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04 Mar 07:41

The Sword of Authenticity

by Dorothy


03 Mar 23:30

Unity 5 Is Out Now, Has Free No-Royalty “Personal Edition”

by Graham Smith

By Graham Smith on March 3rd, 2015 at 4:35 pm.

I’m at a Unity [official site] special event at GDC and I’ve had a donut for breakfast. Take everything I’m writing below with a pinch of the sugar rushing through my veins, then – but Unity have just announced that Unity 5 is out and available to buy and download right now. There’s a livestream of the event and more details below.

Or there will be more details on what Unity 5 contains as I type this post and look for some fruit.

Highlights of the event so far are the introducer pronouncing John Riccitiello’s name wrong and Riccitiello doing mouth sound effects when the first trailer’s audio didn’t work.

Here’s the livestream.

GDC 2015, Unity, Unity 5, unreal engine.

03 Mar 21:22

Aoshima, aka ‘Cat Island’

03 Mar 21:22

Iconography, Andy Romanoff

Iconography, Andy Romanoff

03 Mar 21:16

Study: Three to five cups of coffee a day is good for the arteries

by Cassie Werber
A coffee vendor pours a cup of coffee in Old Aleppo.

More good news for coffee drinkers. Scientists in Korea have found (pdf) that drinking between one and five cups of coffee every day is good for the arteries. It’s the latest piece in a growing body of research suggesting that coffee may have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, the researchers said.

A report last week from the US dietary guidelines advisory committee, which makes recommendations to the Food and Drug Administration and other federal agencies, pointed out the health benefits of drinking between three and five cups of coffee a day. These included lower risks of type 2 diabetes and of cardiovascular disease.

The Korean research, published in Heart, part of the British Medical Journal, studied the presence of calcium in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Calcium deposits are an early indicator of a condition called coronary atherosclerosis, in which the arteries become clogged by fatty substances. These can cause them to harden and narrow, heightening the risk of blood clots that are one cause of heart attack and stroke.

In some 25,000 people studied at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital in Seoul, calcium ratios were found to be lowest in those who drank between three and five cups of coffee per day. The next clearest were the arteries of those who drank between one and three cups of coffee daily. Those with higher ratios of calcium tended to drink less than one cup of coffee a day.

So far, so good for coffee addicts. But before you pour yourself that sixth cup of Joe, know this: Excessive coffee consumption was found to be worse than none. The calcium ratios for the group that drank five cups or more were the highest of all those studied.

The authors of the study said that further research was needed, but said that the study bolsters the case that coffee consumption—up to a point—might help reduce cardiovascular disease risk.

03 Mar 21:16

This is why people cut the cord

by Adam Epstein
The Walking Dead cord-cutting

Ditching a cable or satellite TV subscription, or cord-cutting, is a very real phenomenon. Between Netflix, Amazon Prime Instant Video, Sling TV, the upcoming online HBO service, and other services of questionable legality, there are plenty of ways to watch your favorite content on the internet without an expensive cable subscription filled with stuff you don’t care about.

There are those of us (like the author of this piece) who cannot go without ESPN, AMC, FX, and HBO, among other channels, so cutting the cord is not a realistic option. But people with a more specific TV diet can easily benefit from the a la carte approach to content that cord-cutting offers.

Today, a thread in the Cordcutters section on Reddit asked users, “What was the last straw?” that led them to cut the cord. Their answers, sampled below, were revealing—in part because it became clear that the decision for many was about more than just money.

This is why people cut the cord:

Deteriorating mental health

Flipping through 80 channels and realizing I was paying $80 a month for nothing. 2 years later here I am with no regrets. I know most focus on saving money in this sub, but I feel the biggest benefit is in my mental health. Not having cable has me taking a much more active role in what I watch on TV and how much time I spend in front of it. I read more, spend more time outside and with friends and just feel less inundated with crap.

Fed up with the selection of shows on cable TV

History Channel – Pawn Shop marathon

TLC – Honey Boo Boo marathon

Discovery – Counting Cars marathon

SyFy – Monster makeup marathon

Food Channel – Diners, Drive-ins and Dives marathon

Fox News – Democrats = Evil

MSNBC – Republicans = Evil

ESPN pay dispute

AMC pay dispute

Viacom Pay dispute

Weather Channel showing “reality” shows that do not deal with weather

Great channel gets removed, replaced with inferior channel.

