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29 Jan 20:24

Florida Men Lead Police on Canoe Chase

by hodad

Using two wooden paddles, the fugitives managed to elude authorities for about five hours before they were caught at the Southwest County Road 141 bridge after a 9-mile journey down the river...

Eure and Bryant suspected that authorities had found them and they ran to the Withlacoochee River, climbed into a canoe and tried to escape, the release said.

Officials used K9s to track the fugitives on foot and then a motorboat to chase and catch the fugitives on the river, the release said.

The small blue canoe the men used was filled with a cooler and several backpacks, said Russell Williams, a freelance photographer who was present during the arrests.

Williams says that as he was snapping pictures of the arrest scene and one of the fugitives was being led away in cuffs, the perp relayed a message to the photographer.

"The nicer looking one, Bryant, told me, 'I hope you got my good side,' " Williams said.

Original Source

29 Jan 20:24

Man Getting Screwed By Company’s $180,000 Health Deductible

BOULDER, CO—Noting that his out-of-pocket costs seemed a little high, recently hired marketing assistant Jerry Aarons, 32, told sources Tuesday that he is beginning to suspect he’s getting screwed over by his health plan’s $180,000 deduc...

29 Jan 20:23

Media Relieved They Don’t Have To Deal With Fucking Harbaughs This Year

NEW YORK—Grateful to interview anyone but the two head coach brothers, members of the sports media expressed on Wednesday their unanimous, unequivocal relief that they didn’t have to put up with those goddamn Harbaughs while covering this year...

29 Jan 20:22

Is it Frida yet?

29 Jan 20:22

Ceci n’est pas une glitch, Daniel Temkin

Ceci n’est pas une glitch, Daniel Temkin

29 Jan 20:22

Europe, 1914

29 Jan 20:22

IT HAPPENED TO ME: I’M A BIG BLACK GIRL AROUND SMALL WHITE PEOPLE & I’M SUDDENLY FEELING UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT (a response to Jen Caron & | The Big Girl Blog: Plus Size Dating, Fashion, Beauty, Fitness & Lifestyle

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

Below is my response to Jen Carons “IT HAPPENED TO ME: THERE ARE NO BLACK PEOPLE IN MY YOGA CLASSES AND I’M SUDDENLY FEELING UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT” post on yesterday. Here is an excerpt of what she wrote:

A few weeks ago, as I settled into an exceptionally crowded midday class, a young, fairly heavy black woman put her mat down directly behind mine. It appeared she had never set foot in a yoga studio—she was glancing around anxiously, adjusting her clothes, looking wide-eyed and nervous. Within the first few minutes of gentle warm-up stretches, I saw the fear in her eyes snowball, turning into panic and then despair. Before we made it into our first downward dog, she had crouched down on her elbows and knees, head lowered close to the ground, trapped and vulnerable. She stayed there, staring, for the rest of the class.

Because I was directly in front of her, I had no choice but to look straight at her every time my head was upside down (roughly once a minute). I’ve seen people freeze or give up in yoga classes many times, and it’s a sad thing, but as a student there’s nothing you can do about it. At that moment, though, I found it impossible to stop thinking about this woman. Even when I wasn’t positioned to stare directly at her, I knew she was still staring directly at me. Over the course of the next hour, I watched as her despair turned into resentment and then contempt. I felt it all directed toward me and my body.


A few weeks ago I was taking a 7am class at an small/pricey fitness center in NYC. The classes at this fitness center only have 12 people in them which means we all get lots of personal attention. While the majority of the students in my class were women, I was the only black woman in the class. Actually, I was the only black person in the class… and for what its worth, I was the only plus size person in the class too.

Before class began we all introduced ourselves. There was a Kristy, a Liz, a Lisa, some other names I can’t remember and me, CeCe.

For the duration of the class, our bubbly blonde instructor encouraged everyone by name, “Nice Kristy!”, “Good job Liz!”, etc. she would also encourage me “Go, Girl!” she’d say… “Alright, Girl!”… “Nice, GIRL!” she’d yell standing over me with a beaming smile.

