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17 Oct 22:32

Today In Adorable: Here’s a 3D-Printed Iron Man Prosthetic For Underprivileged Children - Jarvis, reroute all power to the FEELINGS.

by Victoria McNally

One of the awesome things about 3D printing is that it makes manufacturing prosthetics much, much simpler to do. If you have the right design, all you need is the money for raw materials and access to a printer. The only problem is that 3D designed arms don’t exactly come out looking particularly unobtrusive or real like the expensive models can—but who needs reality when you can be Iron Man?

This 3D Printed Iron Man gauntlet by technical artist and mechanical designer Pat Starace has a lot of cool features attached—for starters, there’s an LED lit thruster in the palm, a “working” laser on top that can be controller with voice commands, and hidden mechanical features that keep it looking as seamless and cool as Tony Stark’s arm. Starace is currently taking requests from individuals in need of a prosthetic, but hopes to find the opportunity and resources to mass produce these suckers for kids in need.

The Iron Man gauntlet isn’t the first superhero themed prosthetic for children, though—that honor goes to a volunteer with E-Nabling the Future, who designed a set of detachable Wolverine claws to go on top of the 3D printing non-profit’s Cyborg Beast model. Geez. Doesn’t that just warm your adamantium-infused heart?

(via Gizmodo)

Previously in prosthetics

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17 Oct 22:27

Newswire: Jason “Khal Drogo” Momoa is launching his own brewery in Detroit

by Marah Eakin

Even burly, horse-loving Aquamen are getting into craft brewing. Jason “Khal Drogo” Momoa says he’s opening a brewery in Detroit, having recently purchased a 9,000 square foot, 100-year-old former General Motors facility in the city. Details are a little sketchy on when, how, and what that product will entail, but Portland’s Willamette Weekly got a little of the “why” when it talked to Momoa around Road To Paloma, a recent movie he produced, wrote, and directed.

Momoa told Willamette Weekly that his favorite beer is Guinness, but that otherwise he mostly prefers farmhouse ales and wheat beers. He’s a big fan of Michigan’s New Holland Brewing, with his production company, Pride Of Gypsies, just recently completing a commercial The Woodsman, a pale ale collaboration between the company and Carhartt. Momoa says New Holland is the first brewery he’s ever been to where he “liked ...

17 Oct 22:26

A Beautiful BBC Feature Telling the Story of Russian Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov and the First Spacewalk

by Glen Tickle

First Spacewalk Alexei Leonov

A beautiful BBC News feature tells the story of Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov who, on March 18th, 1965, became the first human to perform a spacewalk as part of the Voskhod 2 mission. The story is told with an elegantly designed site featuring photos, interviews, and video.

photo via Socialism Expo

17 Oct 22:21

Arizona Now Has Marriage Equality -

Arizona Now Has Marriage Equality
A federal judge clears the way for the Grand Canyon State to get marriage equality. BY Sunnivie Brydum. October 17 2014 12:21 PM ET. U.S. District Judge John Sedwick (left), Arizona Attorney General Thom Horne. A federal judge struck down Arizona's ban ...

and more »
17 Oct 22:21

Facebook is now bigger than IBM

by Matt Phillips
Mark has his eyes on the prize.

It’s a major changing of the technology guard for corporate America.

Facebook’s market capitalization darted ahead of IBM in recent weeks, as Mark Zuckerberg’s social media behemoth saw its value rise to roughly $208 billion as of Thursday’s close of trading.

Tap image to zoom

Thanks to a remarkable share surge over the past year, Facebook’s market value has leapfrogged any number of the gold-plated names of American industry, including Verizon, AT&T, Coca-Cola, Walt Disney, Bank of America and Citigroup.

Facebook’s shares—up 44% over the past 52 weeks—have fared far better than the broader S&P, which rose about 9% over the same period. The stock has gained mostly on the back of a solid earnings story that has quickly changed the story surrounding the shares away from its disastrous IPO and toward for Facebook to monetize its mobile growth. Facebook’s earnings due later this month, will be another test of its ability to turn the stickiness of its website into profits.

17 Oct 22:16

What's Trending: All Things Pants | Athleta

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

Pants are trending! Fucking FINALLY! HOOORRAA-



oh no


reserve IN STORE

Original Source

17 Oct 22:13

"I have first-hand experience of this mentality. When I wrote about Zoe Quinn’s game Depression Quest..."

I have first-hand experience of this mentality. When I wrote about Zoe Quinn’s game Depression Quest for this site last month, a piece that was commissioned before the coining of the Gamergate hashtag, my editor received a slew of messages from people who disagreed with the article and sought to discredit me by claiming that I had a financial connection to the story. I sponsor several writers with small monthly donations via Patreon, a crowdfunding Web site for artists. Unbeknownst to me, one of those writers, Jenn Frank, had been commissioned to write a piece for the Guardian about the harassment that Quinn had endured. This was enough for many Gamergate supporters to denounce my piece as part of a media conspiracy. I can’t imagine how much worse it must be to receive threats against one’s life.

Video games, like all art and entertainment, are inherently political; they are created worlds that can’t help but express the values of their creators. Sometimes, those values are reflected in the demographics of the games: in how they represent, or fail to represent, women and minorities, or in the virtual foes they ask players to kill with their virtual guns. Other times, the systems and rules that govern games reflect and reinforce those that we experience on this side of the screen. The political nature of games is not something to fear, or to shy away from discussing. It is in part what makes them so fascinating. Strong criticism is neither an act of betrayal toward a work nor the first step toward censorship; it leads to illumination and improvement.

Those who wish to censor or expel certain creators and critics are often avid fans of video games, but their views are antithetical to its virtues. At their best, video games promote empathy and understanding by allowing us to experience virtual life from another’s perspective. Those who stand against honest debate and dialogue may think that they are protecting a beloved pastime, but their actions compromise its vibrant future.

- Simon Parkin, Gamergate: A Scandal Erupts in the Video-Game Community - The New Yorker
17 Oct 22:13

Apple has removed all Bose products from its stores

by Chris Welch

You can no longer buy any of Bose's products from Apple's online store. As spotted by 9to5Mac, headphones from Bose's QuietComfort series and speakers including the SoundLink Mini and SoundLink III have vanished from Apple's web storefront. A search for "Bose" now bizarrely points you to refurbished Apple routers and other non-related items. Presumably Bose's lineup will make an exit from retail stores, if products been pulled already. The abrupt disappearance comes amid a growing rivalry between Apple, which now owns Beats headphones, and Bose, another headphone manufacturer. Last week, MacRumors reported that Apple would soon remove all things Bose from its shelves. And now it's happened.

Starting with the 2014 NFL season, Bose has secured a high-profile sponsorship deal with the league that has seen Beats' recognizable gear banned from game day interviews and other on-camera appearances. Quarterback Colin Kaepernick has already been fined $10,000 for wearing Beats headphones and has since come up an old-fashioned workaround to avoid further penalties. The end of a fairly long retail relationship between Apple and Bose would indicate that problems are only escalating between the two electronics companies. It's also a bummer for consumers, since Bose offers some genuinely fantastic products like the aforementioned SoundLink Mini. There's always Amazon, Best Buy, and Target though. We've reached out to both Apple and Bose for statements on the situation.

