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26 Apr 18:06

Cool Design of the Day: Apartment Turned into Transporter Control Console from Star Trek

Matthew Maulding

For Darius.

Cool Design of the Day: Apartment Turned into Transporter Control Console from Star Trek

UK resident Tony Alleyne calls himself a "24th Century Interior Designer" and he has indeed earned that title. In 1996, he challenged himself to build an exact replica of the transporter console from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Over time, Alleyne expanded his original plan to reconstruct the entire transporter room, complete with glowing surfaces and Enterprise-inspired artwork. Wanna check it out? Head over to the official website for a virtual tour!

Submitted by: Unknown (via Laughing Squid)

26 Apr 16:58

You May Never Be Able To Look At Tom Cruise The Same Way Again


You'll never, EVER believe this ONE THING about Tom Cruise that will blow your mind forever.

You'll never, EVER believe this ONE THING about Tom Cruise that will blow your mind forever.

Via: Getty Images

And that one thing is...

And that one thing is...

Via: Getty Images






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26 Apr 06:52

A Koality Pun

24 Apr 17:05

You Could Say James "Wants the Peach"

24 Apr 05:55

16 Movie Posters, Improved By Sloths

Thanks to The Poke , who created the #slothfilmposters hashtag.

Via: @aptaim

Via: @ThePoke

Via: @Ollie_Graham

Via: @SamEyes

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22 Apr 17:24

31 Inanimate Objects With Secret Inner Lives

Anthropomorphic fun.

These boxes are quietly plotting something diabolical.

These boxes are quietly plotting something diabolical.


This tap is thinking back to a time long ago, before the weight of the world crushed its spirit.

This tap is thinking back to a time long ago, before the weight of the world crushed its spirit.


This gherkin is leading a life of quiet desperation.

This gherkin is leading a life of quiet desperation.


This hinge is fascinated by your long and meandering anecdote. No, really, do go on.

This hinge is fascinated by your long and meandering anecdote. No, really, do go on.

By kelbel427.

Source:  /  via:

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19 Apr 13:11

Bow Down: 10 of The World’s Hottest Princes

by dewitt
Matthew Maulding

Hello, Prince of Belgium...

Even though most of the world’s royal families are now just meaningless decorative pieces that have been scattered around the globe, there’s something unavoidably hot about a man with a title. It, therefore, bares consideration as to what they’d actually amount to without all that pomp and money. Consequently, here are the world’s ten hottest princes and a little speculation as to what they’d amount to without the benefit of all that hereditary luck.

- Charley Flynn

Check out the top ten list below:


1) Prince Pierre Rainier Stefano Casiraghi of Monaco:


Age: 26

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t third in line to the throne of Monaco, he’d be an aspiring leading man in Hollywood, but he’d never make the move to the US and would remain, on some level, constantly baffled that things didn’t fall into place for him without any effort. He’d move to London and hang out with florid, vagabond actor types, he’d marry a really short but pretty Japanese girl straight away and he’d be plagued by a deeply ingrained guilt about how irresponsible he was being with his life, having grown up needing to be the strong, confident adult next to his genuinely bizarre, possibly psychotic older brother. Hammering the final nail in any hope of an acting career, at age 38, he’d end up working as the business manager for his brother’s dental practice.


2) Prince Andrea Albert Pierre Casiraghi of Monaco:


Age: 28

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t second in line to the throne, he’d be a frightening but accomplished dentist. He’d never have had friends at school so he’d have studied a lot, by himself. He would be able to smile but it’d be a weird, forced, “bearing of teeth” type struggle more than anything else. As the years progressed, a middle-aged woman would threaten him with a lawsuit citing the vague charge of “unusual conduct”, but it would be dropped thanks to intervention from his younger brother, Pierre who would discover that the woman, herself stricken with OCD and no stranger to weird reclusive behavior, was a hoarder of cake pans from the 1950s, they would eventually get past the suit, become friends and marry. They would yell at each other late at night and throw pans but would keep it civil in public.


3) Prince Carl Philip Edmund Bertil, Duke of Värmland:

Prince Carl Philip Edmund Bertil, Duke of Värmland

Age: 33

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t third in line to the Swedish throne, he wouldn’t go to college, preferring instead to move to Stockholm so he could work in a restaurant, because it would seem to him like the best way to get laid. He’d be confident because of his looks, but he’d feel inferior to his methodical cousins and brothers who all went on to either work in middle management government jobs, open pet stores or teach English in China and, therefore, earn a secure living. He’d find it hard to keep a girlfriend, because he’d forever equate using his sexuality to appear alluring yet unattainable to his primary investors, all gay men in their 60s, and, in general, to his patrons. At 47, he’d be alone but would own three bars in Stockholm and a restaurant in the Dublin. His relatives would find him charming but exhausting, because he’d insist on telling them frantic, never-ending, transparently ludicrous stories about how successful he was.


