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09 Nov 13:33

More Fennec Foxes For Your Friday?

by Andrew Bleiman


We figured no one would complain if we shared additional photos of Chattanooga Zoo's Fennec Fox kits, so here goes! Here is the pair when they were a bit younger, and getting into all kinds of mischief!




Did you know that the Fennec Fox is ZooBorns' unofficial mascot? The Fennec Fox graces the cover of our original all ages book, ZooBorns (below). Take a tour of the book on Amazon and get it in time for the holidays. With interesting animal facts and background stories on the featured babies, ZooBorns (Hardcover, 160 pages) illustrates the connections between zoo births and conservation initiatives in the wild. 10% of revenue from ZooBorns' book sales goes directly to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Conservation Endowment Fund.


Get it now on Amazon!

Related articles
09 Nov 13:32

Rusty-spotted Cats: Not Your Average Kitties

by Andrew Bleiman

With big golden eyes and striped fur, this Rusty-spotted Cat looks like your average house cat.  But there's nothing average about Jaipur and Rashna, two female Rusty-spotted Cats who were born at France's Parc des Félins on April 24.

Photo Credit:  Emmanuel Keller

Rusty-spotted Cats are among the smallest of all felines.  Weighing only two to three pounds (1-1.5 kg), these petite cats are found only in the forests of India and Sri Lanka.  Hunting at night for rodents, birds, and lizards, Rusty-spotted Cats snooze in thick vegetation or hollow logs all day.

Due to loss of habitat as forests are cleared for agriculture, Rusty-spotted Cat populations are in decline.  The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists them as Vulnerable.  They are sometimes kept as pets.

Screen shot 2013-11-09 at 2.35.44 PM

ZooBorns' 2nd all ages book, "ZooBorns CATS!" (Hardcover, 160 pages), features a Rusty-spotted Cat from France's Parc des Félins, just like today's feature! Pick it up on amazon and have it in time for the holidays! 

Order now:

09 Nov 12:06

Tattoo a Banana by End Cape.

by ScMaNgO

And Bewbs

09 Nov 10:55

Tampon Tango (1984) Masashi Yamamoto

by (David Arthur)
Tampon Tango (1984)
Genre: Adult | Weird | Absurd
Country: Japan | Director: Masashi Yamamoto
Language: Japanese | Subtitles: English (hardcoded)
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1 | Length: 55mn
Dvdrip Xvid Avi - 544x416 - 29.976fps - 827mb

The title do refer to one scene that is stated as "never been done before" were one girl wants to get fucked with tampons added into her vagina forcibly. Once that happens you see one guy playing guitar with his cock, some other one breaking a stone with it. Between that there are intercauses and some weird ending. Strange film indeed.

09 Nov 10:54

Saturday, November 9 @ 4:26:54 am

by ViennaCodex
09 Nov 10:53

El Castillo de Moeche

by Carlos Rodríguez
El castillo de Moeche es un castillo medieval del siglo XIV perteneciente a la nobleza familiar de los Andrade (señores feudales). Está situado en la parroquia de San Xurxo (Moeche), en la comarca de Ferrol. La planta es poligonal, y conserva la torre del homenaje de 18 metros de altura y planta cuadrada. En esta se observan tres escudos grabados (la de la casa de Osorio, la de los Enríquez y la de Valcárcel) y un patio de armas. Su actual propietario es la Casa de Alba.


Lo que más llama la atención de esta fortaleza es su situación. A diferencia de otras fortalezas gallegas que se encuentran en lo alto de los promontorios, esta se sitúa escondida entre valles y montañas. A buen seguro que los altos montes que la rodeaban servían de "torres de vigilancia" ante la ausencia de otra situación más defensiva. 

El castillo fue uno de los protagonistas de la revuelta de los Irmandiños, vasallos oprimidos que se levantaron en armas, y que llevaron a Nuño Freire de Andrade a huir al castillo de Andrade (Pontedeume). Finalmente los irmandiños serían vencidos. Este hecho histórico se celebra anualmente con el nombre de Festival Irmandiño (en la tercera semana de agosto), con el cual se pretende «conmemorar y reivindicar, con un carácter festivo, el movimiento Irmandiño, con sus características de unión y defensa de los intereses populares». El asalto simbólico al castillo se hace a la noche, armados los asaltantes con fachos, mientras el público sigue los actos entre otros elementos típicos de las romerías: sardiñada, música y danza. 