17 Oct 22:12

The fault in our czars

by Michael Zelenko

puns beat

At a meeting Thursday night, President Obama suggested that in order to effectively tackle the Ebola issue in the United States, he would "appoint an additional person… just to make sure that we are crossing all the t’s and dotting all the i’s going forward." By Friday morning, the media had dubbed Ron Klain, Obama's chosen appointee, the Ebola Czar.

At first blush an Ebola Czar, or any czar really, invokes an image of a cruel and omnipotent character parading around in heavy velvet robes, and carrying a jeweled scepter. Not an obvious choice for someone to manage a national healthcare crisis. But take a look under that robe and you’ll find that "‘czar" — at least in the context of American politics — is a relatively meaningless term, largely crafted by the media as convenient shorthand for long, cumbersome titles. It’s a blustery euphemism meant to inspire confidence when in fact, these czars are little more than run-of-the-mill government appointees, often faced with the same challenges as less imperious workers. Just like other employees, czars are eventually replaced, retire, or their positions are scrapped.

Today’s Ebola czar joins a long and storied rank of czars who have reigned over political kingdoms large, small, and on occasion, bizarre. So we thought we’d pull together a sample platter of our favorite presidentially-appointed government czars. It will, I’m certain, leave you czar struck.

Manpower Czar - Appointed in 1942 by Franklin Roosevelt
Rubber Czar - Appointed in 1942 by Franklin Roosevelt
Shipping Czar - Appointed in 1942 by Franklin Roosevelt
Cleanup Czar - Appointed in 1952 by Harry Truman
Missile Czar - Appointed in 1957 by Dwight D. Eisenhower
Savings & Loan Czar - Appointed in 1990 by George H. W. Bush
Border Czar - Appointed in 1995 by Bill Clinton
E-commerce Czar - Appointed by Al Gore in 1998
Bioethics Czar - Appointed in 2001 by George W. Bush
Reading Czar - Appointed in 2001 by George W. Bush
Cyber Security Czar - Appointed in 2001 by George W. Bush
Science Czar - Appointed in 2001 by George W. Bush
Bird Flu Czar - Appointed in 2004 by George W. Bush
Democracy Czar - Appointed in 2005 by George W. Bush
Birth Control Czar - Appointed in 2006 by George W. Bush
War Czar - Appointed in 2007 by George W. Bush
Weatherization Czar - Appointed in 2008 by George W. Bush
Copyright Czar - Appointed in 2009 by Barack Obama
Urban Affairs Czar - Appointed in 2009 by Barack Obama
Ethics czar - Appointed in 2009 by Barack Obama
Great Lakes Czar - Appointed in 2009 by Barack Obama
Guantanamo Base Closure Czar - Appointed in 2009 by Barack Obama
Iran Czar - Appointed in 2009 by Barack Obama
Safe School Czar - Appointed in 2009 by Barack Obama
Weapons of Mass Destruction Czar - Appointed in 2009 by Barack Obama
Asian Carp Czar - Appointed in 2010 by Barack Obama

17 Oct 22:12

Kickstarter pulls Anonabox, a Tor-enabled router that raised over $585,000

by Ars Staff

Kickstarter removed a fundraiser for a popular Tor-based router project on Friday afternoon.

The Anonabox, which was created by August Germar, of Chico, California, aimed to be an “open source embedded networking device designed specifically to run Tor.” Its fundraising goal was $7,500, and in five days, it raised $585,549 from nearly 9,000 backers—including three Ars editors.

Germar told Ars that he was not aware that it had been suspended until Ars forwarded him an e-mail from Kickstarter outlining the possible reasons why it could have been cancelled.

Read 8 remaining paragraphs | Comments

17 Oct 22:05

Alien: Isolation has the best woman protagonist since … 'Alien'

by Danielle Riendeau

"This fall's crop of big-budget games is all about making the player feel like the ultimate badass. So why is the game with a prominent woman protagonist centered on making the player feel powerless?

If Amanda Ripley were presented as anything less than a competent, cool-headed engineer, there would be something to this argument. But she is not a weakling, nor a shrieking damsel in distress. She survives because of her strength and her smarts, where so many others fail. Alien: Isolation is simply not a power fantasy. It is a survival fantasy, a brutally difficult one at that.

Because the odds are so stacked against her, Amanda Ripley is actually more empowered than most other AAA game characters. When you're fighting comparatively weak enemies, it's easy to look like a badass. Face off against a xenomorph, and you'll see what you're really made of."

Alien: Isolation is not a perfect game. It has issues with pacing, a frustrating save system, and, as stated in our review of the game, it becomes a slog by the end. Despite this, it succeeds in one way that no other video game has ever come close: It captures the feminist spirit of the original films, and does justice to Ellen Ripley — one of the cinema's all-time greatest protagonists.

While there have been plenty of games based on the Alien franchise (check out our retrospective here), very few of them have actually centered on the films' hero. Fewer still have captured what makes her such a great character: her ability to stay cool under pressure, her balance of toughness and humanity, and her smarts. In the films, Ripley is a working woman, just trying to do her job and stay alive, someone we can all identify with. She's sitting at number eight on the American Film Institute's list of 100 greatest film heroes of all time.

But while so many games have borrowed much from the franchise — the sound of the pulse rifles, the very concept of badass space marines, the slinky, horrifying xenomorphs — Ripley hasn't really come through.

This summer, Kotaku's Luke Plunkett summed the situation perfectly in a tweet:

Alien: Isolation stars Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda, an engineer that gets caught up in the disaster aboard Sevastopol station, a creaking hulk of an outpost. A "pure" horror experience, the game captures the tone of the first film, and, in Amanda, it captures the spirit of its protagonist.

Next-gen Ripley

Like her mother, Amanda is a technical expert with no illusions about the nature of the megacorporations that rule life in the 22nd century. She's smart, she's resourceful, and she's a survivor. In cutscenes, we see a no-nonsense woman. She's been on deep-space jobs before. She doesn't buy the company line. The only thing that sets her off towards Sevastopol is the promise of learning what happened to her mother.

Amanda is a survivor. No matter how awful the situation — and Alien: Isolation pits you against so many awful things it's almost comical — Amanda gets by using her wits, her skills and her cool head. A brutal xenomorph stalks you through the station. Humans will shoot on sight. Creepy AIs with red, glowing eyes are constantly on the lookout for you. The station itself is falling apart. But Amanda perseveres. Swearing quietly under her breath, she does what needs to be done — she tracks down the tools that need repairing, helps other survivors. She gets the job done.

The game reinforces Amanda's engineering expertise in its systems. You can repair items, scavenge for spare parts and "craft" useful tools and items. Finding a blueprint for an item allows you to craft it. Is it game-y? Yes. But, at the very least, it's a feature that is wholly consistent with the character and setting, and it directly shows off Amanda's skill set.

Power fantasy

Is there something to be said about the fact that Alien: Isolation is disempowering, compared to many other games? That it stars a woman, and therefore, further emasculates players who are used to, say, killing thousands of orcs in Shadow of Mordor or being the master badass of the army, as in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare? This fall's crop of big-budget games is all about making the player feel like the ultimate badass. So why is the game with a prominent woman protagonist centered on making the player feel powerless?

Amanda Ripley is actually more empowered than most other AAA game characters.

If Amanda Ripley were presented as anything less than a competent, cool-headed engineer, there would be something to this argument. But she is not a weakling, nor a shrieking damsel in distress. She survives because of her strength and her smarts, where so many others fail. Alien: Isolation is simply not a power fantasy. It is a survival fantasy, a brutally difficult one at that.