Everyone else in the class was called by name, but I, the only fat black woman in the class was called “Girl” (or was it “Guurl”?)

Jen Carons account of being made hyper aware of her white-ness and her skinny-ness while in the presence of a big black woman resonated with me because I am in that situation regularly, of course I play the role of the confused black woman who doesn’t understand why people constantly talk about their color and size when they’re around me.

Can you imagine what it would be like to have people make announcements about the color of their skin or the size of their body every time they saw you? Welcome to my world!

Like when white men grab me to dance at a bar and then interrupt our fun to announce “I’m such a white boy, right?”

Or when small white women wistfully tell me how much they really wish they could gain weight and be more “curvy”.

You see, from where I sit Jen’s sudden awareness of her whiteness was only a reflection of how hyper aware she was of the big black woman in such close, intimate proximity to her.

I mean, it would be racist weird to say “OMG! You’re so big and black!” so instead she says “OMG! I’m so white and small”

As a plus size woman of color, people are constantly “telling on themselves” in regards to how they see me. It could be as simple as calling me “girl” instead of my name or being shocked when I sing along to Incubus songs, it could be something as nuanced as mentioning their own appearance in contrast to mine, or as awkward as quoting Tyler Perry to me and assuming I’ll get the reference (I won’t).

If Jen Caron would like to think about how a big black girl feels, she can think about one of my realities: I’ve come to accept that for many of my associates, I am a big black woman for a very long time and then once they get over their own stereotypical interpretations of what that is, I become a person named CeCe.

I do give Jen credit for trying to put herself in my shoes though, she said…

I thought about how that must feel: to be a heavyset black woman entering for the first time a (yoga) system that by all accounts seems unable to accommodate her body. What could I do to help her?

The answer to that is easy, I don’t need your help… I’m good!

Side Plank

Original Source

29 Jan 20:21

New York Public Library Calls on Book Fans to Take a ‘Shelfie’ Photo for #libraryshelfie Day

by EDW Lynch


In response to last week’s #museumselfie day, today the New York Public Library is calling on book fans everywhere to take photos of bookshelves (their own or a library’s) for #libraryshelfie day. The project was organized by Morgan Holzer and Billy Parrott of the New York Public Library.

photos via New York Public Library

via NY Public Library

29 Jan 19:58


by bubbaprog

high res close up JJB
Sam the Eagle to Doctor Teeth in 1.2 seconds flat

29 Jan 19:57


by Armin

dismiss every railway X brand automatically

I Choo-Choo-Choose You

New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique

Established in late 2013, Farnham Ale & Lager is a new microbrewery in Farnham, a city in the Montérégie region of Québec, Canada, with a portfolio of four beers, identified by their bitterness level. And, yeah, there isn't much else about the brewery but since January has been more like Beeruary on Brand New — see New Blegium, Summit Brewing — I thought I would keep the tide flowing. The identity and packaging for Farnham have been designed by Québec-based lg2boutique.

New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
Opening announcement.
New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
Logo detail.
All of the graphic elements were chosen to highlight the beer's origin, which was this Eastern Townships railway town. The four flavours stand out with their strong colour codes, their degrees of bitterness are indicated by 12, 27, 33 and 64, highlighted numbers, and the diagonal cross symbolizes a railway crossing.

Provided press release

New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
Sexy shots of cans.
New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
New Logo and Packaging for Farnham Ale & Lager by lg2boutique
Promotional apparel.

This is robust design made to look easy. Seriously: how many of you aren't saying "How difficult is that? I could have done it"? The cans have, like, five elements — the bitterness number, the X icon, the wordmark, the type of beer and its legal measurements, and the color banding. Easy. But these elements are just perfectly and elegantly balanced. Nothing more, nothing less. The right amount of spacing between elements and tracking in the typography. Even the hardcore "X" isn't gratuitous, as it represents the railway origins of the town. The overall look, particularly with the blocky wordmark, is of industrial hipster — the latter denominator becoming a maturing trend.

