Shared posts

08 Jul 09:07

Tim Barber | Arcademi

by newd3
08 Jul 09:06

rebel:art » photography

by madakouta
08 Jul 08:58

Les bugs graphiques d’Apple Maps

by Le Maitre de la Boite

apple maps bug 01 583x700 Les bugs graphiques dApple Maps  information divers design carte information bonus

Peder Norrby s’amuse a découvrir les bugs graphiques de l’application de cartographie d’Apple qui sont souvent causés par une mauvaise gestion de l’élévation, ça avait déjà été fait avec Google Maps mais j’aime toujours les images que ça produit.

apple maps bug 02 700x700 Les bugs graphiques dApple Maps  information divers design carte information bonus

apple maps bug 03 651x700 Les bugs graphiques dApple Maps  information divers design carte information bonus

apple maps bug 04 547x700 Les bugs graphiques dApple Maps  information divers design carte information bonus

apple maps bug 05 550x700 Les bugs graphiques dApple Maps  information divers design carte information bonus

apple maps bug 06 720x312 Les bugs graphiques dApple Maps  information divers design carte information bonus

apple maps bug 07 530x700 Les bugs graphiques dApple Maps  information divers design carte information bonus

apple maps bug 08 616x700 Les bugs graphiques dApple Maps  information divers design carte information bonus

05 Jul 14:58

Intellectual jokes

by Cory Doctorow

A great Reddit thread asked readers for their favorite "intellectual" joke -- some of the high-ranked ones are really good!

Q: What does the "B" in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for?
A: Benoit B. Mandelbrot. (balloseater)

It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally. (Watch_Closely

I'd tell you a UDP joke, but you may not get it. (ambivalist)

I prefer IP jokes; it's all in the delivery. (ianschenck)

I could tell you a joke about TCP, but I'd have to keep repeating it until you got it. (Razakel)

Werner Heisenberg, Kurt Gödel, and Noam Chomsky walk into a bar. Heisenberg turns to the other two and says, "Clearly this is a joke, but how can we figure out if it's funny or not?" Gödel replies, "We can't know that because we're inside the joke." Chomsky says, "Of course it's funny. You're just telling it wrong." (Saboot)

What's the most intellectual joke you know? (self.AskReddit) (via Kottke)


05 Jul 14:56

Guantánamo prison will synchronize force-feedings to Ramadan fast, for extra torture

by Xeni Jardin
America, fuck yeah: "The U.S. prison at Guantánamo has sufficient military medical staff to synchronize forced-feedings to the Ramadan fast and will only feed hunger strikers after sunset and before dawn," a prison spokesman from the Navy tolld the Miami Herald. Most of the captives at Gitmo are on hunger strike. The Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins in the evening of Monday, July 8, and lasts until August 7.

05 Jul 14:56

Vibrating train window to play ads through the skulls of tired commuters

by Cory Doctorow

A nightmarish vision straight out of The Space Merchants: a gadget that purportedly vibrates train windows at the right frequency to beam advertisements straight into your head by means of bone-conduction, should you tire and rest your head against them.

All the references to this point to one video posted by someone with no other videos in her or his account, and there's not much other detail (Adweek attributes it to BBDO Dusseldorf). I'm betting hoax and/or grad project-cum-design fiction, but in this topsy-turvy world, anything is possible. The comments on the YouTube video are even more internetrage than usual, and may be the most interesting thing about it.

The talking window


05 Jul 09:50

tumblr_lz26muzUaW1qjn9zso1_400.gif (imagen GIF, 300 × 211 píxeles)

by kndll
05 Jul 09:42

(972): Hungover, threw up in a...

(972): Hungover, threw up in a cosmetic case in my car this morning. This is real life.
05 Jul 09:42

(503): i was so high i thought the...

(503): i was so high i thought the horse on my poster was running.
05 Jul 09:40


by mavisakal
05 Jul 09:39

boyfriendreplacement: Fire up the grill! These... - That Kind Of Woman

by robin
05 Jul 09:39

Ben DeHaan

by Jeff

Photographer Ben DeHaan
“Uncured”,  a series of photos by Ben DeHaan. The images are untreated with UV light, allowing the inks to drip over time. See more below!

View the whole post: Ben DeHaan over on BOOOOOOOM!.