Because the odds are so stacked against her, Amanda Ripley is actually more empowered than most other AAA game characters. When you're fighting comparatively weak enemies, it's easy to look like a badass. Face off against a xenomorph, and you'll see what you're really made of.

Working girl

In much the same way that Ellen Ripley's tough-talking blue-collar woman spoke powerfully to audiences in the '70s, when women were fighting hard to gain respect in the workplace, Amanda Ripley is a protagonist we can get behind as we fight for better portrayals of women in video games.

The place and portrayal of women in games has been a massive topic in the industry in the last couple of years. Many of us have been calling for more and better woman characters, and calling games out when they feature poor portrayals of women.

It may have taken 35 years, but Ellen Ripley finally has a worthy successor

Amanda is not sexualized or fetishized in the way that many woman game characters have been in the past. She's tough, she's smart, and she survives precisely because she is tough and smart. She doesn't exist as a sidekick or the wife/girlfriend of a prominent male character. Alien: Isolation is her story. She's the kind of person I would want on my team in real life, if I were to face off against something awful.

It may have taken 35 years, but Ellen Ripley finally has a worthy successor in video games. Sigourney Weaver herself has expressed approval of the mother-daughter legacy (something you very rarely see in horror/sci-fi fiction in general). I would love for Amanda to spark a brand new "Ripley" effect in video games, the same way her mother paved the way for other women action stars in film.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, Polygon as an organization.

17 Oct 21:59

Elizabeth on Twitter: "The only good news is that Buzzfeed should be Eron's final interview ever"

by gguillotte

wowwwwwwwwww this fucking guy

The only good news is that Buzzfeed should be Eron's final interview ever
17 Oct 21:40

Small Gods

by boulet

via Toaster Strudel via ThePrettiestOne

17 Oct 21:37

/gg/ - GamerGate

by gguillotte


"Fuck. Fuck. Fucking hell. What of my literature idols has gone the way of the SJW. William Gibson. I have been waiting for his new book forever but now I dont even want to buy it. He has retweeted some anti-gamergate stuff, some known feminist "writers", the beginning of his new book mentions "cultural appropriation". I feel devastated." // "You would think someone as smart as him, that has written about dystopian societies would be against censorship, groupthink…I dont even know anymore." // "What the shit. This can't be fucking true. Not fucking Gibson. Please tell me he's just been bluepilled by SJWs. Please tell me we can still save him. Please. ;_;" // "Fuck. Fuckitty fuck fuck fuck. Fucker. Really liked your stuff too, Mr. Gibson." // "Thing is though, once they're bluepilled there is literally no way to turn them back. They're gone forever. That's why these mainstream media hit pieces are so devastating to GG, it's just that on a massive scale." // "yep, I am a convert extremely SJW, then went full Conservative. now I'm more of a moderate Libertarian." // "Anyway, fuck him. Who cares what he thinks. He's as relevant to the internet as BoingBoing is." // "Just gotta watch some more Captain Picard to get a proper method of thinking and a moral approach to problems back on track." // "Looking at his feed, he retweets quite a lot of stupid leftist shit. No surprise he'd be anti-GG. That and he also wrote one of the worst X-files scripts ever, about VR gaming, called First Person Shooter. (To be fair, he also wrote one of the better ones, Kill Switch.)" // ">Tim Schafer >Arin Hanson >Barry Kramer >Raspberry Pi Those are the only four that really make me feel bad." // "Regained respect for: Jontron"
17 Oct 21:37

Ebola Today: Suspected Case in Texas Goes Missing

by gguillotte


• 4:30 p.m. Hot potato. Baylor Health Care System announced Friday afternoon that a patient was isolated after reporting Ebola symptoms and that they had contact with a person with the virus. The Dallas County Health Department then instructed that the patient be transferred to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, according to a statement from Baylor. But here’s the rub. Spokespeople for Texas Health Presbyterian told local news stations that they had not received a transfer patient and could not say whether the patient had been treated or released. There is no confirmation that this patient has Ebola. Texas Health Presbyterian has not responded to request for comment.
17 Oct 21:36

Mini Squishable Katamari Ball: An Adorable Fuzzy Plush to Snurfle and Squeeze!

by gguillotte
What is a Katamari, tiny Prince? Why, the most important thing of all! More important than shiny pennies, extra-dark chocolate, or surprised cows! You see, what makes a Katamari so important is that it sticks lots of good things together, to make one gigantic, very huge good thing! You can never have too much of a good thing, tiny Prince! This Katamari is like a starter kit for happiness! Roll it along, and see what wonderful things you can create! ROYAL RAINBOW!!!
17 Oct 21:36

Ebola Today: Not Everyone Who Vomits on the T Has Ebola; Suspected Case in Conn. - Health -

by gguillotte

but everyone who's on the T has vomited on the T, so

• 12:45 p.m. ET: Don’t panic if someone throws up on the T. Around 11:30 a.m. Thursday morning, the MBTA alerted passengers that the Orange Line train was suspended between Back Bay and Ruggles stations “due to a medical situation.” A woman was reported to be throwing up. Boston Public Health Commission spokesperson McKenzie Ridings told that Boston EMS was called to evaluate a woman who was ill on the Orange Line. She was taken via ambulance to Boston Medical Center. Service resumed on the T by 11 :41 a.m. according to the MBTA. Transit Police told that a bystander called 911 around 11 a.m. saying “there’s a woman from Liberia here and she has Ebola.” Both claims were wrong. Boston EMS responded and asked the woman routine medical questions and determined she was of Haitian descent. “Both claims were obviously wrong,” James Witzgall, Deputy Chief of Transit Police told “It’s this hysteria that I expect will happen more and more often.”
17 Oct 19:27



via Toaster Strudel

17 Oct 19:22

Here Are 88 Weird College-Owned Trademarks, Arranged as a Poem - Administration - The Chronicle of Higher Education

by hodad

R U ready?
Registrant: University of Utah Research Foundation

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: Educating at senior high schools; education services in the nature of courses at the university level; education services, namely, providing tutorial sessions in the field(s) of math and science; Educational testing.

The game is on!
Registrant: The Gamecock Club of the University of South Carolina

Filed: 2008

Potential Use: Club services, namely, promoting the interests of athletes, coaches, fans, supporters and administration of the University of South Carolina in a joint effort to build and maintain nationally prominent athletic programs that will battle for championships

Cuse is in the house
Registrant: Syracuse University

Filed: 2009

Potential Use: T-shirts

Whose house? Our house!
Registrant: Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

Filed: 2014

Potential Use: Caps; Hats; Jackets; Pants; Shirts; Shorts; Sweat pants; Sweatshirts; T-shirts

Enthusiasm beyond measure
Registrant: Rector and visitors of the University of Virginia

Filed: 2008

Potential Use: health care services.

It sounds like BOOM
Registrant: The Regents of the University of California

Filed: 2010

Potential Use: Footwear, headgear, namely hats and caps, clothing, namely, shirts, pants, jackets, and tops

Registrant: Yale University

Filed: 1998

Potential Use: Apparel, namely, t-shirts

Registrant: Ball State University

Filed: 2012

Potential Use: Beverage glassware, Athletic apparel, namely, shirts, pants, jackets, footwear, hats and caps, athletic uniforms.

Salute the hoot
Registrant: Florida Atlantic University

Filed: 2012

Potential Use: conducting college-level sports events; and providing stadium facilities for sporting and entertainment events.

