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17 Oct 18:20

Smash Bros. Wii U has a stage editor, board game mode ⊟ Thanks...

by 20xx

Smash Bros. Wii U has a stage editor, board game mode ⊟

Thanks for the tip, Amazon’s game page! (And IntelliHeath!)

"Whether you’re creating stages on the GamePad, competing in challenges crafted by Master Hand and Crazy Hand, or outwitting your opponents in a brand new board game mode, there’s no doubt that the ultimate Smash Bros. game has arrived."

I mean, it hasn’t— it doesn’t come out until November 21— but, like, it will arrive soon. And it sounds P cool! A board game mode sounds like a nice way to emphasize the local multiplayer benefits of a console version.

The Wii U version also has a Zael trophy from The Last Story! It also looks like the twins from Fatal Frame 2 are in the home console game?

BUY Amiibos, Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS, upcoming releases
17 Oct 17:56

More Information Proving That the BMI is Useless

by Erika Nicole Kendall
Courtney shared this story from A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss:
...but for real, weight lifting.

Governor Schwarzenegger, everyone's favorite example of an obese man

You know I like to call it “useless trash,” but…. I’m being polite. From the NYT:

More recent studies have indicated that many people with B.M.I. levels at the low end of normal are less healthy than those now considered overweight. And some people who are overly fat according to their B.M.I. are just as healthy as those considered to be of normal weight, as discussed in a new book, “The Obesity Paradox,” by Dr. Carl J. Lavie, a cardiologist in New Orleans, and Kristin Loberg.

Unlike readings on a scale, B.M.I. is based on a person’s weight in relation to his height. It is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared (or, for those not metric-savvy, weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared and the result multiplied by 703).

According to current criteria, those with a B.M.I. below 18.5 are underweight; those between 18.5 and 24.9 are normal; those between 25 to 29.9 are overweight; and those 30 and higher are obese. The obese are further divided into three grades: Grade 1, in which B.M.I. is 30 to 34.9; Grade 2, 35 to 39.9; Grade 3, 40 and higher.

Before you contemplate a crash diet because your B.M.I. classifies you as overweight, consider what the index really represents and what is now known about its relationship to health and longevity.

The index was devised in the 1830s from measurements in men by a Belgian statistician interested in human growth. More than a century later, it was adopted by insurers and some researchers studying the distribution of obesity in the general population. Though never meant to be an individual assessment, only a way to talk about weight in large populations, B.M.I. gradually was adopted as an easy and inexpensive way for doctors to assess weight in their patients.

At best, though, B.M.I. is a crude measure that “actually misses more than half of people with excess body fat,” Geoffrey Kabat, an epidemiologist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, has noted. Someone with a “normal” B.M.I. can still be overly fat internally and prone to obesity-related ills.

Remember that conversation we had about “normal weight obesity?” I get the feeling that this is what that phrase was trying to convey – a person who has a “normal” or “underweight” reading on the BMI, but a high body fat percentage. In other words, a high presence of fat, a little presence of muscle.

Calling B.M.I. an imperfect predictor of a person’s health risks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cautions doctors against using it as a diagnostic tool.

…which is funny, considering how they still use it. I digress.

Governor Schwarzenegger, everyone's favorite example of an obese man

Governor Schwarzenegger, everyone’s favorite example of an obese man

The article goes on to explain things I’ve already told you… er, I mean, reasons why the BMI is inefficient as a marker of body awareness:

For one thing, body weight is made up of muscle, bone and water, as well as body fat. B.M.I. alone is at best an imprecise measure of how fat a person may be. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was Mr. Universe, his B.M.I. was well in the obese range, yet he was hardly fat.

Another problem: the distribution of excess body fat makes a big difference to health. Those with lots of abdominal fat, which is metabolically active, are prone to developing insulin resistance, elevated blood lipids, high blood pressure, diabetes, premature cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk of erectile dysfunction and Alzheimer’s disease.

