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10 Oct 17:27

Yes, there's going to be an NFL edition of 'Temple Run'

by James Dator

NFLPA announces deal with mobile game Temple Run 2. Colin Kaepernick & Russell Wilson first 2 players, more to come!

— Kristi Dosh (@SportsBizMiss) October 10, 2014

The NFL is all about player safety ... except in virtual form. Soon you'll have the chance to endless-run your way through temples with your favorite NFL players, or continually plunge them into bottomless pits. Whatever floats your boat.

Russell Wilson and Colin Kaepernick might be the first to appear in Temple Run 2, but we can't wait for the Peyton Manning expansion, or the "all linemen" edition.

10 Oct 17:21

Here’s what will happen if you refuse an Ebola screening at a US airport

by Jeanne Kim

Hours after Thomas Eric Duncan died of Ebola in Dallas the Obama administration announced new measures of protection against the virus at five major US airports: passengers from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, where much of the outbreak has occurred, will have to undergo new screenings.

And if you refuse, you could face up to three weeks in quarantine; non-US citizens could be sent home. While the airports will have special quarantine areas, officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have yet to confirm if that is where the people will be held. Quarantine Public Health Officers will also be present at airports to assist passengers and help them understand quarantine measures, CDC Public Affairs Director Barbara Reynolds told Yahoo News.

The five airports—in Newark, Washington DC, Chicago, New York City, and Atlanta—are where 94% of those arriving from those western African countries enter the US. Screening will begin in New York on Saturday; at the other airports, it will start next week. Passengers will be examined for Ebola symptoms, questioned to see if they could potentially have been exposed to the virus, and have their temperatures checked.

In 2003, the US implemented greater health checks at airports during the SARS epidemic, although no temperatures were taken. At Los Angeles International Airport, a major hub for flights from Asia, officials screened passengers for SARS symptoms. And during the 2005 bird flu (H5N1 virus) scare, then president Bush authorized quarantine measures against passengers who potentially had the disease; airports, then ill-equipped, had to scramble to find quarantine-suitable facilities.

10 Oct 17:20

Twitter trolls are attacking Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai

by Adam Epstein

Inevitably, perhaps, conspiracy nuts and internet trolls have emerged from under their rocks to attack Pakistani Nobel Peace Prize recipient Malala Yousafzai.

Yousafzai was awarded the prize today in recognition for her courageous promotion of education for women in Pakistan. (She shares the prize with Indian children’s rights activist Kailash Satyarthi.) In 2012, she was shot in the head by the Taliban, apparently for blogging in favor of education for girls. After a miraculous recovery, she deftly used the international attention to step up her advocacy.

But that’s not good enough for the trolls. Some Pakistanis have long resented the attention Malala has received—they argue she does her country a disservice by spotlighting its social ills.

Others even question her inspirational story, accusing it of being a ploy cooked up by the CIA or Mossad:

@IamMalalaY shame on u malala, U R A CIA AGENT

— Khurram Khan (@imkhurramkhan) October 10, 2014

@atifzia Most likely CIA & MOSSAD attacked Malala! Nobel Prize has no more worth than tissue paper. Life long mass murderer Begin got it!

— Anwar Ul Haque (@DrHaque) October 10, 2014

And then there’s a cohort of Pakistanis who would have preferred the prize go to Abdul Sattar Edhi, a well-known doctor and humanitarian. The hashtag #NobelPrizeForEdhi has scores of his supporters.

#NobelPrizeForEdhi Edhi has rescued over20k abndned infants,rehabilitatedover50k orphen&trained over 40k nurses.runs over350welfare centres

— Yasier (@gujjar629) October 10, 2014

When It comes to distributing Nobel Prize, Western world always ignores our real heroes! Edhi sahb deserves it most #NobelPrizeForEdhi

— Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan (@DrAQ_Khan) October 10, 2014

What a waste of the Nobel prize. Just because she was attacked by TTP Malala gets the Nobel prize. Non sense. #NobelPrizeForEdhi

— Palwasha (@PalwashaaN) October 10, 2014

The purpose beyond #NobelPrizeForEdhi is a message to Western Media that Pakistan appreciates It's heroes, even If you don't do so!

