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03 Mar 12:13

YANSS Podcast 019 – Placebo sleep and other new discoveries in placebo research

by David McRaney

The Topic: The Placebo Effect

The Guest: Kristi Erdal

The Episode: DownloadiTunesStitcherRSSSoundcloud

Photo Illustration by Candy (it's aspirin)

Photo Illustration by the artist known as Candy (it’s aspirin)

How powerful is the placebo effect? After a good night’s sleep could a scientist convince you that you had tossed and turned, and if so, how would that affect your perceptions and behavior? What if a doctor told you that you had slept like a baby when in reality you had barely slept at all? Would hearing those words improve your performance on a difficult test?

In this episode we learn the answers to these questions and more as we explore how research continues to unravel the mysteries behind the placebo effect and how it can drastically alter our bodies and minds.

Kristi ErdalOur guest is Kristi Erdal, a psychologist at Colorado College who discovered placebo sleep along with one of her students, Christina Draganich. Draganich wondered if such a thing might exist after reading all the literature on placebos, and Erdal helped her create the research methods she used to test her hypothesis. Erdal’s page at Colorado College can be found here.

After the interview, I discuss a news story about how important eccentricity is when it comes to evaluating an artist’s work.

In every episode, before I read a bit of self delusion news, I taste a cookie baked from a recipe sent in by a listener/reader. That listener/reader wins a signed copy of my new book, “You Are Now Less Dumb,” and I post the recipe on the YANSS Pinterest page. This episode’s winner is Natalie Sun who submitted a recipe for White Chocolate Oreo Cookies. Send your own recipes to david {at}

White Chocolate Oreos

Links and Sources

The Episode: Download – iTunes – Stitcher – RSS – Soundcloud

Boing Boing Podcasts

Cookie Recipes

Steve Silberman’s Article About The Placebo Effect

Kristi Erdal’s Page at Colorado College

The Placebo Sleep Press Release

The Placebo Sleep Abstract

Eccentricity of Artists Article

Beecher’s Paper: The Powerful Placebo

Ben Goldacher Talks About the Placebo Effect

Daniel Keogh’s Video About the Placebo Effect

21 Dec 07:02











虽然中国的相当大部分地区依然贫穷,但如今中国拥有一个不断壮大的中产阶层,几乎每个大城市都有一两个奢侈品购物区。根据调研公司欧睿信息咨询公司(Euromonitor International)的调查,中国已在2012年超越法国,成为世界第三大奢侈品市场。







19 Nov 13:12

Extract the *uvfit file into an ASCII file in GILDAS

by directus

This script is for extracting the velocity, flux and flux error in each channel for the current *uvfit, after UVFIT is done, into an ASCII file. And then you can use IDL or other tools to analyze the spectrum.

! 'name'.uvfit
  say 'name'
  say  "please check the name before using this scripts"
  say  "***********************************************"
!** INPUT THE var(sou0) NAME BELOW **
  define image sou0 'name'.uvfit read
  sic dele 'name'.dat
  sic out 'name'.dat
  for i 1 to sou0%dim[1]
  say 'i' 'sou0[i,4]' 'sou0[i,12]' 'sou0[i,13]' 
!** Please modify the following according to your fitting model
! for i 1 to sou0%dim[1]
! say 'i' 'sou0[i,4]' 'sou0[i,12]' 'sou0[i,13]' 'sou0[i,29]' 'sou0[i,30]' 
! next
  sic out

You can save this script as "" to the current working directory and then just type "@./" to execute the script.
10 Nov 14:10


by Xing Lu

标题:The Link between Magnetic Fields and Filamentary Clouds: Bimodal Cloud Orientations in the Gould Belt
作者:Hua-bai Li, Min Fang, Thomas Henning, Jouni Kainulainen
编辑供稿:南京大学 吕行



磁场在恒星形成有着重要的作用,小到几百AU的原恒星盘,大到几百pc的巨分子云,都要考虑磁场的存在。比如,原恒星喷流的模型中,需要磁场(e.g. X-wind model);为了解释原恒星盘的存在需要考虑磁场的耗散,否则会导magnetic braking catastrophe;磁场和湍流可能能够支撑分子云对抗引力,从而解释为何其中的恒星形成率低于预期值。

