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11 Sep 14:52


Conferencia de 2009 do profesor da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Antonio Xavier Ferreira Fernández sobre as peculiaridades da organización territorial na Galiza
05 Jun 10:38

Can Nerd Culture And Sex Combine?

by Reece Jones

Elliot Rodger, the 22-year-old virgin who killed six people and wounded a dozen others, did so in what he called “The Day of Retribution”—a plan to terrorise and punish all women for making his life a misery. His 140-page Mein Kampf style manifesto targets all the women who clearly picked up his creepy serial-killer vibe and valued their own safety enough not to allow themselves to be alone with him. Amazingly, despite his belief that he was “a nice guy”, “a sophisticated gentleman” and “superior”, Elliot never realised that next to wearing neckbeards and fedoras, the least sexy thing a man can do is believe he deserves sex from a woman, for any reason, ever.

What becomes clear from reading his manifesto (fortunately he won’t be around to write a prison diary as well), Rodger was a misfit geek. In minute detail he describes his interest in Star Wars (in the first sign of mental problems, he loved the Prequels), World of Warcraft (until the makers ruined it), and Game of Thrones (ok, everyone likes that). Did geeky stuff like comic books and video games turn Rodger into a killer? No. But the geek community is the last refuge for many socially awkward, sexually inexperienced young men like Rodger. That community sets a terrible example when it comes to women: how to treat them, how to relate with them, and what to expect from them.

There’s an old joke: What do you call a nerd in 10 years? Boss. With the economy as it is, I thought I should be proactive and get in some early networking, so I headed to Wollongong’s annual Comic Gong, a convention for comic books and video games—about as nerdy as it gets. Inside the Town Hall, I find dozens of stalls selling comics and toys. Geeks of all stripes roam the floor, hunting for first edition Superman comics. I take a free gift bag and am surprised to find there’s no complimentary deodorant can (note to Rexona: there’s a virgin market here).

To be honest, I’ve come with all the zeal of an escaped cult member. For the first few years of high school I was definitely a nerd. My weekends were mostly taken up playing video games, watching pro wrestling and painting a miniature Warhammer army. Despite that, by some small miracle I found a girlfriend and beer found me, and my geek days were over. That girlfriend stole my heart and beer took my brain cells, but now I enter this hive of geekdom with a sense of relief for what could have been a worse fate.

I’ve come here to meet Eve Beauregard, Sydney’s homegrown geek queen, with over 300,000 Facebook fans, who travels around the world dressing up as superheroes and comic book characters. She’s onstage hosting the Cosplay competition—a kind of beauty pageant for nerds—dressed as a U.S.O. Girl, scooped into a tiny corset, what looks to be a pair of underpants, and gartered stockings. In nerdspeak there’s “actually hot” and then there’s “con hot,” a girl who’s only hot because she’s surrounded by pasty geek girls. Eve is actually hot. When she’s not dressed as a superhero, she’s a regular model too. So what the hell is this hot girl doing among the nerds?

Eve has been accused of being a fake geek girl—one who gets off on teasing virgins. Tony Harris, prominent comic artist had this to say about such girls: “[We] are being preyed on by YOU. You have this really awful need for attention, for people to tell you your [sic] pretty, or Hot, and the thought of guys pleasuring themselves to the memory of you hanging on them with your glossy open lips, promising them the Moon and the Stars of pleasure, just makes your head vibrate.” And that’s just it. The geek world has a bit of a problem with women.

Back at the cosplay, the female contestants parade in front of a hundred fans in their meticulous, figure hugging outfits. Once off-stage, they don’t make it far without being stopped for photos. But never by the teenagers. Always middle-aged men. “Excuse me, darlin’, can I get a photo?” they ask. “It’s for my daughter”, they always offer a half-hearted excuse. “No way,” he seems to plead, “This is totally not an excuse for physical contact with a hot woman.” We all know what you’re going to do with that picture later buddy.

A crab-like creature pushes its way through the crowd, causing a ruckus. “The head is too small,” complains one bystander, unimpressed. The crab is followed by some sort of Dragonball Z character brandishing a big sword, I’m not kidding, this sword was ginormous. “Hey, cool sword,” says someone. “It's a big big sword. I'm not overcompensating though,” Dragonball Z reassures himself. In cosplay it seems, size does matter.

Later, Eve invites me to lunch, and I’m having trouble keeping up as we walk down the street. I guess superheroes have to walk fast—the world’s not going to save itself. As we pass, men gawk and women shoot Eve dirty looks.

VICE: Do you notice the looks you get?
Eve: Not any more, you get used to it.

Do you ever get hassled?
Yeah, just a lot of abusive comments or really inappropriate sexual comments.

I assume this is the reason she’s brought along her bodyguard/brother: a Jedi Knight, complete with glowing lightsaber.

So, why did you get into this whole thing?
I was just always a bit of a weirdo. Just quiet and, didn’t really get along with anybody. I’m still kind of the same with people my age, I just don’t relate to them in any way.

So you enjoy escaping into the characters you dress up as?
I don’t think that it’s so much becoming the character that you’re cosplaying, as it is becoming that ultimate version of yourself that can be all of these fantastic things, like amazing and sexy and stuff…That’s just not me in everyday life.

Geekdom has a bad reputation for the way it treats women. Have you encountered anything like that?
One of my biggest priorities when I first started to get recognised for doing this stuff was to develop an online community that was supportive and welcoming and safe… It’s like a safe and happy place on the internet, which is impossible, but totally possible somehow!”

How the hell do you manage that?
I have a really good bullshit radar. I just don’t allow that to happen…To me, as far as women in the community are concerned, it’s all about showing that look, we’re a positive force, we’re powerful, we can do good, I think that’s the most important thing to talk about with gender issues, not so much it sucks that things are unequal. Let's make it equal.”

Why are conventions like this important to geeks?
The geek community is all about being a refuge for people who felt isolated from everywhere else. That’s why I’m so, so anti-bullying — I’ll be really vocal about anything like that, even if it brings a shit-storm upon me. This is a place that people use to come when they didn’t feel welcome anywhere else, and we should never isolate anyone who comes here.

Isn’t having hot girls and geeks mixing just wrong?
Judging someone’s personality based on how they look is so dumb. And like, such a textbook case of discrimination, it’s horrible…I mean, imagine if you said to someone, “You’re ugly, so you can’t be a sports fan.” Like, that is exactly what you’re doing and its awful and just really douchey.