It got to the point where if it wasn’t on Netflix we didn’t watch it, so I called up Dish network and canceled.

Not good for kids

I have little kids, and I don’t like them watching commercials. Netflix doesn’t have any, and they have lots of kids content. Easy decision.

High costs, high stress

After having Netflix and Prime video, I realized how very much I hated paying 10 times more than either service for cable.

I also realized how much I hated paying to watch video that consists of 33% advertisements. Why the fuck am I paying to watch ads interrupt my program?

I also realized how much I hated the way those ads portrayed me (white male, husband, father). Why the fuck am I paying to watch ads that portray me as a bumbling, incapable moron who can’t cook, clean, watch my kids, or manage a home?

I also realized I hated having to call every year to re-negotiate my cable service bills back down to contract pricing.

So I voted with my wallet.


About 4 years ago, I was sitting at my computer watching TV, looked over at my actual TV and realized I hadn’t watched cable in a month and decided I wasn’t going to pay for it anymore.

Discovered better services

After the 2013 baseball season ended I realized that we had the TV on every night, but weren’t actually watching anything. We’d leave it on tbs while they re-ran BBT [Big Bang Theory] episodes 10 times in a row—and I don’t even like that show. $1200/year so I could watch baseball. I discovered, Unblock-US, and Netflix and never looked back.

Needed drug money

Did it originally in college so I would have more alcohol/drug money. Moved in with roommates after college who had DirecTV—I realized how nice it was not having commercials and trash tv during college.

Bad customer service

San Francisco is basically a Comcast monopoly, so they REALLY don’t have to offer any customer service. After two appointments where I waited hours for a repair person who would never show up, I decided to cut the cable. Haven’t looked back since.

Too many commercials

Adverts adverts and adverts… With additional bloody adverts.

Moved to the US

When I lived in England we had nice tv service and the content was good and worth paying for. When I left England I just didn’t want to pay for it since the content in North America is shit bookended between shit commercials.

Still, the most popular reason people gave was simply “cost.” The average cost of a cable TV bill in the US is over $76 per month.

03 Mar 21:09

Bucolic Forest Dragon Lizard Appears to Strum a Guitar-Shaped Leaf While Resting Against a Twig

by Lori Dorn

Lizard Playing Leaf Guitar

Indonesian photographer Aditya Permana captured an absolutely brilliant image of a bucolic forest dragon lying back on a twig and seemingly strumming a few chords on a guitar-shaped leaf.

Permana also caught the sight of a full-bellied little frog hanging out in between two branches, making the happy amphibian appear to be walking on stilts, along with another incredible image of a frog hanging out with his praying mantis buddy.

Stilt Walking Frog

Frog and Praying Mantis

images via Aditya Permana

via Daily Mail, Bored Panda

03 Mar 21:08

Great Job, Internet!: And now let us read from the Bible as if it were written about Tombstone Pizza

by Rob Dean

File this one under: “Huh? I guess.” Some enterprising soul has decided to rewrite passages of the Bible to be about Tombstone Pizza instead of God, Jesus, and whatever other holy stuff is in there. The Book Of Tombstone is a Tumblr with multiple excerpts from an imagined holy tome that reinterprets events from the Bible through the prism of the sub-par frozen pizza. For example, this reading comes from Sausagis chapter 11, verses 2-9:

They said to each other, “Come, let us build a pizza that is 75% bread. Right now it is only 30% bread, and that is not enough bread for our pizza.” They used dough for the crust, and then used more dough for more crust, and then more dough for more crust. Then they said, “Come, let us put a little bit of sauce and toppings on top of this loaf of bread we just ...

03 Mar 21:07

Newswire: This Batman-themed hotel room rents by the hour for some reason

by Alex McCown

Who hasn’t dreamed of being Batman? As children, the idea of putting on that cape and cowl, having all those cool gadgets, and hanging out in a swanky tech-filled cavern is nigh irresistible. Well, Taiwan’s Eden Motel knows that some of you haven’t yet given up the dream of living like Batman—even if only for a night—and has thoughtfully provided you with a room for rent that looks like the Batcave threw up all over it. Let’s take a quick tour.

Here’s an overview of the room itself. Whose bedroom does that look like? The Dark Knight’s bedroom, that’s who. And Eden Motel already knows what you love about the Batmobile from the Chrisptoher Nolan movies, a.k.a. the Tumbler: you love sitting in a chair shaped like it. You can pretend it’s a Big Wheel! Vroom-vroom!