Fear the fork
Registrant: Arizona Board of Regents, for and on behalf of Arizona State University

Filed: 2012

Potential Use: Posters; decals, Travel bags; luggage tags, Chairs, : Household utensils, namely, spatulas, Shirts, Flying disks, : Entertainment in the nature of competitions in the field of athletics

Fear the Roo
Registrant: The University of Akron

Filed: 2007

Potential Use: Blanket throws

Fear the nut
Registrant: The Ohio State University

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: t-shirts


Filed: null

Potential Use:

Urban Meyer knows
Registrant: The Ohio State University

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Clothing items for men, women, and children, namely, shirts and t-shirts

the power of orange
Registrant: Syracuse University

Filed: 2014

Potential Use: Education services, namely, providing courses in the field of law

Real champs wear orange
Registrant: Syracuse University

Filed: 2003

Potential Use: Shirts; t-shirts; jerseys; tank tops; sweat shirts; sport shirts; golf shirts; night shirts; jackets; coats; parkas; sweaters; pants; shorts; sweat pants; scarves; headwear; head bands; sweat bands; caps; hats; boxer shorts; bandannas

Wade Wacko
Registrant: Duke University

Filed: 1997

Potential Use: bumper stickers, nonmetal key holders

Wavee Dave
Registrant: Jackson State University

Filed: 2009

Potential Use: T-shirts; uniforms.

Cameron Crazy D
Registrant: Duke University

Filed: 1996

Potential Use: clothing, namely, shirts.

Houndstooth Mafia
Registrant: Board of Trustees of The University of Alabama

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Bumper stickers; Magnetic bumper stickers; Stickers; Stickers and transfers

Rat pack
Registrant: The Johns Hopkins University

Filed: 2012

Potential Use: Educational services, namely, providing courses and training in the field of university research administration.

Orange pack
Registrant: Syracuse University

Filed: 1981

Potential Use: Promoting Interest in University Athletics Through the Formation and Maintenance of Sports Fan Clubs.

Orange pride
Registrant: Syracuse University

Filed: 1995

Potential Use: metal auto tags; metal keychains; metal litter baskets; metal parking signs; pencil cups; paper napkins and placemats; paper/cardboard lawn signs, notebooks; paper note and letter pads; posters; decals; temporary tattoos in the nature of decals for use on skin; bumper stickers; pocket date keepers; calendars; pens; pencils; binders; stationery; pad holders in the nature of stationery portfolios; scrapbooks/photo albums; postcards; paper name badges; giftwrap; bookmarks; playing cards; Christmas cards; vinyl ID and floppy disk holders; umbrellas; tote bags; backpacks; all-purpose sports bags; wallets; briefcase-type portfolios; leather and imitation leather cube-shaped trunks; pet sweaters; mirrors; illuminated mirrors; director's chairs; novelty plastic signs with suction cups for glass, windows, and other smooth surfaces; non-metal keychains; non-metal parking signs; plaques; rockers/captain's chairs; footstools; ornamental novelty pins; ornamental novelty buttons; stadium seats and cushions; chair pads; mugs; ceramic beverage glassware; cups; plates; tumblers; drinking glasses; ceramic banks and figures; soap dishes; toothbrush holders; tankards; crystal beverage glassware; stadium blankets; throws; pillows; cloth flags; felt pennants; cloth banners; Christmas stockings; drawstring bags; towels; afghans; blankets; tablecloths; handkerchiefs; cloth napkins; cloth placemats; bedspreads; cloth wall hangings; spirit flags for cars; stadium blankets; throws; pillows; cloth flags; felt pennants; cloth banners; Christmas stockings; drawstring bags; towels; afghans; blankets; tablecloths; handkerchiefs; cloth napkins; cloth placemats; bedspreads; cloth wall hangings; spirit flags for cars; teddy bears; cheerleader dolls; Christmas ornaments; board games; decorative balloons; indoor basketballs; stuffed animals; autograph dogs; hand puppets; kites; golf balls; baseballs; basketballs; footballs; lacrosse balls and sticks; basketball backboards; cardboard kaleidoscopes; decorative windsocks; flying disks; entertainment services, namely conducting college-level sports events and educational and entertainment activities

Registrant: Syracuse University

Filed: 1992

Potential Use: paper napkins and placemats; paper/cardboard lawn signs; paper note pads; posters; decals; temporary tattoos in the nature of decals for use on skin; bumper stickers; calendars; pens; pencils; binders; stationery; pad holders in the nature of stationery portfolios; postcards; bookmarks; playing cards; T-shirts, shorts, sweatshirts, cotton tops, fleece sweatshirts and pants, boxer shorts, infant and toddler sports shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, bib overalls, T-shirts, shorts, diaper pants, and socks, aprons, bibs, children's warm-up suits, headwear, gloves, sneakers, earmuffs, knit tops, athletic jerseys, dog sweaters, scarves, nightgowns

Don't trash the neighborhood
Registrant: Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education

Filed: 2007

Potential Use: Promoting public awareness through a public messaging educational campaign to alleviate and prevent illegal dumping and littering in the State of Nevada


Filed: null

Potential Use:

Touched by a nurse
Registrant: The University of Colorado Board of Regents

Filed: 2009

Potential Use: charitable fundraising services by means of organizing, managing and supervising fundraising events, namely, entertainment in the nature of charity balls and dinners; charitable fundraising services by means of organizing community sporting and cultural events, to support individuals and organizations engaged in the furtherance of the nursing profession; charitable fundraising services for the purpose of funding educational scholarships.

Registrant: Cornell University

Filed: 2010

Potential Use: Fresh apples; living trees, namely, apple trees; and apple tree seeds

Bodda getta
Registrant: Auburn University

Filed: 2011

Potential Use: Bathing suits; Bibs not of paper; Bow ties; Dresses; Fleece tops; Headwear; Jackets; Jerseys; Layettes; Leggings; Lounge pants; Maternity clothing, namely, shirts; Pajamas; Pants; Rompers; Scarves; Shirts; Shoes; Shorts; Skirts; Skorts; Socks; Sweaters; T-shirts; Ties; Under garments; Uniforms; Vests; Wrist bands

Registrant: University of South Carolina

Filed: 2005

Potential Use: Bone cement for medical purposes

Shrouded probe
Registrant: Texas A&M University System

Filed: 1997

Potential Use: probes used for obtaining aerosol samples from industrial and power utility smokestacks and process streams.

Anatomy revealed
Registrant: University of Toledo

Filed: 1999

Potential Use: Computer program for learning and review of practical human anatomy and its clinical application

Lipo moist
Registrant: University of Miami

Filed: 1996

Potential Use: non-medicated lotions, namely, skin, facial, and body lotions.

Fish wrap
Registrant: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Filed: 1995

Potential Use: computer software and instructional manuals provided as a unit, for accessing, collecting, and filtering electronic news clippings and for transmitting and receiving news information on a global computer information network.

Registrant: University of South Carolina

Filed: 2003

Potential Use: Metal license plates, Paper goods and printed matter; namely, stickers, [bumper stickers,] decals, [notebooks, spiral notebooks, loose leaf binders;] pens and pencils, Clothing; namely, t-shirts, [shorts,] sweatshirts, [fleece jackets,] sweatpants, baseball hats, and [university athletic team jerseys].

