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09 Nov 06:49

Newswire: Jay Z likes expensive champagne so much he buys the company

by B.G. Henne

After eight years of enjoying Armand de Brignac at $300 a bottle, Jay Z has cut out the middleman and purchased the “Ace of Spades” champagne company for an undisclosed sum, CNN reports.

The champagne, known for its distinctive gold bottle, has had a strangely close history with Jay Z. The Brooklyn-born rapper had been a vocal fan of the Cristal brand, until a winery executive admitted in a May 2006 interview that he wasn’t wild about all that free marketing. Almost immediately, the Cattier family refreshed its decades-dormant Brignac brand. By October, Jay Z debuted “Show Me What You Got,” which announced that Cristal was out and Armand de Brignac was in. Suddenly, celebrities and people wealthy enough to be horrible with money were moving in lockstep to consume “gold bottles of the Ace of Spades.”

So, to recap: Using a business model that only works if you ...

09 Nov 06:48

Navy Forms Elite New SEAL Team To Write Best-Selling Tell-All Books

WASHINGTON—Describing the group as one of the most advanced and highly skilled special operations units in the world, sources within the Defense Department revealed Friday that the U.S.

09 Nov 06:39


09 Nov 06:39


09 Nov 06:38

"Oxford graduate, multilingual, award-winning theater director Sophie Hunter and Tumblr boyfriend..."

“Oxford graduate, multilingual, award-winning theater director Sophie Hunter and Tumblr boyfriend Benedict Cumberbatch are both off the market.”

- Now that’s how you announce a wedding. (via knitmeapony)
09 Nov 06:38


07 Nov 19:30

Community Spotlight: Jim Rodda Zheng3 Postmortem for Faire Play Barbie Armor Project #3DThursday #3DPrinting

by Matt

Parade head

Describe the specific project we will explore in detail. Describe what you were making in your own terms.

Faire Play is 3D printed medieval armor that’s compatible with the Barbie Fashionistas line of dolls.

How this project relate to who you are and what you do as a designer, maker, etc.?

As a nerdy medievalist, I’ve logged countless hours playing Dungeons and Dragons and wolfing Ye Olde Turkey Legs at Renaissance faires, so designing a set of armor was a natural place to go. Juxtaposing a traditionally passive toy like Barbie with an action-oriented set of armor appealed to my unorthodox tendencies. I want to encourage little girls to play with toys that break traditional gender roles, but at the same time respect Barbie’s character in the design. The armor had to be beautiful enough for the Queen of Fashion to wear, which was an opportunity to add gratuituous detail.

What did you make? What were your original goals with the project?

The final project encompassed three suits of armor: the Athena Makeover Kit, the Faire Play Field Plate, and the Faire Play Parade Armor.

Doll with bow

What Went Right?

What were your favorite results from the project?

The parade armor helmet turned out beautifully. As soon as I can get an FDM printer than can handle it I’ll be printing a full-sized one for myself to wear around the house.

How have others responded to the design – in person or online?

The response to Faire Play has been overwhelmingly positive. The finished project was picked up by the mainstream press for a bit, which was really quite surprising.

Just bow and quiver

New techniques that worked out.

Barbie’s breastplate has something like 400 individual rivets, plus whaleboning and other decorative flourishes. Placing all those details by hand would have taken forever, so some new software tools were required. Maintaing manifold meshes through the process of booleaning everything together was a little tricky, so breaking the model up into many, many separate shells before joining proved to be a helpful technique.

Good resources/references that made your life easier.

About 20 years ago I was a member of the Society For Creative Anachronism– we used to suit up in full armor and bash each other with wooden swords on weekends. I’ve still got a couple of suits of armor in the basement, and they were instrumental in helping me figure out how the 3D printed armor should articulate and move.

Parade shield

What Went Wrong?

Did you run out of time to built out an element you had hope to create?

The elbow joints on the armor bother me a great deal. I wish I’d had more time to create more reliable connections between the upper and lower arm pieces.

Have those who have encountered it in person or online overlooked elements you feel are crucial?

My favorite responses were from the hardcore medevial armor buffs who did not overlook *any* historical inaccuracies in the design. I’ll take refuge in the idea that Barbie’s unique anatomy required many design compromises that wouldn’t be practical in a real suit of armor.

Sword and shield

What are a few tiny details that you wish you could have explored differently?

