old trip and fall. Sure, that kid is still annoying, and he’s not going to stop being annoying, but he’s just betrayed the supreme weakness of his form: no finesse.

To avoid spoilers, comments on this post are locked. If you have something to say, say it on our Facebook.

Previously in Sailor Moon Newbie Recaps

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26 Jun 01:19

You’ll never guess what this is in Tomodachi Life ⊟ Or...

by ericisawesome

You’ll never guess what this is in Tomodachi Life

Or maybe you will. Maybe you’re some kind of silhouette identifying savant. Maybe you won’t need to click past the post break to reveal the results Britt posted from this Tomodachi Life minigame.

A-ha! Next mystery to solve: why am I not playing more of this game.

BUY Tomodachi Life, Nintendo 2DS & 3DS/XL, upcoming games
26 Jun 01:18

note-a-bear: dynastylnoire: awwww-cute: My brother said he...




My brother said he heard a boop against the window. Found this little guy


"Listen motherfucker, Hogwarts wants you. Open the goddamn window."

26 Jun 01:17

papercrow: it really isn’t that hard, now is it,...


it really isn’t that hard, now is it, ubisoft? 


26 Jun 01:10

Zelda Opens a Bottle of Whoop-Ass in Hyrule Warriors as the Game Adds Even More Women - Your princess is not in another castle.

by Dan Van Winkle

"Regarding the look of Zelda herself, she is a ruler. So we want to make sure she is seen as a strong character in that she needs to look like a ruler, she needs to feel like a ruler. So, [she has] what you might consider a stronger look for the character. She is also a playable character here, so she needs to be able to go out and take out tons of enemies on her own. She needs to seem like a character they can do battle with."


We may have been disappointed that speculation about a female protagonist/playable character in the next main-series Zelda game turned out to be wrong, but Hyrule Warriors is really picking up the slack in that department with more women than you can shake a deku stick at. The latest Japanese character trailer for the game once again begs the question, “Does she just let Link save her to give his self-esteem a boost?”

Not only that, but Hyrule Warriors has a ton of female playable characters. In addition to Link, of course, there’s Impa, Midna, and Zelda, and Famitsu just revealed that Agitha, the bug girl from Twilight Princess, and a brand new character named Lana. Right now, it sounds like Lana will be integral to the currently unkown plot of the game, as she’s Hyrule’s White Witch, and the antagonist is Cia, the Black Witch.

I was confused as to why Nintendo would throw one of their biggest franchises into a weird, seemingly dated Dynasty Warriors mashup, but they’re really winning me over with the playable women. So, here’s Zelda, showing why she is a legend:

During an E3 interview, Hyrule Warriors producer Yosuke Hayashi told Polygon that the game finally shows off the power that Zelda has always had. He told them:

Regarding the look of Zelda herself, she is a ruler. So we want to make sure she is seen as a strong character in that she needs to look like a ruler, she needs to feel like a ruler. So, [she has] what you might consider a stronger look for the character. She is also a playable character here, so she needs to be able to go out and take out tons of enemies on her own. She needs to seem like a character they can do battle with.

They’re winning me over on this one. Now just make the next main Zelda game about something other than “save the princess,” and we’ll be all set.

(via Polygon and The Escapist, image via Nintendo)

Previously in Legend of Zelda

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26 Jun 01:06

Why a "Sense of Impending Doom" Is an Actual Medical Symptom

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

welcome to firehose

Why a "Sense of Impending Doom" Is an Actual Medical Symptom

Ever felt an unaccountable sense of fear and futility? Turns out you should have been even more terrified than you were. A "sense of impending doom" is an actual medical symptom for some very serious conditions.


26 Jun 01:04

Did you know that you needed to listen to Jigglypuff sing the...

by aishiterushit

via Lori
no new music

Did you know that you needed to listen to Jigglypuff sing the Game of Thrones theme?

26 Jun 00:55

nabyss: Lmfao. This is true. They can’t believe we were that...


Lmfao. This is true. They can’t believe we were that intelligent (and still are.).