Registrant: Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: Computer software for use in virtual reality clinical simulation in the field of medical training and education; educational services, namely, providing online educational programs in the field of medical training and education; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for use in virtual reality clinical simulations in the field of medical training and education

Howling cow
Registrant: North Carolina State University

Filed: 2010

Potential Use: Milk and dairy products excluding ice cream, ice milk and frozen yogurt.

Experience amazing
Registrant: University of Mississippi

Filed: 2010

Potential Use: Educating at university or colleges.


Filed: null

Potential Use:

I choose to refuse
Registrant: Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas

Filed: 1990

Potential Use: clothing, namely, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, caps, jackets, sweaters, shorts, pajamas, shoes, and socks.

Avoid the stork
Registrant: University of Iowa Research Foundation

Filed: 2012

Potential Use: Providing educational information in the field of birth control and pregnancy prevention.

Smart dipstick
Registrant: University of Dayton

Filed: 2002

Potential Use: a rod equipped with electronic sensors capable of communicating information regarding the level, quality and contamination of engine oil to a compatible computer system

Open the freezer
Registrant: State University of New York by and on behalf of Stony Brook University state university

Filed: 2014

Potential Use: Education services in the nature of courses at the university level and distribution of educational material in connection therewith; educating at universities or colleges; providing a website that features information about higher education services, namely, journalism, journalism education, journalism teaching methods and journalism workshops; providing information about education; conducting educational workshops in the field of journalism and journalism teaching methods; education services in the nature of journalism courses at the university and university graduate level, and distribution of educational materials in connection therewith.

Bring the juice
Registrant: The Ohio State University

Filed: 2012

Potential Use: T-shirts

Registrant: Colorado School of Mines

Filed: 2007

Potential Use: Bottled water.

Xtreme reading
Registrant: University of Kansas

Filed: 2008

Potential Use: Printed instructional, educational and teaching materials in the field of education directed to teachers and educators for use in improving the literacy skills of adolescents. Education services, namely, providing training and instruction in the field of education directed to teachers and educators for use in improving the literacy skills of adolescents; and distribution of course materials in connection therewith.

Drive beyond measure
Registrant: Rector and visitors of the University of Virginia

Filed: 2008

Potential Use: health care services.

Registrant: President and Fellows of Harvard College

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: Clothing, namely, t-shirts

Nerd pride
Registrant: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Filed: 1994

Potential Use: oranmental novelty buttons; clothing, namely sweatshirts and T-shirts

Registrant: The George Washington University

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: Public relations.

America's Brightest Orange
Registrant: The Board of Regents for Oklahoma State University

Filed: 2011

Potential Use: Education and entertainment services, namely, providing course of instruction at the university level; research in the field of education; arranging and conducting athletic events and tournaments, exhibitions, conferences, live performances and festivals.


Filed: null

Potential Use:

Most of us
Registrant: Montana State University at Bozeman

Filed: 2003

Potential Use: Conducting marketing studies in the field of social norms; providing marketing consultation and research services; providing marketing consultation and research in the field of media advocacy and strategy; preparation of custom advertisements and custom promotional products for others; conducting market research surveys and public opinion polls; preparing, designing, evaluating and implementing promotional campaigns for others promoting public awareness of the need for positive reinforcement, healthier behavior and attitudes, adherence to community values, and public outreach.

Still-deciding students
Registrant: Drexel University

Filed: 2003

Potential Use: career counseling directed to undergraduate and graduate college students on-campus and via the internet

Centsible student
Registrant: Utah State Board of Regents, c/o The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

Filed: 2014

Potential Use: Printed materials, namely, certificates, awards, brochures in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, scholarships, student borrowing and student loan repayment, paper banners, paper letterhead, business cards, note cards, envelopes, stationary, name tags, folders, postcards, printed presentations, namely, printed handouts and printed presentations of motivational and educational speakers in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, scholarships, student borrowing and student loan repayment, forms, booklets in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, scholarships, student borrowing and student loan repayment, manuals in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, scholarships, student borrowing and student loan repayment, informational flyers in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, scholarships, student borrowing and student loan repayment, leaflets in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, scholarships, student borrowing and student loan repayment, posters, magazines in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, scholarships, student borrowing and student loan repayment, greeting cards; Promoting public interest in education, career advancement, and leadership; promoting interest in financial aid literacy; promoting awareness of the importance of education; recruitment of students for higher education; promoting public interest in education in the nature of e-mail blasts campaigns in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, student borrowing and student loan repayment; Financial services, namely, financial aid consultation, and financial aid in the nature of loan financing, providing educational scholarships, providing grants to individuals, and savings programs for students; Providing a website featuring information about higher education and higher education resources; on-line journals, namely, blogs featuring information about higher education and higher education resources; on-line electronic newsletters and brochures delivered by e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social media, and electronic media in the field of financial and financial aid literacy, student borrowing and student loan repayment; providing information via e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social media, and electronic media to students concerning financial and financial aid literacy, student borrowing and student loan repayment

Registrant: Utah State Board of Regents, c/o The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

Filed: 2014

Potential Use: Printed materials, namely, certificates, awards, brochures in the field of financial aid literacy, paper banners, paper letterhead, business cards, note cards, envelopes, stationary, name tags in the nature of paper name badges, folders, postcards, printed presentations, namely, printed handouts and printed presentations of motivational and educational speakers in the field of financial aid literacy, forms, booklets in the field of financial aid literacy, manuals in the field of financial aid literacy, informational flyers in the field of financial aid literacy, leaflets in the field of financial aid literacy, posters, magazines in the field of financial aid literacy, greeting cards; Promoting public interest in education, career advancement, and leadership; promoting interest in financial aid literacy; promoting awareness of the importance of education; recruitment of students for higher education; promoting public interest in education in the nature of e-mail blasts campaigns in the field of financial aid literacy; Financial services, namely, financial aid consultation, and financial aid in the nature of loan financing, providing educational scholarships, providing grants to individuals, and savings programs for students; Providing a website featuring information about higher education and higher education resources; on-line journals, namely, blogs featuring information about higher education and higher education resources; on-line electronic newsletters and brochures delivered by e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social media, and electronic media in the field of in the field of financial aid literacy; providing information via e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social media, and electronic media to students concerning financial aid literacy

Registrant: Utah State Board of Regents, c/o The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

Filed: 2014

Potential Use: Printed materials, namely, certificates, awards, brochures in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education, paper banners, paper letterhead, business cards, note cards, envelopes, stationary, name tags in the nature of paper name badges, folders, postcards, printed presentations, namely, printed handouts and printed presentations of motivational and educational speakers in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education, forms, booklets in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education, manuals in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education, informational flyers in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education, leaflets in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education, posters, magazines in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education, greeting cards; Promoting public interest in education, career advancement, and leadership; promoting interest in financial aid literacy; promoting awareness of the importance of education; recruitment of students for higher education; promoting public interest in education in the nature of e-mail blasts campaigns in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education; Financial services, namely, financial aid consultation, and financial aid in the nature of loan financing, providing educational scholarships, providing grants to individuals, and savings programs for students; Providing a website featuring information about higher education and higher education resources; on-line journals, namely, blogs featuring information about higher education and higher education resources; on-line electronic newsletters and brochures delivered by e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social media, and electronic media in the field of in the field of financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education; providing information via e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social media, and electronic media to students concerning financial aid literacy and loan borrowing for higher education

Registrant: Utah State Board of Regents, c/o The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