But fat carried in the hips, buttocks or thighs is relatively inert; while it may be cosmetically undesirable, it is not linked to chronic disease or early death.

While I could’ve done without the “cosmetically undesirable” bit, I think this is an important point. The context of the body mass is far more important than the sheer amount of mass itself, and understanding that is the first step to realizing that the scale doesn’t have as much value as we’ve been led to believe when it comes to health. When it comes down to it, a lot of what most of us need – muscle – will cause many of us to actually gain weight, but experience improved qualities of life.

I think most doctors are ‘concerned’ that, if we get rid of the BMI as a legitimate metric, we’ll have nothing to replace it with. I don’t think that’s entirely accurate, either. We can easily replace the BMI with calipers and body fat percentage scales as a more accurate provider of physical context. Sure, doctors might have to learn a little more about the body that simply plotting you on a chart, but it’d be for the best for everyone.

There’s one more quote I want to share before I go on my little rant:

On average, women have a higher percentage of body fat in relation to total weight than do men, but this does not necessarily raise their health risks. And African-Americans, who tend have heavier bones and weigh more than Caucasians, face a lower risk to health even with a B.M.I. in the overweight range.

I’ve never seen this quantified – in research, anything, anywhere – and considering the vast array of combinations that “black” comes in as far as what contributes to genetic makeup, I’m starting to grow skeptical of any research that mentions race without specific genetic data. With all due respect, self-reporting (no matter if it’s of your food intake or your race) doesn’t cut it in scientific data.

That being said, the article goes on to tell you more things I’ve already told you, and some things I’m going to tell you again. Most people don’t set out on weight loss journeys to hit a certain number – they set out to look a certain way, and then think a certain number is going to get them there. People often say, “I need to lose [insert body part] fat,” and then presume that losing 15lbs will make the difference, so they subtract 15lbs from whatever they currently weigh. Rarely is it that easy.

What oftentimes happens is people rush to do tons of cardio, wind up losing what little muscle they may have, and find not only their body fat percentage going up but the metabolism going down much faster than it would if they were merely losing fat. Furthermore, it prevents our thinner friends from getting adequate health and fitness information for themselves, because the assumption is that they don’t need it – they’re thin, so whatever they’re doing must be okay.

What it all basically amounts to is… we’re worse off for focusing on the damn scale than we otherwise might’ve been. Yay.

I don’t blog this stuff as a way of saying “Hey, you shouldn’t care what you weigh! Go splurge on a cheesecake! YOLO!” I write about it because – while, yes, I believe you should be able to choose freely what you do with your body, but I also believe that if you choose to change your body, then you should do so with information that is as accurate as possible. Relying on a metric that wasn’t even built for the ways we use it, for example, isn’t ideal.

The post More Information Proving That the BMI is Useless appeared first on A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss.

17 Oct 17:25

Do you know me? Obama's credit card declined - USA TODAY


Do you know me? Obama's credit card declined
WASHINGTON -- Even President Obama is worried about identity theft. His credit card company certainly is. Obama said his credit card was "rejected" at a New York restaurant last month as he was visiting the United Nations. "It turned out I guess I don't use it ...
President Obama's credit card was rejected last monthWashington Post (blog)
That Time Obama's Credit Card Was DeclinedPatriot Post

all 8 news articles »
17 Oct 17:24

Now that ESA and its Rosetta mission have decided where to touch down on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasim

by Robbie Gonzalez

Now that ESA and its Rosetta mission have decided where to touch down on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko , they've invited the public to suggest what to call the landing site. The competition opens today and will run until 23:59 GMT on 22 October. Details here.


17 Oct 17:07

Flashback Friday: Sorry, no matter how long you soak your feet in vodka, you will never get drunk.

by Seriously Science
Apparently, it's "common knowledge" in Denmark that you can get drunk by soaking your feet in vodka. But is this true, or is this just another stupid urban legend? Well, for the good of humanity, these three doctors did the experiment to find out -- on themselves. While soaking their feet in two liters of vodka, they measured their blood alcohol levels and checked for drunken behaviors every 30 minutes. Unfortunately, to the despair of everyone everywhere, the doctors were not able to detect
17 Oct 17:06

New Adobe Illustrator “Join Tool” Aids Transit Map...