从观测的角度来看,在较小尺度上,关于恒星形成区中磁场和吸积盘/外流的关系,最近CARMA的TADPOL项目利用尘埃偏振观测得到了很多结果(TADPOL主页Hull et al. 2013aHull et al. 2013b相关报告下载)。在较大尺度上,Li & Henning 2011发现M33中巨分子云中的磁场与旋臂方向有很好的相关性,以及Li et al. 2009发现分子云中的磁场在100pc到1pc尺度上的方向是一致的。

这篇文章则在1-10 pc尺度上,分析了磁场与分子云中的条形结构的几何关系,试图用磁场解释条形结构的成因。


分子云的filaments(条形结构)在临近的分子云中早已被发现(例如猎户分子云中的条形结构),在Hershcel空间红外望远镜的数据中更是发现这种结构在河内分子云中几乎无处不在。Herschel发现的filaments的典型长度1-10 pc,宽度0.1 pc。另外,Myers 2009分析了临近分子云的几何形状,发现其中存在大量hub-filament system(HFS),也就是中心有一个密度大(柱密度N>10^{23}cm^{-2})、质量大(M>10^3M_{\odot})的“hub”,周围辐射出细长的filaments。这些filaments经常是互相平行的,而hub通常在某个方向上被拉长(像一只蜈蚣…)。另一种包含很多filaments的结构,network of filaments,也就是很多并不平行的filaments交错在一起,没有明显的hub(例如Busquet et al. 2012)。


一个典型的HFS,Fig.4 of Peretto et al. 2013

对于这种结构,有很多问题需要回答:它们是真实存在的,或是视线方向上不相关成分的叠加(参见”The Bones of the MW”)?它们是怎么形成的(Nagai et al. 1998; Van Loo et al. 2013; Mark Krumholz在PPVI上的报告)?是如何保持细长的形状而不被gravitational collapse/turbulence/feedback等因素破坏的?对于其中的恒星形成有何影响(Polychroni et al. 2013)?HFS/network又是如何形成的?





Fig. 4 of Li et al. 2013



Fig. 3 of Li et al. 2013

这个模型也自然地解释了HFS的形成:HFS中心的拉长的hub,对应密度大所以被自身重力压扁的cloud 2,向周围辐射出的filaments,对应密度较小,可以沿磁场方向伸展的cloud 1。

最后值得一提的是作者通过比较不同柱密度下磁场的强度,推测出分子云开始坍缩的临界柱密度。因为考虑到磁冻结效应,分子云坍缩时磁场强度也会随之增大,磁场强度开始增大时对应的柱密度也就是坍缩时的柱密度。如下图所示,柱密度在\gtrsim 10^{22}\ cm^{-2}时(由Zeeman分裂测得的视线方向上的)磁场强度开始变大。这对应着分子云坍缩的临界柱密度。


Fig. 7 of Li et al. 2013

14 Oct 03:15

Read Better Books To Be a Better Person

by timothy

it will boost you EQ

00_NOP writes "Researchers from the New School for Social Research in New York have demonstrated that if you read quality literary fiction you become a better person, in the sense that you are more likely to empathize with others [paper abstract]. Presumably we can all think of books that have changed the way we feel about the world — so this is, in a sense, a scientific confirmation of something fairly intuitive."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

01 Oct 05:34


by 橡树村


































11 Aug 09:58


by gerry




完整的样例文件点此下载。编码为GBK,在TeXLive 2012下用latex+dvipdfmx编译通过。


2013-12-08:版本更新为0.3。由于makebst 缺乏对中文引用来源的处理,我于是在上海财经大学吴凯分享的GBT7714-2005规范bst基础上,参考《天文学进展》参考文献著录格式重新修改,可满足绝大多数要求。遵照《中国科学院自然科学期刊编排格式规范》的期刊也可借用。

04 Aug 03:19

The New Old Reader




We’re pleased to announce that The Old Reader will officially remain open to the public! The application now has a bigger team, significantly more resources, and a new corporate entity in the United States. We’re incredibly excited to be a part of this great web application and would like to share some details about its future as well as thank you for remaining loyal users. We’re big fans and users of The Old Reader and look forward to helping it grow and improve for years to come.