05 Jul 09:38

this isn't happiness.™ Peter Nidzgorski, tumblr

by seditions
04 Jul 15:36

Princess Leia Dog Costume

by UHpinions

04 Jul 15:08

Inflatable Unicorn Horn for Cats

by UHpinions

04 Jul 15:05

Wet nurse for adults gain popularity among the rich in China

by Alia

Toi aussi tete ton infirmiere privee

The ownership of a wet nurse for adults has become a new hot status symbol for some of China’s rich. "“[Breast milk] is particularly good for people who just had a major surgery. It's the best tonic..."
04 Jul 10:25

Star Wars, written by William Shakespeare

by (biotv)

From author Ian Doescher: Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope written as if it were a play by William Shakespeare:
Return once more to a galaxy far, far away with this sublime retelling of George Lucas’s epic Star Wars in the style of the immortal Bard of Avon. The saga of a wise (Jedi) knight and an evil (Sith) lord, of a beautiful princess held captive and a young hero coming of age, Star Wars abounds with all the valor and villainy of Shakespeare’s greatest plays. ’Tis a tale told by fretful droids, full of faithful Wookiees and fearstome Stormtroopers, signifying...pretty much everything.

Reimagined in glorious iambic pentameter—and complete with twenty gorgeous Elizabethan illustrations--William Shakespeare’s Star Wars will astound and edify Rebels and Imperials alike. Zounds! This is the book you’re looking for.
William Shakespeare's Star Wars

Read more from the book

Previously: The Big Lebowski written by William Shakespeare
02 Jul 14:34

Beard facts

by (biotv)
02 Jul 08:49

Turning Grandpa’s o-scope into a clock

by Brian Benchoff


Around 1960, [Aaron]‘s grandfather decided to try his hand at a new career in electronics repair. It didn’t pan out, but before he gave up he built a beautiful Heathkit oscilloscope, a model OR-1. Grandpa’s electronics career never took off, but years later it would serve as the impetus for [Aaron]‘s own career in electronics. Now [Aaron] has too many oscilloscopes, but still wanted a way to preserve his grandfather’s legacy. An oscilloclock was just the project to do that.

Of course to turn an oscilloscope into a clock requires some interesting control circuitry, and [Aaron] didn’t skimp on his build. He created a custom control board that is able to draw any shape on the CRT screen using just circles; squashing circles to draw a line, and cutting the beam entirely to slice a circle in half.

This isn’t [Aaron]‘s first oscilloclock by a long shot. He previously created this amazing clock completely from scratch. Still, using Grandpa’s old tools is a great way to make this oscilloscope useful again, even if [Aaron] is already up to his gills in test equipment.

Filed under: clock hacks, tool hacks
02 Jul 08:42

B&You : 0,18 € / Mo pour la data en itinérance depuis l'Europe et les États-Unis

B&You vient d'annoncer que suite à une décision de la Commission Européene, le prix de la data en itinérance à l'intérieur de l'Union Européene sera de 0,18 € par Mo à partir du 1er juillet 2013. De plus, l'opérateur en profite pour inclure les appels vers les DOM dans son application World & You.
Rédigé par Sébastien Gavois
02 Jul 08:29

La gentille Bulbeuse

by monsieurm
02 Jul 08:27

tumblr_l9dybuWipu1qzds8jo1_500.jpg 425×646 pixels

by waggawagga
02 Jul 08:26

this isn't happiness™

by sarahselser
02 Jul 03:41

Maid arrested after adding urine and laundry water to employer's tea

by Oliver Dzuba
Maid arrested after adding urine and laundry water to employer's tea A 22 year old maid in Metro Town, Hong Kong was arrested after it was discovered that she had been secretly adding urine and dirty laundry water to her employer’s tea. Before consuming the beverage, the employer noticed the tea had strange odor. She confronted the maid, who admitted to adding the wonderful extras. [ more › ]
01 Jul 14:52

Annual Dog Meat Festival Continues to Divide Chinese Public

by Bing

slightly NSFW pour les copains des animaux

Dogs are being killed in Guangxi Yulin.

From Global Times:

UK’s The Guardian: Guangxi Yulin Dog-Meat Festival Causes Controversy

Some volunteers are rescuing dogs from a dog-meat restaurant.

Source image: Volunteers rescuing dogs from a dog-meat restaurant.

UK’s The Guardian article on June 18th, original title: Chinese City Criticized over Dog-Meat Festival. In a small city of Southern China, city residents were preparing to hold an annual dog-meat festival, however, animal rights organizations have been strongly condemning this unsafe and inhumane activity.