En el año 1431 los irmandiños llegaron desde Ferrol bajo el mando del hidalgo Roi Xordo, en busca de Nuño Freire de Andrade "El Malo", hasta el castillo de Moeche, pero este ya había escapado. Enfurecidos, los sublevados, derribaron el castillo. Roi Xordo fue un hidalgo medieval de la tierra de la casa de Andrade, que en 1431 lideró la Irmandade Fusquenlla en su revuelta contra el señor Nuno Freire de Andrade, El Malo, en la que sería la primera revuelta irmandiña.


Poco se sabe de Roi Xordo pero se cree que podría ser de Ferrol. Lideró una fuerza de 3.000 hombres que tomó el castillo de Moeche, y después atacó otras fortalezas en Pontedeume, Monforte de Lemos y Santiago de Compostela hasta su supuesta muerte en combate en Pontedeume en 1437, cuando fue derrotada la irmandade. Actualmente una calle de Ferrol lleva su nombre.

En 1468 fue reconstruído el castillo de Moeche por Pedro Alvarez de Osorio, Conde de Lemos, obligando física y económicamente a aquellos que lo habían destruido a recuperarlo.

La planta del castillo es octogonal, siendo rodeado por un profundo foso que hoy en día está siendo recuperado (2009). Los materiales empleados son similares a las de otras fortalezas de las comarcas del norte de Galicia, formadas con muros de mampostería de pizarra y granito en sillería en sus esquinas. Encima de una de sus ventanas se puede ver el escudo de los Osorio y de los Enríquez, Castillo y León, sobre los seis roeles de los Castro de Lemos. Estos muros se elevan unos 12 m. Lo más llamativo del recinto es la torre del homenaje, de planta cuadrada, que se levanta hasta los 18 m del suelo. Además de la torre, podremos ver la plaza de armas con su pozo de agua, la sala de armas, el comedor, los aposentos, las caballerizas y los alojamientos de la servidumbre. Una escalera de caracol une el patio con las murallas defensivas. Las puertas y ventanas nos muestras un estilo gótico por sus apuntados arcos. 



Desde el 22 de abril de 1949 el castillo fue protegido por la Ley de Patrimonio Histórico Español. En septiembre de 2009, el Castillo, después de una profunda restauración ha sido abierto al público. La reconstrucción del edificio, por parte de los alumnos de la Escuela Taller, permite que siga manteniendo su aspecto de grandeza.


Galicia Máxica (

Wikipedia (

Concello de Moeche (
09 Nov 10:52

Asshole gif #003

by O

Las imágenes de la novia que acariciaba las barbas de su novio durante una partida de póker que dieron la vuelta al mundo. Qué cosas… Asshole gif #003

La entrada Asshole gif #003 aparece primero en POR NO BUSCAR PORNO |XXX|.

09 Nov 09:17

Il post delle fragole

by (porcoconleali)
Fragole nel culo
Fragole nella fica
fragole sborrate

Integrazione Beppesca (grazie!)

09 Nov 09:06


by gerryjarciuh

09 Nov 01:15

Friday, November 8 @ 6:06:01 pm

by Onomatopoeia
09 Nov 01:14

Desnudo contra el rechazo al inmigrante

by M.M.. santiago / la voz

09 Nov 01:10


09 Nov 01:10


by metasyndicate
09 Nov 01:06

Can You Go in THESE Bathrooms?

by Alex Santoso

You go, I go, we all go the bathroom, but can you do your business in THESE bathrooms?

Can you go if it feels like other people can look into the bathroom? Or that you're suspended in the air 15 stories up? How much do you gotta go anyhow?

Take a look at these 5 fearsome toilets, where the pressure you feel ain't just that of your bursting bladder:

1. Toilet with Glass Floor

Image: Carlos Diaz Corona

This unique bathroom in the PPDG Penthouse in Guadalajara, Mexico, is designed by Hernandez Silva Arquitectos. The space was intended for an elevator which was never installed - instead, the homeowner installed a powder room with a glass floor that lets you look straight down all 15 levels of the empty shaft.

View a gallery of photos of the house over at Homes & Hues. (Previously on Neatorama)

2. Men's Bathroom at the Sofitel Hotel, Queenstown, New Zealand

Photo provenance unknown - via Snopes

You've probably seen the viral photo above of a man using a urinal against a wall picture of women laughing at them, taking photographs and even, ahem, taking measurements, and you've probably thought that it's Photoshopped.