Here’s ...

03 Mar 21:06

Watch This: Only an android would have the gall to disobey Klaus Kinski

by Jesse Hassenger

Every day, Watch This offers staff recommendations inspired by the week’s new releases or premieres. This week: That adorable walking weapon Chappie inspires five days of robots, androids, and sentient machines.

Android (1982)

Android takes place in a future that’s no longer so distant, and on a space station that, as in a lot of older science fiction movies, now looks more than a little retro. But some aspects of protagonist Max’s living situation feel contemporary: He spends much of his time in isolation, playing video games, listening to pop music, and occasionally looking at illicit materials on a computer screen. He also begins to exhibit signs of disobedience to his only companion on the ship, his boss Dr. Daniel (Klaus Kinski).

Max’s full name is Max 404; he’s the android of the movie’s title, although the story is slightly coy about that information ...

03 Mar 21:06

Designer Produces a 3D-Printed Edible Morsel Using Both Technical and Natural Processes

by E.D.W. Lynch

Edible Growth 3D-Printed Food by Chloé Rutzerveld

In her 2014 experimental design project Edible Growth, designer Chloé Rutzerveld has created a 3D-printed edible morsel using a combination of technical and natural processes. The morsel is grown inside a 3D-printed edible structure, with plants and fungi sprouting out after about five days. The rapid-manufactured nature of the food limits environmental impact by shortening the food chain and limiting land and energy use. The food is nutritious because it is grown from natural ingredients using natural processes including photosynthesis and fermentation. And since it is intended for immediate consumption, no preservatives are needed.

According to Rutzerveld, it will take 8 to 10 years of additional technological development before a 3D-printed food product like hers will be on the market. Rutzerveld developed the project in collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology and TNO.

Edible Growth 3D-Printed Food by Chloé Rutzerveld

Edible Growth 3D-Printed Food by Chloé Rutzerveld

Edible Growth 3D-Printed Food by Chloé Rutzerveld

photos via Chloé Rutzerveld

via Dezeen, Colossal

03 Mar 21:05

Vibrant Watercolor Maps of States in the American Midwest

by Rebecca Escamilla

Map of UP

Levi Mills creates beautiful watercolor maps of states in the American Midwest. Prints of maps of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula are available at his Etsy store, FantasyWisconsin.

UP map closeup

Minnesota map

Wisconsin map

images via FantasyWisconsin

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

03 Mar 21:05

Chinese Citizens Kind Of Grateful To Not Have Access To All Of Internet

BEIJING—Asserting that their government’s policy of strict censorship was not completely detrimental, China’s 1.4 billion citizens admitted this week that they are actually kind of grateful to not have access to the entire internet. Memb...

03 Mar 21:02


by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy
03 Mar 20:56

House legend Lil Louis is deaf in his left ear after airhorn blast

by djempirical

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
:ear: :ear: :ear: :ear: :ear: :ear:

“Even if I can only hear with one ear, I’ll play twice as loud, so you can feel it.”

Last month Lil Louis’ continuing career was left in doubt after a debilitating ear injury from a promoter who let off an airhorn mere inches from the legendary producer during his performance. Now he has shared an update through his Facebook. Louis will never hear again in his left ear, however he’s not letting that stop his career.

The producer wrote to his fans “I will not stop. Even if I can only hear with one ear, I’ll play twice as loud.” He said that while the news has been difficult, he’s accepted it and will move forward. Read his full statement below.

Appreciate all of your love.
Regretfully I have been told that I have suffered permanent damage in my left ear. Difficult as this has been to fathom, I’ve excepted this as my new normal.
I’ve considered walking away a thousand times… Until this morning when I was awakened by a voice that said, “You have a gift”.
Hearing that voice, I realised the gift God gave me was not in my ears. It was where I’ve heard everything I ever created first, in my mind.
So for my father and everyone who prayed for me, I move ONWARDS… I will not stop. Even if I can only hear with one ear, I’ll play twice as loud, so you can feel it…
Lil Louis”

Original Source

03 Mar 20:35

“Fewer Women Run Big Companies Than Men Named John”

by adafruit

or David

Adafruit 4349
Fewer Women Run Big Companies Than Men Named John –

The Glass Ceiling Index is a fun but quite imperfect way of measuring the permeability of the glass ceiling. (Especially because in a few decades, the millennial Jacobs, Tylers and Zacharys will outnumber baby boomer Bills and Bobs.) But it does point to an important truth — that in many important decision-making areas of American life, women remain vastly outnumbered.

