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25 Mar 21:17

The Bizarre World of Chicken Beauty Pageants Photographed by Ernest Goh

by Christopher Jobson

The Bizarre World of Chicken Beauty Pageants Photographed by Ernest Goh chickens birds

The Bizarre World of Chicken Beauty Pageants Photographed by Ernest Goh chickens birds

The Bizarre World of Chicken Beauty Pageants Photographed by Ernest Goh chickens birds

The Bizarre World of Chicken Beauty Pageants Photographed by Ernest Goh chickens birds

The Bizarre World of Chicken Beauty Pageants Photographed by Ernest Goh chickens birds

The Bizarre World of Chicken Beauty Pageants Photographed by Ernest Goh chickens birds

The Bizarre World of Chicken Beauty Pageants Photographed by Ernest Goh chickens birds

Photographer and visual artist Ernest Goh is known for his work photographing wildlife and other animals. His latest book documents the strange world of chicken beauty pageants in Malaysia where he encountered a breed of bird called the Ayam Seramas, an ornate chicken raised not for its meat but purely for its appearance. These chickens not only have decorative plumage but possess the ability to strike ridiculous poses. You might think these photos are somehow manipulated (or worse, the animals forced into these positions) but a behind-the-scenes video by Goh shows the chicken’s ability to strut just as depicted. The book, titled Cocks: The Chicken Book, is available now through his website. All photos courtesy the artist. (via Peta Pixel)

25 Mar 00:34

Ricky Adam

25 Mar 00:32

The Shipping News

24 Mar 21:49

Happy Monday.

Happy Monday.

20 Mar 20:38

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti

by Christopher Jobson

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Illuminated Cut Paper Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti paper illustration dioramas

Deepti Nair and Harikrishnan Panicker (known collectively as Hari & Deepti) are an artist couple who create paper cut light boxes. Each diorama is made from layers of cut watercolor paper placed inside a shadow box and is lit from behind with flexible LED light strips. The small visual narratives depicted in each work often play off aspects of light including stars, flames, fireflies, and planets. The couple shares about their work:

Paper is brutal in its simplicity as a medium. It demands the attention of the artist while it provides the softness they need to mold it in to something beautiful. It is playful, light, colorless and colorful. It is minimal and intricate. It reflects light, creates depth and illusions in a way that it takes the artist through a journey with limitless possibilities.

What amazes us about the paper cut light boxes is the dichotomy of the piece in its lit and unlit state, the contrast is so stark that it has this mystical effect on the viewers.

Hari & Deepti are originally from India but now live and work in Denver. Their work most recently appeared at SCOPE New York through Black Book Gallery. (via Hi-Fructose, My Modern Met)

19 Mar 16:07

Tiny Worlds: Animation by Rushes

by Jason Jose

Tiny Worlds: Animation by Rushes

A series of animation shorts by Rushes, an award winning international VFX Company based in London, with their humorous take on what might happen to the litter on the streets when people are not looking.
The project was started at the beginning of this year as the result of a team creative brainstorming session. A number of ideas were suggested, but Tiny Worlds won through and captured the imagination and enthusiasm of everyone involved. Once the concept was decided, the ideas were developed further to come up with the three scenarios, and the vehicle design was able to get started. 
A key creative decision we made early on, was how to approach the various effects (smoke, water splashes, explosions, etc.) when dealing with a world being shown at such a small scale. We quickly realised that if we had decided to create the effects in a photo-realistic manner, then things like the torpedo impact would end up looking more like a chinese-firecracker, rather than the dramatic explosion that we wanted to show. At this point, we decided to use 2D hand animated elements to represent the effects instead. This had the immediate benefit of releasing us from the photo-real constraint and added a stylised feel to the piece, all without sacrificing the suspension of disbelief. After a few early tests creating the animated effects in Maya, it was obvious that this was going to work really well.
13 Mar 18:07

Inflatable Sunset

13 Mar 18:05

Let’s split

12 Mar 11:34

T.S. Eliot

11 Mar 17:30

Colourblind: A Wooden Stop-Motion Short for Elliot the Bull

by Christopher Jobson

Colourblind: A Wooden Stop Motion Short for Elliot the Bull wood stop motion music video animation

Colourblind: A Wooden Stop Motion Short for Elliot the Bull wood stop motion music video animation

Colourblind is the latest stop-motion short from Australian animation firm Oh Yeah Wow (previously here and here). While the animators have previously worked with light, textiles, clay and other materials, this piece was constructed from geometric wood pieces to tell the story of two beautifully imagined characters. The video was created for alternative rock band Elliot the Bull’s latest single by the same title, Colourblind.

