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09 Jun 08:19

If only ‘The Poontang Clause’ was a real thing (Video)

by Phil Nye
21 Mar 11:29

An Unlucky Fire Breather Taught Kids the Wrong Way to Get "Fired up" in a Frightening Pep Rally Accident

A Florida high school thought it would be a good idea to bring in some kind of basketball/fire breathing stunt to perform at a pep rally. 

The fire breather, Ricky Charles, is not a novice but he managed to engulf himself in flames while fire breathing on a bouncy castle. 

He's reportedly dealing with some burns on his face but he's going to be fine.  You can watch this video for a play by play of what happened and a picture/description of his injury. 

Submitted by: (via Greg Marcus)

Tagged: ouch , FAIL , fire , Video
21 Mar 06:33

In Russia, Car Disputes are Resolved With More Car Smashing


That's where we all need to go on the next trip


Submitted by: (via Meirjan Ayelkhan)

Tagged: cars , crash , driving , FAIL , Video , russia
17 Mar 14:13

A Skyscraper That Looks Like a Cobra

by John Farrier

Wow, sounds like something straight out of GI Joe.

Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly the sort of building that every city needs to convey its splendor. A cobra tower could house a hospital, a school, charitable non-profits, or, you know Cobra.

Vasily Klyukin is a Russian architect who designs unconventional buildings, such as a hospital that looks like a ship. He now proposes building an Asian Cobra Tower because . . . well, it's awesome, that's why.

-via Lustik

17 Mar 13:35

Venn Diagram


Pretty much sums it up.

17 Mar 11:28

Baby Becomes Mischievous Leprechaun

by Miss Cellania

Thought it was a kind of cute.

The father of six at That Dad Blog is ready for St. Patricks Day with a real-ilife leprechaun! See, the baby became a magical leprechaun with the help of some Photoshop. That was necessary, since the baby isn’t old enough to stand on his own. 


See the series of nine photos at his site, plus a video. The formatting on this blog caused me problems in reading the text, but resizing the window narrower will cause the left sidebar to disappear and the full text to show.  -via reddit

15 Mar 17:42

Trading Cards for TV and Movie Athletes

by John Farrier

Daniel LaRusso from The Karate Kid

Cuyler Smith, an artist in California, creates trading cards for people you'd never expect, including atheltes from television and movies. He has framed copies on display at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles. He includes some of the greatest screen athletes of all time, including Teen Wolf and Forest Gump. You can vew them all here.

Al Bundy from Married with Children

Ivan Drago from Rocky IV

Ricky Bobby from Talladega Nights

Scott Howard from Teen Wolf

-via Tastefully Offensive

15 Mar 15:37

This Photoshop Master Is Trolling By Request

by Zeon Santos

Photoshop is a powerful tool, and learning to use the software can make you feel mighty powerful when you start doing stuff like seamlessly swapping heads or cutting and pasting people in and out of pics with impunity.

Because of this feeling of power many Photoshoppers wind up using their skills for evil, trolling and sometimes even ruining lives by manipulating images for the Dark Side.

But 18th Level Photoshop Wizard James Fridman is different- he's using his trolling powers for good...and because people keep asking him to mess with their pics.

James' Photoshop skills are in such high demand that people keep sending him pics to digitally alter despite the fact that his trollish sense of humor often leaves the subjects looking a little silly.

See This Guy's Photoshop Skills Are In High Demand here

15 Mar 07:38

A helpful diagram, Mitch Goldstein

© 2016 Mitch Goldstein

© 2016 Mitch Goldstein

© 2016 Mitch Goldstein

© 2016 Mitch Goldstein

© 2016 Mitch Goldstein

© 2016 Mitch Goldstein

A helpful diagram, Mitch Goldstein

15 Mar 06:54

Today is Albert Einstein’s birthday, he would have wanted you to learn something (20 Photos)

by Shelbie
14 Mar 08:25

The 10 Greatest Movie Prisoners of All-Time

by Miss Cellania

When you look through the list of great prisoner characters in movies at TVOM, you might be surprised by how many movies you’ve enjoyed that involve convicts, prisoners-of-war, or otherwise involuntarily institutionalized men. And they’re all men, because women-in-prison movies are rare and mostly exploitive. Some of the characters are horrible, some heroic, and some are just plain unlucky, but they were all fascinating.

