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24 Apr 19:28

dporteiro: Zipmark by Sahar Peleg.


Zipmark by Sahar Peleg.

23 Apr 15:52

formystudiostudents: Sections by Coop Himmelb(l)au


Sections by Coop Himmelb(l)au

23 Apr 15:50

instructables: Unicorn Barf by Danger is my middle name

23 Apr 15:42

Why Apple has stopped growing

by Christopher Mims

Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer predicted in January that Apple will generate the same amount of revenue this past quarter—the company releases its financials today—as it did a year ago. Analysts agree with him. Apple generated more revenue than ever in the the first fiscal quarter of 2014, which includes the 2013 holiday season. But it’s entirely possible that fiscal 2014 (which runs through September) will be the first time since Steve Jobs returned to Apple and turned the company around that revenue will not grow from one fiscal year to the next.

It is, literally, the end of an era—financially, the biggest bull run of any technology company in history, from $13.931 billion in revenue in 2005 to $170.910 billion in 2013. In 2011 Apple was briefly the most valuable public company in the world. That valuation was a bet by the markets that Apple would continue to grow, and it has—until now.

What’s interesting here isn’t that Apple has plateaued—the markets already knocked $45 billion off of Apple’s valuation when the company announced its revenue projections for this past quarter three months ago—but why.

iPhones, steady as she goes

The first place to look would be how many iPhones Apple is selling, since they represented 56% of Apple’s revenue in the first quarter of this fiscal year. But iPhone sales are expected to be flat, as sales through China’s biggest mobile carrier, China Mobile, fail to do much to the overall iPhone story.

The iPhone story is straightforward: people buy iPhones and, subject to the whims of mobile carriers, upgrade them on a regular basis. It’s a fantastic business for Apple to be in, selling devices that cost on average $637 each and are re-purchased by consumers every two years or so, like clockwork.

It’s also important to note that Apple predicts it will miss out on $8 billion in revenue across all of 2014 because the company is now giving away its operating system (OS X) and productivity software (iLife, iWork.)

The iPad as a failed opportunity for growth

Some analysts are predicting that Apple will sell fewer iPads this past quarter than it did a year ago. For a mature product with a predictable pool of buyers—cars, vacuum cleaners, iPhones—this wouldn’t mean much. But considering the iPad is the most recent device Apple invented, defining an entire category and inspiring dozens of copycats, it’s bad news—and not the first time we’ve heard it.

If iPhones are doing what we expect iPhones to do—continuing to be consumed regularly by a market that seems at this point to be more or less saturated—then the story of Apple’s revenue plateau is the story of missed opportunities in the one device that many expected to be Apple’s next big growth opportunity—the iPad.

The iPad isn’t insignificant. It’s about 20% of Apple’s revenue. But it could be more. The iPad was supposed to replace the PC, after all. Indeed, that could be its problem.

If iPads are PC replacements, demand for them is equally soft

.@asymco @gassee posit: slow iPad sales are worse news for the PC market: implies phones can take the greater share of PC use cases—
Benedict Evans (@BenedictEvans) April 21, 2014

A notion that until recently seemed to be churlishly anti-Apple—that in contrast to phones and PCs people don’t really need tablets—is now virtually mainstream. Smartphones are replacing everything, including tablets.

How is this possible, when tablets came second?

One possibility is that the novelty of tablets, or at least Apple’s models, has worn off. Tablets were supposed to be magic, and the wealthy bought them expecting something as transformative as the iPhone. But the main use case for many tablets is probably as personal internet-connected TVs, not bicycles for the mind. If what we’re really doing with tablets is simply asking them to play HD video without it stuttering, you certainly don’t need to pay a premium for Apple’s iPad to get a satisfying user experience.

Tablets that are mainly used for browsing the web and watching videos don’t need to be re-purchased nearly as often as phones that are getting lost, stolen, broken, or simply radically more useful as time goes by and the number of apps and use cases for them multiplies. That puts tablets on a replacement cycle more like PCs—every five years or so—than phones, which is another reason you’re not seeing sales on the same order as phones.

It’s not that people aren’t buying tablets. But the adoption rate is nothing like what we’ve seen in smartphones.

One of these growth curves is not like the other. Benedict Evans

And overwhelmingly, the tablets that people are buying are the cheaper models—witness the success of UK grocery giant Tesco’s branded tablet, 500,000 of which have been sold in the past seven months. If a cheap tablet is the only computing device to which you have access, it can be transformative, which is another reason global demand for tablets—but not Apple’s iPads—continues to expand.