First off we want to say that it’s rare to have an application that inspires as much passion as The Old Reader has as of late. We think that’s a sign of greatness and all credit for that goes to the wonderful team that has been running the show including Dmitry and Elena. We’ve gotten to know them pretty well this past week and they are smart, honest, and passionate people. We’re happy to announce that they are still a part of the team and we hope they will be for a long time to come.  The new team will be managing the project and adding to the engineering, communications, and system administration functions.

So now for the future. The Old Reader is going to retain all of its functionality and remain open to the public. Not only that, we’re going to do everything in our power to grow the user base which will only accentuate the things that make this application special. To facilitate these improvements, we’re going to be transitioning The Old Reader to a top tier hosting facility in the United States this coming week. It’s going to require some downtime and for that we sincerely apologize, but it’s also going to mean A LOT more servers, 10x faster networks, and long-term stability. We realize that doesn’t make the downtime easy but rest assured that things are looking up.

Over the coming weeks we’ll talk more about the new team of The Old Reader. We’re looking forward to introducing ourselves and making significant improvements to this incredible application. Thanks for reading and thanks for using The Old Reader!

26 Jul 06:16

The Starburst-Driven Molecular Wind in NGC 253 and the Suppression of Star Formation. (arXiv:1307.6259v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)

Authors: Alberto D. Bolatto, Steven R. Warren, Adam K. Leroy, Fabian Walter, Sylvain Veilleux, Eve C. Ostriker, Jürgen Ott, Martin Zwaan, David B. Fisher, Axel Weiss, Erik Rosolowsky, Jacqueline Hodge

The under-abundance of very massive galaxies in the universe is frequently attributed to the effect of galactic winds. Although ionized galactic winds are readily observable most of the expelled mass is likely in cooler atomic and molecular phases. Expanding molecular shells observed in starburst systems such as NGC 253 and M 82 may facilitate the entrainment of molecular gas in the wind. While shell properties are well constrained, determining the amount of outflowing gas emerging from such shells and the connection between this gas and the ionized wind requires spatial resolution <100 pc coupled with sensitivity to a wide range of spatial scales, hitherto not available. Here we report observations of NGC 253, a nearby starburst galaxy (D~3.4 Mpc) known to possess a wind, which trace the cool molecular wind at 50 pc resolution. At this resolution the extraplanar molecular gas closely tracks the H{\alpha} filaments, and it appears connected to molecular expanding shells located in the starburst region. These observations allow us to directly measure the molecular outflow rate to be > 3 Msun/yr and likely ~9 Msun/yr. This implies a ratio of mass-outflow rate to star formation rate of at least {\eta}~1-3, establishing the importance of the starburst-driven wind in limiting the star formation activity and the final stellar content.

12 Jul 16:43

Resolved Giant Molecular Clouds in Nearby Spiral Galaxies: Insights from the CANON CO (1-0) Survey

by Jennifer Donovan Meyer, Jin Koda, Rieko Momose, Thomas Mooney, Fumi Egusa, Misty Carty, Robert Kennicutt, Nario Kuno, David Rebolledo, Tsuyoshi Sawada, Nick Scoville, and Tony Wong
We resolve 182 individual giant molecular clouds (GMCs) larger than 2.5 × 10 5 M ☉ in the inner disks of 5 large nearby spiral galaxies (NGC 2403, NGC 3031, NGC 4736, NGC 4826, and NGC 6946) to create the largest such sample of extragalactic GMCs within galaxies analogous to the Milky Way. Using a conservatively chosen sample of GMCs most likely to adhere to the virial assumption, we measure cloud sizes, velocity dispersions, and 12 CO ( J = 1-0) luminosities and calculate cloud virial masses. The average conversion factor from CO flux to H 2 mass (or X CO ) for each galaxy is 1-2 × 10 20 cm –2 (K km s –1 ) –1 , all within a factor of two of the Milky Way disk value (~2 × 10 20 cm –2 (K km s –1 ) –1 ). We find GMCs to be generally consistent within our errors between the galaxies and with Milky Way disk GMCs; the intrinsic scatter bet...
10 Jul 07:47

How to read a scientific paper

by John Asher Johnson


Here are some very handy instructions on how to read a scientific paper, which I give to all of my undergrads and first-year students:

Technically, it's written for biology students, but it works equally well for astronomy/physics students. The topics covered include:

