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18 Aug 05:17

Marvel shows first look at Doctor Strange, Captain America: Civil War at D23 Expo

by Michael McWhertor

'Cumberbatch promised girls'

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige showed up at Disney's D23 Expo in Anaheim today, bringing a first look at next year's Doctor Strange and Captain America: Civil War. Those two comic book movies will kick off Marvel's Phase 3 plan for its cinematic universe, introducing new characters and bringing back a slew of familiar ones.

Feige said that Doctor Strange doesn't start filming until November, but he sated the D23 crowd with a pre-production peek at the magic-fueled movie. Benedict Cumberbatch, who stars as Dr. Stephen Strange in the film, wasn't in attendance, but appeared in pre-recorded video form to talk about his excitement for the character.

Cumberbatch promised girls, explosions and all the trans-dimensional action required of a Doctor Strange movie.

Feige said Marvel's been working on bringing Doctor Strange to film "since before the inception" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He then showed dozens of pieces of concept art in a D23-exclusive video.

Director Scott Derrickson narrated the footage, talking about Strange's origins: He's one of the world's top neurosurgeons, but his hands are seriously injured in a car accident. On a journey to recover, Strange travels to distant lands, eventually meeting The Ancient One — played by Tilda Swinton — who helps heal Strange, but exposes him to so much more.

The concept art Marvel showed was a mix of sleek, modern day city settings that looks consistent with other Marvel Studios movies. We saw Strange and The Ancient One casting mystical spells; concepts of Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor in costume, as Doctor Strange and Baron Mordo, respectively; and the weird, alien dimensions that the characters will travel through in the 2016 film. The concept art looked faithful to the Marvel comic book series, but grounded in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There was some intriguing, physics defying stuff on display, with cities twisted and transformed in scenes that looked straight out of Inception, with cars flying through the air in strange helix shapes.

Feige said Doctor Strange will be "as satisfying, and as weird" as any Marvel movie that's been made.

After the Strange stuff, Feige introduced Captain America stars Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans. They brought with them footage of Captain America: Civil War, Cap's third stand-alone film (joking that they'd learned iMovie on the flight to put it together). As the new footage showed, however, Captain America will share his screentime with plenty of his fellow Avengers.

The Civil War footage started in Africa, with Falcon, Captain America and Black Widow tracking a vehicle, thanks to a remote Falcon drone deployed by Mackie's character. That vehicle, it turned out, was being driven by Hydra soldiers and housed big bad guy Crossbones, Frank Grillo's character from The Winter Soldier. A big brawl between Cap and Crossbones ensued, with Falcon and Black Widow joining in on the (beautifully choreographed) action.

More footage that played a lot like a trailer followed, showing Cap's Avengers allies — and sometime rivals — Iron Man, Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch. We saw Cap confronting his onetime friend Bucky, aka The Winter Soldier, who exchanged words with Cap about his past, then appeared to be cooperating in a later shot. The trailer also gave us our first glimpse of Black Panther, who flexed out metal claws from his fingertips. The trailer also hinted at the Avengers splintering into different groups, with Tony Stark and Steve Rogers trading barbs, and Hawkeye and Black Widow fighting, with Barton questioning Natasha if they were still friends.

William Hurt returned as General Thunderbolt Ross, reprising his role from Marvel's The Incredible Hulk. Ross talks about the country owing Captain America a debt, but that he's also seen by some as a vigilante.

The highlight of the footage was Falcon meeting up with Cap and Scarlet Witch, and introducing him to Paul Rudd's Ant-Man. Rudd played the starstruck, low-level superhero perfectly, shaking Steve Rogers' hand for an uncomfortably long time and marveling at Captain America's size and physique. He fawned, turning to Scarlet Witch and saying, "I know you. You're great too," and saying to the Avengers leader, "You know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me." Rudd was used perfectly as a relatable everyman in the scene, even better than he'd been portrayed in Ant-Man.

The footage did not, however, offer a peek at Spider-Man, who's slated to make an appearance in Civil War.

