Shared posts

10 Dec 12:53

Hours of Work, Totally Gone

10 Dec 12:52

Emergency Call

by Jonco

911 call



09 Dec 17:38

The Hunger Games in french.

09 Dec 17:38

Lady or low testosterone male toolkit

09 Dec 17:37

Aaaand I'm late for work.

09 Dec 17:21

Sexy Time

by luke


09 Dec 17:20

Sweep the leg, Johnny

Goat butts a kids leg, then head -

This has to be the most adorable finishing move ever. 

09 Dec 17:12

I See What You Did There

I See What You Did There


Submitted by: maorows

Tagged: Cats , anime , cute , gifs
09 Dec 17:12

Commenters Are Relentlessly Mocking This $40,000 TV On Amazon

by Ashley Lutz

amazon tv

Amazon's commenters are poking fun at the 79-inch Samsung "Smart TV" on sale for $39,997.99 (down from $44,999.99). 

While the TV is top-of-the-line, with voice control and 3D capabilities, most of the 500 reviewers seem to be mocking how expensive the device is. 

Some highlights:

amazon comments

amazon comments

amazon reviews

amazon comments

amazon review

amazon review

amazon tv

SEE ALSO: 14 Facts About Wal-Mart That Will Blow Your Mind

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09 Dec 17:10

How To Make An NES Stealth Hard Drive

by admin

“The NES Stealth Hard Drive! A simple mod to keep your data safe in the analog world! Convert your old external Hard Drive into something new and awesome! Put it into an old NES cartridge! The process is simple. We just need an old NES game, an external drive and a few minutes to put it altogether!” — HouseholdHacker

09 Dec 17:08

Date A Creep

by admin

“ More kidnaps, more rapes, and more murders than any other site.” — Bad Weather Films

09 Dec 17:01

Technically It Works

Technically It Works

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: ebay , scams
09 Dec 17:00

Late sixties "Internet" brand transistor radio

by Cory Doctorow

Mark Hill found this Internet Radio Product Ltd-branded "Internet" radio from the late sixties in a Dutch junk-market. It's an interesting find, not least because it suggests that the official etymologies of "Internet," dating to the seventies and the Arpanet crowd, is a bit muddier than previously thought.

Was ‘Internet’ First Used For A Transistor Radio? (via M1k3y)


09 Dec 16:59

Warning: Xbox One Hoax on 4chan Permanently Damages Your Console

by Chelsea Stark

A six-step guide on online forum 4chan promises to unlock backward compatibility on the Xbox One, but Microsoft warns it's a hoax that will break the new gaming console.

The graphic, which closely resembles Microsoft's marketing materials, surfaced over the weekend and instructed gamers on how to turn their consoles into developer mode, which would allow Xbox One owners to play Xbox 360 games. The offer may sound tempting, since the One isn't backward compatible and can't play any of the hundreds of Xbox 360 games, but Microsoft spokesman Larry Hryb cautioned users on Twitter not to try it

More about Microsoft, Entertainment, Gaming, 4chan, and Hoax
09 Dec 16:59


by DebbieWTR


That poor truck looks like its saying “I think I can, I think I can…”

09 Dec 16:59

someone says FML

by someone

Today, my car broke down. I pulled to the side of the road to call a tow truck. After waiting what seemed like hours, the tow truck showed up, and then ran into the back of my car. FML

09 Dec 16:59

Hue Do You Think You Are?


Submitted by: xyzpdq1

Tagged: puns , tone , colours
09 Dec 16:58

Ubisoft thinks The Division's Snowdrop Engine is amazing

by Joshua Derocher

Ubisoft released a video showing off the Snowdrop Engine from The Division, and it seems like they thinks it's really cool. In fact, they say that "never before has a video game reached this level of detail." I think that's a bunch of hyperbole, and that Ubisoft just wants you to know how cool and next-gen it is.

The Snowdrop engine will have a dynamic day and night cycle, volumetric lighting, dynamic global illumination, procedural destruction, an advanced particle system, and dynamic material shaders for weather effects. These are all things that have been done before, so it's not really groundbreaking technology, but the game does look really pretty.

Of course, this demo was probably created on a crazy high-end PC, and the actual game will look no where near as good.

Ubisoft thinks The Division's Snowdrop Engine is amazing screenshot

09 Dec 16:58

Sitcoms > Mandela

by whyevolutionistrue

From the Independent, Irish edition:

Picture 1

Now what kind of people would not just grumble about that, but make a formal complaint?

The sad part is that the BBC had to “explain” itself:

BBC News Director James Harding apologised to viewers, but said that Mandela’s passing was of “singular significance”.

“The importance of his life and marking his death seems extremely clear to us,” Harding told the BBC’s Newswatch programme over the weekend.

And. . . the program was a repeat.

09 Dec 16:58

Can't a Deer Eat an Apple in Peace?!