1. How are papers organized?

2. How do I prepare to read a paper, particularly in an area not so familiar to me?

3. What difficulties can I expect?

4. How do I understand and evaluate the contents of the paper?

10 Jul 07:39

Star Formation and Gas Kinematics of Quasar Host Galaxies at z~6: New insights from ALMA. (arXiv:1302.4154v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)


ALMA, QSO, high-z

Authors: Ran Wang, Jeff Wagg, Chris L. Carilli, Fabian Walter, Lindley Lentati, Xiaohui Fan, Dominik A. Riechers, Frank Bertoldi, Desika Narayanan, Michael A. Strauss, Pierre Cox, Alain Omont, Karl M. Menten, Kirsten K. Knudsen, Roberto Neri, Linhua Jiang

We present ALMA observations of the [C II] 158 micron fine structure line and dust continuum emission from the host galaxies of five redshift 6 quasars. We also report complementary observations of 250 GHz dust continuum and CO (6-5) line emission from the z=6.00 quasar SDSS J231038.88+185519.7. The ALMA observations were carried out in the extended array at 0.7" resolution. We have detected the line and dust continuum in all five objects. The derived [C II] line luminosities are 1.6x10^{9} to 8.8x10^{9} Lsun and the [C II]-to-FIR luminosity ratios are 3.0-5.6x10^{-4}, which is comparable to the values found in other high-redshift quasar-starburst systems and local ultra-luminous infrared galaxies. The sources are marginally resolved and the intrinsic source sizes (major axis FWHM) are constrained to be 0.3" to 0.6" (i.e., 1.7 to 3.5 kpc) for the [C II] line emission and 0.2" to 0.4" (i.e., 1.2 to 2.3 kpc) for the continuum. These measurements indicate that there is vigorous star formation over the central few kpc in the quasar host galaxies. The ALMA observations also constrain the dynamical properties of the atomic gas in the starburst nuclei. The intensity-weighted velocity maps of three sources show clear velocity gradients. Such velocity gradients are consistent with a rotating, gravitationally bound gas component, although they are not uniquely interpreted as such. Under the simplifying assumption of rotation, the implied dynamical masses within the [C II]-emitting regions are of order 10^{10} to 10^{11} Msun. Given these estimates, the mass ratios between the SMBHs and the spheroidal bulge are an order of magnitude higher than the mean value found in local spheroidal galaxies, which is in agreement with results from previous CO observations of high redshift quasars.

18 Jun 04:55

An Intensely Star-Forming Galaxy at z~7 with Low Dust and Metal Content Revealed by Deep ALMA and HST Observations. (arXiv:1306.3572v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)



Authors: Masami Ouchi, Richard Ellis, Yoshiaki Ono, Kouichiro Nakanishi, Kotaro Kohno, Rieko Momose, Yasutaka Kurono, M. L. N. Ashby, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, S. P. Willner, G. G. Fazio, Yoichi Tamura, Daisuke Iono

We report deep ALMA observations complemented with associated HST imaging for a luminous (m_uv=25) galaxy, `Himiko', at a redshift z=6.595. The galaxy is remarkable for its high star formation rate, 100 Mo/yr, securely estimated from our deep HST and Spitzer photometry, and the absence of any evidence for strong AGN activity or gravitational lensing magnification. Our ALMA observations probe an order of magnitude deeper than previous IRAM observations, yet fail to detect a 1.2mm dust continuum, indicating a flux <52uJy comparable with or weaker than that of local dwarf irregulars with much lower star formation rates. We likewise provide a strong upper limit for the flux of [CII] 158um, L([CII]) < 5.4x10^7 Lo, a diagnostic of the hot interstellar gas often described as a valuable probe for early galaxies. In fact, our observations indicate Himiko lies off the local L([CII]) - star formation rate scaling relation by a factor of more than 30. Both aspects of our ALMA observations suggest Himiko is an unique object with a very low dust content and perhaps nearly primordial interstellar gas. Our HST images provide unique insight into the morphology of this remarkable source, highlighting an extremely blue core of activity and two less extreme associated clumps. Himiko is undergoing a triple major merger event whose extensive ionized nebula of Lyman alpha emitting gas, discovered in our earlier work with Subaru, is powered by star formation and the dense circum-galactic gas. We are likely witnessing an early massive galaxy during a key period of its mass assembly close to the end of the reionization era.