4) Prince Harry of Wales

Prince Harry

Age: 28

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t the second, almost third, in line to the British throne, he’d be that guy your younger brother is friends with who is in good shape without working out too much and who harbors a secret self-esteem problem that stems from being quite sensitive but having only hung out with brutish, Lord of the Flies type guys who have ridiculed him in a jovial manner all his life. He’d rarely get a haircut and wouldn’t bathe regularly for the shock value, but he’d always be noticeably polite to your mother. He’d be the kind of guy who had only one testicle and, as a result, constantly brought it up when drunk, following up the announcement about his singular ball with an immediate display of his (impressive) biceps and naturally straight, white teeth to overcompensate.


5) Prince Amedeo Marie Joseph Carl Pierre Philippe Paola Marcus d’Aviano of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este:


Age: 27

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t seventh in line to the Belgian throne, he’d firstly be British – at least culturally because he would have grown up in Britain not Belgium. He’d have earned an undergraduate degree in political science at Oxford and would have realized early on that he was naturally fairly right wing, because he’d have a very low range of emotional responses to things in general. He’d often find himself thinking, in the strange ethereal moments before sleep would take over, about owning a dog like the one his uncle who lived in Calais used to have, the one that was killed by a drunk driver and left to die on the side of the road as they all sailed boats and lounged in the sun that one terrible summer. He’d wear glasses instead of contacts, because he’d find messing with his eyes to be unnecessary and secretly frightening.


6) Prince Félix of Luxembourg, Prince of Nassau, Prince of Bourbon-Parma:


Age: 28

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t the son of the Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg and a billionaire, he’d be a real estate agent who targeted trust fund kids and their parents as they grapple with buying that first apartment. He’d have one sister named Marta, Gretel or Liesl, a passive apologist mother and bully, racist father who was struggling emotionally after being laid off from his job as manager of an industrial Laundromat in Ettelbruck. He’d try to live in the neighborhoods in which he was selling property so he could get a feel for the culture of it, and he’d often find himself at hipster bars or dark, gay leather dungeons late at night mid-week, in a suit, sweating and drunk, disoriented because, in his own version of his future, he was never meant to be so beholden to people who were so visually weird. He’d use a shiny wax hair product to slick his hair back in a way that, in his mind, aligned him with the aggressive, formidable presence of someone like John Gotti who, he’d liked to think, was one of his idols.


7) Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai:

H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Official Ph

Age: 30

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he was not the Hereditary Prince of Dubai, he would be a frustrated cell phone salesman who drove a BMW, which he leased in his parents’ name after spending hours convincing his father about the importance of personal image in sales. Always looking for a way out of the cell phone racket, he’d have a long term plan to raise legions of falcons, train them to carry secret cameras in miniature helmets and fly over enemy camps taking photos without being noticed and sell them to the militaries of foreign countries. Some mornings, he would stand in front of the mirror and almost want to applaud the way he looked naked despite the fact that his work outs involved only bicep curls but at a certain point he would feel as though his interest in his own body was inappropriate and he would get slightly angry at himself.


8) Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark:


Age: 27

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t the youngest child of King Constantine of Greece and Anne-Marie of Denmark, he’d be a shy, introverted student who wouldn’t have quite come to terms with his homosexuality until the second year of his musicology degree when he’d meet an older man in a chat room who’d win his trust by demonstrating knowledge of Wagner. He’d come out of his shell completely by the time he was 22, at which time he’d start working out a lot to overcompensate for being unavoidable stricken with what he felt was “carb face” and his interest in music would be slowly replaced with an obsessive interest in circuit parties, working out, gay bars and recreational drugs. He’d move to London where he’d take a job in a bank and would live for the weekends when he’d go out and dance shirtless and consider that he was still interested in music, except now he danced to it. He would grow to regard his prior interest in musicology as something shameful and trivial but, he would often remind himself that he certainly smiled a lot more now that he had friends.


9) Prince Nicholas Michael de Roumanie Medforth-Mills of Romania:

Age: 28

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t heir to the throne of Romania, he’d be a somewhat disappointed P.E. teacher at a private boys’ school in Bucharest. Having always been pretty good at soccer, he’d have grown up imagining himself as a professional soccer player but, following a knee injury, he’d resentfully have studied teaching. He’d wear a tie, white shirt and jeans to work and he’d find a basic joy in teaching spoilt young men how to kick a ball but would resent them for their potential, and he’d tell himself he was attracted to the lithe, blonde American exchange teacher upon whom every heterosexual male at the school had a crush, but it would mask his own real attraction to the thick, brutish forty eight year-old male hands of the head of economics. His father would have died when he was a child and his mother would be a somewhat nagging, constant presence in his life who would do his laundry once a week.


