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10 Sep 19:40

Photographer Helpfully Recreates Children's Nightmares

by John Farrier

Arthur Tress is a photographer. During the 60s and 70s, he asked children to describe their nightmares to him. Then he recreated those dreams in carefully staged photographs. Tress called the series Daymares. Jen Carlson describes it in The Gothamist:

Tress spoke with children about their dreams—often nightmares that involved falling, monsters, that buried alive scenario—and would then photograph them experiencing it in a safe, staged setting. The images he captured are intensely surreal at times, and turn the landscape of New York City (and eventually other areas) into a fantastic nightmare and apocalyptic wonderland.

You can see more photos in the series here.

-via Visual News

05 Sep 17:28

Hawkguy Forever

18 Aug 13:45

The Most Ridiculous Religious Loophole You’ll Ever Hear About is the Subject of an FFRF Complaint

by Hemant Mehta

Here’s a religious ritual you may not be familiar with. Under Jewish law, on the Sabbath (Friday night to Saturday night), you’re not supposed to carry any of your possessions between private domains (like your home) and public domains (like outside your home). But what if you want to take your baby to synagogue? What if you want to carry your keys from inside your home to outside where your car is parked? You can’t do it. Jewish law forbids it.

But Orthodox Jews figured out a loophole. All they had to do was turn a “public” domain into a “private” one and the problem would be solved, and they accomplished this by creating an eruv (AY-roov).

(Original image via @lakefronteruv)

An eruv is essentially a gated community built using poles and string. You put up the poles all around a city, connect them with a string, and you’ve created a brand new giant public domain. Orthodox Jews can roam and carry items freely within that space, even on the Sabbath!

(We can have a separate debate over whether or not God sees through that little trick…)

But here’s the problem: In some communities, Orthodox Jews are building the eruv on public property. In some cases, they’re even tying the string directly on the government-owned utility poles. We have laws against that sort of thing and church/state separation proponents are finally speaking out against the eruvs:

“It’s not in the spirit of the deed that [the park] become a religious sanctuary,” [Mary Baker] says. She’s careful to point out that she has nothing against the Jewish faith. “I’m not in favor of crosses or crescents or Ten Commandments either. We need some faith-free zones in our lives.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is also weighing in against a particular eruv in Miami Beach, Florida:

[FFRF] has written a letter to the city demanding not only that the eruv in Pinetree Park be dismantled, but that all other public eruvs on the island be taken down.

“The religious significance of eruvin is unambiguous and indisputable,” FFRF staff attorney Andrew Seidel wrote yesterday. “They are objects which are significant only to some Jews as a means to obey religious laws that have no bearing on non-adherents. They have no meaning except as a visual, public communication of a purely religious concept for religious believers of a single faith. The City cannot allow such permanent religious displays to be erected on public land.”

It seems like a very simple principle: No religious group has the right to just randomly put up its symbols on government property. Just as we fight against Ten Commandments monuments at city halls, we should be fighting against these eruvs which have been erected on government property. It’s completely irrelevant that they might go unnoticed. The law applies to all groups, including Orthodox Jews, and the government has no right to give exemptions to one group but not others.

(via Tablet)

01 Aug 19:13

You Can Actually Buy a Flux Capacitor Car Charger Now

by Andrew Liszewski on Gizmodo, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

You Can Actually Buy a Flux Capacitor Car Charger Now

The folks at ThinkGeek put so much effort into their April Fool's Day prank products every year that often times they end up turning them into a reality. Remember the Star Wars Tauntan sleeping bag ?, that started life as a prank. And of all the wonderful products ThinkGeek pretended to announce on April 1 this year, the Back to the Future Flux Capacitor car charger is the one to get the IRL nod.


25 Jul 19:33

On Google campus, a dinosaur is forever in battle with hordes of flamingos

by Xeni Jardin


Making the rounds online this week, but without identifying information: these two photos of a T-Rex dinosaur beset upon by flamingos. Read the rest

25 Jul 19:22

Leaked manual shows how US agencies put millions on "suspected terrorist" list

by Cory Doctorow

The 166 page "March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance" was jointly authored by 19 agencies, and has been released in full on The Intercept. Read the rest

25 Jul 17:18


25 Jul 14:37

EFF unveils secure, sharing-friendly, privacy-minded router OS

by Cory Doctorow

Extreme-Alpha so not ready for actual use. Shows promise, though.

As promised, the Open Wireless Movement's new sharing-friendly, privacy-minded router operating system was unveiled at HOPE X in New York last weekend. Read the rest

25 Jul 14:33

Mellow electronica video shows what happens in your computer when you go right ahead and just spill juice all over it

by Rob Beschizza
25 Jul 13:24

The Hoverbike Moves to Kickstarter - The new quadrotor version is available as a scaled down prototype

by Paul Crowe

Original article from: -

Original article from: - Do you remember Chris Malloy and his Hoverbike? It was just over three years ago when we wrote about his attempts to build a twin rotor, BMW powered flying motorcycle of sorts. The conversation following that article was quite entertaining, and I think you'll be happy to know, Chris is […]
22 Jul 13:20

US "suspected terrorist" database had 1.5M names added to it in past 5 years

by Cory Doctorow

The scale of the secret blacklist was revealed in a civil suit over the Terrorist Screening Database, and it shocked the judge. Read the rest

21 Jul 17:08


by Jennie Breeden
21 Jul 15:16

Baby blood samples stored for research without parent permission

by Maggie Koerth-Baker

If you had a baby in Indiana after 1991, chances are your child's blood and DNA samples are being stored by the state. Originally meant for research, no samples have been used because consent of parents was never obtained.