Marvel Studios has dated Captain America: Civil War for May 6, 2016 and Doctor Strange for Nov. 4, 2016.

18 Aug 05:12

Bomb threat shuts down SPJ event discussing GamerGate (Update)

by Owen S. Good


A bomb threat in Miami yesterday cleared out and closed down a Society of Professional Journalists panel featuring some of the key figures of the GamerGate movement.

WPLG-TV of Miami reported that Miami-Dade Police responded to the Koubek Center at Miami Dade College around 2:30 p.m., after being tipped off about a bomb threat against the building. The report said someone at the Miami Herald received an email about the bomb threat and sent it to authorities. No explosives were found at the scene.

Polygon has reached out to officials with both the Miami-Dade Police Department and the Society of Professional Journalists Region 3 and will update this story when more information is known.

Milo Yiannopoulos, a writer for and one of the principal voices of the year-old movement, tweeted from the scene about the evacuation and its aftermath. Yiannopoulos said "multiple bomb threats were called in to stop this event." A Vine shows him and Christina Hoff Sommers of the American Enterprise Institute, another noteworthy voice in GamerGate, leaving the auditorium.

It appears the threat came in just as the event was underway and was successful at canceling it. Yiannopoulos later published the remarks he would have made, "only some of which I managed to get on stage" before the evacuation. Yiannopoulos also shared the remarks Sommers planned to give.

This is not the first bomb threat against a venue where both were due to appear to discuss GamerGate. In May, a threat against a Washington D.C. restaurant evacuated the first official get-together in the United States for GamerGate supporters.

SPJ Region 3, which hosted the "AirPlay" event featuring these and other speakers, appeared well aware of the potential for disruption to the event. In this post five days ago, Region 3 director Michael Koretzky detailed AirPlay's plans to ward off threats, harassment or disruption, mentioning that he had enlisted "both online and onsite security experts to keep AirPlay safe." Koretzky noted that when the event was initially publicized, the building's management was emailed with a question asking why it was letting a hate group use their facility.

GamerGate has been accused, collectively, of online harassment and making similar bomb threats against its critics and their events, charges its supporters vehemently deny.

The movement, which deliberately has no central leadership, is a backlash to what its supporters perceive as unprofessional or agenda-driven behavior in the gaming specialty press. However, figures like Yiannopoulous, Sommers and others have also sharply criticized feminist and other socially progressive criticism of games and their role in pop culture. Opponents of GamerGate call the movement misogynist and innately hostile to women, minorities and other marginalized groups of persons.

18 Aug 05:11

Ronda Rousey IS Captain Marvel (In Fan Art She Shared)



UFC fighter and actress Ronda Rousey shared fan art illustrating her as Captain Marvel. Is she making a play for the part?
18 Aug 05:10

Philip Rivers Signs Four-Year Extension

by Aaron Schatz


Well, so much for those stories about Philip Rivers not wanting to follow the San Diego Chargers to Los Angeles if they decide to move. Rivers is locked in now after signing a new four-year extension that includes $65 million in guaranteed money. Rivers has been that rare animal, the somewhat quietly great quarterback. He's been in the DVOA and DYAR top 10 in seven of his nine years as a starter. On the other hand, we'll have to see if he's able to age as well as Peyton Manning and Tom Brady have. Rivers turns 34 near the end of the season and will be 38 when this contract ends.

read more

18 Aug 05:06



Guantanamo still open though

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

18 Aug 05:02

voidwish: Dick pics are an example of the free market failing utterly in maintaining a supply and...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


Dick pics are an example of the free market failing utterly in maintaining a supply and demand equivalency. The demand for dick pics is extremely low yet dudes perpetually supply them and flood the market.

Capitalism is always a failure.

18 Aug 05:00

Adventure Time Card Wars Collector Pack 5 Lemongrab vs Gunter Now Available

by Polar_Bear

lemongrab lemongrab lemongrab lemongrab

What time is it!
… well, about 10am, Eastern.
But it’s also Adventure Time!
Cryptozoic has released the Adventure Time Card Wars Collector Pack number 5: Lemongrab vs. Gunter.