Well, that put me in my place. Eve was starting to sway me. I realised I was making an assumption: that if you were good-looking you wouldn’t need to be a nerd. But Eve is a nerd by choice.

In an age of hipster cynicism and irony, geeky sincerity is refreshing. They don't wear their fan shirts ironically. They wear them because they love them. It's not about meta-commentary subverting genre. The cardinal sin of hipsterdom is to be sincere about liking anything, especially if it’s popular. The geeks, on the other hand, are completely sincere about their geeky interests, and unlike hipsters, they don’t give a shit what you think. Rather than sitting outside a culture and making ironic commentary, they just immerse themselves in the culture for the love of it. Eve embraces it. “The great thing about being a nerd is you get to not be ashamed of the things that you love. You don’t have to pretend…You can come in and be yourself and do whatever you want, no-one’s going to judge you. We’re all dorks here!”

Follow Reece on Twitter: @reecejones2

05 Jun 10:03

A great time.

by Ryan

A great time.

05 Jun 10:03


05 Jun 10:01

Get Off My Lawn

by Ryan

Get Off My Lawn

04 Jun 16:18

Los pezones de Eva Green

by EmeA
Esta semana la MPAA (que son las siglas de Motion Picture Association of America) ha dicho a Frank Miller y sus amigos que de qué van, que este póster de abajo tiene "curve of under breast and dark nipple/areola circle visible through sheer gown" y que no lo pueden difundir para promocionar Sin City 2. Y gracias a eso este cartel alternativo se ha difundido muchísimo más que el oficial


Desde la BUFAS (Brigada Ultrafriki por la Fidelidad de las Adaptaciones Sinematográficas) vamos a analizar este suceso en detalle con nuestros expertos


Una vez que lo hemos analizado, podemos dar un veredicto: la bata transparente es no solo adecuada, sino la vestimenta idónea para una representación icónica del personaje de Ava Lord, puesto que es lo que lleva puesto en el momento más memorable de la historia


Asimismo, la BUFAS lamenta que el corte de pelo de Eva Green no sea el de la dama por la que matar que imaginó el dibujante del cómic original, y por eso mismo convoca a sus afiliados a boicotear el estreno de la película. ¿Quién se ha creído que es ese Frank Miller para intentar cambiar a su gusto el canon inviolable del Sin City de Frank Miller?
03 Jun 21:12

Los follamigos no existen. Los follamigos son uno que empotra...

Los follamigos no existen. Los follamigos son uno que empotra con otro cuando el otro quiere sin confesarle que siente amour muy fuerte. Asumidlo. ^^

By La_Wiwa

03 Jun 21:04

El porno jodió mi polvo

Hola, me he tirado al único tío en la faz de la tierra que no consume porno pero que no consume DE VERDAD, bueno tirado, pseudotirado.

Yo que creía que nacer con rabo te daba automáticamente el carnet de socio honorífico al mundo de la pelarza y que los tíos básicamente os la cascáis con una mano mientras con la otra os laváis los dientes e ingerís porno a nivel industrial, voy y me encuentro al eslabón perdido y me siento como si fuera del National Geographic descubriendo una nueva especie. Ya solo me falta follarme a un tío fiel para que explote el universo, bieeeeen!!

Que igual estoy exagerando vaaaaaaleeeeeeee y los tíos no estáis matandoos a pajas todo el día pero oye, tener un ex rapero te deja dos cosas claras, que tienes culazo y que cual monos, oiga. El caso que estaba en su casa y tenía el día así como de trasteo y en mitad del polvo le suelto “pon una porno y hacemos lo que vemos”, “no tengo porno”, un leve olor a caquita empezó a envolver todo, A VER TIENES INTERNET, TIENES PORNO. FIN. “pon youporn, no vamos a hacer nada que no quieras” dije y me miré la entrepierna inmediatamente por si me acababa de salir una polla (malditos estereotipos), “no,no tía, no me mola nada el porno” y justo ahí supe que mi polvo acaba de terminar y que había abierto una puerta a la dimensión de HABLAR, hablar sin terminar (karma, te pasas!!)

Equilicuá, se sentó y empezó a explicarme teorías varias sobre el porno y la mente mientras yo rascaba con la uña mi flujo seco en el muslo y pasaba de mirar su miembro flácido a su cara cual partido de tenis, juraría que lloriqueé e hice pucheros mientras apuraba mi yonkie lata. En fins.

Moraleja: Chicks, you and me baby ain’t nothin’ but mammals. So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. Gettin’ horny now.  PUES ESO. ^^


03 Jun 21:03


by Jónatan Sark

Si la primera mitad del año -masomenos- la he dedicado a explicar cómo funcionaba la tele por fuera -esto es, su organización en cadenas y emisiones, y los formatos y procedimientos que siguen- la segunda mitad toca hablar de la tele por dentro.

Dentro de las muchas posibilidades que se me fueron ocurriendo para dar buena cuenta de estas posibilidades, incluido una suerte de diccionario explicado del medio, llegó la decisión más clara: Había que explicar los tropos. Es decir, tenía que entrar a saco y sin rubor en TVTropes. Porque, en realidad, muchos de los tropos que se usan -y que no solo se usan para la televisión, pero aquí todo nos viene bien- lo son en un sentido más amplio y para cualquier tipo de narración, incluidas aquellas que no están incluidas en la ficción.

Pero, sobre todo, porque en muchos casos no son realmente Tropos. El tropo es, en su definición más concreta, una figura que sustituye un referente real por otro supuesto, a partir del término original griego que indica una desviación respecto al significado del contenido. A partir de ahí se fue ampliando hasta cubrir los recursos usados para embellecer el discurso, y, por extensión, también las figuras utilizadas en el lenguaje. El siguiente paso fue ir haciéndose un hueco para aquello que trascendía al propio lenguaje y, por tanto, no debería ser considerado propiamente como tropos.

Los trucos para la construcción de personajes, para la organización de escenas, las relaciones habituales y los trucos guardados en los bolsillos, todo el repertorio que podía ser analizado o reutilizado comenzó a ser conocido también como tropo pese a la cada vez más lejana relación.

Y así, pervirtiendo el significado original, tal y como la lengua en uso ha hecho siempre con los inmutables grabados académicos, los tropos han venido a ocupar el lugar de las características comunes en el espacio narrativo, las tramoyas que sujetan toda esta creación que ven los espectadores y que muchas veces tratar de relacionarse en igualdad con la realidad.

