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13 Apr 22:37

6 Insane Drug Myths People Used to Teach as Fact

By Robert Evans  Published: April 12th, 2014  Life has never been good for people who like drugs. Well, unless you're including every second of every day before the 1920s. Children's medicinal heroin is still a few years of hard lobbying from finding its way back to the shelf, but pot users fina
13 Apr 21:58

So Android phones turn out to be too working class to be interesting

by MartinWisse
"Android users are less lucrative than iPhone users, and designers are iPhone users. It's a socio-economic split on class lines, in favor of iPhone over Android."

Cennydd Bowles, a design lead for Twitter, asks why developers don't take Android seriously. At the Business Insider, Jim Edwards response is that Android users are, well, poor. It also turns out that a lot of Android users use their phones disappointedly as just phones, while developing for Android is much more costly than for iOS. All of which may just explain why it's rumoured Samsung wants to abandon Android for its own operating system.
13 Apr 21:14

they really said this.

by and they trembled before her fury
It Happened to Me: I am the Most Popular Woman on OKCupid, and by most popular, I mean the "most messaged."
13 Apr 20:04

El cerdo 05049, un animal muy aprovechado

by Sweet Cannela
Cerdo 05049

Cuando hablamos de ganado porcino, la mayoría pensamos solamente en la carne que terminara siendo consumida por los humanos. Pero hoy en día, se trata de aprovechar la mayor cantidad posible de este animal. La holandesa Christien Meindertsma, estuvo tres años investigando todos los productos hechos con un solo cerdo, específicamente el cerdo 05049. Es un buen trabajo para analizar como las materias primas se relacionan con los fabricantes, con los productos y con consumidores.

Encontró aproximadamente 185 productos, desde balas hasta cigarros, y los recopilo en un libro tipo catálogo. En un costado del libro aparece un duplicado del identificador que el cerdo tenía en su oreja. El libro consiste en siete capítulos: piel, huesos, carne, órganos internos, sangre, grasa y misceláneos. La finalidad es que nos demos cuenta que en nuestro día a día, estamos en contacto con muchos productos hechos con algún subproducto del cerdo. En el vídeo, Christien platica sobre alguno de estos objetos.

A través de un día cotidiano, nos va narrando todos los productos que utilizamos que tienen alguna parte de ese cerdo, y que no estamos ni enterados. Por ejemplo en el transcurso de la mañana utilizamos jabón, shampoo acondicionador, crema anti-arrugas y pasta de dientes, todos fabricados con algún ingrediente porcino. La comida “baja en grasa”, al quitarle la grasa, pierde su sabor y textura, así que le agregan más gelatina para mantener la textura.

Algo importante que la artista quería rescatar es la influencia de la globalización. Muchas veces pensamos que los únicos que tienen contacto con la carne de cerdo son los carniceros locales. Pero las partes de un cerdo, viajan por todo el mundo, terminando en productos que divergen completamente de lo que conocemos como el animal original. Es un ejemplo de la desconexión que tenemos los consumidores, con la producción de los productos que utilizamos diariamente.

Más información | Flocks

En Directo al Paladar México | El chicharrón de cerdo
En Directo al Paladar México | Medallones de cerdo a la cebolla. Receta

La noticia El cerdo 05049, un animal muy aprovechado fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar México por Sweet Cannela.

13 Apr 18:37

Santiago supera o iguala a 31 partidos judiciales que mantendrá Gallardón

by xurxo melchor
12 Apr 09:21

My Favorite Christian Porn Film

by Keith E. Lee

In anticipation of the approaching Easter holiday I’ve been watching some Christian porn.

Related Thought

I Was Told I Needed To "Repent" For Being Raped At My Christian College

Pensacola Christian College markets itself as “one of the friendliest college campuses in America." In reality, it is one of the most dangerous places for abuse victims.

Get your mind out of the gutter, you heathen! I don’t mean porn as in (missionary) sex scenes, but dramatic representations of torture that befall the wicked and faithless—Christian torture porn, if you will.

There have been many Christian-themed films produced since the dawn of cinema—from Hollywood spectacles such as The King of Kings (1927) or Noah (2014) to low-budget motivational movies for churches.

Bible-based social-guidance films were produced in the 1950s to stem the tide of juvenile delinquency. In the 1980s, the “satanic panic” sparked an avalanche of scare films about the evils of everything from rock ’n’ roll to cartoons.

At the turn of the millennium a new type of Christian film—the Left Behind series and cable documentaries such as Gates of Hell—began to flourish. These were usually tame affairs that merely suggested what could happen to those that sinned without graphically portraying it.

Then there are the films of Ron Ormond.

Related Thought

Hobby Lobby And The Fertility Cult In Christianity

Christians versus contraception, why does that issue keep coming up?

Ron Ormond was a vaudeville performer and TV roller-derby producer who also made exploitation movies: The Girl from Tobacco Row, Mesa of Lost Women, and Teenage Bride, as well as cheapie Westerns such as The Black Lash. In 1968 Ormond converted to Christianity after surviving an airplane crash. From then on he dedicated his work to spreading the word of the Lord.

In 1971 Ormond teamed up with Baptist preacher Estus W. Pirkle to produce the Citizen Kane of Christian scare films: If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?

Filmed in rural Mississippi, Footmen is an hour-long sermon that purports to document what will happen to America when the communists take over “in 15 minutes” and leave “hundreds of dead bodies on the streets of your hometown” unless everyone repents and gives their soul to Christ.

Once the communists take over (on horseback), they will force Americans into labor camps where the slogan, “Communism is good! Christianity is stupid!” is repeatedly broadcast over loudspeakers.

Preacher Pirkle posits the potential downfall of America on television, drive-in movies, and dancing (“it’s just as wrong as it’s always been”), while his scenarios are dramatized with wooden acting and half-assed costumes. (Check out the hammer and sickle armbands.) The film features the worst foreign accents I’ve ever heard—one of the actors goes from cheesy Cuban to slurred Soviet to down-home drawl in a single sentence of dialogue.

The camera pans across bodies of children sporting fake blood barely worthy of Herschell Gordon Lewis. A kid gets a bamboo spear through the ear so he can never hear the Gospel again—and then pukes! A man is impaled on a pitchfork. But by far the most violent scene in the film is when a young boy who refuses to renounce Christ is beheaded:

The film’s narrative also involves Judy, who engages in drinking, premarital sex, and the wearing of fake eyelashes. Judy attends Pirkle’s sermon and realizes the error of her ways after recalling that her newly deceased mother was disappointed that she never read the scriptures.