17 Jun 02:33

Black hole variability and the star formation-AGN connection: Do all star-forming galaxies host an AGN?. (arXiv:1306.3218v3 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)



Authors: Ryan C. Hickox (Dartmouth), James R. Mullaney, David M. Alexander, Chien-Ting J. Chen, Francesca M. Civano, Andy D. Goulding, Kevin N. Hainline

We investigate the effect of active galactic nucleus (AGN) variability on the observed connection between star formation and black hole accretion in extragalactic surveys. Recent studies have reported relatively weak correlations between observed AGN luminosities and the properties of AGN hosts, which has been interpreted to imply that there is no direct connection between AGN activity and star formation. However, AGNs may be expected to vary significantly on a wide range of timescales (from hours to Myr) that are far shorter than the typical timescale for star formation (>~100 Myr). This variability can have important consequences for observed correlations. We present a simple model in which all star-forming galaxies host an AGN when averaged over ~100 Myr timescales, with long-term average AGN accretion rates that are perfectly correlated with the star formation rate (SFR). We show that reasonable prescriptions for AGN variability reproduce the observed weak correlations between SFR and L_AGN in typical AGN host galaxies, as well as the general trends in the observed AGN luminosity functions, merger fractions, and measurements of the average AGN luminosity as a function of SFR. These results imply there may be a tight connection between AGN activity and SFR over galaxy evolution timescales, and that the apparent similarities in rest-frame colors, merger rates, and clustering of AGNs compared to "inactive" galaxies may be due primarily to AGN variability. The results provide motivation for future deep, wide extragalactic surveys that can measure the distribution of AGN accretion rates as a function of SFR.

25 Mar 05:40

CHAPTER: Definitions of Temperature

by Nathan Sanders

These are the basic notions that I must know!

(updated for 2013)

The term “temperature” describes several different quantities in the ISM, and in observational astronomy. Only under idealized conditions (i.e. thermodynamic equilibrium, the Rayleigh Jeans regime, etc.) are (some of) these temperatures equivalent. For example, in stellar interiors, where the plasma is very well-coupled, a single “temperature” defines each of the following: the velocity distribution, the ionization distribution, the spectrum, and the level populations. In the ISM each of these can be characterized by a different “temperature!”

Brightness Temperature

T_B = the temperature of a blackbody that reproduces a given flux density at a specific frequency, such that

B_\nu(T_B) = \frac{2 h \nu^3}{c^2} \frac{1}{{\rm exp}(h \nu / kT_B) - 1}

Note: units for B_{\nu} are {\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}~Hz^{-1}~ster^{-1}}.

This is a fundamental concept in radio astronomy. Note that the above definition assumes that the index of refraction in the medium is exactly 1.

Effective Temperature

T_{\rm eff} (also called T_{\rm rad}, the radiation temperature) is defined by

\int_\nu B_\nu d\nu = \sigma T_{{\rm eff}}^4 ,

which is the integrated intensity of a blackbody of temperature T_{\rm eff}. \sigma = (2 \pi^5 k^4)/(15 c^2 h^3)=5.669 \times 10^{-5} {\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}~K^{-4}} is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

Color Temperature

T_c is defined by the slope (in log-log space) of an SED. Thus T_c is the temperature of a blackbody that has the same ratio of fluxes at two wavelengths as a given measurement. Note that T_c = T_b = T_{\rm eff} for a perfect blackbody.

Kinetic Temperature

T_k is the temperature that a particle of gas would have if its Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution reproduced the width of a given line profile. It characterizes the random velocity of particles. For a purely thermal gas, the line profile is given by

I(\nu) = I_0~e^{\frac{-(\nu-\nu_{jk})^2}{2\sigma^2}},

where \sigma_{\nu}=\frac{\nu_{jk}}{c}\sqrt{\frac{kT_k}{\mu}} in frequency units, or

\sigma_v=\sqrt{\frac{kT_k}{\mu}} in velocity units.

In the “hot” ISM T_k is characteristic, but when \Delta v_{\rm non-thermal} > \Delta v_{\rm thermal} (where \Delta v are the Doppler full widths at half-maxima [FWHM]) then T_k does not represent the random velocity distribution. Examples include regions dominated by turbulence.

T_k can be different for neutrals, ions, and electrons because each can have a different Maxwellian distribution. For electrons, T_k = T_e, the electron temperature.