26 Jun 00:53

Over 50 Hackathons in 3 1/2 Years

by lishevita

Right now, we’re going through some internal accounting at Geeks Without Bounds, getting to grips with exactly what all we’ve done in our short lifetime as an organization, what projects we’ve assisted with, and what the cost to outcome ratio is. It’s a very useful exercise to go through. One of the things that surprised us right off the bat was just how many hackathons we’ve organized and facilitated since our inception. In the past 3 1/2 years we’ve done more than 50 hackathons. A little over 40 of those are just in the last 2 years. So what happens at a hackathon, and why do we do so many of them?

Hackathons are events, usually held over a weekend, where technologists, subject matter experts and even end users get together to solve problems. There is usually a set theme to the event, either a piece of software that everyone is working on or a type of challenge that everyone wrestles with together. A range of skills are brought to bear: from designing usable tools to documentation to writing code or prototyping hardware.

Hardware Hacking ISAC 2014
We’ve been involved with the International Space Apps Challenge since its beginning three years ago. We’ve run many Random Hacks of Kindness events and started the off-shoot RHoK-Sec in cooperation with ScotlandHacks for security events. We’ve encouraged women, minorities, and people of all shapes and sizes to empower themselves and their communities with code at Everyone Hacks events in San Francisco and Chicago.

At Geeks Without Bounds we’re proud that we’ve taken the hackathon to new levels. We’ve discovered that humanitarian open source projects grow by carrying on from one hackathon to the next, adding to the code base and the volunteer base with each event. We’ve also developed specialized hackathons like RHoK-Sec where pentesters and security-focused code auditors work to find flaws in projects in a room next to coders who can put in security fixes on the spot. We’ve helped schools use hackathons as a learning and assessment tool, allowing students to put their classroom knowledge to real-world application while stretching their skills in ways they didn’t imagine.

With an average of 8 new solutions coming out of each hackathon, the sheer quantity of production to just come out of weekend volunteer work is staggering. However, in the early days we had a huge concern that too many of the solutions prototyped on the weekends were getting lost in the ether when the hackathon was done. That’s why we started the accelerator program that takes 3 to 4 promising projects at a time through 6 months of mentorship to help them become sustainable long term. It’s also why we’ve encouraged project leaders who aren’t in the mentorship program to pitch challenges based on feature needs or bug fixes at more events that fit the nature of their project.

RaspberryPi at ISAC 2014Taarifa and Bachchao were both carried across several hackathons before joining our accelerator program. Recently, we ran a series of specific hackathons just to work on features and documentation for the Taarifa project in the UK and in Tanzania.

We have some big challenges coming up at hackathons. We’ll be working on sanitation problems at hackathons throughout the Autumn. We’ll also be running more cyber security hackathons that get pentesters and coders fixing flaws in humanitarian projects. We’ve got some sustainability and resilience hacking planned for the near future, too.

So here’s to 50 great hackathons accomplished and many, many more to come. We’re grateful to all of you who have joined us and made amazing things. We hope that you’ll join us to hack a brighter future at an event near you soon. And if you’d like to support the work that we’re doing, please consider a donation of any size to make this all happen.

OHI Code Sprint 2013

26 Jun 00:48

Ben Kingsley Will Voice Bagheera In Disney's Live-Action Jungle Book

by Lauren Davis

"Kingsley will be voicing the panther Bagheera opposite Idris Elba's Shere Khan."

Ben Kingsley Will Voice Bagheera In Disney's Live-Action Jungle Book

There are two movie adaptations of The Jungle Book in the works right now, but only one of them will feature the leonine voice of Sir Ben Kingsley. Kingsley will be voicing the panther Bagheera opposite Idris Elba's Shere Khan.


26 Jun 00:12

Dancing Math

by Maiu

Dancing Math

The post Dancing Math appeared first on Math Fail.

26 Jun 00:07

Ann Leckie Refused To Change Ancillary Justice's Unusual Pronouns

by Charlie Jane Anders

Ann Leckie Refused To Change Ancillary Justice's Unusual Pronouns

One of the most notable things about Ann Leckie's Nebula and Clarke-winning novel Ancillary Justice is its unusual pronoun use, which she talked a lot about when she answered your questions. In a new profile, she explains how she was told it would make the book unpublishable.