Filed: 2014

Potential Use: Printed materials, namely, certificates, awards, brochures in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment, paper banners, paper letterhead, business cards, note cards, envelopes, stationary, name tags in the nature of paper name badges, folders, postcards, printed presentations, namely, printed handouts and printed presentations of motivational and educational speakers in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment, forms, booklets in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment, manuals in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment, informational flyers in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment, leaflets in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment, posters, magazines in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment, greeting cards; Promoting public interest in education, career advancement, and leadership; promoting interest in financial aid literacy; promoting awareness of the importance of education; recruitment of students for higher education; promoting public interest in education in the nature of e-mail blasts campaigns in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment; Financial services, namely, financial aid consultation, and financial aid in the nature of loan financing, providing educational scholarships, providing grants to individuals, and savings programs for students; Providing a website featuring information about higher education and higher education resources; on-line journals, namely, blogs featuring information about higher education and higher education resources; on-line electronic newsletters and brochures delivered by e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social media, and electronic media in the field of in the field of financial literacy and higher education loan repayment; providing information via e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, social media, and electronic media to students concerning financial literacy and higher education loan repayment

Alert and ready
Registrant: University of North Dakota

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: Educational services, namely and online computer web site providing lectures, courses, field workshops, seminars, and certification classes to healthcare personnel and other individuals in the field of responding to natural and mandmade disasters or acts of terrorism in the field of medical emergencies.

Registrant: Florida State University

Filed: 2010

Potential Use: Educational services, namely, providing instruction in the field of commercialization of new technologies in the field of art.

Registrant: Florida State University

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Educational services, namely, providing instruction in the field of commercialization of new technologies in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math.

Registrant: Florida State University

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Education services, namely, providing instruction in the field of commercializing new technologies in the field of healthcare.

Get the point
Registrant: Trustees of Boston University

Filed: 2000

Potential Use: Providing electronic value transfer services in the nature of convenience points placed on a smart card in lieu of cash for the purchase of Potential Use.

Use the point
Registrant: Trustees of Boston University

Filed: 2000

Potential Use: Providing electronic value transfer services in the nature of convenience points places on a smart card in lieu of cash for the purchase of Potential Use


Filed: null

Potential Use:

Fear the engineers
Registrant: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Filed: 2004

Potential Use: Clothing and children's clothing, namely, tops, shirts, tee-shirts, sweat shirts, pants, sweat pants, trousers, blouses, shorts, sweaters, belts, ties, coats, jackets, dresses, underwear, swimwear, gloves, scarves, socks and hosiery, footwear and headwear; team uniforms, sneakers and footwear and headwear for all collegiate sports, including, baseball, football, basketball, volleyball, hockey, soccer, lacrosse, golf, tennis, water polo, rowing, archery and others; Games and playthings, namely, stuffed toy animals, disc toss toys, action skill games, baby rattles and baby rattles incorporating teething rings, baby multiple activity toys; sporting equipment and athletic gear, namely, balls, bats, sticks, pucks, clubs, bows and arrows, and safety padding, for use in collegiate sports, namely, baseball, football, basketball, volleyball, hockey, soccer, lacrosse, golf, tennis, water polo, rowing and archery; decorations for Christmas trees; Educational services, namely, providing training in the field of arts, engineering, humanities, math and sciences; entertainment services, namely, conducting training programs, courses of instruction at the university level, workshops and seminars in the fields of arts, engineering, math and sciences; providing educational speakers for public lectures; organizing exhibitions for education, sporting and cultural purposes

Redefining what's possible
Registrant: The University of Utah

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Charitable fundraising services for cancer research and treatment

Registrant: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Filed: 1995

Potential Use: robots which are designed to be self-propelled in water and used for oceanographic search operations, seabed mapping, fisheries management, naval surveillance, pollution monitoring, and undersea filming.

Registrant: Brigham Young University

Filed: 2008

Potential Use: Handheld personal computers

God never thought of this
Registrant: University of Utah Research Foundation

Filed: 2008

Potential Use: Books in the field of RNA and evolution; Scholarly books on various topics, namely, RNA and evolution

Registrant: The Ohio State University

Filed: 2007

Potential Use: clothing, namely, hats, caps, shirts, t-shirts, jackets, jerseys, wind resistant jackets and sweatshirts

Registrant: Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College

Filed: 2004

Potential Use: Scientific and Photographic Apparatus, namely portable microscopes containing miniature, self-illuminated video camera with interchangeable magnifying lens located at the end of cable and permitting microscopic examination, transmission, imaging, photographic and video recording of objects, samples, tissues and/or organisms not easily examined with traditional microscopes; Medical Apparatus; namely portable microscopes containing miniature, self-illuminated video camera with interchangeable magnifying lens located at the end of cable and permitting microscopic examination of objects, samples, tissues and/or organisms not easily examined with traditional microscopes.

Registrant: The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Paper products, namely, bookmarks and stickers; printed matter, namely, magazines featuring information related to university-level education and athletics

Registrant: University of Utah Research Foundation

Filed: 2009

Potential Use: Water filtering apparatus.

for the kids
Registrant: The Pennsylvania State University

Filed: 2011

Potential Use: Jewelry; Rubber or silicon wristbands in the nature of a bracelet.

Cell to sell
Registrant: The Ohio State University

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: research in the field of genetics; research and development of new products for others; professional consulting services in the field of agricultural-chemistry and agricultural-biology; technology commercialization services, namely, assisting businesses in transforming ideas into commercial products in the nature of product development for others, all in the fields of bioproducts, agricultural-chemistry and agricultural-biology sciences, biotechnology, bio-based materials and products, bioenergy, and biochemistry.

The American Weigh
Registrant: Regents of the University of Colorado

Filed: 2002

Potential Use: educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars and workshops in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, weight management, exercise, and healthy lifestyles; and distribution of educational materials and other printed materials in connection therewith; counseling services in the area of exercise. counseling services in the areas of nutrition, diet, weight loss, and weight management.


Filed: null

Potential Use:

Be Boulder
Registrant: The Regents of the University of Colorado

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Providing information to prospective university students, alumni, and other constituents regarding the educational and research opportunities available at the university, the quality of the university's academic programs, and other education-related information, to help students, alumni and other constituents determine whether they should attend or engage with the university

Why not change the world?
Registrant: Rutgers University

Filed: 1990

Potential Use: Educational services in the nature of courses at the university level.

Together we can!
Registrant: Ohio University

Filed: 1993

Potential Use: educational services; namely, providing courses of instruction at the college level

Registrant: University of Central Florida

Filed: 1992

Potential Use: educational services; namely, promoting environmental and energy awareness through programs, classes and seminars

Yes, it's possible
Registrant: The Johns Hopkins University

Filed: 2010

Potential Use: educational services, namely, providing instruction and training at the undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, university, professional, preparatory, pre-college, continuing education and community levels; educational services, namely, providing courses of instruction and training, classes, seminars and programs in the field of medicine, nursing, public health, arts and sciences, engineering, education, business, international studies and music; educational services, namely, conducting distance learning instruction at the university level; continuing education services, namely, providing live and on-line classes, seminars, workshops and programs in the fields of medicine, nursing, public health, arts and sciences, engineering, education, business, international studies, music and public safety leadership; healthcare, hospitals, and medical services; medical clinics, medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes, mental health services; hospice; home health care services; nursing services; managed health care services; providing medical and health information; health care in the nature of maintenance organizations

Espresso your faith
Registrant: The Trustees of Boston College

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Educational and entertainment services, namely providing educational speakers in the fields of faith and religion, and organizing, conducting and hosting social entertainment events related to the foregoing.

