Shared posts

20 Oct 22:55

​2500 Year-Old Tattooed Siberian Mummy Had Breast Cancer, Used Marijuana

by Isha Aran on Jezebel, shared by Robbie Gonzalez to io9

​2500 Year-Old Tattooed Siberian Mummy Had Breast Cancer, Used Marijuana

In 1993, Russian scientist Natalia Polosmak discovered the remains of a 25-year-old woman covered in tattoos who came to be known as the Ukok Princess. Now, an MRI has revealed that the young woman was suffering from breast cancer as well as a bone marrow infection at the time of her death, and scientists have stated that she most likely used cannabis to treat herself.


20 Oct 22:53

'SimCity' That I Used To Know

"SimCity," the classic PC game that makes mayors out of middle schoolers, turned 25 last week. Well, actually that’s a common misconception  —  the IBM version of "SimCity" was released in October of ‘89, but the original came out in February. I found this out from Will Wright, the game design guru behind "SimCity" and the genre of games it spawned, whose mental history of the legendary game is far more accurate than the Internet’s. “I think everybody just puts too much trust in Wikipedia,” he said.
20 Oct 22:53

Gertjie the Orphaned Baby Rhino Adorably Tries to Imitate the Hopping Gait of His Goat Friend

by Lori Dorn

Gertjie the orphaned baby rhinoceros who cruelly lost his parents to poachers, adorably tries to imitate the hopping gait of his friend Lammi, a brown and white goat who makes sure that Gertjie is never left behind on the dirt road at the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre (HESC) in Limpopo, South Africa.

The HESC has documented Gertjie’s story from the beginning.

via reddit

20 Oct 22:50

UK Will Quadruple Jail Terms For Online Trolls

The issue of online trolling is never too far away from public debate, but the UK government is gearing up to tackle the problem head-on by quadrupling the maximum sentence for those convicted of online abuse.
20 Oct 22:47

hellabaka: never stop dreaming


never stop dreaming

20 Oct 22:13

This 'bit of plastic' from Star Wars is worth £50,000

by James Whitbrook on Toybox, shared by Robbie Gonzalez to io9

This 'bit of plastic' from Star Wars is worth £50,000

Antiques Roadshow, the venerable BBC programme about valuing the public's collections, came a cropper during a recent event in Buckinghamshire when they were shown an incredibly rare prop from the original Star Wars - which much to their surprise, is worth quite a bit of money.


20 Oct 19:49

What the United States eats

20 Oct 19:49


20 Oct 19:48


20 Oct 19:38

This is the Fitbit Surge, a $250 'superwatch' with built-in GPS

by Chris Welch

Fitbit is preparing to launch three new fitness trackers in the coming weeks. Two of those will be the Charge and Charge HR. The Charge looks to be a revision of the Fitbit Force, which was pulled off the market after it caused bad skin reactions for some customers. Charge HR will offer a bit extra with the addition of PurePulse, the company's wrist-based heart rate monitoring system. But there's more: Fitbit has also been working on a third, flagship wearable for serious athletes. It's the Fitbit Surge.

Apparently Fitbit thinks Surge is several steps beyond your average "wearable." The company refers to it as a "superwatch" according to marketing materials The Verge has received from a tipster. Set to be priced at $249, the Surge includes built-in GPS tracking — a big draw for runners — PurePulse heart rate monitoring, and promises to provide real time workout data for a variety of activities. You'll get stats on distance, pace, elevation climbed, heart rate intensity, and so on.

Plus all the activity and sleep tracking you'd expect

And since the company hopes you'll be wearing it constantly, Surge will also carry over Fitbit's 24/7 activity tracking to make sure you're moving enough throughout the day. Some of those metrics include calories burned, floors climbed, and active minutes. There's sleep tracking too, which will monitor the quality of your night's rest and wake you up each morning with a vibrating alarm.

Like competing fitness trackers, you'll be able to wirelessly sync all that data to Fitbit's app, where you can also log meal intake and earn badges for your progress in meeting health goals. Surge will offer your basic "smart" notifications for phone calls and texts, and you can also control music playback with the watch. But this won't be a replacement for Android Wear or Apple Watch. When Surge eventually launches, it'll come in three colors: black, slate, and a more colorful tangerine option. Want the full details? Here's everything the marketing sheet tells us.

