Shared posts

11 Apr 09:29

Guy trolls subway riders with incredibly awkward book covers (Video)

by Garrett
11 Apr 06:39

Giant Devils Flower Praying Mantis

by Miss Cellania

This is Mad Madam Mim, a giant devil's flower mantis (Idolomantis diabolica). They are native to a few countries in Africa and can grow up to five inches long. Raising one in captivity requires a special environment and lots of attention, as Madam Mim’s owner, redditor ImSweeches, will tell you. They will only eat flying insects, and require a controlled temperature and humidity. They live about a year with proper care. These mantids are not for beginners.

They are a HIGHLY sought after species and are generally sold out unfortunately. It took me over a year of frequent checking to find them in stock.

EDIT!!!*** PLEASE PLEASE KNOW THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY SENSITIVE SPECIES! Even experienced hobbyists have difficulties raising this variety. The attention this is getting has my gut sinking thinking about people who have never cared for a mantis buying these up and killing them because they're not ready

There are several great beginner mantids: Giant African mantis (sphoromantis viridis) ghost mantis (phylocrania paradoxa) and giant Asian mantis (hierodula patellifera) are just a few great species to start with.

See more pictures of Mad Madam Mim and other insects at sweeches’ Instagram page.

08 Apr 18:28

A Robot That Feeds You Popcorn

by John Farrier

Need this!!!!

Finally, the genius of Simone Giertz is getting public recognition! This is the woman who invented the internet commenting robot and the chopping machine. It's long past time that her ideas are fully implemented to the benefit of humanity.

Giertz has now joined Tested, the new website of Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman of Mythbusters. Together, they built this machine that automatically feeds you popcorn. This way, while you're re-watching Krull, you can snack without taking your eyes off the screen.

(Video Link)

-via Laughing Squid

08 Apr 12:15

Break Out Your Adventure List and Put This Summer Mountain Coaster on it ASAP

08 Apr 05:33

Ranking TV And Film’s Best Bartenders For National Beer Day

by Miss Cellania

Wall Street Banker and Erin Pub Bartender, Peter J. Ciafone.

April 7 is National Beer Day! Of course, there are many ways to celebrate, and now that it’s evening, it only makes sense to pop the top and enjoy one. But while you’re doing that, you might want to raise a glass to some of the best bartenders from pop culture. Don’t tell me you can’t think of any. You’ve seen Cheers, haven’t you?

As a relief pitcher for the Red Sox, Sam Malone (Ted Danson) may have been a footnote in baseball history. But as the owner/bartender of Cheers, he was nothing short of a hero. With his suave demeanor, instant rapport with his customers, and reputation as a ladies’ man, Sam simply embodied everything cool about being a bartender.

Oh, but there are plenty of others, most of them ready to listen to your troubles or even give out some advice. Read about the top twelve pop culture bartenders at Uproxx. Link contains autoplay video.

08 Apr 05:17

A Farmer Monkey Visits his Goat and Chickens

by Miss Cellania

Someone warn Casey!!!

Only in Russia. A farmer monkey checks out his livestock. And since it is Russia, he’s wearing a serious snowsuit.

(YouTube link)

The second time you watch this, turn on the auto-translate (under settings) and marvel at the narration that accompanies this bizarre video. I get that they're filming a viral video, but most of it is just plain bizarre. -via Metafilter

07 Apr 08:56

This Marine Recruit Should Have Thought Twice About Asking For Some Love Advice From Another Marine


Don't Ask, Don't Get Told On.

Submitted by:

Tagged: list , text , advice , marines , dating
07 Apr 06:10

Can you guess which contestant is a biological woman? (15 Photos & Video)

by Ben

This sounds like a terrible idea for a game show.

06 Apr 15:17

Delusional ‘Energy Shield Master’ dares martial artist to punch him in the face (Video)

by Ben

Must Watch!

06 Apr 11:19

The Difference Between Boys and Girls

by Miss Cellania

I couldn’t help but laugh like a jackass when I saw this. What’s even funnier is that reddit, which is overwhelmingly male, agrees with the headline. The discussion under this .gif is about the joys of bonking your head with an empty soda bottle.