11 Mar 17:29

First kiss

by Jason Kottke

Tatia Pilieva asked 20 strangers to kiss for the first time and filmed it. The result is surprisingly sweet.

Tags: Tatia Pilieva   video
09 Mar 19:52

“We are promised very long hours and low wages. And stale...

“We are promised very long hours and low wages. And stale bread. That’s pretty much it. It’s this crazy thing where you’re asked to come and work a lot, and you lose money on the job, because you wind up spending more in tips than you ever earn. But you get to see the world, and see Wes live this wonderful, magical life, where his dreamscape comes true. So, if we show up, he gets to have all his fun, and I guess it’s because we like him that we go along with this.” 

"Willem Dafoe said this production was like the ‘actor’s retirement home.’ We had this small hotel in Görlitz, a town on the border of Poland and Germany, and it was all us — there were no other people in it. We walked over to Poland one night, but it was closed, so we were all just in this hotel. The hotel was also our restaurant, and where we’d do prep and makeup. So you’d come down for breakfast and then on the other side of the lobby was makeup and hair. So you’d say, ‘Excuse me, hold on a sec, I’m gonna go get another croissant.’ And then you’d march back over, all the time in your slippers and a robe, like a bunch of old men dying in a hotel."

"[W]ith Wes, specifically, all his props and sets are so perfect, you just have to relax and be part of the chemical process. It’s almost like the developing of a photograph. If you’re in the midst of it, you’re a part of it — this picture that he’s made. You’re like the flower in the still life."

Bill Murray on working w/ Wes

09 Mar 19:41

Casa d’Estate

09 Mar 18:53

Mars One Way: Meet the people who want to go to Mars and never come back

by Stella Striegel

Would you want to travel to Mars and never come back? Mars One Way introduces us to five hopefuls who want to be part of project Mars One.

There were 200,000 people who applied to participate in a project called Mars One. It’s a private enterprise to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars and film a reality show along the way. The idea is to go in crews of four starting in 2024. The thing is, right now the technology can only get them there. “Mars One Way” documents the thoughts and theories of Five hopeful Mars One astronauts as they contemplate the reality of leaving planet Earth forever, for a new home on Mars.

Read more.

09 Mar 03:37

Nathan Ripperger, Things I’ve Said to My Children

07 Mar 19:47

My Pyrenees getaway

06 Mar 18:19

A Breathtaking Aerial View of the Chicago Skyline as Reflected on Lake Michigan

by Christopher Jobson

A Breathtaking Aerial View of the Chicago Skyline as Reflected on Lake Michigan sunset clouds cityscapes Chicago

While on approach to Chicago O’Hare International Airport last week after a business trip, amateur photographer Mark Hersch glanced out his window at the setting sun and decided to pull out his iPhone to take a photo. Right then the plane banked for a 180-degree left turn over Lake Michigan for a final westward approach when an unexpected play of light occurred: the entire skyline of Chicago was suddenly projected in shadow from underneath the cover of clouds. It’s safe to say this is textbook definition of a once-in-a-lifetime shot. Photo courtesy Mark Hersch. (via Twisted Sifter)

05 Mar 20:27

A Waterfall of Clouds on the Canary Islands

by Christopher Jobson

A Waterfall of Clouds on the Canary Islands mountains landscapes clouds Canary Islands
Photo courtesy Dominic Dähncke

While shooting on the Canary Islands late last year, photographer Dominic Dähncke snapped this jaw-dropping shot of clouds flowing over a mountain range on La Palma Island. The photographer shares via 1X:

This photograph was taken in the mountains of “Cumbre Nueva”, in the part west of La Palma, one of the most beautiful island of the Canary Islands, in Spain. To capture cloud’s movement I have set my camera speed to 70 seconds, using a ND filter to minimize the entry of light in camera sensor.

You can see more of Dähncke’s landscape photography over on Flickr.

05 Mar 12:38

11 French Travel Tips for Visiting America (via Google Translate)

“Our custom is to kiss before, during, and after each social encounter, with 1, 2, 3, or 4...
05 Mar 12:37

On the set with Wes

05 Mar 12:37

House Maza

05 Mar 12:30

18 Words We Really Need To Use

18 Words We Really Need To Use: Zapoi – Russian We’ve all done it, gone out on a bend for 48hrs of...
04 Mar 20:35

National Geographic

Ryan Deboodt

Marisela Murcia Navarro

Réka Zsimon


Alfredo - Bogdan Gheorghe

National Geographic

04 Mar 00:13

"Hell is other parents."

