Shared posts

01 Mar 21:13

A Blooming Trail

01 Mar 04:25

Futuristic MYO Armband Lets You Control Your Computer With Gestures

by Kimber Streams


The MYO armband by Thalmic Labs allows users to control their electronic devices using simple hand and arm gestures. The one-size-fits-all bracelet uses six-axis and muscle activity sensors to track arm movement, and connects to Windows and OS X machines using Bluetooth 4.0. In their demonstration video, a man turns on music with a snap of his fingers and increases the volume by rotating his forearm. He also plays a video game and even pilots a Parrot AR Drone with Star Wars-like ability using the futuristic accessory.

The MYO currently only supports Windows and Mac OS, but Thalmic Labs promises that APIs for iOS and Android will soon be available to developers. Black and white versions of the MYO are available for pre-order now.


video via Thalmic Labs

via New Scientist, Medgadget

01 Mar 01:21

lametamorphose: YES! This is sexy and...

Christopher Lantz

#NSFW but some beautiful physical study of a variety of gender representation. Very beautiful depiction of both masculine, fem and the emergent gender variations that we are witnessing here in the 21st century.


Simon K



Andrej P. III

Andy B.

Kira C. II

Kael T.B.I.

Edward V. III


YES! This is sexy and thought-provoking.

Question your sexuality.



Bettina Rheims

The Gender Studies

ooohhh the colours

28 Feb 19:35

Animals Give You Tough Love by Ze Frank

by Scott Beale

Animals Give You Tough Love, fun little ditty by Ze Frank.

27 Feb 02:26

The Newsroom: The Media Elite

Christopher Lantz

Aaron Sorkin FTW!

Hell yeah! This is the Aaron Sorkin auratory I know & love!, this opening sequence was astonishingly well written. Behold, The West Wing 2.0 Absolutely no copyright infringement intended, I only have the utmost respect for HBO, Aaron Sorkin & the cast & crew of 'The Newsroom'
26 Feb 21:42

#47 – Lookin’ for orbs in all the wrong places

by Josh Millard
Christopher Lantz

I enjoy the cocaine references from Diana.

Picard's fondness for detective holonovels is well known; Deanna, on the other hand, has mostly kept her all-night holo-adventures in the 70s disco club scene to herself.

I realize the actual Quark-centric episodes we got out of Deep Space Nine weren’t really a good selling point for this notion, but I’d have loved to see an actual show built out around Quark’s bar. Armin Shimerman is amaaaaazing, the character has a ton of promise, and a series about an ostensibly ruthless, morally-conflicted businessman-slash-criminal trying to keep his head above water and his eyes on the prize in a nasty corner of space would just kill me, especially if you give his supporting cast some more depth and oomph that we usually got from e.g. Rom and Leeta.

On the flip side fo that, someone’s made a billion jokes about Quark’s-as-Cheers already, right? At least the crowd shouting “Morn!” and Rom saying “how’s the world treatin’ yeah, Mister Mornerson?” Right? Part of me wants to go one at length here but I’m pretty sure I’m late to this party.

In any case, Picard’s opera selection here is a joke, obviously, since from personal experience I can vouch that the only music you put on a game is (a) Holst’s “The Planets”, (b) the pre-Jackson Lord of the Rings work of Ralph Bakshi, or (c) Rammstein.

25 Feb 23:47

Edgar Allan Bro

Christopher Lantz

Ahhh, the Deal with it Meme.

25 Feb 23:23

Like a Bridge Over Styx

25 Feb 21:23

Super Hero Speed Dating

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: super heroes , videos , speed dating , dating fails Share on Facebook
25 Feb 20:55

Imagining a New Kind of Cityscape in China

Imagining a New Kind of Cityscape in China

Though this isn't a destination you can travel to just yet, artist Yang Yongliang designed imaginary skylines like this to reflect China's possible (very Blade Runner-esque) future. Check out more in the via link below!

Submitted by: Unknown (via Colossal)

Tagged: design , cityscape , photoshop , metropolis , destination WIN! , g rated Share on Facebook
25 Feb 06:34

145_max.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000×647 pixels)

by jackwhat
Christopher Lantz

Where I live in my mind.

23 Feb 16:56

To This Day, Animation Set to Spoken Word Poem About Bullying by Shane Koyczan

by Rusty Blazenhoff
Christopher Lantz

A beautiful, touching video. Please watch

To This Day” is a spoken word poem by Canadian poet and writer Shane Koyczan that explores the “profound and lasting impact that bullying can have on an individual.” Volunteer animators and motion artists got together for the To This Day project and animated Koyczan’s poem. The final piece is powerful and lovely.

My experiences with violence in schools still echo throughout my life but standing to face the problem has helped me in immeasurable ways.

via Motionographer

22 Feb 22:55

X__X • 死 者 の 顔 •

by antbaena
22 Feb 20:45

"Friend Zone" is Now in the Dictionary

by Brad
Christopher Lantz

Shared for the Morpheus image macro that pretty much nails my opinion of the 'Friendzone"


According to Oxford, friend zone is defined as:

(noun, informal) a situation in which a platonic relationship exists between two people, one of whom has an undeclared romantic or sexual interest in the other.