New Adobe Illustrator “Join Tool” Aids Transit Map Design!

When Adobe Illustrator CC introduced “Live Corners" in January of this year, I was overjoyed. They’d taken one of the most time-consuming and tedious tasks in transit mapping – generating properly nested sets of rounded corners where route lines changed direction – and turned it into something intuitive, quick and 100-precent accurate every time.

However, it didn’t solve every problem. Joining two separate paths into one (so that Live Corners could be applied to the new corner point) was still a laborious task that involved using the Scissors tool and hoping that it snapped to the paths properly, or a lot of manual pulling and pushing of endpoints until the two points aligned precisely (and it had to be precise, or you’d end up with two points very close to each other, one of which would have to be deleted before Live Corners could be used).

Despite their name, Illustrator’s Pathfinder tools actually do a lousy job with unclosed paths: only one of them –  Outline – works at all, and even then it strips all stroke attributes from the path in the process. So they’re not the answer, either.

However, the October update to Illustrator CC 2014 (version 18.1, if you’re keeping track) introduced the new “Join Tool” that hides away underneath the Pencil tool, as seen in the first picture above: and it’s simply fantastic.

Simply select the two paths you want to join, and then just lazily swipe over the bits of the paths that you want to be eliminated, as shown by the arrow in the second picture. That’s it! Because you’ve selected what you want to tool to affect, it doesn’t do anything to other paths nearby, like the cyan paths in the example shown.

As you can see in the third picture, Illustrator has instantly joined the two paths with a single point, that (in all my experiments at least) is exactly where it should be. It does also add some bezier anchors even though the paths are completely straight, which doesn’t seem to affect the subsequent application of Live Corners (picture 4). If it really bothers you or you like super-clean artwork (like me!), then you can click on the point with the Anchor Point Tool (Shift-C) to get rid of them before any further editing.

17 Oct 17:05



def sext

17 Oct 17:03

Florida dad kills 2 children, himself in murder-suicide – third child is critical: cops - New York Daily News


the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun in Florida

New York Daily News

Florida dad kills 2 children, himself in murder-suicide – third child is critical: cops
New York Daily News
A Florida father fatally shot two of his children and critically injured a third early Friday morning, authorities said. David Mohney, 52, and two of his children, 14-year-old Savanna and 11-year-old David, died in the tragic murder-suicide, according to the Volusia ...
Florida man kills two children, himself after arguing with wife: policeMSN News
Sheriff: Dad fatally shoots 2 kids, himselfWaterloo Cedar Falls Courier

all 169 news articles »
17 Oct 17:03

ISIS training pilots to fly in captured fighter jets - Hindustan Times



ISIS training pilots to fly in captured fighter jets
Hindustan Times
Iraqi pilots who have joined Islamic State in Syria are training members of the group to fly in three captured fighter jets, a group monitoring the war said on Friday, saying it was the first time that the militant group had taken to the air. The group, which has ...

and more »
17 Oct 17:02

Florida Man Gets Life Term In Fatal Dispute Over Music - New York Times


"Dunn for the first time apologized to Davis' family before he was sentenced."

"A jury found Dunn guilty of four charges in February, commanding at least 60 years in prison, but the jury was hung on the murder charge related to Davis' November 2012 death.

Dunn was convicted in February on one count of shooting into a vehicle and three counts of attempted second-degree murder -- one each for Davis' friends, Leland Brunson, Tommie Stornes and Tevin Thompson, who were in the Dodge Durango with Davis."

