Shared posts

15 Aug 23:11

What’s in a note? Part 2

by Alex

This is the second in a two-part series explaining the difference between similar notes you’ll find in the DDC. Part 1 focused on notes that describe what’s at a particular class: class-here and including notes. This part will look at notes that tell you to go to a different class: see references, class-elsewhere notes, and see-also references. Much like the relationship between class-here and including notes, these three give the same basic instruction, but there’s nuance to each. (Quick sidebar: What’s the difference between a note and a reference? Nothing! I don’t have a better explanation than that…)

A see reference is used for topics that logically belong in the class you find the note at, but for whatever reason is located somewhere else. Usually, it’s to give the topic a shorter number, or because the space it would otherwise go in is full or otherwise used.

For example, let’s look at 552.1-552.5 Specific kinds of rocks, which has five subclasses. I’m no geologist, but I remember from school that rocks are classified into three broad categories: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. In the DDC, each of these has its own number under 552.1-552.5, as do two other categories: 552.2 Volcanic rocks and 552.3 Plutonic rocks. If you know your rocks, you might know that volcanic and plutonic rocks are subclasses of igneous. Sure enough, if you look at 551.2 Igneous rocks, there are two see references, pointing you to the respective numbers for volcanic and plutonic rocks. Since they’re see references instead of another type of note, that’s your cue that the topics logically belong together. Why did we give volcanic and plutonic rocks their own classes? Probably because there was enough literary warrant to do so.

Next up is the class-elsewhere note. They’re the workhorses of this type of note, and may be used for all sorts of relationships between topics. Check out that link to the Glossary for some of the cases in which we’d use one. The general idea is “you might expect this topic to be here, but it’s actually elsewhere.” Perhaps you could say the same for a see reference, but unlike see references, a class-elsewhere note doesn’t necessarily make any claims about the type of relationship between the topics.

For example, look at 374 Adult education. This number and its subclasses are about formal educational programs aimed at adults who already have some level of formal secondary and/or higher education. The first class-elsewhere note at 374 points to 331.2592 for on-the-job training. Since most people with jobs are adults, training given to workers often amounts to education of adults. But it’s different enough from what’s in 374 that it’s over in another discipline (in this case, labor economics). The second class-elsewhere note is for adult high school equivalency programs, such as the GED in Canada and the US. Since these programs involve secondary education, the DDC places them with secondary education even though they involve adult learners.

In both cases in the above example, you could imagine that if the DDC were being redesigned from scratch today, perhaps we would decide to put on-the-job training or adult high school equivalency programs with adult education. There’s enough of a relationship that we at least expect some classifiers might check there, so the class-elsewhere note helps steer you right.

Finally, the see-also reference. Unlike the other two notes in this post, a see-also reference links a topic to a class where it really doesn’t belong. There may only be a very loose relationship, or no relationship at all, between the two topics. Why bother noting these at all, then? It might be a case of homonymy, where the same or similar word has different meanings, or perhaps the topics are sometimes confused in everyday usage too.

There’s an example of a see-also reference at a recent development—the new number for conspiracy theories, 001.98. It has the note “See also 364.1 for conspiracy to commit a crime”. Conspiracy has a specific meaning in many legal and criminal codes. Like conspiracy theories, it stems from the basic definition of a conspiracy: two or more people collaborating on something in secret, often something nefarious. But people charged with criminal conspiracy may not have been engaged in any activity that’s the subject of a conspiracy theory, and not all conspiracy theories deal with activities that are necessarily criminal. From an editor’s perspective, I can imagine someone with a work on criminal conspiracy ending up at 001.98, perhaps from a keyword search, so I want to make sure they know to look elsewhere.

I hope this has been a helpful look at these similar types of notes. Knowing this, if you ever come across one of these in the wild that seems like it should be another type, feel free to reach out! You may well be right.

13 Aug 00:20

Immune to catastrophic failure.

by Jessica Hagy

The post Immune to catastrophic failure. appeared first on Indexed.