Así que desde ahora hasta final de año estaremos revisando todo eso que tanto nos gusta como los Power Trio, las MarySues, las Camas Separadas, Flashbacks dentro de Flashbacks, Phlebotinum, Gambito de Xanatos (y de Batman) o el Fanservice entre otras muchas muchas muchas posibilidades.

03 Jun 19:49

"SUPERFUZZ" Original Soundtrack 2006

by (RYP)
26 killer bands - absolutely wock ‘n woll! Original Soundtrack from the comic book series!trax:
01. GARINA SEM VAGINA - Boss Hoss 02. THE DIRTBOMBS - Hearthquake Heart 03. THE's - Teenage Mojo Workout 04. THE BUFF MEDWAYS - The Man I Am 05. REIGNING SOUND - I'll Cry 06. THE OUTS - Stain 07. THE MAHARAJAS - Medication 08. THE MONKEYWRENCH - Love Is A Spider 09. MR. DAVID VINER - Sick And Tired Of Being On My Own 10. HOLLY GOLIGHTLY - On The Fire 11. THE BUNNIES - Julia 12. THE MUTANTS - Stampede Caravan 13. THE BAMBI MOLESTERS - Bubble Bath 14. THE MASONICS - Mambo Jumbo 15. THE STAR AND KEY OF THE INDIAN OCEAN - Cyclone 16. MACH KUNG-FU - Full Reverb 17. BOSS MARTIANS - I Wanna Be Your Addiction 18. THE KNOCKOUT PILLS - Target H 19. THE ACT-UPS - The Bourgeois 20. THE APEMEN - Baha-Ree-Ba 21. DR. FRANKENSTEIN - She Devil's Stroll 22. THE INSOMNIACS - Maryanne Lightly 23. THE PONYS - 10 Fingers 11 Toes 24. THE DT'S - Proud Man 25. THE LEGENDARY TIGER MAN - In Cold Blood 26. SOLEDAD BROTHERS - Still A Fool (featuring Dooley Wilson)
…originally served by guehart...
03 Jun 19:47

Mother's Children to the next level!

by (Lord Rutledge)
I don't communicate with any of my music friends via text message. But if I did, I would have been sending a whole bunch of "New Mother's Children! OMG!" texts over the last few weeks. Rising stars of the recent Canadian powerpop/punk explosion, these fun-loving Ottawans have vaulted to the head of the class on the strength of an astoundingly good sophomore LP. Out on Germany's Taken By Surprise Records and poised for North American releases on Mammoth Cave & Resurrection Records, Lemon is THE summer record of 2014. Beyond that, it's probably my favorite powerpop/punk album of the last couple years. So, yeah, I kinda like it.

Mother's Children released their debut album back in 2010, and it would be an understatement to say that the band has improved over the last four years. But Lemon is not particularly "different" from what you'd expect from Mother's Children. The band has made a classic sounding record in a power pop meets '70s punk meets old-fashioned rock n' roll vein. And if all these years of tearing it up live and turning out killer EPs haven't exactly altered MC's approach to music, they've definitely made the band tighter and more proficient at songwriting. The melodies are stronger, the hooks are bigger, and the songs are catchier. What more do you need in life?! 

The first time I heard opening track "The Gang Is Back", I was floored. It's like Teenage Head crossed with The Boys, and it comes on like a lightning bolt of adolescent fun. But Lemon is no one-hit wonder. It builds off that fast start and never looks back - propelled by ridiculous drumming from Tim Ostler and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of hit-worthy tuneage. Rather than opting to reinvent the wheel, Mother's Children chose to make a textbook power pop record. Recalling everyone from the Ramones to the Real Kids to solo Stiv Bators to countless skinny tie greats of the late '70s, the band tears through these 12 tracks with a crispness and energy that are completely infectious. Yeah, man: this is power pop with some real power to it! Favorite tracks of mine include the near flawless "Blue Citron Haze", the snappy "Talk To Her", and the frenzied rocker "Convince Me". But while choice individual tracks are bound to make their way onto your 2014 summer mix, Lemon is one of those albums that's best enjoyed in its entirety - preferably while you're headed to the beach or enjoying the company of a pretty girl. Every song on the album is good - and the majority of them are great!

If you've heard Mother's Children's most recent single, you know these guys are power pop super fans. But so are a lot of other bands that aren't nearly as good. What Mother's Children seems to "get" that some similar groups don't get is that the best power pop needs to be rooted in real rock n' roll. Lemon isn't just inspired by all the right bands. It's just plain inspired! The result is an album that's not only reminiscent of the classic power pop and pop/punk records of the late '70s but also capable of standing up beside them. It's been rumored that upon first hearing this album, I went out into the streets screaming for joy and forced 16 of my neighbors to listen to it. That is total exaggeration. It was only 15 of my neighbors.

03 Jun 19:39

La cronología del sabor

by Sweet Cannela

Baby Shower

Seguramente te has dado cuenta que tus gustos alimenticios cambian conforme vas creciendo. Y estoy segura que en algún momento te has hecho preguntas como: ¿Por qué de niño no aguantaba el sabor de la cerveza y ahora me encanta? O ¿Cómo me podía comer este dulce sin empalagarme? Pues resulta que, igual que nuestro cuerpo crece y que nuestro intelecto se desarrolla, nuestra percepción de los sabores se modifica en cada etapa de la vida. Aquí podrás encontrar una breve cronología de los cambios en la apreciación de los sabores, desde antes de nacer hasta que envejecemos.


Se sabe que lo que las madres comen durante el embarazo es fundamental para nutrir al feto, pero investigaciones recientes han demostrado que esos alimentos también pueden determinar las preferencias por esos alimentos u olores para toda la vida futura del bebé. Se sabe que, mientras se encuentra en el útero, un bebé traga líquido amniótico. El líquido amniótico tiene el sabor de los alimentos y bebidas que la madre ha consumido en horas recientes. Los sabores fuertes como menta, vainilla y ajo son lo que predominan. Si comes mostaza en el embarazo, es mucho más probable que a tu hijo le guste la mostaza.

Bebe comiendo

Se cree que esto tiene una razón evolutiva y social. Lo que comen las madres durante el embarazo, es la forma en la que introducen a los bebés a los alimentos y sabores con los que probablemente se encontraran a lo largo de su vida, dentro de su cultura y familia.


