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09 Dec 21:41

49ers fans are burning Colin Kaepernick jerseys

by Brandon Lee Gowton

Rough times in San Francisco.

My niner fan uncle burning kaepernick jersey hahahahaha

— ♊️brendo (@bdiiddy) December 8, 2014

Colin Kaepernick is under fire in San Francisco. By some accounts, he's literally ON fire. A number of 49ers fans have been seen burning the quarterback's jersey.

49ers fans burning Colin Kaepernick's jersey after yesterday's loss to Oakland. Well, that's reasonable.

— Doug Russell (@DougRussell) December 8, 2014

Just found a burnt Kaepernick jersey in the street after SF lost to Oakland #dobetter

— Mats (@MatPlural) December 8, 2014

Overreaction? Sure. But the frustration is at least a little understandable. Kaepernick has thrown only one touchdown to four interceptions in his past two games. To make matters worse, the 49ers dropped to 7-6 on Sunday after losing to the Raiders. The Raiders!

H/T to CBS Sports

09 Dec 17:34

POODLE Flaw Returns, This Time Hitting TLS Protocol

by Soulskill
angry tapir writes: If you patched your sites against a serious SSL flaw discovered in October you will have to check them again. Researchers have discovered that the POODLE vulnerability also affects implementations of the newer TLS protocol. The POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) vulnerability allows attackers who manage to intercept traffic between a user's browser and an HTTPS website to decrypt sensitive information, like the user's authentication cookies.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

09 Dec 17:34

Dashlane can now change all your passwords with a single click, and it's amazing

by Casey Newton

Dashlane, the subscription-based password management service, is introducing a feature today that ought to become standard in every product like it: the ability to change all your passwords with a single click, including accounts with two-factor authentication enabled. The feature will work with about 75 major websites at launch, including Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, PayPal, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Unique passwords, generated automatically

Password Changer, as the feature is called, is made possible by Dashlane’s acquisition of PassOmatic, a New York startup that developed the core technology. For now, it works on desktop versions of Dashlane for PC and Mac, though the company is working on a mobile version. Dashlane now includes a big green "change all passwords" button; click it and it will replace your existing passwords with ones that are unique and randomly generated. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, a pop-up will ask you for a code or for the answer to a security question.



Eventually, Dashlane plans to let you set certain passwords to change themselves at regular intervals. "This is the future Heartbleed killer," says Alexis Fogel, Dashlane’s co-founder and head of product. He’s referring to the critical vulnerability in the OpenSSL security protocol that this year affected tens of millions of servers. "If you’re regularly changing your passwords," he says, "you’re really limiting your exposure."

Based in New York and Paris, Dashlane is less well known in the United States than other password managers, notably 1Password. Still, it has 3 million users, and is growing sufficiently quickly that investors have put $30 million into the company. You can use Dashlane for free on a single device, but syncing between devices will cost you $39.99 a year. (LastPass costs $12 a year. 1Password is a one-time charge of $50 for the Mac and Windows and client; the iOS app is free and full-featured, though additional features are available through a one-time in-app purchase.)



Dashlane is more expensive than its rivals. But its apps are polished and effective, and its subscription-based business model could help it be more sustainable in the long run than a password manager based on a one-time purchase. If you already have a password manager you’re happy with, Password Changer alone likely won’t be enough to get you to switch. But if you still don’t have a way of generating and storing unique passwords across your devices, you’ll definitely want to give Dashlane a look. And all its competitors better get to work copying it.

You can sign up for the beta here.

09 Dec 16:16

PDX Toy Library to open in Southeast Portland with a mission of promoting play

09 Dec 16:10

Newswire: Hackers demand Sony pull The Interview in what better not be a marketing stunt

by Katie Rife

The Sony hacker story keeps getting weirder as The Hollywood Reporter says a person claiming to be a member of the Guardians of Peace (#GOP) has posted a public message to a number of peer-to-peer sites demanding that Sony “Stop immediately showing the movie of terrorism which can break the regional peace and cause the War!” The “movie of terrorism” is assumed to be The Interview, due to the initial suspicion that North Korea was behind the Sony attacks and the fact that it’s the only movie North Korea has called “an act of war” lately. North Korea has denied involvement, so Sony’s next best guess is either that North Korea is lying (entirely possible) or some anonymous, non-North Korean person hates James Franco and is willing to take down a multinational corporation to prove it (also possible).

In the same message, the #GOP denied that the group ...