09 Mar 13:30

Asheville, NC Residents are Not Taking Kindly to Being Rickrolled by Parking Tickets

Every once in a while, a story comes along and warms your heart. 

Someone has been going around placing "scam" parking tickets on the windshields of Asheville, NC cars that have a QR code for online payment leading to a good old fashioned Rickroll. Ah, good, clean internet fun IRL.

Unfortunately, local police and residents are pissed, probably because they don't get the joke. Transportation Director Ken Putnam was quoted as saying "it was kind of surprising to go to a link for a YouTube video, and then when I went to it, it was featuring some rock star that I didn't know who it was." Bless his heart. Apparently the culprit could be cited/arrested for littering if they're caught, so stay frosty out there, Rickroller.

Submitted by: (via The World Videos)

Tagged: news , IRL , rickroll , prank , Video
08 Mar 07:38

Man Saves Child from Flying Bat

by Miss Cellania

There was a training game between the Pirates and the Braves Saturday in Florida. A bat was slung up into the crowd. It headed straight for the face of a boy who was looking at his phone. You can see above how close it came to taking him out, except the man beside him, maybe his father, instinctively stuck his arm out to shield the child instead of taking a self-defense stance like everyone else.

These pictures were shot by Pittsburgh Tribune-Review photographer Christopher Horner. You have to imagine the size of the bruise on that guy’s arm. Remember, kids, when you’re at a baseball game, watch the game, not your phone. -via Uproxx

07 Mar 10:36

How the "Sea Nomad" Children Can See Like Dophins

by John Farrier

The Moken people of western Thailand are sometimes called the Sea Nomads because they live almost their entire lives in the shallow waters of the Andaman Sea. From a very young age, they can swim as well as walk and hunt and fish in the water for their food.

They see remarkably well underwater. How? In 1999, Anna Gislén of the University of Lund in Sweden decided to find out.

BBC Future explains the problem. When we put our eyes underwater, our vision necessarily gets blurry:

Light is refracted when it enters the human eye because the outer cornea contains water, which makes it slightly denser than the air outside the eye. An internal lens refracts the light even further.

When the eye is immersed in water, which has about the same density as the cornea, we lose the refractive power of the cornea, which is why the image becomes severely blurred.

But the Moken children are taught to narrow their pupils to compensate for this change:

“Normally when you go underwater, everything is so blurry that the eye doesn’t even try to accommodate, it’s not a normal reflex,” says Gislen. “But the Moken children are able to do both – they can make their pupils smaller and change their lens shape. Seals and dolphins have a similar adaptation.”

It's an impressive adaptation. But it isn't permanent. Gislén found that the Moken lost this ability as they reached adulthood.

(Video Link)

07 Mar 09:59

These surfer girls’ wetsuits are actually body paint and pasties (Video)

by Phil Nye
07 Mar 09:59

Introducing Mankind's Greatest Achievement, the Macbook Selfie Stick

selfie stick,art,list,selfie,image

Relax, it's not for sale...yet. The Macbook selfie stick was made by Moises (Art404), John Yuyi and Tom Galle as an "art" project. Here are a few images of the laptop hoisting selfie tool in action.

Submitted by:

Tagged: selfie stick , art , list , selfie , image
04 Mar 06:40

Who you gonna call?

03 Mar 08:23

How to Start Your Retirement Like a Boss

01 Mar 22:56

Five Sylvester Stallone Movies You Probably Haven’t Seen But Should

by Miss Cellania

According to IMDb, Sylvester Stallone has 72 acting credits! Seven are TV, but that still leaves a bunch of movies that you haven’t seen. Oh yeah, you’re familiar with Rocky and Rambo and their sequels, but how about a look at some Stallone movies from earlier in his career? Maybe Victory, from 1981.

As allied POWs prepare for a soccer game against the German National Team to be played in Nazi-occupied Paris, the French Resistance and British officers are making plans for the team’s escape. This is the second movie on this list that took place after Rocky.  Stallone plays the goalie for the POW team and definitely has that “tough guy” gritty American feel.  With Michael Caine as the star of the movie and even soccer legend Pelé being one of the characters, it’s a must watch.

The movies on this list weren’t duds, they are from the ’70s and ‘80s, which is the only reason you haven’t seen them. Read about the others at TVOM.