Cuando llegamos a la edad en la que ya podemos opinar sobre lo que queremos comer, pero todavía no lo podemos preparar, es cuando empiezan las discusiones a la hora de la comida. Sin duda existe un componente de comportamiento propio de esa edad, pero también se ha demostrado que los niños tienen tres veces más papilas gustativas que los adultos (30,000 comparadas con 10,000). Así que cuando somos niños, todos los sabores son más intensos. Algo que para un adulto puede ser picante, para un niño es súper picante.

Algunos investigadores piensan que una de las razones por la que los niños no quieren comer verduras, es porque las notas amargas de estos alimentos se amplifican con tantas papilas gustativas. Cuando los niños crecen y sus paladares están más dispuestos a aceptar el sabor de los vegetales, entra en juego el factor psicológico. En los primeros años de vida, asociamos los sabores con experiencias, ya sean positivas o negativas. Así que una verdura puede ser asociada con el recuerdo negativo del regaño de los padres por no comerla, en cambio los dulces se asocian con recuerdos divertidos y de premiación.

Niños comiendo

Desde la niñez podemos observar como las niñas y los niños reaccionan diferente ante los sabores. Las niñas son mejores para reconocer sabores. Comparado con las niñas, los niños necesitan 10 por ciento más de acidez y 20 por ciento más de dulzura para reconocer el mismo sabor. Por eso en general, las niñas prefieren sabores suaves y los niños sabores fuertes. Los niños prefieren las cosas más dulces y más ácidas.


En esta etapa queremos hacer todo lo que los adultos hacen. Es cuando empezamos a consumir alimentos cuyo sabor no nos es tan grato, como el del café o el de la cerveza. Generalmente la forma en la que lo hacemos es gradualmente. Empezamos poco a poco, añadiéndole azúcar al café o limón a la cerveza, hasta que progresivamente eliminamos los extras.

Generalmente los alimentos agrios son los que más trabajo nos cuestan aceptar, y eso tiene que ver con la selección natural. Desde hace siglos los sabores agrios estaban asociados con comida en descomposición, venenos o toxinas.

Etapa adulta

Supuestamente, cuando somos adultos es cuando tenemos hábitos alimenticios más saludables y apreciamos sabores más robustos. Algunos opinan que es porque tenemos un paladar más sofisticado y otros aseguran que simplemente se debe a que nos acostumbramos a ciertos sabores, además ya no percibimos tantos sabores porque nuestros sentidos decrecen con la edad, sobre todo si fumamos.

Adulto comiendo

La verdad es que como adultos es más difícil que aceptemos nuevos sabores. Si nos acostumbramos a ciertos alimentos y bebidas en nuestra juventud, nuestro cerebro está programado para aceptar los sabores, colores, texturas y olores de esa comida. Con la edad, es más difícil reprogramar al cerebro para que retenga nueva información. Un buen ejemplo son los inmigrantes. Cuando una persona se traslada a otra cultura diferente a la suya, y esa persona es mayor de 35 años, por lo general seguirá consumiendo alimentos de su cocina tradicional. Si es un niño el que cambia de cultura, es mucho más fácil que se adapte a la comida local.

Tercera Edad

Cuando por fin aceptamos los sabores fuertes y amargos, nuestro sentido del gusto empieza a decrecer. Se sabe que el 90 por ciento del sentido del gusto, depende del olfato. Y el sentido del olfato se deteriora considerablemente con la edad. Cada vez es más difícil detectar ese sabor que nos encantaba en nuestra comida favorita. Al envejecer, también perdemos papilas gustativas, por esos muchas personas mayores prefieren alimentos con sabores intensos, muy salados o muy dulces.

En la vejez, parece que al cerebro se le olvida mandar al cuerpo la señal de cuando una persona debe de comer o beber, por eso muchas personas mayores sufren de deshidratación. Además cuando están comiendo, el cerebro manda la señal de que ya está lleno con mayor rapidez. La producción de saliva también decrece en la vejez, haciendo que los alimentos no sepan igual. Además la saliva contiene varias enzimas que empiezan el proceso de digestión de los almidones.

Tercera edad

También entran en juego factores externos como el uso de dentaduras y el consumo de medicamentos que alteran el sabor de la comida. Se sabe que desórdenes neurológicos, como el Alzheimer y el Parkinson, pueden causar perdida de olfato y por lo tanto de sabores.

Los cambios en nuestras preferencias alimenticias cambian conforme crecemos, pero nuestros gustos están súper relacionados con lo que comimos en nuestros primeros años de vida, incluso antes de nacer.

Imágenes | Ana_Fuji | Sami Keinänen | World Bank Photo Collection | The Original Turtle | kmillard92 |

En Directo al Paladar México | ¿Por qué sí nos gusta el pescado crudo y no otras carnes? En Directo al Paladar México | Las recetas que nacieron de errores en la cocina

La noticia La cronología del sabor fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar México por Sweet Cannela.

31 May 03:22

AgroLance. Caballos salvajes contra lobos

by (Angel I. Fernández)

30 May 16:04

Watch Phil Collins come out of retirement to play ‘In The Air Tonight’ with his sons’ middle school band

by Alex Moore
Watch Phil Collins come out of retirement to play ‘In The Air Tonight’ with his sons’ middle school band

The reclusive Phil Collins emerged from retirement to play his first show since 2011 last week—with his sons’ middle school band.

Phil has two sons attending the Miami Day Country School, and their middle school band was playing at the school’s spring music concert. Phil told the crowd he was nervous playing his first show in years, but he did it anyway because one of his sons asked him to. They launched into a sobering and heartfelt “In The Air Tonight”—and damn if that little kid doesn’t nail the drum fill.

Collins announced he was hanging up the sticks in 2011 because no one appreciated his music anymore. However he may be kicking off a late-stage comeback as he announced earlier this year he’s working on new music with Adele. He admitted he had no idea who she was when approached about the project. Watch below—”In The Air Tonight” starts at the 2:00 mark.

H/t: NME

30 May 15:52

Willie and George Muse: The Men From Mars

by Miss Cellania

Willie and George Muse were black albino brothers born in the 1890s in Virginia. They had an unusual look, but not nearly as unusual as what they would later be made out to be. Circuses and sideshows tried to recruit them, and when that failed, the two young boys were kidnapped by sideshow agents in 1899 and shopped around to various traveling shows.