Hobbyist 3D printing isn’t quite where I’d like it to be with regards to resolution, so many of the fine details in the armor can get lost on an FDM printer. They exist in the mesh though, so the armor’s future-proofed for a couple of years at least.

Did a design technique or fabrication method not work out as intended?

The tiny printed carabiners that hold the armor together at certain points didn’t work out as well as planned. They exist specifically so the armor can lay claim to being entirely 3D printed, but this is a case where short lengths of wire do the job a lot better.


Were you forced to find a workaround? (Even if the workaround turned out great!)

Workarounds are almost a given in a project like this, given the limitiations of FDM printing. A lot of parts have to be oriented in unintuitive ways for printing, and that leads to a lot of mental gymnastics during the design process. Barbie’s boots are a particularly egregious hack; they clamshell together in a way that no boot in history ever has.


Where Will This Project Lead You?

Is there a detail, technique, or fabrication method you used here that you plan to use (or extend) in the future?

As the resolution of hobbyist 3D printers increases more people will be able to take advantage of the details offered by software like zBrush. That seems like a good road to start heading down as a designer.

What new opportunities do you wish to explore next, based on experiences with this design?

The success of the Faire Play Kickstarter suggests that there’s a market for designs that help Makers reinterpret legacy designs and breathe new life into old toys. I’d like to do something similar to Faire Play, but bigger in scale, for my next Kickstarter.


What is the best thing that has come out of this design for you as a designer?

Jeri Ryan noticed me.

What will you probably never do the same as this design?

I will never print another 2mm carabiner as long as I live.

Thanks for taking the time to share with us!

Sparky photobomb

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

The Adafruit Learning System has dozens of great tools to get you well on your way to creating incredible works of engineering, interactive art, and design with your 3D printer! We also offer the LulzBot TAZ – Open source 3D Printer and the Printrbot Simple Metal 3D Printer in our store. If you’ve made a cool project that combines 3D printing and electronics, be sure to let us know, and we’ll feature it here!

07 Nov 19:29

This coffee only brews with renewable energy #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

by Jessica


Via Rasberry Pi Pod via science 2.0.

Like coffee but your liberal guilt won’t let you enjoy it if the energy to heat the water might have come from natural gas or nuclear energy?

There may be hope for the future. Researchers at Lancaster University have used a Raspberry Pi to determine the optimum time for a cup of tea in terms of impact on the environment – it only allows a kettle to boil when the University’s wind turbine is producing electricity. Windy Brew is the brainchild of Dr. Will Simm, Dr. Peter Newman, Dr. Maria Angela Ferrario and Dr. Stephen Forshaw.

It envisions a future where man does not reshape nature, but where we are hostage to it.

“Windy Brew has been inspired by a possible vision of the future where we can’t just use energy whenever and wherever we like, but have to synchronize our consumption to the availability of renewable energy sources rather than burning fossil fuels,” explains Simm. “We thought about the tasks that we do here in the office and we do like our brews. What if were able to sync the times we make our brew with our renewable energy sources? Would it allow us to develop a sensitivity for renewable energy, which is not always available?”

The University’s Information Systems Services unit provided a live feed of data from the turbine direct to the research team giving a second by second report of energy outputs. When the University turbine is generating power, the Raspberry Pi activates the radio controlled plug socket which, in turn, switches on the kettle and sends a tweet when it boils – the perfect ‘green’ brew, unless you count the materials for the Pi, the kettle, the wind vanes, the cups, the radio controlled plug socket, and shipping the tea from 8,000 miles away.

“This equipment, unlike others, is not about sourcing a cost effective energy supply,” said Dr Peter Newman. “It’s not about reducing energy consumption but it is about using energy more intelligently when it is more renewable. Reduced costs are a bi-product benefit.”

Read more.

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Adafruit has the largest and best selection of Raspberry Pi accessories and all the code & tutorials to get you up and running in no time!

07 Nov 19:28

Did the government hack a CBS journalist? Maybe. [Updated]

by Sean Gallagher
Aurich Lawson

Update: Sharyl Attkisson has contacted Ars with comments, corrections and clarifications. We've integrated factual corrections into the story, as well as her comments—and citations and our own analysis in response to those comments where appropriate.