Wait—now it’s a funeral!? Was the corpse of Judy’s mother there the whole time? And did they really bury that poor woman wearing a hair net?

All this leads to the inevitable tearful altar call, whereupon Judy weeps and confesses her sins as Pirkle leeringly asks if she will accept Jesus as her personal savior. That’s the Christian-porn money shot.

Happy Easter! TC mark

12 Apr 01:42

How things are made

by Jonco

Pop tarts

Chicken Wire
Chicken wire


Camouflage helmet
Camouflage helmet



Ice Cream Sandwiches
Ice Cream Sandwiches

A few more here


12 Apr 01:41

What the…?

by Jonco

What the



12 Apr 01:39

33 tacos dunha tacada

by Xose Manoel Ramos

  • Se contades veredes que non hai 33 tacos. Pero confio en que algún día os haberá. Era por definir un número determinado.
  • A idea é tan só ir agrupando fotos de tacos e enlaces do sitio, non tanto para axudar ós que anden por México, se non máis ben como ilustración e documentación de que é un Taco
  • Así un pouco vendo as imaxes podedes facervos unha idea canto se parecen ou canto se diferencian
  • Non vos decepcionedes pola calidade de algunhas fotos. Tentei facer as mellores fotos posibles, pero moitas veces, entre que é noite, e que non hai moito acougo, non quedan moi ben. Saltade se tal as primeiras fotos e ide mirando cara o final, onde vai mellorando o choio
  • Recomendo comenzar a ler coma fan os fuboleros cos periodicos: de atrás a diante. Os do final son as entradas máis recentes de tacos

Antes de nada falo un pouquiño do concepto do taco. Nen son mexicano, nen vivín moio tempo alá, nen son erudito en tacos. Así que non me esixades moito.

O taco normalmente é considerado un plato, pero eu atreveríame a calificalo máis coma unha presentación ca un plato en si. Hai mil maneiras de preparar os tacos, e serven para todo. Nen sequeira hai un tamaño específico, poden ser cativos ou poden ser grandes. 

Tratase dun plato tradicional mexicano, pero non vaiades a pensar que estaban tomando tacos cando chegou Hernan Cortes. De sempre se fixeron tortillas, e de sempre se comeu con elas, pero o concepto moderno do taco seica orixínase no século XIX coma unha maneira cómoda de xantar cando non se estaba na casa. 

Tacos Dorados de Pollo

En Fonda Trotamundo, Colonia Nápoles. Non sei o precio, porque viñan nun menú, que saiu todo por uns 60 pesos.
Imos comezar polos tacos máis diferentes que leven o nome de tacos. Os tacos dorados coma vedes son tortillas de millo (non teño visto outra versión) fritas en aceite ata que quedan crocantes con carne dentro. Servense normalmente parecido a aquí, con queixo e crema por riba. 

Tacos Norteños

En Carnes Regias, que agora xa non fai tacos, e só carnicería. Uns 30 pesos os dous tacos.
Non teño estado no norte de méxico, así que non sei coma son os tacos alá polo norte. Esto o tomei nunha carnicería duns norteños e así o chamaban. Un par de cousas que diferencian estes tacos dos outros que aparecerán na lista: A carne está feita "al carbón", ou sexa á brasa (habitualmente no resto de México faise a carne nun comal - que é coma unha plancha). Por outro lado, as tortillas son "tortillas de harina" (tortillas de trigo). Na disquisición entre que é mellor se a tortilla de trigo ou a de millo... non sei. En Carnes Regias facían bastante ben os tacos: fixadevos que as tortillas veñen ocas, iso fai que estén lixeiriñas e ben cocidas. 

Tacos Campechanos 

En Tortas Don Beto. Saen a 30 pesos os 3 tacos. 

Istes tacos son campechanos coma o rei Juan Carlos! Que son os tacos campechanos? Son os que levan varios ingredientes (carnicos) en vez dun só. Bueno, normalmente o que levan engadido é chorizo ou coma neste caso, chicharróns (en México chaman chicharróns ás cortezas de porco). 
Neste caso en Tortas don Beto danlle unha presentación curiosa, poñen as 3 tortillas no fondo, e poñen enriba o contido. E logo vaste apañando ti para facer os tacos (son moi xenerosos, hai máis carne da que entra nos tacos). 

Neste sitio preguntanche se queres cebola e cilantro nos tacos (eu sempre respondo que sí). Hai varias maneiras de actuar dependendo das taquerías: unhas preguntan se queres cebola e cilantro, pero a maioría non poñen nada, e tes ti a cebola e cilantro da túa man e as engades se che apetece. Eu sempre lle poño cebola e cilantro, pero hai xente que non lle debe gustar.

Taco de Pescado

En la camioneta Crazy Fish. 30 pesos (un sólo taco)

Xa anticipo que ides a ver varias versións do Taco de Pescado, e todas elas son moi diferentes. Seica iste taco é un invento californiano, tal vez por eso é tan diferente ós platos mexicanos. Neste caso, este ven sendo un taco estilo "Baja" (de Baja California). Esta feito con peixe rebozado, e ensalada.
Non sei se vos déchedes conta, pero os tacos que hai antes non levan ensalada (e os que hai despois tampouco levan ensalada). Isto é un invento americano. Nota: se vos poñen ensalada no voso taco, estanvos metendo algo texmex ou galimex. A estes podemosllos perdoar, porque en teoría fan cociña Baja. Iso sí, pareceronme caros, e o de que fose peixe rebozado decepcionoume moito.

Comenzan os pesos pesados:

Tacos de bistec 

En El Gallito. Sobre 30 pesos os dous tacos, pero ... son moi grandes.

Hai unha cousa que non sei se se pode ver nas fotos, pero hai moita variabilidade no tamaño dos tacos. Hai tacos cativos, dos que podes tomar 4 e apenas mataches a fame, e hai tacos grandes, contundentes. Os tacos de El Gallito son grandes, coma vedes enchen o contenedor de poliespan enteiro. E ademáis teñen moita, moita carne. Así que son caros, pero son grandes. Non é habitual que sexan tan grandes.