[Note: The Chinese article itself is a Chinese translation and paraphrasing of the original English article published by The Guardian. Translating it back to English shows how things can change when translated multiple times.]

For the city residents of Guangxi Yulin, it’s a kind of tradition to eat dog meat on summer solstice. Many people cherish Yulin’s dog-meat culture which increases the sales on dog-meat hotpot and strong grain alcohols.

Animal rights organizations have pointed out that, every year, 10,000 dogs are slaughtered during dog-meat festival and that many of them are even electrocuted, burned, or skinned to death. According to pictures posted online, many dogs were skinned, hanging from hooks, and many dog’s corpses were piled up on the side of the road. In China, dog-meat is considered a nutritious food in winter. For the treatment of illnesses on such as the circulation of blood, doctors would even prescribe dog-meat consumption as prescriptions.

In order to stop the dog-meat-eating activity, animal rights activists have taken many measures such as releasing open letters and having protests. An open letter released by a NGO in Hong Kong pointed out that many of the dogs that were slaughtered during the dog-meat festival were stolen. They were transported to Yulin in filthy, overcrowded trucks, which greatly increased the risk of them carrying rabies and other infectious diseases. But according to Yulin officials, all the dogs used at the dog-meat festival were bred by local farmers.

Workers are unload dogs from a truck at Binjiang Road in Yulin.

Workers unloading dogs from a truck at Binjiang Road in Yulin. The dogs will be butchered before being sent to restaurants.

Local residents are gathering at a riverside road in Yulin to eat dog meat on June 21.

Local residents gathering at a riverside road in Yulin to eat dog meat on June 21.

An animal rights advocate is putting up a poster that calls for people not to eat dogs and cats.

An animal rights advocate putting up a poster that calls for people not to eat dogs and cats.

From People’s Daily:

Are the Sources of the Dogs Eaten during Dog-Meat Festival Legitimate?

Recently, Guangxi Yulin’s “Lychee Dog-Meat Festival” kicked off. The controversial traditional festival, under the protests of animal protection activists, has come to the attention of public opinion again. Indeed, people in Guangxi Yulin have the habit of “eating dog meat, drinking lychee wine” on the day of summer solstice. In their views, this helps to improve the body’s ability to resist diseases.

According to a Xinhua News report, “every year on this day, people in this city would eat thousands of dogs”. Meanwhile, the sources where most of these dogs come from are not clear and complicated. In the face of animal protection activists’ censure and resistance, the Yulin municipal government responded that “the Dog-Meat Festival is neither sponsored by the government nor advocated by the government”. It seems that it is a folk custom, and the local government has no responsibilities at all.

Facing the conflict between animal protection and local customs of eating dog meat, the local governments may not have to intervene. However, it does not mean they can completely ignore it. Regarding the “Dog-Meat Festival”, the local government departments should at least investigate if the thousands of dogs that suddenly appear all come from legal sources.

At present, when it comes to quarantining and standards of animal sanitation, the relevant laws are relatively perfect. At least, there are already the “Animal Quarantine Law” and “Animals Quarantine and Administration Measures”. Two months ago, the notice “Regarding the Further Strengthening of the Quarantine and Supervision of Dogs and Cats’ Origin” that the Ministry of Agriculture issued also demanded that local animal health supervision institutions strictly follow the two laws and regulations, to establish standards for the scope, procedures and determination of quarantine, and to earnestly carry out their work of quarantine inspection of where dogs and cats are sourced. Especially with regards to the transport of dogs and cats, quarantine authorities must carry out quarantine inspection on each source one by one according to the rules and issue a quarantine certificate to each one.

For this Dog-Meat Festival in Yulin, have the local authorities strictly carried out their duties in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations? Have they done routine check-ups on those shop-owners who are selling dog-meat? For example, it is reported that shop-owners who are selling dog-meat can’t provide a certificate to show that every dog they sell comes from a legitimate source, and accords with the relevant state health regulations. If the local [authorities] enforce the law strictly, the Dog-Meat Festival may be so big, and the numbers of dogs slaughtered each year will be sharply reduced.

As a folk culinary custom formed over many years, it should be treated with seriousness and caution, and this can be understood. But since we can’t put an end to the “festival” in the short term, the local government should at least promote a law-based administration to inspect if the sources of the dogs are illegal and penalize the illegal merchants.

[Written by] Da Bai (Media Person)

Dogs are being killed in Guangxi Yulin.

