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24 Oct 13:46

Photo Essay Reveals The Everyday Lives Of Trailer Park Folks

by Zeon Santos

There’s one particular place of residence that changes the way people think about you at the mere mention that you live there, one park that most people in the surrounding neighborhoods don’t want to visit, with a name that sounds more fun than the reality contained within.

That place is the trailer park- where residents become marginalized, disregarded and generally cut off from the rest of society simply because they can’t afford to live anywhere else.

Photographer David Waldorf went in to a trailer park in Sonoma, California looking for a few good shots, and he came away with a photographic story to tell about the park's residents.

David's photo essay exposes trailer park residents for who they really are- human beings from a lower economic status living life their own unique way, in a microcosm that seems miles away from "regular" society yet exists right next door to us all. 

-Via Boing Boing

14 Oct 13:42

Adorable Doghouses Look Like Camping Trailers

by John Farrier

Your dog may not be ready to hit the open road, but you can get him ready for camping with a doghouse from Straight Line Designs (warning: auto-play video). Judson Beaumont is the designer responsible. We've previously seen his cleverandfunny human furniture designs. Now he's turning the same sense of whimsy to man's best friend.

Beaumont came up with the concept when his daughter asked him to build a doghouse. Now he offers a line of 4 trailer designs for dogs that weigh up to 20 pounds. Each doghouse costs about $800.

-via My Modern Met

14 Oct 13:29

Anatomical X-ray Gifs

by Miss Cellania

Cameron Drake put together sequences of x-rays into animated gifs that show human bones as they move inside our bodies. He says it’s for a website he’s working on. They are, definitely, cool! 

-via Boing Boing

(Images credit: Cameron Drake)

10 Oct 20:17

by audrey

my 'Hirari Hirari' show at Merry Karnosky Gallery
along with talented Tara McPherson and DeeDee Cheriel
August 2 ~August 30, 2014

Audrey Kawasaki began her artistic career in her native Los Angeles, after some schooling at Pratt Institute in NY. Moments in the artist’s personal life inform both subject matter and context for her paintings, with strong line work and delicate oils blending seamlessly onto naturally grained wood panels. The artists' newest series of paintings entitled Hirari Hirari, which translates from Japanese as the sound or movement of a petal, leaf or feather slowly falling, is inspired by kimonos given to Kawasaki by her mother and draws from natural motifs such as flowers, birds, and flowing lines found in wind and water. Kawasaki's paintings are comprised of dreamy yet enigmatic portraits of women that exist in moments of tension between idealized innocence and sensuality. The compositions are sometimes melancholic, yet are ultimately resolved in their beauty and balance.

~click below to see all pieces~

click the titles to view larger version. 'Mizuki'
35"x33" oil, graphite, and ink on wood panel

'When It Begins'
36"x20" oil, graphite, and ink on wood panel

36"x20" oil, graphite, and ink on wood panel

'It Was You'
24"x24" oil, graphite, and ink on wood panel

'Always Here'
24"x30" oil, graphite, and ink on wood panel

'We Float'
24"x24" oil, graphite, and ink on wood panel

20"x36" oil, graphite, and ink on wood panel

12"x12" oil, graphite, and ink on wood panel

15 Sep 20:14


05 Sep 14:13

September 01, 2014

05 Sep 14:07

August 18, 2014

03 Sep 20:06

Police arrest North Carolina man for distributing voting rights leaflets

by Mark Frauenfelder

“They said they would charge me for distributing literature...”

Read the rest

03 Sep 19:59

Fake, phone-attacking cell-towers are all across America

by Cory Doctorow

The towers attack the baseband radio in your phone and use it to hack the OS; they're only visible if you're using one of the customized, paranoid-Android, post-Snowden secure phones, and they're all around US military bases. Read the rest

03 Sep 18:56

Judge: SWAT team can't claim immunity after using excessive force

by Rob Beschizza
Police might be able to bash your home's door down and summarily execute you, but that doesn't mean they can use their qualified immunity to escape even the possibility of legal redress. Read the rest
03 Sep 17:56

WATCH: lungs of smoker vs non-smoker

by Mark Frauenfelder
03 Sep 14:18

Office setup of the day

by Joey deVilla

office setup of the day

It’s an Archer reference:

27 Aug 20:06

Motorcycle pants I actually wear

by Jason Weisberger

Named after the legendary space battleship that saved Earth from the Gamilas, Dainese Yamato Evo pants are far more comfortable, and far less armored.

Read the rest

27 Aug 19:54

Norman Rockwell does Ferguson, by illustrator Anthony Freda

by Xeni Jardin

A riff on Rockwell's "Runaway," from 1958, done in 2014 by Anthony Freda. [HT: @stevesilberman]

21 Aug 19:14

Why haven't you had kids yet?

by Matthew Inman
19 Aug 17:15

Militarized cops: arms dealers bribed Congress to ramboize Barney Fife

by Cory Doctorow

Follow the money.