Esta é unha taquería grande, cómoda con moitas mesas. É unha taquería para ir co coche. Funciona cun horario especial: de 7 a 7. E non as que estades a pensar. É por tanto un lugar típico de xente que traballa a horas extrañas, xente que vai de festa, xente que volta de festa.

Os tacos de bistec son o tipo máis sinxelo e facil de entender que hai, tratase dun bisté que cortan no momento e fancho á plancha. Vai no taco, engades salsa, encurtidos (coma neste caso), poslle limón e a comer.

Tacos Pastor

En La Chinampa.  Como uns 12 pesos cada un, e 3 días á semana: 2x1 de tacos pastor

Os tacos pastor son o equivalente mexicano do kebab. Bueno, teñen unha certa relación, ainda que teñen as súas diferencias. Segundo contan, a tradición foi que os inmigrantes árabes que chegaron a México polos anos 30 trouxeron con eles o shawarma, que en Puebla evolucionou ó taco árabe (que sairá aquí nestas fotos). Os mexicanos vendo coma funcionaba o choio do shawarma fixeron algo parecido. Iso sí, usaron carne de porco, cousa que ós árabes non lles chistaría nada.
Os tacos pastor son carne de porco bastante adobada, feita nun asador vertical xiratorio coma o dos kebabs. Servese nunha tortilla e engadeselle un cachiño de piña (en algún sitio cutre non che traen esta piña, o cal é unha pena). Coma é habitual en case todos os tacos, engadeslle ti se queres, cebola e cilantro. E por suposto salsa.

Tacos de Lengua, de Cabeza (Maciza) y Tacos Pastor

En Tacos Alvaro Obregon. Baratísimo, enter 8 e 12 pesos cada taco, dependendo do tipo.

Para o taco aproveitase todo. De feio coma os tacos venlles mellor que a carne esté ben picada, os tacos é un sistema perfecto para usar carnes que non teñen moito aproveitamento porque hai moito oso. Por exemplo os tacos de cabeza. Neste caso, cando en México falan de tacos de cabeza, refirense a cabeza de res. Segundo me dixeron, faise a cabeza cocida (ou ó vapor) e bueno, logo vaiselle sacando a carne por partes. No restaurante especifícanche que parte queres: trompa, maciza, oreja, ojo. Non necesito explicar moito. Bueno, a maciza é coma lle din a todas á carne magra. Así que neste caso será a carne de cabeza que é magra. E as outras xa terán máis graxa ou tecidos conxuntivos. (Eu non me animei moito a pedir os tacos de cabeza. Unha vez o fixen e non me chistou demasiado).
Ou por contra, aproveitase para os tacos algo que é todo carne: a lingua. Os tacos de cabeza e de lingua non os teñen en todas as taquerías, pero son moi populares. Estarán no top 5.

Tacos de "Carnitas de Pescado"

En Fisher's. 86 pesos os 3.
Coma xa expliquei antes, nos tacos de pescado hai moita imaxinación. Se comparades estes co que había enriba, pois non teñen demasiado parecido. Estes parecen máis tacos ca o outro. Ainda que son unha cousa un pouco extraña. E ben cara, coma podedes comparar, o prezo de estes 3 tacos da para 9 en Tacos Alvaro Obregon, por exemplo. Unha das cousa que quero que vos fagades a idea con esta lista é a grande variabilidade de prezos que hai nos tacos en México. E non sempre esta diferencia de prezos indica diferencia en calidade.

Taco de Longaniza, Maciza e Cabeza

En El Borrego Viudo. Barato, menos de 10 pesos cada taco. 
Se El Gallito tiña un horario para noctámbulos, El Borrego Viudo, ainda máis: traballa 24 horas. Ten aparcamento para os clientes, e traeche a comida ó coche. 
Aquí hai outro tipo de taco bastante habitual en México: o de longaniza. A longaniza é un tipo de chourizo fresco que fan en México, máis ben tirando a salchicha ou chistorra. De feito coido que é un dos tipos de taco máis fáciles de emular en España: compras unhas chistorras,abrelas e falas á plancha, xa tes algo parecido.
Estes de enriba son tacos de cabeza. Coma vos dixera non tiña moitas ganas do taco de cabeza, porque me daba un pouco noxo. Pero bueno, nesta ocasión pedín para probar. Non me gustou demasiado. Máis que nada porque (vese se mirades con coidado nas fotos) deixan osos e cartilago no medio da carne. E moi incómodo de comer, estas todo o rato topando cousas duras no medio.

Ah, nesta foto podedes comprobar algo que non é maioritario nas taquerias, pero que pasa en moitas: sirvenche os tacos en dúas tortillas. De esta maneira hai menos risco que rompa a tortilla e sexa dificil de comer. Ademáis de ter dúas tortillas os taco aquí non son moi grandes. Coma vedes, tomei 6 tacos e non empachei moito.

Tacos de Carnitas y Barbacoa

En Tacos de Jorge y Lupita, Mercado del Valle. 12 pesos.

Coidado, que estes tacos non son exactamente o que un español pensaría. En España e en moitos outros paises barbacóa refirese a preparar a carne á brasa.  En México, a barbacoa é unha cousa diferente. Cociñar á barbacoa quere decir que se fai un burano no chan, enchese con pedras quentadas o lume durante moito tempo. A carne envolvese con follas de planta (maguey), e ponse enriba de esas pedras. Deixase así cociñar. A carne non entra en contacto cas pedras e o lume. Vaise facendo pouco a pouco no seu xugo, e queda coma se fose feita ó vapor. Ainda que se poden facer con calqueira tipo de carne, a máis popular é a de cordeiro ou cabrito.

En resumo, os tacos de barbacoa non son carne á brasa (iso en México son os tacos "al carbón"). É unha carne cocida, pero non coma cocida na auga, se non seca e ainda con todo o sabor.

Esta taquería na que comín, ten apariencia moi discreta. É apenas un local pintado de laranxa con mesas de xardín, un par de mostradores onde están preparando os tacos. Por non ter, nen ten un cartel co nome. Coñecese polo nome dos seus fundadores: Jorge y Lupita. Pero é un sitio ben bó, e este e o taco seguinte son dos máis xeitosos que teña tomado en México. Podedes ler máis do sitio aquí neste enlace:
Teñen, como algo típico da casa a súa salsa: é salsa verde, e na salsa xa vai a cebola e o cilantro. Non fai falla engadilos. (Tamén, se non gostas do cilantro, vas fastidiado). Moi bóa a salsa, moi boas as tortillas, e excelente a carne. É a primeira vez que tomo barbacoa e non podo comparar, pero gustoume moito a barbacoa, e entendo porque os mexicanos teñen unha paixón especial por ela. Ademáis, coma dixen enriba, coma non é algo necesariamente fácil de preparar (necesitas un sitio onde facer o do burato e sobre todo necesitas un día enteiro para quentar nas pedras), é algo especial.