Many thanks to our ADVx3 Partners
29 Jan 19:56

JSON Mail Access Protocol Specification (JMAP)

by macdrifter

'It aims to be compatible with the IMAP data model, so that it can be easily implemented on a server that currently supports IMAP, but allows for reduced data usage and more efficient synchronisation, bundling of requests for latency mitigation and is generally much easier to work with than IMAP.'

29 Jan 19:55

smithsonianlibraries: Having spent too long recruiting members,...


Having spent too long recruiting members, the finger pointing committee finally turned on itself.

from Hauptprobe in gedrängter Form der Bauerschen Giesserei

29 Jan 19:54


29 Jan 19:53


29 Jan 19:52

Antitrust officials told Sprint they might block T-Mobile merger

by Jon Brodkin

Justice Department officials recently told Sprint board members that a Sprint acquisition of T-Mobile US "could face regulatory difficulties," The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday night.

Sprint is laying the groundwork for a bid on T-Mobile that could leave the US with only three major cellular carriers. This comes more than two years after AT&T's attempt to buy T-Mobile was dropped because of opposition from the Justice Department and Federal Communications Commission.

"Sprint Corp. board members Masayoshi Son and Dan Hesse met recently with Justice Department officials who said they would view a Sprint acquisition of wireless rival T-Mobile US Inc. with skepticism, people briefed on the conversation said," the Journal reported. "The message from regulators shouldn't have come as a surprise," the newspaper noted. "In April, the Justice Department wrote in a comment letter to the FCC that the four wireless carriers competed in ways that are important to consumers. The FCC has sent similar signals."

Read 4 remaining paragraphs | Comments


29 Jan 19:51

A Brief History of Sampling by Eclectic Method

by EDW Lynch

brilliantly done; Eclectic Method beat

Eclectic Method looks at frequently sampled riffs and the songs that sampled them in his latest video “A Brief History of Sampling.”

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

29 Jan 19:48

Newswire: John Noble now a Sleepy Hollow regular after it's revealed that [spoiler] John Noble is awesome

by Sean O'Neal

Following a season finale where it was revealed that [spoiler alert] absolutely everything about Sleepy Hollow is insane and [spoiler alert] everyone involved in the founding of America was some kind of secret mystical warlock or something—which explains why the Constitution is still able to reliably answer every single one of our political issues more than 300 years later—the show has promoted two of its already key actors to series regulars. The Hollywood Reporter says that John Noble will remain an instrumental part of the show, after it was revealed that [spoiler alert] people really like John Noble, and also [spoiler alert] there’s some new, crazy shit about his character’s true identity that only Sleepy Hollow could make you just go along with. A promotion was also given to Lyndie Greenwood, whose character Jenny Mills, the formerly institutionalized sister of Abbie Mills, [spoiler alert] will be ...

29 Jan 19:47

Bill Plympton’s Con Ed Short

by Bryant Frazer

Bill Plympton beat
too bad it's an ad

'Plympton was available because he had recently wrapped his seventh animated feature film, “Cheatin’,” described on a successful Kickstarter campaign as “an animated adult tale of love, jealousy, revenge and murder—full of nudity and violence.” Or, as he quipped to Animation World Network in advance of the U.S. premiere of “Cheatin’” at the 2014 Slamdance Film Festival, “A typical comedy from Bill Plympton.”
It’s that offbeat sensibility that inspired Con Edison to go with Plympton, who is no stranger to commercials, having produced spots for Geico, AT&T, United Airlines, Taco Bell, Trivial Pursuit and NBC. Ever the iconoclast, Plympton actually embraces commercial work because it allows him to pursue his personal endeavors.
“I sell out all the time,” he says. “I’m happy to sell out. I need the money to keep my studio going and pay my employees. I’ve done a lot of advertising and the cool thing is that I love it. When my folks saw my Geico spots on television by surprise, that’s the most proud they’ve ever been.” '

When you're making a short film for one of the biggest energy companies in the U.S., why not aim high? That's how New York's Napoleon Group got animator Bill Plympton to create a new Con Edison "digital short" (infomercial sounds … more »
29 Jan 19:44

The Number One Question Asked When Buying a Car


via Christopher Lantz

The Number One Question Asked When Buying a Car

Will my sheep fit?