The brothers began to tour. To accentuate their already unusual appearance, their handler had the brothers grow out their hair into long white dreadlocks. In 1922 showman Al G. Barnes began showcasing the brothers in his circus as White Ecuadorian cannibals Eko and Iko. When that gimmick failed to attract crowds the brothers were rechristened the ‘Sheep-Headed Men’ and later, in 1923, the ‘Ambassadors from Mars’.

As the ‘Men from Mars’ the two traveled extensively with the Barnes circus. Unfortunately, while they were being fed, housed and trained in playing the mandolin, they were not being paid.

For almost 30 years, the brothers were kept in slavery, earning only their room and board from the thousands of people who paid to see them. Then in 1927, they played their hometown of Roanoke, Virginia, where their mother found them and stood up for their rights. Read the rest of the story of “the Ambassadors from Mars” at The Human Marvels. -via Metafilter

30 May 15:14


by FaKings


Miercoles 11 de junio a las 19h en Narón ( La Coruña ).

Muchos nos habéis preguntado por ella, es la chica más buscada de los últimos meses, ¿donde está la preciosa Sol?, nos preguntan los amigos de la comunidad de FAKings. Pues bien aquí tenéis a Sol y, como no podía ser menos, quiere volver por la puerta grande, por ello, y para agradecer todas las muestras de cariño que nuestros visitantes la procesan Sol ha decidido organizar un Gang Bang con sus fans COMPLETAMENTE GRATIS.


Como lo lees, ¿cuantas veces te has pajeado con las impresionantes tetas naturales de la preciosa teen gallega?, ¿cuantas veces has soñado con meterle tu estaca entre sus cálidas y húmedas piernas?, pues abandona el lamepantallismo y decídete, PUEDES FOLLARTE A SOL. El gang bang tendrá lugar en Galicia el Miercoles 11 de junio a las 19h en Narón ( La Coruña ) y las plazas son limitadas, por supuesto PARTICIPAR ES GRATIS.


¿De verdad quieres perderte la oportunidad de revolcarte con semejante ninfa?

Escríbenos un correo a con tus datos de contacto (nombre, teléfono móvil, edad) y 3 fotos tuyas. Por cierto… NO HACE FALTA ENSEÑAR LA CARA ;)


Sol vuelve por la puerta grande, ¿te lo vas a perder?


REPETIMOS: Escríbenos un correo a con tus datos de contacto (nombre, teléfono móvil, edad) y 3 fotos tuyas. Por cierto… NO HACE FALTA ENSEÑAR LA CARA ;) y antes de lo que te pienses, estarás catando esas preciosas tetas.


30 May 14:18

Blink Fast

by Jonco

Blink fast

Thanks sg


30 May 14:08

11 pornstars BBW a tener muy en cuenta

by Fogardo
11 pornstars BBW a tener muy en cuenta

Al consumidor de porno con menos sentido de la experimentación seguramente se le hace un nudo en el estómago cuando lee la expresión BBW, big beautiful woman. Craso error: incluso dentro del exceso hay categorías, y las gorditas más suculentas del porno vienen en todos los colores, sabores y, claro, también tamaños. Hoy vamos a hacer un rápido repaso a las mujeres de talla superior más conocidas del porno, incluida alguna muestra de su filmografía. Quizá alguno de nuestros lectores descubra una pasión dormida que no conocía. Bienvenida sea, en cualquier caso.

30 May 14:08

Los LeWood juegan al teto con Luna C. Kitsuen

by Pinjed

Ai, adoro a Lunacé. <3

Los LeWood juegan al teto con Luna C. Kitsuen

Creen muchos que los patitos feos son un mito, que las mujeres guapas lo saben y lo aprovechan desde el primer día. Luna C. Kitsuen es la prueba viviente de que el mito es realidad: se pequeña nunca tuvo muchos amigos y se encerró en sí misma. La masturbación era su válvula de escape (dice que empezó con solo cinco añitos), pero cuando a los 18 se echó su primer novio (otro rarito como ella) y perdió la virginidad, algo despertó dentro de ella y se volvió el zorrón orgulloso que es hoy.

30 May 13:59

Stop calling them ‘Riot Grrrl’

by Art Tavana
Stop calling them ‘Riot Grrrl’

It’s time to expand our vocabulary and stop labeling every female punk band as riot grrrl. White Lung, Perfect Pussy, Vivian Girls, Upset (just to name a few) are not from Olympia,Washington. None of them are outspoken feminists that belong to a movement spearheaded by Bikini Kill and Bratmobile in the early ’90s. And none of them are part of some hallow classification that assumes riot grrrl is a fucking genre.

p graham757 wide 29ee96f9158cde37676dbd3e1638cdc8c2cb728c s6 c30 585x328 Stop calling them Riot Grrrl

Bikini Kill

They don’t attempt to “bottle the spirit” of riot grrrl, and hardly consider themselves part of the movement’s so-called “second wave,” a buzz term music journalists, myself included, seem to be latching on to in an effort to easily categorize bands fronted by women with tattoos that sound punk and remind us of a time when nudity was an act of rebellion–not just a way to sell more records.

Seattle locals like Tacocat and Chastity Belt, more feminist and punk than most, are constantly said to be part of some riot grrrl revival–just because they’re from Seattle, female and punk-sounding. For what it’s worth, Tacocat is more “feminist sci-fi” than riot grrrl.

1379970746 music lead 570 Stop calling them Riot Grrrl

Seattle’s Chastity Belt

Dee Dee from Dum Dum Girls, a goth poet that couples sadness with catchy pop melodies, doesn’t have some undefined relationship with the riot grrrl movement. She’s more influenced by Rimbaud and post-punk than Huggy Bear. Meredith Graves, lead singer of Syracuse punk band Perfect Pussy, rejects the notion altogether. Melissa Brooks, lead singer of the Aquadolls, wasn’t even born when Bikini Kill started playing shows, but somehow, she identifies herself as riot grrrl. She’s not, and even I’ve made the mistake of labeling some of these bands as being “inspired by” riot grrrl, without even bothering to look beyond a few feminist lyrics, Kathleen Hanna-inspired dance moves and DIY marketing tactics.

It seems like every interview with a female punk band is loaded with the same old questions that divert attention away from the music and focus on the riot grrrl buzz from “The Punk Singer.” Seriously, why do we assume every female punk band is feminist or inspired by Kathleen Hanna? Can’t they just be musicians?

theaquadolls 2 585x461 Stop calling them Riot Grrrl

Melissa Brooks (Left) of the Aquadolls

Some “all girl bands” and female musicians in general, especially those that play an aggressive form of punk or hardcore, are finding the riot grrrl classification as trite and unnecessary in 2014:

Please stop calling my band “riot grrrrl”. It’s not 1992. I don’t come from Olympia. It’s 2014. I got my own thing. Thank you.

