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02 Jul 14:21

CSV.js – CSV Parsing and Encoding in JavaScript

by Ray Cheung

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A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form. A CSV file consists of any number of records, separated by line breaks of some kind; each record consists of fields, separated by some other character or string, most commonly a literal comma or tab. CSV.js is a simple, blazing-fast CSV parsing/encoding in JavaScript. Compatible with browsers, AMD, and NodeJS.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: License Free


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

02 Jul 14:21

A Flexible jQuery Plugin for Sorting & Pagination

by Ray Cheung

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jPList is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure. It supports data sources: PHP + MySQL, ASP.NET + Sql Server, PHP + SQLite. It works with JavaScript templates like Handlebars, Mustache etc.

jPList supports XML + XSLT. It works in all major browsers. For non-commercial, personal, or open source projects and applications, you may use jPList for free under the terms of the GPL V3 License.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: GPL v3 License


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

02 Jul 14:11

A Lightweight & Customisable WYSIWYG editor

by Ray Cheung

Advertise here via BSA

Trumbowyg is a light, translatable and customisable WYSIWYG editor jQuery plugin. Beatiful design, generates semantic code, comes with a powerful API. Editor and generated code are optimized for HTML5 support. Compatible with all recents browsers like IE8+, Chrome, Opera and Firefox.

All existing WYSIWYG editors are larger than 45kB. Trumbowyg is only 15kB which means faster page loading. No useless features, just the necessary ones to generate a clean and semantic code. Options and design are entirely configurable ot suit your needs.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

27 Jun 18:18

HTML Table Export jQuery Plugin

by Ray Cheung

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HTML Table Export jQuery Plugin helps user export HTML Table to JSON, XML, PNG, CSV, TXT, SQL, MS-Word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Powerpoint and PDF. You can easily set the font size, separator, export type, margin and etc. It is licensed under MIT License.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

19 Jun 06:15

Udacity y Google muestran cómo optimizar el rendimiento de un sitio web en un curso gratuito

by Miriam Schuager

Udacity en colaboración con Google, nos muestra cómo optimizar el rendimiento de un sitio web en nuevo curso online y gratuito: Website Performance Optimization

Tal como comentan en el anuncio, no hay una fórmula secreta que permita potenciar el rendimiento de un sitio. Pero en este mini curso se ayudará a los estudiantes a entender cómo funciona el entorno web para aplicar diferentes tips, estrategias y herramientas que nos ayuden a conseguir este propósito.


El instructor es nada menos que Ilya Grigorik, un experto en el tema. Para el desarrollo del contenido se analizará información de Chrome Developer Tools y recomendaciones que provee PageSpeed Insights, al analizar el rendimiento de las páginas web teniendo en cuenta tanto dispositivos móviles como el ordenador.

En la introducción del curso se verá cómo utilizar estas herramientas de manera correcta, para implementar ese conocimiento en las lecciones posteriores. Luego se analizará el funcionamiento del navegador web al crear sitios desde HTML, CSS y JavaScript, terminando con un proyecto.

Los estudiantes que finalicen el curso habrán creado su propio porfolio online aplicando todos los conocimientos impartidos y desarrollado nuevas habilidades para mejorar el rendimiento de su próximo proyecto web.

Si nos interesa tomar el curso solo tenemos que dar clic en “View courseware” que vemos en el link que compartimos al comienzo del artículo, y automáticamente veremos todo su contenido.

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19 Jun 06:13

Estilos para IE9, IE10 e IE11

by Jorge Epuñan

Desde IE10 quer ya no existen los comentarios condicionales, ese útil invento de Microsoft para que nosotros desarrolladores front-end pudiéramos lidiar con los estilos específicos para IE5, 6, 7, 8…. y 9.

Los quitaron porque creían que con IE10 todo estaba solucionado y volvían a abrazar los estándares, lo que fue en parte cierto. Pero quedan detalles por solucionar y ante ello, encontré un útil hack para permitir estilos específicos para IE9, IE10 e IE11:

@media screen and (min-width:0\0) { 
    /* Tus estilos CSS para IE9, IE10, IE11  */

… pero hay más …

@media \0screen\,screen\9 {
    /* Tus estilos CSS para IE6, IE7, IE8  */
@media \0screen { 
    /* Tus estilos CSS para IE8  */
@media screen\0 { 
    /* Tus estilos CSS para IE8, IE9, IE10  */


17 Jun 19:26

Elegant Font Icon Picker jQuery Plugin

by Ray Cheung

Advertise here via BSA

jQuery fontIconPicker is a small (3.22KB gzipped) jQuery plugin which allows you to include an elegant icon picker with categories, search and pagination inside your administration forms. The list of icons can be loaded manually using a SELECT field, an Array or Object of icons or directly from a Fontello config.json or IcoMoon selection.json file.

Simply just include a copy of jQuery, the fontIconPickers script, the fontIconPickers theme and your Font Icons. Now you can trigger it on a SELECT or INPUT[type="text"] element. jQuery iconPicker has been successfully tested on: Firefox (edge), Safari (edge), Chrome (edge), IE8+ and Opera (edge).


Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

16 Jun 19:30

50 Extensions and Plugins for Extending Bootstrap

by Paul Andrew

Bootstrap itself is already chock-full full of useful tools, extensions and components, and is more than enough to kick-start most web projects. But there will be times where the basic components are not quite enough for what you need. That is where this post comes in. We have assembled 50 extensions, plugins and addons for extending Bootstrap.

Rather than group the extensions into relevant categories, as we normally would, we have instead opted to create an A-Z listing, which should make it much easier for you to find the addon you are looking for.

Everything you could possibly need is included below, from buttons, breadcrumbs and calendars, to tree menus, video players and WYSIWYG editors. If you feel we have missed anything please do include it in the comments below.

A-Z of Plugins and Add-Ons for Extending Bootstrap


Accessibility Plugin – This plugin adds accessibility mark-up to the default components of Bootstrap. Components include: Alert; Tooltip; Popover; Modal Dialog; Dropdown Menu; Tab Panel; Collapse; Carousel.

Basic Buttons

CSS3 Microsoft Modern Buttons – A lightweight library of Microsoft-style buttons uses CSS3 to create versatile and stylish buttons.
lightweight library of Microsoft-style buttons uses CSS3 Extending Bootstrap


Bootstrap-Breadcrumb – A Bootstrap JavaScript plugin that allows you to programmatically manipulate breadcrumb navigation.


Bootstrap-Calendar – A Full view calendar based on Twitter Bootstrap.
A Full view calendar based on Twitter Bootstrap


Bootstrap Modal Carousel – A collection of plugins for displaying a carousel in fullscreen modal window.
A collection of plugins for displaying a carousel in fullscreen modal window Extending Bootstrap


prettyCheckable – A jQuery plugin for replacing the default checkboxes and radio inputs.
jQuery plugin for replacing the default checkboxes and radio inputs

Color Picker

Simple Color Picker – A very simple and lightweight (200 lines of JS and 100 lines of CSS) jQuery color picker for Bootstrap.
A very simple and lightweight jQuery color picker for Bootstrap


Bootstrap Combobox – A combobox plugin that integrates well with Bootstrap.
A combobox plugin that integrates well with Bootstrap

Contact Form

Bootstrap-Contact – A simple PHP contact form using Bootstrap and the jQuery validation plugin.

jQuery Gridform – A jQuery plugin for creating complex table-based forms with Bootstrap.
A jQuery plugin for creating complex table-based forms with Bootstrap


Datepicker – A plugin for adding a datepicker field to any element.
A plugin for adding a datepicker field to any element

Date Range Picker – This date range picker component creates a drop-down from which you can select a range of dates.
This date range picker component creates a drop-down from which you can select a range of dates Extending Bootstrap

ClockPicker – A unique clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap.
A unique clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap

Dialog Boxes & Alerts

Bootbox.js – A small JS library that allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Bootstrap’s modals.
small JS library that allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Bootstraps modals

Bootstrap Prompts – An plugin to replace the alert(), prompt(),confirm() notifications on the browser when using Twitter Bootstrap with modals.
Bootstrap Prompts An plugin to replace the alert

Bootstrap Confirmation – A plugin that replaces popovers with confirmation dialogs.
A plugin that replaces popovers with confirmation dialogs

File Upload

jQuery File Upload – A file upload widget which features multiple file selection, drag & drop, progress bars, validation and preview images.
A file upload widget which features multiple file selection, drag & drop, progress bars

Form Validation

BootstrapValidator – A jQuery plugin for vaildating forms within Bootstrap.
A jQuery plugin for vaildating forms within Bootstrap

jqBootstrapValidation – Another jQuery validation framework for Bootstrap forms.
jqBootstrapValidation</strong></a> – Another jQuery validation framework for Bootstrap”/></p>
<p><a target=Validator – A simple and user-friendly form validator plugin for Bootstrap.
 simple and user-friendly form validator plugin for Bootstrap

HTML Tables

Tablecloth.js – Building off Bootstrap, this is is a jQuery plugin that helps you easily style HTML tables.
jQuery plugin that helps you style easily HTML tables

Navigable Table – A Bootstrap plugin for smooth navigation across table inputs.
A Bootstrap plugin for smooth navigation across table inputs

Image Gallery

Image Gallery – This plugin shows images and videos in the modal dialog of the Bootstrap. It features swipe, mouse & keyboard navigation, transition effects, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading.
plugin shows images and videos in the modal dialog of the Bootstrap

In-Place Editing

X-editable – A library that allows you to create editable elements on your Bootstrap page.
A library that allows you to create editable elements on your Bootstrap page

Layout Grid

jQDrawBootstrapGrid – A simple jQuery plugin that draws grid columns to a Bootstrap enabled layout.
simple jQuery plugin that draws grid columns to a Bootstrap enabled layout


Lightbox – A simple lightbox plugin based on the Bootstrap modal plugin.
A simple lightbox plugin based on the Bootstrap modal plugin


