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07 Feb 16:54

spellthief: If I’m able to, then perhaps I’ll be closer to...


If I’m able to, then perhaps I’ll be closer to portraying a true expression of love.

          -Hayao Miyazaki (x)

07 Feb 16:38

design-is-fine: Charles Bloud, Sun dial, 1650. Dieppe....


Charles Bloud, Sun dial, 1650. Dieppe. skd-online

07 Feb 16:34


07 Feb 16:33

When Separating Art From The Artist Doesn’t Work

So many artists are terrible people, the argument goes, that if we were to hold them accountable for their actions we’d have no art left. But when sexual abuse is built into the very fabric of your plots and humor, the separation of the artist and the work begins to collapse.
07 Feb 16:31

The Toronto Zoo’s panda Da Mao has a little flop in the...

The Toronto Zoo’s panda Da Mao has a little flop in the snow…

07 Feb 16:31

"When you want to be a writer, “they” tell you to read everything. Read every genre you can get your..."

When you want to be a writer, “they” tell you to read everything. Read every genre you can get your mitts on, because even if you don’t realize it, this will improve your writing within the genre you actually want to write. They tell you to read broadly, whatever catches your interest, upon whatever shelf it sits.

How do female authors still go so very unnoticed?

How is it their books aren’t getting in front of eyes that would enjoy them?

How can we make it so they do?

- The Women We Don’t See
07 Feb 16:22

The US economy added 113,000 jobs in January, and the unemployment rate fell to 6.6%

by David Yanofsky
07 Feb 16:22

Joe Biden: No reason not to run for president in 2016 - CBS News

Joe Biden: No reason not to run for president in 2016
CBS News
Vice President Joe Biden attends the National Prayer Breakfast at the Washington Hilton February 6, 2014 in Washington, DC. Pool, Getty Images. Shares. Tweets; Stumble. Email; More +. Vice President Biden can't think of a reason to not run for president in ...
Biden: 'No obvious reason' not to run in 2016Houston Chronicle
Biden Dangles 2016 RunDaily Beast
Besides his Corvette, Biden can't think of a reason not to run for presidentMSNBC
all 94 news articles »
07 Feb 16:20

Why Urban Planners Love Snow

If you haven't heard of a "sneckdown" yet, it's a clever combination of "snow" and "neckdown" - another name for a curb expansion - that uses snow formations on the street to reveal the space cars don't use.
07 Feb 16:20

Chris Remo leaves Double Fine to join startup dev Campo Santo

by Sinan Kubba

Idle Thumbs reunion???

The Cave co-writer Chris Remo is no longer working at Double Fine, having teamed up with Idle Thumbs co-stars and Walking Dead designers Jake Rodkin and Sean Vanaman at the recently formed Campo Santo studio. Remo was formerly editor-in-chief at...
07 Feb 16:19

Mapper's delight: rap's lyrical journeys captured with light

by Aaron Souppouris

and it's not Rap Genius

Inspired by Pablo Picasso's light paintings, an artist has created light pen drawings that map the geographical mentions in hip hop lyrics. Last year, Tahir Hemphill set out to create a database containing every lyric in rap history for his Kickstarter-funded Hip Hop Word Count project, and he's now using that data to find patterns in the language rappers use.

Hemphill used a robot arm to draw out the paths in light

Hemphill was able to extract every geographic mention from various rappers' back catalogues, and translated the place names into geo coordinates, mapping the paths between each onto a globe. After visualizing the paths in 3D, he used the model to plot paths for a robot arm, which drew them out while holding a light pen. The example above shows the lyrical journey of Jay-Z through each track from his 18-year recording career. The long arc on the left, explains Hemphill, was born from three lyrics: "40/40′s out in Tokyo" from the song "Do U Wanna Ride," "Don’t cry for me Argentina" from the song "American Gangster," and "Schooled me with hard knocks, better than Berkeley" from the song "Hello Brooklyn 2.0."

On the left, a 3d model representing the rapper Nas' lyrical journey. On the right, the light drawing based on the map.

In total, Hemphill has created twelve of these maps, and calls the collection Maximum Distance. Minimum Displacement. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Jay-Z's "Around The World" features the most locations, while Nas' back catalogue was the most-travelled as a whole. If you're a hip-hop fan, it's well worth reading through Hemphill's site, Stable Crops, where he posts data and visualizations from the Hip Hop Word Count, including analysis of the literacy level of several rappers.

