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11 Oct 16:21

Cookie of the week: Jake Boxer and Github

by Tim Chevalier
Courtney shared this story from Geek Feminism Blog.

We’ve been critical of Github on this blog before. And the problems we talked about before — specifically, sexual harassment and structurelessness — haven’t necessarily been resolved.

Nonetheless, I want to recognize an individual engineer at Github for our occasional “cookie of the week” feature, Jake Boxer.

@nexxylove it's gone :)

— Jake Boxer (@jakeboxer) October 3, 2014

Harassers who are part of the ongoing Gamergate coordinated harassment campaign created a repository on Github to coordinate their harassment efforts, and when @nexxylove reported this, Jake responded promptly by removing the repository.

I’m giving a little piece of the cookie to Jake’s employer, as well. Jake did not feel that he had to consult their legal team or wait a week for a response, or start a lengthy internal discussion about whether the repository was appropriate. He did not show any fear that if he removed the repository promptly, he would be criticized for supposedly targeting a group to marginalize their free speech. I can infer from this that Github, whatever its flaws (and there are many), is a company that will support an employee acting to stop the abuse of their resources for a purpose that doesn’t further the interests of the company.

Jake recognized that he would be able to do what he did while facing relatively few consequences, and in light of that, chose to use his privileged position for good:

I'm getting a lot of shit on Twitter right now, but no one has called me a gendered slur or insulted my promiscuity. I wonder why that is?

— Jake Boxer (@jakeboxer) October 4, 2014

Have a cookie, Jake!


— hot tater (@dreww) October 6, 2014

11 Oct 16:07

Florida State and Tallahassee Police Impeded the Jameis Winston Investigation ... -


"Among the findings:
• The university's police chief obtained original police reports as well as supplemental reports from Tallahassee police on Nov. 8, 2013, at least four days before the case was turned over to Meggs, the local prosecutor responsible for investigating serious crimes and filing criminal charges.
• The university's police chief forwarded the reports to a high-ranking administrator in the Florida State athletic department, and within days they ultimately wound up in the hands of Winston's defense attorney — also before Meggs was notified of the case and launched his own investigation.
• Two critical witnesses — Florida State football players who said they were present the morning of the alleged assault — discussed the case with Winston's lawyer and ultimately signed affidavits at his behest backing the quarterback's version of the incident. That happened before law enforcement officers tried to talk to them about what they saw and remembered, a dramatic road block in the state attorney's effort to determine whether Winston should be charged with rape.
• That same high-ranking administrator in the athletic department sought information from the university's police chief about a reporter seeking the reports on the allegations against Winston.
• The second-highest ranking officer in the campus police department ran interference with another reporter seeking information about the allegations, terming them a "rumor" that he was glad he could "dispel."
• Both of those police officials were involved in updating Florida State administrators on the case and helping formulate the school's public relations response in the first days after the explosive story became public.

These new revelations come as Florida State is the subject of an ongoing federal investigation into its handling of the rape allegation against Winston in December 2012. After his DNA was matched to genetic material found on the woman’s underwear, his attorney asserted publicly that they’d had a consensual sexual encounter. Investigators from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights are looking at whether the university’s administrators complied with the requirements of the federal gender-equity law known as Title IX."

Florida State and Tallahassee Police Impeded the Jameis Winston Investigation ...
The average sports fan knows there's shadiness going on behind the scenes in college football. They may not know what, but they do know it's shady. Still, there is at least a small shock when something gets exposed. This time, it's about Jameis Winston and ...

and more »
11 Oct 16:05

Flight attendants want to bring back gadget ban during takeoff and landing - Engadget



Detroit Free Press

Flight attendants want to bring back gadget ban during takeoff and landing
Frequent travelers might be happy that the FAA now allows the use of phones during takeoff and landing, but the biggest union of flight attendants (60,000 strong) in the country sure isn't. The union's lawyer has just attempted to get the FAA's decision ...
Flight attendants challenge FAA on electronic devicesWorcester Telegram

all 129 news articles »
11 Oct 16:02



the DC to find Wallace is 18, String, I told you that

11 Oct 16:01


11 Oct 16:01


11 Oct 16:00

Flash IDE Can Now Reach Non-Flash Targets (Including Open Source)

by timothy

finally, shut up Flash addicts

lars_doucet (2853771) writes Flash CC now has an SDK for creating custom project file formats; this lets you use the Flash IDE to prepare and publish content for (not-the-flash-player) compile targets. Among these new platforms is OpenFL, a fully open-source re-implementation of the Flash API that exports to Javascript and C++ (no Flash Player!), among other targets: When Adobe demoed the custom project feature at Adobe MAX the other night, they brought out Joshua Granick (lead maintainer of OpenFL) to show off a custom OpenFL project format that lets you make Flash Art in Flash CC, then compile it out to Flash, HTML5, and native C++ (desktop+mobile) targets. Maybe Adobe heard us after all?