But the photo is real: that's the men's restroom in the 5-star Sofitel hotel in Queenstown, New Zealand. According to Snopes, hotel manager Mark Wilkinson said that the restroom was "just a way to put a little levity into the posh hotel."

3. The Glass Box Public Lavatory

Photo: Iwan Baan

When nature calls, why not go in a toilet that's, well, full of nature? The public toilet at the Itabu train station in Ichihara, Japan, is enclosed in a see-through glass box. It is surrounded by a lush garden and a 6-ft tall fence so you can go to the bathroom "outside" yet in complete privacy (well, at least until someone stands on a ladder outside the fence).

Find out more about the Itabu Station Glass Box Public Toilet over at Homes & Hues.

4. Aquarium Bathroom

No one can see you go in this women's room at the Mumin Papa Cafe in Akashi, Japan. Well, no one but the fish and the sea turtle!

The owner of the cafe reportedly spent ¥30 million ($270,000) to build the sub-aquatic bathroom. According to Pink Tentacle, the owner admitted that the turtle is male and, uh, is a bit of a lech and likes to peek in.

5. The One Way Mirror Toilet

Photo: Monica Bonvicini and Galleria Emi Fontana, Milan

In 2003, artist Monica Bonvicini created a minimalist glass cube that contained a fully functional toilet inside, as a temporary artwork outside the Tate Britain Gallery in London. The work, called "Don't Miss A Sec," used one-way mirror so while the people outside couldn't look in, the person inside could gaze out while, you know, going to the bathroom.

Bonvicini told Kate Green of Neoaztlan art journal:

The idea for Don’t Miss a Sec.’ came in 1999. I made the drawings for it on an airplane. It relates to the urge, during big art events where so much is about “see and be seen,” to not miss anything. At any big art event, everyone needs a bathroom at some point. If you use the work for it, you are still able to see the next art work, who is passing by, who is talking with whom, and who is wearing what. At the same time, you can literally show your ass to them.

Don’t Miss a Sec.’ is also an ironic comment on the idea of modernism, particularly through referencing the pavilion works of Dan Graham. Don’t Miss a Sec.’ is about the desire and failure to “see it all” which is a strong trait in modernism. This work absurdly pushes at the limits of what is public and what is private and offers a performative element in which inside and outside are blurred together.

08 Nov 21:10

ABC Buys Comedy Written by and Starring Kristen Schaal

by Elise Czajkowski


by Elise Czajkowski

Daily Show correspondent Kristen Schaal and former Daily Show writer Rich Blomquist (who's also her husband) have sold a sitcom to ABC, according to Deadline. The two will write American Monster, about "a small-town misfit who becomes an unlikely celebrity when she goes on trial for the murder of the century," who will be played by Schaal. The show will be produced by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who have already sold two other pilots this season – the Johnny Depp-produced Torched, and the Will Forte-created Last Man on Earth.

08 Nov 21:09

'The Onion' Is Ending Its Print Publication Entirely

by Elise Czajkowski
by Elise Czajkowski

The Onion will stop publishing its last few print publications this December. Crain's Chicago Business reports that the newspaper version of the long-running satirical publication, which is now only distributed in Chicago, Milwaukee and Providence, will stop after Dec. 12's issue. The paper had been around for 25 years, since The Onion began in Madison back in 1988. It launched its website in 1996, and now will move entirely into digital and its "new creative service for advertisers."

There have been a lot of changes over the years at The Onion. The company moved its editorial staff to Chicago last year, much to the disappointment of many of its writers.

Update: The Onion's president, Mike McAvoy, had this statement about the change:

The Onion’s focus in recent years has been on growing the digital side of our business and, by ending our print contracts in Providence, Milwaukee and Chicago at the end of 2013, we will have completed the transition to becoming a 100 percent digital company. While the print edition is an important part of our history, we are very excited for the opportunities that come with prioritizing digital for even greater company growth.

By adopting an all-digital approach, our writers are able to create even more one-of-a-kind comedy content that our readers love. Overall, we we will be able to cover more timely stories/topics, increase our video output, and become a better satirical representation of the current news media.'