22 Feb 20:40

Performance-Enhancing Drugs for Writers

by Scott Beale
22 Feb 20:39

Batman Wants Your Kisses

Batman Wants Your Kisses

Submitted by: Unknown (via Emmy C)

Tagged: gifs , kisses , batman , dating fails , g rated Share on Facebook
22 Feb 20:39

This Russian Army Group Has a Very Interesting March

Christopher Lantz

Da! Spoooonge Boob, Squire Paaans!

Recognize the tune? Let us know in the comments below!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: only in russia , army , spongebog squarepants , Video , g rated , win Share on Facebook
22 Feb 18:11

Rude Mechanicals

by dgroundsel
22 Feb 05:00

Bad Luck Leo

by Brad

Leonardo DiCaprio is the Bad Luck Brian of Hollywood.

21 Feb 20:19

Wasa: the psychedelic animated overlay that "Whassup?" needed all along

by Cory Doctorow

Mathias Lachal remade the classic Budweiser "Wassup" ad. The new video, dubbed "Wasa," is a gorgeous, psychedelic animation triumph that must be seen. This is exactly what this video needed all along.

Wasa (Thanks, Fipi Lele!)

21 Feb 20:15

A Riot Simulator Based on Real Worldwide Events for iOS and Android

by Justin Page

Video game director Leonard Menchiari and a small team of Italian developers have created a riot simulator for iOS and Android devices titled RIOT. The events in this simulator are based on real life “riots and manifestations happening in our world today.” You are able to choose which side of the protest to control, the riot police or a gang of rioters. Leonard and his team are currently raising funds on Indiegogo to help with software and licenses. RIOT will be coming out for Mac and PC sometime in the future.

The main purpose of this project is to create a game that will get people to be interactive with two opposing forces during clashes between rioters and police while showing the moral aspects and viewpoints of both sides.

RIOT Screen

RIOT Screen

RIOT Screen

music by Simon Michel – “All Around The World

sound effects by Eric Wegener and Rolando Nadal

images and video via RIOT

via, Nerdcore

21 Feb 19:50

Take a Trek to the Salon

Christopher Lantz

Wait a minute, I don't remember Georgi with a jerry curl.

21 Feb 19:49

Those Not Present

Christopher Lantz

Yeah, I can identify with this. Find myself in an environment where I'm convinced the people learned to socialize by talking shit about other people.

'Yeah, that squid's a total asshole.' [scoot scoot]
21 Feb 19:46

Gentlemen Prefer Pugs

21 Feb 19:45

Drop Down, Shades Up

Drop Down, Shades Up

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: skateboarding , gif , Deal With It , BAMF , g rated , win Share on Facebook
21 Feb 19:43

Miroslav Vasa - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961

by Aeron
Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (1) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (2) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (3) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (4) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (5) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (6) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (7) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (8) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (9) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (10) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (11) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (12) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (13) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (14) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (15) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (16) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (17) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (18) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (19) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (20) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (21) Miroslav Váša - Illustrations from The Bugaboos Or Little Natural History Of The Spooks, Ghosts And Phantoms, 1961 (22) Artworks originally scanned and shared, with original text pages, by josefskrhola. See all original pages from the book here.
21 Feb 19:40

Illustration Now!

by xote
20 Feb 02:08

Supercut of Really Cute Animals Doing Really Cute Things

by Justin Page
Christopher Lantz

It is my goal to break your brainz w cutez.

The Humpy Observer has created a seven-minute supercut that shows really cute animals doing really cute things.

music by Dexter Britain“The Time To Run Finale”

via Viral Viral Videos

20 Feb 01:56

Kittens On The Beat, A Music Video by Corridor Digital Featuring the Song “Wildstyle” by Savant

by Justin Page
Christopher Lantz

I imagine Tumnus is doing this at home right now.

Kittens On The Beat” is an awesome music video by Corridor Digital that shows two sleeping kittens who wake and do their best to scare off a group of miniature sock thieves. It features the song “Wildstyle” by Norwegian dubstep artist Aleksander Vinter (aka “Savant“).

The gray kitten is Roto, and the black one is Bowie!

videos via Corridor Digital

via Daily Dot

20 Feb 01:25

Please Subscribe, A Documentary About YouTube Content Creators

by Rusty Blazenhoff
Christopher Lantz

I've def got my YouTube subscriptions. This has been an interesting shift culturally speaking.

Please Subscribe is a documentary film by Dan Dobi about the content creators of YouTube and their viewers. It’s described as “an intimate look into the lives of YouTubers…” The worldwide digital release is March 23, 2013. Pre-order the film now.

This is a film made BY the community FOR the community.

Hannah Hart

Hannah Hart of My Drunk Kitchen