03 Mar 20:35

Pebble Time is now the most successful Kickstarter product ever

by Chris Welch

Today's a day of new records for Pebble and Kickstarter. The smartwatch company's second crowdfunding effort is now the most successful Kickstarter campaign of all time. Aided by today's introduction of Pebble Time Steel, Pebble Time has overtaken the top slot with a current (and quickly rising) total at $13,426,936 at the time of this writing. The version unveiled last week took just 49 minutes to cross the $1 million mark.

The original Pebble, which began its journey in 2012, remains the third most-funded project in Kickstarter's history. And sandwiched between them? That absurd hybrid beverage cooler / party speaker thing that's somehow brought in over $13 million. Sorry Coolest Cooler, but you're no longer the coolest thing on Kickstarter based on where backers are putting their money. And Pebble Time's still got 24 days left to go, so the next product aiming for that top slot will likely have to earn millions more by the time everything's all said and done. Here's where the top 10 stands as of now:

1. Pebble Time $13,426,936
2. Coolest Cooler $13,285,226
3. Original Pebble $10,266,845
4. Exploding Kittens card game $8,782,571
5. Ouya $8,596,474
6. Pono high-fidelity music player $6,225,354
7. The Veronica Mars movie project $5,702,153
8. Reading Rainbow $5,408,916
9. Torment: Tides of Numenera (video game) $4,188,927
10. Project Eternity (video game) $3,986,929

03 Mar 20:35

Former MLB pitcher, 38 Studios founder doxes his daughter’s online abusers

by Sam Machkovech

Curt Schilling beat

On Sunday, former Boston Red Sox pitcher and game studio founder Curt Schilling enacted some online vigilante justice against Twitter users who had posted violent and sexual comments about his daughter—by doxing them.

Schilling's blog post was a follow-up to his tweet a week earlier about his daughter Gabby Schilling, whom he congratulated for just signing a letter of intent to play college softball at Salve Regina University. Acknowledging that he expected to receive chiding remarks about her on Twitter—particularly from Red Sox fans and detractors alike—he nevertheless expressed astonishment at the crude, graphic replies from two Twitter users in particular. Those users, @Nagels_Bagels and @primetime227, have since had their accounts deleted, but not before Schilling could take screencaps that captured their threats of using baseball bats as sexual devices, among other comments.

The former Red Sox hurler took it a step further, using publicly available information to attach identities to these two users. One was a DJ at a community college radio station and the other was the vice president of a fraternity. "Worse yet, no less than seven of the clowns who sent vile or worse tweets are athletes playing college sports," Schilling added. "I knew every name and school, sport and position, of every one of them in less than an hour. The ones that didn’t play sports were just as easy to locate."

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments

03 Mar 20:34

How a Kickstarter Project Can Massively Exceed Its Funding Goals and Still Fail

by Soulskill
An anonymous reader writes: In November, 2013, a Kickstarter project for a software-defined camera trigger scored £290,386 (~$450,000) in funding after asking for a mere £50,000. After almost a year of delays, they've now announced the project is dead. Their CEO has published a lengthy article about how such a successful funding round can still turn into a failed product. In short: budgeting. To get their software into a workable state, they ended up spending 940% of the amount they'd originally allocated to software development. Their protoyping went over budget, too, and they had to spend a fair bit in legal fees to fend off a major camera manufacturer complaining about their product's name. Still, they had more funding than they expected, and would have been able to deal with these costs. Unfortunately, the bill of materials for their final product clocked in way higher than they expected. They would have had to sell the device at about $350 each, when they were originally targeting a $99 price point. (And that figure assumes good sales — with a smaller production run, price per unit goes even higher.) The company is now going to refund the remaining money left over from its Kickstarter campaign — about 20% of the total. They're also open sourcing the software and sharing the PCB designs and schematics.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

03 Mar 20:30

Florida moving to unmask anonymous websites to combat online piracy

by David Kravets

Florida lawmakers are considering legislation that would make it unlawful to run a website anonymously if it offers "commercial" recordings and videos. The aim of the bill is to close or disrupt websites that don't comply—all in the name of protecting intellectual property rights.