Magnify – A JS plugin for adding a magnifying glass to images on mouseover.
A JS plugin for adding a magnifying glass to images on mouseover


Bootstrap Markdown – A plugin for enabling Markdown editing in Bootstrap.
A plugin for enabling Markdown editing in Bootstrap

Modal Windows

Bootstrap Modal – This plugin extends Bootstrap's native modals to provide additional functionality (responsive, stackable, Ajax…).
This plugin extends Bootstrap's native modals

Bootstrap Scroll Modal – A modification of the Bootstrap Modal plugin that allows for unlimited modal height with full page scrolling.
A modification of the Bootstrap Modal plugin that allows for unlimited modal height with full page scrolling


metisMenu – An easy menu jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3.
An easy menu jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3

Contextmenu – A context menu plugin for Bootstrap.
A context menu plugin for Bootstrap


bootpag – A jQuery plugin helps you create dynamic pagination with Bootstrap.
A jQuery plugin helps you create dynamic pagination with Bootstrap

jQuery Pagination – A plugin that simplifies the usage of Bootstrap's Pagintion by using appropriate classes: .pagination, .active and .disabled.
A plugin that simplifies the usage of Bootstrap's Pagintion

Progress Bars

Bootstrap Progressbar – A multi-color progress bar component for Bootstrap.
A multi-color progressbar component for Bootstrap


Bootstrap Star Rating – A jQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap that supports fractional star fill and RTL input support.
A jQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap

Social Buttons

Social Buttons for Bootstrap – A pure CSS social sign-in button library.
A pure CSS social sign-in button library for bootstrap


bselect – A plugin for styling the <select> element in Bootstrap.
A plugin for styling the select element in Bootstrap

Bootstrap Multiselect – A JQuery based plugin for using select inputs with the multiple attributes.
A JQuery based plugin for using select inputs

MultiSuggest – A useful plugin that extends the default Bootstrap Typeahead component.
A useful plugin that extends the default Bootstrap Typeahead component


Bootstrap Tags – A jQuery plugin for adding tagging functionality Bootstrap.
jQuery plugin for adding tagging functionality Bootstrap

Tokenfield – An advanced tagging jQuery plugin for Bootstrap with its focus on keyboard navigation and copy/paste support.
An advanced tagging jQuery plugin for Bootstrap

Table of Contents

Tocify – A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. It can be optionally styled with Bootstrap or jQueryUI Themeroller.
A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents Extending Bootstrap


Tabcordion.js – A simple jQuery plugin that transforms a set of Bootstrap tabs into a Bootstrap accordion.
simple jQuery plugin that transforms a set of Bootstrap tabs into a Bootstrap accordion

tabcollapse – A plugin that switches the Bootstrap Tabs component to collapse for small screens.
A plugin that switches the Bootstrap Tabs component to collapse for small screens

Tree Menu

EasyTree – A very basic tree-view jQuery plugin for Bootstrap.
A very basic tree-view jQuery plugin for Bootstrap

BootstrapTreeNav – A Javascript plugin for Bootstrap for creating tree navigation menus.
A Javascript plugin for Bootstrap for creating tree navigation menus

Video Player

Bootstrap Video Player – A customizable HTML5 video player plugin for jQuery based on Bootstrap's UI.
A customizable HTML5 video player plugin for jQuery based on Bootstrap's UI

Website Tour

Bootstrap Tour – A quick and easy way to build your product tours with Bootstrap Popovers.
A quick and easy way to build your product tours with Bootstrap Popovers


bootstrap-wysihtml5 – A Javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple WYSIWYG editors.
A Javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple WYSIWYG editors

Summernote – A simple WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap.
A simple WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap

The post 50 Extensions and Plugins for Extending Bootstrap appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

16 Jun 19:16

50 Most Useful jQuery Libraries

by Taimur Asghar

Useful jQuery libraries is a very familiar phrase between designers and developers. It is the one of the most popular JavaScript libraries that you find on the Web. Every designer and developer knows the importance of it; they are familiar with its functions and features.

  • jQuery is designed to resolve just about every issue that a website might have
  • It can resolve all those issues that obstruct you from making an attractive and creative website
  • If you want to resolve any cross-browser issues, make JavaScript libraries in your collection

jQuery Libraries are a great source for the web developers. You will find plenty of plugins on the Internet that are free to use but, finding them can be very time consuming as you will have to go through every site in order to find out the latest and accurate jQuery libraries.

That is why, in today’s post, we have collected a list of the most suitable jQuery libraries. You can use them to add cool effects in your website.

1. Treed


Treed is used to perform tree editing on your website. It is extensible, customizable, powerful and very easy to use plugin.

2. jQuery Vibrate


This is specifically built for the mobile devices. It allows the developers to vibrate any device in a pattern for a specific period of time.

3. Flight Indicators


This is a very easy-to-use plugin. You can display high quality flight indicators by using HTML, CSS3, jQuery, and SVG images.

4. jQuery LightSlider


Lightslider is a fully responsive and touchable content slider for your websites. With slide and fade effects, it is compatible with all major browsers.

5. jQuery GoUp!


It is a very simple plugin to use. It allows your website visitors to go back directly to the top of the page with one click.

6. Image Cropper

Image Cropper

This jQuery plugin allows you crop images on the website. It also provides some options and a preview. You can also set the height and width.

7. Devrama Slider


Devrama is a fully responsive image slider with unique features. Both image and HTML contents are supported. It has various transition effects for photos.

8. jQFader


jQFader is a very simple plugin for making the elements on your website fade out. It is plain and simple to use and fits perfectly on your website.

9. Forkit


Forkit.js is a jQuery plugin that showcases an animated ribbon, revealing a curtain for additional content for visitors. It is usually placed on the upper right corner.

10. Vertical News Slider


As the name suggests, is a jQuery and CSS3 based slider that shows the news headlines on the left side along with the option of preview and brief summary.

11. Looking For


This is a jQuery plugin that allows searching text in list items available on the page. It also hides the unmatched items.

12. Browser Swipe


This plug-in allows you to trackpad swipe events when scrolling is disabled on the site. It reacts according to mouse wheel and scrolls up or down.

13. Chicken Dinner


ChickenDinner is a unique jQuery plugin for your website. It allows loading images randomly from a client-side array through image tags or background images.

14. Flicker Plate


This is a fully responsive and very easy-to-use jQuery plugin. It allows you to flick through the content on your web page.

15. SVGMagic

SVG Magic

Want to convert SVG images to PNG? Use this simple jQuery library. It searches for SVG images on your website and converts them to PNG, if the browser doesn’t support SVG format.

16. lazyYT


This jQuery plugin is used to lazy load YouTube videos. At first load, the div will be replaced with preview img of the video, which will auto play upon clicking.

17. ScrollMagic


With this plugin, you can control different interactions with the users such as pin an element, start animation, among others, when they scrolls down to a particular position.

18. RowGrid


RowGrid is a jQuery plugin to use to place the items in a straight row on your website. This is a small and very easy-to-use tool.

19. Remodal


This jQuery plugin is used for hash tracking and declarative state notations. It is fully responsive, flat and easily customizable plugin.

20. Panorama Viewer


This is a very useful jQuery plugin for your website. It allows you to insert panoramic pictures on your website for the additional unique feel to the site.

21. Floatlabels


Built on jQuery, this is a very familiar plugin for developers. When users interrelate with any text, the placeholder value moves up and displays above the typed text.

22. Fluidbox


This is a very useful jQuery plugin. It replicates and improves the fluid light box module that is seen on medium in such a way that it links to larger resolution image.

23. Headroom


Headroom.js helps you to keep the main navigation of your website close to the user. While scrolling down, it gets out of the view and while scrolling up, it comes back in.

24. A-Slider


A-Slider is a responsive and simple slider that also supports audio on the website. It is very easy to use and highly configurable using HTML features.

25. CoverflowJS


This is coverflow project that allows you to create a fully functional ‘CoverFlow’ effect by the help of combining jQuery UI components and CSS3 transforms.

26. jQuery URLive


This jQuery plugin is very similar to Facebook’s post attachment capabilities. It allows you to create a live preview of any URL based on its Open Graph properties.

27. BttrLazyLoading


This plugin allows the web application to load only those images that are within the viewport. You can have different versions of an image in four different screen sizes.

28. jQuery Collapser


This jQuery plugin allows you to collapse and element text by words, characters and lines with a flexible API. It has multiple functions to collapse a paragraph.

29. Parallax ImageScroll


This plugin creates a parallax effect with the images. It is simple to use and offers many options for modifications. For animation, CSS3 transform is used.

30. Block Scroll


This jQuery plugin breaks the page in small parts for better presentation. By displaying the elements as one screen at a time, it turns the page responsive.

31. Full Page Image Slideshow


The full page jQuery plugin allows slideshows that expand the image automatically to fill up the display. Images are zoomed in and out into view.

32. EasyTree


EasyTree is a jQuery plugin that has been designed to convert the UL list or JSON to a tree menu on your website. It is very easy to use and totally free for everyone.

33. Mapsed


Mapsed makes selecting places on map easy. You can also add and edit your custom places, that are missed by Google Places API.

34. Radiant Scroller


With this jQuery plugin, you can create a responsive scroll with grid and horizontal layouts. It can be modified with various options and some API methods.

35. Image Lightbox

Image Lightbox

It is a minimal lightbox for only images. It has no captions and navigation buttons by default, making it simple but ascetic. It is responsive and touch-friendly and works great on all major mobile operating systems.

36. Mr.JsonTable


This jQuery plugin is very simple to use. You can table your HTML from JSON data with the advantage of paging and sorting. You can also hide columns.

37. ImageFit

jQuery ImageFit

This is a very handy jQuery plugin for the developers. It is simple and lightweight. It allows you to make images fit anywhere and in any way on your website.

38. Bootstrap Validator


This jQuery plugin is very useful when you want to create a site with validating options. It has many built-in options. It is also very easy to use and understand.