Comments on Global Times:

[环球浙江省温州市网友] zhou81:

Pork can be eaten, dog-meat cannot? It’s cruel to eat dog-meat, so eating pork is not? Then should everyone eat vegetables? Can you do that?

[环球广东省广州市网友] 康玉: (responding to above)

First, do you understand the differences between dogs and pigs? Pigs are recognized domestic animal by everyone, but dogs are not. I try to do the best of what I am able to do. You saying what you did… truly… you guys will never understand, so might as well just let society criticize you, and I’ll save my breath.

[环球广西玉林市网友] 古史: (responding to above)

It’s cruel to be vegetarian, too. Don’t forget that vegetables are plants and they also have life.

[环球江苏省常州市网友] 乌嘴宝宝毛毛: (responding to above)

Humans, as a higher level animal, already have a lot of things to eat. This is just being greedy and cruel. Have these people go to hell!!!

[环球广西来宾市网友] bobww:

Indian people say that whoever eat cows will go to hell. Muslims say that whoever eat pigs will go to see Satan. Tibetans say that whoever eats fish can’t go to heaven. Buddhists say that the sin of killing is too heavy for people to release their souls from purgatory. By the same token, all mortal beings can’t go to heaven. All people are devils in life.

[环球贵州省铜仁地区网友] 一半在天:

sometimes I think humans are the most pathetic creatures, without a bottom limit!

[环球安徽省合肥市巢湖市网友] s13865278910:

If you have ever owned a dog, you wouldn’t talk a lot of nonsense here! Compared to pigs, horses, cows and sheep, dogs are the most intelligent animal. Leaving aside the outstanding contributions made by army dogs and police dogs for national security and cracking down on criminal activities, and just on the joy that dogs bring to people, how can you bear to beat them to death, and skin them? ??

[环球广西玉林市网友] bbwlzxaa: (responding to above)

According to research, pigs are the most intelligent.

[环球广东省深圳市网友] 真诚的我: (responding to s13865278910)

Cows eat grass and produce milk and raise your descendants. The cattle contribute to plowing to feed your ancestors. Why haven’t I seen you protecting them??? Are other animals not lives?

[环球湖北省天门市网友] xiaofei305: (responding to s13865278910)

The most important thing is that you cannot steal someone else’s dog to eat. I am opposed to dog-eating, but when I go to the restaurant I will also order dog-meat hotpot. But in general I am opposed to [dog-eating]. When you go to the restaurant, if you don’t eat dog-meat, other people will.

[环球浙江省金华市网友] 严丽萍: (responding to s13865278910)

No matter what animal it is, it has its unique spirituality. You can do that, but it cannot become the reason to hinder others.

[环球湖南省长沙市网友] 愤怒与正义:

As a country of democracy, eating dog-meat is a freedom of the Chinese people. We respect our compatriots’ habit of eating dog-meat. Hope those dictators who intend to limit the freedom of others have conduct themselves with some dignity. Every individual is free and you can rely on your charisma to influence others, but you can’t slander the Dog-Meat Festival and scold people who eat dog-meat just because they eat dog-meat.

[环球河北省邯郸市网友] 五毛狗888:

At present, people all over the world are barbarians, unless humans change their appetite and eat genetically modified food… only then would that truly be moving towards civilization.

[环球广东省深圳市网友] 769112118:

If [you] are really that noble, then don’t eat meat. Whoever will eat meat again, stop being so hypocritical. Cows are the poorest, why don’t you protect them.

[环球浙江省网友] zhongtian8:

Some people are hypocritical! If you really have a loving heart, why don’t you pay more attention to the homeless people on the streets! Are those people no better than dogs in your eyes?!! To give a piece of advice to certain hypocritical people, do something truly meaningful!!!

[环球广西玉林市网友] 陈墨如:

I’m from Yulin. Yulin people eat dog-meat, but we never eat pet dogs. Most of the dogs eaten are farmed dogs, also called “Shai Chi dog”–which means they are raised to be eaten. Some are raised locally, some are from other places. Yulin didn’t used to have a Dog-Meat Festival, dog-meat was just a special dish to celebrate the summer solstice, just like eating turkey in that western holiday. It’s just that over time, dog-meat came to refer to this summer solstice holiday. People who are against it all have their own reasons, but summer solstice is just like the Spring Festival. Can’t people eat chickens, ducks, rabbits, cattle, sheep and pigs on Spring Festival? What should be protected are those endangered animals. So the opposition and argument can rest, don’t “sweep away” the festival spirit. Thanks!

