Shared posts

02 Feb 23:56

The truth of it...


02 Feb 23:51

Now you can have your own working Batarang

by Kevin Melrose

Now you can have your own working Batarang

At some point in their lives, all Batman fans have undoubtedly wanted to own a functioning Batarang — y’know, one that actually returns when thrown. Well, now’s their chance. New Hampshire-based boomerang designer Victor Poulin has created just that. As you can see in the video below, the Batarang — it’s handcrafted from 10-ply Finnish [...]
02 Feb 23:31

Twitter / aparrish: I was trying to learn more ...

by gguillotte
I was trying to learn more about women's contributions to early UNIX development. google stared at me in disbelief
02 Feb 23:31

Academics protest at proposal to ban them from blogging | Media |

by gguillotte
Academics across the world are up in arms at a proposal to bar the senior members of the International Studies Association (ISA) from blogging.
02 Feb 23:31

JK Rowling sues Daily Mail for libel over 'single mother' article | Media |

by gguillotte
The Daily Mail has taken down a story from its website about the author JK Rowling after she sued the paper for libel. Rowling says the online article, headlined "How JK Rowling's sob story about her past as a single mother has left the churchgoers who cared for her upset and bewildered", misrepresented her comments. In so doing it injured her reputation and caused her great distress and embarrassment, according to documents filed at the high court by Rowling's lawyers, Schillings. They argue that the article - also published across two pages of the paper in September last year - suggested Rowling had given "a knowingly false account of her time as a single mother in Edinburgh." They say the article meant that that she had "falsely and inexcusably accused her fellow churchgoers of behaving in a bigoted, unchristian manner towards her, of stigmatising her and cruelly taunting her for being a single mother." Rowling believes the Mail story was "premised on a false picture" of her own article published 10 days before on the website for the single parents' charity, Gingerbread, "I am prouder of my years as a single mother than of any other part of my life". Rowling is president of Gingerbread. Her court filing states that she had not "accused her fellow churchgoers of 'stigmatising' or 'cruelly taunting' her." Instead, "she had referred to a single occasion involving a woman who had visited the church one day whilst she was working there." It further states that a woman quoted in both versions of the story had neither been "upset" nor "bewildered" and claims that the Mail had been "misleading and unfair" by accusing Rowling of "making knowingly false statements".
01 Feb 02:40

Startup Gets Hacked, Reveals Child CEO Posing With Cash

Clinkle was supposed to be the mobile payments app of the future, but so far, all it's been able to create is horrible headlines about itself and its hated 22-year-old founder. Like clockwork, Clinkle just got hacked, and revealed this endearing photo of Stanford star and CEO Lucas Duplan.
01 Feb 02:39

Producer Wants Gambit Solo Film (Yes) With Channing Tatum (HA HA, No)

Lauren Shuler Donner is a producer with nearly $3 billion in movie grosses under the belt of her career. But now the lady who helped bring Free Willy, Pretty in Pink, and every movie in the X-Men franchise to theaters is trying to do something even less likely: convince me that a Gambit solo film starring Channing Tatum would work.
01 Feb 02:35

Pete Carroll’s Friends, Family Admit They’d Love To See Him Get Blown Out In A Super Bowl

NEW YORK—Conceding that they could not imagine anything more satisfying, sources closest to Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll admitted to reporters Thursday that they would love to see him get blown out in a Super Bowl.

01 Feb 02:09

▶ This Is A Trent Reznor Song (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

by djempirical
01 Feb 02:09

Youtube Tutorials

01 Feb 02:03

The New 'Jeopardy' Champion Is A Game Theory Devotee And He's Starting To Piss People Off

Meet Arthur Chu, Jeopardy's latest and greatest star, who has used Jeopardy game theory to become nightly must-see TV. But his unorthodox methods — though correct by the numbers — have made him a polarizing figure in the Jeopardy community.
01 Feb 02:01

Batman Group Editor Mike Marts Returns To Marvel As Executive Editor

by Andy Khouri

Since news first broke of DC Comics’ plan to relocate its entire operation from New York City to Los Angeles, industry insiders have expected some high profile staffers would not only choose to leave DC Comics but actually make a jump to rival Marvel rather than move West. That scenario has come true with Marvel’s announcement that longtime DC staffer Mike Marts is joining the company as a new Executive Editor.

Marts previously worked at Marvel from the mid-’90s through the mid-aughts, editing books including New X-Men, Wolverine: Origin, Black Panther, Exiles, Astonishing X-Men and many more. At DC, Marts distinguished himself as Group Editor of the Batman line, overseeing the work of Grant Morrison and Scott Snyder.

“Mike Marts is a seasoned veteran who’s edited some of the most critically acclaimed and highest-selling series of the last decade,” said Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso in a press release. “I’m overjoyed to see him return home, and I can’t wait to see what he brings to Marvel!”

“It’s amazing to see how Marvel has grown as a company since I worked there last,” said Marts. “I am beyond thrilled to be rejoining this powerhouse at such an exciting time.”

There’s a lot of precedent for creators following editors on to new publishers, so it will be interesting to see which if any of Marts’ DC freelancers start popping up Marvel projects in the new year.

01 Feb 02:01

Newswire: Here's what the rest of the Michael Bay-rebooted Ninja Turtles look like

by Sean O'Neal

For want of a trailer or any official images, most of our impressions of what the Michael Bay-produced, Jonathan Liebesman-directed Ninja Turtles reboot will look like have come through Halloween costumes. Or through closing our eyes, mentally combining what we know about Michael Bay’s way with characterization with the brief, one-sentence descriptors supplied in the Ninja Turtles theme song, then adding steroids.