Playable right out of the box for head-to-head battles or used to augment your other Card Wars decks, the cards inside bring new strategies to the tabletop. Lemongrab’s cards focus on putting bad monsters out on your opponent’s side, taking up space and just generally getting in the way of whatever strategy your opponent was going for. Meanwhile, Gunter is all about keeping cool (as you’d expect from a penguin), letting you put icy lakes out onto the board.


18 Aug 04:57

The New Aesthetic — Police investigate ‘first cyber-flashing’ case -...

by djempirical

it just works

Police investigate ‘first cyber-flashing’ case - BBC NewsPolice are investigating a “new” crime of cyber-flashing after a commuter received an indecent image on her phone as she travelled to work. The victim received two pictures of an unknown man’s penis on her phone via Apple’s Airdrop sharing function. Lorraine Crighton-Smith, 34, said she felt “violated” and reported it to the British Transport Police (BTP).
Supt Gill Murray said this particular crime was new to her force and urged people to report any other incidents. Ms Crighton-Smith, who was travelling on a train in south London, told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme: “I had Airdrop switched on because I had been using it previously to send photos to another iPhone user - and a picture appeared on the screen of a man’s penis, which I was quite shocked by.”

Police investigate ‘first cyber-flashing’ case - BBC News

Police are investigating a “new” crime of cyber-flashing after a commuter received an indecent image on her phone as she travelled to work. 

The victim received two pictures of an unknown man’s penis on her phone via Apple’s Airdrop sharing function. 

Lorraine Crighton-Smith, 34, said she felt “violated” and reported it to the British Transport Police (BTP). Supt Gill Murray said this particular crime was new to her force and urged people to report any other incidents. 

Ms Crighton-Smith, who was travelling on a train in south London, told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme: “I had Airdrop switched on because I had been using it previously to send photos to another iPhone user - and a picture appeared on the screen of a man’s penis, which I was quite shocked by.”

Original Source

18 Aug 04:45

Apple Maps van spotted in SE



18 Aug 04:43

Inside ‘Dismaland’: Banksy’s Sinister Disney-Trolling Theme Park Reportedly Opening This Weekend

The shadowy street artist has allegedly been constructing a massive pop-up theme park under the guise of filming a Hollywood movie, and it’s rumored to open August 21 in the UK.
18 Aug 04:43

Children Don't Ruin Women's Careers-Husbands Do Harvard Study Finds

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

Children Don't Ruin Women's Careers-Husbands Do, Harvard Study Finds:


A new study of Harvard Business School graduates from HBS’s Robin Ely and Colleen Ammerman and Hunter College sociologist Pamela Stone shows that high-achieving women are not meeting the career goals they set for themselves in their 20s. It’s not because they’re “opting out” of the workforce when they have kids, but because they’re allowing their partners’ careers to take precedence over their own.

The study’s authors interviewed 25,000 men and women who graduated from Harvard Business School over the past several decades. The male graduates were much more likely to be in senior management positions and have more responsibility and more direct reports than their female peers. But why? It’s not because women are leaving the workforce en masse. The authors found, definitively, that the “opt-out” explanation is a myth. Among Gen X and baby boomers they surveyed, only 11 percent of women left the workforce to be full-time moms. That figure is lower for women of colour—only 7 percent stopped working. The vast majority (74 percent) of Gen Xers, women who are currently 32-48 and in the prime of their child-rearing years, work full time, an average of 52 hours a week.

But while these women are still working, they are also making more unexpected sacrifices than their male classmates are. When they graduated, more than half of male HBS grads said they expected their careers would take precedence over their partners’. Only 7 percent of Gen X women and 3 percent of baby boomer women said they expected their careers to take precedence. Here’s what they did expect: The majority of women said they assumed they would have egalitarian marriages in which both spouses’ careers were taken equally seriously.