07 Feb 16:09

California Bill Proposes Mandatory Kill-Switch On Phones and Tablets

by Soulskill
alphadogg writes "Politicians and law enforcement officials in California will introduce a bill on Friday that requires all smartphones and tablet PCs sold in the state be equipped with a digital 'kill-switch' that would make the devices useless if stolen. The bill is a response to a rise in thefts of portable electronics devices, often at knife or gunpoint, being seen across the state. Already half of all robberies in San Francisco and 75 percent of those in Oakland involve a mobile device and the number is rising in Los Angeles, according to police figures. The trend is the same in major cities across the U.S. and the California bill, if it passes, could usher in kill-switch technology nationwide if phone makers choose not to produce custom devices for California. California Senate bill 962 says all smartphones and tablet PCs sold from Jan. 1, 2015, should have 'a technological solution that can render the essential features of the device inoperable when the device is not in possession of the rightful owner.'"

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07 Feb 16:08

Out snowboarder Cheryl Maas displays rainbow glove in Sochi

by Tom Ziller

After a failed run, lesbian snowboarder Cheryl Maas thrust her rainbow glove into the camera in an apparent political statement of support for LGBT rights.

Before the Opening Ceremonies even began we have our first apparent televised statement of support for LGBT rights at the Sochi Olympics. It comes from Dutch snowboarder Cheryl Maas, a married lesbian, after a slopestyle prelim run.

That's a glove covered in rainbows and, well, a unicorn. While the glove itself could be passed off as a totally normal thing for a snowboarder to wear -- rainbows and unicorns are lovely in any context -- the gesture to ensure the camera caught a full view of it is pretty unmistakable. Maas clearly wanted the world to see her rainbow unicorn glove. One struggles to imagine a snowboarder with a blank glove or one featuring a skull or something doing the same gesture.

We'll soon find out how many other LGBT athetes and allies in Sochi make statements, subtle or otherwise.

More on the Winter Olympics:

Meet Team USA's brightest Winter Olympic athletes

The best photos from Day 1 in Sochi

The Flawless Sochi Olympics | Russia is spying on hotel showers

Miracle Put on Ice: 1984 US hockey team never had a chance

Hockey: Men’s schedule | All 12 men’s rosters | USA roster analysis

07 Feb 16:08

Comics A.M. - Protest of SodaStream's Angouleme Sponsorship Grows


'A number of internationally known creators have protested SodaStream’s sponsorship of the Angoulême International Comics Festival because the soft-drink manufacturer has a factory in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. “All of Israel’s settlements in the Occupied West Bank are illegal under international law, and SodaStream’s factory in specific was build on land seized from several Palestinian villages in what is regarded as the largest single act of expropriation by the Israeli government in its 47-year long military occupation of the West Bank,” the organizers of the protest said in a statement. A number of artists, including Jacques Tardi (whose work was celebrated in a special exhibit at the show) have signed an open letter to festival organizer Frank Bondoux, asking him to end the relationship with SodaStream. Tardi also issued a statement saying he felt that he had been “taken hostage,” as he did not know about the sponsorship until the festival began.'

More creators join protest against soft-drink company's sponsorship! Interviews with J.G. Jones, John Layman, Michael DeForge and Alisa Harris! A look at "Ultimo"!
07 Feb 16:07

Two Revolutionary War Maps of Boston Harbor (1776)

by the59king

Two Revolutionary War Maps of Boston Harbor (1776)

EAAJloujLPFUyprt_TTA plan of Boston, and its environs, shewing the true situation of His Majesty's army, and also those of the rebels Revolutionary War Map of the Boston Area (1776) Date: 1776 Author: Richard Williams Dwnld: 01, 02 Source: Library of Congress Print Availability: See our Prints Page for more details pff This map isn't part of any series, but we have other maps of Boston that you might want to...

the BIG Map Blog - Interesting maps, historical maps, BIG maps.

07 Feb 16:07

Tim Armstrong’s offensive remarks are exactly what Obamacare-blaming CEOs are thinking

by Tim Fernholz

'Many restaurant chains who rely on part-time workers, including Papa John’s, Applebee’s, and Darden Restaurants, parent of Olive Garden and Red Lobster, have cited the law as a reason for unpopular cost-cutting measures. They’ve gotten some flak for saying so, but by and large people accept the logic.