The bill, which landed on the state's House and Senate floors Tuesday, requires websites to display a "correct name, physical address, and telephone number or e-mail address" of the owner if they play a "substantial part in the electronic dissemination of commercial recordings or audiovisual works, directly or indirectly." The disclosure is required even if all the recordings or audiovisual works disseminated by the website are owned by the website owner.

The "True Origin of Digital Goods Act" raises constitutional concerns, according to Mitch Stoltz, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation:

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03 Mar 20:30

Deutsche Telecom Calls For Google and Facebook To Be Regulated Like Telcos

by timothy
An anonymous reader writes Tim Hoettges, the CEO of the world's third-largest telecoms company, has called for Google and Facebook to be regulated in the same way that telcos are, declaring that "There is a convergence between over-the-top web companies and classic telcos" and "We need one level regulatory environment for us all." The Deutsche Telekom chief was speaking at Monday's Mobile World Congress, and further argued for a loosening of the current regulations which telcos operate under, in order to provide the infrastructure development that governments and policy bodies are asking of them. Hoettges' imprecation comes in the light of news about the latest Google Dance — an annual change in ranking criteria which boosts some businesses and ruins others. The case for and against regulating Google-level internet entities comes down to one question: who do you trust to 'not be evil'?

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

03 Mar 20:30

Mississippi AG’s investigation of Google halted by federal judge

by Joe Mullin

A federal judge has stopped Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood from pushing ahead with his investigation of Google.

In a short order (PDF) published yesterday, US District Judge Henry Wingate said that he's satisfied that Google has met its burden for getting a preliminary injunction. That means Google won't have to respond, for now, to a wide-ranging subpoena that Hood sent to the search giant last year. Wingate didn't lay out his reasoning in the order, but he said that a more detailed opinion is forthcoming.

Hood's investigation came under fire last year after press reports revealed that it was encouraged, and partly funded, by the Motion Picture Association of America. MPAA lawyers even wrote drafts of subpoenas intended to be used by the AGs.

Read 11 remaining paragraphs | Comments

03 Mar 20:30

The Ellen Pao trial is spilling Silicon Valley secrets

by Nitasha Tiku

Opening arguments for Ellen Pao v. Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers — the gender discrimination lawsuit that cracked Silicon Valley’s claim to meritocracy like an iPhone screen — began a week ago in San Francisco Superior Court. Entire afternoons of testimony have fixated on the financial perks of being one of the (mostly male) senior partners at the celebrated venture capital firm, or the potential fivefold increase in income for (mostly male) "managing members," who get to make decisions about a particular Kleiner fund and share in its profits. 

That’s just a peek at the cloistered habits of venture capitalists revealed in this trial. Normally, discussion of titles at venture firms is taboo. You’d be hard-pressed to find a LinkedIn profile that admits to being a "junior partner" or a "managing member." And the  of top VC firms like Kleiner only obfuscate the issue. Are the female faces as powerful as the men in the head shots all around them? Probably not, but before Pao filed her industry-quaking lawsuit in 2012, the lack of women investors — at any pay grade — was rarely discussed.

Pao’s case is often mistaken for a sexual harassment lawsuit. The complaint alleges that Kleiner retaliated against Pao because she reported being pressured into an affair by Ajit Nazre, a married coworker who had a "strong influence" on Kleiner partners. But Pao’s short-term affair with Nazre in 2006 was consensual. He wasn’t fired until another female junior partner reported unwanted sexual advances from Nazre. Pao, who is currently the interim CEO of Reddit, is suing for discrimination, alleging that Kleiner held back other women on the investing side based on gender. Pao's case is often mistaken for a sexual harassment lawsuit
She is asking for $16 million in damages for lost wages and "carried interest" from profitable investments. Pao’s attorney Alan Axelrod has described how Pao was excluded from business events and limited in the number of investments she could make each year. But performance reviews cite her lack of experience — the "thousand tiny paper cuts" familiar to any woman in the industry. Meanwhile, when Lynne Hermle, Kleiner’s charismatic counsel, is asking the questions, it sounds like senior management liked every woman except Pao, who just couldn’t cut it as a VC.

But gender bias is for the jury to decide. Regardless of the outcome, courtroom testimony has already helped expose the highly competitive and capricious process that determines which technologies and founders get funded, and who gets to get rich off the next Google, Amazon, Uber, or Snapchat (all Kleiner investments).