A lot of those women were wrong. About 40 percent of Gen X and boomer women said their spouses’ careers took priority over theirs, while only about 20 percent of them had planned on their careers taking a back seat. Compare that with the men: More than 70 percent of Gen X and boomer men say their careers are more important than their wives’. When you look at child care responsibilities, the numbers are starker. A full 86 percent of Gen X and boomer men said their wives take primary responsibility for child care, and the women agree: 65 percent of Gen X women and 72 percent of boomer women—all HBS grads, most of whom work—say they’re the ones who do most of the child care in their relationships.

Of course, marital arrangements aren’t the only force holding women back. Part of the reason these women aren’t advancing at the same rate as their male counterparts is that after they have kids, they get “mommy-tracked.” In many ways, they’re not considered management candidates anymore. “They may have been stigmatized for taking advantage of flex options or reduced schedules, passed over for high-profile assignments, or removed from projects they once led,” the authors note. Other studies support these findings, as they have shown that there is a real, substantial motherhood penalty that involves lower pay and fewer promotions for women with kids, because employers assume they will be less dedicated to their jobs (as do, we now know, their husbands).

But the personal piece of the female achievement gap puzzle is important, and it’s something that’s very difficult to shift. The study’s authors note that while millennial HBS grads are a little more egalitarian than their older peers, half of the youngest men still assume that their careers will take precedence, and two-thirds of them assume their spouses will do the majority of child care.

Important info, but I hate the way this was written.

“It’s not because they’re “opting out” of the workforce when they have kids, but because they’re allowing their partners’ careers to take precedence over their own.“ but because they have self-indulgent patriarchal male partners that encourage and expect them to give up their career dreams in favor of catering to their families, something the men themselves are too self-entitled and lazy to do.

Also big shoutout to all those millennial male HBS grads that are still patriarchal and entitled. And by shoutout I mean fuck you.

This happens. Even when it’s not mustache-twirling Evil Patriarchal Men, it just…happens. I made more money than Darius for a like hot minute a while back, and it wasn’t long after that happened that he suddenly realized he wanted to switch jobs because he was underpaid and undervalued and it was time to start looking. Which was all true! So y'know. It’s not a contest, it’s just that certain things feel off if they’re not a certain way, I guess. (And I’m very glad for it because that new job’s new salary was enough for us to live on when I had to quit working for a while due to health madness.)

But also when it comes to kids, one of us grew up babysitting and nannied for a summer, and one of us has literally never been alone with a child under three or changed a diaper. It’s very hard when you’re coached your whole life as a woman to make men feel better (this is a thing, trust me) to not step in and Solve The Problem and if the Problem is “my child is crying”?? Oh brother. I can only imagine. My spouse wouldn’t even stand a chance, good luck logging hours practicing getting comfortable handling an infant on MY kid, rookie. That mindset would be really hard to shake off. Even with all the love and trust and respect and so on…whatever, MY BABY IS CRYING. I assume there are hormones involved as well, but I get overly invested in other peoples’ pets, so I’m not a hard sell already.

So much toxic crap to unlearn. So much further toxic messaging dumped on you. And then job fuckery on top of that. Plus the usual “men can’t figure out how to do laundry or not poison themselves when they use a microwave lol men! [fart sound]” messaging that comes with New Dads, so he’s getting a medal every time he puts food in the right hole, and she can do literally nothing right according to someone, somewhere.

[very long sigh]

18 Aug 04:42

The way to Washington. (at Bridgewater Bistro)

The way to Washington. (at Bridgewater Bistro)

18 Aug 04:41

Election season already?

by Brandon Bird

Brandon Bird beat

The start of a new campaign cycle means new campaign stickers. Get a set of five 7” x 3” McCoy 2016 stickers in my online store.

A story from the 2012 election: my friend since elementary school, Brian Laing (now a doctor and huge ACA proponent), had been trying to gather volunteers for a phone bank in Santa Monica, to call up voters a few days before the election to make sure they knew their correct polling place, etc. I hemmed and hawed, and on the Sunday I said I might come Brian called me up. “So are you heading over?”