01 Mar 05:59

This Korean gameshow is out of control (Video)

by Phil Nye
29 Feb 13:49

People Parked Cars in Front of This Man's Garage. He Used a Forklift to Put Them on the Roof.

by John Farrier

(Photo: People's Daily Online)

The People's Daily Online reports that a garage owner in Qingdao, Shandong, China got tired of people illegally parking their cars in front of their garage. So he got a forklift, picked up two cars, then placed them on the roof of the garage. The Daily Mail reports:

According to reports, the owners of the two cars in question were unable to get their vehicles off the roof. This is because both the police and the garage's owner said they were not able to get involved as it was a 'private matter'.

In order to get their vehicles back, the cars' owners reportedly had to hire a forklift themselves to bring their vehicles down.

-via American Digest

28 Feb 05:13

The SFW trailer for ‘Full Holes’ is everything you’d expect from a porn parody (Video)

by Phil Nye
full holesWhen it comes to TV shows, nothing is safe from being parodied into a porn flick. But, we all know that the best part is the acting. That's why SFW trailers like this are so essential for their success. Have mercy!
28 Feb 05:12

This is How You Talk Yourself into a DUI

Submitted by: (via Cops)

Tagged: cops , drinking , alcohol , FAIL , driving , Video , police
26 Feb 15:02

The sh*t Canadian kids do for kicks in the winter (Video)

by Martin

This kid doesn't have shit on Matthews!!

26 Feb 14:16

10-year-old kid crushes dance battle (Video)

by Travis
26 Feb 09:06

Hot Pockets

by Miss Cellania

Who carries a fucking spare batteries in their pockets to begin with.

Josh Hamilton was making a purchase at a gas station on Owensboro, Kentucky, last weekend when his pants burst into flames! He ran outside and dropped his pants, and a store employee put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. The fire is attributed to a spare lithium battery he had in his pocket, which probably reacted with keys or coins. Never carry loose batteries without a cover. Hamilton was taken to a hospital with second-degree burns. -via reddit

26 Feb 07:48

The World's First Supermarket for Expired Food

by John Farrier

That sounds like all the grocery stores out here. I would be shocked to get a undented can or any food that isn't a month from being expired.

(Photo: WeFood)

Every year, people across the world throw out 1.3 billion metric tons of food. Safe, well-grown food is simply wasted. People in Denmark responded to this problem by setting up WeFood, a new non-profit grocery store that uses only food that has been thrown out by other grocery stores for having damaged packaging or being past its expiration date. As a result, food at WeFood is about 50% cheaper than at most stores.

The project has been part of a generally successful effort to reduce food waste in Denmark and other European nations. Amy X. Wang writes for Quartz:

Denmark as a whole has been doing a good job of cleaning up its act. The country throws away 25% less food than it did five years ago and many of its supermarkets sell food that is near its expiration date at reduced prices. Elsewhere in Europe, France has banned supermarkets from throwing away unsold food and is asking restaurants to provide take-out containers.

-via Nerdcore

26 Feb 06:35

Sun City - Frank Reynolds Versus The Dayman

by Zeon Santos

Sun City by LavaLamp

Dennis and Mac are always playing roles, and Dee fancies herself some kind of actress, but the only real actor in the bunch is Frank Reynolds- secret scumbag. He has lived a life of sin and debauchery, and doesn't regret any one of the hundred bad decisions he makes every day, but nobody really knows what kind of creature he is because they've been taken in by his act. However, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the gang from Paddy's Pub figure out that Frank is the crime lord of Philadelphia they keep talking about on the nightly news...

Keep your wardrobe sunny with this Sun City t-shirt by LavaLamp, it's the stylish way to show love for your favorite TV show!

Visit LavaLamp's Facebook fan page, official website, Tumblr and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Farts Are Liberty Super Meseeks Bros. Shiny Metal Ass JUST DO IT!

View more designs by LavaLamp | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

25 Feb 23:01

These are America’s 10 most sinful cities (12 Photos)

by Phil Nye

Yay!! Philly and AC in the top 3.

24 Feb 08:11

Dante Fowler Apologizes For Watching Two Women Brawl

by Samer Kalaf

Jaguars defensive end Dante Fowler apologized today for his role in a fight between who TMZ describes as his girlfriend and the mother of his child, which was captured on surveillance video footage from the building.