Se os outros eran bós, estes tacos de carnitas son tan bós, ou millores. De feito esta taquería é moi famosa pola súas carnitas. Moita xente en España coñece toda a mitoloxía que hai detrás da cochinita pibil. Parecida mitoloxía teñen as carnitas (xa falei de isto aquí en Laconada, pero é un tema que me interesa). Se me diciedes que escolla entre carnitas e cochinita pibil... estadesme dicindo que escolla entre papá ou mamá. Pero case diría que prefiro unhas bóas carnitas.

O choio é que a cochinita pibil (coma leva o adobo) sabe parecido case en todos os lados. Vamos, coma pasa ca zorza, sabe máis ó pementón ca a carne. As carnitas en cambio, sonche unha cousa fastidiosa. Hai varias escolas sobre coma facelas. Nuns sitios achichárrano moito, en outros vai con moito unto. Neste caso, coma podedes ver na foto, e ainda que nunca as tomásedes, coma bos galegos que sodes sabedes coma é o punto de cocción do porco... coma podedes ver estan non demasiada feitas.  E vouvos dicir, que así é case coma mellor saben.

(Nota mental: teño que voltar a tomar estas carnitas)
(Nota ós lectores: cando regresei a Mexico DF ... voltei, e estaban tan bós coma o mes anterior)

Tacos de Barbacoa (sen salsa)

Tacos de Carnitas (Sen Salsa)

Tacos de Guisado

En Tacos Gus, Condesa. 3 tacos, 50 pesos.

Xa tardaban en aparecer os tacos de guisado. ¿Que son os tacos de Guisado? En xeral o resto de tipo de tacos son de algún tipo de carne feita no momento diante túa, e logo opcionalmente podes engadir cebola ou cilantro crus, e obligatoriamente algún tipo de salsa. Neste caso, no puesto hai unhas olas (de barro) que están continuamente ó lume, e consiste en comer unha raciónciña dun dos guisos nunha tortilla.

Mentras que os tacos de carne son minimalistas no número de ingredientes, os tacos de guisado son complexos. Defeito, o guiso xa ven aliñado, así que as veces non faría falta botarlle salsa. Pero un mexicano, bota salsa a todo.

Tacos de chicharron guisado con arroz

Taco de longaniza con guacamole

Taco de chile relleno
con queso
Este tacos son dun sitio chamado Tacos Gus. É unha taquería bastante elegante, poderíase dicir que ata "pija", pero coma podedes ver mantén a tradición dunha taquería de rúa: platos cunha bolsa de plástico.
Pero o importante non é iso, se non a calidade dos seus guisos. Todos os guisos están feitos con productos "orgánicos". Non sei se será certo, pero o certo é que estan moi bós. Ademáis son tan simpáticos que non me cobraron a bebida. Moi, moi recomendables. Os tacos de guisado levan acompañamento, neste caso vedes: arroz, guacamole e queixo. Había ainda máis acompañamentnos posibles, pero eu só podía probar 3. E o número de guisos era abrumador: máis de 10 tipos de guiso.

Tacos de Barbacoa Guerrerenses y Consomé

En Barbacoa Los Gizado, Taxco. 90 pesos x 3 tacos (con bebida y consomé)

Ya habían salido los tacos de barbacoa en la lista, pero repetimos porque en este caso son un poco diferentes. Ya salta a la vista que esta carne está mucho más oscura, esta es barbacoa de chivo (cabra).  Pero no sólo eso, en Guerrero tienen un pequeño detalle especial: la panza de chivo. Toman el estómado del chivo y lo rellenan con carne y visceras picadas de chivo. Luego hacen la barbacoa (en un hueco en el suelo, durante muchas horas, rodeado de hojas de maguey) con pierna de chivo. La panza una vez hecha en la barbacoa tiene aspecto de un embutido grande, de forma esférica. A la hora de pedir los tacos te preguntan si quieres panza, pierna o combinado. Estas son combinadas, hay pierna (la carne deshebrada) y panza (los medallones gordos).  En este restaurante los sirven con un poco de salsa picante y un jalapeño.

Además la tradición es acompañar estos tacos con un cuenco de consomé de barbacoa, que lleva veduras y carne del chivo.

Taco de Canasta o Sudado

Puesto en la calle Magdalena, en frente del Café Amano (sólo por las mañanas)  2 tacos, 10 pesos (0,5 €)

Un clásico do almorzo mexicano (o que petiscan os mexicanos entre as 9:00 e as 12:00 da mañá): os tacos de canasta ou sudados. Os dous nomes teñen a súa razón: "de canasta" porque se venden en cestas, envoltos en plastico e telas para que manteñan o calor. "sudados" porque os tacos teñen a tortilla con graxa, coma se estivesen suados.
Estas dúas cousas son importantes. Os tacos sudados son diferentes dos outros tacos en que se preparan a noite ou mañá anterior (normalmente cun recheo de guisado: chicharrón, frijoles,...), e gardanse nunhas cestas envoltos de plastico así quentiños, e logo engadeslle unha salsa con aceite e cebola. O taco vai asbsorvendo parte da salsa así que por iso queda suado por fora.

Un taco típico do DF que non ides ter moita ocasión de tomalo en restaurantes. Normalmente os tacos de canasta vendense na rúa e pola mañá. Así que se andades por Mexico e vedes a alguén vendendo tacos cunha cesta grande, xa sabedes.

Tacos Acorazados

Tacos Mary (Cuernavaca). 1 taco, 25 pesos (1,4€)
Estes son os tacos acorazados (vaia nome). Son típicos de Cuernavaca. Son uns tacos enormes coma podedes ver (eu só fun capaz de tomar 1 de almorzo, non puiden darlle a outro, e iso que tiña ganas, porque o primeiro estivera moi bó). É un taco da familia dos tacos de guisado, pero neste caso con moito moito arroz.  Arroz acompañado con carnitas. Neste caso as carnitas estaba desfiadas (moi, moi parecido ós rixóns en moitas partes de galicia). Moi ricas todas.

