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01 Dec 08:08

How is this legal? When the protesters got arrested last night, the police take away their money and when they release them, they give them these atm cards with credit for that amount of money, but these cards charges ridiculously high fees.

01 Dec 08:05

Travis Kelce makes jerkoff gesture at referee, for some reason

by James Dator


Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce had no words, and just one motion for what he thought of this referee's penalty call. Now we need to wonder why, because the call was against the Von Miller of the Denver Broncos for hitting Alex Smith late.

01 Dec 07:55


01 Dec 06:32

DVD rips of 'Fury,' 'Annie,' 'Mr. Turner,' and 'Still Alice' hit the web following Sony Pictures hack

by Dante D'Orazio

whoaaaaa hey

Matters just keep getting worse for Sony Pictures, which was victim to a massive hack this past week. Its internal email systems remain offline, and to make matters work, DVD-quality rips of four of the studio's newest films have hit piracy websites.

Watermarked copies of Fury, Annie, Mr. Turner, and Still Alice all hit torrent websites around the same time shortly after the attack. There's no confirmation that the films were indeed obtained from the attack, but it appears likely as DVDs of the films are not available for sale — indeed, all of the films other than Fury have yet to be released in theaters. The copies are believed to be DVD screeners, which are used by studios to distribute new films to awards judges and others for promotional purposes.

According to TorrentFreak, Fury is by far the most popular of the leaked films — it's said to currently be the second most downloaded film on The Pirate Bay. In a statement, a Sony Pictures representative didn't confirm that the videos came from the leak, but did say "The theft of Sony Pictures Entertainment content is a criminal matter, and we are working closely with law enforcement to address it." Authorities arrested two people in London earlier this week in connection with the leak of Expendables 3, which hit the internet before its theatrical release as well.

01 Dec 06:31

Massive Square Enix sale puts nearly every 'Final Fantasy' game ever on sale

by Dante D'Orazio

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01 Dec 06:31

Breath Test For Pot Being Developed At WSU

by timothy
An anonymous reader writes with this news from Tacoma, WA's News Tribune: A team at Washington State University is working to develop a breath test that could quickly determine whether a driver is under the influence of marijuana. Law enforcement officers already use preliminary breath tests in the field to estimate drivers' blood alcohol content. But no similar portable tool exists to test for marijuana impairment ... Stoned drivers have become an increasing concern since Washington voters legalized recreational use of marijuana ... A quarter of blood samples taken from drivers in 2013, the first full year the initiative was in effect, came back positive for pot. ... officers and prosecutors rely on blood tests to determine how much active THC is present in a driver's blood. Those test results aren't immediately available to patrol officers who suspect someone is driving high." Also reported: "Under Washington's legal marijuana law, those who get caught driving with a blood content of at least 5 nanograms of active THC per milliliter are subject to an automatic driver's license suspension of 90 days or more."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

01 Dec 06:30


01 Dec 06:21

This Harry Potter LARP Video Will Make You Want To Move To Poland - I MUST GO TO THERE

by Alanna Bennett

please send to Caitlin

*Stefon voice* The hottest Harry Potter LARP in town is full of WIZARDS. Czocha, Poland, is home to The Czocha College of Wizardry, a live action roleplay game that is accepting sign-ups come December 1st and whose teaser is making me jones for Hogwarts pretty hardcore right now. Is it too late to add “plane ticket to Poland” to my Christmas list? (via Fashionably Geek)

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01 Dec 06:18


01 Dec 06:18


01 Dec 06:18

tennants-hair: when i find myself in times of trouble the 12th doctor comes to me speaking words...


when i find myself in times of trouble

the 12th doctor comes to me

speaking words of wisdom


01 Dec 06:18

adocica: Hello (2014) (by haasbroek)


Hello (2014) (by haasbroek)

01 Dec 06:18

unexplained-events: This photo was taken over 20 years ago by...


This photo was taken over 20 years ago by Todd Robertson during a KKK rally in northeast Georgia. One of the boys approached a black state trooper, who was holding his riot shield on the ground. Seeing his reflection, the boy reached for the shield, and Robertson snapped the photo.