GPS tracking
Get distance, pace, and elevation climbed with built-in GPS, then review routes and split times

PurePulse heart rate
Continuous, automatic wrist-based heart rate monitoring with no uncomfortable chest straps

Made for multi-sport
Record running, cross training, and cardio workouts, then see comprehensive workout summaries that include tailored metrics, workout intensity and calories burned

Activity tracking
Track heart rate, steps taken, distance traveled, calories burned, floors climbed, and active minutes

Smart notifications
See call and text notifications on display and control music right from your wrist

Designed for all-day wear
Sleek, comfortable wristband with customizable watch faces available in black, slate, and tangerine.

Sleep quality + silent alarm
Monitor how long and how well you sleep and wake with a silent vibrating alarm

Wireless syncing + online tools
Sync stats wirelessly and automatically to your computer and to over 60 leading smartphones. See progress, log food, and earn badges through Fitbit's mobile and online dashboard.

Share and compete
Share and compete with family and friends in new Fitbit challenges

20 Oct 19:37

Microsoft to launch its wearable fitness band in coming weeks

by Tom Warren

Microsoft is planning to launch its own wearable fitness band in the coming weeks. Forbes reports that the announcement is due "within the next few weeks," and The Verge can confirm this is accurate. Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell The Verge that the launch of Microsoft’s wearable fitness band is imminent, and the device will be stocked at retailers in time for the holiday season. Microsoft’s wearable launch will mark 10 years since the company announced its SPOT smartwatch in 2004 that used FM radio signals to send instant messages from Windows Messenger, news headlines, stock information, and weather forecasts to your wrist.

Smartwatch features, but primarily focused on fitness

Although Microsoft’s fitness band will have some smartwatch features, it will be primarily focused on fitness activities. We’re told the fitness band will track steps, heart rate, calories burned, and other key health attributes thanks to a number of sensors embedded in the device. Microsoft has also been testing the ability to monitor heat rate through the day and night, and is expected to ship a final device that has around two days of battery life.

The key part of Microsoft’s fitness band will be its support for Windows Phone, iOS, and Android. Microsoft is developing separate apps for each mobile operating system to help support the features of its fitness band sensors, and smartphone notifications to the band will also be supported. It's unlikely that Microsoft will brand its fitness band under the Lumia or Surface monikers, mainly because the device will work across all three mobile operating systems. Images surfaced earlier this year of a fitness band in Microsoft patent filings, and previous rumors suggested the company was working on a 1.5-inch display with removable wrist bands. With Microsoft on the verge of announcing its fitness band, we’ll find out exactly what the company has to offer in the wearables space very soon.

Microsoft smart band patent

Microsoft smart band patent

20 Oct 16:14


by Ian


20 Oct 16:11

Mormon Underwear is the Temple Garment and is Sacred to Members

by hodad


From ancient times, men and women have embraced sacred music, different forms of prayer, religious vestments full of symbolism, gestures and rituals to express their innermost feelings of devotion to God.

The variety of these forms of expression is as wide and diverse as the human family. Yet all have the same ultimate purpose: to connect the believer with the object of their devotion in the most personal way—to draw close to God.

To those outside a particular faith, the rituals and clothing may seem unfamiliar. But for the participants they can stir the deepest feelings of the soul, motivate them to do good, even shape the course of a whole life of service.

The nun’s habit. The priest’s cassock. The Jewish prayer shawl. The Muslim’s skullcap. The saffron robes of the Buddhist monk. All are part of a rich tapestry of human devotion to God.

Not all such religious vestments are on public display. Some are seen only in places of worship. Temple robes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, known as the robes of the holy priesthood, are worn only inside Mormon temples and reserved for the highest sacraments of the faith. White symbolizes purity. There is no insignia or rank. The most senior apostle and the newest member are indistinguishable when dressed in the same way. Men and women wear similar clothing. The simple vestments combine religious symbolism with echoes of antiquity reflected in ancient writings from the book of Exodus.

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there are no outer religious vestments in ordinary worship services.

However, many faithful Latter-day Saints wear a garment under their clothing that has deep religious significance. Similar in design to ordinary modest underclothing, it comes in two pieces and is usually referred to as the “temple garment.”

Some people incorrectly refer to temple garments as magical or “magic underwear.” These words are not only inaccurate but also offensive to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is nothing magical or mystical about temple garments, and Church members ask for the same degree of respect and sensitivity that would be afforded to any other faith by people of goodwill.

Temple garments are worn by adult members of the Church who have made sacred promises of fidelity to God’s commandments and the gospel of Jesus Christ in temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

To Church members, the modest temple garment, worn under normal clothing, along with the symbolic vestments worn during temple worship, represent the sacred and personal aspect of their relationship with God and their commitment to live good, honorable lives.