Coma se toma isto... pois coma podedes imaxinar, non hai maneirra de tomalo coma un taco, dun bocado. Hai que meterlle culler ou tenedor e ir tomando o de enriba. Non sei, é moi desconcertante: o taco está feito para poder ser comido ca man, e este hai qu e comelo nunha mesa.

E para facer as cousas ainda máis extrañas, ven sendo a primeira vez que en México non me teñen posto salsa para compañar os tacos:

A opción eran as clásicas rajas con cebola, zenoura e escabeche. E neste caso tamén parecía ser típico do sitio unha alternativa orixinal: pataca cocida con rajas de xalapeño. Moi ricas, pero... aquelo ardía meu. Ademáis non daba entendido moi ben coma mezclar a pataca co arroz e carnitas. Pero fixeno e dinlle para adiante.

Tacos Acorazados

Puesto callejereo Doña Tere. 2 tacos + refresco: 75 pesos (4.5€)

Curiosamente, tamén tomei unha versión no posto da rúa, e xa eran máis parecidos os tacos que se fan en moitos outros sitios (excepto que non falta nunca o arroz). Coma vedes son moito máis pequenos e podense tomar (abrindo ben a boca) a bocados. 

Neste caso un de eles é de torta de carne (carne desfiada rebozada con ovo e supoño que algún tipo de fariña). Ese leva rajas. O que leva salsa xa é de algo que tamén teño visto no DF: chile recheo de queixo, capeado (rebozado)
12 Apr 01:28

The Rooster Sauce and the People Who Love It

by 4ster
Well, it has finally happened: The The Irwindale (California) City Council has ruled that a factory that produces the popular Sriracha hot sauce is a public nuisance. The factory has 90 days to better contain its fumes The resolution, issued this past Wednesday evening, enables city officials to make changes if the smells continue after the factory's deadline has past. In other Sriracha news: The Oatmeal provides a (somewhat) illustrated guide to the utility of the sauce. Of course, Sriracha deserves its own movie. Bon Appetit proves that there are (at least) twenty-five uses for Sriracha. Do you like to drink Sriracha? Out of a mug (not advised)? Think Geek has got you covered. If the worst-case scenario happens, fear not! Nom nom paleo teaches how to make your own Sriracha.
12 Apr 01:27

The Platinum Club

by Blazecock Pileon
As part of the ongoing Periodic Video series (previously and more previously), Martyn Poliakoff takes us inside Johnson Matthey, where he shows us some "Super Expensive Metals" — a few of the rare platinum group metals — as they are refined and processed from raw ore into finished products.
12 Apr 01:24

Craiglist post: My ‘heart (& vagina)’ need a Coachella ticket

by Brian Abrams
Craiglist post: My ‘heart (& vagina)’ need a Coachella ticket

^^^not author of Craigslist posting below^^^

Given the Outkast reunion accompanied by other eye-popping headliners, it’s not such a stretch of the imagination that a passionate music lover and apt user of Internet 2.0 would barter top dollar to ensure hot hippie sex at the 2014 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.

In a Craigslist Los Angeles post that was published on Thursday evening, a 31-year-old “Southern gal” requested a weekend pass to the festival because her “heart (& vagina)” depend on it. She is willing to pay, according to the CL post, $500 for her newfound lover–a “witty and manly and open and sensitive and well-dressed and smells like delicious dude musk … unicorn”–in order for him to gain entry into the festival.

Normally, I’m not one for block-quoting; but, in this case, it would be a disservice to the internet if I did not provide gal’s offer in full. I’d hate for her to suffer a dry spell at the event. Here’s to good karma all around.


Do you believe in love?

Lemme be more specific. Do you believe in love AND crazy festival sex under the desert moon to the lyrical stylings of Big Boi?

Because yo, that is what I am trying to have this weekend.

Ima be real with y’all. (I’m a Southern gal so we know when it’s time to show our cards. Listen to The Gambler and you’ll understand.)

I’m 31 and I gotta git this damn show on the road, homeslice. I’m starting to cry during laundry detergent commercials. My ovaries are making a bid to take over my mind. Tick tick tick. Terrifying for me too, buddy.

So I’ve been Tindering. A lot.

And I don’t know about your relationship status, but it is carnage out there on the Internet. No joke, wild bro beasts lurking around every corner, waiting to douche up the dating scene…

I’ve seen things that make me worried for the reproductive future of our society. I’ve been on dates so heinous I considered ordering a flaming shot of 151 and pouring it over my head like some fed-up Buddhist love monk martyr who’s just endured too many cockily perched fedoras. ACTUAL ASSHATS.

And then I met HIM. On Tinder no less. He didn’t ask me to take his virginity or if I was into “butt stuff.” He’s witty and manly and open and sensitive and well-dressed and smells like delicious dude musk. In short, he’s a unicorn.

I must enchant this magic man. Coachella is my one true chance. My friends have a free house for the first weekend, I found a last-minute ticket…but he doesn’t have one. I need him to come…ya feel me?!

This could be it, y’all! I could fuckin’ lock this shit down because I intend to try out some sexual moves that will look like Cirque Du Soleil and feel like an episode of Cosmos…in yo dick. (Plus I imagine there will be recreational pharmaceuticals on-hand. That never hurts.)

So please. Sell me your ticket at a reasonable price. Don’t be a jerkball.

Do it for this budding romance that could change the trajectory of the planet (I feel strongly about my chances of procreating well.) Do it because you believe. Do it for my vagina.

For posterity, a screengrab of the posting is embedded below.
post Craiglist post: My heart (& vagina) need a Coachella ticket
h/t @RickyFTW/image via

12 Apr 01:18

Why Are So Many Girls Wearing Cat Makeup on Tinder?

by Jeffrey Bowers

Like many single, hot-blooded, smart phone-enabled men, I am on Tinder. When I started, I didn’t know quite what to expect. Portraits of women hung, suspended inside of my phone, waiting for me to swipe yes or no. They stared back with the same power—somewhere out there, my own floating head was popping up on cell phone screens, awaiting swipes of their own. It’s a pretty ingenious app and one that I’ve doggedly perused. When you look at Tinder for the first time, you’ll probably huff and pronounce that it ain’t for you, or that it’s weird, or—and then you can’t stop flipping.