Ionization Temperature

T_I is the temperature which, when plugged into the Saha equation, gives the observed ratio of ionization states.

Excitation Temperature

T_{\rm ex} is the temperature which, when plugged into the Boltzmann distribution, gives the observed ratio of two energy states. Thus it is defined by

\frac{n_k}{n_j}=\frac{g_k}{g_j}~e^{-h\nu_{jk}/kT_{\rm ex}}.

Note that in stellar interiors, T_k = T_I = T_{\rm ex} = T_c. In this room, T_k = T_I = T_{\rm ex} \sim 300K, but T_c \sim 6000K.

Spin Temperature

T_s is a special case of T_{\rm ex} for spin-flip transitions. We’ll return to this when we discuss the important 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen.

Bolometric temperature

T_{\rm bol} is the temperature of a blackbody having the same mean frequency as the observed continuum spectrum. For a blackbody, T_{\rm bol} = T_{\rm eff}. This is a useful quantity for young stellar objects (YSOs), which are often heavily obscured in the optical and have infrared excesses due to the presence of a circumstellar disk.

Antenna temperature

T_A is a directly measured quantity (commonly used in radio astronomy) that incorporates radiative transfer and possible losses between the source emitting the radiation and the detector. In the simplest case,

T_A = \eta T_B( 1 - e^{-\tau}),

where \eta is the telescope efficiency (a numerical factor from 0 to 1) and \tau is the optical depth.

Tagged: equilibria, excitation and ionization, photons and radiation, thermal (blackbody) emission, thermodynamics
17 Mar 15:52

高红移 (z~1-3) 恒星形成星系中的分子气体

by chentao yang

check this!

文章:PHIBSS: Molecular Gas content and Scaling Relations in z~1-3 Normal Star Forming Galaxies

  • 文章作者:L. J. Tacconi, R. Neri, R. Genzel, et al.
  • 论文索引:arXiv: 1211.5743
  • 编辑整理:北京师范大学/紫金山天文台  杨辰涛



bathtub图1 星系演化的“bathtub”模型 (Credit: Bouché)

尽管星系的演化涉及到很多极为复杂的物理化学过程。其中包括星系从晕中吸积气体,巨分子云中的恒星形成,金属随着恒星形成活动的增丰,大质量恒星星风抛射气体,星系中心黑洞吸积气体以及星系中心活动星系核的反馈等等。但在整个宇宙的历史中,星系的一些性质又存在着简洁漂亮的相关关系,比如气体面密度和恒星形成面密度的相关 (Kennicutt-Schmidt Relation,简称 KS Relation),\Sigma_{SFR} \propto \Sigma_{H_2}^N, N=1-1.4 (Bigiel+2011Kennicutt & Evans 2012)。尤其对于恒星形成星系 (Star Forming Galaxies,以下简写为SFGs,可以简单的理解为恒星形成率 (SFR) 高于某个阈值的一类星系,当把所有星系按照恒星质量 – 紫外颜色画在一张图上的时候,你可以看到所有的星系分成两块,一块是偏蓝色且质量较小的星系,我们称为Blue Cloud,另一类颜色偏红且质量较大的,我们称为Red Sequence) ,即落入 Blue Cloud 星系来说,其质量和对应的 SFR 之间存在很好的相关:SFR \propto (M_*)^{\rho}, \rho=0.6-0.9 (Daddi+2007)。 在 SFR-M_* 平面上,落在上述这个相关关系上的星系,我们称之为Main Sequence SFGs (以下简写为 MS SFGs)。近来的观测结果表明,这些恒星形成星系大多属于盘星系 (Wuyts+2011) 。

对于 MS SFGs 来说,我么可以用一个简单的解析模型来描述其主要的特征成份:恒星、气体以及金属丰度。Davé+2012 提出了这样一个模型。其大致原理如上图,即这些 MS SFGs 中的气体可以看作浴缸里的水,而这些气体通过恒星形成,星风等物理过程耗散;同时星系又通过从晕中吸积气体而增加其气体含量;此外通过星风抛射出去被增丰过的气体(因为这些气体经历过恒星形成,金属丰度已有所增加)又可以重新吸积到星系里。这三个过程达到动态平衡,使得我们观测到的星系处在一个动态平衡的状态。其气体含量,恒星质量等等物理量之间具备了一定的相关关系。根据这个动态平衡的特点,人们又把这个模型形象的称为“bathtub”模型这个模型在 Cai Zheng 的 Astroleaks 文章中有详细介绍 (详细查看这里),在这里就不再赘述。