The Historical Background of Temple Garments

Biblical scripture contains many references to the wearing of special garments. In the Old Testament the Israelites are specifically instructed to turn their garments into personal reminders of their covenants with God (see Numbers 15:37-41). Indeed, for some, religious clothing has always been an important part of integrating worship with daily living. Such practices resonate with Latter-day Saints today.

How should media report on temple garments?

Because of the personal and religious nature of the temple garment, the Church asks all media to report on the subject with respect, treating Latter-day Saint temple garments as they would religious vestments of other faiths. Ridiculing or making light of sacred clothing is highly offensive to Latter-day Saints.

Original Source

20 Oct 16:04

Big increase in surgery to mend ‘flesh tunnel’ earlobes | Life and style | The Observer

by gguillotte
“There’s a lot of negativity around about ear-stretching,” he says. “We recently treated a golf professional who was joining the PGA [Professional Golfers’ Association]. They wouldn’t let him join with stretched ears. I’ve treated a man who was in a punk band but then became a teacher and needed his ears repaired. We even had a soldier on Wednesday who had 2cm tunnels in each ear. "His commanding officer told him of a new internal guidance that says anyone with ear tunnels of over 2cm would have to have them repaired, or there was a threat of discharge from the army.”
20 Oct 08:14

We Tried This Whiskey-Enhancing Stick Of Wood So You Don't Have To


Meanwhile, in Portland, where nobody knows what the fuck to do with whisky (carbonate it? never mix it with anything? mix only the worst whisky with everything? make a library of it?)

Time and Oak is a Portland-based startup with a fanciful idea. Their one and only product is a stick. Not just any stick but a laser-etched hunk of charred wood with maximal surface area that, when added to any whiskey, is supposed to enhance its flavor.
20 Oct 03:00

#GamerGate: a Primer by Sly

by bspencer
Courtney shared this story from Lawyers, Guns & Money:
...And everyone dismisses group 2 out of hand, thus pissing them off and pushing them further down the path toward group 1, without providing actual resources of support for the victims of abuse by group 1. So the same thing as usual.

Hope LGM frequenter, Sly doesn’t mind being a front-pager tonight. I just want everyone to see his great summation of GamerGate:

Here’s a basic but somewhat detailed summation:

      • Most people who have been on-line long enough get to know about the various self-identifications that form the loose confederation of Organized On-Line Misogyny: Your Red Pillers, your Slymepitters, your MRAs, your Incels, your PUAs, your MGTOWers, etc. Though they differ in the details of their reason for being women-haters, they are unified to the extent that they (a) hate women and (b) use the Internet to talk to and organize with other women-haters. Feminists know them well. Veterans of the Skeptic-Misogyny conflicts got to learn over the past few years how they can’t stand women who have the temerity to bring their lady-brains into what they, the misogynists, assume to be de facto male spaces.

        Anyway, #GamerGate is essentially a repeat of what happened within the Skeptic/New Atheism movement. A subculture that was predominantly male and thus saturated with all the notions of masculinity that men are socialized to accept as natural, whether they are unhealthy or not, is becoming less predominantly male. The men who cling to those notions of masculinity, especially the toxic varieties, see that they are losing cultural capital among their peers. They feel marginalized, and those within the confederation of On-Line Misogynists find a new fora for their overtly toxic anti-feminism. Reactionary movement ensues to “take back” the subculture from the people who are ruining it. Many bystanders who have no idea whats going on get swept up as cannon fodder in a conflict they know nothing about and useful idiots for a ideology that they’d otherwise reject.

        It is in this context that Zoe Quinn’s ex-boyfriend posted his missive in which he alleged that Quinn traded sex for good press. The misogynists seized upon it, pointing out yet another instance of how women ruin everything. Doxxing/Harrassment/Threats ensued. When the allegation turned out to be bunk, the Doxxing/Harrassment/Threats had to be justified somehow, so more doxxing was done to find something to rationalize the initial breech. Quinn doxxed another charity (also false). Quinn slept with her boss for a promotion (also false). Quinn made up the doxxing/harassment/threats (plainly false). The conspiracy theories were rampant, and the campaign took on a new title when actor and wingnut jerkoff Adam Baldwin was the first to tweet one of the original conspiracy videos under the hashtag “GamerGate.”