09 Dec 16:07

The International Implications Of French Toast Crunch

Today, General Mills announced the return of its only French-themed cereal. The timing could not have been more perfect.
09 Dec 16:04

Music Review: Smashing Pumpkins rediscover their musical focus but lose lyrical depth

by Annie Zaleski

Lineup instability is an integral part of Smashing Pumpkins’ mythology. While on some level this personnel upheaval is a moot point—after all, frontman Billy Corgan is in charge of the band’s vision and aesthetic—the revolving group of collaborators has made it difficult to find a sonic through-line in the group’s output since (and including) 2007’s Zeitgeist. Certainly this flux fits the disparate music Corgan writes for Smashing Pumpkins; recent songs encompass surging space rock, gothic shoegaze, prog-influenced opuses, glossy hard rock and lilting synthpop. However, ripping up the lineup card for each recent album also inadvertently contributed to why records such as 2012’s lush Oceania are frustratingly inconsistent.

The new Monuments To An Elegy is a marked improvement. Another installment of the Teargarden By Kaleidyscope epic—and the predecessor to another album, Day For Night, that’s reportedly due next year—the record is ...

09 Dec 16:03

Gameological At Large: Summoning genies and running for Swedish parliament at the Essen board game fair

by Chris Field

The Internationale Spieltage—otherwise known as SPIEL or simply Essen, after its host city—is held every October in Germany. Around 150,000 people attend across four days, eager to see what the more than 800 exhibitors have on offer for the avid board game fan. There are hundreds of new games to try out and a whole lot more to pick up at bargain prices. After hours, the fair spills over into bars and hotels to the general amusement of the locals.

This was my second visit—prompted last year and this by taking part in EuropeMasters, a team-based board game competition—but my first that lasted for the fair’s duration. Even with three of the four days to wander the floor, there was a long list of games I didn’t find the time or table to play. Nonetheless, here are my highlights from those I did ...

09 Dec 16:02

The Small Group Of Lawyers Controlling The U.S. Supreme Court

A cadre of well-connected attorneys has honed the art of getting the Supreme Court to take up cases — and business is capitalizing on their expertise
09 Dec 15:58

Hachette Wants To Turn Twitter Into A Bookstore

On the heels of a nasty dispute with Amazon over the sales of e-books, Hachette is cultivating the growth of a new online bookseller: Twitter.
09 Dec 15:57

Former Spies Launch '' To Combat Forthcoming Torture Report

With the Senate gearing up to release a sharply critical report about the CIA’s post-9/11 interrogation and detention practices, a group of former senior intelligence officials is planning to rebut those criticisms with a flurry of op-eds, media interviews, and newly-declassified documents. The backbone of the media campaign will be a newly-launched website with a rather blunt and straightforward title: “”
09 Dec 15:57

Samsung Shares Horrifying Laundry List Of Potential Gear VR Risks

Side effects include: seizures, loss of awareness, eye strain, eye or muscle twitching, involuntary movements, altered, blurred, or double vision or other visual abnormalities, dizziness, disorientation, impaired balance, impaired hand-eye coordination, excessive sweating, and on and on.
09 Dec 15:55

The Legend Of Panther Girl

The life of Ann Casey, a once mythic figure on the budding women’s wrestling circuit of the '60s and '70s, is the stuff of pulp-fiction dreams. Born in rural Alabama, she escaped abuse and poverty to become one of the most glamorous and fierce wrestlers in the country. She kissed Elvis, survived an assassination attempt and died on an operating table before becoming a champion. Her long, strange tale is undeniable and unforgettable.
09 Dec 15:31

Report That Grumpy Cat Earned $100 Million Is 'Completely Inaccurate'

by gguillotte
Bundesen declined to comment on her cat's specific earnings. She said she is considering how and when to give a full interview to set the record straight. She said her TV deal with Lifetime likely meant she would provide additional details to that channel. Grumpy Cat's agent, Ben Lashes, who calls himself a "meme manager," did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Huffington Post.
09 Dec 01:53

Happy Birthday, Margaret Atwood

by terribleminds

So, this past Wednesday night, that ^^^^ happened.

(L to R — Erin Morgenstern, Some Jerk, Margaret Atwood, Neil Fucking Gaiman, Lev Grossman.)

Holy shit. I know, right?! Ahem. Yeah. So, I was invited to speak at the Happy Birthday, Margaret Atwood event at the 92Y, and to call it “surreal” is like suggesting the ocean is “damp,” or outer space is “chilly.” Upon arriving at the 92Y, I was ushered into the green room where Neil Gaiman (an unsurprisingly lovely person) was just… you know, sitting there? Chilling out? And then Lev shows up (he’s brilliant), and Erin after that (a good friend and an amazing writer), then finally the woman of the hour (the year, the decade, the century) appeared: Margaret Atwood.

