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17 Nov 02:28

Facebook is making its privacy policy shorter and prettier, so you might actually read it

by Adi Robertson

According to a Pew survey released yesterday, 91 percent of adult respondents said that consumers had "lost control over how personal information is collected and used by companies." Facebook, because of its size and the scope of the information released, is one of the prime places this data is collected. And through its multiple revisions, Facebook's data use policy has frequently been obfuscatory, confusing, or incomplete — an issue that was highlighted earlier this year when researchers revealed they had slightly manipulated the News Feed to test users' emotional responses. Today, it's updating that policy again, with an eye towards making it understandable.

Facebook policies compared

Facebook policies compared

Facebook doesn't seem to be actually changing much about how it collects or uses information, or how you can control what people see. A lot of the new proposal is reorganization and graphic design; the relatively dry policy is now spaced out, color-coded, and rewritten in more colloquial language. It's been cut from 8,000 or more words, spread over multiple pages, to closer to 2,000, arranged in a single interactive page (more technical pages are linked for advertisers and specific topics like cookies.) The whole thing is nicer-looking and less wordy, albeit much more of a sales pitch than the original. Given the minuscule chances of anyone going through most privacy policies, that's still an improvement —.it looks like something someone actually wants you to read, even if you probably still won't do it. Users in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, and the UK will also get access to more advanced advertising preferences, a feature that came to the US this summer.

Facebook has tried to give people tools to check their privacy settings before, and it's doing it again with "Privacy Basics," which is essentially a slideshow tutorial that gives you an overall sense of what tools you might want to look for when posting. It might, however, be the point where simplicity slides into uselessness, the equivalent of someone talking... very... slowly... because they think you don't understand a concept. Reading a single menu takes multiple scrolls down the page, and while the screens let you click on little faux buttons to practice setting a post as private or delete it, it seems like an unnecessary flourish when Facebook could just make the design of its actual site clearer.

Facebook Privacy Basics

Facebook Privacy Basics

Facebook's proposal isn't final, and users have a week to comment on the new policies before they're made final. According to The Wall Street Journal, it will incorporate suggestions into a final document, to be released a month later. In more concrete changes, of course, the company tweaked its News Feed settings earlier this week, so you've already got the option to see less of your quasi-friends — not just make sure they see less of you.

17 Nov 02:24

The Vintage Computer Graphics channel on YouTube is fantastic

by adafruit
17 Nov 02:23

Artist's machine takes a swipe at Coca-Cola by filtering it into clean water

by Adi Robertson

"I looked at Coca-Cola not as Coca-Cola, but as I've never seen it before. And then I saw dirty brown water," artist Helmut Smits tells Wired. "It was logical to filter it to clean drinking water." Since 2006, Smits has nurtured that dream, and the results were on display at this year's Dutch Design Week. The Real Thing takes bottles of Coca-Cola and sends their contents through a filtration process designed in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam's Synthetic Organic Chemistry Group. The technology (boiling the Coke and re-condensing the water) is not precisely groundbreaking, but to Smits, the point is to make people "think about how there are places in the world where people don't have access to drinking water, but they have access to Coca-Cola." Or, alternately, "I just want people to laugh and then hopefully think about the shit that they consume."

The Coca-Cola Company, in fact, has a terrible track record with water, even leaving aside the negative health effects of its sugary signature beverage. But the problem isn't so much that its supply chain is better than local infrastructure. It's been widely mocked for selling filtered tap water under the Dasani brand, and bottled water in general is an environmental nightmare. Critics have charged it with draining India's water supply to produce its beverages, among other parasitic business practices. And then there are the endless, less credible urban legends surrounding Coke, Dasani, and other brands. The company has tried to turn its image around by setting up centers that distribute clean water, food, and Wi-Fi in developing countries, using technology developed by inventor Dean Kamen. Smits, meanwhile, says that now that he's demonstrated the concept, there's no need to take it further.

