Shared posts

10 Oct 21:00

retrogasm: It’s Peanut Butter Jelly TIme…


It’s Peanut Butter Jelly TIme…

10 Oct 21:00



sharecation time

10 Oct 21:00

Apparently The Economic Downturn Is Cosplayers' Fault

by Rob Bricken

Apparently The Economic Downturn Is Cosplayers' Fault

In an article so staggeringly dumb I can barely handle it, economic blogger James Pethokoukis has some very interesting thoughts about cosplayers. Mainly that "Dressing up like Wolverine or Cersei Lannister is probably more fun than scouring the classifieds for menial jobs."


10 Oct 20:59



String's copy shop

10 Oct 20:48

Whoops, There It Is: Nielsen Announces Their TV Ratings Have Been Off Since March - To air is human.

by Carolyn Cox


The all-seeing-eye of Nielsen Holdings has been reporting erroneous figures since March.

The company has admitted that a software glitch may have skewed ratings from March 2nd until four days ago on October 6th; “as a result, small amounts of viewing for some national broadcast networks and syndicators were misattributed [...] Cable networks and local TV ratings were not affected by this error.” Nielsen’s statement also promises that

[...] As part of our investigation, we have also determined that there are no issues with the National People Meter, our data collection process, our panel, our TV audience measurement methodology or the total TV viewership data produced during this affected period.

According to Deadline,”as much as 98% of programs won’t be affected by more than .05 of a ratings point,” although it’s possible that correcting the figures could prove beneficial for ABC. Nielsen Global President Steve Hasker assured Deadline that the errors were minor but the company moved to address it in the interests of “absolute transparency.”

As you were, TV nerds.

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10 Oct 20:47

Possibly the World's Silliest (and Most Creative) Protest Against Cars

by Annalee Newitz

Possibly the World's Silliest (and Most Creative) Protest Against Cars

In Latvia, a group of bicycle enthusiasts decided to show the city of Riga what it would be like if every bicycle turned into a car. So they built these amazing contraptions, and reminded everyone that cars are what cause traffic jams.


10 Oct 20:45



no, seriously,
"It is also widely known as the "jackass" penguin for its donkey-like bray, although several related species of South American penguins produce the same sound."

10 Oct 20:38

Horrible, repugnant people selling horrible, repugnant Cardinals shirts

by Grant Brisbee

These horrible, repugnant people represent a tiny subsection of Cardinals fans, but look at these horrible, repugnant shirts.

Via The Guardian, we have a link to a Facebook page selling these:


That's it. I'm rooting for the Giants now.

If you want something to make you feel good about humanity, note that this is the most popular comment on the post announcing these artisan-crafted, professionally stenciled, not-shitty shirts:

I'm a Cards fan through and through but this just looks awful to everyone else in the country guys...let politics and baseball be separate, as they should always be.

/clicks like

10 Oct 20:15

The 9 scenes you should watch in 'The Empire Strikes Back' fan remake

by Chris Plante

You're at work. You're busy. You don't have two hours and eight minutes to watch the entirety of the fan remake of The Empire Strikes Backreleased today on the official Star Wars YouTube page. It's okay. I've selected the ten scenes worth skipping to for people in a hurry. But let's be serious, once you begin watching this video you — like me — probably won't stop.

Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project


A recreation of the Battle of Hoth made of computer-animated party balloons, this scene is cuter and squeakier than the original.

Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project


Briefly, R2D2 is played by the IKEA monkey. The fan project is full of pop culture winks and nods, including an abundance of video game references. Shortly before this scene, a cheeky Mortal Kombat joke flashes in the background.

Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project


In this sequence, a LEGO Millenium Falcon avoids asteroids and TIE Fighters to the sound of country music and dogs barking. I don't understand it, but I love it.

Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project


A man and young girl ride a bike ride in the suburb of Dagobah. The bit is a cute riff on French New Wave cinema.

Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project


Beginning at this moment, the fan project features a series of beautiful Yoda animations. In fact, most of Yoda's scenes in this project are beautifully and comically animated. Scrub the video for anything on Dagobah and you'll find something interesting.

Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project



Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project


It's not weird that the separation of Han Solo and Princess Leia is a recreation of the Take On Me music video. It's weird that this idea seems to show up twice in the same project — weird and totally charming, of course.

Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project


Finally, a chance to see an adorable little girl superimposed over Darth Vader, yelling at Luke Skywalker while lashing about with a lightsaber, and I assume coming dangerously close to destroying the family's finest vase with a rogue swing.