She has great presence. She’s funny and wry and happy and yet, takes utterly no shit at all.

Erin did not make cakes with cake material but rather, she made cakes with words (75* of them, which is to say, *not 75 of them). Lev gave an arresting reading of The Handmaid’s Tale. I spoke of those things You Likely Did Not Know About Margaret Atwood, and also assured the audience that she was not my girlfriend. (You pesky gossips, all of you.) And Neil and Margaret had a conversation on stage that was billed as an interview but was far humbler and more comforting than that — it had that rare feeling of sitting in an adjacent room listening to two people just talk rather than sitting in an audience watching two people put on a show. Intimate, warm, curious, writerly. I was lucky to be there to see it, much less be a part of it. I mean, seriously, how privileged to be with such giants. Not literal giants, but literary ones. I tried very hard not to single-handedly diminish the literary legacies of all those attending.

I’m still not certain it actually happened.

My life is super weird, you guys.

Bonus: I got to hang after with some great friends, including my wife, my agent Stacia, my serial killer friend Dave, and awesome humans Eliza and Emma, both of whom flew in from Australia just to see the thing. (Plus, I got to meet Rita Meade from Book Riot, and frankly, anything and anybody associated with Book Riot is badass.)

Anyway, thanks to the 92Y, Random Penguinhaus, and Margaret for having me.

More pics:


09 Dec 01:01

The True Story Of The ‘Greatest Corporate Failure In American History’

In case you were born in the 90s and don't remember the infamous AIG bonus controversy of March 2009, it was a bizarre moment in our nation's history when it seemed like everyone in America was angry about the same thing. And that particular thing was the crux of the "problem" — a microcosm of everything else that had gone wrong with Western civilization. Today, thanks to a lawsuit being argued in Washington, we now know how comprehensively we were duped.
09 Dec 00:58

Delicious Five-Pound Gummy Skulls Made in the Shape of a Bony Cranium

by Justin Page


Giant Gummy Skull

Vat19, a company known for their fun gummy products, has created a delicious five-pound gummy skulls made in the shape of a bony cranium. Purple grape, red cherry, and blue raspberry gummy skulls are available to purchase online from Vat19 and Firebox.

Got a bit of a sweet tooth? This Giant Gummy Skull has a whole gob full of the damned things. Along with a juicy jawbone, a sugary scalp, a couple of enticing eye-sockets, a nauseatingly-sweet nasal cavity and a delicious pair of chewy cheek bones.

Giant Gummy Skull

Giant Gummy Skull

Giant Gummy Skull

Giant Gummy Skull

photos via FireBox and Vat19

09 Dec 00:49

Moffat Says Female Doctor & Writers Could Happen, He Has A “Folder of Women” - One step forward, two steps back, Moff.

by Sam Maggs


Speaking, for reasons unknown, at the Sky Women in Television and Film Awards, Steven Moffat confirmed that one day the Doctor will be a woman—but it won’t be any time soon.

“We’ve been laying the possibility for an awfully long time, but you don’t cast that way,” said Moffat. “I know I’m going to get in trouble for saying that—you cast a person, you don’t cast the gender.” Moffat also went on the record last August, saying that casting a woman “didn’t feel right to [him], right now” because not enough people wanted it.

“We did just make ,” added Moffat to BANG Showbiz. “She turns up and the Doctor doesn’t say anything about it, he doesn’t react at all, he thinks that’s perfectly normal. It’s not impossible, no, it is entirely down to who the best person is.” So I guess there just hasn’t been a “right” woman in fifty years. What are the odds?!

But Doctor Who doesn’t only have a gender imbalance problem in front of the camera—the series hasn’t had a female writer in approximately eight years. Speaking at Trinity College in Dublin, Moffat confirmed that he has been attempting to get women to write Doctor Who as well as direct, and seemed perplexed as to why it just hasn’t worked out. “I don’t know why. I chase both sexes. There are many [female writers]. I think a female voice would be fantastic. But we’re getting no luck there. I have a folder of women. They all said no!”


“I feel you, bro.”

The Nerdist has reported that Torchwood‘s Catherine Treganna has signed on for season nine, so we can only hope Moffat looks through his folders and binders full of women to gain a few more. Neil Gaiman would totally help.