— Maan Imran Khan (@MaanImranKhan) October 10, 2014

Edhi’s supporters are irked that Malala, just 17, got the prize ahead of the 86-year-old Edhi, who’s been running his foundation for over 6o years.

Satyarthi has not attracted as many haters, perhaps because he’s not nearly as famous—many who live in his New Delhi neighborhood have never heard of him. Nonetheless, some have alleged that his nongovernmental organization is not all that it’s cracked up to be.

Others are directing their displeasure toward the Nobel Prize committee itself, for playing politics with the award:

The Nobel Peace Prize committee, having disgraced itself by hastily honoring Obama, stoops to play the Indian-Pakistani, Hindu-Muslim game.

— Brahma Chellaney (@Chellaney) October 10, 2014

Nobel committee tips its hand in why they gave this award:want to equate religious extremism in Pakistan &India when there's no comparison.

— rupa subramanya (@rupasubramanya) October 10, 2014

Still, there are plenty of people on Twitter that celebrate the accomplishments of both activists, and don’t see the point in picking sides.

A lot of shameful talk about Malala by some who are tweeting #NobelPrizeForEdhi stop to think for a minute, how would Edhi treat Malala?

— Shakeel Ahmed (@5H4K3EL) October 10, 2014

Moment of Silence for Trolls. #Malala 1 – 0 TTP & Apologists #MalalaWinsNobel

— BK (@BilawalKhoso) October 10, 2014

10 Oct 17:05

fanoffandom: I actually applauded this post


I actually applauded this post

10 Oct 17:01

A Series of Simple Halloween Costumes That Use Smartphones and Tablets to Come to Life

by Brian Heater

Former NASA scientist Mark Rober has created a series of 24 simple Halloween costumes for Digital Dudz that use a smartphone and tablet app to come to life. The line includes masks with animated eyes and mouths and a series of T-shirts that feature a number of Marvel Comics licensees. Rober has been creating smart device-centric Halloween costumes since 2011, when he used two iPads to give the appearance of having a hole in his chest.



images via Gizmodo

via Gizmodo

10 Oct 17:01


10 Oct 16:57

Holy Little House on the Prairie Movie, Batman! - All aboard the wagon!

by Rebecca Pahle

La petite maison dans la prairie

Let’s start the petition for Elle Fanning as an aged-up Mary. You know it’s happening already, so you might as well get behind it now.

Apparently Sony’s been working on a Little House on the Prairie movie, based on the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, for a while now, and no one told me. I am disappoint, world. I, like so many people, grew up on that series. I’m pretty sure Laura/Alonso was my first ship. Or maybe second, after April/Donatello from TMNT. Regardless, my copies got pretty tattered.

And now the movie’s chugging along on the covered wagon that is life, with Martha Marcy May Marlene director Sean Durkin taking over from David Gordon Green (All the Real Girls, Pineapple Express, that movie where Danny McBride wore a minotaur penis around his neck). Oscar-winning producer Scott Rudin (No Country for Old Men—ANTON CHIGURH FOR PA WILDER) is on board as well, and Personal Role Model Abi Morgan will be writing.

You know. Abi Morgan. Whose (excellent) BBC show about a BBC show trying not to get cancelled… got cancelled. And then pulled out a surprise win at the 2013 Emmys against the heavily favored Behind the Candelabra, which won just about all the other miniseries categories. Good times. She also wrote Steven McQueen’s Shame and an upcoming movie about the women’s suffrage movement that’s going to have Meryl Streep in it, no big!

In Abi we trust.

(via The Hollywood Reporter)

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10 Oct 16:57

Gotham Cancels Plans To Film White Stuntwoman In Blackface - Head, meet desk.

by Carolyn Cox


Oh, Gotham. No. No no no no.

After receiving concerned inquiries, Deadline reports that Warner Bros. has cancelled plans to film a white stuntwoman wearing dark face makeup for Gotham. The production had already applied makeup to the performer’s face for a test in advance of next week’s filming, but has since released a statement saying the role will be changed:

A mistake was made this week in casting a stunt woman for a guest star in a particular scene on the show [...] The situation has been rectified, and we regret the error.