Sharyl Attkisson was hacked. The computers used by the former CBS News investigative reporter were found to have been remotely accessed and tampered with, according to both a CBS-hired forensics expert and a reputable information security firm that did an analysis commissioned by Attkisson herself. Those are the facts as we know them.

Currently, that’s where the facts end and the allegations begin. Attkisson, whose book Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation and Harassment in Obama’s Washington was released this week, claims to have evidence that she was hacked by someone working for the government. She says the digital intrusion was part of a campaign to get her to stop pursuing stories critical of the Obama administration. [Attkisson, in a follow-up email, clarifies: "I theorize the digital intrusion was an attempt to surreptitiously monitor my work to see who was talking to me and how much I knew on various stories."]

Read 37 remaining paragraphs | Comments

07 Nov 19:26

To her friend...


07 Nov 19:25

Hark, A Vagrant: Invasion of Canada

buy this print!

In Canada, we learn that the Irish American raids of the 1870s provided us with a high horse we like to use even today! Why is America always picking on us? Those guys are jerks, stop invading us with bad plans to trade us for Ireland. Maybe we don't like to be treated that way, you ever think of that? How RUDE.

And for anyone wondering, the gent with the Van Dyke beard would be General John O'Neill, veteran of the American civil war, like many of the volunteers.

online exhibit from Villanova University

Edit to this:

I decided to change the name of comic #364, I'll just give you a brief explanation.

In North America, events of the 1860s/70s wherein Irish Americans invaded Canada are called the Fenian Raids.

Like so.

It's in the textbooks. You get a history book sometime in high school and open it up and there it is, "Fenian raids." And that's the only time you ever hear the word Fenian over here, if people say it, they're talking about some very specific people in the 1860s/70s who called themselves that. Can't say it comes up in conversation much.

Across the ocean, the word means something more, and worse, which I didn't really get the full understanding of until the comic went up - then, of course, people will point things out to you. Still I left it, because I figured maybe it was complex enough to embody a bunch of meanings, including the one I knew. But that doesn't really matter, does it? I don't think so. Who cares if people in North America are unoffended if other people are? That's basic decency math. Anyway I really should have done it sooner, I'm sorry I didn't do it right away.

The store has updated with lots of exciting new things! Were you looking at my Wee The People drawings on tumblr? I was trying to come up with something fun to put in the store. And along with a few other items, here we are! And Josephine Baker shirts are in stock too!

Clicking on the image will take you to the store. Hooray!!

07 Nov 18:28

I love everything about this like the O doesn’t look like...

I love everything about this

like the O doesn’t look like it belongs so it reads CALIFORNIA CRY BANK

The utterly unsupported theme of how paid yanking is supposedly heroic

The idea of how much sperm results in a nearly $20k/year earning potential

The stock art guy who probably has no idea he’s on this ad

The fact that it’s on a public bus

07 Nov 15:01

Mississippi Ballot Initiative Aims To Bring Back Ole Miss’ Confederate Mascot

by Travis Waldron

via Matthew Connor: "The next two years are really going to suck aren't they"

The second edition of Colonel Reb in the Ole Miss stands in 2009, before the school banned him again.

The second edition of Colonel Reb in the Ole Miss stands in 2009, before the school banned him again.


The 2014 elections are barely gone, but some Mississippi groups are already gearing up for a 2016 fight over a ballot initiative involving official religions, languages, and the state’s Confederate history. According to the Jackson Clarion-Ledger, one Mississippi group has begun a drive to put an initiative on the 2016 ballot that would establish English as the state’s official language, Christianity as its official religion, and a Confederate Heritage Month that would mandate its Confederate history be taught in public schools across the state.

The initiative aims to re-establish significant parts of Mississippi’s Confederate heritage, from flying the Stars and Bars over the state capitol building to mandating that the song “Dixie” be played after the national anthem at public events. In addition, it takes up the cause of one of the more iconic symbols of the Confederacy in the state: the University of Mississippi’s use of Colonel Reb, which depicts an old plantation owner, as the mascot of its athletic teams. The Clarion-Ledger reports:

It also includes multiple provisions regarding the state’s universities. State universities Alcorn State University, Delta State University, Jackson State University, Mississippi University for Women and Mississippi Valley State University would not be permitted to merge or consolidate. If passed, the University of Mississippi’s on-field mascot would once again become “Colonel Reb” and the song “Dixie” would be played by the university. The initiative would also secure the existing mascots and traditions of Mississippi State University and University of Southern Mississippi.