"I'm not planning on turning all the Coke in the world back into water," he says.

17 Nov 02:22

Amazon and Hachette resolve dispute with multi-year agreement

by Megan Geuss

Amazon and Hachette, the fourth largest book publisher in the US, announced Thursday that they had come to a private agreement, ending their months-long dispute over e-book prices.

The terms of the deal are not known, but The New York Times reports that Hachette will be able to set prices on its books, following a similar deal between Amazon and Simon & Schuster. In a news alert that Amazon sent to Ars via e-mail, the company said the agreement "will take effect early in 2015. Hachette will have responsibility for setting consumer prices of its e-books and will also benefit from better terms when it delivers lower prices for readers."

"Amazon and Hachette will immediately resume normal trading, and Hachette books will be prominently featured in promotions," Amazon specified.

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14 Nov 18:46

Takashi Murakami

14 Nov 17:39

'Pangu' Jailbreak for iOS 8.x Now Available for Mac, Compatible with Newer Apple Devices

by Richard Padilla
The Pangu development team today updated its jailbreak for iOS 8 and 8.1, bringing full support for the Mac. The update comes a week after the program saw an update for Windows that brought an automatic installation of Cydia and support for the English language.

Pangu's jailbreak tool for iOS 8 is the first that is compatible with any device running iOS 8.0 to iOS 8.1, including newer devices such as the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, and iPad mini 3. The jailbreak method allows users to install content like themes, tweaks, and apps from other sources than the App Store. The Pangu development team recommends that users backup their iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches before using the tool, and notes that devices upgraded over-the-air may need to be restored before being jailbroken.

Cydia administrator Jay Freeman noted on his Twitter that the Pangu jailbreak is "stable enough" and said that developers on Cydia are now able to mark their own apps as iOS 8 compatible. Members on our forums are also maintaining an active list of which Cydia apps are compatible with iOS 8 and Pangu's jailbreak, and interested users should look there for more specific information.

Pangu can be downloaded for OS X and Windows as an untethered jailbreak, meaning that users only have to apply the method once. The release of the tool follows an announcement by the Electronic Frontier Foundation yesterday stating that a new petition was filed with the Librarian of Congress to extend an exemption that allows jailbreaking to be legal. The exemption was last renewed in 2012 and created by the U.S. Congress in 2010.

13 Nov 18:59

Disconnect’s new app pulls the plug on supercookies, other tracking

by Sean Gallagher

via Albener Pessoa


Disconnect, the public benefit corporation behind the eponymous online privacy tool and “malvertising” blocking service, released a new version of its virtual private networking and privacy protection service for iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS X this morning. Disconnect has offered versions of its service on these platforms in the past, but the latest edition is the first to bring an enhanced version of what the company first introduced on the privacy-oriented Blackphone to these other operating systems.

The service is available through Apple’s App Store and the company’s website (not the Google Play or Windows stores), and it adds filtering of cell provider “supercookies” and other common tracking data captured by websites and mobile applications. Disconnect has also inked a deal with Deutsche Telekom to offer its software and services as a promotional bundle to DT customers.

The new Disconnect app and service comes in free and premium versions. The free application simply provides the user with a visualized record of tracking performed by websites and mobile applications, showing what tracking cookies are used and whose cookies they are. It also shows any unsecured connections within sites using otherwise secure HTTPS connections.

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13 Nov 18:51

postcumming: where is the lie


where is the lie

13 Nov 13:13

Memory Wipe: Follow That Bird is indelibly tragic

by Marah Eakin

The Internet is choked with nostalgia for the youth-oriented entertainments of the not-too-distant past: Tumblr blogs regurgitating images of half-forgotten toys; YouTube compilations of long-lost TV-show intros; countless blogs playing “Remember when?” with movies and video games whose rose-colored recollections aren’t always properly earned. With Memory Wipe, The A.V. Club takes a look at some of our formative favorites with clearer eyes and asks that all-important question: Were they really that great to begin with? This installment looks at Follow That Bird, a 1985 movie that marked Sesame Street’s first foray into movie theaters.