39. Resize End Plugin

jQuery Resize End

This is a useful plugin that is used to resize the window browser after it is completed. You can easily handle or resize the events after completion.

40. Adaptive Backgrounds


This jQuery plugin is used to extract the most prevailing color from the image and apply it to the background of its parent element.

41. FormChimp


This jQuery plugin is fully customizable MailChimp Ajax that provides an easy way for the users to sign up for the Mailchimp list.

42. Password Peekaboo


This jQuery plugin is used to temporarily reveal the password field if the user wants to see it. Users can see their passwords with peekaboo functionality.

43. Selectonic


This jQuery plugin is used to make a list of items selectable by mouse and keyboard. You can use it in different web apps that have widgets like menus, and dropdowns, etc.

44. Sudoku

Sudoku plugin

This jQuery plugin is used to customize and create Sudoku layouts for playing or presentations. It is responsive. It is also has beautiful theme colors.

45. Elevate Zoom


This jQuery plugin allows you to create image-zoom interface. It is highly customizable and very easy to use in your website. For best result, use two images.

46. Wanker.js

jQuery Wanker

This plugin is very useful in designing your public service announcement. You can display your work and use this plugin to make your viewers focus on your work.

47. Form Autofill


This jQuery plugin is very useful for the web developers. It is a simple autofill for an empty form with data. It is very easy to use for the developers.

48. Image Map Resize


This plugin allows you to keep HTML image maps scaled to the size of an image. It updates the coordinates of the image map when window is resized.

49. jQuery Full Screen Nav


This jQuery plugin makes a <nav> menu cover the entire screen while it calculates the size of its links on the page load and window resize.

50. SuzhouKada


This jQuery plugin allows you to see links of your website with one click. It allows the users to see preview picture of links when they move the mouse over the text link.


In this post, we shared some of the most suitable jQuery libraries that you can use in your websites to solve any problem. We hope that these all plugins can enhance your website performance and give a user-friendly environment to the site. All these jQuery plugins are very useful and creatively made to give your site the best look.

If you think we have missed some of the plugins, then feel free to add a list of your favorite jQuery plugins so that every other designer and developer can use them in their website with your credits. You can do this by simply commenting below.

13 Jun 21:37

Captain Icon, una colección de 375 iconos vectoriales gratuitos

by Miriam Schuager


Captain Icon es un interesante opción que no puede faltar en el kit de recursos de todo buen diseñador.

Es una colección de más de 350 iconos gratis para utilizar en diferentes proyectos, ya sea pensando en la web o en aplicaciones móviles. Además de cubrir una variedad de temáticas, tienen un diseño muy divertido y con varias características que permiten personalizarlos a nuestro criterio.

Al descargar este set de iconos nos encontramos que está disponible en una variedad de formatos como PNG, PSD, EPS, SVG y Web Font.  El creador de esta colección no solo ha hecho un trabajo espectacular con su diseño, sino además ha abierto una página explicando de forma muy amena cada detalle los iconos y su potencial para utilizarlo en diferentes diseños.

Podemos descargarlo de forma gratuita y utilizarlo en nuestros proyectos teniendo en cuenta el tipo de licencia, y si deseamos, dejar una pequeña donación en agradecimiento y apoyo a la creación de esta clase de recursos.

Y si buscamos más opciones en iconos para utilizarlos en nuestros proyectos comerciales, podemos tener en cuenta el set de iconshock que compartimos en un artículo anterior.

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Patrocinan WWWhatsnew: Vuelos Baratos y Segurauto

Hospedado en RedCoruna

07 Jun 10:06

You Requested It, We Made It: Free PHP Testing Course

by Nicole Bowes

Back in January we asked followers of our Facebook page to suggest and vote for the topic of the next PHP course we create. The winning suggestion was “PHP testing for newbs” from John in Spain. So we went away and spent some time putting together an informative beginner level course, based on your feedback.

PHP Testing Basics a New Tuts Course

We’re pleased to announce the release of the PHP Testing Basics course by Andrew Perkins, which is also rather excitingly free! This course has been specifically designed to teach you what you need to know in order to test PHP applications and why it’s so important to do so.

As requested, this new course will start from the very basics, like the differences between regular testing, test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD). It will also take a look at the different frameworks available to run your PHP websites as expected.

You will also explore the popular test methods that you can run such as unit, functional, and acceptance.

Once you’ve completed this course and you want to learn more, take a look at the PHP to Laravel Essentials bundle we’ve put together. With this you can develop your PHP skills further and follow an easy pathway to build on your foundation knowledge.

07 Jun 09:40

Nuevo set de iconos totalmente gratis, incluso para proyectos comerciales

by Juan Diego Polo


Desde nos presentan una nueva colección de iconos gratuitos cuya licencia nos permite usarlos incluso para proyectos comerciales, siendo así ideal para incluirlos en páginas web corporativas, artículos en blogs, aplicaciones móviles, etc.

En formato Psd (photoshop) y png (con fondo transparente), son más de 10.000 iconos clasificados, con varios formatos y colores, siendo posible descargarlos después de indicar el email o compartir la colección en las redes sociales.

iconshock es un conocido buscador de iconos que vende packs de diversas categorías, ofreciendo con bastante frecuencia algunos sets gratuitos para que podamos usarlo tanto con licencia comercial como con licencia de uso particular.

Sin duda, un gran recurso para guardar en nuestra carpeta de “utilidades para diseño”.

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Patrocinan WWWhatsnew: Vuelos Baratos y Segurauto

Hospedado en RedCoruna

05 Jun 18:34

Curriculum Vitae en formato PSD con planteo web

by Tamara

Es la primera vez que me encuentro con una herramienta de estas características, la realidad es que si lo pensamos, el poder contar con diferentes versiones de los elementos nos permite abarcar más posibilidades a la hora de emprender la búsqueda de empleo.

Usualmente encontramos curriculums vitae que solo incluyen la versión en PSD para imprimir y si bien puede ser digitalizada para ser enviada como .pdf o imagen, es aún mejor si podemos incluirla en un sitio web para que nuestro potencial contratante tenga la posibilidad de navegarlo.

El paquete incluye tres archivos, una versión PSD de un CV con una estética muy simple y limpia, que permite agregar mucha información en poco espacio e imprimir directamente y otra en el mismo formato pero que se plantea en base a la implementación de un sitio web, con solapas para enlaces sociales y dada la naturaleza del sitio web incluir toda la información relacionada con referencias o proyectos de los que han participado.

Free CV Pack

Descargar Free CV Pack | Behance

Por último, una utilidad que es un detalle pero también puede ayudarnos a que nuestra imagen perdure en el entrevistador, es una tarjeta personal con el mismo estilo que tienen los otros dos archivos y que resulta en un buen complemento de contacto.

Estéticamente resulta muy atractivo, limpio y armónico, se pueden agregar elementos e información relacionada a nuestra experiencia y mostrarla de forma dinámica, además de agregar cualidades personales que puedan servir para dar a conocer diferentes aspectos de nuestra capacidad como profesionales. Un documento para guardar y tener a mano ya que nunca se sabe cuándo se puede necesitar y sobretodo, si tienen conocimientos de maquetado podrán ofrecer la versión web en varios idiomas, incluso para aplicar a trabajos que estén relacionados con países del mundo.

Ojalá pueda encontrar más opciones con curriculums que incluyan varios formatos, ya que hoy es necesario tener todos los detalles en cuenta para competir en un mercado complicado y con mucha oferta.

Este artículo Curriculum Vitae en formato PSD con planteo web fue publicado originalmente en: Kabytes

05 Jun 18:33

35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

by Igor Ovsyannykov

After you’ve seen these photos, you will understand why simply getting out there and seeing the world should be number one on your bucket list.

However, with so many amazing places to see, and with so many corners of the earth to discover, it’s just as fulfilling to look at jaw-dropping photographic evidence of what an amazingly beautiful planet we live on.

All across the globe, there are amazing sights to behold, from the majestic Mount Everest that looms up into the sky, the Tongariro Crossing in New Zealand’s North Island beautiful with emerald lakes, the picture-perfect Canadian Rockies, and the scenery in Africa that’s so amazing it will blow your mind. It’s a spectacular planet and we are definitely lucky to live on it.

The moment you start to open your eyes to the backdrop to your lives, your surroundings, the settings, the background noises, you begin to see just how striking earth really is.

With such amazing diversity surrounding us, it is so important to experience and marvel at the natural creations that can be found in our world. While some are manmade, there is no getting past the beauty of those things that were crafted by Mother Nature’s fine hand.

From majestic waterfalls, to uncovered lost cities, to awe inspiring landmarks and natural wonders, there are sights to behold that once seen, can never be unseen. Have you ever clapped eyes on Hiller Lake – the famous pink lake of Western Australia? It has been proven by scientists the strange pink colour is legitimate and due to the presence of algae.

What about the Sea of Stars on Vaadhoo Island in the Maldives? The Grenada Underwater Sculpture Park? Have you ever seen the Bamboo Forrest in Japan?

Have you seen Venice? The Italian city, known as one of the most romantic places in the world, due to its charming canals?

It is important to take stock and look at the truly amazing places that are around the world.

Of course, it isn’t just the location or natural settings that make for stunning imagery, but the people and man-made locations that exist all over the globe.

Have you been lucky enough to see the swing at the very end of the world? You’ll find it deep within the Ecuadorian wilderness – a place known as the Casa del Arbol or also called “The Treehouse”. Built as a seismic testing station, it got its name because it is simply a small house that is built in a tree which is used for observing the Mt. Tungurahua, the active volcano nearby. The real attraction though is the swing hanging from one of the tree’s branches. There is no net, harness, or any other safety feature on the swing – which is about as basic as a plank of wood and two ropes can be – which carries those brave enough, out and into the void of a the canyon below.

Khari Baoli is a famous street that is Delhi’s bustling wholesale spice market. It is well worth taking a look at an image from here, you can almost taste and smell the place, where things have remained unchanged for centuries. Huge sacks of spices and herbs are wheeled to the market on long, narrow barrows.