The issue of Confederate symbolism has been a pertinent and contentious one at Ole Miss, and it has drawn both local controversy and national attention. Ole Miss in 1997 banned Confederate flags from its football games; later, it nixed Colonel Reb’s status as the school’s official mascot and prohibited the school band from playing the song “From Dixie With Love.” Those decisions, as USA Today’s Dan Wolken detailed earlier this year, were made in an effort to re-brand the school and its history but have “drawn significant backlash from students and alumni who accused the school’s leadership of sacrificing sacred traditions in the name of political correctness.” Even as the school won’t let him into football games, students still traditionally dress as Colonel Reb for pre-game tailgates.

In 2003, when the university took Colonel Reb off the sidelines, a student government poll found that 94 percent of students wanted to keep him around. According to the Colonel Reb foundation, Ole Miss allowed a new mascot, named Colonel Too, to roam the stands from 2004 to 2009 before it banned him from sporting events too.

Previous efforts to bring back the mascot have been unsuccessful. A 2011 initiative that would have re-established Colonel Reb’s place on the sidelines of Vaught-Heimingway Stadium failed. So too did a legislative effort to put him back on the field. Those failures, though, led to this broader effort, spearheaded by a former local Tea Party leader, to include the other provisions to widen the initiative’s popularity.

According to the Clarion-Ledger, the petition drive needs 107,216 signatures from Mississippi residents over the next year in order for it to make the 2016 ballot.

The post Mississippi Ballot Initiative Aims To Bring Back Ole Miss’ Confederate Mascot appeared first on ThinkProgress.

07 Nov 14:47

Mark Zuckerberg on 'The Social Network:' "They just kind of made up a bunch of stuff"

by Ellis Hamburger

"If they were really making a movie, it would've just been me at a computer coding for two hours straight. These people want to make money."

if facebook was really about connecting people, it wouldn't need to secretly track everything you do on every website across the internet, on your mobile device, and in retail stores. these people want to make money

In a live Q&A session today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was asked how accurate The Social Network film was in portraying his life. His answer:

"I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about this in a while. I kinda blocked that one out. It was a very interesting experience to watch a movie that was supposedly about my life. The reality is that writing code and building a product is not a glamorous enough thing to make a movie about. A lot of the stuff they probably had to embellish and make up. If they were really making a movie, it would've just been me at a computer coding for two hours straight. These people want to make money.

I haven't met the writer of the movie. I met [Jesse Eisenberg once.] They went out of their way in the movie to try to get some interesting details correct like design of office, but in overarching plot about why we're building Facebook or how we did it, they just kind of made up a bunch of stuff that I found kind of hurtful. I take our mission really seriously. We're here not to just build a company, but to help connect the world and help people connect to people thye love. The thing that I found most interesting about movie was that they made up this plotline about how i decided to create facebook to attract girls.

One important piece of context is woman I'm married to who i've been dating for ten years, i was dating her before starting Facebook. If somehow i was trying to create facebook to find more women, that probably wouldn't have gone over well in my relationship. There were glaring things made up about movie that made it hard for me to take seriously.

But we had some fun with it. We knew everyone at Facebook was gonna want to see it. So we actually took the whole company to go see it the day it came out."

07 Nov 14:35

Meteotux PI – Record High Resolution Images of light sources in the night sky #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

by Matt

Meteotux PI – Record High Resolution Images of light sources in the night sky:

What is Meteotux PI?

Program to record high resolution images of night time fireballs, aeroplanes, satellite flashes etc.

What you need to run software?

Raspberry PI + USB-power supply.
    Camera module like this or this one without IR-filter
    SD-card Raspbian installed on it (others may work too, not tested).
    The program Meteotux PI itself.

Read More.

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998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Adafruit has the largest and best selection of Raspberry Pi accessories and all the code & tutorials to get you up and running in no time!

07 Nov 14:34

Silk Road 2.0, infiltrated from the start, sold $8M per month in drugs

by Joe Mullin

It only took about one month from the time the Silk Road drug-dealing website was busted for a successor to be created. The new site, like the old, was on the "Darknet," only accessible via an anonymizing Tor browser. It called itself "Silk Road 2.0" and kept the appearance of the old site, down to the green nomad-and-camel logo. Its creator named himself Dread Pirate Roberts, after the first site's admin.