You look through pictures seriously, examining their features, their style, their poses, and their friends. Then something weird happens—a strange trend comes to the surface, rising above the Friday night outfit, the bikini picture, the cleavage selfie, the business suit, the goofy face, the model pose, and the picture with pets.

When I truly started taking note of the phenomenon I quickly realized it wasn’t just a trend, it was an epidemic: Girls in cat makeup.

There isn't a large contingent of women dressing like dogs, so I can only ponder a guess as to why these femme felines do what they do. Maybe it’s Michelle Pfeiffer, maybe Halle Berry, maybe it represents some reckless kitten-may-care attitude hidden deep within. Maybe these girls have a really hard time being creative.

It's gotten to the point where I can pretty much guess which girls are going to have it. It's not quite as niche as pink shorts or sunset yoga stretches, but there's something familiar about cat makeup photos. It's a new breed of cultural beast.

Jeffrey Bowers is a tall, mustached guy from Ohio who's seen too many weird movies. He currently lives in Brooklyn, working as an art and film curator. He is a programmer at the Hamptons International Film Festival and screens for the Tribeca Film Festival. He also self-publishes a super fancy mixed-media art serial called PRISM index.

11 Apr 16:02

Comida cultural: aprendiendo a comer cosas que no nos gustan

by Sergio Parra

KiviakEl universo gastronómico, para algunas personas, se reduce a lo que comían sus abuelos o a lo que sirven en el McDonalds. Sin embargo, basta con viajar un poco allende las fronteras para descubrir un universo gastronómicocultural que pone en evidencia hasta qué punto el ser humano es flexible en lo que considera aceptable para comer.

Por ejemplo, viajemos por un momento a una aldea del territorio Nunavut, en Canadá, donde podréis degustar, rodeados de alguna comunidad tradicional, platos tan repugnantes para muchos de nosotros como el cerebro de caribú o el corazón de foca. Aquí podéis leer algunos platos más, y la forma de elaborarlos y comerlos.

La razón de la existencia de esta comida tan extraña, además de económica, es cultural y geográfica: incluso en verano, la vegetación es escasa, y lo único que crece en la tundra es musgo y liquen. No obstante, los órganos son muy ricos en vitaminas.


aPero ¿hasta qué punto podríamos educar a un occidental de una megolópolis consumir cosas como la membrana estomacal de un caribú? Una investigadora llamada Clara David llevó a cabo un famoso estudio al respecto en 1930, en el que a un grupo de bebés huérfanos se les ofrecía para comer un compuesto de 34 comidas completas diferentes.

En el menú, entre otras cosas, también se incluyó hígado, riñones, sesos, mollejas y médula ósea. No se procesaba nada, si acaso se molía o trituraba. El resultado fue muy llamativo, según explica Mary Roach en su libro Glup:

Los bebés evitaron el hígado y los riñones (así como las diez verduras, el eglefino y la piña), pero los sesos y las mollejas no aparecieron entre las comidas de menor aceptación. ¿Y cuál fue la más popular de todas? La médula ósea.

Sin embargo, una vez la cultura ha asentado nuestras costumbres, ya superada la fase de la infancia, resulta mucho más difícil que nos adaptemos a otra gastronomía, o que consideremos apetitoso aquello que resulta culturalmente repugnante, tal y como ha podido comprobar un equipo de antropólogos liderado por Margaret Mead y contratado por el Centro de Investigación Nacional (NRC).

Incluso lo que come una madre embarazada tiene influencia en el bebé, pues la leche materna y el líquido amniótico transportan los sabores de las comidas, y más tarde los bebés son más proclives a aceptar los sabores que han probado mientras estaban en el útero y mientras tomaban el pecho.

Otra opción es que la gente pruebe algo varias veces:

En una encuesta en tiempos de guerra realizada por un equipo de investigadores de hábitos de comida, solo el 14 % de las mujeres de una facultad aceptó que le gustara la leche evaporada. Después de servirla a las estudiantes dieciséis veces a lo largo de un mes, los investigadores volvieron a preguntar. Ahora el 51 % decía que le gustaba.

Con todo, no todas las culturas reaccionan por igual a la influencia de nuevos alimentos (y en consecuencia, no todas las culturas tienen tantos ciudadanos dispuestos a probar cosas nuevas). Los países en los que la familia es importante y la cocina está muy restringida por la tradición son más refractarios a las influencias gastronómicas, como es el caso de Japón, India o Colombia. En el lado contrario están Estados Unidos y Rusia, tal y como sugiere el consultor de marketing alimenticio Brian Wansink.

La noticia Comida cultural: aprendiendo a comer cosas que no nos gustan fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

11 Apr 16:00

A farewell to bliss.

by analogue
Rarely do we associate Windows XP with Bliss. Charles O'Rear is the photographer who took Bliss, the image that became the desktop of every single Windows XP computer in the world. Billions saw it and probably think the photo is so perfect and colorful that it is computer generated—or at least Photoshopped. O'Rear, known for his photographs of Napa Valley, discusses the origin of the video.
11 Apr 15:58

Cervantes creando musgo e San Martiño facendo de niño de...

Cervantes creando musgo e San Martiño facendo de niño de gavota…

11 Apr 15:58

9 Red Flags That You Should Definitely Not Sleep With A Guy

by Chelsea Fagan

1. Energy drinks.

Why is he drinking energy drinks? Why is a grown man, who ostensibly pays taxes and goes to the post office to get stamps, holding a Monster energy drink in public? Energy drink-guzzling is an unforgivable trait in potential male partners, unless you are 17 and watching the guys at the skate park with stars in your eyes, hoping to get one of their hoodies to wear to class. Then it’s understandable.

2. “Accidental” dick pics.

This was not an accident. He is sending you a picture of his ween because he wants you to nibble on it, and he’s trying to hedge his bets by pretending like he somehow didn’t mean to. In his mind, if you enjoy it, all the better. If you are upset at it, you can’t get mad at him, because it wasn’t his fault!


Either way, reject this blurry picture of a penis, because it is the mark of a complete non-gentleman. (And it probably looks way worse in real life, because he’s definitely mastered his dick pic angles.)

3. He puts ketchup on hot dogs.

Aside from being an unacceptable trait in general, having the kind of palate that chooses to put something like ketchup on something as great as a hot dog — particularly when this is 2014, and we have such a staggering array of mustard choices at our disposal — implies very bad things for the bedroom. He doesn’t have a taste for the finer things in life, and let’s be honest, enjoys the same food as a little kid at a birthday party. You don’t need to be kissing that mouth.