New York Daily News

Florida Man Gets Life Term In Fatal Dispute Over Music
New York Times
MIAMI — A man who was found guilty of premeditated murder in the 2012 shooting of an unarmed teenager during a dispute over loud music was sentenced on Friday to life in prison without parole by a Florida judge. Judge Russell Healey added another 90 ...
Florida man sentenced to life in prison over loud-music killingLos Angeles Times
Jordan Davis: Life sentence without parole for DunnBBC News
US Watch: News DigestWall Street Journal
Daily Mail
all 349 news articles »
17 Oct 16:59

NFL wives claim league culture nurtures domestic violence

by Jeff Gray

In a report by The Washington Post, two women claim the league and its players union not only failed to intervene after abuse incidents, but took steps to ensure the police were not involved.

A culture of loyalty and silence prevents female victims of domestic abuse from speaking out, two wives of former NFL players told The Washington Post. In an article written by Simone Sebastian and Ines Bebea, the two women detail incidents of repeated abuse and claim that the league, its teams and the players union have systemically turned their back on victims in an attempt to preserve the status quo.

Dewan Smith-Williams, now separated but still married to former Saints offensive lineman Wally Williams, and the other woman, who asked to remain anonymous because her husband still has connections with the league, claimed they were inspired by the Ray Rice incident to speak out against a culture of silence that they say has only strengthened in the aftermath of the NFL's latest round of controversies.

Team coverups

In 2001, police responding to an alarm in Smith-Williams's home discovered marijuana sitting on a table, an incident that would eventually lead to her husband's arrest (but no charges). Aware of the incident, Jim Haslett, the Saints head coach at the time, visited the home to instruct the couple not to talk to the media or police. "We will handle it," he told them.

Smith-Williams said she took Haslett's comments as a general warning against taking domestic issues outside of the league circle, something she remembered in the following years as her husband's abuse became increasingly violent.

The other woman, who is also married to a former Saints player, said the team not only ignored her abuse, but allegedly took steps to keep her from talking about it. She detailed a night in the 1990s when her husband beat her for asking to leave a post-game celebration early. She said he violently dragged her out of the bar in front of teammates, took her home and began punching and kicking her. Calls from concerned neighbors brought police to the door, but her husband cleaned her up and reportedly talked his way out of charges.

The woman said she had never been contacted by the Saints until the next day, when a team representative called her out of the blue to "check on [her]." The rep did not mention the incident at the bar or the police visit, but the woman believed she was being felt out to see if she planned on involving the police.

Just two weeks ago, former Bears general manager Jerry Angelo claimed that NFL teams covered up "hundreds and hundreds" of domestic issues during his three-decade long career in the league, though he later retracted his statements after receiving criticism from within the NFL.

NFLPA's failure to intervene

In 2002, after her husband had already been arrested by police and suspended by the league for separate drug violations, Smith-Williams found marijuana in her home and confronted him about it. She said her husband flew into a rage, taking a baseball bat to the interior of the house. Recalling Haslett's instruction not to go to police, Smith-Williams instead dialed the NFLPA rep assigned to his case. She said she was instructed to let him leave the house and that someone would call back later to check in. That call back never came.

The league's culture of denial

Smith-Williams said she was forced to call police on two separate occasions in the years after the baseball bat incident -- one in 2002 when her husband allegedly shoved her against a wall and choked her and another after their separation in 2005 when he allegedly pushed her through a plate glass window. But unwilling to break the league's code of silence or endanger her husband's career, she opted not to press charges in either incident. "I didn't want the father of my children in jail," she told the Post. "I didn't want him to lose his job. Bottom line."

This is the dilemma that a large number of NFL spouses and girlfriends face, the two women claim. Among a tight-knit fraternal organization geared toward protecting the shield at all costs, they say, victims are conditioned to hold their tongue. They are effectively trapped within the system -- going to police threatens the careers of the men they rely on to support their families.

"I learned to listen and not speak," the unnamed woman said. "He would remind me of that night, how no one would care if I was gone and how the cops did [not care]. It was all about him. He reminded me that I was alone and disposable."

The NFL has significantly stiffened penalties against domestic abusers in response to the Rice controversy, something the women say will only make victims less likely to come forward.