According to Deadline, “painting down” white stunt performers so they can pass for actors of color has been a custom in the entertainment industry for decades. SAG-AFTRA condemns the practice as “unacceptable” and “improper” but doesn’t explicitly forbid “painting down”; casting coordinators must simply “endeavor” to find stunt performers of the same race or gender as the actor in question.

Adam Moore, SAG-AFTRA’s National Director of EEO Diversity, told Deadline that “there is simply no excuse” for Gotham‘s actions:

With respect to this issue in general, the relevant SAG-AFTRA contract is clear: The practice known as ‘painting down’ is presumptively improper … particularly so in a production center like New York City with so many qualified stunt women of color trained for this type of work [...] While this sort of thing doesn’t happen very often anymore, still, in 2014 there are apparently people who don’t seem to understand that there are qualified professionals ready to do this work and that, if you are foolish enough to engage in this offensive behavior, you will be called out for it. Performers and audiences alike won’t stand for it – they’ll speak out in ways like this and stand up by spurning the content itself in favor of on-screen experiences that are reflective of our collective stories and values.

Despite Moore’s assertion that the practice is “presumptively improper,” in the light of Gotham‘s casting it seems like stronger wording in the union contract might dissuade insensitive casting coordinators and productions from being so blatantly disrespectful.  (Not that, you know, anyone should need to be told not to film an actor in blackface. Or, you know, cast a white actor as a POC.)

Warner Bros. in particular has a history of being condemned for “painting down” performers; in 1971 the dark makeup used on a white stuntman in Skin Game spurned protests and a push for equality in front of and behind the camera. Sadly, Gotham‘s bone-headedly stupid decision to continue the practice is a reminder of how much progress still needs to be made. Retired black stuntwoman Jadie David told Deadline,

Fast-forward to today, and we are again faced with a Caucasian stuntwoman who was going to be painted down to double for an African-American actress, ironically again, in a Warner Bros. production. The excuse of the past that there are no qualified African-Americans to hire is gone; there is a huge pool of qualified African-American women to choose from and many were available for work. The studios all have fair employment policies in place, as does SAG-AFTRA. This blatant disrespect of African-American stunt women is beyond the pale. Will the lesson ever be learned?

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10 Oct 16:49

HP accidentally signed malware, will revoke certificate

by Sean Gallagher

Hewlett-Packard has alerted some customers that it will be revoking a digital certificate used to sign a huge swath of software—including hardware drivers and other software essential to running on older HP computers. The certificate is being revoked because the company learned it had been used to digitally sign malware that had infected a developer’s PC.

An HP executive told security reporter Brian Krebs that that the certificate itself wasn’t compromised. HP Global Chief Information Security Officer Brett Wahlin said that HP had recently been alerted to the signed malware—a four-year old Windows Trojan—by Symantec. Wahlin said that it appears the malware, which had infected an HP employee's computer, accidentally got digitally signed as part of a separate software package—and then sent a signed copy of itself back to its point of origin. Though the malware has since been distributed over the Internet while bearing HP's certificate, Wahlin noted that the Trojan was never shipped to HP customers as part of the software package.

“When people hear this, many will automatically assume we had some sort of compromise within our code signing infrastructure, and that is not the case,” Wahlin told Krebs. “We can show that we’ve never had a breach on our [certificate authority] and that our code-signing infrastructure is 100 percent intact.”

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10 Oct 16:36

North and South Korea exchange fire over balloons filled with DVDs, books, and $1,000

by Amar Toor

North and South Korea exchanged land fire today, Yonhap news agency reports, after a group of South Korean activists launched propaganda balloons across the border. South Korean military officials tell Yonhap that North Korea targeted the balloons and that the South Korean army returned fire after some shots landed on their side of the border. The two sides exchanged machine gun fire, though there as yet no reported casualties.

The incident comes as North Korea's ruling Workers' Party celebrates its 69th anniversary, and amid widespread speculation about the health and leadership of leader Kim Jong-un, who has not been seen in public in more than a month. He was not in attendance at today's celebration, and North Korean state-run media have said only that Kim is suffering from an unspecified physical condition.

The ten ballons were launched from the city of Paju and contained 200,000 leaflets condemning Kim and his regime. They also contained 400 DVDs and 300 books about life in South Korea, as well as $1,000 in cash. A group of North Korean defectors used the same tactic in January. North Korea is among the most isolated regimes in the world, and both Kim and his father, Kim Jong-il, have maintained tight control over communications.