— Mish Way (@myszkaway) May 26, 2014

Mish Way is from Vancouver. She was influenced by Courtney Love, she’s not a riot grrrl and her band (White Lung) isn’t designed to get us talking about equality.
White Lung KateBrown1 585x388 Stop calling them Riot Grrrl

White Lung

This isn’t to say that the connection between punk and feminism is somehow outdated. Hardly, this is just a critique of those in my profession (myself included) who revert to generalizations when discussing music rather than, say, thoughtful analysis that looks beyond buzz terms and trending topics on Google.

Riot grrrl is simply not a genre, it was a specific movement that happened in the early ’90s. And every feminist-punk record before and after should not be categorized as being a derivative of riot grrrl. It not only leads to unfair stereotypes, it also forces these bands to listen to label executives and publicists who want to package them into the false narrative of a riot girrrl revival. On some level, the after shock of the riot grrrl movement seems to be controlling young girls rather than allowing them to be free.

Look, I’m all for young women getting involved in feminism, in fact, that seems to be one of the more inspiring aspects of the ’90s revival. But I’m also against false characterizations that create so-called “movements” for the sole purpose of selling records, merchandise, and to gain followers on social media.

We need stop labeling every female punk band as riot grrrl and allow them to create their own identities. It’s 2014, these bands deserve an opportunity to spearhead their own movement or cause; I don’t mean a derivative of the past, buried beneath a thing that was mostly dead by the mid ’90s, but something new and unfiltered by suits looking to cash in on riot grrrl’s commercial potential.

30 May 13:57

Comics: Megg, Mogg, & Owl - Part 4

by Simon Hanselmann

Click here for last week's episode.

30 May 13:56

Libros que nos inspiran: ‘Glup’ de Mary Roach: aventuras en el canal alimentario

by Sergio Parra

lEl sistema digestivo en un proceso fascinante y repleto de curiosidades capaces de hacernos sonreír o levantar una ceja escéptica. Nada es tan sencillo como aquellos dibujos esquemáticos del colegio en el que se mostraba el esófago, el estómago y demás. Eso sería como estudiar el funcionamiento de un coche fijándonos exclusivamente en el chachis. Sabedora de ello, la divertidísima divulgadora de ciencia Mary Roach ha escrito Glup: aventuras en el canal alimentario.

Además, aunque Glup no es un libro de salud práctica, podemos encontrar en él respuesta a muchas dudas alimentarias sobre el sabor de las cosas, o curiosidades más extrañas del tipo ¿Por qué el estómago no se digiere a sí mismo o por qué la comida crujiente es tan atrayente? Por ello nos ha inspirado para escribir numerosos artículos, como:

-Comida étnica para animales

-Fabricando gatos vegetarianos

-Comida cultural: aprendiendo a comer cosas que no nos gustan

Editorial Crítica

Colección Drakontos

288 páginas

ISBN: 978-84-9892-685-9

Sitio Oficial | Ficha en Planetadelibros

La noticia Libros que nos inspiran: ‘Glup’ de Mary Roach: aventuras en el canal alimentario fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

30 May 13:55

Maya Angelou Is the Reason We Need International Whores’ Day

by Allegra Ringo

Photo via Flickr user LynRDavis

Maya Angelou was a prostitute, and no one talks about it. Angelou, who died Wednesday at age 86, is most famous for her memoirs, poetry, and contributions to the Civil Rights movement.  She was also a Tony-nominated stage actor, San Francisco’s first black female streetcar conductor, and, in her younger days, a prostitute and brothel manager.

Angelou was always forthcoming about her sex work, both in interviews and in her second autobiography, Gather Together in My Name. Media outlets who reported on her- both during her life and after her death- were not as candid about the subject. The articles that mention Angelou’s sex work make a point to describe it as “brief” or a “short-lived stint.” Many other articles omit it completely.

It’s true that Angelou’s sex work days were fairly short, and it’s easy to argue that her sex work was far outshone by her many accomplishments in literature, theater progressive politics, and, pretty much every other category in the entire world. I’m willing to bet she was an astronaut at some point. But no one is arguing that “Maya Angelou Was a Prostitute” should be the headline of her every obituary- just that her sex work should be acknowledged in a less perfunctory way.

Some sex work activists argue that the media’s evasiveness of the subject contributes to the stigma around sex work. To gloss over a part of her life that Angelou spoke openly about suggests that the subject is too shameful to speak about, which is, of course, a commonly held belief. People don’t like to utter the words “beloved author” and “sex worker” in the same sentence. Angelou’s sex work, when it’s acknowledged at all, is framed as a piece of juicy gossip. 

“Why are you still talking about recently deceased author Maya Angelou? Isn’t this article about International Whores’ Day?” Yes, it is. This article is so topical it is borderline illegal.

Prostitutes in Barcelona. Photo via Flickr user Sergio Uceda

International Whores’ Day, also known as International Sex Workers’ Day, is the most necessary holiday you’ve never heard of. It aims to remove the stigma around sex work, and to promote the basic rights of sex workers. Those goals sound simple enough, but sex work activists are up against centuries of stigma, which has a habit of sticking around.

Celebrated on June 2nd, International Whores’ Day began in France in 1975, the result of French sex workers’ anger at a government that at best failed to protect them and at worst actively worked to oppress them. For centuries, prostitution itself was not illegal in France, but “surrounding activities,” like pimping or owning a brothel, were. (This is the case once again in present-day France, though politicians take steps toward abolishing prostitution altogether every so often.)

Officially, France became an “abolitionist” state in 1960, when it ratified the UN Convention on the Suppression of Trafficking and the Exploitation of Prostitution. Though enforcement was spotty, abolitionism brought harsher police crackdowns upon French sex workers and left them with no government protections, metaphorically or literally. In 1975, after two prostitutes were murdered in Lyon and the French government did virtually nothing about it, sex workers staged a protest, occupying the Saint-Nizier church for eight days. The banner they hung on the church’s door read “nos enfants ne veulent pas leur mère en prison”—“our children do not want their mothers in prison.”

International Whores’ Day soon spread, well, internationally, although the United States is doing a crappy job of even knowing it exists. To the great surprise of everyone, France wasn’t the only country that could stand to learn how to respect its sex workers. (A “sex worker,” by the way, isn’t necessarily a prostitute—“sex workers” is a broader category that includes prostitutes, exotic dancers, porn actors, and many other professions.) 