作者用 EGS survey 中的星系作为母样本,然后挑选出其中具有 DEEP2/KECK(保证星系有光学光谱红移),WFC3/HST J-H-band (HST),3D-HST 以及 DEEP3 覆盖的源。作为红移范围在z=1-1.5的样本。同时作者选取了 Erb+2006 (具有H_{\alpha} 观测的,从紫外巡天样本中挑出的子样本) 中 z~2 的样本。最终,得到了一个总数为55的星系样本。然后通过 PdBI (Plateau de Bure Interferometer) 的观测,直接观测这些星系中的 CO(3-2) 谱线。

图2  HST观测的静止波段为 R-band 或者 B-band 的图像以及对应的 CO(3-2) 谱线观测结果

接着我们利用一个分子气体质量的换算系数 (\alpha, conversion factor) ,就可以把观测到的 CO 光度换算成分子气体总质量。同时利用近红外以及 H_{\alpha} 的观测结果,加上分子气体谱线的速度信息,可以得到这些 SFGs 的形态学参数,以及动力学信息。利用光谱拟合的方法,在假设一定的恒星形成历史以及初始质量函数之后,就可以得到星系的总恒星质量,同时 IR+UV 还有 H_{\alpha} 的观测结果可以得到 SFR。最红基于光学和 CO 的图像,经过拟合,还可以得到其半光半径(光度降到1/2处的半径)。


KS-law图 3 PHIBSS样本拟合出来的KS Relation斜率N=1,线性.
  • 星系的气体大小和恒星成分类似。作者通过比较观测到的CO图像的半光半径以及星系 H-band 图像 (对应静止波段为 B-band ) 的半光半径,发现他们近似相等。从统计上来说,所有的样本的比值接近1,在1左右浮动。
  • 通过分析这些气体的动力学信息 (是否有速度梯度)以及光学/近红外的图像 (盘状结构与否),作者得到样本中74%的星系都具有盘状结构,只有14%是并合或者强相互作用星系。说明在 z=1-3 时MS SFGs 主要由旋转的盘星系或者漩涡星系主导,与近邻宇宙 SFGs 的性质类似。
  • 这些 SFGs 具有一个斜率接近1的KS Relation,即 \Sigma_{SFR} \propto \Sigma_{H_2}^{1}。如左图,黑点和红点分别代表z=1-1.5和z=2-2.5的样本。如果我们定义气体的耗散时标为t_{dep}=M_{gas}/SFR,那么可以推论,这些星系具有一个相对固定的耗散时标 t_{dep}~0.7 Gyr 。
  • 另外,作者分析了对于不同星系,在不同情况下 (辐射场强度,星系是否受到引力扰动),他们的 KS relation 是否会收到影响。结果发现具有并合或者强烈相互作用星系都普遍偏离线性关系,分布偏上方,这说明这些系统具有较小的气体耗散时标。从左图可以看到有两条虚线,对应都是取 KS relation 中 N=1的情况,此时t_{dep} 只取决于斜率 N,如果我们画很多 N=1 的平行线,那么越往上的直线对应的 t_{dep} 越小。因此我们说那些偏离直线之上的强相互作用/并合系统具有更小的气体耗散时标。
  • 如果定义气体质量比为 f_{gas}=M_{gas}/(M_{gas}+M_*),那么得到的PHIBSS样本中星系的 f_{gas}~0.4,而对于同等质量的近邻 SFGs 来说,这个值大概是0.08。说明在红移较高的地方 (至少到z~2.5),其 f_{gas} 较大。
  • 另外作者通过”bathtub”的模型,推出气体质量比例 f_{gas}=M_{gas}/(M_{gas}+M_*)。接着可以用一个常数 t_{dep}~0.7 Gyr 拟合得到 f_{gas} 随着sSFR (sSFR=SFR/M_*) 的演化关系。观测拟合的结果表明 sSFR 和f_{gas} 的相关性十分好。