But thanks to some promotional art that’s surfaced over at Comic Book Therapy, we now have a much better idea of these extreme, next-generation Ninja Turtles and how their distinct personalities will be conveyed—besides the inevitably stereotypical dialect that comes out of their disconcertingly full turtle lips.

We already know Michelangelo is a party dude, hence the addition of “party dude” stuff like cool chains and tattoos. Leonardo leads, so he’s in front, wearing more traditional samurai garb, his oddly human eyes bearing the ...

01 Feb 02:01

PpyaemV.jpg (JPEG Image, 758 × 960 pixels) - Scaled (81%)

by djempirical
01 Feb 02:01

Newswire: Aaron Paul and Bill Murray met, were super cool last night

by Marah Eakin

Bill Murray, Aaron Paul, and Matchbox 20’s Rob Thomas hung out last night, thereby plunging the world into a vortex made up of simultaneously cool and very uncool things. The trio bro-ed out at Fox Sports 1’s Super Bash in New York, with Paul tweeting about spotting Murray during a live Kings Of Leon set. The Breaking Bad star was apparently pretty overwhelmed, writing, “I’m at Kings Of Leon in NYC and Bill Murray is standing behind me. What should I do? Kiss him? Tackle him? Confess my love? #billmurray.” Based on the photo subsequently posted to Thomas’ Twitter account, the answer was apparently “put an arm around him, open your mouth, and look really excited,” just like it would be for anyone else, bitch. 

01 Feb 02:00

Don’t wait for anything

01 Feb 02:00

Kari Byron, On the Importance of Representation in Science

Kari Byron spoke to Mother Jones recently on what it's like being the Chick on Mythbusters, what her inner twelve year old would think about what she's doing now, and how babies and science are totally compatible. You just might have to ask your doctor a lot of unexpected questions.
01 Feb 01:58


01 Feb 01:58

susiephone: 'ten fashion trends men ha—' 'it's a huge turn off when you—' 'men think you should...

popular shared this story from jeannie.


'ten fashion trends men ha—'


'it's a huge turn off when you—'


'men think you should stop—'


01 Feb 01:55

▶ Derek had a Double Dose - Swede Mason - YouTube

by gguillotte
needed this
01 Feb 00:16

Headline of the Day

by Dan Savage


Jury finds woman guilty in attack on gay couple walking pink dog

UPDATE: I spoke too soon:

Pope Francis Blesses Parrot of Former Male Stripper

[ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]

01 Feb 00:00

Twitter / ZaidJilani: Okay this I did myself. ...

by djempirical
31 Jan 22:14

Newswire: There's no need to have the Super Bowl, since The Simpsons already did it

by Sean O'Neal

In placing your final bets for who will triumph in Sunday’s match-up between the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks, it’s important for people who know nothing about football to consider factors others would deem utterly meaningless, i.e. the relative attractiveness of the quarterbacks’ significant others; the cuisines of the competing cities; snap inflation, which is a term we just made up; and, of course, whether The Simpsons already did it. And as the show’s Twitter account pointed out—like so many other future events either presaged or influenced by the show—the Broncos and Seahawks have played this match before, back in the 2005 episode, “Bonfire Of The Manatees,” with Denver besting Seattle 19-14. So, that settles that.

In the episode, Homer—having apparently regifted the Broncos, after Hank Scorpio generously made him their new owner—loses big by betting against his old team, on the ...

31 Jan 22:12

Feds: If you mine or trade Bitcoin on your own, that’s totally cool

by Cyrus Farivar
Cornering the Bitcoin market may be easier than cornering orange juice futures.
Paramount Pictures / Aurich Lawson

As it turns out, if you mine or trade Bitcoin “solely [for your own] purposes,” the United States Department of the Treasury doesn’t need you to register as a money transmitter as defined under the Bank Secrecy Act. Similarly, companies that invest in Bitcoin don’t need to register either.

A new four-page document published Thursday by the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has further clarified financial rules pertaining to Bitcoin.

In March 2013, FinCEN’s rules stipulated that "a person that creates units of convertible virtual currency and sells those units to another person for real currency or its equivalent is engaged in transmission to another location and is a money transmitter" and is therefore subject to federal regulations.

Read 5 remaining paragraphs | Comments


31 Jan 21:44

Derek had a Double Dose - Swede Mason

by swedemason

needed this

Sample taken from George Harrison: Living in the Material World. A Video remix using Ableton live and Resolume Avenue.
From: swedemason
Views: 99791
2284 ratings
Time: 02:55 More in Music
31 Jan 20:56

Twitter / SirPatStew: Football!

by gguillotte

needed this
31 Jan 20:18

@Snorkmaiden <3

by gguillotte

R2K thread

31 Jan 19:54

Photo by mandymcgeephoto

by gguillotte

oh god it's really hitting me

Gretchen misses her mommy. I miss her mommy. Rip @chernobylheart
31 Jan 19:18

Photo by mandymcgeephoto

by gguillotte
This was my last photo with @chernobylheart she hated getting her picture taken. She will be missed.
31 Jan 18:32

chernobylheart’s stream on SoundCloud


via willowbl00

chernobylheart’s stream on SoundCloud:

My friend Annie recorded a number of songs using her laptop and various instrumental bits and bobs. You should listen to them.