A Syrian Brothel. Photo by Falko Siewert

But most importantly, why does this holiday have the word “whore” in it? Is it too offensive to be put in the same headline as "Maya Angelou," or is it badass?

Jessie Nicole has worked in the sex industries for roughly seven years, is the former director of the LA chapter of the Sex Workers Outreach Project, and considers herself an active member of sex work communities. “In most sex work communities,” Nicole says, “‘whore’ or ‘hooker’ are used as terms we're reclaiming for ourselves, but are still derogatory when used by people outside of that reclamation project.” Think of it like the word “queer,” which was originally a derogatory term (and still can be), but has been reclaimed by people in LGBT communities and now has an entirely different meaning. In other words, don’t go shouting it from your car, but know that it has a different meaning when used by someone in within the community in question.

As I mentioned before, International Whores’ Day is not well-known in the United States. Even sex workers who are aware of the holiday, Jessie Nicole says, “tend to be already connected to activist communities.” It’s something of a chicken-and-egg problem: the goal of holidays like this is to change cultural values, but it’s difficult to get a culture to accept such a holiday in the first place. Also, I’ve never successfully explained the concept of word reclamation to anyone over age 30. But that’s exactly why we need holidays like International Whores’ Day: to humanize a group who have had the word “whore” spat at them for centuries.

It’s a day to listen to the needs of people who are denied the privilege of speaking about their work without shame. And to accept that “beloved author” and “sex worker” are not mutually exclusive.

Follow Allegra Ringo on Twitter

30 May 12:35

A train across Ukraine

by griphus
Golem are a klezmer-punk band from NYC, whose third album Tanz is has just come out. Their current label, Discos Corasón, has a number of live songs and their first music video: "Freydele". And here's a great rendition of their song "This Is Yiddish!" You can also catch an interview with a couple of band members and read an interview with the multilingual vocalist, accordionist and band founder Annette Ezekiel Kogan.
30 May 12:06


30 May 12:04

 Mirade este videoIsso que vos pugem aí é um TRABUCO (os guiris...

 Mirade este video

Isso que vos pugem aí é um TRABUCO (os guiris dim-lhe trebuchet), o mais avançado em artilharia antes da invençom da pólvora.
Agora quero que vos imaginedes um desses cacharros no alto da Catedral de Santiago. Nom, nom estou chalado.
Está documentado que um trasto desses (ou algo parecido) foi colocado nos telhados da catedral polo arcebispo Berenguel de Landoira, lá polo 1320. E sabemos que o trebelho funcionava porque lho capturaram às tropas do concelho santiaguês que o empregaram anteriormente para bombardear o Convento de Sam Domingos de Bonaval.
O que nom sabemos é se o mesmo trabuco ou outro distinto é o que se empregou mais dum século depois, no 1464, durante o sítio sofrido pola catedral por parte das tropas de Bernal Eanes de Moscoso durante o que “os da igreja faziam muito mal com um trabuco com que tiravam de cima da igreja e lançavam pedras até a Rua do Caminho”.

Em qualquer caso, o tema é que um dos elementos característicos da image da catedral durante a Baixa Idade Média era ter umha catapulta gigante nos seus telhados.

Bem podiamos recupera-la!!

30 May 12:02

La avenida de Vilagarcía se transformará con un proyecto singular

30 May 12:01

A estatua de bronce de Montero Ríos (o que está en segundo...

A estatua de bronce de Montero Ríos (o que está en segundo plano) que estivo na praza do Obradoiro -entre 1916 e 1928- e logo foi trasladada ao seu actual lugar na de Mazarelos. Nela o afamado Montero Río estaba acompañado nas catro esquinas por catro alegorias. A que temos en primeiro plano é a representación da fé. Aínda que con claras reminiscencias galegas co cálice e a forma sagrada do escudo do reino. As outras tres son: A caridade, que se intúe na dereita; Xustiza, oculta pola estatua central, e a Ciencia que debería saír pola banda esquerda pero que non está. Alguén a levou e non sabemos nin cando. Polo arquivo de La Voz de Galicia sábese que xa nas fotos dos anos noventa non estaba. Vaia misterio, non é? Estará extraviada desde o seu traslado da praza do Obradoiro?

29 May 16:05

Cacheiras tamén rexeita en referendo a relixión nas aulas

by Redacción

O 87,5% dos pais e nais que participaron no referendo organizado polo colectivo Somos Parte no IES Cacheiras (Teo) rexeitou que a relixión teña valor académico nos currículos, e o 74,5% opuxéronse a que comparta horario con outras materias. É o segundo centro no que se leva a cabo esta votación.