On any timescale relevant to investors, there will never be another iPhone

The story of Apple’s growth is the story of the phenomenal success of the iPhone. There is no other category of electronics with as much potential demand as there is for smartphones. Many analysts are saying the rumored iWatch or some combination of wearable computers could be Apple’s next iPhone-scale blockbuster, but that’s ridiculous, notes MacWorld’s Jason Snell:

IDC reported that in 2013, one billion smartphones were shipped, up 38% from the previous year. That’s a fast-growing market worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Meanwhile, on Thursday IDC predicted that the wearables market will reach 112 million units in 2018.

In other words, in four years the wearables market might grow to be one-tenth the size of today’s smartphone market—in units shipped. Presumably the average selling price of wearable items will be a fraction of that of smartphones, meaning the dollar value of the wearables market is even more minuscule compared to the smartphone market.

What about iTunes and AppleTV? Unlike Amazon, which sells hardware in order to sell software and content, for Apple it’s the reverse. In fiscal 2013 Apple made $16 billion from iTunes, but growth in this stream of revenue is slowing. Apple TV, meanwhile, is a supporting technology—it remains, as Jobs once put it, “a hobby.” As Rene Ritchie put it at iMore:

The truth is Apple makes two kinds of products. They make the flagship products that support their business, like the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and iPod. And they make the supporting products that increase the value of their flagship products, like the Apple TV.

The Apple TV is a great product and could, if rumors of a hardware update and Game Store prove true, become a really great one. But it won’t be a hundred million unit selling, multi-billion dollar profit making one any time soon.

This is what a mature market for (very) personal computers looks like

Apple makes premium electronics, mostly computers we carry in our pockets that are connected to the cloud through a system of cellular base towers that might as well be magic. That market is now, apparently, saturated. Millions of people are coming online every day, and they might aspire to own an iPhone, but it’s lower-priced Android handsets that they can afford and end up purchasing. Comparisons of Apple’s market share to that of Android smartphones elide the fact that the overwhelming majority of Android smartphones are much cheaper than the iPhone—at this point, costing less than half as much.

price gap

That price gap isn’t just Apple’s margin—Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone costs almost as much as the average iPhone, factoring out any operator device subsidy to the consumer. Most Android phones and tablets are essentially different devices than Apple’s, suited to different sorts of tasks or to doing the same tasks in a way that annoys some people (i.e. Apple fans) and not others.

What we’ll be looking at, in the numbers Apple will release Wednesday, is the holding pattern of a hulking technological Colossus. Apple’s immediate prospects for growth are dim not only because of the law of large numbers, but also because the world presently has just about as much Apple as it can take.

Apple can still build on top of its current base

The second half of fiscal 2014 is very likely to be when Apple gives investors and fans reasons to be excited again. Rumored launches include a larger iPad and iPhone, as well as the iWatch. But none of these are going to be category-busting devices on the scale of Apple’s current businesses. Assuming Apple keeps its iPhone customers loyal by more or less keeping pace with developments in Android—not a foregone conclusion—these new devices mean there’s still potential for incremental growth in Apple’s revenue. But that’s it.

From the perspective of the markets, it seems Apple has become a company like those it not so long ago sought to disrupt—Microsoft, Intel, IBM. Buying back shares, paying dividends: this is what you do for shareholders when you can’t promise them the kind of growth that was once seemingly inevitable.

23 Apr 15:41

Digging around in the legacy code

by sharhalakis

by secondhype

23 Apr 15:27

"Roses are red / Gender is performative / Mass-market romance / Is heteronormative"

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

“Roses are red / Gender is performative / Mass-market romance / Is heteronormative”


Twitter / sfgnyc: Roses are red / Gender is … (via realhousewives)


(via ajax-daughter-of-telamon)

23 Apr 15:27

The new Ten Commandments

by Jason Kottke
Courtney shared this story from
Ugh still working on #4

From God's Twitter account, a new set of ten commandments:

1 Laugh.
2 Read.
3 Say please.
4 Floss.
5 Doubt.
6 Exercise.
7 Learn.
8 Don't hate.
9 Cut the bullshit.
10 Chill.


Tags: listsreligion
23 Apr 15:25

lowproductionvalue: moon-cunt: hellnoracistdrag: This video...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




This video was submitted anonymously by a Pittsburgh queer. Shout out to the Pittsburghers who have been fighting this battle for years.