The Onion has been expanding its brand beyond the signature newspaper for years, branching out into television shows at IFC and Amazon and extending its mockery to reality television and TED talks.

08 Nov 19:40

The Onion’s print edition is dead

by Brian Abrams
The Onion’s print edition is dead

Area man seeks new job.

As of December 12, the weekly print edition of The Onion is no more. Although its video content on YouTube and website will continue churning out the funny on a daily basis, the paper version of the satirical publication, currently circulated in just three markets (Milkwaukee, Chicago, Providence), will quit in a little more than a month’s time.

“It’s sad to see a print edition no longer exist,” said Onion Inc. president Mike McAvoy, “but it’s important to see the Onion succeed.”

The print edition has been dying a slow death for years. In addition to the funny headlines, their AV Club’s music and film reviews, which used to dole out editorial assignments per market, also dwindled city by city.

This morning, NY Mag pointed to some scribbling from tech columnist Farhad Manjoo, back in September, about The Onion’s adjustment to Internet speed. Manjoo recollects an episode of “This American Life” from 2008 that shows the sad inefficiency of quality control:

There was only so much room in a paper, so only the very best stuff made it in. Every week, the Onion’s comedians would come up with more than 600 headline ideas. Fewer than 20 would make it into the paper — about 3 percent. It was harder to get your joke into the Onion than it was to get your kid into Harvard.

The Onion brand, meanwhile, continues attempts to stay relevant in the digital age–by expanding across mediums that, maybe, it can’t quite win. Their downloadable series on Amazon, “Onion News Empire,” is one example, and it struggled to complete its series. IFCTV cancelled its “Onion News Network” series after just one season. David Zucker, the director of “The Naked Gun,” helmed a feature-length Onion movie for theatrical release, but, according to Zucker, “the studio changed hands and didn’t want to spend the extra money.”

source: Crain’s/image via

08 Nov 19:34

Fennec Fox Sisters are Animal Ambassadors at Chattanooga Zoo

by Andrew Bleiman

1 fennec fox

Two Fennec Fox sisters were born at Chattanooga Zoo in Tennessee! They have just been named Zahari, meaning blue in Arabic, and Zeiti, meaning green in Arabic. (To tell the sisters apart, they were each given a small spot of food coloring either blue or green on their backs.)

They were born on September 11, 2013 to first-time parents, mother Karoo and father Kalahari. The kits are incredibly active and are growing bigger by the day. They are very curious and playful and love to investigate new toys, sounds, and smells. When full grown, they will join the zoo’s animal ambassador and education programs, where they will play an important role in raising awareness about wildlife conservation.

2 fennec fox

3 fennec fox

4 fennec fox

5 fennec fox

6 fennec foxPhoto credits: Chattanooga Zoo

Fennec Foxes (a ZooBorns favorite!) live in the deserts and semi-arid lands of northern Africa. Also called the Desert Fox, their most notable feature are their ears, which are enormous in proportion to their body size. An adult Fennec Fox measures about 16 inches (40 cm) in body length and has ears six inches (15 cm) long. These huge ears are used for cooling the body of excess heat and for locating prey, such as lizards, insects, and eggs, buried deep under the desert sand. Fennec Foxes are a species of Least Concern on the International Union for Conservation's Red List of Threatened Species. 

08 Nov 16:01


08 Nov 15:52

X-Men - Las Nuevas aventuras de los X-Men

by Keanu alikante

Unha das primeiras que seguin! <3

P00001 - Las Nuevas Aventuras De L

X-Men fue una serie animada que fue estrenada el 31 de octubre de 1992 para "Fox Kids".  "Esta serie esta adaptada a cómic de esa serie de animación".

La formación del grupo estaba compuesta por Charles Xavier, Wolverine, Cíclope, Jean Grey, Rogue, Gambito, Tormenta, Bestia y Júbilo, así como otro miembro original, Morph, que fue remplazado por Júbilo y sólo aparecería en algunos episodios.

Si bien hubo aliados que trabajaron con el grupo, o integrantes que lo dejaron, eso nunca duró por más de una aventura, por lo que se puede decir que esta formación era la fija.

La serie inicia cuando Júbilo, una adolescente que de pronto descubre tener poderes mutantes, es atacada por los Centinelas y rescatada por los X-Men. Luego de conocerlos deja a sus padres adoptivos y se une a ellos para aprender a controlar sus poderes y estar a salvo de los ataques de los Centinelas u otras organizaciones extremistas anti-mutantes.