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

11 Oct 16:00

Former NSA director had thousands personally invested in obscure tech firms

by Cyrus Farivar

of course

Army General Keith Alexander.

New financial disclosure documents released this month by the National Security Agency (NSA) show that Keith Alexander, who served as its director from August 2005 until March 2014, had thousands of dollars of investments during his tenure in a handful of technology firms.

Each year disclosed has a checked box next to this statement: "Reported financial interests or affiliations are unrelated to assigned or prospective duties, and no conflicts appear to exist."

Alexander repeatedly made the public case that the American public is at "greater risk" from a terrorist attack in the wake of the Snowden disclosures. Statements such as those could have a positive impact on the companies he was invested in, which could have eventually helped his personal bottom line.

Read 9 remaining paragraphs | Comments

11 Oct 15:59

Gallery: BrickCon, The biggest LEGO convention we’ve ever seen

by Sam Machkovech

Last weekend, the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall hosted BrickCon, one of the nation's largest and longest-running public exhibitions of LEGO art and dioramas. While Ars' staff suffers from varying levels of LEGO-mania, we all thought this convention's 13th annual iteration might be a cool place to see a range of amateur and professional block creations.

This year's show, in particular, caught our eye thanks to a hot tip about a Doom-themed installation, so we rushed in with our camera to snap a few choice hellions, and then we proceeded to catalog much of what we saw at the show. Take a look at our gallery for Technics, trains, war reenactments, pop culture minutiae, castles, space stations, boats, cars, and much more.

LEGO, meet DOOM.

63 more images in gallery

Read on Ars Technica | Comments

11 Oct 15:59


11 Oct 15:59

The Homeland Generation


well what the fuck you gonna call it
I hate the name too but what, did you want them to say "Insert Name Here Later Generation"?

On the absurdity of the White House creating an entire generation out of thin air.
11 Oct 15:58

How Cities Are Making Our Rats Smarter And Spiders Bigger



The wildlife around us are evolving to adapt to life in the big city.
11 Oct 15:58

Getting Banned By The NFL Is Great For Beats

The competition between Bose and Beats cost Colin Kaepernick $10,000 this week, when he violated an NFL ban on wearing Beats headphones on television after games. But the public spat is probably worth more than that to the company: it projects exactly the attitude Beats has carefully cultivated.
11 Oct 15:56

cornpone: The beginning of something.


The beginning of something.

11 Oct 15:56

Reagan-Bush ’84

by bubbaprog
2014 October 11 9 51 59
11 Oct 15:54

How to Survive and Succeed at Your First Anime Convention

by Paul Jensen

1. don't go to it
2. watch animes at home


You’ve decided to go to your first anime convention, and that’s awesome. It’s also probably a little overwhelming, if not a bit terrifying. There are admission and travel arrangements to take care of ahead of time, budget concerns looming at every turn, and part of you is wondering if it might not be a better idea to just hide under a desk. Fear not. With a little preparation and some insider knowledge, it’s easy to survive and thrive as a first-time convention-goer.

Find the best fit for you, even if it means starting small.

Not all conventions are alike. Some are massive events where thousands of people descend on enormous convention centers for day after day of constant activity. Others are tiny, laid-back affairs where you can see and do everything over the course of a few hours. It’s important to find an event that matches not only what you want to do, what you can personally handle.

Big conventions in big cities tend to have the longest list of things to do. They also attract major companies and personalities from both the US and Japan. On the other hand, smaller events are often less overwhelming for first-time attendees and can be found just about anywhere. It’s worth checking out a convention’s website before you start buying weekend passes. Look through the guest and exhibitor lists, and see if there are numbers on how many people usually attend. If you see something that catches your interest and you think you can handle the crowd, it’s probably a good match.

Spend less money on the convention so you can spend more money at the convention.

Unless you have a heck of a lot of disposable income, you’ll probably be doing this on a budget. That means every dollar you spend on tickets, travel, and lodging is a dollar you won’t be spending on awesome stuff on the dealer floor. Take the cheap flight. Stay in the cheap hotel. Better yet, stay with a friend or relative who lives nearby. Just don’t show them the thing you bought at that one booth. Trust me, they won’t get it.

Make a realistic, flexible schedule.

Putting together an itinerary for each day of the convention is easy. Making one that you can actually stick to is something else entirely. As a general rule, there is a line for everything, and it’s always a good idea to show up early for popular panels and screenings. Give yourself plenty of time to get from one event to the next, especially if they’re far apart.

You should also be prepared to adapt on the fly, as no schedule is immune to sudden changes. Panels and autograph sessions tend to move around in time and space faster and more often than a certain TARDIS-owning Time Lord. If the convention you’re attending has a social media account or a smartphone app, check it on a regular basis for new information.