13 Aug 00:19

Are you Terry Mccombs? I once found a blog about the American pantheon. It was fascinating so I copied it. Sadly that computer crashed and all the data was lost. If you are Terry or even if you’re not but have the entries saved, I would love it if you reposted them. I think they reflect a great insight into the American psyche.

Yes that was I, I too lost the completed file in a big computer meltdown years ago.

But thinks for remembering!

12 Aug 01:41

There is a beer brewed out of fossils

by Nicolas
09 Aug 19:34

Freefall 3630 August 9, 2021

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09 Aug 13:02

Freefall 3630 August 8, 2021

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08 Aug 00:39

Could you be a YouTube subscriber?


Hey dudes,

as YouTube now puts ads in my videos anyway, I’d really appreciate getting to 1000 subscribers so that I can claim that bounty! I’m 300 away 😬 but every little helps – if you have an account/channel and wouldn’t mind… this link will take you straight there!

Thank you!

Need enticing?

Have you seen these videos yet?

08 Aug 00:39

Succubi Image of the Week 705

by TeraS

One of my favourite Morrigan Aensland pieces of art this time on the Tale fo the Succubi Image of the Week. Morrigan’s body shape sometimes get a bit overdone by artists. That’s for a very obvious reason and in many cases it works really well. But there are, perhaps, more realistic images of Morrigan that I rather like very much as well…

Morrigan Aensland by Penzoom

This art is by the artist Penzoom on Pixiv and you can find the original page with this work here.

Morrigan has a very interesting expression in this art and that attracted me very much. It seems like she is considering something, or someone, and it makes her pose that bit more expressive as well.

Lovely hair, delightful details just a lovely Morrigan art that perhaps is a bit understated, but really that just allows for the art to tell more of a story.


06 Aug 02:01

Speed Streaking – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 21

SelectImpact! – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 30 Refreshing Shower – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 29 Hardcover Edition – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 28 A Wizard Is Never Late, Nor Is He Early – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 27 Making Your Way To Rock Bottom – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 26 Shaping Up – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 25 Advanced Script Leader – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 24 The Multiplying Villainies Of Nature – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 23 Quiet Chaos – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 22 Speed Streaking – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 21 Flying Fish – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 20 Learning From Experience – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 19 Counter-Coffee Break – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 18 Slow Thinking For A Fast World – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 17 Well, If Humans Drink Monster Energy, Wouldn’t It Be Logical… – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 16 Watch Out, Roman Occupiers! – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 15 Purify Our Essences – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 14 Those Are, Like, 98% Caffeine… – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 13 ZZZZ…ZZZZ…ZZZZ… – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 12 Creeping Threat – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 11 Stylish And (Realistically) Uncomfortable – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 10 Strawberry Fields Forever – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 9 Uniformly Inconspicuous – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 8 Why The Proper British Way Involves Introduction By A Third Party – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 7 Log Cabin Republicans – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 6 Take A Bath On The Wild Side – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 5 Nothing Moving In The Scherenfernrohr – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 4 Shadow World Problems – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 3 Deferred Fanservice – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 2 Classic Combination – Chapter 8, Act 2, Strip 1 Brothers, Who Art Thou? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 62 Countervailing Moment – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 61 Too Much Love Will Kill You – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 60 Smart Love – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 59 Surprise Love From Behind – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 58 Heartatatatatata! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 57 Did I Mention The Rise Of A Pink Princess Yet? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 56 Stack Overflow Error – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 55 Trickbox! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 54 A Candle in the Dark – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 53 Violence Is The Answer – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 52 Looking For Love In All The Hard-to-reach Places – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 51 Journey Into Darkness – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 50 Artist Existence Failure – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 49 Less Than Three! Less Than Three! Less Than Three! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 48 What Kind Of Power Is “Heart”, Again? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 47 It’s All About Getting Into The Mindset – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 46 Behold The Risen, With Snacks – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 45 Behold The Risen – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 44 Biff Has Risen, Too, But I Can’t Find Any Way To Tie That To Something About Princes – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 43 The Imp Prince Has Risen! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 42 The Pink Prince Has Risen! (No Word on the Pink Panther yet) – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 41 The Pink …uh.. Black(?!) Princess Has Risen! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 40 Rising Still on the Rise – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 39 The Pink Princess Does Rise, Ultimately And Somewhat Resignedly. – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 38 My Eyes Are Up Here – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 37 Round and Round She Goes – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 36 Covering the Basics – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 35 Blink, Blink, Blink – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 34 Lunar New Year’s Special – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 33 Will the Pink Princess Rise Again? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 32 About Hurting And Hearing – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 31 Mass Movement – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 30 Sur La Barricade, Étudiants! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 29 And Another Gratuitous Dig at the Arizona State Fair… – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 28 Zoids, Truncated Again! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 27 As If Waking From a Long Slumber – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 26 The Road to Schicken? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 25 Sugary Roots – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 24 There You Have It! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 23 Egg and (some very large) Ham(s) – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 22 New Year’s Special 2020/2021 – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 21 Cracking Development. – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 20 The Ray! The Ray! The Ray! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 19 Figures – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 18 Scraping, Testing, Boring – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 17 He Had no Chance, Really – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 16 The Testee Has Become the Tester – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 15 Satisfying Smash! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 14 Egg Benepredict – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 13 Standard Piece of Rock – Check – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 12 Not Remotely Manipulated – Check – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 11 Signs And Portents – Check – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 10 Southern Discomfort – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 9 Tippy-Woes – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 8 Diaerated Head – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 7 That’s One Long And Narrow Letter – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 6 Yeah, Just Chalk it up to That – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 5 Still Biff After All Those Years (?) – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 4 Halloween Special 2020 Still Orange After All Those Years – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 3 Still Dead After All Those Years – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 2 Still Red After All Those Years – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 1 Credits Where Credits Are Due – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 5 St. Jenner Intercedes – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 4 Moodkiller – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 3 Solar Polonaise – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 2 One of Us – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 1 About Earlier Chapters Impressum Datenschutz