The trial is expected to last five weeks. Billionaire John Doerr, Kleiner’s best known personal brand and a father figure to Pao, is on the stand right now, and Mary "Queen of the Internet" Meeker is still to come. Here’s what we've learned so far.

How much venture capitalists get paid
Before she was fired (or "transitioned out") of Kleiner in 2012, Ellen Pao was making $560,000 a year, between her base salary ($400,000) and annual bonus ($160,000). It’s but a fraction compared to her male peers whose take-home pay ballooned to as much as five times that after they were promoted to senior partners and attached to one of Kleiner’s funds as a "managing member," an ownership role that allowed them to start receiving "net fee" income, or a share in profits.

Men made up to five times more after being promotedOn the stand, Kleiner CFO Susan Biglieri, who has worked for the firm for 25 years, was asked by what multiple had compensation increased for three men after they were promoted: Amol Deshpande (Biglieri said four times; the judge interjected and said more like five times), Wen Hsieh (about three times), and Chi Hua-Chien (about four times). The implication is that Pao could have made as much $2.8 million a year. She worked at the firm for seven years. All three of those men were promoted in 2011, despite Pao’s seniority. Like Pao, Hsieh had also started out in the "chief of staff" role, assisting Doerr.

When Chien was on the stand, we also heard about a Kleiner-sponsored ski trip where employees and those associated were flown to Vail on a private jet and provided a dinner at Al Gore’s condo at the St. Regis in San Francisco. Gore is a partner at Kleiner. Pao, who was not invited, also lived at the hotel.

Reddit’s valuation: less than you think
Two can play at the discovery game. Kleiner’s lawyers used the trial as a reason to peek into Reddit’s finances, arguing that the amount Pao stands to make from the so-called front page of the internet should offset damages, according to The Wall Street Journal. Reddit, however, is not one of those billion-dollar unicorns trumpeting its valuation. Normally the bigger the company, the better, but Pao is more likely to win her $16 million if Reddit is perceived as being worth less. In a pretrial hearing, Kleiner’s attorney pointed to the $500 million valuation reported as part of the $50 million Reddit raised in September from the likes of Peter Thiel and Marc Andreessen, as well as Jared Leto and Snoop Dogg. Pao’s lawyers said an expert had valued the company about half that amount.

The identity of Nazre’s other accuser
Kleiner fought hard to exclude other harassment complaints against Nazre, so it was a shock when former partner Trae Vassallo took the stand on the first day of arguments to testify. An independent investigation found that Nazre had repeatedly crossed a line in his behavior towards Vassallo, but not Pao. (Both investigations were conducted in 2012 because Pao only formalized a complaint after she heard Vassallo went through a similar experience.) A surprise witness for the accuser
The first instance of harassment towards Vassallo was in 2009 when, she said, "he started touching me with his leg under the table," during what was supposed to be a meeting to talk about Kleiner’s green-tech investments. During a business trip to New York, Nazre told Vassallo he was going to introduce her to an influential connection, but the restaurant reservations were for two, and the executive never materialized. Half an hour after dinner, Nazre showed up at her hotel room door in a bathrobe and slippers. Eventually, she was able to "push him" out of the door.

Vassallo also said general partner Ray Lane, a close and treasured mentor with whom she had an "awesome" relationship, told her she "should be flattered." Lane denied saying that, telling Axelrod, "It’s just not me." But Stephen Hirschfeld, the lawyer who conducted the independent investigations, recalled Vassallo communicating something to that effect.

Held back from a promotion

The inclusion of her testimony is instructive not only because it establishes Nazre as a predator, who took advantage of Kleiner’s inaction on Pao’s complaints about retaliation, but also because Vassallo was clearly well-liked at the firm. Both Lane and Schlein spoke highly of her personality, where communicating with Pao made them bristle. Despite her promise and interpersonal skills, Vassallo was also held back from promotion to senior partner in 2011.

Double standards and extreme subjectivity
Kleiner laid out its plan to attack Pao’s capabilities as an investor in the trial brief filed last month. According to the firm, Pao’s electrical engineering degree from Princeton, a law degree and MBA from Harvard, and stints at a handful of tech companies did not give her the skills needed to be a good board member or help portfolio companies. Much of the testimony has involved parsing Pao’s performance reviews, which Axelrod maintains contained input from Nazre, even after she reported his retaliatory behavior.