Take Our Poll

Images: Global Times & Baidu Tieba.

01 Jul 14:16

Lesson Learned

by admin

La base

01 Jul 14:16

Feelin’ Guilty

by admin


28 Jun 18:33

La PS4 était prévue à 499$ avant l'E3

by Angel

avec PS Eye inclus de base...

Selon certaines sources proches d'IGN, il semblerait que Sony avait en fait prévu de commercialiser sa PlayStation 4 à un tarif similaire que la Xbox One soit 499$, mais que les plans aient finalement été revus afin de marquer encore plus le coup lors de la conférence E3. Comment proposer un prix d'appel plus agressif sans que cela ne soit trop handicapant ? Tout simplement en retirant la caméra de détection de mouvement du pack de base. Voilà une information qui n'étonnera pas grand monde, m...
28 Jun 17:31

Riot Raki

by (biotv)

Pour @chamiesque

NYC-based ad creatives Manuel Urbanke and Maximilian Hoch imagine a Trurkish spirit perfectly suited for the current times.

Cargo Collective | via
27 Jun 11:12

Chinese Couple Having Sex By Window Fall to Their Deaths

by Angie Zhao


A Chinese couple fell to their deaths after having sex next to a window.

From NetEase:

The Weather’s so Hot that It Kills! Wuhan Lovers Making Love By Window Fall Off Building & Die

Recently, a netizen revealed that because the weather is so hot in Wuhan, it led to a couple broadcasting a “romance action film” [having sex] by the window to keep cool. Unfortunately, these two didn’t seem to notice the window was of poor quality in their moment of pleasure. Just as they were in the throes of passion, the window suddenly broke and the two of them falling out the building and died, leading to an irreversible tragedy. However, the source and authenticity of this incident has yet to be verified.

According to the netizen, it seems the couple didn’t notice the windows were in poor condition in their moment of pleasure. Just as the female climaxed and involuntarily arched her back, the windows broke, and she lost balance. With the two of them holding each other tight, they fell out of the building.

A netizen sighed that all sorts of bizarre things happen when the weather is hot.

WARNING: An image of the couple’s bodies on the ground was included with the article that may be upsetting to certain viewers. Discretion advised.

Comments from NetEase:

铲除贱B [网易甘肃省兰州市网友]:

It is said that “everyone dies, but if it is a worthy death, what do you have to regret?” Died fucking! Died having a great time! This is also counted as a worthy death. They died without regret. They should be smiling in their graves!

网易河南省平顶山市手机网友 ip:61.158.*.*:

This is called being born for cunt, dying for cunt, struggling a lifetime for cunt, and eventually dying as a result of cunt.

网易江西省赣州市手机网友 ip: 111.79.*.*:

So embarrassing.

tym80113340 [网易贵州省遵义市网友]: (responding to above)

If she had a husband and was having sex with another man, then that would really be embarrassing!

网易四川省手机网友 ip:117.136.*.*:

The house has a quality problem! Pay more attention when decorating it!

笨笨Lxs [网易河南省驻马店市网友]:

They lived a great life and died a bizarre death.

扑克牛仔 [网易上海市网友]:

Sex is a private thing for one to enjoy by oneself and their lover, and not to be shown to others. Some people intentionally let others see them having sex, and even think themselves noble and open-minded. Actually, it is a kind of perversion.

love3810380670 [网易辽宁省大连市网友]:

How come I didn’t fall when I was having sex by the window?

网易湖北省武汉市网友 ip:27.19.*.*:

Wuhan truly is a place where the odd are produced in large numbers.

zhaozhongxiansy [网易广东省深圳市网友]:

Gotta have an air conditioner.

忘却过去的我 [网易吉林省长春市网友]:

Damn, this really is loving until death.

88085572 [网易河北省秦皇岛市网友]:

This reminds me of a song–The price for love.


The quality of the window was too poor, is there anything left in the Heavenly Kingdom that one can not worry about?


This is the best way to die.


Too crazy.


If they really loved each other, only one of them would die in this situation. That would be achieved by one person choosing to be the cushion to protect [break the fall of] the other one.


They weren’t born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but they managed to die on the same day of the same month of the same year.


Men must be firm in using doggy-style.


When Yama asks, they should reply they died having too much fun.