“Probably later, still out running errands.”

“Well Sam Waterston is here helping out.” And then Sam happened to walk by so Brian handed off his phone.

“Brandon,” Sam Waterston said to me, “Get your butt down here and help out!”

18 Aug 04:40

China’s teenage, untrained firefighters make disasters like Tianjin worse

by Zheping Huang
Firefighters carry the body of a victim after the Tianjin blasts.

More than 1,000 firefighters were dispatched after a series of massive explosions killed dozens and left hundreds injured in the northeast Chinese port city of Tianjin on Aug. 12. Tragically, some of these firefighters, which included contract workers just 17 years old, might have made the situation worse.

The culprit of the blasts is Ruihai International Logistics, which handles “dangerous chemicals.” Chinese officials have found 700 tons of sodium cyanide at two locations near the blasts stored by Ruihai, reportedly 70 times the permitted quantity. Calcium carbide, another chemical known stored at the site, can emit flammable gases when it becomes wet.

Firefighters from the the Tianjin Port Group, a government-bureau-turned state-owned company that serves as the main operator of the port of Tianjin, were the first to arrive at the scene and hosed down the blaze with water, which caused more blasts, according to reports in Chinese media, including well-respected business newspaper Caixin reported (link in Chinese). After rescue work continued for around an hour, the blasts took place, Caixin reported.

Several firefighters of the company now treated in hospital told the Beijing News (link in Chinese) that they did not know the fire was caused by chemicals. But rather than dying down when they wet it, the fire “became bigger and bigger,” one told the newspaper. Firefighters said they were barely trained to use foam and sand though the two are a must in dealing with chemical fires.

“No one told them the fire involved chemicals,” a firefighter who was off duty the night of the explosions told the New York Times.

Once they arrived, the firefighters should have gotten instruction on the compositions of hazardous materials from Ruihai, and followed these to put out the fires, an anonymous person from a forwarding company who do business with Ruihai told Caixin.

Firefighters carry the body of a victim from the site.(Reuters/Jason Lee)

Chinese officials ordered firefighters on the scene to halt rescue work (link in Chinese) around ten hours after the explosions. Military personnel specializing in handling nuclear and biochemical materials were sent to the site, and the firefighters switched to using foam and sand. More than 40 hours after the explosions began, all the fires were put out.

Like “migrant workers”

China has a three-tier firefighting system. The country has 130,000 official, national fire-fighters, who are controlled by the Ministry of Public Security. Local governments and public institutions also have firefighters. And finally, businesses who have a high risk of fire are also obliged to set up firefighting teams. Those include businesses that produce or store inflammable or explosive goods (like Tianjin Port Group), according to China’s fire protection law.

Despite the three-tier system, China has less than 0.2 firefighters per 1,000 residents, far below the average number for developing countries of 0.3 to 0.5, the Beijing News noted (link in Chinese). The U.S has around 3.6 firefighters per 1,000 residents, according to date from the National Fire Protection Association (note: the US figures include a large number of volunteers).

Top-tier firefighters of the state public security ministry, who usually serve for just two years, enjoy the same status as police officers. Some of those funded by local governments and government-owned businesses also are treated as civil servants, with the same perks and often robust training. They are referred to in China as “in the system” firefighters.

But most of the second and third tiers are not “in the system,” and often are not full employees, just contract workers. These include the firefighters of the Tianjin Port Group.

The state-owned company hired 240 contract firefighters, though they report to the public security bureau of Tianjin, Caixin reported (link in Chinese). Caixin said those firefighters are always the first to respond to an alarm in the Tianjin Port, though they are less professionally-trained than public security ministry firefighters.

“They are a bit similar to migrant workers,” an anonymous person at the public security bureau of the Tianjin port told China Newsweek (link in Chinese). When the company needs people, “they hire” them, the person said, “the younger the better.”