06 Apr 06:11

Flags of Satellite Photography, Max Serradifalco

Flags of Satellite Photography, Max Serradifalco

06 Apr 06:07

Guy cheating with soldier’s wife seeks counsel from his friend, who instead levels him (11 Photos)

by Bob
04 Apr 14:42

John Oliver RUDELY INTERRUPTS Yankees Grounds Crew's "Y.M.C.A." Performance, LOUDLY FARTS Directly Onto George Steinbrenner Monument In Front Of His Sons

by Barry Petchesky

The Yankees suck. You knew this—their new policies prohibit print-at-home tickets, a move specifically designed to stop fans from reselling premium seats at below-face-value prices. When asked why, COO Lonn Trost said it’s to protect rich fans from having to sit next to the poors. Luckily for your entertainment, the Yankees’ humiliation, and our traffic numbers, John Oliver has gotten around to “the biggest elitist assholes in all of sports.”


04 Apr 09:24

Whoa! This babe totally explains how to have cyber sex! (VHS)

by Mac
04 Apr 07:56

Electric Fork Zaps Your Tongue to Make Food Taste Salty

by John Farrier

(Photo: Nikkei Technology)

Would you like to reduce the salt in your diet without losing that nice, salty flavor? The Rekimoto Laboratory at the University of Tokyo may have a solution. It's developed a prototype electric fork that deliverers a mild shock to the tongue of the user. To the brain, this simulates the experience of biting into salty food. Discover magazine explains how it works:

The fork’s electrical jolt is activated with the touch of a button, completing a circuit between your fingers, the metal fork handle and your tongue. When charged sodium ions hit our tongue, their electrical potential activates ion gates that relay messages to our brains. The fork hijacks this system by targeting these ion gates with an electric charge, fooling them into sending a salty signal to our brains.

-via Technabob

01 Apr 12:50

Cannoli Filled with Cannolis

by John Farrier

Leave the gun. But definitely take the cannolis. Thrillist, I understand it, recently attended a cooking class hosted by the Barilla brand of pasta. The chefs prepared these extraordinary cannolis.

The obvious next step would be to prepare cannolis made of these cannolis--like a pastry version of Voltron.

01 Apr 07:40

An in-depth guide to surviving the apocalypse (10 HQ Photos)

by Shelbie
01 Apr 07:29

Bill Murray insights that make you look at things differently (20 Photos)

by Shelbie
01 Apr 07:22

Horse Gets Legend of Zelda Haircut

by John Farrier

(Photo: Katie Amos Photography)

JMC Equestrian Clipping is a horse barbering service in northwestern England. A few months ago, it trimmed into this Welsh horse's hair symbols and icons from The Legend of Zelda.

Think of the cosplay opportunities with this service!

And it's certainly not the first time that JMC has done work like this. Check out these horses:

-via Geekologie

31 Mar 16:22

10 Good Guy Cops

by Jill Harness

As much as I dislike the police, these are some really nice jestures.

There are a lot of stories out there about cops doing wrong, but for every story you hear about an officer breaking the rules there are probably ten stories of police doing something great that you don't hear about. Here are some fun stories of police going above and beyond their duties in the best possible way.

1. The Cop Who Retired in the Best Possible Way

(Video Link)

When you get pulled over by the police, you probably get nervous and worry about whether or not you'll get a ticket. But if you happened to be pulled over by Commander Brian Peters on his last day of work, you might have been delightfully surprised to not get a ticket but a gift card.

That's right, to celebrate his last day on the job, Peters sought out people he thought could use a little extra financial help and then gave them $50 gift cards for Target and Cub Foods. He ended up giving out gift cards worth the total of his last paycheck, saying, “The citizens and city have been wonderful to me. I am very blessed, so it feels good to give back.”


2. The Officer Who Bought Groceries for a Mother Caught Shoplifting

Police Officer Mark Engravalle of Roeland Park was called to handle a shoplifting case in July of 2015. The shoplifter wasn't a teen looking for a thrill or someone trying to get a new pair of shoes way out of their price range, but a widowed, homeless mother of six who was trying to steal $300 worth of diapers, shoes and baby wipes.

“What she did was wrong and against the law, but her heart was in the right place with wanting to help to take care of her children,” Engravalle said. So rather than arrest the mother, Sarah Robinson, he offered to pay for the items to help the suffering mother. “Walmart might see her as a criminal, but I just saw her as a mom going through a really difficult time,” the officer explained, though he did still write the mother a ticket as was protocol.