Submitted by: Unknown (via Monty_Moose)

29 Jan 19:44

"He’s not a sociopath, nor is he high-functioning. He’d really like to be a sociopath. But he’s so..."


he's not flawed, he's just looks like he is! but he's really perfect!
-every mary sue writer ever

““He’s not a sociopath, nor is he high-functioning. He’d really like to be a sociopath. But he’s so fucking not. The wonderful drama of Sherlock Holmes is that he’s aspiring to this extraordinary standard. He is at root an absolutely ordinary man with a very, very big brain. He’s repressed his emotions, his passions, his desires, in order to make his brain work better — in itself, a very emotional decision, and it does suggest that he must be very emotional if he thinks emotions get in the way. I just think Sherlock Holmes must be bursting!””

- Steven Moffat (cool interview here)
29 Jan 19:39

What Foucault Would Have Said About Social Media

Social media serve as a staging ground for wars of authenticity.
29 Jan 19:38

Why optimistic science fiction is dead

by Rob Bricken

Why optimistic science fiction is dead

Greetings from the post-apocalypse, folks! I apologize if my responses are short this week, but I'm writing them on the run. A bunch of mohawked Australian assholes on motorcycles have suddenly shown up, and they want to play Road Warrior while I'm on a goddamned horse. I want to know how the hell they got here. Did Australia move in the unknown apocalypse? Is there a land bridge now? If so, can I get my hands on a koala? They look adorable.



29 Jan 19:29

kenobi-wan-obi: Representation in STEM: Black Women Making...


Representation in STEM: Black Women Making Their Mark in Space and Science

Today, there is an increased push for the American education system to improve their STEM programs as well as to get students to show interest in the fields. It is important to bring attention to some of the African-American females that have, and are still, paving the road for future scientists, astronauts or any STEM degree holders.

These women are just some of the many examples of African-American contributions to science. (Descriptions pertain to the women in the order they appear on the photoset, from up down, left right)

Mercedes Richards PH.D is a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Pennsylvania State University. Originally from Jamaica, Dr. Richards received her Doctoral degree at the University of Toronto. In 2010 Dr. Richards received the Fulbright Award to conduct research at the Astronomical Institute in Slovakia. research focus is on binary stars; twin stars formed at the same time.

Willie Hobbs Moore PH.D is the first African-American woman to earn a PH.D in physics in 1972. She received it at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Her thesis research involved important problems in vibrational analysis of macro molecules.

Beth Brown PH.D (1969-2008) was an Astrophysicist in the Sciences and Exploration Directorate at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Born in Roanoke, VA, she grew up watching Star Trek and Star Wars and was fascinated with space. In 1998, Dr. Brown becoming the first African-American woman to earn a doctorate in Astronomy from the University of Michigan.

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein PH.D is currently a NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow at the Observational Lab in Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt Maryland. Originally from Los Angeles California Dr. Prescod-Weinstein specializes in theoretical cosmology.

Dara Norman PH.D is a professor at the University of Washington. Dr. Norman grew up in the south side of Chicago Illinois. She went to MIT as an Undergraduate and worked at NASA Goddard in Maryland. Dr. Norman currently specializes in gravitational lensing, large scale structure and quasars (quasi-stellar objects). This year she was honored with the University’s Timeless Award for her contributions and accomplishments to astronomy. In 2009 she was invited to the Star Party at the White House.

Jeanette J. Epps PH.D from Syracuse NY is a NASA astronaut. She received her PH.D in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Marylan in 2000. Dr. Epps was selected in 2009 to be one of the 14 members of the 20th NASA astronaut class. She recently graduated from Astronaut Candidate Training.

Shirley Ann Jackson PH.D is the second African-American woman to earn a PH.D in physics and the first from MIT. In 2009 Dr. Jackson was appointed to serve on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. She is currently the President of the Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute.