As crazy as it sounds, bring sunscreen.

Bringing some basic items like a bottle of water is just common sense. Sunscreen, on the other hand, might seem like an odd inclusion. After all, why would you ever go outside at a gathering of people who stereotypically spend all their time indoors? The thing is, con staff frequently end up having to send long lines out of the building, especially during registration and badge pick-up. Spending several hours under the summer sun just to pick up your weekend pass is hardly a rare occurrence. Better to stuff a bottle of sunscreen in your backpack than spend the weekend unintentionally cosplaying as a lobster. And yes, I learned this lesson the hard way so you don’t have to.

Give cosplayers extra room.

I have a lot of respect for cosplayers. They spend huge amounts of time and money in order to recreate elaborate outfits that were never designed to fit a real, three-dimensional person. The results are frequently mind-blowing, but also incredibly difficult to move around in. Navigating a crowed hallway is much harder with Attack on Titan maneuver gear strapped to your waist, so give cosplayers a little extra room if you don’t want to be part of a massive collision. A little courtesy helps keep everyone moving along smoothly.

When in doubt, remember why you’re there.

It’s physically impossible for one person to do everything, even at a fairly small convention. At any given moment, there will probably be at least three things going on that you want to be a part of. Everything sounds like fun because it probably is. When that crushing multitude of options makes it impossible to decide what to do, just remember the one thing that made you want to attend this particular convention.

Everyone goes to anime cons for their own reasons. Some are there to scour the merchandise booths for the one supremely awesome item that they’ve spent years searching for. Others want to go to all the panels and learn about all the things. Maybe you’re after an autograph from a particular voice actor, or maybe you just want to meet a bunch of people who share your interests. No matter what convinced you to give the convention scene a try, let that guide you as you decide how to spend your time there. Have fun, and don’t worry if you don’t manage to cross off every item on your ambitious to-do list. Just showing up is half the battle.

(Top pic by Paul Jensen)

Paul Jensen covers anime, manga, and video games at

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11 Oct 15:54

Turns Out There’s No Labyrinth Sequel In the Works After All - BALLS.

by Rebecca Pahle

whew, yay. leave it alone

where Emmet Otter at tho

bowie labyrinth

Yesterday we shared with you a little tidbit buried in a Variety article—that The Jim Henson Company is working on a sequel to Labyrinth, the movie that slingshotted so many geeks of a certain *cough* age straight into puberty. Alas, we are here to tell you that Variety punked us all—the Labyrinth sequel is not actually happening. Your mileage may vary.

Via Entertainment Weekly:

“While [the Jim Henson Company is] working on a Fraggle Rock movie and a Dark Crystal sequel, as the Variety article stated, there are currently no plans to reboot, revive, or make a sequel to Labyrinth. It’s one of those legacy titles that is floated at most meetings, but, sadly, nothing is actually in development at the moment.”

Looks like Sir Didymus isn’t coming out of retirement quite yet after all. Your dreams of further David Bowie bulgeitude will have to remain just that—dreams.

(via: Dark Horizons, thanks to anon tipster)

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11 Oct 15:52

peever, n.


"The stone, piece of pottery, etc., used in the game of hopscotch. Also: the game of hopscotch itself (freq. in pl., with sing. concord)."

11 Oct 15:36

rosannapansino: Borg Cube Cake - Video [ LINK ]


via Toaster Strudel
cake can do anything


Borg Cube Cake - Video [ LINK ]

11 Oct 15:35



via Toaster Strudel

11 Oct 15:35



via Toaster Strudel

11 Oct 15:34



via Toaster Strudel

11 Oct 15:34

maudelynn: Edna Best, by Dorothy Wilding c.1925 via


baller masterclass


Edna Best, by Dorothy Wilding c.1925


11 Oct 15:33


11 Oct 15:33



I dig it



By Matt D. Wilson

It looks like Marvel is striking while the iron is hot.

September’s Edge of Spider-Verse #2, which featured an alternate-universe Gwen Stacy who bore the mantle of Spider-Woman and was also in a super-cool girl band, was such a massive success that the publisher has announced an ongoing series starring the character will launch in February. The creative team behind the Edge of Spider-Verse issue, writer Jason Latour, artist Robbi Rodriguez, and colorist Rico Renzi, are all expected to return.

The announcement came Friday morning at New York Comic-Con in a closed-door, retailers-only panel, which reportedly also teased a January event with the familiar words “No More Mutants”, and included retailer questions about the future fates of Thor, Wolverine and the Fantastic Four.


11 Oct 14:20

whats your favourite nineties x-men costume?

gambits hair looks ridiculously bad in the 90s cartoon this picture doesnt do it justice

11 Oct 05:21

Spy Hard: Sid Meier’s Covert Action

by Adam Smith



By Adam Smith on October 10th, 2014 at 4:00 pm.