This story has a particularly happy ending as Robinson ended up getting $6,000 in donations sent to the Roeland Park Police Department, which was more than enough to pay for her fine and help her take care of her kids for a while.


3. The Officer That Bought A Shoplifting Father Baby Formula

Like Officer Engravalle, Police Officer Justin Roby didn't want to punish a poor father who was caught shoplifting just to help feed his children. This accused thief tried to take only one item -baby formula, which he needed to help feed his 6 month-old son.

The store understood the father's plight and opted not to press charges and Roby opted to not take the matter any further either, explaining, “He’s already short on money, can’t afford formula, so me making him appear in court, he’s still not going to have any food for that baby."

Of course, he didn't stop there. Roby also wanted to help the dad and ended up buying him several cans of baby formula, ensuring the dad could feed his son for a while before hopefully getting back on his feet.


4. The Cop Who Paid for a Homeless Mother's Hotel Room

When Corporal Che Atkinson of Prince George's County, Maryland heard that a homeless woman and her baby were in her lobby, he followed protocol and called a social worker before heading out on patrol. When she was still there after his shift though, he learned there was no progress in finding them shelter for the night. So Atkinson took matters into his own hands and brought the pair to a hotel and paid for the room using his own money.

When the story started going viral after his sergeant shared a picture of his kindness, Atkinson didn't understand why people were so excited, "I'm a little overwhelmed and shocked. And the reason why is it didn't seem like a big deal to me because I see other officers do stuff like this all the time,” he said, "It's not a big deal."


5. The Patrolman Who Bought a Homeless Man Shoes

Most of us take for granted the old "No shirt. No shoes. No service." signs, but what about those who simply can't afford shoes? When officer Kenya Joyner of Lindenwold, New Jersey was called to usher a "disruptive man" off of a bus, he found out the homeless man was breaking the rules by riding the bus without shoes. When he asked the man why he was barefoot, he learned the man didn't have any shoes.

Joyner then took the man across the street to Payless shoes and spent $45 getting the man a pair of new boots. "You realized the situation was he just didn't have shoes. There was no need to make the situation worse than it needed to be. It was somebody who couldn't afford shoes," he later said of his actions.

A woman filmed the incident and put it online, but Joyner shied away from the attention, saying that his fellow officers did similar activities all time without getting attention.


6. The Officer That Saved A Dog From A Car Crash

Police don't just help people. Patrolman Nick Ague became an internet sensation when a picture of him carrying an injured German Shepherd went online. The dog ran away after it was in a vehicle that was hit by another car. The scared pooch ran so far that the skin on the feet of her pads was peeling off. By the time Ague caught up to her, the dog was simply unwilling to walk, so the officer carried her back to her owners.


7. The Policeman Who Pushed A Stranded Wheelchair User Home

Officer Gil Benitez was on patrol during a particularly bad lightning storm when he came across a man in a wheelchair who was stranded in the middle of the street after his electric wheelchair's battery died. Benitez offered to help the man and then proceeded to push the man all the way home before helping him to dry off and waiting for the man's family to arrive.


8. The Two Cops That Bought a Car Seat for a Family Instead of Issuing a Ticket

When officers Jason Pavlige and James Hodges of Fruitport Township, Michigan pulled over a couple in  car last year and found the woman holding a 10-month old baby in her arms, they realized the parents simply couldn't afford a car seat. Rather than punishing the parents for their poverty, the cops took them to Walmart and bought them a car seat and even took the time to show them how to install it.

An employee from Walmart saw the officer's behavior and called the precinct to praise the officer's actions, which resulted in the story going public. “It was only brought to our attention by a clerk at Walmart who saw it and thought they should be recognized,” said Police Lt. Bruce Morningstar , “they were doing it on their own without any recognition.”


9. The Cop Who Fixed a Young Boy's Bicycle

Officer Michael Castillo of Shelton, Connecticut was called to Target to break up a fight between a few kids. When he arrived, he was surprised to discover there was no fight -just a few friends hanging out together. Castillo saw one of the boy's bikes was broken so he stepped in to fix it. That's when bystander Faith Taylor spotted him and took a picture that quickly went viral. The cop didn't even know the picture was online until he was already adored by internet users across the globe, but he was happy when he found out, “It feels great, it really does,” Castillo told WTNH. “There’s so much negativity in police work everywhere. Just to get this one thing — it’s so small, I was just helping a kid out — but it’s big to everyone else, and I think this shows a positive outlook on police work.”