According to the country’s fire department (link in Chinese), China’s businesses had hired around 65,000 firefighters at the end of 2013, known as “enterprise funded” firefighters. Of those, nearly 37,000 are contractors, without full time employment benefits. Contract firefighters also account for the majority of firefighting crews in city or village level governments.

China has a total of 113,110 contract firefighters, nearly the total of the country’s 130,000 (link in Chinese) public security ministry firefighters. These contract workers reportedly don’t stay in the job long (link in Chinese) thanks to low payment, lack of promotion, and great danger.

“A large gap in public security firefighters on active service, and a severe loss in contract-based firefighting crews—these are the two biggest problems China’s fire service system is facing,” an expert at the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force Academy told the Beijing News (link in Chinese).

A mother of a missing firefighter told state-run digital publication The Papers that her son was paid around 4,000 yuan (approximately $626) per month, about double the lowest wage in Tianjin.

Contract workers’ heavy toll

It is still not clear how many of these contract workers were deployed to the blast site, but what is clear is they paid a heavy price.

As of 9am Aug. 17 in China, at least 114 had died in the blasts, and 70 are missing, Tianjin authorities said at a press conference (link in Chinese). Of the 54 dead that have been identified, 39 are firefighters. Firefighters also account for 64 of the 70 missing. Of those, contract firefighters account for 23 of the dead, and 56 of the missing.

The Tianjin Port “Fifth Brigade” firefighting unit may be completely gone. Of the unit’s 25 members, two are dead and 23 missing, many of them in their teens. The Beijing News posted a photo of the unit from Chinese New Year 2014 on Sina Weibo:

5th Fire Brigade, all gone; 112 bodies found, mostly fire fighters and policy, some only 19 yr old #TianjinBlast

— ChinaStreetTalk (@ChinaStreetTalk) August 18, 2015

An incomplete list of missing firefighters compiled by Chinese media shows that at least five of them are just 17 years old.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said families of the deceased official firefighters and contract counterparts will be given the same compensation when he visited injured firefighters on Aug. 16.

“They are all heroes,” Li said (link in Chinese).

18 Aug 04:38


18 Aug 04:38

erictrautmann: I love this kinda crap.


I love this kinda crap.

18 Aug 04:22

assbutt-in-the-garrison: itsbenedict: game where the protagonists wife gets killed and he is thus...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



game where the protagonist’s wife gets killed and he is thus motivated to swear vengeance out of grief, but he’s so useless at getting revenge that his wife comes back as a ghost and goes “if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself” and possesses his body to do her own dang avenging


18 Aug 04:22



the cloud is just someone else's computer

Today we are announcing plans to discontinue Wuala secure cloud storage service.  Please note the following important dates:

17 August 2015 No further renewals or purchase of storage
30 September 2015 Wuala service will transition to read-only
15 November 2015 Wuala service terminates and all data stored in the Wuala cloud will be deleted


Effective as of today, you will no longer be able to purchase storage or renew existing accounts.  Full account service will continue through 30 September 2015, at which point all active accounts will shift to read-only mode.  Effective Sunday, 15 November 2015, the Wuala cloud service will terminate.

Please download the content in your Wuala account and safely backup it to your PC, Mac, external hard drive or another cloud storage provider.  After 15 November 2015, you will no longer have access to your content, which will be deleted.   Please use this time to download and backup the content stored in your Wuala account.

18 Aug 03:19

prostheticknowledge: I-FlipProof of concept installation by...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



Proof of concept installation by mediafront combines projection with mechanical flipbooks to create digital and analog animations in the same space:


18 Aug 03:19

Could you post a selfie?


iguanamouth is a national treasure

check out my New Coat

18 Aug 03:18

Mich. state reps' sordid affair made staffer's job 'untenable' - USA TODAY


Mich. state reps' sordid affair made staffer's job 'untenable'
LANSING, Mich. — The romantic embraces, the office naps — with tuck ins, and a disturbing call from a distressed spouse were just too much for Joshua Cline, a former staffer for state Reps. Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat whose sordid extramarital ...

and more »
18 Aug 03:18

Google delays Project Ara, modular smartphone, until 2016 @ProjectAra

by adafruit

the Star Citizen of phones


Google Delays Test of Project Ara, Its Modular Smartphone, Until 2016 | Re/code.