You can't say Maximillian without saying 'Ian'.

I love it when a plan comes together. On the surface, Covert Action is a game about minigames, each acting as an optional node in a procedurally generated tale of espionage and infiltration, but it’s really about the metagame. Covert Action is one of those games that bloody well deserves a remake – even Meier said it had tried to do too much on its initial release. It was about as ahead of its time as James Joyce shaking hands with an Eloi and I’d love to see a version made with modern tech. Maybe some of the charm would be lost though – I’ve been mucking about with the game this morning following a Steam release (it’s already on GoG) and it continues to be brilliant, despite overstretching itself and my brain cells.

Every game of Covert Action begins with the generation of a plot. Depending on the difficulty level, that plot might involve several political organisations, terrorist cells, and safehouses and agents scattered around the globe. Or it might be a case of planting a couple of wiretaps in Washington, next door to your own headquarters, tailing a car across town and then taking a quick flight to Rome to arrest a so-called mastermind.

Whatever else you’re doing, whether it’s tailing cars using a clever top-down ‘maze’ system, or planting wiretaps on a puzzle grid, your ultimate objective is to gather evidence. You begin the game with a dossier of clues, which lead to locations and characters in the game world, and then you choose how you’ll go about finding more data until you either have enough information to stop the plot, or fail and see it come to fruition.

It could have been made yesterday, etc etc

While I was playing this morning, I went to a known safehouse and planted a wiretap, then waited for someone to leave and trailed the car. It led me to a dingy little building that I had no intelligence about, so I decided to plant a wiretap there as well. I screwed up the puzzle, triggering an alarm, and had to run away.

My first wiretap linked the two suspects who were active in the US that I knew about with a third man, but his location was unknown. The last I knew of him placed him in Europe and that’s where I was heading when I decided to tab out of the game and enthuse about how enjoyable it is, even two and a half decades after release. It isn’t timeless – hence my desire for a remake – but it’s not quite like anything else out there. The Steam release is currently priced at £3.74, with the usual launch discount of 25%. It’s 5p cheaper on GoG but on Steam you can also buy it bundled with the classic versions of Pirates! Gold Plus and Colonization. That’s known as the Classic Explorers Pack because if there’s one thing Covert Action star Maximillian ‘Ian’ Remington likes to do, it’s explore his feelings while listening to Tori Amos and glugging down a bottle of Blossom Hill Zinfandel..

Covert Action, Sid Meier's Covert Action, Sid-Meier.

11 Oct 05:17

Cancellation of High School Football Season Leads Sayreville to Ask What ... - New York Times


'The county prosecutor said that on four separate occasions between Sept. 19 and Sept. 29, some of the suspects held the victims, who are also juveniles, against their wills, while others “improperly” touched them “in a sexual manner.” One of the victims was kicked during an attack, officials said.'

New York Times

Cancellation of High School Football Season Leads Sayreville to Ask What ...
New York Times
The Sayreville Leprechauns, a New Jersey youth program, practicing on Friday, which was originally the day of Sayreville War Memorial High School's homecoming football game. Credit Matt Rainey for The New York Times. Continue reading the main story.
New Jersey prep football case puts hazing in focusNUjournal

all 699 news articles »
11 Oct 05:17

Woman exonerated, freed after 17 years in prison - Kansas City Star


'Based solely on witness testimony, Mellen was convicted of orchestrating the beating death of Richard Daly at a Lawndale home where Mellen and others lived.

The mother of three was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole.

She was embraced by her three grown children after her release.'
'The witness who claimed she heard Mellen confess was June Patti, who had a long history of giving false tips to law enforcement, according to documents in the case. She died in 2006.

Three gang members subsequently were linked to the crime, and one was convicted of the killing. Another took a polygraph test and said he was present at Daly's killing, and Mellen was not there.

In a habeas corpus petition, O'Connor said the police detective who arrested Mellen was also responsible for a case in 1994 that resulted in the convictions of two men ultimately exonerated by innocence projects.

Mellen said she held no ill will against those who put her behind bars.'

Kansas City Star

Woman exonerated, freed after 17 years in prison
Kansas City Star
A woman who spent 17 years in prison for the death of a homeless man is free after being exonerated by a Los Angeles County judge. Susan Mellen was released Friday evening from a Torrance courthouse. She told reporters that she always had faith that ...

and more »
11 Oct 05:14

American Voices: Malala Yousafzai Becomes Youngest-Ever Nobel Peace Prize Winner


“I hope this type of attention doesn’t make other young people in the world think they can change things.”

The Nobel Committee named 17-year-old Malala Yousafzai one of its 2014 peace prize winners Friday, commending the Pakistani activist for her bravery in fighting for girls’ educational rights and making Yousafzai the youngest-ever recipient of the aw...