Idioma: Español.
Editorial: Marvel
Guion: Ralph Macchio 
Dibujo: Andrew Wildman, John Hebert, Manny Clark 
Escaneadores: Alphacen, Fray-Tuko, UltronXII (CRG)
Archivos: 30
Formato: CBR
Tamaño: 327.7 MB

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08 Nov 15:36

Shipping Ships

by Jonco

This is a ship-shipping ship, shipping shipping ships.

Shipping ships

Thanks Jacques


08 Nov 15:33

LA HORA LOCA 26- Test de Rorschach. Tal día como hoy nació...

LA HORA LOCA 26- Test de Rorschach.

Tal día como hoy nació Hermann Rorschach, psicólogo y psicoanalista, célebre por la creación del test de Rorschach. Más información:

08 Nov 15:15

Rebel Rebel Your Hair's A Mess

by P0PEaphile
08 Nov 12:15

The eleven nations of America

by aka burlap
"There's never been an America, but rather several Americas—each a distinct nation. There are eleven nations today. Each looks at violence, as well as everything else, in its own way." "

Journalist Colin Woodard has divided the U.S. into eleven distinct "nations," and argues that prevailing attitudes about many social and political issues (along with plenty of cultural and linguistic markers) follow the outlines of his map. His eleven nations? Yankeedom, New Netherland, The Midlands, Tidewater, Greater Appalachia, Deep South, El Norte, The Left Coast, The Far West, New France and First Nation.
The battlelines of today's debates over gun control, stand-your-ground laws, and other violence-related issues were drawn centuries ago by America's early settlers.
Woodard's 2011 book on the subject, American Nations, made its way onto both The New Republic's and The Globalist's Best Books of 2011 lists.

Some reviews of the book:
The Daily Beast
The Boston Pine Flag
The Wall Street Journal
08 Nov 12:03

mefi's own Horace Rumpole ...

by chapps
on "You're the Expert" [via mefi projects] a podcast featuring academics interviewed about their specialty areas by comedians in front of a live audience.

Here is a sample of the 15 interviews available:

Dr. Rick Weissbourd on Adolescent Moral Development
An astronaut who scuba dives under the ice in Antarctica, Dr. Jessica Meir
Dr. Anna Frebel, on Stellar Archeology (she's billed as "the Indiana Jones of the cosmos" on the site)
Dr. Jo Shapiro, an otolaryngologist
Harvard Metagenomicist Peter Turnbaugh
and Mefi's own Horace Rumpole discusses the fascinating world of Early Modern Books.

Funny, engaging and stimulating...even if you don't know what otolaryngologists and metagenomicists do! Have a listen!
08 Nov 12:02

I Went to a Class to Learn How to Financially Dominate Men

by Alison Stevenson

Seva, the woman who taught the financial domination class. And a random piece of BDSM equipment she had. 

Last week, I went to a financial domination class in Downtown Los Angeles, hoping to learn valuable lessons on how to empower myself. After years of getting screwed over by the Man, I was ready to screw the Man myself. The class was at a place called the Den of Iniquity, which is a BDSM club that also puts together workshops.

Financial domination, for the uninitiated, is a fetish where people (usually submissive men) pay money to a dominant female without any hope of sexual intercourse. The sheer thrill of being taken advantage of is enough to turn on the submissive male.

Most of the Den of Iniquity's workshops are on things like "cock and ball torture" and "whipping." But, as a poor person with an amateur interest in verbally abusing people, I figured I'd go learn about financial domination. I go on drunken rants where I insult men all the time. Why, just the other night I sent a drunk text to my ex saying that we'd probably still be together if his dick was as big as his ego. So if I can make a few dollars doing what I love, why not?

The lecture was about to start, and only eight of us were in attendance. For such a small group, we ranged greatly in age, ethnicity, and level of experience. Our instructor, a woman named Seva, asked us to introduce ourselves briefly.