Pyongyang and Seoul have exchanged maritime fire on several occasions, but as the BBC notes, clashes on land are less common.

10 Oct 16:17

I saw the world's most expensive comic book (and it looked like a comic book)

by Adi Robertson

'So if you missed out on seeing a $3 million comic, just find something in the nearest bargain bin, stare hard at it, and remember that value is arbitrary and money merely a kind of collective delusion.'

This weekend's New York Comic Con is (so far) less of an entertainment hub than its counterpart in San Diego, and as a result, you'll likely get around to seeing more actual comics. If you were there on Thursday, you might actually have seen the world's most expensive comic book: a well-preserved copy of Superman debut Action Comics #1 that sold for $3.2 million this summer. For one day only, it was on the show floor, at the booth of Metropolis Comics and Collectibles. So what does a plastic-wrapped pamphlet worth more than a dozen Ferraris, first sold in 1938 for a dime, look like?

Action Comics

Action Comics

Honestly, almost exactly like the two Action Comics #1 issues flanking it. I had expected some kind of reverent separate framing — maybe a sign — but the only thing that distinguished it from the rest of the row was a number in the top left-hand corner: 9.0, one mark away from the highest possible ranking on the CGC comics grading scale. It's virtually pristine, the Metropolis representative at the counter said, almost like it just rolled off the press. Of course, to my untrained eyes, the ones next to it did too.

As I peered closer, I started to figure out what made it better than the two merely decent (by collector standards) 5.0 versions. The edge of one was a little ragged, the other's corners maybe slightly less square. Though I couldn't really see, I was told the page quality was slightly lower. They were, I was told, each worth about $500,000 or $600,000. But now, their incredibly expensive sibling will probably raise the value across the board, potentially giving them a boost of $100,000 or more. So if you missed out on seeing a $3 million comic, just find something in the nearest bargain bin, stare hard at it, and remember that value is arbitrary and money merely a kind of collective delusion.

Action Comics

Action Comics

10 Oct 16:16

Man Takes Parents On Tour Of City Where He Came To Escape Them



PORTLAND, OR—Pointing out the Portland Art Museum and the farmers market in Shemanski Park as he guided them around downtown, area 25-year-old Daniel Hurst reportedly spent Thursday afternoon taking his visiting parents on a tour of the city he expr...

10 Oct 16:15

Obama: I want the FCC to ban paid Internet fast lanes

by Jon Brodkin

President Barack Obama yesterday said he is still “unequivocally committed to net neutrality” and that he wants the Federal Communications Commission to issue rules that prevent Internet service providers from creating paid fast lanes.

“There are a lot of aspects to net neutrality,” Obama said in response to a question at an event hosted by Cross Campus in Santa Monica, CA. “I know one of the things people are most concerned about is paid prioritization, the notion that somehow, some folks can pay a little more money and get better service, more exclusive access to customers through the Internet. That’s something I oppose. I was opposed to it when I ran; I continue to be opposed to it now.”

Obama pointed out that the FCC is “an independent agency” but said he wants the commission to prevent paid prioritization.

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10 Oct 16:15

p0kemina: fandumbest: gabifresh: culturalappropriationon: har...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.






well dollskill was just taken off my list of all time favorite stores….


that email is almost worse than the headdress 

um i’m native American

I find that offensive. I don’t normally get too uptight but

the point of a war bonnet/headdress is not to “get all the boys looking your way” or whatever, but it’s a sign of honor; every single feather, it’s position, it’s dye job, it’s notches; they each represent a deed done by the warrior.

My great great great great great great GREAT grandfather had a full, to-the-floor war bonnet, because he was a greatly respected chief and warrior and negotiator. he was straight up badass. and that’s THE POINT OF THE HEADDRESS OKAY

not only is this completely unrealistically designed and completely inaccurate but it spits in the face of the purpose of the war bonnet and it’s position of high rank and honor.

And the email is ridiculous beyond even the site’s description of the item.

Fuck you, DollsKill.

Yes i’m native American, and that’s badass, but this is not ”to honor mhy background” or to “give me representation”. 

calling you racist is NOT RIDICULOUS because you ARE.