Even Mary Meeker had a hard timeBut it’s a powerful thing to hear that Mary Meeker and Aileen Lee, two of the best-known female venture capitalists, also had a tougher time getting promoted than their male counterparts at Kleiner. Lee, who founded a fund of her own called Cowboy Ventures in 2012, was never made a managing member at Kleiner. Yesterday, Axelrod produced a document from November 2011 indicating that Meeker was not initially a managing member on Kleiner’s Digital Growth Fund, responsible for its investments in Spotify and Waze, despite the fact that she headed up the fund.

Judge Harold Kahn allows jurors to submit questions when testimony is unclear, and they’ve proven themselves to be exceedingly sharp, probing around the issue of how subjective perceptions of success can be at Kleiner. One of yesterday’s questions involved how carried interest is divided among partners. Kahn, who reads the jurors' questions, asked if "any objectivity or mathematics" were brought to bear when managing members divvy up carried interest. "There’s not some input to an equation," Schlein replied. It was hard not to think back to that when Lane, Nazre’s mentor, explained why Nazre was allowed to stick around after initially lying to him about the affair with Pao. Months after he found out about the affair, Nazre was promoted to senior partner with Lane's support. When 'cocky' counts against you
Another question yesterday concerned Schlein’s notes on a potential male hire from 2011 that seemed to imply the candidate’s "cockiness" was an attribute. (Many of Pao’s performance reviews called her arrogant and brash, noting her "sharp elbows," where similar aggression in partners like Chien was not a cause for concern.) Shlein was asked to explain when cockiness is a good thing. "If you’re cocky and then by the time you’re done talking to somebody and they don’t like you," it’s the wrong kind of cocky, he said.

Testimony from his partners made it clear that Doerr was one of Pao's only supervisors who liked her, or had faith in her, but with his firm's reputation on the line, we'll see how much he is able to "recall" in court.

Kleiner Perkins Trial Brief

Amended Complaint filed by Ellen Pao against Kleiner Perkins

03 Mar 20:28

The Night Jimmy Fallon Showed The World He's A Genius

by gguillotte

Jimmy Fallon is the worst part of the Jimmy Fallon show

The people Fallon enticed to participate left all of us in dropped-jaw amazement: McCartney, Aykroyd, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Elvis Costello, Debbie Harry, the B-52s, Ariana Grande, Chris Rock, Martin Short, the pop band HAIM, Michael Bolton, Prince and others. I’ve never heard a more resounding rendition of Elvis Costello’s classic, “Pump It Up,” the B-52s’ “Love Shack” or what Harry and Grande did with “Respect.” Watching Bill Murray gamely play the tambourine and Paul Allen on back up guitar all made this a unique event. SNL.-650 The way Fallon kept everything moving, getting stars to come up, one after another, was a virtuoso performance without precedent. His successful wooing of the reluctant Prince was a masterpiece in open diplomacy. Egos were deftly managed amid the booming music. Fallon knew most of the songs and belted them out with the others. His enthusiastic participation was contagious.
03 Mar 20:27

4gifs:Who put that there? [video]


via Tadeu


Who put that there? [video]

03 Mar 20:24

A link to the Past; iphonewallpapers. [x] *Best viewed on iphone...


via Toaster Strudel

A link to the Past; iphonewallpapers. [x]
*Best viewed on iphone 5, but big enough for other devices.
03 Mar 20:21

skottieyoung: #DailySketch Link Original sketch available in my...


#DailySketch Link 

Original sketch available in my shop

03 Mar 20:20


03 Mar 20:20

newlevant:The Chainmail Bikini Kickstarter is...


The Chainmail Bikini Kickstarter is live!!!

ChainmailBikini is an anthologyof comics by and about female gamers! 40 cartoonists have contributed comics about the games they’re passionate about—from video games to table-top role-playing to collectible card games. We’re using Kickstarter to raise the money to print Chainmail Bikini as a 200+ page perfect-bound book, and reward the artists.

Chainmail Bikini is edited by Hazel Newlevant, and features comics by exciting talents like Molly Ostertag, Yao Xiao, Annie Mok, Jane Mai, Mia Schwartz, and Carey Peitsch, and groundbreaking game developers anna anthropy and merritt kopas.

For a complete list of contributors, check out the Kickstarter page. If you can’t donate, a reblog or retweet helps! THANK YOU!

03 Mar 20:20