Amazing images can be found from the La Tomatina food fight festival held each year in the town of Bunol near to Valencia in Spain. Where there are well over 100 metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes that are thrown all across the streets, thousands upon thousands of people from all around the world participate to compete in this ‘World’s Biggest Food Fight’.

There is no shortage of jaw-dropping imagery from around the world. The chance of experiencing these amazing events, natural or manmade in the flesh is often once in a lifetime. But the fantastic photos that are taken by those lucky enough to be there is something we can all share.

We’ve put together what we think are the 35 most jaw dropping photos from this earth, that you simply must see. Use them as your inspiration to get out there and see the world, or set one as your desktop background for a reminder of how lucky we are to live on earth – a particularly lovely reminder should you be having a bad day at the office.

Glow Worm Cave in Waitamo, New Zealand

cywveea1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Red Sunset and Flowers

jedggsi1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Porticcio, Corsica

fggkby01 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur, California

kbsubst1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Crater Lake, Oregon, U.S.

p6xwfbf1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Crimean Night

nf8pg1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Fairy Pools – Isle of Skye, Scotland

9431912496 ba22428630 c1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

“Teeth” of Mount Ai-Petri, Ukraine

jexrw3m1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Ice cave in Skaftafell, Iceland

4ycwtbp1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Dragon Blood Tree, Socotra, Yemen

tndma0w1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Devetashka cave in Bulgaria

4894213233 12920eb9ca o1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Snake River, Grand Teton National Park

xd1ss1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Autumn in Grizedale forest, The lake district, England

kwlo61 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Værøy, Norway

4353771 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Lightning and Stars over Palouse Falls, WA

jvsryzq1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Steptoe Butte, Washington

palousestock 020288291 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Trotternish Ridge, Isle of Skye

tkq5eqs1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Proxy Falls, Oregon

9651712332 905a5b6fc6 h1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

The Libyan Desert

btxcdan1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Auckland, New Zealand

xfsrqwn1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Woodlands on the Southern California Coast

51 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Karymsky Volcano, Russia

iiy89zr1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Sunrise over the Superstition Mountains in Arizona

0dre3qk1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Mount McKinley

zosxbax1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth


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Mt. Fuji

10801 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Trollstigen, Norway

trollstigen1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Turquoise Ice, Northern Lake Baikal, Russia

4952511 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Hamnøy, Nordland, Norway

rcnbusl1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

First Snow in Yosemite National Park

20481 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

The Swiss Alps

wvpdl441 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

The Flatirons, Boulder, CO

eourq1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

New Zealand

trey ratcliff the fields 3000x30001 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Tunnel of light, Arizona

sgcl3lc1 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Senja, Norway

5633961 35 Jaw Dropping Photographs from a Planet Called Earth

Author information

Igor Ovsyannykov
Igor Ovsyannykov
Igor Ovsyannykov is a 21 year old geek, blogger, and designer. He mostly spends his time working here and sharing resourceful knowledge with others. He also enjoys weight lifting, hanging out with friends, and losing his mind to progressive house music. If you would like to reach him, send him an email to
29 May 20:04

JavaScript Challenge: Make Me Blue!

by Martin Angelov

You think you know JavaScript and jQuery? Prove it by taking our challenge! You will face enemies, bosses and more than enough divs to make a grown web developer cry. You will need mad JavaScript and jQuery skills, and a lunch break to finish them all. And the best part? It will look as if you’re working!  

The rules

The challenge consists of 10 missions that run in our awesome code editor. Each editor has a number of tabs with code, but all except one are locked. You will need to use your JavaScript skills and ingenuity to pass them.

  • You  can use any jQuery function that you’d like.
  • Use our .blue() jQuery method to make elements blue.

And that’s for the rules. Let’s start with the first mission!

1. IDs are easy

Your challenge is to make the #me div blue. Since it’s your first one, we went ahead and did it for you. Just uncomment the line in the JS tab and hit Run. Only if real programming was that easy!

(Play with our code editor on

And after that easy win, let’s move to something more challenging.

2. So are classes..

So you’ve heard about these things called classes? Awesome! Make the element with the .wants-to-be-blue class name blue, like you did on the div in the first challenge.

(Play with our code editor on

3. The unordered list

There is no stopping you! How about this one? Make the LI element with the comment (but only that LI) blue!

(Play with our code editor on

4. Treacherous HTML ahead!

Your jQuery-fu is strong. Maybe you need something a bit more difficult? The rules are the same as before – make the elements with comments blue.

(Play with our code editor on

5. Mind the order!

This one is tricky. Turn the divs blue, but in the order of the numbers they contain.

(Play with our code editor on

6. Beware of the bombs!

Let’s make things more interesting. Some divs are “bombs”. Attempting to make them blue will result in them going off. So you have to think of a way to turn all :not bomb divs blue (got the hint? ;).

(Play with our code editor on

7. You’ve got enemies!

But what is life without enemies? See the ENEMY tab in the editor? It holds JS code that you cannot edit. Read it carefully in order to pass this challenge. Tip: setTimeout is your friend!

(Play with our code editor on

8. Speed is everything

Enemies have access to a special object – evil. It contains all sorts of nefarious methods that are designed to make your life miserable. But every enemy has their weakness!

(Play with our code editor on

9. Randomization

This time the enemy will choose 5 random ids and place them in the p element. Your job is to parse its contents, and turn those 5 elements blue.

(Play with our code editor on

10. Boss fight

Great job, soldier! We’re impressed. You’ve reached the level that turns men into heroes. Your mission is to make all divs on the page blue, but beware – there are two bosses that move bombs around. Can you defeat them?

(Play with our code editor on

29 May 20:04

Top 6 jQuery HTML5 Placeholder Plugins

by Sam Deering

Here is a collection of useful placeholder plugins for jQuery. There are plenty out there but these are the best we've found, with plenty of features to suit any developer. 1. Placeholdem A JavaScript plugin that animates placeholder carets on inputs and textareas. The placeholder value will incrementally delete on focus, and restore on blur. 2. jQuery Label Better Label your form input like a boss with this plugin, using beautiful animations and without taking up space.

Continue reading %Top 6 jQuery HTML5 Placeholder Plugins%

28 May 22:02

calltoidea, una web con diseños de formularios, calendarios, logins, galerías…

by Juan Diego Polo

[...] una página donde poder inspirarme, tener una referencia como dribbble, behance, estaba bien pero necesitaba cosas mucho más concretas, como por ejemplo logins, registros, popups, estados de error (404), tabs, ejemplos de mails, etc…

Así nos presenta Alexis Hill su proyecto, una página en la que se recopilan diseños de componentes usados por diferentes sitios web con el objetivo de inspirar a todos los programadores y diseñadores que lo deseen.

Se trata de, un sitio web sencillo con una excelente colección de formularios, páginas de login, páginas 404, formas de mostrar pestañas, galerías de fotos, ventanas emergentes y muchas otras categorías enlas que podemos encontrar capturas obtenidas de diversos proyectos web.

Incluye también una sección en la que se muestran los colores utilizados por proyectos web específicos (linkedin, google, spotify…), no tan sofisticada como las mostradas en el artículo Sitios web para quien trabaja con colores, pero en contante crecimiento, según nos comenta Alexis por email.

Texto escrito en

Sigue las noticias por, o Google Plus.

27 May 19:31

The 40 Best Free Bootstrap 5 Templates & Themes in 2021

by Paul Andrew

Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework ever. It is currently used on over 22% of all sites on the web, and despite the rapid rise in popularity of front-end JavaScript frameworks, it continues to grow. And with each new version (currently v5.0), it gets better and better.

Built on a mobile-first twelve-column grid system, bundled with an endless list of components, utilities and helpers, and add in the fact that it is easy to customize and extend, it is no wonder that web designers and developers continue to use and love Bootstrap. It truly is the perfect framework for quickly getting started on any type of web project.

To help make life easier for you, we have collected forty of the best free Bootstrap 5 templates for you to use on your next project. We have purposefully omitted all of those starter and barebones templates from this collection, of which there is already a multitude available on the web. Instead, we have focussed on highlighting all of those fully-featured, beautifully designed, and of course, free Bootstrap templates that you can use straight away.

All of the responsive templates come packaged with pre-styled ‘ready to use’ components, and many have come bundled with additional extras, like charting libraries, pricing tables, tabs, and much more. All of these templates will save you hours of extra work and are all waiting for you to add your content and creativity.

If you’re new to Bootstrap, the best place to learn how to use the framework is to follow the steps on the official quick start guide, and you’ll be up and running in no time.

Free Bootstrap Portfolio Templates

Style Bootstrap Template (Free)

This elegant and minimally designed free Bootstrap template comes bundles with a filterable portfolio, smooth slider, and many other useful web elements.

Style minimal elelgant portfolio slider free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Lendex Bootstrap 5 Personal Portfolio Template (on Envato Elements)

Lendex is the perfect foundation for building your portfolio. Built using Bootstrap 5. It comes packaged with multiple page layouts and sections, so you can develop and design your portfolio exactly how you need it.

Lendex Bootstrap 5 Personal Portfolio free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Kross Single-Page Portfolio Template (Free)

Kriss is a bold, single-page portfolio template that seamlessly uses smooth scrolling to link the beautifully designed sections. This Bootstrap template could be used as a portfolio, resume, or as the homepage of a small agency.

Kross single-page portfolio template free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Andle Bootstrap 5 Portfolio Web Template (on Envato Elements)

Bundled with eight various page layouts and designed in an elegant modern style, Andle is an excellent Bootstrap 5 web template for creatives and design agencies.

 free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Barts Bootstrap Portfolio Website (Free)

Built using Booststrap, Barts is a super-simple web template for those that are needing to quickly create a personal portfolio or resume site.

Barts simple minimal portfolio Website free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Creative Portfolio Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Built for both creatives and small businesses, this Bootstrap 5 template features a modern design and layout, and offers just enough to help get your website off the ground quickly.