This video shows Sharon Needles/Aaron Coady dressed in her attempt to mimic a geisha saying that she’s dressed up “somewhat like their people” and that she intends to make fun of a Chinese delivery driver. Luckily, the driver is white, which Sharon notes by saying, “Chinese people are late. Good thing you’re white.”

But yea, Aaron’s totally an ally and transgressive and blah blah vomit.


no, Sharon Needles. absolutely not.

Drag is great and all but so many (white) queens pull racist shit like this all the time. There’s a queen at Crews and Tangos named Daytona Bitch who once came onstage wearing a burqa, and when she spun around you could see she had fake dynamite taped under it.


23 Apr 15:23

Josh Lueke Is A Rapist

It occurred to me in that moment that maybe the MLB doesn't know how to deal with a man who raped a woman because it is a bunch of men trying to deal with a man who raped a woman. The end result is so many people, including those in that discussion, entirely missing the point.
23 Apr 15:22

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Reimagined with Terrible Sound Design

by Justin Page

Eugene, Oregon freelance writer Hudson Hongo has taken scenes from the 1977 film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope and reimagined them with terrible sound design. He dubbed over everything from the vocals to the iconic lightsaber sound effects with his own personal collection of noises.

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

23 Apr 15:21

BASE jumpers set record by jumping off the Burj Khalifa

by Adrianne Jeffries

Daredevls Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet broke the world record for the highest BASE jump earlier this week by flinging themselves off the top of the 2,717-feet tall Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai. The jump was sponsored by the skydiving resort Skydive Dubai, which constructed a small platform at the top of the building in order to make the jump possible. The gentleman jump together and curve around the building like flying squirrels, trailing red plumes behind them for effect.

People have jumped before from the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, but this is the first time anyone's done it from the very top.

23 Apr 15:21

Google's Street View now lets you step back in time

by Josh Lowensohn

The feature, which Google is rolling out to the web version of Maps today, generally stays out of the way unless you want to go back in time. If you’re viewing a location with earlier recorded images, there’s now an hourglass and a slider in the top left of the screen that shows you the month and year. Dial it back and it sweeps to that copy stored on Google’s servers, almost as if you were clicking on a location just up the road.


The result is a kind of time warp that can show you months' and years' worth of human ingenuity, and just as quickly show it erased following a disaster or new construction project. With Street View now recording more than 6 million miles across 55 countries, there are a lot of those.

"We have built this very complicated graph of imagery through time and space," says Luc Vincent, the director of engineering for Street View. He says the option to go back and forth through time was the most requested by Google Maps users, who have been hounding the company to add it for years. This was primarily for simple things, like seeing older images of their house, school, or neighborhood. "People would say, ‘My house, can you please preserve it? Because I like it this way,’" Vincent told The Verge. "We can show you everything now."

Google is creating so much data, in fact, Vincent says the current iteration of Time Machine is intentionally dialing back what people see. The smallest interval of time you can jump to is a month, even if Google’s gone through and captured Street View recordings more frequently. That’s not a normal occurrence for most places, Vincent says, but there are places like Google’s campus, and major cities where Street View cars are recording more than once a month, sometimes even several times a week.

Algorithms pick the best looking images to show you

Vincent says the company’s using an algorithm designed to pick the best imagery from the data that’s collected each month. It goes through the images the company has captured and weeds out sets that tend to have a lot of motion blur, or that have particularly bad weather.

But expanding the recordings to what Vincent refers to as "slices" has opened up new avenues for the company to show off Street View imagery it once kept to itself. That includes roads with shoulders heaped with snow, drenched dark forests, or simply alternate views of familiar places. "We can show you Times Square at night," Vincent says, a first for the service that overwhelmingly prefers clear blue skies. "When we chose the image, the freshest imagery is typically the best … now you don’t have to make a choice."

One wrinkle in all this is that the physical location of roads changes over time, either by human interaction or mother nature. In the case of the movement from the 9.0 earthquake, for instance, roads and buildings that were in one place when Google was first there, were at new GPS coordinates when they went through again. That’s been preserved in Time Machine, Vincent says.


"It’s not a bug; after the earthquake, the ground shifted by 3 meters. Everything else is from the same geo-coordinates," Vincent says. "It was the same thing with Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans."


Vincent and company hope Time Machine will be more than just a way to gawk at before and after photos of disasters, and perhaps become a tool for planning travel. They imagine people using it when planning a vacation to somewhere they’ve never been in order to see what it looks like during that particular time of year.