I made a post about this recently but that email is just so fucking TACKY and stupid and fucking full of air and fake sass; nothing grinds my fucking gears more than thinking you can act like an absolute clown to skirt around your blatant racism and sexism. Fuck this company, seriously.

10 Oct 16:15

Accessing One's Own Metadata

by Soulskill
skegg writes: Frustrated journalist Ben Grubb has documented his attempts at gaining access to his own metadata from his carrier. "After more than a year of phone calls and emails and a private mediation session, it still hasn't released the information or answered my one key question satisfactorily: the government can access my Telstra metadata, so why can't I?" Later, he says, "Telstra's one and only valid argument to date has been that identifying who calls me would be in breach of that person's privacy if they called from an unlisted number. I've agreed and said that in providing me with my metadata they should remove unlisted numbers. They argue this would be too difficult to do, which I think is baloney."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

10 Oct 16:15

A third-party Snapchat client has leaked tens of thousands of user photos

by Russell Brandom


Some Snapchat users are waking up to an unpleasant surprise this morning. A cache nearly 13GB of private Snapchats is now circulating through 4Chan, in a leak the users have dubbed The Snappening. Snapchat has faced security problems before, but this time the fault appears to be with a third-party app used to catalog snaps that would otherwise be deleted. While users assumed the snaps would only be visible to Snapchat HQ and the third-party app, a data breach left them circulating through the open web. It's still unclear which service is responsible for the breach, although Business Insider is pointing to a now-defunct web service hosted at

"We can confirm that Snapchat's servers were never breached."

"We can confirm that Snapchat’s servers were never breached and were not the source of these leaks," a Snapchat representative said in a statement. "Snapchatters were victimized by their use of third-party apps to send and receive Snaps, a practice that we expressly prohibit in our Terms of Use precisely because they compromise our users’ security. We vigilantly monitor the App Store and Google Play for illegal third-party apps and have succeeded in getting many of these removed."

Still, it's a reminder that the proliferation of third-party services often present a real security risk. Social networks like Snapchat often encourage outside developers to build new tools and services on top of their platform, but those same tools can become inviting targets once attackers decide to target the network. As Snapchat discovered today, the result can often mean privacy violations for users even when company servers are never directly attacked.

10 Oct 16:14

Google finally wrests Rockstar patent suit out of East Texas

by Joe Mullin
It's final: the Rockstar patent case will be heard in a court near Google's headquarters in Northern California.

It's been nearly one year since Rockstar Consortium, a patent holding company owned in part by Microsoft and Apple, launched a major patent assault against Google. Now, the issue of where the case will be heard has finally been resolved—in Google's favor.

Google took the case to the nation's top patent court to get it out of East Texas and back to its home state, California. The matter of venue isn't a mere sideline skirmish. East Texas courts are generally considered tough on patent defendants, with few cases resolving on summary judgment, stringent discovery rules, and last-minute scheduling decisions. Google's Texas case was scheduled to be heard in front of US District Judge Rodney Gilstrap, who hears far more patent cases than any other district court judge in the nation.

Rockstar v. Google: A brief history

Nortel, a Canadian telecom company, went bankrupt in 2009. Two years later, the company's patents were auctioned off. Microsoft, Apple, RIM, Ericsson, and Sony, grouping together as "Rockstar Bidco," spent $4.5 billion to buy the whole batch. Google bid $4.4 billion, seeking to beef up its patent portfolio, but it wasn't enough. After the auction, Google's top lawyer called the purchase a "hostile, organized campaign against Android."

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10 Oct 16:09



GroupServer is a mailing list manager: an email sent to one address is then sent on to many people.

GroupServer also has an integrated web interface, so you can use the web to post, read the archives, and administer your groups.

10 Oct 15:59

Flash Fiction Challenge: Picking Uncommon Apples

by terribleminds

hey saucie

Last week’s challenge: From Sentence To Story.

It is apple season, people.

Apple season.


And with apple season comes a chance to sample a world of weird apples.

Uncommon apples.

Like, say, from this list grabbed at North Star Orchards here in PA.

I want you to look through this list.

You can use a random number generator if you like.

But pick three of these apples.

And include them — not apples themselves, necessarily, but the names of said apples — in your story. They can be included however you see fit: character names, place names, some other worldbuilding aspect, anything and any way you so choose.