(via RadioTimes)

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09 Dec 00:48

Game Of Thrones Designer Says Sand Snakes' "Nipple Armor" Was A Mistake

by Charlie Jane Anders

'Clapton says it was a mistake, a result of the "structured molds" they use on the armor. "They sand it off to an extent, but they didn't do it as much as I wanted them to." The show was rushing into production, and Clapton didn't notice the nipples weren't sanded off sufficiently until they were already filming. Even still, she says it's way more noticeable in the set photos, thanks to a trick of the lighting, than it is in the actual footage.'

Game Of Thrones Designer Says Sand Snakes' "Nipple Armor" Was A Mistake

Readers of George R.R. Martin's novels will be excited to see the legendary Sand Snakes appearing on Game of Thrones this spring. But some people's enthusiasm was slightly tempered when the first set photos of the Sand Snakes appeared , revealing... armor with nipples. Costume designer Michele Clapton says this was a mistake.


09 Dec 00:47

Phone Call With Dad Just Watered-Down Version Of Phone Call With Mom

CHARLOTTE, NC—Progressing swiftly through the same topics but in far less detail, local man Ian Miller’s four-minute phone call with his father Monday was reportedly just a watered-down version of the conversation he’d had moments earlie...

09 Dec 00:47

Nation’s Gay Straw Men March On Washington For Right To Marry Animals

WASHINGTON—In an effort to advance what they have repeatedly stated is the key element of their agenda, the nation’s gay straw men marched on the nation’s capital Monday to advocate for the right to marry animals, sources confirmed.

09 Dec 00:44

What's the Historical Reality Behind the Trojan Horse?

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

hey everybody it's me

What's the Historical Reality Behind the Trojan Horse?

For hundreds of years, people have been trying to "decode" the legend of the Trojan War. Archaeologists have found the historical Troy, and they think that they've uncovered some of the major players. But what was the famous Trojan Horse?


09 Dec 00:36

duragdaddy: flvcoshvlom: ellecareyart: 2brwngrls: simplysupre...


Overbey's hero







HERE FOR THIS i don’t see a thug here. at all.

"I’m better at life than you."

yessssssss woo

09 Dec 00:35

Turns Out The Dotcom Bust's Worst Flops Were Actually Fantastic Ideas


'WebVan burned through $800 million trying to deliver fresh groceries to your door, and today, we have Amazon Fresh and Instacart, which are doing exactly the same thing—and doing it well. People laughed when Kozmo flamed out in 1998, but today, Amazon and Google are duking it out to provide same-day shopping delivery. wanted to create their own internet-based currency, and though Flooz was a flop, bitcoin has now shown that digital currency can play huge role in the modern world.

Even the idea is looking mighty good. The basic notion that people wanted to buy pet food online and have it delivered to their homes turns out to be a sound one. Market research firm IBISWorld pegs it at a $3 billion market and a new generation of companies—,, and to name a few—all making a go of it.

VA Linux, which spiraled to its death after a 1999 IPO provided the biggest first-day boost in NASDAQ history. As it turns out, VA had the right idea. Cheap hardware running the open source Linux operating system eventually changed the computer world. That’s what Google and Amazon and Facebook run on today.

It’s just that the beneficiaries of this changes weren’t American startups like VA. It was no-name hardware manufacturers in Asia.'

The lesson here is that innovation is built on the shoulders of failure, and sometimes, the line between the world’s biggest success and the world’s biggest flop is a matter of timing or logistics or tools or infrastructure or luck, or — and here’s the lesson that today’s high flying startups should take to heart — scope of ambition.
09 Dec 00:27

International Olympic Committee Adds Sexual Orientation To Non-Discrimination Policy

The International Olympic Committee approved a wide-ranging reform package Monday that includes rewording of its non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation — a move that followed the controversy over Russia’s law against gay “propaganda” ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
09 Dec 00:27

Chelsea Manning: I Am A Transgender Woman And The Government Is Denying My Civil Rights


people who got indicted and convicted

We are told, by the legal system and the military, that we don’t belong. It’s time for trans people like me to tell the world something different: we exist.
09 Dec 00:27

Ex-Apple Executive Jailed And Fined For Selling Secrets


people who got indicted and convicted

A former Apple executive who made millions by selling information about the firm to its suppliers has been sentenced to a year in jail. Paul Shin Devine must also repay almost $4.5 million of the money he made.
09 Dec 00:25