“Hell is other parents.” - Magnificent Ruin
02 Mar 22:08

House by the Lake

01 Mar 15:30

What You Learn in Your 40s "There are no grown-ups. We suspect...

What You Learn in Your 40s

"There are no grown-ups. We suspect this when we are younger, but can confirm it only once we are the ones writing books and attending parent-teacher conferences. Everyone is winging it, some just do it more confidently.

There are no soul mates. Not in the traditional sense, at least. In my 20s someone told me that each person has not one but 30 soul mates walking the earth. (“Yes,” said a colleague, when I informed him of this, “and I’m trying to sleep with all of them.”) In fact, “soul mate” isn’t a pre-existing condition. It’s an earned title. They’re made over time.

You will miss out on some near soul mates. This goes for friendships, too. There will be unforgettable people with whom you have shared an excellent evening or a few days. Now they live in Hong Kong, and you will never see them again. That’s just how life is.

Emotional scenes are tiring and pointless. At a wedding many years ago, an older British gentleman who found me sulking in a corner helpfully explained that I was having a G.E.S. — a Ghastly Emotional Scene. In your 40s, these no longer seem necessary. For starters, you’re not invited to weddings anymore. And you and your partner know your ritual arguments so well, you can have them in a tenth of the time.

Forgive your exes, even the awful ones. They were just winging it, too.

When you meet someone extremely charming, be cautious instead of dazzled. By your 40s, you’ve gotten better at spotting narcissists before they ruin your life. You know that “nice” isn’t a sufficient quality for friendship, but it’s a necessary one.

People’s youthful quirks can harden into adult pathologies. What’s adorable at 20 can be worrisome at 30 and dangerous at 40. Also, at 40, you see the outlines of what your peers will look like when they’re 70. …

It’s O.K. if you don’t like jazz.

When you’re wondering whether she’s his daughter or his girlfriend, she’s his girlfriend.”

28 Feb 18:52

Rothko Seascapes: Photos by Tim Burns

by Jason Jose

Rothko Seascapes: Photos by Tim Burns

Beautiful photos of seascapes resembling the paintings of Mark Rothko.
These photos where taken from Duxbury Point, Bolinas CA. They are fleeting moments, a dance of sorts, between the ocean, fog and light. These images show an ever-changing kaleidoscope of beauty, set to the backdrop of Bolinas Bay. The vantage point is from a bird’s point of view, flying above the ocean surface that is participating in a play, choreographed by nature. This is when the magic happens, with only the sound of the reef and wind, the birds dive in and around the surface of the ocean. The wind is gently skimming on the surface, with the rays of light piercing through the fog to spot light the scene, a poetic exchange. There is often a surreal luminosity where the blurring and grayness of lines across the horizon create an ethereal flow. The veil of fog is lifted only for an instant allowing the sun’s rays to spotlight a segment while the waves and tide continue their rhythmic exchange. A calm, quite, peaceful interplay, a meditation of sorts, these waning moments are evidence to the enduring beauty of Nature.
28 Feb 18:35

The opening lines of famous novels, diagrammed

by Jason Kottke

Pop Chart Lab has produced a print of grammatical diagrams of the opening lines of notable novels. Here's Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea:

Hemingway Sentence Diagram

There are also sentences from DFW, Plath, and Austen. Prints start at $29.

Tags: art   books   design   language
28 Feb 03:27

Burn this book

by Jason Kottke

Love this concept cover for Fahrenheit 451 by designer Elizabeth Perez...the 1 is a match and the spine is striking paper for lighting it.

Fahrenheit 451 with match

Fahrenheit 451 is a novel about a dystopian future where books are outlawed and firemen burn any house that contains them. The story is about suppressing ideas, and about how television destroys interest in reading literature.

I wanted to spread the book-burning message to the book itself. The book's spine is screen-printed with a matchbook striking paper surface, so the book itself can be burned.

(via @daveg)

Tags: books   design   Elizabeth Perez   Fahrenheit 451
27 Feb 04:03

Pastoral: Photos by Alexander Gronsky

by Jason Jose

Pastoral: Photos by Alexander Gronsky

A series of photos that captures the untidiness of Moscow's suburbs with their unfinished buildings, litter, ugly hills, and excavated earth which the locals use for their leisure. However unkempt, people sunbathe, picnic wherever there is a patch of green, and huddle around smoky campfires or anything approaching a sandy shoreline.