I’m fairly certain that the first movie I saw in theaters was 1985’s Follow That Bird. If it wasn’t that, it was Santa Claus: The Movie, Dudley Moore’s Christmas disaster that came out a few months later. My grandpa Dean used to take me to whatever movie I wanted ...

13 Nov 06:38

5th Edition DMG has a mayonnaise-generating magic item

by Libertad


From this preview of wondrous items.

Look at the Alchemy Jug entry:

It can generate oil, poison, acid, beer, water...and mayonnaise.

I don't think anything more needs to be said.
13 Nov 06:37

proot, int. (and v.)


"I prooted like a lion, I prooted mellifluously like a sucking-dove; but Modestine would be neither softened nor intimidated."

13 Nov 06:35

tastefullyoffensive: Cornered. [via]


Cornered. [via]

13 Nov 06:35

Alien Conspiracy Theorists Think The Government Is On The Verge Of Spilling Big Secrets


mulder no

"This big secret will be revealed in 2015, if the chatter on shows like Coast-to-Coast AM is any indication. Why? Well, the 'Grays' — the name given to the aliens who either conspire with the government to keep their presence hidden or are on the verge of attacking the Earth — have somehow given an ultimatum to their human co-conspirators."
13 Nov 06:34

Cocktail Calculus Chart: The Inner Workings Of Recipes


interactive chart

Understanding the interplay of acid, sugar, and alcohol gives essential insight into how a cocktail is structured.
13 Nov 06:32

Wikipedia's Greatest Sex Illustrator Is An Anonymous Legend

Seedfeeder, a pseudonymous illustrator, has contributed 48 drawings to 35 articles on Wikipedia — all depicting various sex acts in the same sterile, almost platonic style of airline safety manuals.
13 Nov 06:31

An Oral History Of 'Weird Al' Yankovic’s 'UHF'

In his long, illustrious career, Yankovic has headlined precisely one motion picture: 1989’s UHF, a box-office disappointment that has developed a tremendous cult following.
13 Nov 06:31

TV Club: The League: “EBDBBnB”

by Pilot Viruet

'there is a hilariously poorly acted cameo by a football player (Marshawn Lynch)'

Well, at least this was an improvement over whatever the hell last week’s mess was! “EBDBBnB,” besides having the most obnoxious episode title to write out, wasn’t exactly a return to form for the series—not in the least—but it was ... acceptable? I think that’s the most noncommittal and feeble judgment I can hand out. There were some funny lines, there were conversations about the fantasy league, there was a song from Taco (that wasn’t particularly great or funny but wasn’t grating, either!), there is a hilariously poorly acted cameo by a football player (Marshawn Lynch, who actually got me the most points in my matchup last week), there is an appearance by Russell, and there’s even a storyline with potential: Taco’s titular Eskimo Brother Database Bed And Breakfast, the abbreviation of which gets funnier every time someone says it.

Taco’s ...

13 Nov 06:29

Movie Review: Jon Stewart makes a mushy, earnest directing debut with Rosewater

by Ignatiy Vishnevetsky

The problem with most slogan flicks—movies that try to get their audience all heated up about an issue—is that they’re meant to be easily digestible, which politics rarely are. Cut out popular appeal altogether, and you end up with one of those little, airtight dialectical materialist boxes, which are pretty much unimpeachable in terms of political form, but which the average viewer doesn’t want to get into. Overdo it, and you end up with centrist mush—basic, boilerplate human-interest stuff that’s too shapeless to completely work as drama, and too depoliticized to be taken seriously as anything else. In other words, a movie like Rosewater.

The media hook for Rosewater is that it’s directed by likable television person Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, and that it’s based on an incident in which The Daily Show was indirectly involved. (Technically, it’s ...