Newswire: Aaron Sorkin sad that Newsroom writer’s objection to rape plot violated his privacy

by Sean O'Neal


'Sorkin has since responded with a statement in which he says he’s “happy” that it’s stirred such “passionate debate,” and acknowledging that the debate carried over into the writers’ room. Still, while he doesn’t dispute that Smith had issues with it—or that he asked her to leave—“ultimately I have to go into a room by myself and write the show,” so he made a similarly unilateral decision. And much as his fictional male journalist took umbrage with a female student using the Internet to expose her attackers, Sorkin is mostly upset that Smith used the Internet to violate the privacy of his writers’ room:

Alena Smith, a staff writer who joined the show for the third season, had strong objections to the Princeton story and made those objections known to me and to the room. I heard Alena’s objections and there was some healthy back and forth. After a while I needed to move on (there’s a clock ticking) but Alena wasn’t ready to do that yet. I gave her more time but then I really needed to move on. Alena still wouldn’t let me do that so I excused her from the room.

The next day I wrote a new draft of the Princeton scenes–the draft you saw performed last night. Alena gave the new pages her enthusiastic support. So I was surprised to be told this morning that Alena had tweeted out her unhappiness with the story. But I was even more surprised that she had so casually violated the most important rule of working in a writers room which is confidentiality. It was a room in which people felt safe enough to discuss private and intimate details of their lives in the hope of bringing dimension to stories that were being pitched. That’s what happens in writers rooms and while ours was the first one Alena ever worked in, the importance of privacy was made clear to everyone on our first day of work and was reinforced constantly. I’m saddened that she’s broken that trust.

Asked by Buzzfeed if she had any further response, Smith declined—shut down, as so many have been before, by an Aaron Sorkin monologue.'

Last night, Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom—a show that has frequently demonstrated how media should cover current events with the courage of hindsight—happened upon the opportunity to newsplain a story that was actually in the headlines. The penultimate episode of the series featured a subplot about a Princeton student who is raped by two men at a fraternity party, fortuitously—or given the way it worked out—very, very unfortunately timed with a similar tale that has unfolded at the University of Virginia. And in the end, the only viewers who may have been pleased with “Oh Shenandoah” were likely the editors of Rolling Stone, who can at least say that they weren’t the only ones accused of bungling a campus rape story this weekend.

Many, many reviewers (including our own) took the episode and Sorkin to task for the plotline, in which the female student—frustrated ...

09 Dec 00:21

City of Portland sues Uber


'Only one formal request has been made to the PFHT Board to allow TNC service. That request was made by Uber in October 2013 to operate Uber Black without being subject to Portland’s executive sedan regulations. A subcommittee of the PFHT Board scheduled a meeting with Uber to discuss the request. Uber representatives did not attend that meeting or the subsequent PBHT Board meeting, at which point the Board denied Uber’s request to recommend to City Council that the existing regulations be changed.'

09 Dec 00:18

Judge Drops Involuntary Manslaughter Charge Against Cop In Aiyana Stanley-Jones Shooting


via ThePrettiestOne

Judge Drops Involuntary Manslaughter Charge Against Cop In Aiyana Stanley-Jones Shooting:






Wayne County Circuit Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway dismissed an involuntary manslaughter charge against the Detroit police officer accused in the 2010 fatal shooting of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones, reports the Detroit Free Press.

As previously reported by NewsOne, Officer Joseph Weekley failed to follow his training when he stormed a house looking for a murder suspect with his finger on the trigger and shot Aiyana who was asleep on the couch, according to prosecutors.

All sides acknowledge that Aiyana Stanley-Jones’ death was not intentional. But prosecutors say Officer Joseph Weekley’s actions were a crime because he handled his submachine gun in a reckless manner.

“You have to use ordinary care in the exercise of your duties,” prosecutor Rob Moran said. “He didn’t follow ordinary care. … If he didn’t pull the trigger, Aiyana would be alive.”

Here’s the opportunity to prove that black girls lives matter as much as black boys lives.

Where is the national movement against this judge who dropped the charges against the cop who killed seven-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones as she lay on a couch in her home? Where is the demand from the people that the cop be locked up?

A cop who was frontin’ for the cameras of the reality series that was being filmed at the time, who was all gassed up on that “Look at me! I’m a cop on TV” shit and wound up killing our baby girl.

They charged him with some bullshit-ass, slap-on-the-wrist “involuntary manslaughter” and not even that shit could stick.

Baby girl is dead.

And there’s not a whisper or a tear.

I don’t believe it when people say they love black girls.

I have zero evidence of that assertion.

(H/T Kristen M. Muldrow)







so what’s the excuse now??? did they claim she charging at him too???? did they describe her as some sort of hulk hogan demon spawn as well???? what the fuck was the excuse??