Google won’t initially offer Time Machine for indoor imagery of buildings, or on trails, something it’s captured using its special Trekker backpack. It also won’t be available from the get-go on mobile devices. Vincent made no promises on timing short of saying that the company was working on it. With that said, Street View on the go is often meant as a way to get your bearings on what’s around you now, not years ago. But that behavior, just like images of the world Google is capturing, might ultimately change.

"We’ve been driving 3D cars for more than seven years," Vincent says. "It was totally different from what it is now."

23 Apr 15:04

Lupita Nyong'o is People magazine's 'World's Most Beautiful' - Newsday


Lupita Nyong'o is People magazine's 'World's Most Beautiful'
People magazine has named Lupita Nyong'o as the "World's Most Beautiful" for 2014. The 31-year-old actress, who won a best supporting actress Oscar for her role in "12 Years a Slave," tops the magazine's list, announced Wednesday. Commenting on ...
Hampshire College grad Lupita Nyong'o is People's Most BeautifulBoston Globe
5 Favorite Lupita Nyong'o Looks!Access Hollywood
And People's Most Beautiful Is…InStyle
The Guardian
all 304 news articles »
23 Apr 15:03

Check out Minecraft's upcoming terrain creator in action

by Alexa Ray Corriea

An update headed to the PC version of Minecraft will allow players to create their own terrain down to the grittiest of details, according to a video recently shared by Team Mojang on YouTube.

The video above demonstrates the terrain creation feature, which will hit with Minecraft update 1.8. The feature includes 16 different sliders for players to tinker with when building their environment — including biome depth, height and weight as well as the field's depth of noise. Players can use these sliders to play with these variables or input values directly, giving absolute control to creators in terms of how structures will be generated.

According to the YouTube description, Mojang will provide seven pre-set terrain options in the update that they feel players will find "interesting," serving as jumping-off points for creating their own environments. These pre-sets include a world made of almost entirely water and a set of floating islands.

Minecraft update 1.8 is currently slated to launch sometime in May.

23 Apr 15:01

Medieval Manuscripts Depict The Taxonomy Of Dragons

by Mark Strauss

The British Library is commemorating St. George's Day with an extraordinary gallery of dragon illustrations culled from its digitized medieval manuscript collection.


23 Apr 15:01

'Flash Gordon' movie reportedly in the works from 'Star Trek 3' writers

by Jacob Kastrenakes

Science-fiction adventure hero Flash Gordon may be heading back to the big screen for the first time in decades. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Twentieth Century Fox has picked up the rights to Flash Gordon and is having writers behind the script for Star Trek 3, J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, create a screenplay for the comic book series' new adaptation. The film's producer will reportedly be John Davis — who previously was a producer on Predator and, more recently, Chronicle. Bourne Ultimatum writer George Nolfi reportedly wrote the film's treatment for Payne and McKay to work off of.

There's no word on how closely the film will follow Gordon's traditional story, which has him haplessly end up on an alien planet battling its oppressive ruler. The Reporter says various studios have been trying to create a new Flash Gordon series for some time now, but this one appears to have the pieces in place that should keep it moving. In particular, it reports that Davis worked has been working to secure the rights for over a year, so the team involved clearly has the interest.

23 Apr 14:47

OR wasted $102 million and WA $94 million on the bridge that never was while contracting firms win big

23 Apr 14:15

Google Glass Just Lost Its Biggest Cheerleader



'a disheartening weekend at the Coachella Music Festival, Scoble admitted in a Facebook post that the product he’s affixed to his face for the past year is flawed, noting, “Google has launched this product poorly.”
Here’s Scoble’s full statement:

"Last night before Skrillex at Coachella came on two guys were talking next to me. One said “I want to get away from the Google Glass guys.”
I turn around and there are two guys wearing Glass.
Google does have a problem here.
I haven’t worn mine at all this weekend.
What is going on here in a world where I am carrying around a camera and EVERYONE uses their phones or a GoPro but Glass feels freaky and weird?
Google has launched this product poorly, is what.
But wearable technology needs a different set of skills than Google has. What? Empathy.'"

“I think this form has a future but Glass is not it. At least not now.”
23 Apr 14:13

dad come on....


via Osiasjota

23 Apr 14:13

Tumblr | 132.gif


via Osiasjota

23 Apr 05:51

bustedbitmap: Throwback to the classics. source: manolizer...


Throwback to the classics.

source: manolizer (watermarked)

23 Apr 05:41

Apple opens OS X beta program to the public for 10.9.3

by Andrew Cunningham
Apple's "OS X Beta Seed Program" is offering an early build of the OS X 10.9.3 update to anyone with an Apple ID who signs up.

