Shared posts

23 Mar 11:49


23 Mar 11:09

I'm not trying to be sexist. That is a fact and you should remember that.

23 Mar 11:08


16 Mar 20:26

7 of the Most Horrible Technology Sounds

by Eric Limer

Not long ago, I asked you for your picks of the worst sounds that technology has cursed us with. You answered with the shrill, shreiking screams of text across the internet. And here are a few of the standouts from our collective list of the most unappealing blips and bloops.


16 Mar 11:08


16 Mar 11:08


12 Mar 20:25


12 Mar 20:25


12 Mar 12:24


12 Mar 12:22


12 Mar 12:21


11 Mar 17:42

Action Figures ficam ainda mais legais com hologramas

by EvelRyu

Captura de Tela 2015-03-11 às 12.36.50

Depois de ver o vídeo abaixo você vai concordar comigo de que toda action figure merecia um display holográfico. O projeto foi feito pelo estúdio ZW Design de Belo Horizonte, para o teste eles usaram uma Action figure do Goku acumulando energia para um Kamehamehá. Uma pena que não dar pra ver ele soltando o Kamehamehá, mas não vamos nos apressar...
05 Mar 20:15

A MELHOR maneira de aprender francês. A MELHOR!!

by Rodrigo Fernandes

Não tenho muito a dizer. O vídeo é autoexplicativo.

Confesso que não entendi muita coisa, mas achei o método excelente!

Obrigado pela dica, Victor Camejo.


05 Mar 10:54


05 Mar 10:52


03 Mar 17:20

Marcando um rolezinho

by ninja vermelho


Post patrocinado por facas Ginsu 2000, corte rápido e preciso.

The post Marcando um rolezinho appeared first on Le Ninja.

02 Mar 13:54

The two women behind the viral dress have a plan to turn it into something positive for girls

by Hunter Walker


Sarah Weichel and Caitlin McNeill, the two women behind the dress photo that rocked the internet on Thursday have a plan to turn their fifteen seconds of viral fame into a win for young girls. 

Weichel reached out to Business Insider late Friday and announced the pair have teamed up to sell "Team #BlackandBlue" and "Team #WhiteandGold" t-shirts with the proceeds benefiting the Princess Project, and organization that provides free prom dresses to high school girls who can't afford them. 

The shirts commemorate the fact the dress in the infamous photo appeared to some people to be white and gold while others saw it as blue and black

McNeill put the picture on a Tumblr fan page she runs for Weichel, who works with YouTube stars. The picture was originally taken by the mother of one of McNeill's friends. McNeill told Business Insider the mother took a photo of the dress because she  wore it to her daughter's wedding. When McNeill saw her friends debating the photo on Facebook, she decided to share it on Tumblr and internet history was made.

The t-shirts are selling for $14.99 on and allow the wearer to declare which colors they saw. As of this writing, the site says over 600 t-shirts have been sold and almost twice as many people have chosen "Team #WhiteandGold." 

Check out the shirts below. 

blue black white gold dress

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NOW WATCH: 14 things you didn't know your iPhone headphones could do

02 Mar 13:54

Look how ugly these 9 popular websites used to be

by Jillian D'Onfro

Old photos of yourself are often cringe-worthy. Old photos of your favorite websites can be too.  

The folks over at Ninja Essays put together an infographic of some of the most jarring transformations. 

Check it out (click to enlarge):

What Popular Websites Used to Look Like

SEE ALSO: How to stop people from being able to see that you read their Facebook message

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NOW WATCH: The science behind why technology is so addictive

02 Mar 13:53

Everything has an explanation!

02 Mar 12:49


26 Feb 19:31

10 Anos De Videos Virais Do Youtube Em 16 Minutos

Falta muitos, mas mesmo assim, pra quem não viu os antigos, vale a pena conferir

26 Feb 12:14

A firecracker exploding a rubber band ball in slow motion is the best

by Casey Chan

Who knew that rubber band balls could serve as an endless source of entertainment ? Slow Mo Lab stuck a firecracker inside one of those balls and filmed it exploding in oh so sweet slow motion. It's like watching a mummy spontaneously combust right before our eyes.


25 Feb 20:09

You Can Roll These Kitchen Towels Into Delicious-Looking Inedible Sushi

by Andrew Liszewski

Having to wash and dry dishes by hand is a terrible chore, but it would be made even worse with a set of these patterned dish towels that will have you craving maki sushi, even right after eating dinner.


25 Feb 12:54

Artista cria impressionantes trabalhos em caligrafia 3D

by Flavio Serpa

O designer gráfico Tolga Girgin é um mestre da caligrafia. Seu foco não é criar apenas letras bonitas, mas também dar cor e vida a essas letras. Utilizando truques de perspectiva e sombras, ele desenha letras tridimensionais que saltam do papel e parecem ficar em pé ou escorrer pela página.

Veja abaixo algumas das criações do artista:

3d-writing-1 3d-writing-2 3d-writing-3 3d-writing-5 3d-writing-6

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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25 Feb 12:47

Estas mierdas te dejan pegado a la pantalla como un gilipollas.

Estas mierdas te dejan pegado a la pantalla como un gilipollas.

24 Feb 17:51

Mega Man X's Spark Mandrill theme on eight floppy drives sounds awesome

by Chris Carter

If you haven't visited MrSolidSnake745's YouTube channel before, he basically recreates various iconic songs by way of floppy drives -- it's just what he does, and he does it well. Just yesterday he posted one of my personal favorite Mega Man tunes, "Spark Mandrill," and it's glorious.

MrSolidSnake notes that Mega Man X was one of the first SNES games he ever had, and that he wanted to give tribute to Spark Mandrill's theme, which is his favorite next to "Armored Armadillo" and "Storm Eagle." All great choices -- what a great soundtrack.

Mega Man X's Spark Mandrill theme on eight floppy drives sounds awesome screenshot

24 Feb 14:30

↪ Steve Jobs completaria hoje 60 anos de idade; confira um infográfico da sua trajetória

by Rafael Fischmann

Remembering Steve, who would have turned 60 today. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) February 24, 2015

“A única forma de realizar um bom trabalho é amando o que você faz.”

Steve Jobs.

O cofundador da Apple completaria hoje, 24 de fevereiro, 60 anos de idade. Confira a seguir um infográfico com a trajetória completa da sua vida, baseada na biografia de Walter Isaacscon. Feliz aniversário, Steve. [Funders and Founders]

Infográfico sobre a trajetória de Steve Jobs

[dica do Alkefran Albuquerque]

24 Feb 11:05

Crash Bandicoot + Boss Battles

Crash Bandicoot + Boss Battles

24 Feb 10:56


23 Feb 11:13