10. A Child's Christmas That Came Courtesy of Two Police Officers

(Video Link)

Most of the stories here involve officers being called to handle some kind of crime, but officers Barry Ward and Terrence Paramore of the Boynton Beach Police Department had no idea what they were in for when they were called to deal with someone hanging up on 9-11. The police discovered the call was simply the result of a baby playing with a phone in the house and accidentally dialing the wrong three-digit number.

When the officers were at the house though, they discovered the family was having a hard time financially, learning that the single mother was having a hard time providing for her children. One of the children happened to say she was sad they couldn't afford a Christmas tree. So Ward and Paramore left -and then returned the next day with a tree, lights and ornaments. The video of their kind act went viral, but the officers weren't done yet. The girl's wonder at the tree inspired them to do more, promising to return to the house closer to Christmas with presents donated by caring community residents.


It's important to remember that for all the negativity out there, there's tons of positivity as well. Here's to all the good guys out there that we never hear about.

31 Mar 16:07

The Discount Rules at This Frozen Yogurt Place Are Awesome

by John Farrier

I think Ciafone is part owner of this place.

(Image via caross)

Mr. Yogato is a frozen yogurt restaurant in Washington, D.C. You can earn discounts on your tab pretty easily.

Question: do the discounts stack? For example, if I get a head stamp, deliver the Braveheart speech, Stump Steve on Seinfeld trivia, re-enact the "Thriller" dance, dress like Bjorn Borg, answer a trivia question successfully, sing "Mr. Roboto," and wear a kicball uniform, do I get my frozen yogurt for free?

We don't have these kinds of discounts at the NeatoShop. But according to legend, if you capture Alex Santoso, tie him up with a red rope, and tickle his belly 3 times, he has to grant you a wish.

-via Tastefully Offensive

31 Mar 16:07

50 Shops with Punny Names

by John Farrier

You have my sword. And my bow. And my underpants.

The iceberg is cold, but the food is spicy hot.

Imgur member SchaoLink rounded up photos of 50 funny store names found around the world. They're all amusing puns, except for the last one, which is actually really disturbing.

-via BuzzFeed

31 Mar 07:08

Bert and Ernie are Handy With the Steel, If You Know What I Mean

31 Mar 06:56

Irish Pub say goodbye to deceased friend with an emotional singalong (Video)

by James
31 Mar 06:32

London pubs that are older than the USA (9 Photos)

by James
31 Mar 06:26

Karma slaps dumbass in the face after texting girlfriend’s ex (5 photos)

by Sebastian

Not sure if its real, but karma is certainly a bitch!

29 Mar 13:19

Get Your Protein Shake and a Quick Work Out in By Twerking it Together


Hottest things Ive ever seen!

Submitted by: (via FjKdSJp)

Tagged: gym , win , Video , twerking
24 Mar 14:01

When the Easter Bunny Decides to Take His Gloves Off, It's On


Had I known Easter was this crazy, I would have converted for the fights.

Submitted by: (via @2jrb123)

24 Mar 12:52

People Dishing Out Some Pretty Serious Burns On Facebook

by Zeon Santos

(Image Link)

Have you ever seen a response posted to social media that everyone else on the thread felt was a burn even though it barely had enough heat to warm your hands?

That's because people love to overuse terms like “burn” or “troll” or “acute paranoia”, but when you read a real life changing burn you just know it raised a few eyebrows and caused some uncontrollable snickering.

(Image Link)

Burns are a way for friends and family to help keep your ego in check, a way to slam you for posting your ridiculous pics and opinions on Facebook, and a way to permanently keep you out of the gene pool.

(Image Link)

See 15 Facebook Burns Too Good To Not Give A Like here (NSFW due to language)

22 Mar 19:19

Buy a $10 Jerky Sample Box, Get a $10 Amazon Credit For Your Next Jerky Purchase

by Shep McAllister, Commerce Team on Deals, shared by Shep McAllister, Commerce Team to Deadspin

For a limited time on Amazon, if you buy a $10 jerky sample box, you’ll get a $10 Amazon credit for a future jerky purchase. The contents of the sample box vary, but they include “six or more items from these participating brands: Epic, Perky Jerky, Krave, Ballpark, Golden Island, Chef’s Cut, and Old Wisconsin.” [Jerky Sample Box + $10 Amazon Jerky Credit, $10]