图 4 观测得到的sSFR和”bathtub”模型计算的结果吻合

  • 此外,随着星系的恒星总质量的增加,在 \log M_*=10-11.5 的区域内,作者发现 f_{gas} 有一个急剧的下降。这也是被之前观测所证明的。在 z=0 处的SFGs,也有同样的趋势。同时作者发现,利用 Davé+2012 的模型,结合前面观测到的 KS relation,可以很好的从理论给出这个趋势。
  • 最后作者研究了 sSFR 随着红移的演化。结果如右图所示。黑色的数据点是通过模型算出的结果,而红色的点以及灰色的点是直接通过观测得到的结果。不难发现,他们吻合的比较好。这个模型告诉我们,sSFR 随着红移的主要取决于星系的气体贮存量(类似图 1中,澡盆里面的水),也可以说是取决于气体质量和恒星质量的比。而气体的质量又取决于“bathtub”模型中输入气体,排除气体以及回收气体这三个过程之间的动态平衡。

作者通过对红移为 1-3 之间的一个相对较大的 MS SFGs 中 CO(3-2) 谱线的观测,得到了在宇宙恒星形成活动最剧烈的时刻 (z~2-3) 的MS SFGs 的一些基本物理性质。同时用模型计算得到的结果和直接观测量进行比对,验证了“bathtub”模型的有效性。


16 Mar 07:42

Unexpected day: what are we gonna do about Google Reader death? Keep calm and carry on.


I think the OPML import queue is a good strategy for making an update of the server in the meanwhile.

Hello everyone!

This morning I have mixed feelings: I am happy that we have the possibility to bring our beloved The Old Reader to a new level, and I am sad that Google Reader soon will be completely over. It was a large part of my daily internet life. We even started making The Old Reader because no one could stand my whining anymore.

News came unexpected (mind you, we are living in GMT, so it was literally the middle of the night), but we are doing out best. We tripled our user base (and still counting), and our servers are not amused so far. We will be deploying more capacity shortly, so things should get better by the end of the day. Please, be patient with us.

image(The Old Reader’s team before March 13, photo by

This is overwhelming. When we started this as something for us and our friends to use, we never expected so many of you to join us in our journey. Thank you very much for your kind words and support, we appreciate this.

Seeing Google Reader go, many of you are asking whether The Old Reader is going to stick around. Also, quite a lot of people would like to donate to keep our project running. We have been discussing this quite a lot recently, and we decided that paid accounts (the freemium model) are the way to go. We want to keep making a great product for our users, not cater it for advertisers’ needs.

We are going to be honest, we have not even started coding this yet. However, we would like to get this news out as soon as possible for everyone to know the way we will be going. Paid accounts will have some additional features, but the basic free accounts will still be 100% usable. We are not in this game to make money, but we want to give something special back to the people who are going to be supporting us.

We have our daily jobs, so we can’t promise that new features will be ready tomorrow or next week. We have no investors or fancy business plans, but we are open about everything we do, and we want to do it the right way.

We reworked the plans according to the news today. Creating an API for mobile clients is the number one priority in our roadmap. We would love to collaborate with any developers who were making Google Reader clients. Please, spread the word about this if you can.

For those of you who are posting feedback and creating new feature requests - please, double-check for existing items in Uservoice. We hate answering the same questions multiple times and removing duplicate requests.

Most asked questions are:
- “When will OPML import be working again?” As soon as we launch more capacity to handle this. Hopefully, later today.
- “Why are you asking for access to my Google contacts when I log in via Google account?” We don’t anymore.
- “When will you make an iOS app? How about Android?” We will start with API as soon as we can and see how it goes.
- “Why is there no way to login without Google or Facebook accounts?” We cover that one in our knowledge base, but we plan to implement own login code. The demand is high.
- “How do I rename a feed?”. Just browse the Tour page, please? 
- “Shut up and take my money!”. Will work on that, stay tuned.

We have lots of things to do, and it will probably take us several days to reply to all emails and tickets. Also, Twitter keeps reminding us about daily tweet limits, so there might be delays as well.

Some other news: last week our developer (on the left) turned 21, and we have implemented PubSubHubbub support. Many of you asked us to make feed updates faster, and PubSubHubbub makes compatible feeds refresh almost instantly. Yay!

Thank you very much for your support. We will do our best during next three months to prepare for the day Google Reader will no longer be around.