"They use [the NFL's current policies] as leverage against you," said the ex-wife of the Saints player. "There's abuse on every team. Everybody knows, but you know not to tell."

star divide

The Post article goes into greater detail about the league's culture and the challenges it faces as it attempts to deal with players involved in domestic violence incidents and reshaping the personal conduct policy. It's well worth your time to read the whole thing.

17 Oct 16:58

Here Are 88 Weird College-Owned Trademarks, Arranged as a Poem - Administration - The Chronicle of Higher Education

by hodad

"Urban Meyer" belongs not to Urban Meyer but to the football coach’s employer, Ohio State University. Mr. Meyer knows this, and has given his consent. (Incidentally, "Urban Meyer Knows" is also owned by Ohio State.)

Original Source

17 Oct 16:57

Google rolling out new Search update to downrank 'most notorious' pirate sites

by Adi Robertson

Google and the copyright lobby have been, to some extent, enemies for years — they probably will be as long as Google is an index for the web and the web contains pirated media. But as the company's grown up, it's partnered with the music industry to root out piracy (or pay royalties) on YouTube; it's set up its own book, movie, and music store with Google Play; and last year, it put up a report detailing its attempts to fight copyright infringement and assuring rightsholders that YouTube and Search made up only a small portion of pirate traffic. This year, it's taking the same tack, with a few new details.

Google's report outlines some of the information it regularly releases in its transparency reports, including the huge jump in DMCA takedown requests: it said it received 224,000 requests in 2013 and removed over 99 percent of them; in 2012, it reported taking down roughly 97.5 percent of 57 million. In 2012, it started downranking sites that received large numbers of takedown requests. In this latest report, it announces that it's rolling out an apparently stricter update next week. "We've now refined the signal in ways we expect to visibly affect the rankings of some of the most notorious sites," says Google. It's also extending this system to "demoting autocomplete predictions that return results with many DMCA demoted sites." Search already outright removes autocomplete suggestions that explicitly encourage piracy, making this a relatively small change in the larger anti-piracy scheme; it sounds like the demotion of "notorious" sites may be more dramatic.

More generally, Google has included the same boilerplate about its success in driving visitors to non-pirated sources — complete with last year's references to Carly Rae Jepsen. Last year, the highly anti-piracy Motion Picture Association of America praised the report but remained skeptical of Google's efforts. "Everyone shares a responsibility to help curb unlawful conduct online, and we are glad to see Google acknowledging its role in facilitating access to stolen content via search," said a spokesperson this year. "We look forward to examining the results of Google's algorithm changes to see if they reduce the appearance in search results of stolen content and the sites that profit from it."

17 Oct 16:55

Raspberry Pi + Spotify Media Server (video) #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

by Stella Striegel

YouTube user Matt Brailsford made this retro cool Spotify media server using a Raspberry Pi and NFC tags on old cassettes. Sweet setup!

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Adafruit has the largest and best selection of Raspberry Pi accessories and all the code & tutorials to get you up and running in no time!

17 Oct 16:55

Pixel art nível master

by IdeaFixa

pixel art5


Pixel Tumblr.

Octavi Navarro é um artista e ilustrador que mora em Barcelona, Espanha, e trata os 8 bits dos jogos de video game dos ano 1980 e 1990 com muita seriedade. Na verdade, ele leva o conceito a um tipo de gourmetização dos 8 bits no tumblr que alimenta com os painéis complexos que contam pequenas histórias. A quantidade de detalhes e a criatividade da narrativa são impressionantes.


pixel art


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pixel art2


pixel art3


pixel art4


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pixel art7



The post Pixel art nível master appeared first on IdeaFixa.