Creative Portfolio Bootstrap 5 free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Free Bootstrap Landing Page Templates

DevConf Free Bootstrap 5 Conference Template (Free)

DevConf is a free Bootstrap 5 single-page template for building the landing page of a technology or web development conference.

DevConf Bootstrap 5 Conference free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Qexal Bootstrap 5 Landing Page Template (on Envato Elements)

The Qexal Bootstrap 5 web template comes bundled with nine different homepage layouts and multiple other page templates, like services, pricing, blog, contact, and much more. This is the perfect foundation for launching any type of business.

Qexal Bootstrap 5 Landing Page bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Simple Landing Page Bootstrap Template (Free)

You can’t get simpler than this free Bootstrap template. It has one single purpose: to allow you to build a landing page for your new products or services quickly. As well as the landing page layout, Simple also comes with an about, blog, and testimonial page templates.

Simple Landing Page free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Peyso Bootstrap 5 Landing Page Template (on Envato Elements)

The beautifully designed Peyso is a Bootstrap 5 web template for startups and businesses. It comes with six different homepage layouts and three authentication pages.

Peyso bootstrap 5 Landing Page bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

DevBook Bootstrap 5 Book & eBook Landing Page Template (Free)

DevBook is a minimally designed Bootstrap 5 landing page template for promoting or selling books or ebooks. It comes with all of the components needed for converting visitors into buyers.

DevBook book eBook landing page template free bootstrap 5 web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Agency One-Page Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Agency is a single-page template that has recently been updated to Bootstrap 5. It is perfect for design agencies or small businesses that need to set up a basic landing page.

Agency One-Page Bootstrap 5 free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

AppKit Landin Page Template (Free)

Built on Bootstrap 4, AppKit is a free landing page template for helping you launch and promote any type of product or service.

AppKit free Bootstrap Landing Page Template

Simple Bootstrap 5 Landing Page (Free)

This simple Bootstrap 5 template comes with all of the basic features you need for quickly building a landing Page for showcasing your products or apps.

Landing Page Template feature app products free apps bootstrap

Free eCommerce Bootstrap Templates

Safia Bootstrap 5 eCommerce Bootstrap Template (Free)

This bold, dark, and minimally designed Bootstrap 5 landing page templates could be used to promote or launch any type of service or product. It would be the perfect option for either a start-up or a single product eCommerce store.

Safia bootstrap 5 landing page dark business free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Alan Kitchen Bootstrap 5 eCommerce Template (on Envato Elements)

This Bootstrap 5 eCommerce template comes bundled with multiple homepage, store page, product page, and blog page layout templates. It may be too extensive for smaller stores but you could simple pick the pages and components you need.

Alan Kitchen Bootstrap 5 eCommerce Template free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Majestic Bootstrap 5 eCommerce Template (Free)

Majestic is a clean Bootstrap 5 web template for eCommerce websites. It does only come with a homepage template, but if you’re an experienced web designer, you would be able to easily create a multi-page site by cleverly using the many beautifully designed homepage sections.

Majestic Bootstrap 5 eCommerce free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Shop Homepage Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

This unstyled Bootstrap 5 template is the perfect foundation for building a modern eCommerce website. There are just enough features to help you get started quickly.

Shop Homepage Bootstrap 5 ecommerce free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Free Business Bootstrap Templates

Promodise Bootstrap Business Template (Free)

This Bootstrap template comes bundled with multiple homepage layouts (including a single-page layout) and templates for about, services, pricing, blog, and contact pages. This flexible and easy to edit template could be used as the homepage of any business.

Promodise business single-page free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Zinc Bootstrap 5 Business Web Template (Free)

Zinc is a clean Bootstrap 5 web template for small businesses. It does come with various page layouts but works best as a smooth-scrolling single-page layout.

Zinc bootstrap 5 business landing page free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

CoderDocs Bootstrap 5 Documentation Template (Free)

Built for developers, CoderDocs is an open-source Bootstrap 5 documentation template. Its modern design and simple layout make it very easy to customize to suit any project.

 free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Small Business Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

This is an unstyled, barebones Bootstrap template for quickly building a small business website. It has recently been updated to Bootstrap 5.

Small Business Bootstrap 5 Bootstrap 5 ecommerce free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Space Business Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Space is a simple one-page Bootstrap 5 template for small businesses. It features a clean design and flawless, smooth scrolling between each of the homepage’s sections.

Space Business Bootstrap 5 ecommerce free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Jadoo Bootstrap 5 Travel Agency Web Template (Free)

Even though this template has been marketed as a travel agency template, it could be easily used as the homepage of many types of websites. It comes with a beautiful hero header section, sticky navigation bar, services section, smooth animated hover interactions, and much more.

Jadoo bootstrap 5 Travel Agency free web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Little Squirrel Bootstrap 5 Education Template (Free)

Little Squirel is a clean multi-page Bootstrap 5 template for education and learning websites. As well as a multi-section homepage layout, the free template also includes course selection, pricing, and blogging templates.

Little Squirrel Bootstrap 5 learn education free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Bunzo Bootstrap 5 Blogging Template (on Envato Elements)

The Bunzo Bootstrap 5 web template comes with everything you need for building a modern blog your readers will love. The bundled layout templates give you the flexibility to create the blog or online magazine you need.

Bunzo bootstrap 5 blogging free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Free Bootstrap One-Page & Single-Page Templates

Swipe One-Page Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Swipe is a simple Bootstrap 5 template for quickly building a homepage or landing page for mobile applications. It also features a testimonial, FAQ, and downloads section.

Swipe one-page bootstrap 5 Mobile Applications free web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Brushed One-Page Bootstrap Template (Free)

Brushed is a beautifully designed single-page Bootstrap template for design studios and agencies. It could also be the perfect template if you’re a creative looking to build a portfolio quickly.

Brushed beautiful single-page template free creatives bootstrap

Mamba One-Page Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Recently updated to Bootstrap 5, Mamba is a multi-purpose one-page template that has been designed to be used by various types of businesses.

Mamba clean flat one-page template creative profiles portfolio free bootstrap

Grayscale Single-Page Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Recently updated to Bootstrap 5, Grayscale is a multi-purpose, one-page web template that features a dark layout and smooth scrolling page animations.

Grayscale basic one-page template showcasing portfolio free work bootstrap

Freelancer One-Page Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Designed using the flat design aesthetic, Freelancer is a one-page template that allows developer to quickly create a portfolio or resume site.

Freelancer extremely flat single-page template free portfolio bootstrap

Free Bootstrap Multi-Purpose Templates

Scout Multi-Purpose Bootstrap Template (Free)

Due to its clean design and simple layout, Scout is a Bootstrap template that could be used on many different types of sites. Easy to edit and build upon, and comes with all of those useful web components you would expect from a professional template.

Scout multi-purpose free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Knight One-Page Multi-Purpose Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Multi-purpose in design, the Knight Bootstrap 5 template is a great foundation if you want to quickly build a single-page business site.

Knight One-Page Multi-Purpose Bootstrap 5 ecommerce free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Mountain King Multi-Purpose Template (Free)

The Mountain King Bootstrap Template comes with a clean and responsive layout and includes Typicons vector icons, masonry galleries, off-canvas menus, and smooth CSS animations.

Mountain King Bootstrap Template free html html5

Free Bootstrap Design Agency Templates

K!sbag Minimal Agency & Portfolio Template (Free)

K!sbag is a clean Bootstrap template that comes with six pre-built page layouts, including homepage, blog, about, contact, portfolio, and single project page. It could be used as either a personal portfolio or design agency website.

K!sbag minimal agency portfolio free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Strane Startup Agency Bootstrap 5 Template (on Envato Elements)

With its fifteen various HTML layout templates and super-simple design, Strane is the ideal Bootstrap 5 template for creating a startup or business website.

Strane startup agency bootstrap 5 free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Avana Design Agency Template (Free)

Avana is a modern Bootstrap template built for either design agencies or personal portfolios. It features a smooth-scrolling homepage, a user-friendly blogging section, and it is all brought together perfectly by its beautiful typography.

Avana free Minimal Portfolio Bootstrap Template

Amoeba Design Agency Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

Amoeba is a simple one-page Bootstrap 5 template for design agencies. It features an about us, services, portfolio, team, and contact us sections, that scroll seamlessly with each other.

Amoeba flat one-page template creative free agencies bootstrap

Free Coming Soon Bootstrap Templates

Coming Sssoon Bootstrap Page Template (Free)

Ssssoon is a simple landing page template for anyone that needs to quickly create a basic coming soon page for their new website. With this template, you have a choice of having either an image or video background.

Coming Sssoon soon landing page free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Maundy Coming Soon Bootstrap 5 Template (Free)

This simple Bootstrap 5 coming soon template features a countdown timer and an about section for adding information about your business. Just enough features to get your coming soon page online quickly.

Maundy coming soon landing page free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Free Material Design Bootstrap Templates

Material Design for Bootstrap 5 (Free)

The Material Design Bootstrap 5 template allows you to use Google’s Material Design specs in your favorite front-end framework. The template includes 500+ Material UI components.

Material Design Bootstrap theme template free

Bootplus Front-End Framework (Free)

Built on Bootstrap, Bootplus is a front-end framework for faster and easier development. Google’s UI has inspired its design.

Bootplus Google styled front-end framework bootstrap free

Vintage & Nostalgic Bootstrap Templates

NES-style CSS Framework (Free)

If you’re a fan of vintage video games, then you’re going to love this free Bootstrap theme. NES.css allows you to give your websites a nostalgic 8bit-like look and feel.

nes style css Bootstrap 5 8-bit gaming video games free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Bootstrap/386 DOS Web Template (Free)

Carrying on with nostalgia, with this free Bootstrap template, you can make your web pages look like vintage DOS computers from the 1980s.