Star Wars fan project

Star Wars fan project


And lastly, R2D2 and Lando Calrissian throw a dance party.Lando Calrissian, for those who don't know, is a magnificent dancer.

10 Oct 20:12

Oregon governor's fiancee admits to sham marriage - Yahoo News

by gguillotte


Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber's fiancee admitted Thursday that she violated the law when she married an immigrant seeking to retain residency in the United States. Cylvia Hayes said in a tearful news conference that she believes she was paid around $5,000 for the 1997 marriage. She said she was "associating with the wrong people" while struggling to put herself through college. Marriage fraud is a federal felony, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, although there's a five-year statute of limitations. Those charged with marriage fraud may also be charged with other offenses such as visa fraud or making false statements.
10 Oct 20:06

The Lego Movie’s Batman Is Getting A Spinoff Film With Will Arnett! - EVERYTHING IS BATMAN!

by Jill Pantozzi

"written by author-screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith"


The Hollywood Reporter is saying Will Arnett, The Lego Movie’s LEGO Batman, is getting his own feature film.

“Chris McKay, the animation supervisor on Lego Movie, was initially set to direct that project’s sequel. However, the movie is being pushed back and McKay is now helming the Lego Batman movie, which is being written by author-screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith,” writes THR. “Warners is eyeing a 2017 release for the spinoff, possibly even the original date for Lego Movie 2. The next Lego movie is Ninjago, which is due to open Sept. 23, 2016. The Lego Movie sequel would presumably come after 2017.”

I’ll be there.

(via Comic Book Resource)

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10 Oct 20:05

Newswire: Ernie Hudson isn’t into all-female Ghostbusters, but hopes they’re sexy

by Sean O'Neal

The news of Paul Feig’s all-female, total protonic reversal of Ghostbusters has already provoked plenty of debate and statements of cautious optimism and/or defeated resignation. But it wouldn’t be Ghostbusters without Ernie Hudson showing up halfway through—and according to Hudson, this movie won’t be Ghostbusters at all. After a series of oddly repetitive tweets suggesting that the news would not “sit so well” with Ghostbusters fans who haven’t been sitting comfortably for at least four years now, Hudson expanded on those thoughts in an interview with The Telegraph. And not surprisingly, he’s not happy with any new Ghostbusters that isn’t the original one that he didn’t enjoy filming all that much and was more or less cut out of, and that isn’t the direct sequel he himself has said can’t really be made after Harold Ramis’ death.

“I heard ...

10 Oct 20:04

Newswire: Yes, Stefon will probably make an appearance on SNL this weekend

by Marah Eakin

"Mulaney and Hader wrote all of those sketches together, with many of Hader’s on-screen breaks coming from bits Mulaney added to the cue cards without Hader’s knowledge."

If vague suggestions on John Mulaney’s Twitter are to be believed, Stefon will probably appear on this weekend’s Bill Hader-hosted episode of Saturday Night Live. Mulaney posted a picture of himself and Hader “brainstorming some nightmares over Skype,” a phrase that can hopefully only mean the return of both Stefon Meyers and his cast of New York characters that are akin to the “visions a dying gay man would have if he was under too many blankets.” Mulaney and Hader wrote all of those sketches together, with many of Hader’s on-screen breaks coming from bits Mulaney added to the cue cards without Hader’s knowledge. And it looks like they’ll be coming up with some new variations on the human fire hydrant.

Brainstorming some nightmares over Skype

— John Mulaney (@mulaney) October 10, 2014

10 Oct 20:01

annefrankzappa: Pugsley and Wednesday go trick-or-treating in...


Pugsley and Wednesday go trick-or-treating in their spooky disguises.

10 Oct 19:21

OSR defined

by darrick3909

'OSR is an aesthetic. The movement sprang from nostalgia of the 1970's and 80's: art, literature, sex, themes, attitudes, adventures, worlds... everything from an earlier period of tabletop gaming (when many of us were in or near adolescence).'

wow, what a succinct reason to stay away from OSR, thanks


This is how I personally define the OSR...