Apple does most of its hardware and software development behind closed doors, rarely giving public previews or commenting on rumors before it's ready to make an announcement. Today, the company made one small step in the other direction with the OS X Beta Seed Program, through which anyone with an Apple ID and a Mac can download and run the latest developer build of OS X 10.9.3.

Apple usually only offers these betas to limited test audiences or to registered Apple developers. It costs $99 a year to stay registered as an OS X developer (and another $99 a year if you want to get iOS software, too). Apple wouldn't tell us whether the Beta Seed program would extend to other OS X or iOS updates, or if major software releases like new iOS or OS X versions would also be offered this way, but it seems clear that the company wants to expand its pool of OS X testers beyond its developer audience.

Sign up for the program with your Apple ID and you'll be asked to agree to a non-disclosure agreement similar to the one that (theoretically) keeps developers from writing about or publicizing new fixes and features before they're released. You'll then download and install a small package to enable the beta updates, at which point OS X 10.9.3 and iTunes 11.1.6 builds can be downloaded through Software Update as they normally would.

Read 1 remaining paragraphs | Comments

23 Apr 05:26

Lucky Penny - 127

by Aido

yo I need this visualization every time I go out drinking with ppl

Lucky Penny - 127
... do you just carry that book around with you everywhere
23 Apr 05:21

IRS awards bonuses to 1100 who owe back taxes -

IRS awards bonuses to 1100 who owe back taxes
WASHINGTON (AP) — A government investigator says the Internal Revenue Service paid $1 million in bonuses to employees who owed back taxes. An additional 1,700 workers got bonuses even though they had been disciplined for some kind of misconduct ...

and more »
23 Apr 05:20

Nepal government meets sherpas' demands after deadly avalanche - Reuters

Nepal government meets sherpas' demands after deadly avalanche
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - Nepal's government agreed on Tuesday to compensation demands for Mount Everest sherpas, after the single deadliest avalanche on the world's highest mountain killed at least 13 guides. Expedition leaders said tension was ...

and more »
23 Apr 04:57

An apology from the XKit Guy


XKit saved my life

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


I’m really sorry about the lack of updates lately. New features and bug fixes will be made available as soon as I have some free time.

Also, due to an error on my part, I’ve lost asks sent to this blog more than 5 days ago (I accidentally cleaned the whole inbox instead of a side-blog) so if you’ve sent me an ask and did not receive a reply, I would appreciate it if you can send it back if the problem still continues, and I will be replying as soon as possible. I’m terribly sorry about this, and thank you for your patience and understanding.

1) I always tell people who say they don’t “get” Tumblr, “oh, were you not using XKit? yeahhhh…you weren’t actually on Tumblr yet.” It’s a common mistake, totally understandable.

2) The customer service from the XKit Guy will spoil you and shame every company with an actual customer service department

3) As soon as he says he wants a job, I am going to do everything I can to try to get this kid a job, because jeez mccreez.

23 Apr 04:56

Charter Said to Near Deal for Divested Comcast Subscribers - Bloomberg

by gguillotte

all carriers suck forever, but charter makes comcast look competent

Reaching a deal with Charter before regulators weigh in on the Time Warner Cable deal would appease critics, such as Minnesota Senator Al Franken, who say Comcast will be too large and have too much power. Charter and its billionaire backer John Malone would also save face by striking a deal with Comcast after the two companies originally attempted to work together to carve up Time Warner Cable earlier this year.
23 Apr 04:56

Aligning type to baseline the right way using SASS — Medium

by gguillotte

baseline grid beat! it's a beat because I say it's a fucking beat

baseline gridssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

The article on Smashing takes you through each and every step of understanding and implementing a baseline grid in your site. Setting a vertical rhythm shouldn't be very hard. There are many tools out there that can even generate the CSS for setting your vertical rhythm on the scale you choose. There is one problem with most of these tools: they bring the baseline concept into discussion without really tackling the problem.
23 Apr 04:55

Frozen's 'Let It Go,' Done Grand Theft Auto Style

by gguillotte

no new music

Things would have happened a little differently had Frozen taken place in Liberty City. Things might've been a bit more...violent.
23 Apr 04:55

sewgoods: sewgoods:  gatordog gatordog gatordog YOO this was...



 gatordog gatordog gatordog

YOO this was originally a secret when i posted it so i kept it a private post. but i was given the OK to post it publicly so there it is! i made this guy back in january