I think the officer’s expression says it all. This child standing before him is being taught how to hate even though he doesn’t understand it. He probably doesn’t understand the difference between this and Halloween.

01 Dec 06:18


01 Dec 06:17


01 Dec 06:17

mrmattasourus: Definitely report that.


Definitely report that.

01 Dec 06:17

iambluedog: She is pondering on the inescapable weight of time...


She is pondering on the inescapable weight of time and her own mortality.

01 Dec 06:17

syleyndra: cooknut:syleyndra:people who put their hair in buns 😍why




people who put their hair in buns 😍



01 Dec 06:17

It’s time! For! Al! Michaels! Face!

by bubbaprog

the only human being with actual mouth eyes IRL

2014 November 30 21 2 8
01 Dec 06:16

Thoughts On Google+


'If you take the long view, you’ll understand why this moment in time is important: the companies and apps that solidify their position in our lives today will likely live on far into the future. Google is one of those companies that has already done this. I believe Facebook will too. So the fundamental problem that I have with Google+ is that I just don’t understand it. And what I don’t understand makes me nervous — and should make you nervous too.
When the name changed (from Google Me) to Google+ (cue terrifying echos of Microsoft Plus!), the focus shifted. Now, not only was Google+ fast-following Facebook, but the name of the product was a hedge against another Buzz-like debacle. If for some reason the product failed (and lots of Buzz veterans actively worried about this), Google could just drop the “+” and pretend the “project” never existed. Genius.
What’s sad to me is that the promise of Google Me could be found in launch post: “We want to make Google better by including you, your relationships, and your interests.”

Yes! Yes!

But by launching a conventional social network, Google missed the pivotal opportunity to establish a data-positive paradigm for sharing, individual control, and personalization that set itself apart from Facebook. Ultimately it offered too little, too late.'

Dear reader, I wouldn’t fault you if you’re wondering why I give a shit. It’s not like I work there anymore. So why do I care? Simple: for the same reason that motivated me to join Google in 2010 — that the future of digital identity should not be determined by one company (namely, Facebook).
01 Dec 06:03

How Did You Go About Locating Books In A Medieval Library?


Erik Kwakkel

In the Middle Ages it was quite difficult to locate a specific book. Unlike today, medieval books lacked a standard size, so you couldn’t really make neat piles. Nor had the spine title been invented yet. So how did medieval readers locate books, especially when they owned a lot of them?
01 Dec 05:58

Grandson’s first Sled

by Ian

Grandson’s first Sled

01 Dec 05:57

Portland seeks input on the future of Mt. Tabor's reservoirs, and dramatic video of activists storming the first meeting claiming PWB corruption

01 Dec 05:56

5e DMG Review | Skyland Games

by gguillotte


Surprisingly, (and sadly) the DMG has returned to being almost entirely white people. While the PHB was very racially diverse on almost every page, that diversity does not extend to the DMG.
01 Dec 05:54

steamxlove: ┌─┐┴─┴ಠ_ರೃ TOP HAT TUESDAYS! I am so excited for...


fuck your hats



I am so excited for this one! These things are so amazing. Top hat (Wooster) and bowler hat (Jeeves) lamps. One day I hope to own some of these for my own house.

- Wooster Pendant Light by The French Bedroom Company

01 Dec 05:53

krxs10: the same foo featured in this newly famous picture...


meanwhile, in Portland


the same foo featured in this newly famous picture above hugging a young protester at the Ferguson protests is also a supporter of Darren Wilson.

another publicity stunt I’m sure. I’m disgusted.

meanwhile, in Portland

01 Dec 05:53

babygoatsandfriends: Caprine Capers

01 Dec 05:53

rabbithugs: i love how vague this is because it implies that...


i love how vague this is because it implies that what the pigeons do is too scary to write down

“we cannot bear to tell you what horrors the pigeons have wrought”

01 Dec 05:52


01 Dec 05:49



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