Ask Dr. Universe
Registrant: Washington State University

Filed: 1996

Potential Use: printed materials, namely, newspaper columns dealing with research techniques and educational research issues; providing an interactive on-line research service on a variety of topics directed toward elementary school, secondary school, and college level students via a global computer network.

fate of the universe
Registrant: University of Utah

Filed: 1999

Potential Use: series of motion picture films featuring astronomy and astrophysics and other topics related to the creation and evolution of the universe

People who ask, know
Registrant: The Vanderbilt University

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: Health care services; hospital services; medical clinics; medical counseling; medical evaluation services, namely, functional assessment program for patients receiving medical services for purposes of guiding treatment and assessing program effectiveness; medical services; nutrition counseling; physical rehabilitation services; providing information in the fields of diseases, disease prevention, health care, medicine and medical services; and providing information via a global communications network in the fields of diseases, disease prevention, health care, medicine and medical services.

asking is the answer
Registrant: The Vanderbilt University

Filed: 2003

Potential Use: Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, training programs and conferences in the field of medicine and biomedical services; Medical services, namely, medical and health care services, and hospital services.

Registrant: Trustees of Dartmouth College

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: educational services, namely, conducting college and graduate level courses in engineering and other related courses in the fields of mathematics and applied sciences.

Registrant: The University of New Mexico

Filed: 1995

Potential Use: publications, namely, a monthly program guide for a radio station.


Filed: null

Potential Use:

At week's end
Registrant: University of New Mexico and the Board of Education of the City of Albuquerque

Filed: 1990

Potential Use: education and entertainment services; namely, a television program discussing issues of concern in New Mexico and current events

Whad'ya know?
Registrant: Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

Filed: 1994

Potential Use: entertainment in the nature of on-going radio programs.

What would you fight for?
Registrant: University of Notre Dame

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Educational and entertainment services, namely, the provision of a series of video segments about the achievements and activities of students, faculty and alumni delivered by television and the internet.

Who ya wit
Registrant: The Vanderbilt University

Filed: 2008

Potential Use: Entertainment in the nature of competitions in the field of athletics.

We all we got
Registrant: University of Pittsburgh

Filed: 2004

Potential Use: Clothing, namely, T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats

Row the boat
Registrant: Board of Trustees of Western Michigan University

Filed: 2013

Potential Use: Metal key chains and key fobs; Decals, stickers and paper flags; Plastic flags; plastic key chains and fobs; Mugs, glasses, namely, beverage glassware and drinking glasses; Flags made from fabric or cloth; Clothing, namely, t-shirts, polo style shirts, sweatshirts, hats; Organizing exhibitions in the nature of sporting events for collegiate athletics, namely, collegiate tournaments, and collegiate football games; Arranging and conducting educational conferences; Organizing festivals featuring a variety of activities, namely, sporting events; arranging and conducting athletic competitions

Registrant: Auburn University

Filed: 2005

Potential Use: Computer software for compliance with state and local taxes, namely coding, computing, reporting, filing and remitting, payment of state, city and county sales and use taxes; automated computer programs for assigning taxes to direct pay permit users, fixed asset purchases and capital projects

Wise pockets
Registrant: The Curators of the University of Missouri

Filed: 1996

Potential Use: educational services, namely, classes and seminars on management of money.

Registrant: The Trustees of Indiana University

Filed: 2006

Potential Use: psychological counseling; dietary and nutritional guidance; music therapy for physical, psychological and cognitive purposes; massage; and oncology pharmacy consulting.

Registrant: Rector and visitors of the University of Virginia

Filed: 2008

Potential Use: health care services.

Phil was here
Registrant: The University of Iowa Foundation

Filed: 2010

Potential Use: Charitable foundation services, namely, providing fundraising services for the purpose of granting gifts of money and/or property to the State University of Iowa for use in its research and educational activities; philanthropic services concerning monetary donations.

We are Phil

Original Source

17 Oct 18:37

Tiny Gray Arctic Fox Nibbles on a Man’s Exposed Toes in Absolute Delight

by Lori Dorn

A tiny gray arctic fox nibbles on a man’s flip-flop exposed toes in absolute delight. While it may be unclear if the baby vulpine was seriously setting to eat the man feet first or just wanted to play around, the efforts put forth are absolutely adorable.

via Nothing To Do With Arbroath

17 Oct 18:23

The next game from the Surgeon Simulator team lets you role-play as bread

by Alexa Ray Corriea

"players have to get the bread to the toaster without damaging it too much"

The next game from the creators of Surgeon Simulator is a role-playing game in which you are bread, developer Bossa Studios announced today in a tweet.

I Am Bread looks like a glutenous cross between the ideals of roll-em-up Katamari Damacy and the challenging control scheme of Octodad, in which is appears players have to get the bread to the toaster without damaging it too much. According to the above trailer's YouTube description, the game tells "the beautiful story of one slice of bread's epic and emotional journey as it embarks upon a quest to become toasted."

The trailer shows "edibility" and "deliciousness" meters in the upper corners of the screen, possibly measuring just how badly you'll actually want to eat the bread after it's taken a trip around your house and gotten extremely dirty.

The game appears to have originated at a game jam held last month, during which Bossa tweeted a vine showing a piece of bread climbing up a wall.

17 Oct 18:17

Ebola is getting worse in Guinea and no one’s paying any attention

by Frankie Edozien
Ebola in Guinea

When the Ebola outbreak began March it started in Guinea and soon spread to neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone overwhelming hospital systems there. Monrovia has American boots on the ground, Sierra Leone is leaning heavily on her colonial mistress Britain as well as Cuban doctors, but Guinea has received minimal attention.

Of the nearly 9,000 cases, Guinea has had the smallest amount, at 1,472.  Yet it needs just as much help as its neighbors. Guinea, which is ground zero of this outbreak, is now the one country with the least amount of resources or even attention.

This week Doctors Without Borders or Medecins San Frontieres (MSF) warned that Guinea’s capital Conakry is seeing “a massive spike in cases.” The president of Guinea, where 843 people have died, has just begged retired doctors to come back and assist in the treatment effort.

When I first visited Conakry in 1999 to report on the funeral of Amadou Diallo, the unarmed Bronx resident shot 41 times by New York City cops who mistook his wallet for gun, I saw firsthand how beautiful, but impoverished the entire country was.

Even though Guinea’s bauxite exports ought to make among the richest nations on the continent, it was lacking basic infrastructure. The major city seemed like a very small town in any other country in the region.

From Conakry to the Fouta Djallon mountains, France’s colonial legacy was visible everywhere.

Yet in 2014 the French government has not given the commitment that Britain has given to Sierra Leone in the Ebola fight.

The healthcare system is still crumbling.

“It’s still the same or even worse now,” Diallo’s mother, Kadiatou Diallo told me Thursday.

“We don’t have any good hospital in Guinea, we have no infrastructure. Trust me Guinea is the worst (of the three countries healthcare systems).” The Maryland resident has been working with others in the diaspora to bring democratic principles to Guinea under the umbrella group Pottal Fii Bhantal, but also to build a world-class hospital in Conakry.

“One good hospital built in Guinea with solar power would go a long way. Even if someone wants a test they have to send it elsewhere. One good hospital will be a good start,” Diallo added.

