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13 Oct 05:09


13 Oct 04:04

Raiders fans throw eggs at Chargers team bus

by Bill Hanstock

Courtesy of a Chargers PR person:

Keep it classy Oakland #eggsthrown

— Jennifer (@JMichy) October 12, 2014

This probably won't go over easy with the Chargers players.

12 Oct 19:03

Snap Shots: Highland Cow on an Island

by Camper English

Highland cattle8

Scotland has the cutest cows. Highland cattle are usually found in the Highlands, but this one was spotted on Islay when I visited Bowmore in April 2010. 


12 Oct 08:14


12 Oct 08:12

My Thoughts This Morning on GamerGate

by John Scalzi

Actually, the first of these are from last night, in the wake of learning that game developer Brianna Wu was threatened out of her home:

Jesus. Brianna Wu is someone I consider a friend. Fuck everyone who thinks GamerGate is anything other than haters shitting on women.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

If you think threatening women is a legitimate tactic for anything, feel free to stop reading my work. I don't need you or your money.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

What followed this morning after a whole lot of stupid on my comment threads when I woke up this morning:

Astounding the number of dudes who think a woman game developer being harassed has nothing to do with a movement founded to harass women.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

And yes, GamerGate was founded to harass women. We've all seen the IRC logs. Part of the plan: recruit others to be their useful idiots.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

And there sure have been a lot of useful idiots letting offering up their services to those who want to harass women! Well done, you.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

Face it, dudes: "GamerGate" is a toxic thing. You can't say you support WITHOUT explicitly standing with those who hate and harass women.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

Excellent post about GamerGate. "If you don’t step away… then you *are* part of a hate movement."

— N. K. Jemisin (@nkjemisin) October 11, 2014

So stop standing with people who WANT you to be their useful idiots while they threaten women. You can't pretend you don't know anymore.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

You know. We know you know. EVERYONE knows you know. No one else buys into your denial. Just stop. AND repudiate. Stop being used. Simple.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

And if you refuse to stop being a useful idiot for those who harass and hate women, we'll know that too. And remember.

— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 11, 2014

12 Oct 05:58

Apple Tasting at Portland Nursery

12 Oct 05:58

Harvard student charged over bomb hoax - Yahoo News

by gguillotte
A Harvard student has been charged over a bomb hoax that forced the elite US university to evacuate four buildings, call in police and disrupt final exams, prosecutors said. Eldo Kim, 21, is accused of emailing university police as well as the student-run newspaper last year, with a subject line that read "bombs placed around campus," according to a statement from United States Attorney Carmen Ortiz. But he may never see a trial, as the government has asked for an 18-month deferral while Kim completes a "pretrial diversion program" that will include "home confinement for four months, payment of restitution to agencies that responded to Kim's bomb hoax, and 750 hours of community service.
12 Oct 05:52

Game developer Brianna Wu flees home after death threats, Mass. police investigating

by Michael McWhertor

Game developer Brianna Wu, head of development at Boston-based Giant Spacekat, fled her home after receiving a series of specific, violent threats directed at her and her family on Twitter last night, she told Polygon. Police confirmed they are actively investigating the threats.

The harassment of Wu is the third such high profile event in the past three months involving a woman in games being the target of death and rape threats. In August, Depression Quest developer Zoe Quinn was subjected to threats and harassment, as was Tropes vs Women in Games creator Anita Sarkeesian.

Wu believes she was targeted after tweeting a series of images critical of those who identify with the GamerGate campaign. After tweeting that members of the 8chan message board — a refuge for former 4chan posters — and GamerGate supporters had posted her personal information online, Wu republished a series of disturbing response tweets that contained violent threats and the developer's home address.

"And, here's the part of the night where I call the police," Wu tweeted alongside a disturbingly violent anti-feminist message directed at her. (A good timeline of the events on Twitter are collected at We Hunted The Mammoth.)

Capt. Richard Flynn, investigations commander with the Arlington Police Department, confirmed with Polygon that the incident is now under investigation with the department's Criminal Investigation Bureau. Polygon requested a copy of the police report, but our request was declined.

In an email to Polygon, Wu said she's also been in contact with the FBI and a detective in Boston regarding the harassment. Polygon has contacted the FBI for details on an investigation of the threats.

In the wake of last night's threats, Wu said she and her husband have left their home for "somewhere safe." Wu told Polygon she returned home today to "make sure nothing had been vandalized and to pick up some computer equipment," but said, "I'm not planning on being home for a while."

The attack on Wu has continued through today, she said. "Giant Spacekat's financial accounts are currently being targeted by hackers," she tweeted on Saturday afternoon.

Wu also responded to accusations that harassment toward her was fabricated as part of publicity or self-promotion.