10) Albert Maria Lamoral Miguel Johannes Gabriel, 12th Prince of Thurn and Taxis:


Age: 30

What he’d be doing if he wasn’t a prince: If he wasn’t the world’s youngest billionaire and a prince, he’d run a Bed and Breakfast on a farm in rural Germany. He’d take over managing the farm, a small property on which his family had grown turnips and raised increasingly inbred but technically safe beef, that had been handed down through his family for three generations, at the point when dementia caused his father to believe he was a crow that needed to sit on the roof of the house and watch for rodents. Albert would do a correspondence course in business administration and would come up with the idea to open the property up to tourists. He would become a borderline alcoholic who drank beer at 11am and would then, at night, sing to the turnips to help them grow faster. His wife, a stout woman his age from a family of goat herders the village over, would correct his book keeping mistakes and keep everything running, but she’d never tell him and he’d never suspect.

19 Apr 06:05

Important Reminder That Freddie Prinze Jr. Has Aged Gracefully And Is Now A Huge DILF

Just FYI.

ALERT: Freddie Prinze Jr. has been spotted at Disney Land. He has grey hair now. He is still really hot. You would totally still hit it.

ALERT: Freddie Prinze Jr. has been spotted at Disney Land. He has grey hair now. He is still really hot. You would totally still hit it.

Source: Sharpshooter Images / Splash

Here he is DILFing it up:

Here he is DILFing it up:

Source: Sharpshooter Images / Splash

Here's a totally not creepy close-up of his arm veins:

Here's a totally not creepy close-up of his arm veins:

Source: Sharpshooter Images / Splash

Here, again, he's being a hot dad:

Here, again, he's being a hot dad:

Source: Sharpshooter Images / Splash

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19 Apr 06:02

The Ten: Evan Wadle Is Back On Top

by dewitt

Though it took him eight weeks to get there, Evan Wadle has finally reclaimed the top spot on The Ten! Will he be able to hold onto the title of “Sexiest Man of The Moment” for another round? Absolutely not! Much as it pains us to say it, Evan has fulfilled his maximum amount of time on the countdown, and we have to send him to hang out in the Hall of Fame with recent chart retirees Lance Parker, Fabrício Ternes and Justice Joslin.

Don’t feel too bad for him! Few men are able to survive past the first week of the competition, and Sean Xavier, Heath Hutchins and Rhyan Sledge were the latest to suffer this fate. Gay porn star Vito Gallo stumbled in his second week, while gorgeous male model Will Grant got knocked out the fifth time around. Of course, this won’t be the last we see of them! We wish them luck in the future.

For those of you who are just joining us, here’s how the game works! Each week, we’ll feature ten men to choose from. You can vote for as many contestants as you’d like, and only the five with the highest amount of votes will move on to the next round. The remaining five slots will be filled the following week by men who you’ve suggested, as well as a handful of attractive fellows selected by your favorite bloggers (that would be us).

To keep things interesting, each participant will be retired after ten weeks on the charts. They have the opportunity of returning in the future, provided that they produce another hot video, photo shoot or anything worthy of a Manhunt Daily post.

Now let’s forget about the rules for a second and focus on what really matters–who should be on top next week? You have until next Wednesday to pick your favorite contestants, so hop to it and make your vote count!

- Dewitt

See pics of all ten contestants and cast your vote below:

In the grand tradition of ten words or less…


Evan Wadle

1. EVAN WADLE (LW – 2, W10, RETIRED): Kiss this ass goodbye! It’s being retired from the countdown.


Almog Gabay

2. ALMOG GABAY (LW – 1, W4): Now that Evan’s gone, will Almog reclaim the top spot?



3. BRIAN TONER / JUSTIN GENNARO (LW – 9, W2): Nope! He’s not as shy as this picture might indicate.



4. ALEX MINSKY (LW – 6, W2): For all the fuss about tattoos, you sure like him…



5. KELLAN LUTZ (LW – 4, W5): Actor primarily known for his pretty face and sculpted body.


Anton Antipov

6. ANTON ANTIPOV (DEBUT): Muscles where you didn’t even know you could have muscles.



7. ANGELO PETERSON (DEBUT): Well, it looks like Almog Gabay might have some competition…



8. DEVON SPENCE (DEBUT): Yeah, we’d probably lick the sweat off of his abs.



9. JASON STONEBROOK (DEBUT): Great smile, great ass. He’s pretty much the full package.



10. JAY ANTHONY PARKS (DEBUT): Is he wearing socks around his neck? He might be.


Which contestant(s) should move on to the next round of The Ten?

19 Apr 00:12

This is Payback for Women Who've Been Questioned About Their Gaming Credibility

18 Apr 21:16

This Week’s TV Crush: Parker Young

by JHarvey
Matthew Maulding

For Darius.