You’ve got 1000 words.

Post at your online space.

Link back here.

Due by next Friday, noon, EST.

Pick your apples.

10 Oct 15:58

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella: women should trust that 'the system will give you the right raises'

by Colin Lecher


You would think women in the tech industry, with its wide gender gap and considerable pay gap, would be skeptical of businesses being perfect meritocracies. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, in statements today, suggested he thinks otherwise. Addressing a group of mostly women at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Nadella told the crowd, "It’s not really about asking for the raise, but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along."

"That's good karma. It will come back," Nadella said. "That's the kind of person that I want to trust, that I want to give more responsibility to."

The idea, apparently, didn't go over so well with some members of the audience:

Nadella seemed to recognize his mistake, later walking back his comments through Twitter:

The quote seemed like a severely off-key note in a speech that otherwise preached the merits of gender equality. Nadella said he would "not fall for the crutch of the supply-side excuse" of women in tech, and that his company was attempting to improve, despite recently released Microsoft diversity numbers that were similarly dismal to most tech companies. He advised women to be persistent in breaking into the industry.

But toward the end of the talk, when the moderator, computer scientist Maria Klawe, asked Nadella about how women should ask for a raise, he made the surprising comments. After doing "your best work," he said, "people recognize it, and then you get the reward." Klawe replied, "This is one of the very few things that I disagree with you on," which was met with applause. "Here's my advice to all of you. First of all, do your homework. Make sure you actually know what a reasonable salary is." Afterward, she advised roleplaying about asking for a raise, and then really asking for it.

10 Oct 15:58


by bubbaprog

glad that happened in front of the Laser Spine Institute sign


ANIMATED: In which hockey players are reminded to keep their head up at all times

10 Oct 15:58

Stay positive



10 Oct 15:57



yeah Freamon, quit being a spotlight hog and let the party roleplay

10 Oct 15:56

Reviewed: Friday Likes 102: From Band, Bedow, and boymeetsgirl

by Armin

Lowbrau is "designed by Portland, OR-based Band"

From Band, Bedow, and boymeetsgirl

Friday Likes 102

Today we cover swine, an island resort, and a hairdresser with a heart, with work from Portland, Stockholm, and Berlin.

Lowbrau Beirhalle by Band

Lowbrau Beirhalle by Band

Located in Sacramento, CA, Lowbrau bills itself as "King of the wurst" and to make the claim more awesome their logo is a wurst in its original form (i.e., a pig) with a crown on it — arguably a very lowbrow form of humor. Designed by Portland, OR-based Band the deadpan king pig is both sad and tasty-looking, specially with the blunt and irregular sans serif around it. Even the tracked out serif looks kinda cool. Obviously, the ambiance of the place (a bierhall) adds to the rustic charm but the irreverence starts with the pig all the way through the trough-like bags of french fries. See full project

Hotel Koster by Bedow

Hotel Koster by Bedow

With 78 guest rooms, Hotel Koster is a charming and cozy resort and conference center located in the Kosten Islands off the west coast of Sweden. What better way to convey said charmingness than with a simple line-art logo and supporting graphics by Stockholm-based Bedow? Despite being a rhetoric question, I do guess there are better ways, but this way is quite good for me. It's almost like what an upscale summer camp run by Wes Anderson would look like. There isn't much in the way of applications but the photos of the island on Bedow's site will make you get in the mood for the simple line drawing of Hotel Koster. See full project.

Micha Pelz by boymeetsgirl

Micha Pelz by boymeetsgirl

Based around an abstract heart, Berlin-based boymeetsgirl gave local hairdresser Micha Pelz a flexible identity that represents the uniqueness of each of his clients. Designed around a stunning color palette of copper, muted mint, and black, the identity is very nicely crafted in print materials, signage, and even the interior wall painting of the studio. The heart icon works equally well on its own as it does in a pattern with dozens of the possible 6,000-plus configurations. See full project here.

Many thanks to our ADVx3 Partners
10 Oct 15:55

"The lost and found office collected 3,646 objects, including 900 ID cards and passports, 530..."