  1. OSR is a sign or badge of compatibility with early D&D. From a marketing standpoint, products labeled OSR should be more or less usable with original/basic D&D, AD&D, 2nd edition, 5th, and possibly even 3rd and 4th if one doesn't mind a little conversion work, scaling things back, etc.
  2. OSR is a style of play that lends itself to guidelines not scripture, DIY, non-standardization, wild-eyed anything goes creativity, freewheeling spur-of-the-moment improvisation (I'll give it a 1 in 6 chance of happening), and player-character determined campaigns, while avoiding character optimization, rules bloat, and roll play vs. roleplay.
  3. OSR is an aesthetic. The movement sprang from nostalgia of the 1970's and 80's: art, literature, sex, themes, attitudes, adventures, worlds... everything from an earlier period of tabletop gaming (when many of us were in or near adolescence). That which is considered classic, vintage, retro, and old school is sometimes called OSR even though it bears little resemblance to D&D. The Call of Cthulhu RPG, for example.

Read the full blog post here:


Venger Satanis
10 Oct 19:15

A Voice for Men’s Janet Bloomfield libels Anita Sarkeesian with an obviously fake “screenshot” of a Tweet that never was | we hunted the mammoth

by djempirical

Janet Bloomfield: Unapologetic asshole. Profile picture for one of her Twitter accounts.

Janet Bloomfield: Unapologetic asshole. Profile picture for one of her Twitter accounts.

EDIT: Bloomfield says she found the screenshot on Facebook. Details below.

Janet Bloomfield – A Voice for Men’s compulsively lying “social media director” – is at it again.

A couple of months back, Bloomfield – who goes by JudgyBitch1 on Twitter – decided for some reason that she could best serve AVFM’s social media directing needs by straight-up libeling feminist writer Jessica Valenti – by making up inflammatory quotes and attributing them to Valenti in a series of Tweets. She later boasted in on her blog that the quotes – which she admitted she’d conjured out of thin air – had inflamed hatred of Valenti and caused her to catch “a bit of hell.”

Now Bloomfield is pulling the exact same stunt again. This time, her target is feminist cultural critic and #GamerGate bete noire Anita Sarkeesian.

On Saturday, Bloomfield tweeted an obviously doctored “screenshot” of a tweet that Sarkeesian never made.

Sexism! So much better with a side of rascism! Yellow perverts are the worst. Ugh. So not kawaii! @femfreq

— JanetBloomfield (@JudgyBitch1) October 4, 2014

Screenshot here in case she takes it down or gets tossed off Twitter again; here’s another screenshot including replies from JB’s fans.

How do we know this is fake? Well, whoever made this fake screenshot made one glaringly obvious mistake: this Tweet is way too long to be a real tweet. Twitter, as you probably know, has a strict limit on the number of characters you can use in a Tweet. 140. This fake tweet has 218.

Here’s what happened when I typed the same text into Twitter myself: as you can see, I went over the limit by 78 characters. That’s, uh, a lot.



As you can see, the “Tweet” button is disabled; it’s simply impossible to post Tweets that are too long.

Looking back through Sarkeesian’s Twitter timeline, I found the real Tweet that she posted at 2:32 PM on the 29th of September.

"Siskel and Ebert made their own 'tropes vs. women' video in 1980" via @Polygon

— Feminist Frequency (@femfreq) September 29, 2014

As you can see, not only does the time match, but the numbers of favorites and retweets is roughly the same as well; there have only been a handful more added since the fake screenshot was made. Whoever made the fake tweet obviously just screenshotted this real tweet and then pasted in new text using the same font used by Twitter.

The sheer incompetence is astounding.

Did Bloomfield make this Tweet herself, or did she simply pass along a fake screenshot she found somewhere else? Well, Google Images couldn’t find any other instances of this fake screenshot on the internet; Bloomfield appears to be the first person to post it. Which suggests that either she or someone she knows made it – or someone else made it and sent it to her, and she posted it on the internet without checking to see if it was real.

Given her proclivity for making up quotes and attributing them to her enemies, I’m going to take a wild guess and say that I think she had something to do with creating the fake screenshot.

EDIT: Bloomfield says she found the screenshot on Facebook, on a page called Feminist Crazy Quotes, where it seems to have first appeared. Here’s her Facebook repost of it. It’s not clear where Feminist Crazy Quotes got it, as I can’t find any other instances of the tweet on the internet using Google Image search. It’s still not clear why the supposed “social media director” of AVFM, a woman who seems to spend half her life on Twitter, would not immediately realize that the Tweet was way too long to be a real Tweet.

If you scroll down through the responses to Bloomfield’s tweet, you’ll notice that Bloomfield’s fans ate this blatant deception right up; inclined to believe the worst about Sarkeesian, they easily convinced themselves that this preposterous, overlong, literally impossible tweet was real. And Bloomfield was in the thick of it, egging on their hate.