17 Oct 16:43

Great Job, Internet!: Watch Nick Offerman get sensual, sweaty in Megan Amram’s Science…For Her! book trailer

by William Hughes

Comedian and Parks And Recreation writer Megan Amram has put together the world’s least glamorous workout video to promote her new book, Science…For Her! The book, a satirical takedown of sexist beliefs about women’s role in the sciences, is presented as a Cosmo magazine version of a science textbook, and is set to hit stores on November 4. Amram, working with Funny Or Die, has put together a trailer for the book, featuring a parody of Olivia Newton-John’s “Physical,” and also an enormous amount of shuddering comedian manflesh.

Some of comedy’s most potato-shaped hunks are on hand for the video, gyrating awkwardly and permanently extinguishing the viewer’s sex drive. The stand-out is Rich Fulcher of The Mighty Boosh, whose gelatinous, shaking stomach produces a mesmerizing, libidio-murdering effect. The cavalcade of hideous, grunting comedy meat is slightly ruined by Amram’s Parks And Recreation co-worker ...

17 Oct 16:41

Another Reason Why Freezing Employees' Eggs Is A Terrible Idea

by Ricki Lewis — PLOS Blogs

The Center for Genetics and Society issued a news release that listed societal, technological, and biological concerns: the danger of freezing eggs to both the woman and the individual that may one day arise from that egg, and adverse effects that include infertility, cancer, and even death.

Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, summed up the bigger picture beautifully, which deals with intent, not biology: "Why are Facebook and Apple endorsing a technique that encourages their employees to put their health at risk? Paying for egg freezing is being presented as a benefit for women, but it may be that discouraging women from balancing work and family is really a benefit to the companies."

Another Reason Why Freezing Employees' Eggs Is A Terrible Idea

Facebook and Apple's decision to offer female employees a $20,000 benefit to freeze their eggs indicates a stunning disregard for the complexities of reproductive biology.


17 Oct 16:40

Tweet about Ferguson police brutality and a cop may call your boss to get you fired

by hodad

St. Louis police office is facing an Internal Affairs investigation for intimidation after he admitted on video that he had contacted an activist’s employer because some of her tweets about police brutality were considered “incitement.”

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported on Thursday that the Internal Affair probe had been launched after Leigh Maibes, who participated in the Ferguson protests, had posted a YouTube video of a telephone conversation with Officer Keith Novara.

Original Source

17 Oct 16:40

Texas Health Worker Who May Have Handled Ebola Specimen Is On a Cruise

by gguillotte

amputate texas

The State Department announced today that a healthcare worker who might have handled an Ebola specimen at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where Liberian citizen Thomas Eric Duncan died from virus last week, is currently on a 3,690-passenger Carnival cruise in the Caribbean. According to the State Dept. release by spokeswoman Jen Psaki, the unidentified hospital employee "did not have direct contact" with Duncan "but may have had contact with clinical specimens collected from him." The health care worker and another person traveling with them have been isolated in their cabin; the ship doctor has deemed them in good health.
17 Oct 16:39


17 Oct 16:30

The Sad Parents Of #Gamergate


"I have a 17 year old son and trying to point out the actual facts in this story is like trying to convince a rabid 70 year old FOX viewer that Obama is not a terrorist, born on Mars, here to take your guns.
"It's about ethics, mom. Don't you care about ETHICS?"

He's not down with the death threats though, so I guess Yay?"

"My son is 19, with mild ASD. Sometime in the last 2 years he discovered 4chan. At first he was just reading /co, but now he is almost addicted to /pol and /v. Before he went back to college he was constantly online, getting all worked up about Zoe Quinn and gamergate.
I raised him to be a feminist, a liberal and a kind person. It hurts me that he is involved with such sexist, racist, anti-Semitic people. I don't even have the words to express how sad this makes me."

"Here's what it looks like from the other side of the barrel. From Reddit:

> My dad and I got into an argument about #GamerGate today. He said I need to try and see the other side's point of view. But that's the problem. They haven't, they've just sat back and called us White Cis Heterosexual Male Misogynists. (BTW, if you do have a legitimate argument about #GamerGate that won't simply devolve into cries of sexism for "cries of sexism"'s sake I [and several others, I'm sure] would love to hear them)

> But the problem with arguing about #GamerGate with someone that isn't a gamer, is they don't truly understand what this experience puts the whole gaming community through."