Of course the few Guinean elite can fly to Paris or Morocco for their check-ups. The rest of the 10 million folks are the mercy of the government hospitals, which may not always have running water.

While the US military handles logistics and builds treatment centers in Monrovia, Diallo and others who form part of the Justice in Guinea group wish that was also the case in Conakry.

President Barack Obama has leaned on France’s president, Francois Hollande to step up.

“This is not simply charity,” the president. “Probably the single most important thing that we can do to prevent a more serious Ebola outbreak in this country is making sure that we get what is a raging epidemic right now in West Africa under control.”

It appears that Obama frustration with France is now public knowledge despite the administration’s refusal to ‘name and shame.’

But some Guineans in the US have not refused to name and shame pointing to their own leadership for failing them.

“The Guinean government has shown the worst leadership. The outbreak started in Guinea and they don’t know how to handle it,” said Bashir Bah, 60, a computer engineer who now makes Washington DC his home.

He says the reason the Guinea is lagging behind its neighbors is because President Conde, let go of qualified healthcare workers when he took over as president in 2010 in favor of cronies. “When Alpha Conde got into power one of the first measures was to total purge the health care staff and all the cronies took over. That’s the fundamental explanation. The root cause is ethnic,” Bah said.

Conde is from the Malinke ethnic group and they are about 35% of the population. He’s been accused of sidelining other ethnic groups including the Peul who comprise 40% of the Guineans.

MSF is building two new treatment centers with one in Conakry to tackle the influx of new Ebola cases after months of instability.

The Atlanta based Humes-McCoy Aviation will fly medical personnel to and from the region for aid groups who want it. They will do it at no cost as long as fuel is paid for.

Guineans in America will join other West African groups to hold a fundraising concert next month to raise funds for the hospital when every one leaves eventually.

And after Obama’s push, the French government said it would kick in some funds to build two treatment centers, but not before implementing stringent temperature checks from travellers jetting in from Conakry at its airport.

Follow Frankie on Twitter @FrankieEdozien. We welcome your comments at

17 Oct 18:16

Amazon's same-day grocery delivery service launches in New York

by Jacob Kastrenakes

Amazon is beginning to launch its same-day grocery delivery service, Amazon Fresh, in New York, with service to one Brooklyn neighborhood starting today. Recode reports that the service will begin in Park Slope, a generally well-off neighborhood associated with city parents, and that Amazon intends to expand to elsewhere in Brooklyn from there. Amazon doesn't say whether it'll be launching in Manhattan, but same-day grocery delivery has long been a field that web companies have tried to crack — and should its experiments in Brooklyn succeed, there's no doubt that Amazon will keep pushing forward.

$299 per year to get groceries to your door

Amazon Fresh is already up and running in Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The service allows customers to buy items on Amazon's website and have them shipped to their homes and apartments either later in the day or early the next morning. Though it's primarily meant for groceries, the service also offers a selection of electronics and other items. Park Slope customers will be able to use the service at no additional cost for now, but they'll eventually have to pay for a $299 per year Prime Fresh subscription to get grocery delivery. That subscription also includes access to all standard Prime features.

Same-day grocery delivery has historically been a very difficult business to succeed in — as in, a lot of companies have gone under trying to do just that. That story appears to be turning around, however, as large and already established names like Amazon and even Google have begun trying it out in large cities. In New York, Amazon will even find immediate competition from FreshDirect, a next-day-delivery grocery service that's already established itself in the city. Google too is offering same-day grocery delivery in New York, though it's currently covering Manhattan.

17 Oct 18:16

Google puts Android engineering head in charge of Chrome OS, says report

by Dan Seifert

According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, Google has appointed its vice president of Android engineering to oversee its Chrome OS engineering teams as well. Hiroshi Lockheimer will oversee both at the same time, though he will still report to Sundar Pichai, who has been in charge of both Android and Chrome since 2013.

Google has long hinted that Android and Chrome would eventually be on converging paths, and that was cemented when Pichai was appointed to be in charge of both teams following Andy Rubin's departure. Today's news only furthers the notion that the two platforms will see closer ties in the future. The Journal says that Lockheimer will only be in charge of Chrome OS engineering team, not the Chrome browser, Chromecast, or Chromebook teams.

At the Google I/O developer conference earlier this year, Google showed off how Android apps would work natively in the Chrome OS environment, and last month, the first handful of Android apps became available in the Chrome OS store. With Lockheimer allegedly now in charge of both engineering staffs, we'll likely see even more integration between Google's two operating systems very soon.

17 Oct 18:16

Microsoft CEO 'humbled' by backlash to equal pay comments, outlines diversity plan

by Carl Franzen

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is not done addressing the criticism over his recent remarks that women in the notoriously sexist technology industry shouldn't be "asking for a raise" but should instead be "having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along." After making those comments in early October at a conference celebrating women in tech, and then walking back them back on Twitter and in an internal email, Nadella is taking even more steps to apologize and emphasize that he is committed to greater gender equality at Microsoft. In a memo Nadella sent to Microsoft employees this week, obtained by Geekwire, he says the feedback he received on his comments was a "humbling and learning experience." Nadella also goes on to state he is "100 percent committed to diversity and inclusion at the core of our culture and company" and outlines several new steps he's taking to expand improve on those areas.

Nadella also shares internal figures that the "wage gap" between the salaries of women and men at Microsoft with the same titles is consistently just 0.5 percent, far better than the US average and better even than the variance in the technology industry as a whole (which is also steadily improving). But he also points to recent diversity figures released by Microsoft that show women make up only 29 percent of the company's workforce and says "these numbers are not good enough...we will have to expand the diversity of our workforce at the senior ranks and re-double our efforts in college and other hiring." Finally, Nadella says he will institute mandatory training on diversity and inclusion, and says he and the rest of the leadership team will work with Microsoft's general manager of diversity Gwen Houston on monthly goals. Nadella is clearly hoping to turn his recent experience into a plan for progress within Microsoft as a whole. Above all, the incident and its fallout are good reminders that scrutiny over diversity in tech isn't going away anytime soon.

17 Oct 18:09

Bono says he wears sunglasses due to glaucoma - Yahoo Music

by gguillotte
U2 singer Bono says his ever-present sunglasses are not a rock-star affectation — he has suffered from glaucoma for 20 years.
17 Oct 18:09

Tool frontman Maynard James Keenan flushes L.A. away, sells his house tucked under Hollywood sign | Spaces - Yahoo Homes

by gguillotte

"Keenan has actually spent much of the last decade as a winemaker in Arizona, where he now makes his home."

Tool frontman Maynard James Keenan -- whose mid-'90s anthem "Ænema" called Los Angeles "one great big festering neon distraction" and said "Here in this hopeless [bleeping] hole we call L.A. / The only way to fix it is to flush it all away" -- has just sold the house he's owned since 2001, practically in the shadow of the Hollywood sign, for $2.37 million.
17 Oct 17:51

Twin Peaks

17 Oct 17:47

Ebola Fears Reach Pentagon After Woman Became Ill on Shuttle Bus - NBC

by gguillotte
A huge Pentagon parking lot remains closed and cordoned off, and a bus full of Marines is temporarily quarantined as medical personnel attempt to determine why a woman who boarded the bus suddenly became ill. The woman, a private contractor for the Pentagon, told first responders she was recently in West Africa.
17 Oct 17:39



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