I don’t watch Suburgatory. I know Jeremy Sisto’s in it, and he’s stocky hot. Otherwise, it means little to me. I hope I didn’t miss this Parker Young dude rebelling against ABC’s Standards & Practices Dept. by twirling his cock or something. He did an arc on the show, and he’s leaving at season’s end. And moving on to some NBC show. About male strippers. No, it’s not. It’s about firemen who pose for beefcake calendars. I kid. It’s about sexy proctologists who only work on male models and professional rugby players. Pilot episode viewing party at Manhunt HQ!

parker-young-10 152088340 Parker-Young-in-Suburgatory-episode-2.07-15 NSTYI YnVwTC1sYV8yVlUx_o_danny-smith-parker-young parker young shirtless suburgatory PARKER YOUNG parker young shirtless suburgatory parkeryoung-2325709315260786695 PARKER YOUNG parkeryoung-main suburgatory07 tumblr_m8vbbbCxTH1rdl1cco1_400 parker-young (1) 4f5f9a8d75fe1.image Parker-Young-signing-merchandise-588 vlcsnap-2012-12-10-09h39m58s156 b2usx 26th Annual Nautica Malibu Triathlon parker-young




18 Apr 17:39

Underwear Drawer: Greg Homme’s “One Night Stand”

by JHarvey
Matthew Maulding

This is exactly how I look in my apartment all day, too.

Greg Homme’s back with another sexy underwear ad. All this dude wants to do is hang out in his skivvies with a cocktail, and then he has to straighten up so he can get laid. They need to start using more light in these ads, though. They’re sexy and I know they’re trying to set a mood, but I need to see his bulge more clearly. If you’re going to have a dude without his pants, you need to light it properly. You should light a bulge like it’s a damn dentist’s chair, Greg Homme.

Watch “One Night Stand” below.

Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.53.28 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.53.14 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.53.06 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.52.59 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.52.50 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.52.42 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.52.35 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.52.12 PM
Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.51.59 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.51.51 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.51.45 PM Screen Shot 2013-04-18 at 12.51.29 PM




18 Apr 16:55

23 Antique Dolls That Will Probably Kill You In Your Sleep


This creepy doll, which looks like it could be a 41-year-old man, also has the strength of a 41-year-old man. THIS DOLL WILL KILL YOU.

This creepy doll, which looks like it could be a 41-year-old man, also has the strength of a 41-year-old man. THIS DOLL WILL KILL YOU.


This doll will complain until you die.

This doll will complain until you die.


This stuffed...thing. Will rip apart your flesh in your sleep.

This stuffed...thing. Will rip apart your flesh in your sleep.


This doll will silently judge you until your self-esteem is so low, you'll just drop dead.

This doll will silently judge you until your self-esteem is so low, you'll just drop dead.


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18 Apr 01:07

Gay Marriage Proposal of the Day: Mike and Dave

by Andy Towle
Matthew Maulding

I hated the way this video made me feel, but it is worth watching anyway...


Dave from Toronto made an amazing video proposal for his boyfriend Mike, which has been appended with Mike's response. What better way to propose to your man than including all your family and friends and dog?

Get out your Kleenex, and congrats guys!


Don't miss our other recent Gay Wedding videos...
Gay Wedding Video of the Day: Dan and Eric [tlrd]
Gay Wedding Video of the Day: Wesley and Jonathan [tlrd]
Gay Wedding Video of the Day: Jackson and Kwesi [tlrd]
Gay Wedding Video of the Day: David and TreDarrius [tlrd]
Gay Wedding Video of the Day: Patrick and Sébastien [tlrd]

17 Apr 21:46

CUTE OVERLOAD: James Ellis + Adorable Puppy

by dewitt

Do you have a soul? If so, then you are going to freak out over these pictures of James Ellis holding a puppy. The handsome male model is one of twelve men featured in the 2014 Hot Guys and Baby Animals calendar, and it’s safe to say that the camera was invented to capture images as perfect and utterly precious as this.

I can’t even say anything typically disgusting and trashy right now, because I am too busy saying “AWWW” from every orifice of my body. That’s right! I am so overtaken by the cuteness of these pics that I am fart-boxing the sound “AWWW” from my butt. You heard it here first, folks.

- Dewitt

Please contain yourself and avoid squealing in delight while looking at the pictures below:

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.

James Ellis is holding some adorable puppies. He appears in the Hot Guys And Baby Animals 2014 calendar.




17 Apr 21:42

Infographic of the Day: The Evolution of Video Game Controllers

Infographic of the Day: The Evolution of Video Game Controllers

Pop Chart Lab presents the genealogy of video game controllers. Full resolution version available here.

Submitted by: Unknown (via Pop Chart Lab)

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