The two other BDSM-workshop first-timers in attendance didn't mention that 50 Shades of Grey had brought them there, but I got the feeling it had. Amazingly, only one girl was wearing leather. I couldn't tell if she was a professional dominatrix, or one of those people that feels like they have to dress up for any “kooky” event they go to. Like those Village Voice types who follow every food truck on Twitter, attend free seminars, and wear saris on Diwali. The oldest woman in the room seemed to be the most experienced. She was a giggly, middle-aged blonde, who told me that her current specialty was "mommy kink for men into infantilism." However, a guy had recently bought her a Mercedes, which sparked her interest in financial domination (which would spark my interest in anything, TBH). Another girl told us she is a dominatrix, but is also currently in school studying to be a video game designer. So a real potpourri of sadomasochists were in attendance.

The class was three hours long. In that time, here are the top things I learned:

Financial Slaves are not sugar daddies

Our instructor, Seva (pictured above[!!!]) is, she says, considered one of the leading fin-dommes (financial dominatrixes) in the world. She's been in the business for twenty years.

At the class, she entered the room and began writing what it means to be a financial slave on a tiny whiteboard. It read, “Submissive/male who fetishizes spending money on dominant females, or women in general, or gives money and gifts without receiving any sexual contact in return.”

She continued to write that this is different from a “sugar daddy” because there is no exchange, or expectation of sex in return. Often, there is no physical contact of any kind between a fin-domme and her slave.

She went on, “the slave's motivation for spending is rather the humiliation of spending money on her... this fetish stems from the male feeling inadequate, like he can't measure up in some way.” Often, these men tack on financial slavery to another fetish they already have. Like when you buy an energy drink at the gas station, and the cashier says, “if you get another it's half off"

A fin-domme's interaction with her slave will often be more than simply taking his money, but also taunting him over the phone or through email. Whatever he's into, you have to do it. Small penis humiliation, cuckolding, and even making sure he stays chaste are all part of the fin-domme game.

Financial slaves are real people with real problems

I wasn't allowed to take pictures during the class. So here's a selfie I took after with some of Seva's BDSM stuff.

During the class, I asked Seva if she could elaborate on what she meant by slaves feeling inadequate. Her examples were men who are fat or socially awkward. If not that, then maybe they come from a powerful family and feel like they can't live up to their family's expectations, or maybe they're recently divorced.

She surmised that, in their subconscious, being a financial slave is a solution. These men don't want to have to perform sexually because of how small they feel. This often becomes an addiction. They want to ruin themselves, to constantly be on the brink of losing all that they have, in order to satisfy women who could care less about them. I was shocked to hear her be so blunt and so guiltless.

These are not the kind of men I want to destroy. I initially imagined all fin-slaves to be wealthy business men. Men who are in the position of taking charge all day, and are real assholes about it. I only pictured investment bankers with slicked back hair who own several pairs of snakeskin loafers and laugh as they kick poor families out of their homes. Men who can give someone $10,000 like it's nothing, and desire being spit on because deep down they know they are filth incarnate. I was going to be very Robin Hood about this. Take from the rich, and give it to the poor (i.e. myself.)

Later on in her lecture, Seva made me feel a little more assured. She reminded me that whatever the reason for these men's inadequacies, at the end of the day, this is what they want. They get off on-–as she explained-–sexualizing their greatest fears, which are: a woman having power over them, and losing all their money.

That's why, as a fin-domme (or princess, pay princess, money domme... fetishists always seem to have lots of terms for things) you have to establish with your slave (or pig, idiot, loser, wallet, etc.) that you don't need his money. Never beg for it. Demand it, but make sure he knows that not giving you his money will have no effect on you (lie to them, basically).

This Is Actually a Tough Job

More random BDSM stuff

Seva spent a long time talking about all the gifts she receives. She said that her home is filled with stacks of unopened boxes (I assume she meant the boxes contain gifts, but maybe she just keeps asking men to buy her sealed boxes). Her career has gotten to the point where she can live solely off of her slaves. She also did us the favor of listing the best sites to advertise yourself on and the various ways to accept payment. 

She doesn't recommend PayPal, but, she said, other electronic payment sites like are great. Seva went on to warn us that this job looks easy on paper, but in actuality is not that simple. Aside from all the advertising and the overwhelming competition among other dommes, you have to also be aware of the legal ramifications. Know your limits-–what you can and can't do, when it comes to things like blackmail (which a lot of men desire), access to credit card information, etc. Aside from that, you have to make sure your real name, address, and phone number are not easy to access as some of these men can be dangerous. 

Slaves can also be taking advantage of you

Even more BDSM stuff

For the last third of the class, Seva brought in one of her own slaves to speak to us. A real pay-pig was on display for us to look at and examine.