@JudgyBitch1 @femfreq Does this twat ever NOT complain about anything? Her vagina must be dryer than California's crops this year

— PhilS. (@mistaphill) October 4, 2014

@EdDescault But but but MEN with different skin and different culture and SEXIST YELLOW BASTARDS! @femfreq

— JanetBloomfield (@JudgyBitch1) October 4, 2014

@YourWifeSmells @femfreq Brainwashed! Internalized misogyny! Believe women! Shut up bitch you're dumb! uh….feminism….uh….what?

— JanetBloomfield (@JudgyBitch1) October 4, 2014


When one #GamerGater noted that the quote seemed a bit much, even for the hated Sarkeesian, another commenter pulled out the “radfem” card.

@robotno93 @JudgyBitch1 @femfreq She is radfem, welcome to the world of sick puppies, very special snowflakes.

— John Cobalt (@JohnCobalt) October 4, 2014

It goes without saying that Sarkeesian is not, in fact, a radical feminist.

When a few other tweeters pointed out the obvious – that Sarkeesian’s alleged tweet was in fact way too long to be a real tweet – Bloonfield fell back on the same “logic” she used when she was called out for making up quotes about Valenti: well, she may not have said this, but doesn’t it sound like something Sarkeesian would say?

@NotASkeleton_ @robotno93 @JohnCobalt @femfreq Good observation, but good Poe, too. She would totally say that.

— JanetBloomfield (@JudgyBitch1) October 4, 2014

No she wouldn’t. She didn’t. If she had, you wouldn’t need to use a fake screenshot to demonize her.

Amazingly, even after the tweet had been revealed to be fake, even after JB was reduced to claiming it was a “Poe” – just as she did with the fake Valenti quotes – the hatefest continued on, with dozens more tweets from JB’s peanut gallery denouncing Sarkeesian for her imaginary racism.

Here are just a few of them:

@JudgyBitch1 @femfreq Your racism is more disgusting than the anime that comes out of Japan. That's why you only cater to white women.

— Pepper (@GintaxAlviss) October 4, 2014

@JudgyBitch1 @femfreq Obviously Anita who has constantly made racist statements about Japan. But a white woman like her oppresses minorities

— Pepper (@GintaxAlviss) October 4, 2014

@JudgyBitch1 @JustLaurenB I don't like anime personally but i have to just say it. She's a cunt…….

— derkeethgod (@Ryang115) October 5, 2014

@JustLaurenB @Ryang115 @JudgyBitch1 That is like Hitler saying to the Polish you don't have a culture. Its basically it.

— Shitlord Nils (@bio_nils) October 5, 2014

@DarkCityUK @JustLaurenB @JudgyBitch1 I believe even if she didint tweet that she probably thinks that way.

— derkeethgod (@Ryang115) October 5, 2014

@JudgyBitch1 Gee, its almost like she wants to be criticized for her ignorance, just so she can call it "harassment":

— Sol O.Dio (@DioWallachia) October 5, 2014

One more prudent Tweeter suggested that Bloomfield might want to take down the blatantly fake screenshot, if only to protect herself.

@Swoodlyboop @JudgyBitch1 That's not real. Too many characters. I'd pull it down or she'll use it against you.

— Phoenix (@PhoenixCE) October 5, 2014

Ironically, while going back through Sarkeesian’s timeline to see if I could find the Tweet that was used in the screenshot, I ran across this:

For those asking my @xoxo talk should be online soon. In it I discuss how defamation, libel and slander are often deployed to harass women.

— Feminist Frequency (@femfreq) October 1, 2014

And while most the overwhelming majority of this defamation comes from angry men, some of it comes from angry women – like Janet Bloomfield — who are every bit as dishonest and abusive as their male counterparts.

Original Source

10 Oct 19:12

Piles of Rocks Disney Princesses | thaeger - Best Of Nerd Things

by djempirical

aaaaaaand scene.

no more Disney princesses art projects need to happen now.