Bootstrap 386 DOS css Bootstrap computer video games free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Windows 95/98 Bootstrap Template (Free)

Jumping forward from the 1980s, We’re now going to take a step forward into the 1990s. Win95.CSS is a free template that will allow you build incredible websites that look like the GUI from Windows 95 and 98.

Windows 95 98 free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

Geo for Bootstrap (Free)

This time we’re stepping back into the early days of the web. Do you remember how websites looked back then? Not pretty at all. Geo is a free template that will allow you to recreate the way websites looked back then. Not sure why you would want to do that, but a fun project all the same.

Geo free bootstrap web template html html5 responsive mobile-first

The post The 40 Best Free Bootstrap 5 Templates & Themes in 2021 appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.

26 May 21:23

Plantillas gratuitas para Bootstrap 3

by Pablo

Start Bootstrap es un excelente recurso para aquellos diseñadores y programadores que buscan tener un punto de partida para sus diseños basadas en Bootstrap en su versión 3.

La idea de esta proyecto es la de recopilar las mejores plantillas de Internet que emplean Bootstrap para funcionar, todas estas template se encuentran liberadas bajo licencia publica, permitiendo su libre utilización tanto en en proyectos personales como comerciales.

template gratis con bootstrap 3

Otro detalle de estas plantillas gratuitas es que utilizan Font Awesome en su mayoría, dato importante ya que últimamente esta tipografía icónica se encuentra en pleno auge y es empleada por la mayoría de los diseñadores.

Si bien la mayoría de estas plantillas vienen listas para utilizar mi recomendación es que las empleen principalmente por su estructura, por el solo motivo de evitar diseños similares al de otros sitios.

Todas las plantillas se encuentran perfectamente catalogadas, pueden encontrar landing pages, blogs, sitios de e-commerce, paginas todo en uno y muchas opciones adicionales. También en el sitio van a encontrar plantillas de pago, esto si buscan un diseño más terminado y avanzado.

Web: Start Bootstrap

Este artículo Plantillas gratuitas para Bootstrap 3 fue publicado originalmente en: Kabytes

24 May 15:10

Quill: Open Source Rich Text Editor with API

by Ray Cheung

Advertise here via BSA

Quill was built to address the problem that existing WYSIWYG editors are themselves WYSIWYG. If the editor was not exactly the way you want it, it was difficult or impossible to customize it to fit your needs.

Quill aims to solve this by organizing itself into modules and offering a powerful API to build additional modules. It also imposes no styles to allow you to skin the editor however you wish. Quill also provides all of what you’ve come to expect from a rich text editor, including a lightweight package, numerous formatting options, and wide cross platform support.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: License Free


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

24 May 15:08

Useful snippets for php developers

by Jean-Baptiste Jung

Find out if your email has been read

When sending emails, you might want to be able to find out if your email has been read. Here’s a very interesting snippet which log the IP address which read your email, as well as the actual date and time.

Header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");

//Get IP
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))

$actual_time = time();
$actual_day = date('Y.m.d', $actual_time);
$actual_day_chart = date('d/m/y', $actual_time);
$actual_hour = date('H:i:s', $actual_time);

//GET Browser
$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$myFile = "log.txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'a+');
$stringData = $actual_day . ' ' . $actual_hour . ' ' . $ip . ' ' . $browser . ' ' . "\r\n";
fwrite($fh, $stringData);

//Generate Image (Es. dimesion is 1x1)
$newimage = ImageCreate(1,1);
$grigio = ImageColorAllocate($newimage,255,255,255);


Extract keywords from a webpage

The title said it all: A great code snippet to easily extract meta keywords from any webpage.

$meta = get_meta_tags('');
$keywords = $meta['keywords'];
// Split keywords
$keywords = explode(',', $keywords );
// Trim them
$keywords = array_map( 'trim', $keywords );
// Remove empty values
$keywords = array_filter( $keywords );

print_r( $keywords );


Find All Links on a Page

Using the DOM, you can easily grab all links from any webpage. Here’s a working example:

$html = file_get_contents('');

$dom = new DOMDocument();

// grab all the on the page
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$hrefs = $xpath->evaluate("/html/body//a");

for ($i = 0; $i < $hrefs->length; $i++) {
       $href = $hrefs->item($i);
       $url = $href->getAttribute('href');
       echo $url.'<br />';


Auto convert URL into clickable hyperlink

In wordpress, if you want to auto convert all URLs in your string into clickable hyperlinks, you can actually do it using the built-in function make_clickable(). If you need to do that outside of wordpress, you can refer to the function’s source code at wp-includes/formatting.php:

function _make_url_clickable_cb($matches) {
	$ret = '';
	$url = $matches[2];
	if ( empty($url) )
		return $matches[0];
	// removed trailing [.,;:] from URL
	if ( in_array(substr($url, -1), array('.', ',', ';', ':')) === true ) {
		$ret = substr($url, -1);
		$url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url)-1);
	return $matches[1] . "<a href=\"$url\" rel=\"nofollow\">$url</a>" . $ret;
function _make_web_ftp_clickable_cb($matches) {
	$ret = '';
	$dest = $matches[2];
	$dest = 'http://' . $dest;
	if ( empty($dest) )
		return $matches[0];
	// removed trailing [,;:] from URL
	if ( in_array(substr($dest, -1), array('.', ',', ';', ':')) === true ) {
		$ret = substr($dest, -1);
		$dest = substr($dest, 0, strlen($dest)-1);
	return $matches[1] . "<a href=\"$dest\" rel=\"nofollow\">$dest</a>" . $ret;
function _make_email_clickable_cb($matches) {
	$email = $matches[2] . '@' . $matches[3];
	return $matches[1] . "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">$email</a>";
function make_clickable($ret) {
	$ret = ' ' . $ret;
	// in testing, using arrays here was found to be faster
	$ret = preg_replace_callback('#([\s>])([\w]+?://[\w\\x80-\\xff\#$%&~/.\-;:=,?@\[\]+]*)#is', '_make_url_clickable_cb', $ret);
	$ret = preg_replace_callback('#([\s>])((www|ftp)\.[\w\\x80-\\xff\#$%&~/.\-;:=,?@\[\]+]*)#is', '_make_web_ftp_clickable_cb', $ret);
	$ret = preg_replace_callback('#([\s>])([.0-9a-z_+-]+)@(([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[0-9a-z]{2,})#i', '_make_email_clickable_cb', $ret);
	// this one is not in an array because we need it to run last, for cleanup of accidental links within links
	$ret = preg_replace("#(<a( [^>]+?>|>))<a [^>]+?>([^>]+?)</a></a>#i", "$1$3</a>", $ret);
	$ret = trim($ret);
	return $ret;


Create Data URI’s

Data URI’s can be useful for embedding images into HTML/CSS/JS to save on HTTP requests. The following function will create a Data URI based on $file for easier embedding.

function data_uri($file, $mime) {
  echo "data:$mime;base64,$base64";


Download & save a remote image on your server

Downloading an image on a remote server and saving it on your own server is useful when building websites, and it’s also very easy to do. The two lines of code below will do it for you.

$image = file_get_contents('');
file_put_contents('/images/image.jpg', $image); //Where to save the image


Remove Microsoft Word HTML tags

When used, Microsoft Word creates lots of tags: font, span, style, class… These tags are useful inside Word itself, but when you paste a text from Word into a webpage, you’ll end up with lots of useless tags. Here’s a very handy function to remove all Word HTML tags.

function cleanHTML($html) {
/// <summary>
/// Removes all FONT and SPAN tags, and all Class and Style attributes.
/// Designed to get rid of non-standard Microsoft Word HTML tags.
/// </summary>
// start by completely removing all unwanted tags

$html = ereg_replace("<(/)?(font|span|del|ins)[^>]*>","",$html);

// then run another pass over the html (twice), removing unwanted attributes

$html = ereg_replace("<([^>]*)(class|lang|style|size|face)=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>]+)([^>]*)>","<\1>",$html);
$html = ereg_replace("<([^>]*)(class|lang|style|size|face)=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>]+)([^>]*)>","<\1>",$html);

return $html


Detect browser language

If your website is multilingual, it can be useful to detect the browser language to use this language as the default. The code below will return the language used by the client’s browser.

function get_client_language($availableLanguages, $default='en'){

		foreach ($langs as $value){
			if(in_array($choice, $availableLanguages)){
				return $choice;
	return $default;


Display number of Facebook fans in full text

If you have a Facebook page for your website or blog, you might want to display how many fans you have. This snippet will help you to get your Facebook fan count, in full text. Don’t forget to add your page ID on line 2.

	$page_id = "YOUR PAGE-ID";
	$xml = @simplexml_load_file("".$page_id."") or die ("a lot");
	$fans = $xml->page->fan_count;
	echo $fans;


24 May 15:08

7 little known but super useful PHP functions

by Jean-Baptiste Jung


When displaying PHP code on a website, the highlight_string() function can be really helpful: It outputs or returns a syntax highlighted version of the given PHP code using the colors defined in the built-in syntax highlighter for PHP.


highlight_string('<?php phpinfo(); ?>');



This handy function takes a string as a parameter and return the count of words, as shown in the example below.


$str = "How many words do I have?";
echo str_word_count($str); //Outputs 5



Ever find the need to determine how different (or similar) two words are? Then levenshtein() is just the function you need. This function can be super useful to track user submitted typos.


$str1 = "carrot";
$str2 = "carrrott";
echo levenshtein($str1, $str2); //Outputs 2



Here is a handy function when debugging: It returns a multidimensional array containing a list of all defined variables, be them environment, server or user-defined variables, within the scope that get_defined_vars() is called.





escapeshellcmd() escapes any characters in a string that might be used to trick a shell command into executing arbitrary commands. This function should be used to make sure that any data coming from user input is escaped before this data is passed to the exec() or system() functions, or to the backtick operator.