She gave him the floor, and we got to pick his brain a little. Right away, the guy opened up with a Nietzsche quote. “The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.” I instantly knew I was not going to like anything else he had to say. He gave his perspective on being a slave, and spoke of the rush he gets when a woman tells him to do something. He said that his number one fantasy is to run errands for a woman, and even sign over the lease of his condo to a woman. He then went on a small rant telling us that women are great at manipulation, and humiliation. Being a woman's slave, “appeals to her vanity,” he said.

He emphasized that the manipulation goes both ways. Men play naïve, just as much as women play rough. I left the workshop knowing I would probably never be able to put the effort and time into this lifestyle.

Seva was a wonderful instructor. She was honest, clear, and made financial domination incredibly enticing. But, at the end of the day, this has to be something you really love. It has to get you going as much as you get these guys going. Basically,you can't half-ass it, which is what I tend to do. Just the thought of setting up a GiftRocket account is sounding like too much work. I think for now, I’ll stick to angry, drunken, man-hating rants in the middle of the night with no material benefit. A much better plan.


More on BDSM:

Needle Play Is a New Frontier of Love

Edgeplay Isn't Your Grandmother's BDSM Scene

Love Is Pain



08 Nov 11:23

Big History Project

by Gerard

Explore 13.7 billion years of shared history and consider the big questions about our Universe, our planet, life, and humanity. From the big bang to modern day to where we are going in the future, big history covers it all.

Big History is a story everyone should know. It's a universal, scientific origin story that is relevant to anyone and everyone.
08 Nov 01:30

These Are Your Jams: Submit Your Music, Get Awesome Exposure

by Michael Nissenbaum

I’m Mike Nissenbaum. I’m a semi-frequent Thought Catalog contributor and avid amateur musician. It can be tough to get your stuff out there, and that sucks. I want to hear your work. I want other people to hear your work.

I’ve run this feature a few times, and its earned tens of thousands of views. Maybe small change in the internet’s grand scheme, but wider (and more random) distribution than Facebook or Twitter. Contributors have reported several hundred to over a thousand SoundCloud plays within a day of posting. To see past articles, click the “these are your jams” tag at the end of this article.

I’ve played in bands on-and-off for a long time and recently have been working on recording my own stuff. You can check out some of my writings on music for TC. I’m totally willing to listen to anything.

All genres will be accepted and this feature’s frequency will depend on the size of your response. If it’s popular enough to run daily, it will be done.

To be clear: I don’t work for Thought Catalog. I have no agreement with them. I just write for them periodically. Your music is yours. Consider this a way to expose it to more people.

The guidelines are really simple.

Send an e-mail to with the subject line “Music Submission”.

Here’s a quick checklist of what to put in the e-mail:

  • A Soundcloud link to a song of your choosing. Originals are preferred, but cool covers are OK. If the song has a music video, send over a YouTube link. We won’t embed YouTube videos, but I’ll include a link to it.
  • A short write-up about your act. No hard cap but a few sentences should do it. Where you’re from, your style, other things you may want people to know. You can include a picture as well if you have one and you think it’s important.  No submission will be turned away for lack of a picture, though.
  • A link to your website (again if you have one).
  • Anything else you may want! If you have a show or release or other notable event coming up, definitely mention that and I’ll include it in the article.

Looking forward to hearing some excellent work! If any readers aren’t recording artists themselves but know people who are, definitely tell them!

Legal Stuff: Your e-mail gives me permission to post your music on TC. It conveys no copyright or any other claim to your intellectual property. It stays yours.

Can’t wait to hear (literally) from you! TC Mark


08 Nov 00:41

‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare’: The origin of Spinal Tap

Spinal Tap
Legend has it that the initial creative spark for This is Spinal Tap was generated from a serendipitous moment at the Chateau Marmont in 1974, when Christopher Guest overheard the following “duncelike” dialogue between the bassist for a rock band and his manager:

Manager: All right, well, we’ll take our instruments up to the room.
Bassist: Don’t know where my bass is.
Manager: I beg your pardon.
Bassist: I don’t know where the bass is.
Manager: Where is it?
Bassist: I think it’s at the airport.
Manager: You have to get back there, don’t you?
Bassist: I don’t know, do I?
Manager: I think you better.
Bassist: Where’s my bass?
Manager: It’s at the airport.