Google confirmed on Monday that it is delaying until 2016 the first test of Project Ara, its take on a modular smartphone made up of components that connect in Lego-like fashion. Google had been planning a test launch for later this year in Puerto Rico. In a follow-up tweet, Google said it is looking for a new U.S. location to test the devices.

Read more and see our first post, OCTOBER 29, 2013 AT 6:46 AM, “BREAKING NEWS – Motorola’s open-source hardware phone

18 Aug 03:17

~Alex Juhasz


hey, it's back

~Alex Juhasz

18 Aug 01:00

Flora and Fauna Façade

18 Aug 00:40

Calling 1959 from your Web code: A COBOL bridge for Node.js

by Sean Gallagher

no. NO

Have you ever wanted to just cut and paste some of that legacy COBOL code from mainframe applications into your latest Web application? No? Well, Romanian Web developer Bizău Ionică has developed a way to do just that, creating a COBOL bridge for Node.js, the JavaScript-based cross-platform runtime environment that has become a go-to technology for server-side Web development. The plugin is an attempt to breathe new life into the programming language derived from the work of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Hopper.

Published under the “Kindly” license (as in, if you want to use it in a commercial application, you should “kindly ask the author”), Node COBOL requires you install GNUCobol along with it. COBOL code can then be embedded in JavaScript. Here’s an example provided by Ionică:

// Dependencies
var Cobol = require("cobol");

// Execute some COBOL snippets
Cobol(function () { /*

           DISPLAY "Hello world".

           STOP RUN.
*/ }, function (err, data) {
    console.log(err || data);
// => "Hello World"

Cobol(__dirname + "/args.cbl", {
    args: ["Alice"]
}, function (err, data) {
    console.log(err || data);
// => "Your name is: Alice"

// This will read data from stdin
Cobol(function () { /*


       FD SYSIN.
       01 ln PIC X(64).
       DISPLAY "Write something and then press the  key"
       DISPLAY "You wrote: ", ln
       DISPLAY "------------"
       STOP RUN.
*/ }, {
    stdin: process.stdin
  , stdout: process.stdout
}, function (err) {
    if (err) {
// => Write something and then press the  key
// <= Hi there! // => You wrote: Hi there!
// => ------------

Ionică notes on his GitHub page that Node COBOL is ready for use in production—though he knows of no one who is doing so as of yet.

Read on Ars Technica | Comments

18 Aug 00:09

Linked: NASA Graphic Standards

by Armin

speak of the devil

NASA Graphic Standards
Courtesy of Display: A Flickr set of the NASA Graphics Standards Manual, mid-1970s. Many thanks to our ADVx3 Partners
18 Aug 00:09

Cartography, David McLimans


fuck your maps

Cartography, David McLimans

18 Aug 00:03

We got a shirt! One to rightfully confuse everyone who wears it...


oh KC

We got a shirt! One to rightfully confuse everyone who wears it and sees you wearing it! it’s a logo shirt, but with a fun twist on the other side of it. I HOPE THAT IS OKAY? We think it is funny and I hope you do too. Buy it here!

18 Aug 00:01

Competition is for Losers @peterthiel #makerbusiness

by adafruit

our dystopian present

Peter Thiel, founder of Paypal and Palantir, discusses business strategy and monopoly theory in “Competition is For Losers”.

Slides here.

18 Aug 00:00

Create a Cheery Candy Sprinkles Cake Stand

by Nicole Smith

cake can do anything

Sprinkles cake stand with wooden basePeter Brown warns that just watching this video of him lathing a candy sprinkles cake stand might give you cavities.

Read more on MAKE

The post Create a Cheery Candy Sprinkles Cake Stand appeared first on Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Makers.