        Various attempts were made to shield the harassers and conspiracy mongers from allegations of sexism, like organized donations to the charity that Quinn didn’t dox, the manufacturing of a “chillgirl” gamer mascot who, like, totally doesn’t need feminism because it’s not like it was 100 years ago – GAWD WHY DONT YOU JUST LET ME PLAY GAMES, setting up sockpuppet twitter accounts claiming to be women and minorities using the hashtag #NotYourShield, etc. All of this was deliberately organized as a means of public relations.

        Those of us who saw how utterly stupid and noxious this was started voicing our disgust. Leigh Alexander, a writer and Editor-At-Large for Gamasutra, published an article titled “‘Gamers’ don’t have to be your audience. ‘Gamers’ are over” in which she said that the changing face and mentality of the gamer identity is a welcome thing, because people who believe that they have a license to exclude others from the identity by any means necessary – up to and including waging campaigns of harassment – are a bunch of rabid jackals in the midst of a death rattle. Other on-line publications put out similar articles. This is ultimately what blew everything up, because if there’s one thing that reactionaries cannot stand is when you stop criticizing what they love and start criticizing them directly. They forgot about Zoe Quinn (GamerGaters now refer to her as “Literally Who #1,” or “LitWhoW1,” while Sarkeesian is “LitWho2″), and switched their harassment campaign to those critical on-line publications.

        Otherwise neutral parties were swept up into the “movement” as its Useful Idiots, misunderstanding the “‘Gamers’ are Over” message as an assault on anyone who plays videogames. These people likely now constitute a majority of GamerGaters, and is why so many GamerGaters claim they don’t support doxxing and harassment. To be fair they’re being honest, but they exist solely as a shield for the misogynists to voice and act upon their misogyny.

        And so, at the present moment, GamerGate, as a collective identity, is composed of two groups preoccupied with the following causes:

        Group #1: Scouring any tint of cultural leftism from gaming.

        Group #2: Disavowing Group #1.

        Group #1 survives by trading complicated conspiracy theories done up as 30-minute YouTube vidoes or 120000×80000 pixel MS-Paint images, linking articles from anti-feminist writers at Forbes and Breitbart to one another, and totally crushing on anti-feminist women like Christina Hoff Sommers (because, as everyone knows, you can’t be a misogynist if you’re a woman or agree with a woman who spouts anti-feminist gibberish). That, and trading cartoon kiddie porn and creepshots on 8chan.

        Group #2 survives by shouting “NOT ALL GAMERS ARE LIKE THAT!” without realizing that no one is talking to them.

20 Oct 02:52

Poor Kids Who Do Everything Right Don’t Do Better Than Rich Kids Who Do Everything Wrong

America is the land of opportunity, just for some more than others.
20 Oct 02:43

#1069; Render Unto Paper

by David Malki

I once framed a myspace post

popular shared this story from Wondermark.

I'm usin' up all my letterhead on these dang animated GIFs!

19 Oct 23:34

Vatican Bishops Decide To No Longer Welcome Gays


cool pope
dork cardinals

Catholic bishops scrapped their landmark welcome to gays Saturday, showing deep divisions at the end of a two-week meeting sought by Pope Francis to chart a more merciful approach to ministering to Catholic families.
19 Oct 23:28

New Scrabble Dictionary Disrepects The Game

The Scrabble dictionary is getting an update. But it’s not going so well, and the world’s best players aren’t happy.
19 Oct 23:23

invisiblelad: lovelyandbrown: thisiseverydayracism: The...


via ThePrettiestOne




The prison-industrial complex is just a myth…right?

Jesus he didn’t even have us do the damn math. He just said it.

…yeah. I suppose there’s no point in finding flowery rhetoric for it. “Putting people in jail is good for business” is pretty much the size of it. 

19 Oct 23:23

EVE Vegas 2014: Region Commander turns EVE into a huge spreadsheet | Massively

by gguillotte

more entertaining to read about than play

It's often said that sci-fi MMO EVE Online isn't so much a game as a giant online spreadsheet and that people pay a subscription fee in order to have a second job they don't get paid for. While that's little more than a joke to the majority of EVE players, there are those for whom EVE is genuinely played on a massive spreadsheet. ... Gossamer DT discussed an interesting piece of custom software he develops called Region Commander that was designed specifically for organising player empires. The tool keeps track of starbase tower fuel, maintains a blacklist of players who have been kicked out of the coalition, and allows organisers to create and assign tasks to players in their command. Players who want to contribute to their alliance's industrial backbone can log into the system to take on work tasks due for completion, and the tool updates in realtime. The only thing missing is a punch card and a paycheck.
19 Oct 22:09

