Shared posts

05 Jul 00:55

When Maynard ruled the search world

by adamg

hasta la vista, Alta Vista

AltaVista is being lowered into the grave. Kids, go ask your parents about AltaVista - and its founder, Digital Equipment Corp., which turned a sleepy former mill town on the Assabet River into a high-tech mecca.

Meanwhile, Lycos still exists, run out of US headquarters in Waltham.

04 Jul 01:59

One Week To Go In The STW Kickstarter! Check Out The Finished Calendar Design!


Give him money!

Guys, we have less than a week before the STW Page-A-Day Calendar Kickstarter comes to an end. We were successful with our goal, and at this point, we're trying to meet stretch goals to make the final product as fantastic as we can.

I just wanted to thank all of you who have contributed, and to show you what the finalized page design looks like. David Malki! of Wondermark and Machine of Death was kind enough to provide some guidance and offer his talents with design to help produce the image above. I think they look great and hopefully you do, too!

If you're interested in getting a calendar, contributing now will get you access to several rewards that are going to be exclusive to the campaign. These are going to be great calendars, and it's all because of you great readers. Thanks!

23 Jun 16:41

The Pandigital Handheld Electronic Encyclopedia is once again $10

by (John)

The price of this device fluctuates, but is currently $10 at Amazon:
Get in the know with the Pandigital WikiReader. This palm-sized electronic encyclopedia contains the entire English Wikipedia covering 3 million topics -- equivalent to more than 1,000 volumes. No internet connection is required, it comes preloaded with the entire Wikipedia and is ready to use right out of the box. Easy touchscreen controls and touchscreen QWERTY keyboard allow you instant access to a world of knowledge. Never be out of date, either, as the content can be updated quarterly via online download or via MicroSD card. Runs on 2 AAA batteries which will last approximately 1 year.
21 Jun 23:58


'I'm here to return what Prometheus stole.' would be a good thing to say if you were a fighter pilot in a Michael Bay movie where for some reason the world's militaries had to team up to defeat every god from human mythology, and you'd just broken through the perimeter and gotten a missile lock on Mount Olympus.
13 Jun 23:36


12 Jun 01:15

Lesson #1783 - Page-A-Day Calendars

The bad thing about ugly page-a-day calendars is that it's Smarch all the time!

And with that, I'm launching the Kickstarter for STW Page-A-Day Calendars today! This has been a project that I've been trying to put together for about two years, and it's finally going forward thanks to the help of Topatoco and their Make That Thing! initiative. There are a number of great rewards that we've included at the various tiers, so please check it out - at least watch the fun video - maybe tell your friends, too - and thanks for your support!

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