Yet what they’re saying is essentially the same as what Armstrong said: While not every medical problem is as critical or expensive as a sick infant (and singling out specific employees is extra gauche) companies are facing a trade-off between their employees’ health and their profits. Since the law mandates the latter and their jobs the former, they’re going to find other ways to cut—probably, though, not in the executive compensation account. All this might be enough to make CEOs wish they weren’t in the business of providing health care at all, but political pressure to build on the existing system—provided in part by the business community—led lawmakers to graft new expansions of coverage on top of employer-provided health care coverage.'


Chairman and CEO of AOL Tim Armstrong (L) speaks to Chairman and CEO of Time Warner Cable Glenn Britt during a panel session at The Cable Show in Boston, Massachusetts May 21, 2012.

AOL CEO Tim Armstrong got in some hot water yesterday when he cited the medical expenses of two employees’ difficult births to explain why the company will make its retirement plans less generous.

The ire was immediate: How dare Armstrong (perhaps America’s most gaffe-prone CEO) single out these two women’s health care costs as a reason for cutting back on every employee’s 401(k)—especially when he’s personally on track to make $12 million this year?

The CEO brought up the births, which apparently cost $1 million each in medical expenses, as an example of how health care costs are eating into other benefits—specifically, that the added costs that come with the new health care law, some $7.1 million, were the driving force behind the change to retirement plans. Instead of matching employees’ retirement savings immediately, AOL will do so in a lump sum at the end of the year, limiting workers’ investment return.

Armstrong’s stance fits in with that of other American CEOs who have blamed Obamacare’s requirements that they offer their workers high-quality health care plans as a reason for letting workers go or raising prices. Many restaurant chains who rely on part-time workers, including Papa John’s, Applebee’s, and Darden Restaurants, parent of Olive Garden and Red Lobster, have cited the law as a reason for unpopular cost-cutting measures. They’ve gotten some flak for saying so, but by and large people accept the logic.

Yet what they’re saying is essentially the same as what Armstrong said: While not every medical problem is as critical or expensive as a sick infant (and singling out specific employees is extra gauche) companies are facing a trade-off between their employees’ health and their profits. Since the law mandates the former and their jobs the latter, they’re going to find other ways to cut—probably, though, not in the executive compensation account. All this might be enough to make CEOs wish they weren’t in the business of providing health care at all, but political pressure to build on the existing system—provided in part by the business community—led lawmakers to graft new expansions of coverage on top of employer-provided health care coverage.

As the health care law continues to come into force, the “Obamacare made me do it” excuse may prove convenient among corporate executives addressing all manner of tricky challenges—price hikes, benefit cuts, lay-offs. When they use it, they’d do well to remember Tim Armstrong and those sick babies.

07 Feb 16:05

How can disaster response contribute to long-term development?

by Jasmine Freehoff

via willowbl00

Haiti to Haiyan: Four Part Guidance Note Series on Effective Disaster Response How can disaster response contribute to long-term development? Key lessons from Rising from the Ashes: Development Strategies at Times of Disaster 1. Even the most devastated communities retain capacities. Even if the physical/material infrastructure is destroyed, the communities still have strong relationships, personal skills, organizational abilities, important […]
07 Feb 16:04



via Rosalind

07 Feb 16:04

Next time you get a "tumblr/facebook questionnaire" asking you to work out your porn star name or something, remember this...


via Rosalind


Your mother’s maiden name, the name of your first pet, your birthday and the first street you grew up on are usually the same fields used for password security reset questions

Stay Frosty

07 Feb 15:35

Missy Elliott addresses hiatus from music -

by gguillotte
“When I create something, it’s gotta be special, and it can’t just be to throw something out there because I feel like I’m Missy,” said told show host Michael Yo via video chat. “I gotta feel like what I’m giving the fans is 100% and that it’s game-changing. I don’t just throw out microwave records.”
07 Feb 08:01

Emotional Jay Leno bids star-studded farewell to 'Tonight Show'

by gguillotte

this says everything that needs to be said

Country music star Garth Brooks was the musical guest
07 Feb 06:59

Honorary captain Vernon Davis and the greatest U.S. curling team ever assembled | Fourth-Place Medal - Yahoo Sports

by gguillotte

curling beat

Curling isn't just a pass route to Vernon Davis. For the second straight Winter Olympics, the San Francisco 49ers tight end will serve as the honorary captain of the U.S. curling team. The two-time NFL Pro Bowler has been charged with raising awareness for the sport, which he attempted to do on Arsenio Hall's new show earlier this week, if anyone was watching. To recap, this is 2014, and Vernon Davis is raising awareness for curling on Arsenio for the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.
07 Feb 06:59