29 Jan 19:15


by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy
29 Jan 19:12

The Truth, Kia’s Super Bowl Ad Starring Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus from ‘The Matrix’

by Justin Page

everyone involved thought this was a good idea
at least everyone's now agreed on how ridiculous the Matrix is

Kia has released “The Truth,” their new Super Bowl commercial starring Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus from The Matrix franchise.

An unsuspecting couple meets Morpheus at a valet stand. He presents them with two choices: a red key or a blue key. Should they choose wisely, they’ll never look at luxury—or Kia—the same again.

via Kia Motors America

29 Jan 18:40

The Time Steven Van Zandt Called Off A Hit On Paul Simon

We should all thank Steven for getting Paul Simon’s assassination waved off during “Graceland,” because “Rhythm of the Saints” turned out pretty great.
29 Jan 18:37

Mexico's axolotl 'water monster' may be extinct in the wild

by George Dvorsky


Mexico's axolotl 'water monster' may be extinct in the wild

The iconic axolotl — a salamander-like creature capable of extraordinary regenerative abilities — has disappeared from its only known natural habitat in Mexico's few remaining lakes.



29 Jan 18:37

Mother Cat Sends Kittens Running for Cover When Her Attempted Jump Onto the Window Sill Fails

by Lori Dorn

A seemingly frustrated mama cat tries to jump onto a window sill to escape the adorable but needy kittens gathering around. While the attempt to land completely failed, it did send the kittens running for cover. Problem solved.

video via Irina Chernokozova

via Alexander Samoylenko, Daily Picks and Flicks

29 Jan 18:34

An Oral History Of Gawker, By Reddit


the mainstream Gaia vs. /b/ is just as nauseating

When the history of the web is written, the final word will obviously belong to Reddit. What else will be left? And: what will we remember of a network of blogs called "Gawker Media"? Here is the collected wisdom on the topic of Gawker from Reddit over the years, in the words of Redditors themselves.
29 Jan 18:33

Ohio State coach stuck in Atlanta's Snowpocolypse for 18 hours

by Michael Katz

never go

The real and terrible road conditions in Atlanta, summed up in one Twitter timeline.

Tom Herman is the offensive coordinator for Ohio State. He just spent 18 hours stuck on the road in Atlanta. The recruiting struggle is so real.

Literally 9 straight hours in my car to go 50 miles. Mother Nature: 1, Atlanta: 0. #IGottaPee #Snowpocalypse

— Tom Herman (@CoachTomHerman) January 29, 2014

That was just the beginning.

Live update from ATL. I've moved .6 miles in the last hour. Yes, there is a decimal point in front of that number.

— Tom Herman (@CoachTomHerman) January 29, 2014

@CoachTomHerman should have rented a snow mobile

— Mark Pantoni (@markpantoni) January 29, 2014

Write this one down: #McShaying.

13 hrs and counting. Would it be bad form to leave my rental car on the freeway & just walk the 3 miles to my hotel?

— Tom Herman (@CoachTomHerman) January 29, 2014

@CoachTomHerman nope. Go with the @McShay13 time honored tradition. Just scribble National on scrap paper. Leave on dash. It'll be ok

— Scott Van Pelt (@notthefakeSVP) January 29, 2014

This isn't even a joke anymore.

Just passed the 17 hour mark stuck in the car. Don't know what's going on up ahead. Hope everyone is ok. We've traveled 1.5 miles in 10 hrs

— Tom Herman (@CoachTomHerman) January 29, 2014

In sum: Here, in three tweets, is everyone's winter weather nightmare.

So... 19 hrs in my car with hundreds of my closest friends. Too much ice and accidents to move. Gotta make flight to DFW. Call National

— Tom Herman (@CoachTomHerman) January 29, 2014

Rental. Tell them I'm leavin the car and start walking the 4 miles to the airport with my luggage. Fall at least five times in first 2 miles

— Tom Herman (@CoachTomHerman) January 29, 2014

Find an gas station. Terry Spiller, my dude, shows up and won't take a dime to take me to the final mile or two to the airport.

— Tom Herman (@CoachTomHerman) January 29, 2014

Lesson here? It's too bad he doesn't know Chipper Jones.