$command = './configure '.$_POST['configure_options'];

$escaped_command = escapeshellcmd($command);



Checks the validity of the date formed by the arguments. A date is considered valid if each parameter is properly defined. Pretty useful to test is a date submitted by an user is valid.


var_dump(checkdate(12, 31, 2000));
var_dump(checkdate(2, 29, 2001));




Returns the PHP source code in filename with PHP comments and whitespace removed. This is similar to using php -w from the commandline.


// PHP comment here

 * Another PHP comment

echo        php_strip_whitespace(__FILE__);
// Newlines are considered whitespace, and are removed too:

The output:

 echo php_strip_whitespace(__FILE__); do_nothing(); ?>


24 May 15:08

Recursos de todo tipo para dar nueva vida a tus creaciones

by Juan Pablo Sarmiento

Combination UI

Continuando con nuestra selección habitual de recursos mensuales, en esta ocasión te traemos recursos gráficos para Web e impresión, interfaces gráficas de usuario, iconos, plantillas y temas para WordPress en PSD y HTML, listas para implementar en tu sitio Web, y también experimentos de código.

Recursos gráficos para todo tipo de proyectos, Web e impresos

Esta sección esta compuesta de recursos gráficos, útiles tanto para impresión como para Web. Entre ellos se cuentan patrones, botones sociales, mockups de dispositivos para mostrar tus creaciones, vectores, fondos de pantalla y más.

Fondo de pantalla iOS 7: fondo en alta resolución con efecto de gradiente

Fondo de pantalla iOS7

Mockups iPad: un set de iPads en estilo plano para presentar tus proyectos

mockups iPad

Botones de Facebook: útil set de botones con docenas de distintos estilos

botones de facebook

Patrones claros: patrones para fondos de pantalla en tonalidades claras

patrones claros

Etiquetas retro: 48 etiquetas retro para toda clase de proyectos

Etiquetas retro

Elementos para infografias: un paquete de elementos en PSD para infografías

Elementos para infografias

Plantilla de volante: plantilla en un estilo limpio y claro

plantilla de volante

Logo templates: un set de 9 plantillas de logos corporativos

Logo templates

Explosion in Space: un fondo de pantalla abstracto en alta resolución

Explosion in space

Vectores de países: útil set de vectores de casi todos los paises del mundo

Vectores de paises


Interfaces gráficas con todo tipo de efectos para renovar la apariencia de tus proyectos

En esta sección encontrarás, interfaces gráficas, en algunos casos con transparencias interesantes, fondos brillantes, texturas en 3D, interfaces sociales, interfaces de dispositivos móviles, y otras.

Interfaz transparente: moderna interfaz en tonos oscuros

Interfaz transparente

Combination UI: avanzada interfaz con un enorme lote de elementos

Combination UI

Lucid UI kit: interfaz con texturas 3D y brillos suaves

Lucid UI kit

UI set: interfaz para aplicaciones sociales para móviles

UI set

White Stripes: interfaz hecha de widgets lineales

White stripes UI

Real estate Booking UI: intefaz minimalista para uso personal y comercial

Real estate booking UI

Interfaz iOS 7: moderna interfaz para aplicaciones sociales.

interfaz iOS7

UI kit: interfaz para la web con estilo semi-plano

UI kit

Botones 3D: set de botones multimedia con textura plástica

Botones 3D

Flatty: completo set de elementos web con mas de 30 tipologías

Flatty UI


Los mejores iconos de todo tipo para mejorar la apariencia de tu sitio

Esta parte del post está compuesta de increíbles iconos distribuidos en sets completos. Entre ellos podrás encontrar iconos planos en su mayoría, minimalistas, sociales, simbólicos y modernos.

Iconos iOS7: más de 100 iconos con el colorido estilo iOS 7

iconos iOS7

Set de iconos minimalistas para toda clase de proyectos

Iconos minimalistas

40 iconos sociales para WordPress

Iconos sociales para WordPress

Iconos lineares: un set simple de mas de 100 iconos

Simple line icons

Iconos planos PSD: un set de coloridos iconos en 2 estilos

Iconos planos PSD

Símbolos de monedas: un set minimalista con iconos de monedas de distintos paises

iconos de monedas

Paquete de iconos gestuales: 12 iconos para explicar lo que una aplicación táctil puede hacer

Iconos gestuales

Iconos sociales neonizados: iconos lineares con un efecto de color neonizado

Iconos Sociales neonizados

CouCou icons: un set de 64 divertidos iconos con un estilo moderno

CouCou icons

Icon set: 144 iconos en vector para interfaces

Icon set


Temas y plantillas en HTML y PSD que dan vida a tus creaciones digitales

Aquí verás un montón de temas y plantillas para blogs con el fin de decorar tu sitio Web. Desde plantillas para revistas online, hasta elegantes y profesionales diseños para sitios Web de todas las disciplinas. Son en su mayoría responsivas.

Maeja: un tema de WordPress para magazines

Maeja WordPress theme

Tblog: tema minimalista de WordPress para bloggers

Tblog tema de WordPress

Wijayakusuma: una plantilla en HTML con un reloj de cuenta regresiva

Wijayakusuma: plantilla html

Avante: tema de WordPress con un diseño limpio y fantásticos efectos de imagen

Avante tema de WordPress

Paramedic: elegante tema diseñado para blogs de medicina

Paramedic: tema de WordPress

Bloom: plantilla en PSD para sitios de comercio electrónico

Bloom: Plantilla de ecommerce PSD

Supernova: un tema con muchas opciones para blogs

Supernova tema de WordPress

Flatty: tema para páginas de aterrizaje con un moderno diseño

Flatty plantilla en HTML

Fullby: sencillo tema de WordPress con diseño en grilla para magazines

Fullby tema WordPress

Lycanthropy: tema en estilo plano para magazines

Lycanthropy tema WordPress


Experimentos de código para mejorar el rendimiento de tu web

Los siguientes recursos son interesantes experimentos de código en JavaScript, HTML y jQuery. Son diversos plugins que puedes integrar en tu sitio web para incrementar la funcionalidad, agregar nuevas características y mejorar el rendimiento de tu web.

Batman.JS: un framework para realizar aplicaciones en coffeescript


Texto en imanes: un divertido experimento de código con efecto de imán para refrigerador

efecto de texto en imanes

Ventana de tour guiado: un experimento de código para tours con transiciones simples

ventana de tour guiado

Fondos de pantalla adaptables: un plugin de jQuery que adapta el color de fondo de acuerdo a la imagen

Fondos de pantalla adaptables

Type rendering mix: una herramienta para aplicar CSS basado en el navegador que se use

Type rendering mix

Icono de menú: un icono de menú que se convierte en el menú

Icono de menu

Selector de imágenes con efecto de rebote

Selecto de imagenes con efecto de rebote

Metro UI animations: set de íconos animados al estilo de Windows 8

Animaciones interfaz metro

Animaciones de carga: set de modernas animaciones de carga en CSS

Animaciones de carga

Screenfull.js : plugin de jQuery para visualizar elementos en pantalla completa


Texto escrito en

Sigue las noticias por, o Google Plus.

24 May 15:07

Manipulación de archivos CSV con PHP

by Pablo

Los archivos en formato CSV (separados por comas) pueden parecer anticuados, sin embargo su sencillez lo convierten en un muy buen aliado a la hora de migrar información de una plataforma a otra.

Gestionarlos desde PHP de manera “nativa” no es algo complicado, sin embargo si tenemos que agregar, quitar, modificar o directamente eliminar valores puede que nos encontremos con pequeños problemas que nos ocasionen unos dolores de cabeza. Para agilizar este trabajo es que existe la biblioteca Bakame.csv.

biblioteca php para manipular csv

Bakame es una biblioteca escrita en PHP, disponible para su utilización desde la versión 5.4 o superior, que facilita considerablemente el trabajo de operar con archivos en formato CSV.

Bakame tiene como principal ventaja la de brindarnos una serie de métodos para una limpia y correcta manipulación de archivos separados por comas, simplemente inicializando una clase podremos acceder a un completo abanico de posibilidades, ahorrando el tiempo que requiere escribir una biblioteca propia que haga esta misma labor.

Otro aspecto interesante de este proyecto es que se puede configurar rápidamente, mediante los mecanismos provistos podemos definir aspectos básicos como el caracter a utilizar para delimitar o bien escapar una cadena, como así también la codificación a utilizar.

$reader = new Reader('/path/to/your/csv/file.csv');


Otro aspecto a destacar es el relacionado a la salida de datos, por ejemplo podemos optar por convertir un archivo CSV a una tabla HTML en apenas una linea de código. También podemos utilizar como salida el formato JSON o XML, un aspecto que de seguro nos permitirá ahorrar tiempo y recursos.

echo $writer->toHTML('table table-bordered table-hover');

Les recomiendo visitar el sitio oficial del proyecto, van a encontrar varios ejemplos y tendrán la posibilidad de conocer más acerca de esta muy buena biblioteca.

Web: Bakame.csv

Este artículo Manipulación de archivos CSV con PHP fue publicado originalmente en: Kabytes

24 May 15:07

Crear, leer y escribir documentos de Word con PHP

by Pablo

PHPWord es una pequeña biblioteca de reciente creación que permite de manera sencilla, manipular y editar archivos del tipo Word.

Este proyecto se encuentra elabora íntegramente utilizando la potencia de PHP, dentro de sus capacidades contamos con la posibilidad de trabajar con archivos con extensiones: Word (DOCX), Wordpad (RTF) y OpenOffice (ODT).

creacion de documentos word con php

Un detalle interesante es que esta herramienta no requiere de un entorno de trabajo Windows para funcionar, sus requerimientos son básicos: PHP 5.3 o superior, y dos extensiones que comúnmente vamos a encontrar instaladas en la mayoría de los servidores: ZIP y XML parser.