Disney Princesses as piles of rocks illustrated by  Kevin Bolk. Without words, but beautiful;)

Disney Princesses as piles of rocks by  Kevin Bolk 01

Disney Princesses as piles of rocks by  Kevin Bolk 02

Disney Princesses as piles of rocks by  Kevin Bolk 03

Disney Princesses as piles of rocks by  Kevin Bolk 04

Disney Princesses as piles of rocks by  Kevin Bolk 05

Disney Princesses as piles of rocks by  Kevin Bolk 06

All Images © Kevin Bolk

Original Source

10 Oct 19:12

ChrisPetersonTCS on Twitter: "My 12yr old basketball loving daughter got the latest @DICKS catalog & had a big problem with it. She wrote a letter."

by djempirical
10 Oct 19:05

St. Louis Protesters Burn American Flags After Black Teen Shot...


via Toaster Strudel

St. Louis Protesters Burn American Flags After Black Teen Shot By Police

10 Oct 18:04

Sweet Bulging Goblin Trousers, The Labyrinth Sequel Is Coming - And so am I.

by Carolyn Cox

BURIED UNDER THE BURIED LEDE: "a movie based on the Emmet Otter character"!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Throw a baby in the air and give a big ol’ F.U. to adulthood: Labyrinth II is really and truly happening.

Considering the pivotal impact Labyrinth had on me as a wee ’90s pup, the announcement of The Bulge’s Return actually feels a little anti-climactic. Hidden in a Variety article about Billy Crystal joining the production of Which Witch (totally rad news, by the way) is this gem of a sentence:

It [the Jim Henson company] is also working on a quartet of legacy titles in the Henson library — a Fraggle Rock movie that’s been in development at New Regency; a sequel to 1982’s The Dark Crystal; a sequel to 1986’s Labyrinth; and a movie based on the Emmet Otter character.

TALK ABOUT BURYING THE LEAD, VARIETY! Forget Billy “The Dark Crystal” Crystal (sorry, Billy, but you just don’t have the same androgynous appeal), is David Bowie attached? What about Hoggle? Or Ludo? HAS ANYONE TALKED TO SIR DIDYMUS’ AGENT?

Jim Henson Company, if you happen to need any ideas for Labyrinth: The Second One, get at me. My friend Emily and I made a pretty compelling sequel in my backyard in the mid ’90s. It’s edgy stuff.

Sequel-haters to the left, y’all. You won’t take this one away.


(via io9)

Previously in dance, magic, etc.

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10 Oct 17:44

Malala Yousafzai’s journey to the Nobel Prize, in her words

by Sonali Kohli
Pakistani teenage activist Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban for campaigning for girls' education, signs a copy of her book before an event launching her memoir, "I Am Malala", at the Southbank Centre in central London October 20, 2013. REUTERS/Olivia Harris (BRITAIN - Tags: POLITICS EDUCATION TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) - RTX14HYM

The Pakistani teenager and education activist Malala Yousafzai was famous for her ideas even before she came to international attention, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday. Indeed her intelligent advocacy when her school in the Swat Valley was shut down by the Taliban is what the gunmen who shot Yousafzai in the head in 2012 were attempting to thwart.

Now the 17-year-old is the Nobel Peace Prize’s youngest recipient, and the whole world is listening to those ideas. Here’s a glimpse of how they have developed over the years:

This 2009 documentary on Yousafzai, three years before she was shot

“They cannot stop me. I will get my education, if it is in home, school or any place. This is request to the all world that save our school, save our world, save our Pakistan, save our Swat.”

An interview after the 2012 shooting

“Today you can see that I’m alive. I can speak, I can see you, I can see everyone. And today I can speak, and I’m getting better day by day.”

Her July 2013 speech to the UN

From the speech: “Dear sisters and brothers, I am not against anyone. Neither am I here to speak in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorist group. I am here to speak for the right of education for every child. I want education for the sons and daughters of the Taliban and all the terrorists and extremists.”

Last year’s October interview with Jon Stewart

“Going to school is not only learning about different subjects. It teaches you communication. It teaches you how to live a life. It teaches you about history. It teaches you about how science is working. And other than that, you learn about equality, because students are provided the same benches. They sit equally—it shows us equality. It teaches students how to—how to live with others together, how to accept each other’s language, how to accept each other’s tradition and each other’s religion. It also teaches us justice. It also teaches us respect. It teaches us how to live together.”

10 Oct 17:28

Man has full head tattoo of Patriots helmet, gets arrested for drugs

by James Dator

in Florida

New Hampshire Man Has Patriots Helmet Tattooed on Head; Moves to Florida, Is Soon Arrested |

— Florida Man (@_FloridaMan) October 10, 2014

Those eyes though!

Victor Thompson learned the hard way that he wasn't in New Hampshire anymore. The 46-year-old tattooed Patriots fan was busted for possession of Spice, synthetic marijuana. It's legal in his home state, but not in Florida where he was arrested.