"But then there's the other type of Gamergate parent. The MOVEMENT parent:

> I told my son about what SJWs want to do to games His response "but that won't make games fun then" Priceless from an 11 Year old #gamergate


> My son the "gamer" is learning the true nature of the American "news" industry earlier than most people do thanks to this story."

I hate america. I hate games. I hate the internet.

All around the country, parents are sitting down to have the talk with their children. Not about sex or mortality or college. They're having the talk about Gamergate.
17 Oct 16:26

A Klingon Version Of Sixpence None The Richer's Classic Song 'Kiss Me'

This video might be a year old, and the song is even older, but it still knows how to tug at the our ironclad Klingon heart strings.
17 Oct 16:22

notgoingtohelp: You will never convince me that a person has...


JJJ forever


You will never convince me that a person has played a role better. Yes I include Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man in that comparison. NOBODY beats JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.

17 Oct 16:07

Biker Bulldog Independently Returns a Courtesy Wave To Another Rider on the Road

by Lori Dorn

While riding on a motorcycle with her human Christine Sutton, a fearless English Bulldog named Sweets returns a courtesy wave to another rider on the road. When Sweets isn’t being her badass biker self, she can be found donning a pink tutu with pride.

via reddit

17 Oct 16:07

Magic: The Gathering is getting a Board Game

by James Whitbrook on Toybox, shared by Ria Misra to io9


Magic: The Gathering is getting a Board Game

Magic's spinning itself off from card-based tabletop shenanigans to board game ones with a new strategy game from Wizards of the Coast - and while it's pretty weird to see a Magic game without cards, it looks rather interesting.


17 Oct 16:02

Former Google attorney Michelle Lee nominated to run US patent office

by Jacob Kastrenakes

nope. nope nope nope

Former Google patent chief Michelle Lee has been nominated by President Obama to run the US Patent and Trademark Office, potentially placing a tech-industry leader in a key position as the government continues to work toward reforming the patent process and stamping out trolls. Lee is currently the USPTO's deputy director and was previously running its Silicon Valley office, having come there in 2012 after nearly a decade at Google as an attorney and head of patents. She also holds degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. Her nomination to director still needs to be approved by the Senate. Businessweek reports that the lead position has been vacant for nearly two years.

Bringing reform to the US patent system has been an ongoing goal for a number of tech industry giants, many of which see it as allowing predatory companies to too easily file frivolous suits, earning them money and using up others' resources without contributing to innovation. The US was actually moving toward passing legislation to cut down on so-called patent trolls earlier this year, but the legislation has since stalled in the Senate. With much of the impetus for reform coming from the tech industry a broader struggle around software patents, Lee's background puts her in a strong position to move the system toward efficiency.

17 Oct 15:48

'The Wire' Reunion at PaleyFest: Who Nearly Quit, Who Was Nearly Killed Off, and Who Has Fans in Istanbul? | Yahoo TV - Yahoo TV

by gguillotte

full video at the end of the page on the link

From a panel that included John Doman, Lawrence Gilliard Jr., Seth Gilliam, Jim True-Frost, Jamie Hector, Michael Kenneth Williams, Sonja Sohn, and Wendell Pierce, we discovered which actor was once so worried the show might be contributing to the problems it focused on that he considered quitting; we learned about the cast's ritual for when an actor or actress was about to be killed off; and about which beloved character was going to be killed off in Season 1 until an HBO exec intervened.
17 Oct 15:48

Sid Meier's Covert Action ●

by gguillotte

on sale today, like $2.50, no brainer

It's like Carmen Sandiego, but rather than solving your problems with an atlas, you use a silenced pistol.
17 Oct 15:40

watdawut: Not in my neighborhood


Not in my neighborhood

17 Oct 15:35

shapeshiftingmind: wohpaow