Ejemplo de uso:

$PHPWord = new PHPWord();

// Every element you want to append to the word document is placed in a section.
// To create a basic section:
$section = $PHPWord->createSection();

// After creating a section, you can append elements:
$section->addText('Hello world!');

// You can directly style your text by giving the addText function an array:
$section->addText('Hello world! I am formatted.',
    array('name'=>'Tahoma', 'size'=>16, 'bold'=>true));

// If you often need the same style again you can create a user defined style
// to the word document and give the addText function the name of the style:
    array('name'=>'Verdana', 'size'=>14, 'color'=>'1B2232'));
$section->addText('Hello world! I am formatted by a user defined style',

// You can also put the appended element to local object like this:
$fontStyle = new PHPWord_Style_Font();
$myTextElement = $section->addText('Hello World!');

// Finally, write the document:
$objWriter = PHPWord_IOFactory::createWriter($PHPWord, 'Word2007');

Como se podrán dar cuenta emplear esta herramienta es de lo más sencillo, desde mi punto de vista resulta un excelente aliado a la hora de exportar información a formatos populares.

El autor de este proyecto decidió utilizar la licencia LGPL lo que garantiza su libre utilización.

Este artículo Crear, leer y escribir documentos de Word con PHP fue publicado originalmente en: Kabytes

24 May 15:07

How to create a jQuery file uploader

by Sara Vieira

File uploads are something that, as developers, we have had to do for years and getting an ajax file uploader is always a better choice than redirecting the user to an upload page or even just reloading the page; keeping the user on the same page will improve the usability of your application.

Today we will be creating a simple ajax file uploader with drag and drop support.

The plugin

In this example I will be using the jQuery Upload File Plugin because it’s a simple to use and robust plugin that will get you up and running with an ajax upload in minutes.

When it comes to setting up the plugin it’s as simple as the website says, we first need to include jQuery, the JS file and also the CSS , for this example we will download this copy of the JS file to accommodate for preview images as well:

<link href="css/uploadfile.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/jquery.uploadfile.min.js"></script>

After this is done we need to set up the HTML and using this plugin all we really need to do is set up an empty div and the plugin will take care of the rest. We don’t have to worry about typing the entire upload form , so let’s just pop this into our HTML:

<div id="upload">Upload</div>

When it comes to our HTML that’s pretty much it, now all we have to worry about is the JavaScript.

The JavaScript

The first thing we need to do after we check if the document is ready is to call the uploadFile function to our empty div:

$(document).ready(function() {
// Parameters here

Now we need to think about what kind of functionality we want this upload form to have, firstly we want it to run the upload.php script so we need the url parameter with the link to that file, then we want to accommodate multiple file uploads so we need to set multiple to true, we also only want the user to upload images :

multiple: true,
allowedTypes: "jpg,jpeg,png,gif"

One thing I want to do as well is change the error messages and we can do that by adding a couple more parameters:

multiple: true,
allowedTypes: "jpg,jpeg,png,gif",
doneStr:"Uploaded !",
extErrorStr:"You may only upload: ",
uploadErrorStr:"There was an upload error, please try again."

In this part we changed the message when the file is uploaded, the default is “Done” and with doneStr I changed that to “Uploaded!” I also used the extErrorStr and uploadErrorStr to change the error message for when the user tries to upload something other than an image with uploadErrorStr.

That’s all the JavaScript we need, now we just have to add the CSS to improve the way it looks.


Our uploader is functional and now we just need to make some changes to make our page more appealing. Firstly I surrounded our upload div with a section and added an h1 before the div and I will style all that like so:

body {
background: #2d3e50;
section {
width: 45%;
margin: auto;
margin-top: 50px;
h1 {
font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, serif;
color: #edf1f4;
font-weight: 400;
text-align: center;

As you can see I changed the page’s background to a blue color, set a width for the section and centered it on the page, then added some styles to our h1.

Next I center the entire interface as well and change the color of our upload button:

.ajax-file-upload {
font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, serif;
background: #e84c3d;
box-shadow: 0 2px 0 0 #c13929;
color: #edf1f4;
.ajax-file-upload:hover {
background: #d24336;
box-shadow: 0 2px 0 0 #a62f23;
.ajax-upload-dragdrop {
margin: auto;

After this we need to place our image properly so that the text and the progress bar floats to the right. I also changed the color of the text that displays the uploaded file name, the upload bar’s background and then some final touches:

.ajax-file-upload-image img {
float: left;
margin-right: 10px;
border-radius: 3px;
transition: all 0.2s;
-moz-transition: all 0.2s;
-webkit-transition: all 0.2s;
.ajax-file-upload-image img:hover {
box-shadow: 1px 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
.ajax-file-upload-filename {
color: #edf1f4;
.ajax-file-upload-bar {
background-color: #8dbf4a;
.ajax-file-upload-progress {
border: none;
margin: 0;
margin-right: 10px;
width: 45%;
.ajax-file-upload-statusbar {
margin: 20px auto;
border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
height: 100px;

That’s it! Take a look at the final result here.


As you can see, implementing and customizing this kind of interface is a really simple process nowadays and this brings a huge usability boost to your website. Not reloading will keep your users’ eyes focused on your website and less load time is just a better improvement all around.

24 May 15:07

Phinx: La forma más sencilla de migrar bases de datos con PHP

by Pablo

Phinx es un proyecto que le resultará interesante a la mayoría de los programadores PHP que utilicen bases de datos a diario y necesiten una forma rápida y sencilla de migrarlas.

Esta herramienta es excelente para lograr una muy correcta organización de nuestras bases de datos, brindando al programador de una serie de herramientas para crear, modificar y mantener las estructuras actualizadas sin recurrir a complejas instrucciones o procesos.

migrar bases de datos con php

La idea detrás del proyecto es la de proveer a los programadores PHP de un recurso con el cual administrar y mantener una base de datos sea una tarea sencilla, al menos desde el punto de vista de la organización y actualización.

Esta herramienta funciona de manera conjunta a Composer, mediante su utilización la instalación no requiere más que unas pocas lineas de código:

    "require": {
        "robmorgan/phinx": "*"

Luego ejecutamos:

php composer.phar install --no-dev

Eso es todo no necesitamos nada más para instalar Phinx en nuestro proyecto.

Para crear una base de datos y mostrar un poco lo sencillo que resulta Phinx:


use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;

class CreateUserLoginsTable extends AbstractMigration
     * Change.
    public function change()
        // create the table
        $table = $this->table('user_logins');
        $table->addColumn('user_id', 'integer')
              ->addColumn('created', 'datetime')

     * Migrate Up.
    public function up()


     * Migrate Down.
    public function down()


Como se puede ver en el ejemplo la clase ya nos brinda de dos mecanismos para realizar posteriormente una migración o actualización de estructura.

Un punto favorable: la documentación, es estupenda, muchos ejemplos y todos muy bien desarrollados.

Phinx se encuentra liberado bajo licencia MIT, lo que garantiza su libre utilización.

Web: Phinx

Este artículo Phinx: La forma más sencilla de migrar bases de datos con PHP fue publicado originalmente en: Kabytes

24 May 15:07

Multiple Selection ComboBox for Bootstrap Themes

by Ray Cheung

Advertise here via BSA

MagicSuggest is multiple selection combobox built for bootstrap themes. it allows room for free entries but also have fixed suggestions loaded dynamically. It supports customized presentation, data fetched through ajax but auto filtered by the component. It is licensed under MIT License.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

20 Mar 18:54

Cómo capturar la selección de un usuario con jQuery

by unmalnick
En este sencillo tutorial aprenderemos a capturar con jQuery cuando un usuario copia contenido de una página y la cantidad de caracteres.

Capturar el evento de copiar

Primero vamos a escuchar el evento ‘copy’ por medio de jquery, para esto colocamos:

Código :

>  $("body").on('copy', function (e) {
       // code

En este caso el evento escuchará en todo el body, pero podemos poner el evento para cualquier contenedor de la página.

Capturar el evento de cortar y pegar

Si quisiéramos capturar el evento de cortar y pegar deberíamos tener algo como esto:

Código :

>  $("body").on('copy cut paste', function (e) {
        // code

Luego de que capturamos que el usuario está copiando código vamos a identificar la cantidad de caracteres, para esto usamos:

Código :

>  window.getSelection();

Esta función nos identifica lo que el usuario tiene seleccionado, luego lo convertimos en un String y contamos su longitud de caracteres:

Código :

>  data = new String(window.getSelection());

Saber la cantidad de caracteres

Ahora si hacemos un .length a data sabremos la cantidad de caracteres

Código :

>  data.length

Y quedaría así:

Código :

$("body").on('copy', function (e) {
    data = new String(window.getSelection());

Enviar comentario

24 Oct 17:27

Flaticon, galería gratuita de más de 14.000 iconos para usar en nuestros trabajos

by Rebeca Polo


Webmasters, diseñadores, app developers… os recomendamos hoy Flaticon, una amplia (muy amplia) galería de iconos que podremos descargar para utilizar en nuestros proyectos, todos ellos creados por diseñadores profesionales y con iconos también de Freepik, un motor de búsqueda para recursos creativos.

Los iconos no serán en 3D o coloreados en este caso, y la galería se ciñe fuertemente a la estética minimalista ofreciendo dichos iconos en blanco y negro y con un diseño sencillo, como está de moda en la web 2.0. El sitio web nos permitirá buscar los iconos de forma detallada, cosa a agradecer en una galería con más de 14.000 elementos, y podremos buscar los iconos según popularidad, por categorías (animales, edificios, flechas, arte, controles, comercio, educación, y unas cuentas más) e incluso por packs según diseño, menú que nos especifica el nombre del diseñador o developer responsable de dichos iconos. Por supuesto, también podemos utilizar el buscador integrado en el sitio web para buscar motivos o símbolos muy concretos.

Adicionalmente, y algo digno de mención, Flaticon ofrece ahora un plugin gratuito para Photoshop para buscar los iconos directamente desde el editor de imágenes, para insertarlos directamente en el lienzo, cosa que nos ahorra tiempo.

Todos los iconos son descargables de manera gratuita, y seleccionando múltiples objetos en la galería podremos hacer clic en el “download” de la parte superior derecha para bajarlos todos a la vez.

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