At least he never counts out Touchdown Tom.

10 Oct 17:22

Missing Hiker Paula Reuter Rescued After Three Days in Washington Mountains -


'Reuter survived on mushrooms, and Reuter said she also ate bark because she wanted to reserve the beef jerky she had for her dogs, who also ate frogs and rabbit'

Missing Hiker Paula Reuter Rescued After Three Days in Washington Mountains
A stranded hiker survived on mushrooms and bark for three days until smoke signals led to her rescue in a Washington state mountain range late Thursday. Paula Reuter had set out for an 11-mile hike near Snoqualmie Pass with her two dogs Monday ...

and more »
10 Oct 17:20

Lego Ends Shell Partnership Under Greenpeace Pressure

by samzenpus
jones_supa writes Since 1960s, we have been seeing the oil company Shell logo being featured in some Lego sets, and Legos being distributed at petrol stations in 26 countries. This marketing partnership is coming to an end, after coming under sustained pressure from Greenpeace. The environmental campaign, protesting about the oil giant's plans to drill in the Arctic, came with a YouTube video that depicted pristine Arctic, built from 120 kg of Lego, being covered in oil. CEO of Lego, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, wants to leave the dispute between Greenpeace and Shell, and the toy company is getting out of the way.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

10 Oct 17:19

Ethan, A Simple Messaging App That Allows Users to Ask Developer Ethan Gliechtenstein for His Opinion

by Rollin Bishop

Ethan App Ethan App

Ethan is a simple messaging app by developer Ethan Gliechtenstein that allows users to ask him for his opinion on things. The messaging app includes a few simple guidelines, one of which is that Ethan can’t respond while asleep. According to Gliechtenstein, the app started as a way for friends to get in contact with him but spiraled out from there.

But then random people started downloading and I became sort of a virtual assistant at one point, finding music for romantic dinner or animes with dragons for them. Sometimes it’s hard because they keep asking me questions while i’m sleeping. That’s why I added the rules on the home page.

Ethan is currently available on iOS.

Ethan App Ethan App

images via Ethan

10 Oct 17:02

This Part Of The US Is Spewing Methane Into The Air At An Alarming Rate

by George Dvorsky

"leaks in natural gas production and processing equipment in New Mexico's San Juan Basin"

This Part Of The US Is Spewing Methane Into The Air At An Alarming Rate

See that small "hot spot" in the U.S. Southwest near the Four Corners region? It shows an extraordinarily dense concentration of the greenhouse gas methane. At triple the standard ground-based estimate, it's the largest concentration ever seen over the United States. So what's causing it?


10 Oct 16:51

Newswire: Katy Perry will perform at this year’s Super Bowl

by Katie Rife

"Perry is poised to bring the whole family together for a wholesome celebration of consumerism and ritualized violence"

Billboard reports that Katy Perry has been chosen to perform at this year’s Super Bowl, great news both for Perry’s preteen fan base and heterosexual men drunk on Miller Lite and the thrill of sport. These two groups will enjoy Perry’s performance for different reasons, of course, and only one of them will be hoping that Perry did not learn from the example of Janet Jackson’s halftime performance a decade ago. Nevertheless, Perry is poised to bring the whole family together for a wholesome celebration of consumerism and ritualized violence this coming February.

Perry was chosen from a rumored short list that included Coldplay and Rihanna, who removed herself from consideration by tweeting a naughty word last month. The NFL will not stand for such language, young lady! But it will stand for artists exchanging a “financial contribution” for the chance to perform at the Super ...

10 Oct 16:51

Newswire: Pink Floyd is officially calling it quits 20 years after breaking up

by Mike Vago

Twenty years after breaking up, the few surviving members of Pink Floyd who will still associate with the band (so, not Roger Waters), announced a new album, The Endless River, to be released later this year. It wasn’t quite a new beginning for the band, as the album’s tracks were culled from the sessions that produced 1994’s The Division Bell, and is intended as a tribute to Floyd keyboardist Rick Wright, who died in 2008.

In those 20 years, the band has only performed a handful of times—mostly at charity events—and hasn’t written or recorded any new songs since The Division Bell. Effectively, Pink Floyd has not really existed since Pulp Fiction was in theaters. As such, longtime guitarist David Gilmour figures the time is right to say “this is the end” for the venerable group. Meanwhile, for the public good, Gilmour is holding ...

10 Oct 16:50


10 Oct 16:47

The People bought a bird magnet.

by Georgia Dunn

birb magnate