"I am a professional developer, and I'd like to think I'm well regarded in this field," she told Polygon. "I can think of no quicker way to destroy my career than making up a false allegation like this, getting the FBI involved and getting arrested over it. It's absurd."

Earlier this year, Polygon published an editorial from Wu in which she outlined the rampant harassment that women in games regularly endure.

"[P]eople think men and women receive the same harassment online," she wrote at the time. "They do not. I'm not writing this piece to evoke your sympathy. I'm writing to share with you what prominent, successful women in the industry experience, in their own words."

12 Oct 05:50


12 Oct 03:22

i want to see this movie


john keough beat

i want to see this movie

12 Oct 03:22


12 Oct 03:20

'Red Beans And Ricely Yours'


'Ruffins’ recipe is a mixture of old and new. He uses smoked neck bones, six onions chopped in two, kidney beans and smoked sausage. For seasoning, he leans toward convenience, with four sticks of butter, granulated garlic and “Tony Chachere’s [Creole seasoning], to taste. Stuff is real potent, so don’t use too much.”'

Free rice and beans is still a monday night tradition in New Orleans.
12 Oct 03:16

habitosnotivagos: Pois é


Pois é

12 Oct 03:16

tastefullyoffensive: The face of a broken man. [themagicpotato]


The face of a broken man. [themagicpotato]

12 Oct 03:15


12 Oct 03:14

Why So Many Pakistanis Hate Their Nobel Peace Prize Winner

While official reaction was overwhelmingly positive, on Facebook and especially Twitter, Pakistan’s middle class dredges up old conspiracy theories.
12 Oct 03:13

NSA Has Undercover Operatives in Foreign Companies

by Bruce Schneier

The latest Intercept article on the Snowden documents talks about the NSA's undercover operatives working in foreign companies. There are no specifics, although the countries China, Germany, and South Korea are mentioned. It's also hard to tell if the NSA has undercover operatives working in companies in those countries, or has undercover contractors visiting those companies. The document is dated 2004, although there's no reason to believe that the NSA has changed its behavior since then.

The most controversial revelation in Sentry Eagle might be a fleeting reference to the NSA infiltrating clandestine agents into "commercial entities." The briefing document states that among Sentry Eagle's most closely guarded components are "facts related to NSA personnel (under cover), operational meetings, specific operations, specific technology, specific locations and covert communications related to SIGINT enabling with specific commercial entities (A/B/C)""

It is not clear whether these "commercial entities" are American or foreign or both. Generally the placeholder "(A/B/C)" is used in the briefing document to refer to American companies, though on one occasion it refers to both American and foreign companies. Foreign companies are referred to with the placeholder "(M/N/O)." The NSA refused to provide any clarification to The Intercept.

That program is SENTRY OSPREY, which is a program under SENTRY EAGLE.

The document makes no other reference to NSA agents working under cover. It is not clear whether they might be working as full-time employees at the "commercial entities," or whether they are visiting commercial facilities under false pretenses.

Least fun job right now: being the NSA person who fielded the telephone call from the Intercept to clarify that (A/B/C)/(M/N/O) thing. "Hi. We're going public with SENTRY EAGLE next week. There's one thing in the document we don't understand, and we wonder if you could help us...." Actually, that's wrong. The person who fielded the phone call had no idea what SENTRY EAGLE was. The least fun job belongs to the person up the command chain who did.

Wired article. Slashdot and Hacker News threads.

12 Oct 03:13

Experts Decry Randomized Ebola Treatment Trials As Unethical, Impractical

by timothy
New submitter Strangely Familiar writes "A letter in the Lancet calls for alternatives to randomized trials for Ebola treatments: "Leading health experts today urge the deployment of alternative trial designs to fast-track the evaluation of new Ebola treatments. In a letter to The Lancet, 17 senior health professionals and medical ethicists, from Africa, Europe, and USA, argue that although randomised controlled trials (RCTs) provide robust evidence in most circumstances, the lack of effective treatment options for Ebola, high mortality with the current standard of care, and the paucity of effective health care systems in the affected regions means that alternative trial designs need to be considered."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

12 Oct 03:11

Michigan State does the fake chest-bump handshake TD celebration

by Seth Rosenthal

A couple weeks ago, we saw TCU avoid excessive celebration by stopping short of a chest-bump to engage in a gentlemanly handshake instead. Michigan State likes the Frogs' style:


Watch out for the NCAA introducing an "insufficient celebration" penalty in the near future.

12 Oct 03:00

Watch this LSU player flop for a Florida unsportsmanlike conduct call

by Rodger Sherman

It's true, WR Andre DeBose did touch safety Jamal Adams in the face. But probably not hard enough to elicit this reaction:

It worked, as he got the 15-yard penalty called.