Guest let that idea ping-pong around his head for a while, and in 1978 Spinal Tap made its first appearance on an ABC sketch program called The TV Show, which aired at 11:30 pm. The initial target of the sketch was an NBC music show called The Midnight Special. In the book Risky Business: Rock in Film, R. Serge Denisoff and William D. Romanowski explain that the three main characters of the band were developed during video shoot. According to Harry Shearer (bassist Derek Smalls), “We were shooting a takeoff on ‘Midnight Special,’ just lying on the ground waiting for the machine that was supposed to make the fog effect to stop dripping hot oil on us—and to relieve the tension of that moment, we started ad-libbing these characters.”

In the clip, Rob Reiner introduces the band not as “Marty DiBergi” but as Wolfman Jack. The video is a kind of repository of heavy metal video tropes—the endless over-emoting on stage, the quasi-choreographed physical interplay between the band’s members, a video montage including a trippy poker game and a death’s-head judge pronouncing the band to be “guilty,” complete with gavel. There’s also a sublime Busby Berkeley moment that no real heavy metal band would ever be caught dead executing—this is the reference to “lying on the ground” in Shearer’s comment above. And just to top it off, there’s a shot of a playing card—the ace of spades, natch—on fire.

You can’t tell from watching it—at least, I can’t—but the keyboardist in the video is none other than Loudon Wainwright III.

08 Nov 00:39

Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

by Joe Veix
Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

There are few experiences that can convey the beauty and breadth of human achievement over the course of our brief existence on this planet than viewing any of the wonders of the world in person. Of course, being labeled a “wonder of the world” will turn a place into one of the most popular tourist destinations on the planet, which means it will also be crowded and expensive.

A few people can’t reconcile the incredible feats of architecture they’re seeing with these expected discomforts, and they take to TripAdvisor to let the world know how awful these places truly are. The reviews are incomprehensible and funny. We’ve collected a few of them below.

[Regarding the methodology of our selection: there are multiple "official" lists of the seven "wonders of the world." Some are better than others. Most strangely, USA Today compiled one in 2006 that includes "the Internet" located on the "Earth." We went with the New7Wonders foundation's list (which inexplicably includes eight items), as it's the most recent list that wasn't biased towards western attractions. (The American Society of Civil Engineers includes the CN Tower, for example, which—no offense to the very pleasant citizens of Canada—just doesn't belong on the same list as The Great Wall of China).]

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling 585x388 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

Facts: Built in 7th century BC; the longest man-made structure in the world; it cost the lives of more than a million people to build it
Popular complaints: Bad smells, fog, crowded, better on TV, not as cool as it used to be

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The Historical City of Petra

Street of Facades Petra 585x438 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

Facts: Built in 100 BC; reportedly where King Aretas ordered the arrest of the Apostle Paul; only 15% has been explored by archeologists
Popular complaints: Crowded, boring, dog murder

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Cristo Redentor (Statue of Christ the Redeemer)

From Back Christ the Redeemer overlooking Rio De Janeiro 585x329 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

Facts: Built in 1931; largest Art Deco statue in the world
Popular complaints: Fog, crowded, expensive, “nothing to see”

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Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu early morning 585x390 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

Facts: Built in 1450; the buildings were made without mortar
Popular complaints: Food poisoning, mosquitos, expensive

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Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza Castillo Seen From East 585x438 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

Facts: Built in 600; was once an important pilgrimage site for the Mayans
Popular complaints: Too hot, boring, obnoxious sellers, “terrible”

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Colosseum in Rome Italy   April 2007 585x343 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

Facts: Built in 80; can accommodate 50,000 spectators; was used for gladiatorial contests
Popular complaints: Gladiators, expensive, “borring” [sic]

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Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal 2012 585x336 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

Facts: Built in 1648; largest mausoleum in India; took 20 years to build
Popular complaints: Smells bad, crowded, “invisible”

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Great Pyramids of Giza

All Gizah Pyramids 585x388 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

Facts: Built in 2560 BC; took 23 years to build; made of over 2 million blocks, each weighing 2.5 tons
Popular complaints: Dangerous camel rides, “pile of rubbish,” small children will punch you in the back

pyramids1 585x334 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world

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pyramids4 585x299 Bad TripAdvisor reviews of the eight wonders of the world