What a silly question. Ebay, of course. You can get anything on ebay, as long as it’s not what you want. So experienced super-speedsters probably just buy clothing from ebay, specifying that it must be made from solid matter to maximize the chance that what they receive won’t be. Simples.

Naw, just joking, of course. The real secret is something else: look closely at the ‘clothing’ worn by superheroes in comics and notice how tightly it fits. Compare that to your own experience with the wearing of textiles. Then it will be quite obvious: there simply is no kind of fabric that could fit that snugly, filling every crevice between highly defined packages of muscles. The only explanation is that superheroes actually don’t wear clothing at all, but instead employ body painting to only create the impression they do (likely to prevent insult to public decency). At most it’s possible that they wear a small item of fabric over their genitals, since that area of their bodies seems to lack the high definition of all the others…an alternative explanation would be some kind of genital deformity, but that would be unlikely to be so homogeneously and widely spread among members of any specific single profession. =P

Gregory’s mistake is obvious proof of how successful superheroes have been in tricking the general public into believing that they are wearing clothes…which still doesn’t completely excuse the mistake, of course, since Gregory could have noticed the problem beforehand by the application of simple logic. Anyway, he’s managed to achieve one thing, at least: Snuka must be feeling a lot better now, knowing that he isn’t the only one capable of coming up with bad ideas connected to super speed.

More on Monday.

06 Aug 01:48

Forest Walk

The only other person to walk by was a linguist back in the 80s, but she just spent a while dissecting the phrase 'help me down' before getting distracted by a squirrel and wandering off.
04 Aug 10:56

Signs of the Times – DORK TOWER 04.08.21

by John Kovalic

Beome a DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is 100% reader-funded, and updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, thanks its generous Patreon supporters. The next goal is four strips a week! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help us reach that! We have a ton of fun! Also: swag!

04 Aug 10:55

Up To Chance

what are the odds

04 Aug 10:52

Freefall 3628 August 4, 2021

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03 Aug 21:50

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Future


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

This is why there are no time machines.