29 May 13:39

We Talked to a Dick Pic Expert About Vag Pics

by Monica Heisey
Photo by Mike Pearl
Lawyer by day, dick pic critic by night, Madeleine Holden knows how to multi-task. The New Zealander (and Noisey contributor is the curator and commentator behind Critique My Dick Pic (link NSFW), a virtual Day of Reckoning for the world’s crappy dick pics, which went viral almost as soon as it began last September. 
While the title alone was strong enough to garner tumblr attention, Holden’s blog is far from a gimmick. Submissions are assigned a letter grade and judged based on composition, lighting, and creativity, but the site has a strict no body- or size-shaming policy, and accepts submissions from anyone with a dick—men, ladies with strap-ons, and trans people are welcome to send in their artfully put together cock shots. Critiques are thoughtful (“Your dick pic is different in that your dick is soft yet you’ve managed to make it visually appealing by cupping it intimately with your hand”), funny (“Dude, this isn’t good. Your own girlfriend has given you a five and she loves you and knows about all your good qualities and likes that cute thing you do with your mouth”), and dripping with feminist swagger, much like Holden’s Twitter presence
As a sender and receiver of the occasional sexy message myself, I appreciate Holden’s efforts. There truly is a dearth of imagination out there when it comes to ways men choose to photograph their dicks. For a long time I held that against them—why was I messing with lighting and angles when I was getting sent the photographic equivalent of that comedy boner boi-oi-oiiing noise? I recently realized, however, that I was sending back full bod shots—this is where I had them beat. Turns out it’s hard (pun intended, forever) to take a pic of just genitals. Solo gens do not a cute pic make. At least not without some work. I thought it might be time to consult an expert. Can the vag pic have a renaissance like the one @moscaddie is helping bring about with the dick pic? We caught up with the dick pic critic, currently traveling around the States on a break from balancing criminal defense with Female God’s work to ask about logs, unsolicited sexts, and the future—if any—of the vag pic. 
Note: The interview is safe for work, but consider this a blanket NSFW warning for the links.
VICE: Hi, Madeleine. So, Critique My Dick Pic started in September, inspired by one particularly well-done dick pic. Why do you think the current state of dick pics is so dismal? What are the main mistakes holding dick pics back?
Madeleine Holden: I think that the main problem with dick pics is that men are preoccupied with using them as an advertisement for their size, rather than as a piece of erotic material intended to turn someone else on. That's the reason that most dick pics are logs, and why an alarming number of them contain an inanimate object provided for scale. Pictures like this reek of insecurity and they're extremely dull. Dick pics should include some non-dick body parts, and a dispiriting number of them don't. 
Another reason that the current state of dick pics is so dismal is that there is a culture of non-consent that surrounds them. Dick pics are often thrust at women unsolicited on dating sites and social media, and they are widely reviled for this reason. We need to encourage senders of dick pics to share them strictly with people who want to see them. 
About how many pics do you get sent per day? Has the quality of submissions improved as you've continued to spread the Good Word?
Shortly after I started the blog I was receiving so many hundreds of pictures a week that I had to remove my email address to stem the tide of submissions. I have recently reinstated it and I receive fewer submissions than that now, but still a steady supply. There has been a tangible improvement in submissions over time. I still receive dozens and dozens of awful submissions, and I think some men will always be impervious to my recommendations. But the general trend is towards higher quality dick pics. 
The real reason I'm seeking you out is to discuss something that really doesn’t get talked about, at least not in a positive, non-shame-y way that I’m comfortable with: vag pics. It feels to me like when ladies sext pictures it's full body shots and tits and butts and things. Is a full vag pic the final frontier? 
Pussy pics certainly aren't a phenomenon the way that dick pics are, and most women I know will draw the line at sending a nude with their pussy in it. I think part of that is the double standard, reputation-wise: if a dude sends a dick pic and it gets leaked, he's gonna be laughed at for five minutes, if a girl sends a pussy pic and it leaks then she's a whore and it will follow her around like a hungry dog.
Another reason, though, is that women tend to be doubtful about the appeal of a picture of straight-up genitalia, and there's something in that. A bit of context and nuance goes a long way, although I'm sure pussy pics could work in principle. 
Photo by Flickr user Larry Hoffman
What is your personal philosophy on vag pics? Do you think as sexting and sex-through-technology becomes more popular, we might see a pussy pics renaissance?
My personal philosophy on pussy pics is to do them if you feel comfortable with it and have a receptive receiver but bear in mind the consequences of some ain't-shit dude leaking them. Pussy pics will probably get more popular, yeah.
Full disclosure: in the interests of "journalism" I tried to take a mostly vag shot yesterday and it involved a lot of weird angles and no finished product I felt good about. Do you think maybe they're simply too much work when we've got breasts and hips and things to photograph instead? What do you think might make a good vag pic? (Help)
You may be struggling in the same way that dudes struggle with dick pics, in that you're trying to capture your genitals in a sexy way and that takes a fair bit of effort and skill. Breasts and hips are easier in the sense that they're less shocking, and taking a pussy pic is always going to feel a bit crude and seedy simply because of how we're socialized to think about pussies and the act of sharing them. I think most of my dick pic tips would apply to taking a good pussy shot: include your hands in the picture; use gentle lighting; make sure the background is visually-appealing and clear of clutter; include some of the rest of your body. Use an angle and level of zoom that isn't too in-your-face. Send it to someone who wants to see it, and whom you trust implicitly. 
In your piece for the Hairpin you said the dick pic project "confirmed to [you] just how fragile men are; how crumblingly insecure and self-conscious so many of them are about their bodies." Can you expand on that? What conclusions (if any) have you drawn from this window into male insecurity?
Men are remarkably open with me about their bodily insecurities. I'm not sure whether it's the anonymous format or the novelty of the outlet or the anti body-shaming ethos of the site, but men will write me paragraphs about how much they hate their hairy chests, or their circumcised foreskins, or the entire package that they're working with. Often men will tell me that my site helped them to surmount their insecurities, which warms my heart. 
I've come to the conclusion that men face similar (although less intense) pressures to look a certain way, but they are afforded fewer outlets to discuss how it affects them. Traditional masculinity requires men to be stoic about their emotional issues and men risk being called pussies and fags if they are openly self-conscious about something as "frivolous" and "feminine" as their appearance. Basically, men are a simmering heap of raw nerves and unexplored emotions. 
Why do you think we talk so much about dick pics? I feel like they get a lot of press but we are so used to naked pictures of women that sending one via text doesn't make a difference, really. It's not notable, you know?
I'm not sure that we do talk about dick pics a huge amount, or at least not critically. It seems to me that half the reason Critique My Dick Pic blew up so quickly is because it was an under-discussed phenomenon. I agree with you that we expect to see naked pictures of women; we are surrounded by them and we're used to viewing women as sexual objects. We're less used to viewing men as sexual objects; on a societal level we still seem to find that comical and unserious. Dick pics are noteworthy because they invert that dynamic, they're the opposite of what we're used to from men: they're vulnerable and they're premised on a female gaze.
What are some of the more common faux pas committed via text-based sexting? I've seen some true horrors. Like, what is the verbal equivalent, to you, of a log? 
My friend Priya did a good tweet about this the other day. 

v telling that "i will tear you up!!" is a much more common sext than "i will not rest until you come"

— priya (@thewordy) May 26, 2014
The kind of dudes who are terrible in bed are usually terrible at sexting for the same reasons: they lift all their moves directly from porn; they try to be too tough and showy; they ignore the things that actually lead to pleasure for you. The worst kind of sexts are the ones that are just about how hard some dude thinks he's gonna fuck you, e.g. "I'm gonna get right up in those guts. I'm gonna have you screaming.” Pass. 
Would you ever consider starting a pussy pics blog, get an empire going? 
Men ask me this all the time. I'm not really interested in catering to the male gaze and it wouldn't be the same kind of public service Critique My Dick Pic is, given that artless, unsolicited pussy pics aren't thrust at men on a mass scale the way dick pics are. The whole ethos would be different; it's not something that really interests me.
Follow Monica Heisey on Twitter