It's said imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and the second Silk Road was certainly flattering to the first. "It is with great joy that I announce the next chapter of our journey," announced the new Dread Pirate Roberts last November, writing on a Tor-only forum about the black market. "Silk Road has risen from the ashes, and is now ready and waiting for you all to return home."

He added that he had "taken steps the previous Dread Pirate Roberts wouldn't have even thought of."

Read 38 remaining paragraphs | Comments

07 Nov 14:34

RasPi Timelapse Rig to Capture Hatching of Endangered Tuatara #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

by Matt

RasPi Timelapse Rig to Capture Hatching of Endangered Tuatara #piday, from Hackaday Projects:

Ok so a few weeks ago I was asked to film the hatching of a endangered species of reptile called a Tuatara. It isn’t often that you get a chance actually be involved in this sort of project. So needless to say I said yup I am happy to do it. Then I was told what the restrictions were….. first problem was they are in an incubator, I was thinking incubator as in the sort we see on TV with windows and such so it would be easy to pop a camera on the side focus thru a window and ta-dah video footage complete, job done, but no! No windows or no light.. The space is a temperature and humidity controlled space. So time to think laterally. I had a friend who used Raspberry pi’s and had rav’d about how cool they were. I had been tinkering with the idea of getting one for home and having a bit of a play. I had seen online that there was an NoIR camera for cheap. lots of testing and playing …

Read More.

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998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Adafruit has the largest and best selection of Raspberry Pi accessories and all the code & tutorials to get you up and running in no time!

07 Nov 14:33

FIFTEEN whole dollars on offer for cranky Pentium 4 buyers • The Register

by gguillotte
Intel will fork over fifteen whole American dollars to folks who feel that it and HP misrepresented the performance of Pentium 4 CPUs released way back in the year 2000.
07 Nov 14:27

asvprock: RESPECT


via Rosalind
first-ballot autoreshare hall-of-famer



07 Nov 14:25

no-receipts: straight white men’s solution to everything:


via Rosalind
the only way to stop a bad guy then carry a gun


straight white men’s solution to everything:


07 Nov 14:21

asylum-art: Watch a Japanese Kokeshi Doll Emerge From a...


via Rosalind


Watch a Japanese Kokeshi Doll Emerge From a Spinning Block of Wood

In the video, produced by tetotetote, an organization highlighting the arts and crafts of Sendai, Japan, Yasuo Okazaki woodturns solid blocks into the head and body using just a few tools. Okazaki’s “Naruko” style of making the dolls was passed down to him from his father and features stripes at the top and bottom of the body and bangs with red headdresses. I don’t think there’s anything more soothing and hypnotic than the sights and sounds of watching these dolls emerge from a spinning block of wood.

07 Nov 14:14

This Will One Day Be Thunder Road

by Rachel Leah Blumenthal


The upcoming music venue and restaurant is taking over the short-lived Radio space in Somerville's Union Square.

Work has begun at Thunder Road, and the upcoming addition to Somerville's live music and food scenes has shared some construction (well, demolition) photos and videos on Facebook today. Above, see the remains of the kitchen that never quite came to fruition when Radio was open. Thunder Road does intend to serve food.

Here, walkthroughs of the downstairs and upstairs:

07 Nov 13:25

The Celtics unveil hideous grey, sleeved uniforms

by Drew Garrison

Boston, how could you let this happen?

The Boston Celtics, one of the proudest franchises in NBA history, unveiled their brand-new jerseys. They are grey and hideous:

Ugh RT @GwashburnGlobe: Ladies and gentlemen, the #Celtics new alternate uniform

— CelticsBlog (@celticsblog) November 7, 2014

What's up with these jerseys? Allow the Celtics' official press release to explain this travesty of a uniform:

The Parquet Pride jersey features a green and white Celtics wordmark on a grey background with parquet-inspired piping down the sides. The shorts also feature the parquet piping along with the Celtics new Lucky alternate logo on the waistband. Consistent with the other home and road jerseys, a gold patch showcasing the Larry O'Brien championship trophy, as well as "17x" which represents the franchise's league-record 17 titles, is featured on the back collar.

What does "parquet-inspiring piping" even mean? The Celtics' "new" lucky logo on the waistband looks like a poor excuse for Batman's utility belt. The dreary-grey shade and the sleeves, with all of the other weird intricacies, make this one of the ugliest NBA jerseys in rotation.