“The lost and found office collected 3,646 objects, including 900 ID cards and passports, 530 wallets, 330 cell- and smartphones, two wedding rings, one mobile cat carrier, a set of drum-kit cymbals and a German Federal Cross of Merit 2nd class medal. The Bavarian Red Cross treated 7,900 people but said alcohol poisoning was down to 600 cases, including 16 minors, compared to 629 in 2013.”

- Six million beers, 720 arrests, 48 lost kids - The Local
10 Oct 15:54

land-of-propaganda: 3 years in Rikers Island, 2 in solitary...


3 years in Rikers Island, 2 in solitary confinement, this high school student, NEVER CHARGED, gets released

16-year-old high school sophomore Kalief Browder, of the Bronx, spent nearly three years locked up at the Rikers Jail after he says he was falsely accused of stealing a backpack.  Amazingly, Browder never pleaded guilty, actually refused to plead guilty and requested a trial, even when pressured, but was never convicted and was only offered plea deals while the trial was repeatedly delayed.

Near the end of his time in jail, the judge “offered” to sentence him to time served if a guilty plea was entered, and warned him he could face 15 years in prison if convicted, but Browder still refused to accept the deal.  The only reason Browder was finally released was because his case was dismissed, but the damage had been done.

Browder, a high school student, spent an unbelievable 800 days, or over 2 years, in solitary confinement, which is a common juvenile imprisonment practice that the New York Department of Corrections has now banned after several investigations.

How does a teen end up in jail for 3 years, of which 2 years was spent in solitary confinement, and never be charged with a crime?

Browder’s case highlights several broken mechanisms in the New York legal system that feeds itself to civil liberty abuses on our youth.

  1. The 6th amendment gives us a right to a speedy trial, but in New York they have a “Ready Rule”.  The “Ready Rule” allows the courts to postpone trial dates by offering continuances. The system may give a continuance for 1 week, but logistically it may be 1 month before the trial actually comes to fruition and the still not convicted civilian only gets “credit” for the 1 week, not the actual time they have served.  In Browder’s case, he was given an absolutely ridiculous number of continuances initiated by the prosecution which left him locked up because he could not afford the $3000 bail.
  2. Browder was a high school student and juveniles are supposed to continue their education while behind bars .. except for juveniles that are in solitary confinement.  Guards would place juveniles in solitary and the schooling would stop relinquishing any educational support.
  3. While in solitary, Browder says that guards would routinely refuse to give him his meals.  Hunger is a common complaint by teens that are locked up because of the 12-hour stretch between dinner and breakfast.  Guards would use starve tactics at their discretion for punishment or their own personal enjoyment.  Browder says the worst of his starvations lasted for 4 meals in a row, meaning he was denied breakfast, lunch, dinner and another breakfast.
  4. As it stands, the courts place people in these situations and it is human nature for some to strike a plea deal just to get out of jail.  But Browder did not play into their game and take a plea deal, but maintained his innocence and requested a trial which came at a snail’s pace. This leads one to believe that the courts use this a planned tactic or procedure to play on human nature all in the name of getting convictions.
  5. The issues of using a Public Defender have long been recorded across the country.  In New York, court appointed lawyers make $75 a case.  In order to make money, that PD has to take on huge caseloads which leads to other problems.  Browder, although locked up for nearly three years in Rikers, where his PD was located everyday, never once was visited by his PD or had anyone to advocate his case for him.  This shows a reckless disregard which leads to a vicious cycle of apathy that often leads innocent people to copping pleas or getting longer sentences.

Read more here

10 Oct 15:50

Sentences to ponder

by Tyler Cowen

via Albener Pessoa

On average, students in 2014 in every income bracket outscored students in a lower bracket on every section of the test, according to calculations from the National Center for Fair & Open Testing (also known as FairTest), using data provided by the College Board, which administers the test.

Students from the wealthiest families outscored those from the poorest by just shy of 400 points.

From Josh Zumbrun, there is more here.

10 Oct 15:50

Tweet Of The Day - Nate Silver

by Joe Jervis

via Ibstopher

(Tipped by JMG reader Shawn)
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castielsteenwolf: weloveshortvideos: just a cat giving a...


vine on clickthrough



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yellowcomics: Not For Puppies Yellow Comics by Grace...


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Not For Puppies

Yellow Comics by Grace Culloton
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