4. A Costco industrial box of condoms.

First of all, no one needs that many condoms. No one who is going to be sleeping with a new person needs to have dozens of condoms at their disposal, unless they are a mixed-media artist who is currently working on some sort of horrible condom art project. But let’s be honest, anyone who keeps that many condoms is doing so for the aesthetic value, and is probably ignorant of the fact that condoms most definitely expire and/or wear down over time. Best to avoid.

5. He constantly one-ups you in conversation.

This personality type just screams “My race to have the last word in conversation is going to manifest itself in being a race to have the first orgasm and then fall asleep tonight.” Even on the off chance he is good, do you really want to spend a whole night with someone who replies to your story about having spent a week in Belgium about how he spent three weeks touring Western Europe and “thought Belgium was kind of pedestrian?”

6. Scarface poster in the living room.

Girl, no. Get out of there. Only bad things await you there.

7. He tells you he has to wake up at 5 AM to go to the gym.

Even if it is true, and he actually has to wake up before dawn to get swole at 24-Hour Fitness or whatever, the idea that he would forgo some early-morning spooning and the potential morning sex it leads to just to go hang out on the leg machines is not something you want to be participating in. Don’t admire his fitness, pity his lack of foresight.

8. He has a “gettin some booty mix.”

If Trey Songz starts playing and the dimmer switch goes down in his room, this is an indisputable sign that you should not be there. No person who is even moderately talented in the bedroom needs a go-to KnoCkIn tHe BoOtz playlist, particularly one that contains music explicitly about the act of having sex.

9. His room is actually the living room.

We have all been there. We know that feeling, of liking a guy so much that you don’t mind scrambling to pull a sheet over yourself when his roommate Greg randomly walks through his bedroom/dining room to go to work at Applebee’s. But this is the sexual lifestyle of a child, not a grown-ass woman. Time to upgrade your whole life, starting by demanding a separate bedroom if you’re going to spend the night. You deserve it. TC mark

image – Clueless

11 Apr 15:56

Town Erects Bronze Statue of Favorite Cat

by Miss Cellania

The town of St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, has erected a bronze statue in honor of the town’s favorite citizen. He’s a cat. And the cat is still alive. And he’s not even known for a specific heroic deed. But Hamish McHamish is a star among St. Andrew’s residents. The 15-year-old cat even has his own Wikipedia entry. The bronze statue of Hamish was created by Kilmany-based sculptor David Annand and Fife stonemason Colin Sweeney. The £5,000 was funded by donations. The unveiling ceremony was a big affair.

After students Hannah Holmes and Rosie Hanlon from St Andrews Opera had serenaded the assembled crowd with Rossini’s humorous duet for two cats, Hamish’s owner Marianne Baird said it all seemed a bit surreal.

She said: “I can’t really get over it. All I did was get a kitten.

Hamish is a wandering cat, and over the years has made himself at home at many local businesses and the University of St Andrews. He befriends everyone he meets. People who travel to St. Andrews often ask to meet Hamish. You can see plenty of pictures of Hamish at his Facebook page. -via Arbroath

(Image credit: DC Thomson)

11 Apr 15:53

Médecins Sans Medicine

by figurant
11 Apr 14:43

An Injectable Oxygen Particle That Lets You Survive Without Breathing

by Zeon Santos

With the ocean levels sure to rise in the next few centuries it’s probably a good idea for humans to get a handle on the whole breathing underwater thing, either that or it’s to the moon, Alice!

Good thing scientists are already hard at work developing a microparticle filled with oxygen that can be injected into the bloodstream, so we can live on without breathing and possibly live out our dreams of becoming Aquaman.

Here's how this scientific step forward in un-breathing works:

Scientists have developed a new microparticle filled with oxygen that can be injected into the blood stream, keeping you alive even if you can’t intake air into your lungs. The microparticles are actually tiny capsules (2-4 micrometers tiny) made of a single layer of lipids surrounding a small bubble of oxygen gas. The capsule is suspended in a liquid so that the bubbles don’t get any bigger (which would make them deadly, FYI).

Upon injecting the capsule-filled liquid into the bloodstream, the capsules crash into your red blood cells, transferring the oxygen gas from the capsule to the cell. About 70% of the oxygen injected successfully makes its way into the blood stream this way.

-Via Geekosystem

11 Apr 13:38

Bruce Timm vuelve con Batman: Strange Days

by Sebas

A los más jóvenes puede que el nombre de Bruce Timm no le suene de mucho, pero para los que nacimos en los 80 y crecimos en los 90 nos suena bastante más por ser el creador de series como Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited entre muchas otras. Series de animación cuyo dibujo y guiones solían estar bastante más avanzados de lo que muchas series norteamericanas nos ofrecían y encima protagonizadas por los héroes de DC Cómics. Personalmente la que más recuerdo es la primera serie de Batman, muy seria, oscura, hasta diría que me daba algo de miedo (no había visto en animación nada así nunca), donde dejaba muy, muy atrás aquella visión loca del Batman de los años 60 de Adam West. Bruce Timm ha vuelto por el 75 aniversario de Batman y lo ha celebrado con un pequeño corto donde nos muestra seguramente una de las versiones más primitivas de Batman, más cercana a la visión de los héroes pulp de las primeras décadas del siglo XX. A continuación podéis disfrutar de esta pequeña delicia que es Batman: Strange Days.

El artículo Bruce Timm vuelve con Batman: Strange Days apareció primero en GenComics.

11 Apr 13:36

What I Love (And Hate) About Blowjobs

by Jillian Paulson

Sometimes when I have him in my mouth I look up and I think, “I could do anything to you right now.”

They look so stupid when you’re blowing them. They’re all blissed out with their eyes rolling all around in their head. Or you’re making eye contact with them as you blow them because that’s what the magazines tell you to do. I always get my hair in my eyes so it’s probably less sexy, but they don’t seem to notice cause I’m working my magic on their dick.

Just blink every once in awhile, buddy, you’re scaring me.

The worst ones put their hands all in your hair and fuck it up. The ultimate worst push your head down, but I don’t fuck with those dudes anymore. If you wanna try that, you’re gonna get a little more teeth on your precious thin-skinned dick than you bargained for.