Twitter / DangeRussWilson: The 2012 @seahawks draft class. ...

by gguillotte

'Donald Wood of Bleacher Report gave the Seahawks an "F" for their 2012 draft, which he labeled the worst of any team that year:

After one of the worst picks in the first round I can ever remember, the Seattle Seahawks didn't draft any positions of need or draft for the future.

Pete Carroll is proving why he didn't make it in the NFL the first time. Not only was Bruce Irvin a reach at No. 15, the Seahawks proved they were oblivious to their madness by celebrating their selection.

As if the day wasn't bad enough, Seattle selecting Russell Wilson, a QB that doesn't fit their offense at all, was by far the worst move of the draft. With the two worst moves of the draft, Seattle is the only team that received an F on draft day.'

Pictured players included LB Bobby Wagner (260 tackles, 7 sacks, 5 INTs in two seasons), LB Bruce Irvin (9 tackles, 1 INT, 1 FF vs. STL), WR Jermaine Kearse (134 yards, 2 TDs this postseason), G JR Sweezy (18 starts this season)

The 2012 @seahawks draft class. They graded us as an F. Now we are World Champs! #GodisGood #GoHawks
07 Feb 06:26

Apple takes $14B bite of its stock via buyback - Businessweek

San Francisco Chronicle

Apple takes $14B bite of its stock via buyback
NEW YORK (AP) — Apple has repurchased $14 billion of its stock in the two weeks after its first-quarter financial results and second-quarter revenue outlook disappointed investors. Its shares rose in morning trading Friday. Apple bought $12 billion of the ...
Apple Makes Huge Move Nobody Saw ComingTIME
Tim Cook Is 'Betting On Apple,' Don't Bet Against HimForbes
Does Carl Icahn Approve of Apple's Buyback?Wall Street Journal

all 181 news articles »
07 Feb 06:20

allisontype: bridgecitybutterfly: y’all don’t understand. dudE...



y’all don’t understand. dudE IS CROSS COUNTry SKIING PAST MY BAR RIGHT NOw.

Cause Portland.

07 Feb 06:20

thislandislando: wendesgray: How about this weather, Portland!...



How about this weather, Portland!  I’ve never run through snow before, so naturally I had to get out there for a few miles and see what it’s all about. I had a blast!  Snow runs can actually be fun…who knew??

Just when I think Portland can’t get prettier.

07 Feb 05:30

Massachusetts Senate considers changes in unemployment aid - WXXA


'It continues a freeze on unemployment insurance rates through 2017. It includes an updated rating table and expands an exemption for seasonal businesses.

Business groups want to lower the duration of unemployment benefits from 30 weeks to 26 weeks. They also want to require that workers be employed for at least 20 weeks, up from the current 15 weeks, before they are eligible for benefits.'

Massachusetts Senate considers changes in unemployment aid
BOSTON (AP) — The Massachusetts Senate has approved a bill that would make changes in unemployment insurance that supporters say will lower costs for businesses. The measure passed 33-4 Thursday. It continues a freeze on unemployment insurance ...

and more »
07 Feb 05:18

Forgive And Forget

On drug sentencing, a growing number of Republicans are ready to shed the party’s law-and-order image in favor of reform.
07 Feb 03:49

JL8 #151


just realized the guy who does this = Yale Stewart = the artist on the new Ms. Marvel

07 Feb 03:36

NYPD Is Beta-Testing Google Glass

by samzenpus


Presto Vivace writes "The New York City Police Department is trying to determine how useful Google Glass would be for law enforcement. From the article: 'The New York City Police Department's massive and controversial intelligence and analytics unit is evaluating whether Google Glass is a decent fit for investigating terrorists and helping cops lock up bad guys, VentureBeat has learned. The department recently received several pairs of the modernist-looking specs to test out. "We signed up, got a few pairs of the Google glasses, and we're trying them out, seeing if they have any value in investigations, mostly for patrol purposes," a ranking New York City law enforcement official told VentureBeat.'"

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