Maine teacher who traveled to Dallas is put on leave due to Ebola concerns - Metro - The Boston Globe

by gguillotte
A Maine elementary school teacher was put on paid leave for up to 21 days, after parents expressed concerns that she could have been exposed to Ebola during a recent trip to Dallas, Maine School Administrative District #58 announced. “At this time, we have no information to suggest that this staff member has been in contact with anyone who has been exposed to Ebola. However, the District and the staff members understand the parents’ concerns,” the district said in a statement.
19 Oct 22:08

Subway, Line 3

by boulet

via Osiasjota

19 Oct 21:42

Golden Tate responds to Percy Harvin trade with live-action Kermit meme

by Seth Rosenthal

The Seahawks came right out with their surprise and displeasure over the Percy Harvin trade. Former Seahawk Golden Tate took a different tack.

Step 1Retweet Kermit meme.


Step 2: LIVE Kermit meme.


Enjoying this crisp fall evening in michigan. Excited for dinner with friends and family @elisepollard @j35ive #almostsunday #defendtheden

View on Instagram

(Related, if true.)

19 Oct 17:14

Letterman’s cue-card guy fired after argument, assault on writer | New York Post

by gguillotte
On Wednesday, Oct. 8, the three were rehearsing in Letterman’s backstage digs at the Ed Sullivan Theater when Mendez said he reacted to one of Scheft’s interruptions, telling him, “I know what I’m doing. Get off my back.” ... Mendez said he stewed all night and the next morning, when he got to work, he was literally at Scheft’s throat. “I just grabbed him by the shirt,” Mendez said. “He was very surprised. He didn’t say a word. He was cowering, his eyes were real big, he probably peed a little bit on his pants.” ... Scheft, a Harvard graduate originally from Boston, did not respond to a request for comment.
19 Oct 16:57

Joseph Randle goes from underwear thief to underwear spokesman

by Adam Stites

"MeUndies announced a partnership with the Dallas Cowboys running back that will feature the company helping Randle to pay the $29,500 fine imposed on him by the team following his suspension. The endorsement will also Randle with plenty of underwear, which apparently he was in need of.

Randle was arrested Monday after surveillance cameras allegedly caught him attempting to shoplift underwear"

Randle was arrested for stealing underwear on Monday and hired as an underwear spokesman by the end of the week.

Joseph Randle is now a spokesman for an underwear company less than a week after he was arrested for stealing underwear, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter.

MeUndies announced a partnership with the Dallas Cowboys running back that will feature the company helping Randle to pay the $29,500 fine imposed on him by the team following his suspension. The endorsement will also Randle with plenty of underwear, which apparently he was in need of.

Randle was arrested Monday after surveillance cameras allegedly caught him attempting to shoplift underwear and a bottle of cologne at a Dillard's in Frisco, Texas. He is now facing a misdemeanor charge of theft valued at $50 to $500.

A fifth-round pick in the 2013 NFL Draft, Randle tallied just 164 rushing yards as a rookie and finished the year with 3.0 yards per carry. Through five games in 2014, Randle has 113 yards on just 16 carries for a 7.1 yards per carry average, although he hasn't yet found the end zone.

19 Oct 16:48

Crossed Swords (SNK/ADK- Neo Geo - 1990) vgjunk: I finally...



Crossed Swords (SNK/ADK- Neo Geo - 1990)


I finally hacked my way through enough of Crossed Swords to get a GIF of mighty warrior and unofficial VGJunk mascot Satan Goat.

19 Oct 16:44

'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Star Nicholas Brendon Arrested In Idaho After Comic ... - KpopStarz


' "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" alum Nicholas Brendon was reportedly arrested on Friday night in Boise, Idaho after attending Tree City Comic Con. ... TMZ reports that police officers revealed that Brendon broke a decorative dish at the venue and the hotel wanted to press charges.'

'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Star Nicholas Brendon Arrested In Idaho After Comic ...
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" alum Nicholas Brendon was reportedly arrested on Friday night in Boise, Idaho after attending Tree City Comic Con. According to an arrest report by the Ada County Sheriff's Office, the 43-year-old actor was picked up by police at ...

and more »
19 Oct 16:42

New England Raking in Millions From Leaf Peepers - ABC News

ABC News

New England Raking in Millions From Leaf Peepers
ABC News
On Mount Monadnock, hikers file up the 3,165-foot peak in lockstep, protected from drizzling rain by a luminous golden canopy of leaves. They're not just gazing at foliage — they're looking at cold, hard cash. Money really does grow on trees in autumn in New ...

and more »