Can't a Deer Eat an Apple in Peace?!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: scary , squirrels , deer , apples , funny
09 Dec 16:57

The Sequel We Never Wanted

Submitted by: Unknown

09 Dec 16:57

Only 3 left before the big 400 <3

09 Dec 16:57

Marissa Mayer's Next Big Acquisition Could Be Imgur, The Photo-Sharing Site Reddit Loves (YHOO)

by Nicholas Carlson

mayer wants to buy imgur

This fall, Yahoo began serious talks to buy photo-sharing site Imgur, a source with first-hand knowledge of those discussions tells us. 

Since she joined Yahoo in July 2012, CEO Marissa Mayer has acquired dozens of startups. Most of these acquisitions have been acqui-hires.

The buy that cost Yahoo the most was its $1.1 billion purchase of Tumblr. Yahoo bought Tumblr because it has a deeply engaged, youthful audience, that uses the product on mobile. It would buy Imgur for all the same reasons.

Imgur (pronounced "Image-er") was created in 2009 by Alan Schaaf, a student at Ohio University in Athens. He made the site "as a gift to Reddit," because he was annoyed at how hard-to-use so many of the Web's photo-sharing sites were.

In a message to the Reddit community, he wrote:

"I got fed up with all the other image hosts out there so I made my own. It doesn't force you to compress your images, and it has neat things like crop, resize, rotate, and compression from 10-100. It's my gift to you. Let's not see anymore imageshack/photobucket around here ;)"

In the years since, Imgur has actually grown larger than Reddit. The site crossed the 100 million user mark in September. That's bigger than Reddit's audience of 85 million, and up from 30 million at the beginning of 2012.

Those stats are according to The Atlantic's Megan Garber, who just wrote an excellent 3,000-word story about Imgur (the kind of positive, access-given story that comes out about a startup when it is fundraising or on the block).

Imgur is now based in San Francisco, where 10 people work for the company. It's not a huge business, but does generate some revenue through ads, memberships, and a new product its testing: sponsored images. Imgur also sells image-hosting capacity to other companies. One of its clients is Yahoo.

We don't know how much Yahoo wants to pay for Imgur.

Schaaf hasn't taken any venture capital, so he doesn't need to hold out for an Instagram-sized offer to make as much money as Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom  or Tumblr CEO David Karp made selling their venture-backed startups for ~$1 billion each. (Sometimes its better to sell a startup for $20 million than $200 million.)

But it's unlikely Imgur can be had for cheap.

Three reasons:

  • Imgur would not be an aqui-hire for Yahoo. Acqui-hires are something failed startups do when they have cool technology but not very many users. Imgur has decent technology and design (it's very easy to use), but it's main asset is all those users.

  • Imgur is "social." Barber's story on Imgur begins with an Atlantic story on Imgur begins with anecdote about how to users met and started dating through the site. Every image on Imgur accumulates "points" through votes up or down by its community of users. Schaaf told Barber, the average amount of "points" every image gets on the site is between 6,000 and 10,000.  

  • Imgur isn't going to run out of money any time soon. All Things D's Liz Gannes reports VCs are "are literally—literally—sliding term sheets under their door.”

Our guess is Yahoo would have to offer something between $100 million and $500 million. But who knows in a world where Snapchat supposedly turned down a $3 billion offer from Facebook.

Acquisition talks fall apart all the time, and so could discussions between Imgur and Yahoo. It's unclear if Imgur wants to sell. Schaaf hasn't been looking for an exit. Before Yahoo came calling, Imgur hadn't even hired an investment bank.

Yahoo declined to comment on this story. 

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09 Dec 16:39

Ask About Our Budget LCD Replacements

laptops,computers,tablets,there I fixed it

Submitted by: Zacktheperson

09 Dec 16:38

"Helicopter, Helicopter, Helicopter!"

09 Dec 16:38

The Type of Artists on the Internet

09 Dec 16:38

The Little White Lies That Parents Tell Their Kids

09 Dec 16:36

“Mega Shark Vs. Mecha Shark” Is A Thing On Syfy [Video]

by Nicole Wakelin

mecha shark

Oh, Syfy, you bring all the crazy to the yard. Once again we’re getting shark-filled action with Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark and it looks terrible in a fantastic way. There’s a great big real shark. There’s a great big robot shark. They battle. They break things. They freak out some airline pilots. Debbie Gibson is in it.

This upcoming Movie of the Week just can’t get here fast enough to satiate the robot shark, Debbie Gibson-loving masses.

See the video after the break…

(via io9)


09 Dec 16:36


09 Dec 16:36

Scare All The Kids In This Santa Bodysuit

by Nicole Wakelin


Here’s what you absolutely don’t want to wear this year unless you’re looking to scare all the kids and possibly get arrested. It’s a skin-tight, spandex Santa suit complete with belt and hat. And you thought the Santa at the mall was scary!

Product Page ($50 David Wahl via Laughing Squid)