18 Jul 14:24

Watch This Bridge Get Imploded And Demolished In Seconds

by Raphael Orlove

Watch This Bridge Get Imploded And Demolished In Seconds

The fine people of Cleveland erected the 5,078-foot-long Innerbelt bridge back in 1959. And on Saturday they blew it up.


16 Jul 19:50

FCC Net Neutrality deadline extended to Friday

by Cory Doctorow
The FCC's site has been so hammered by comments from people angry about its plans to enact Cable Company Fuckery that many haven't been able to get through. Read the rest
16 Jul 15:16

​Honda Just Announced The Best First Motorcycle Ever

by Wes Siler on IndefinitelyWild, shared by Damon Lavrinc to Jalopnik

​Honda Just Announced The Best First Motorcycle Ever

Shopping for your very first motorcycle? Start here. The 2015 Honda CB300F promises to be fun to ride, affordable and incredibly cheap to run. It's the perfect learning tool for new riders.


16 Jul 14:59

Makerbot now on sale at Home Depot stores

by Cory Doctorow

Home Depot stores in California, New York and Illinois are now stocking Makerbot 3D printers in their aisles, with staff on-hand to demo 3D printing for a wide audience.

16 Jul 14:58

Comcast promises quick action against scapegoat

by Mark Frauenfelder

After this audio recording of an infuriatingly aggressive Comcast representative arguing with a customer went mega-viral, Comcast, which instructs its employees not to take no for an answer, is now throwing its representative under the bus because he refused to take no for an answer.

Read the rest
14 Jul 13:49

Tesla's "car-as-service" versus your right to see your data

by Cory Doctorow

If you can't open it, it's not yours.

Espen got a parking ticket for his Tesla, and he's pretty sure he can exonerate himself, if only the company would give him access to his car's data, but they won't. Read the rest

14 Jul 13:12

Secret proposed UK snooping law published - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

by Cory Doctorow

The secret, emergency snooping law that the UK Tories plan on ramming through Parliament this week without debate has been published. It's bad, and the leadership of Labour and the Libdems are complicit in the plan to make it law. Read the rest

11 Jul 13:55

A Softer World

09 Jul 19:54

'Comedians In Cars Getting Cocaine' Is What Hollywood Is Really Like

by Patrick George

I feel like this is probably a more accurate representation of celebrity life in Los Angeles than Jerry Seinfeld's Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee is.


09 Jul 14:19

NSA and FBI spied on prominent Muslim American leaders

by Cory Doctorow

A newly disclosed Snowden leak reveals that the NSA targeted at least five prominent Muslim American leaders, including a former Republican Congressional nominee who served in GW Bush's Department of Homeland Security. Read the rest

09 Jul 14:10

Blade Runner production drawings

by David Pescovitz

The long out-of-print Blade Runner Sketchbook (1982) of beautiful production drawings is available for purchase for around $300 or free viewing here. Read the rest

08 Jul 19:15

Is My Car Recalled? Our Massive Chart Shows Every GM Recall This Year

by Jason Torchinsky

Is My Car Recalled? Our Massive Chart Shows Every GM Recall This Year

As we've been reporting on all these GM recalls , we realized that how difficult it is to really picture the sheer volume of what's going on. So far, there hasn't really been one good comprehensive place to see all the recalls at once, to get a feel of just how massive this whole thing is and explain what is recalled and why. Here it is.


08 Jul 14:23

Every campfire, ever.

by Matthew Inman
08 Jul 14:13

Google Maps' enduring security holes put businesses at risk

by Cory Doctorow

So true. GMaps is full of bad data.

It's been more than a year since a series of high-profile articles demonstrated that Google Maps' crowdsourcing function can be used create new listings, alter existing business listings, and even create fake Secret Service offices that real-life cops end up calling. Read the rest

08 Jul 14:05

Own your crypto-extremism with the Torrorist tee

by Cory Doctorow

Celebrate yesterday's news that the NSA classes all Tor users as "extremists" and targets them for indefinite, deep surveillance...with fashion! (more…)

08 Jul 13:47

Chinese factory 3D prints 10 houses' worth of slabs in one day

by Cory Doctorow

A Chinese R&D shop has 3D printed 10 buildings' worth of prefab slabs using enormous fused deposition modelling printers that extrude concrete. Read the rest

08 Jul 13:43

If you read Boing Boing, the NSA considers you a target for deep surveillance

by Cory Doctorow
The NSA says it only banks the communications of "targeted" individuals. Guess what? If you read Boing Boing, you've been targeted. Cory Doctorow digs into Xkeyscore and the NSA's deep packet inspection rules. Read the rest