The 355 Congresscreeps who voted to continue Program 1033 (through which the military buys war-weapons at full retail, then gives them away free to local cops) accepted 73 percent more campaign donations from defense industry sources than the opposition. Read the rest

19 Aug 15:38

Monday accordion: Ginny Mac playing “Seduction” and “On the Street Where You Live”

by Joey deVilla

ginny mac

This Monday’s featured accordion number is Seduction, as played by Ginny Mac:

Ginny’s from Houston, Texas, and is a former member of the style-blending and -bending group Brave Combo. Since then she’s gone out on her own, releasing four albums, the latest of which, On the Street Where You Live, came out this spring. Here’s the album’s title track, a wonderful cover of a classic tune:

19 Aug 15:06

The Ferguson Army: A song by Jonathan 'Song a Day' Mann

by Xeni Jardin

Why’s a small town in Missouri
Need a great big fucking army?
They’re not enemy combatants
They live there, that’s their home
When you’re holding an assault rifle
Every human looks like an enemy
When you’re steeped in macho racism
Every young black man’s a threat

Jonathan Mann, August 14, 2014. [Video Link]

19 Aug 15:03

Ferguson police: Officer doxed by Anonymous isn't the one who shot Mike Brown

by Xeni Jardin

CNN is reporting that Missouri police say neither of the two officers whose names, photographs, and personal data were released this morning by Anonymous are the officer who shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown. Read the rest

12 Aug 13:42

Cheap electric bike: Currie Ezip Trailz

by Cool Tools

This is the electric bike I recommend for anyone on a tight budget. The Ezip Trailz is a bargain in terms of how much it can affect your life on little dollars. It is by far the best selling electric bike in the United States, for good reason: For less than $500 it is a decent electric bike with reasonable performance. At this price point if you just ride the bike regularly it will pay for itself quickly. Read the rest

11 Aug 19:38

Wireless car locks hacked

by Rob Beschizza
Who needs to conspicuously slim jim a car when one can just spoof its wireless keyfob? [Wired]
11 Aug 14:20

1989 Cadillac Brougham: The Review Nobody Asked For

by Ikarus on Oppositelock, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

So true...and I've only driven a '93.

1989 Cadillac Brougham: The Review Nobody Asked For

If you ignore the mysterious stains on the seats and the smells coming from the trunk, this $650 American dream boat can take you on the ride of your life – until the accelerator pedal sticks to the floor and the brakes fade so bad that you have to slam it into park just to stop at every red light, scaring the piss out of everyone around you.


08 Aug 17:51

Eric Garner's chokehold death at NYPD's hands ruled homicide

by Xeni Jardin
Mourners gather at the funeral service for Eric Garner at Bethel Baptist Church in Brooklyn New York, July 23, 2014. [Reuters]

Mourners gather at the funeral service for Eric Garner at Bethel Baptist Church in Brooklyn New York, July 23, 2014. [Reuters]

"The death of a 43-year-old New York City man who was placed in a chokehold by police officers has been ruled a homicide, according to the New York City medical examiner." Read the rest

08 Aug 14:46

Building a Turboshaft Powered Motorcycle Land Speed Racer - I love the smell of jet fuel in the morning

by Paul Crowe

Original article from: -

Original article from: - When Anders Johansson got the idea of building a land speed racer powered by a TV94 turboshaft engine, he did what many dreamers don't, he went out to his shop and got to work. This was back in 2010. He just took his project out for its first test run […]
05 Aug 15:55

Watch a cocoa farmer try chocolate for the first time

by Maggie Koerth-Baker

N'Da Alphonse grows cocoa in Ivory Coast. He harvests the pods, removes the pulp-covered beans, and dries them before selling them to brokers. He'd never seen or tasted the food made from his beans, until a Dutch TV show brought him a sample, as part of a story on class divisions and the global food trade.

Video Link

Via Sploid

05 Aug 15:44


05 Aug 15:30


by Jennie Breeden
05 Aug 13:37

Tikis of Bora Bora

by Mark Frauenfelder
Mark Frauenfelder returns from vacation with a substantially-enlarged collection of tiki photographs. Read the rest
01 Aug 16:01

When she finished her pitch, the investor said he didn’t invest in women

by Rob Beschizza
"I don’t like the way women think. They haven’t mastered linear thinking."
25 Jul 19:32

Back pain: Acetaminophen no better than placebos

by Cory Doctorow


A large-scale, rigorous study published in the Lancet found that the go-to, front-line treatment for back pain was no better than a placebo. Read the rest