The good ones react just the way you want them to: panting, moaning, writhing around. They aren’t thinking that at any minute you could bite down, or yank too hard on their balls. You wouldn’t anyway, would you? No, you just think about it sometimes. But I always thought that if I were gonna kill a man I would do it while giving him head. They’ll tell you anything you want if you’ve got your lips around their pride and joy. You can get whatever you want from them: oh baby, give me a diamond, give me a treat, give me give me give me. And they’ll say they will, because their brain is shut off and all they can feel are those nerve endings humming and that vacuuming motion of your mouth. If you hold them to those promises, well, that’s up to you.

But don’t get me wrong, I really truly do love giving a good blowjob, cause nothing’s better than when you finish and the dude doesn’t even remember his own name. You get a mouthful of frothy, salty cum as your reward. I’ve done so many for various boyfriends and random guys that I don’t have to focus as hard anymore. It’s going through the motions for most of them.

Related Thought
How A Dick Feels

How A Dick Feels

I think having the right D in your V is what most people spend their lives trying to do, to put life into really vulgar terms.

A blowjob is gonna make any man happy – period. They love that shit. I’m good at them; they all tell me in breathless tones how good I am when I suck down their cum after making them bust like a freight train.

It’s fun to slide down their body and then hear them gasp when you slide that whole length right down your damn throat. The further you can slide it, the better the spit for lube. Then when you get bored with routine licking and sucking, you add a hand or two and they really flip shit. My favorite thing to do is make a fist at the tip and then slip my tongue through it really slowly, squeezing just a little as I slide his dick through said fist. He hits the roof every time.

Once you really get going and you cough up a little spit from your throat, you can get as many inches as you want down your throat. Little by little, girl, and then you can conquer it. TC mark

11 Apr 13:20

America Is Naming More Babies "Khaleesi" Than "Betsy"

by John Farrier

On Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen is often addressed by the Dothraki title "Khaleesi." Like many Game of Thrones character names, Khaleesi is becoming a popular girls' name in the United States. In fact, according to data collected by the Social Security Administration, in 2012, there were more newborn girls named Khaleesi than Betsy.

You can see more charts of Game of Thrones baby names at Vox.

If you're considering naming a child after a Game of Thrones character, then at least find out what has happened to that character in the books. What if the chosen namesake turns out to be a nasty person? Sure, you could name a child "Joffrey" after the second season of the show. But what connotations does that name have now?

-via Geekosystem

11 Apr 13:18

The Toxic History of Soda Pop

by Miss Cellania

You probably know people who drink soda pop all day long, and they may even tell you they’re “addicted” to it. You might be one of those people yourself. In the modern age, we can find out all the ingredients in what we drink, and make our decisions accordingly. We all know those ingredients are not necessarily good for us. But once upon a time, soda pop was billed as a health tonic and there were often things in there that were far worse than sugar and carbonated water. Tristan Donovan, the author of Fizz: How Soda Shook Up the World, tells us about early soda drinks.

Besides booze, sodas of the 19th century also incorporated drugs with much stronger side effects, including ingredients now known as narcotics. Prior to the Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906, there were few legal restrictions on what could be put into soda-fountain beverages. Many customers came to soda fountains early in the morning to get a refreshing and “healthy” beverage to start their day off right: Terms like “bracer” and “pick-me-up” referred to the physical and mental stimulation sodas could provide, whether from caffeine or other addictive substances.

Pharmacists were soon making soda mixtures with stronger drugs known as “nervines,” a category that included strychnine, cannabis, morphine, opium, heroin, and a new miracle compound called cocaine, which was first isolated in 1855. “Cocaine was a wonder drug at the time when it was first discovered,” Donovan explains. “It was seen as this marvelous medicine that could do you no harm. Ingredients like cocaine or kola nuts or phosphoric acid were all viewed as something that really gave you an edge.

“Recipes I’ve seen suggest it was about 0.01 grams of cocaine used in fountain sodas. That’s about a tenth of a line of coke,” he says. “It’s hard to be sure, but I don’t think it would’ve given people a massive high. It would definitely be enough to have some kind of effect, probably stronger than coffee.” While the dosages were small, they were certainly habit-forming, and soda fountains stood to profit from such consistent customers.

That’s just part of the history of soda. How did they develop fizzy water in the first place? How did we eventually lose the drugs? And why did some sodas stick around while others faded? Learn the history of soda at Collectors Weekly.

11 Apr 13:17

lab-grown vagina

by marienbad
Four women have had new vaginas grown in the laboratory and implanted by doctors in the US. "A tissue sample and a biodegradable scaffold were used to grow vaginas in the right size and shape for each woman as well as being a tissue match. They all reported normal levels of "desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction" and painless intercourse. Experts said the study, published in the Lancet, was the latest example of the power of regenerative medicine. "
10 Apr 22:43

Strictly Breaks Records - Dusty Fingers Volume 1 - 16: Rare Original Break Beats

by Jillem
Shared by RayZ
10 Apr 22:32

Tom Lehrer Is Dead...Er...Alive And Well And Living In Cambridge, Mass.

by briank
I know what you thought -- you saw the name Tom Lehrer and thought "Shit! Obit thread! I loved that guy!" Well, sailor, it's your lucky day because he's not dead yet, he's 86 years old and still hanging in there. At least that's what this surprisingly in-depth and clickbait free article at BuzzFeed has to say. He's notoriously shy of interviews and did not do one for the reporter here, nevertheless you'll learn all about his brief-but-illustrious career and why he tossed it all away at a relatively young age.

I shouldn't have to tell people here much about Tom Lehrer, we've mentioned him plenty of times before. Many of you will know him from being featured frequently in the Funny Five on Dr. Demento's radio program. Those broadcasts leaned more toward his so-called "sick" humor songs like "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" and "Masochism Tango", so you may be less familiar with his topical tunes from the 1960s such as "Werner Von Braun" and "So Long Mom, I'm Off To Drop The Bomb", or maybe you didn't even know that he wrote songs for the 1970s PBS series The Electric Company like "Silent E" and "L-Y".

Because he *is* 86, it probably won't be much longer before there is an actual obit thread for him, so don't let your finger get too far away from the ".", but that day is not today.
10 Apr 22:18

The Basic Bitch's Guide to Coachella 2014

by Kayla Monetta
The Basic Bitch's Guide to Coachella 2014
10 Apr 21:50


by fontophilic
10 Apr 21:27



Será un MEXACÁN? :D