12 Oct 02:59

spookycyborg: the reviews say “gritty realism” but the heart whispers “suburban straight boy...


the reviews say “gritty realism” but the heart whispers “suburban straight boy libertarian fantasy with a limited color palette”

12 Oct 02:59

Review: Doctor Who: “Mummy On The Orient Express” · TV Club · The A.V. Club

by gguillotte
this season in general and this episode in particular feel like what the 80s production team were trying to pull off with Colin Baker’s 6th Doctor but did not have the skill or the vision to pull off; as this episode lays plain, the Doctor does not have to perform the role of the hero to still fulfill its requirements. And that doesn’t change the fact that it does make it easier for Clara—not to mention the audience—to believe the Doctor is only pretending to be heartless, when the better answer is that just about everything he does is some kind of pretense at this point.
12 Oct 02:51

Instagram Photo by dj_empirical • Cincinnati Observatory

by djempirical
12 Oct 02:47

tehzii: ravensrandoms: drziggystardust: skeptikhaleesi: Some...





Some interesting info: This is very reminiscent of the Baby X experiments, in which it was discovered that people reacted differently to a baby’s behavior depending on whether or not they believed the baby to be male or female.  People were asked to watch a video of a baby reacting to a startling image (a Jack-in-the-box popping up), and describe the baby’s emotional state.  When people believed the baby to be female, they described the baby as being scared and upset; when they thought the baby was male, they perceived the baby to be angry.  This was very telling, as it showed that literally identical behavior could be construed differently based on the perceived gender of the subject.

Now imagine a lifetime of gender specific socialization- male anger is par for the course while the same emotion in a woman is personal weakness. Ha oh sorry don’t have to imagine THAT’S REALITY 


There was a post across my dash earlier about “If you’re cis, sit down and think about your gender identity and what it means to you” and there was someone in the comment who thought it was pointless for a cis person to think about why they are their gender and what that means because that’s the whole point of being cis but no. No. This is why it’s important to think about your gender and what it means, because if you’ve never thought about it you are not defining it for yourself.

12 Oct 02:00

get-fit-n-shit: semiscaryspice: A real comment I received on...



A real comment I received on an essay shout out to my professor for proving academics, too, can be fuckboys

oh my GOD UGH

12 Oct 01:57

Newswire: The Daily Show adds two new correspondents

by Katie Rife

Now that Michael Che and Larry Wilmore have turned in their letters of resignation, The Daily Show is in need of funny people. And rather than place a Craigslist ad, Comedy Central has recruited two new correspondents from the ranks of stand-up.

First is Trevor Noah, already a pretty big deal, just in places Americans don’t pay much attention to because they’re not in America. Noah’s talk show, Tonight With Trevor Noah, debuted in 2010, and he was the first South African comedian to appear on The Tonight Show and The Late Show With David Letterman. He has performed four stand-up specials in South Africa, and his first American special, Trevor Noah: African American, premiered on Showtime last year.

Then there’s Hasan Minhaj, who, as his website prominently points out, is not related to Nicki. Minhaj is based in L.A. (for the moment, anyway), has ...

12 Oct 01:56

Outrage spreads after Wendy Davis runs wheelchair campaign ad - Los Angeles Times


'The 30-second TV spot cited the accident that left her opponent, Atty. Gen. Greg Abbott, partially paralyzed and suggested he had profited from his misfortune while denying other victims the same remedy.

“A tree fell on Greg Abbott,” the ad’s narrator states, referring to the 1984 incident, which occurred when Abbott was jogging during a storm. “He sued and got millions. Since then, he’s spent his career working against other victims.” '

Outrage spreads after Wendy Davis runs wheelchair campaign ad
Los Angeles Times
Wendy Davis was a Democratic state senator who was little known beyond Texas when she burst onto the national political scene in the summer of 2013, staging a one-woman filibuster to stop passage of a tough anti-abortion law. Within hours, the pink ...

and more »
12 Oct 01:33

Weev Is The Worst, But America Still Must End Its Paranoid War On Hackers


can we end our paranoid war on hackers without ending our rational war on weev

"You may think weev is an asshole. But being an asshole is not a crime, and neither is obtaining unsecured information from publicly facing servers."
12 Oct 01:17

Ambitious New High-Speed Rail Plan Will Fly Americans To Japan To Use Their Trains

WASHINGTON—In an effort to bring the United States’ transportation network “into the 21st century,” President Barack Obama unveiled an ambitious new high-speed rail plan Friday that will fly Americans to Japan in order to use the i...

11 Oct 23:17

RIP Loukanikos, The Riot Dog


'A ginger mongrel which became a Greek folk hero during anti-austerity riots in 2011 has died aged 10.

Loukanikos - meaning "Sausage" - charged and yelped alongside protesters when they confronted police and were tear-gassed in the streets of Athens.'