On the bright side, they'll only wear these atrocities six times. On the welp side, they'll wear them to commemorate six "historic" moments from franchise history. That's no way to honor the 25th anniversary of Larry Bird scoring 20,000 points, Boston.

07 Nov 05:18

These Disney mashup NFL logos are wonderful

by Bill Hanstock

fuck the Dumbos

A graphic designer on Instagram has made some spectacular Disney-style NFL logos. Here are just a few of our favorites:

Disney x NFL series - Lilo and Carolina Stitch @panthers #disney #nfl #thursdaynightfootball

A photo posted by AK (@ak47_studios) on

Disney x NFL series - Captain Jack Oakland Raiders @raiders #nfl #disney

Uma foto publicada por AK (@ak47_studios) em

Disney x NFL series - Atlanta Dumbos @atlantafalcons #nfl #disney

A photo posted by AK (@ak47_studios) on

Disney x NFL series - it's hard finding Nemo in the San Fransico bay @49ers #disney #nfl

A photo posted by AK (@ak47_studios) on

You can see all of them at the Instagram page of ak47_studios.

07 Nov 04:36

Before and After a Cancer Battle, One Man Has the Perfect Set of Halloween Costumes


via willowbl00

Before and After a Cancer Battle, One Man Has the Perfect Set of Halloween Costumes

Last year Tom Schutt of D.C. was undergoing treatments for his cancer, resulting in his hair loss - and a pretty great Jean-Luc Picard costume. Now that he's in remission, he can sport a Riker look!

Submitted by: (via Geeks Are Sexy)

07 Nov 04:36

FOLD: Part-Time Job Opportunity for JavaScript Developer

by alexishope

via willowbl00

Our team at the Center for Civic Media is developing innovative new tools to re-think how people publish and consume news. FOLD is a reading, authoring, and publishing platform allowing storytellers to structure and contextualize complex stories. You can read a little bit more about us on Fast Company, Nieman Lab, and Boston Magazine.

We are looking for a Boston-area contract developer who wants to play an active role in realizing the vision for the tool and getting it ready to deploy by early March. The tool is already underway, but this will be a short development cycle and we need someone passionate, energetic, and disciplined.

This position is part-time, and will be between 10 and 20 hours a week for about six months. This period will include a post-deployment phase to provide support for early users and integrate user feedback.


  • Solid knowledge of JavaScript (our app is written in CoffeeScript)
  • Experience developing with JS frameworks
  • Knowledge of Meteor.js, or a willingness to learn
  • Detail-oriented, capable of delivering a polished product

You'll work closely with designers on the FOLD team, and we would like you to be available periodically for in-person meetings at the Media Lab. If you are not in the Boston area, we may be able to make an exception based on your portfolio, level of interest, and communication skills.

We plan to hire within the next month. If this sounds like the right fit, please drop us a line at with your resume and portfolio!

07 Nov 04:36

Aereo shutting down operations, closing Boston office | BetaBoston

by gguillotte
Aereo, the upstart television technology that aimed to take on cable, revealed today that they are officially shutting down operations. The company announced that effective November 12, the company is shuttering its Boston office and laying off its 43 local employees (while others will stay until the operations officially close).
07 Nov 04:35

John Lasseter will direct 'Toy Story 4' -- BREAKING | Inside Movies |

by gguillotte

"written by Rashida Jones, formerly of NBC’s Parks and Recreation"

The film is set to hit theaters in June 16, 2017, and in a somewhat surprising twist it will be written by Rashida Jones, formerly of NBC’s Parks and Recreation, and her screenwriting partner Will McCormack (who penned the 2012 indie romantic comedy Celeste and Jesse Forever.)
07 Nov 04:29

Boston Globe Negotiating to Sell Dorchester Building - Business news -

by gguillotte
We are in the process of completing a purchase-and-sale agreement with Winstanley Enterprises. Winstanley is a Concord, MA-based, family-owned firm experienced in mixed-use development, and would make a terrific steward of this place we’ve called home since 1958. Though we’ve reached an agreement in principle with the Winstanleys, there are still details to be worked out and a period of due diligence, so this is far from a “done deal.”
07 Nov 00:10



via Rosalind
mulder did you wash your hands