13 Nov 06:28




13 Nov 06:26



via Toaster Strudel

13 Nov 04:19

how do you feel knowing that you are sexist and racist?


"you soggy rice cake"

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

you’re a white kid with “asian girls” as an interest and <a href=""></a> as components of your bio.

stay out of grown folks business you soggy rice cake

13 Nov 04:15

→ Twitter’s new “strategy statement”

I wish I could make up something this good:

[Twitter CFO Anthony] Noto also read out Twitter’s new mission statement, which he admitted was a mouthful: “Reach the largest daily audience in the world by connecting everyone to their world via our information sharing and distribution platform products and be one of the top revenue generating Internet companies in the world.”

“I struggle to read it every time,” Noto said.

Translation: Ads, ads, ads, and more ads.

∞ Permalink

13 Nov 04:13

New Orleans Police Routinely Ignored Sex Crimes, Report Finds - New York Times


"five detectives tasked with investigating sex crimes failed to pursue hundreds of reported cases, finding records of follow-up efforts in only 14 percent of such calls"


WAPT Jackson

New Orleans Police Routinely Ignored Sex Crimes, Report Finds
New York Times
NEW ORLEANS — A scathing examination of this city's Police Department has concluded that five detectives tasked with investigating sex crimes failed to pursue hundreds of reported cases, finding records of follow-up efforts in only 14 percent of such calls ...
Report: Police poorly investigated sex crimesMorganton News Herald

all 102 news articles »
13 Nov 04:09

Newswire: Michelle MacLaren is in talks to direct Wonder Woman

by Sam Barsanti

"Breaking Bad" producer/director, director of episodes of “Game of Thrones” and “The Walking Dead”

Movie-wise, Marvel may be beating DC in every way imaginable, but that’s because DC has yet to fully play one of the only cards it has that Marvel can’t really compete with: Wonder Woman. She’s the most famous female superhero ever, and while Marvel may be finally getting its shit together with a Captain Marvel movie, Carol Danvers is no Wonder Woman. DC and Warner Bros. know this, and they’re going to make sure everyone else knows it too by not only having Wonder Woman beat Captain Marvel into theaters, but also by getting a female director for its unfortunately unique female-led superhero movie.

Now, according to Variety, Warner Bros. has officially picked a favorite for who should take on Wonder Woman, and—if it works out—it could be a huge win for DC’s fledgling movie universe. That’s because the wondrous woman in ...

13 Nov 04:03

Amanda Seyfried at Knicks-Magic game: 'I don't need to come back'

by Seth Rosenthal


One half, seen enough.

Justin Long took Amanda Seyfried to her first ever live NBA game! It's Knicks-Magic! She's having a great ti-

Oh. That was live on the Knicks' TV network, by the way. Knicks fans are feeling pretty similar these days.

13 Nov 04:03

Anthony Davis is doing mean things to the Lakers

by Ricky O'Donnell

'The man couldn't even legally buy a beer until the second half of last season'

As one might expect.

Do you realize Anthony Davis is leading the NBA in PER by a mile? Not bad for a 21-year-old. Davis is off to a huge start so far this season, and he's keeping it up against the Lakers on Wednesday.

Can you imagine a bigger mismatch than Davis vs. Carlos Boozer?

Oh yeah, he can dunk, too:

The man couldn't even legally buy a beer until the second half of last season. His takeover is just getting started.

13 Nov 04:00



via Toaster Strudel

13 Nov 04:00

facesofdethklok: is this real life


via Toaster Strudel


is this real life

13 Nov 03:59

when you showin off your fursona to people


via Toaster Strudel

when you showin off your fursona to people

13 Nov 03:58

Animated Red Fang Save The Day with Sausages and Cute Kitties in “Crows in Swine” Video

by Vince Neilstein

via multitasksuicide

Yet another highly entertaining and expertly-done Red Fang music video!

The post Animated Red Fang Save The Day with Sausages and Cute Kitties in “Crows in Swine” Video appeared first on MetalSucks.