Today's News:
03 Aug 21:45

Every project is a group project.

by Jessica Hagy

The post Every project is a group project. appeared first on Indexed.

03 Aug 21:41

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Arts


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

If you wanted honest recognition of achievement between courteous peers, you should've been a goddamned jock.

Today's News:
29 Jul 11:57

Like And Subscribe

butts butts butts

28 Jul 13:46

Be In On The Act by TeraS

by TeraS

Cassie’s story continues, you can find the previous parts here, here, here and here, here and last week here. Sometimes there comes a moment when we know what we want, but discover that the focus of our desires is searching for something else. It’s then when one has to …

Be In On The Act
By TeraS

Cassie would have been more than happy spending the night in the elevator alcove with Keith, held in his embrace, letting the world around them deal with the sight they would behold. But, as much as the idea was delicious, Cassie knew the kiss had to end, that this moment wasn’t going to be forever.

Catching her breath, the Temptress remembered something important again: This was Keith in the before, this wasn’t the Keith she knew so intimately in the Realm. That didn’t seem to matter, she still melted inside being held by him. She still felt that piece inside of her soul slip into place when he held her hand, touched her cheek, or said a word or two from his heart. Keith cupping Cassie’s cheek and saying she was perfect meant everything to her. It always would.

Cassie loved silver, for obvious reasons. She expected a limousine. What she found when she left the lobby, hand in hand with Keith, was that red 1950s Corvette he’d been working on. She liked the red, of course, but all of the silver trim just made the silver-tail delight in the sight before her.

As Keith opened the door, Cassie asked: “Wasn’t this the car you were working on?”

His reply was, of course, not at all innocent: “Yes. I need to road test it; have to be sure everything’s right. Besides, it’s the only one in the shop that’s classy enough for this woman I’ve met who loves silver.”

Cassie shook her head, her mane of blonde hair swirling around her as she settled in: “Flattery will get you anywhere, you know.”

After closing the door, Keith got in the driver’s side and started the convertible: “Are you impressed?”

“You don’t need to impress me.”

Pulling into traffic, he chuckled: “Remember that for later.”

The drive was rather short. Keith took them through the entertainment district, along the lakeshore, and towards the centre of the city. Along the way he pointed out some of the sites. He’d lived here his entire life, Cassie knew. Everything was wonderful on this warm summer evening as the sun disappeared into the lake, marking the night’s time to begin.

When he turned into the driveway of a very tall tower, a sign marking it as being one of the tallest buildings in the world, Cassie’s heart began to beat a little faster. Pulling up at the base of the tower and parking right by the elevators brought the Temptress to run her hands through her hair and sigh.

Turning off the car, Keith looked at Cassie with concern: “What’s wrong?”

She nibbled her lip: “I have a confession.”

Keith waited patiently for her to continue, because of course he would.

“I’m afraid of heights.”

She could tell he was a bit uneasy about that, his mind was trying to come up with another option. Cassie knew this mattered to him, he wanted this to be something she’d never forget. Gathering herself and managing a wan smile, she offered her hand. He looked very unsure now, but the silver-tail wasn’t going to allow her fears to get between her and Keith: “If you promise you won’t leave me alone …”

Holding her hand gently, he mused: “Can’t do that, I wouldn’t want someone else to take you home.”

They laughed–something Cassie dearly needed in that moment.

Entering the elevator soon after, Cassie tried to calm her breathing. This would be fine. There was nothing to worry about. It was only the tallest building in the city, after all. Not like she’d look over the edge and lose her balance or something. The floor to ceiling windows in the elevator didn’t make things a lot better. She knew that they’d be travelling outside, the city laid out beyond, the ground getting further and further away.

She tried to rationalize it. She was one of the Succubi, there was nothing to worry about. She wasn’t going to fall, the tower wasn’t going to collapse, the night wasn’t going to fall apart … because of her. It wasn’t a panic attack, exactly, but hyperventilation wasn’t good.

Helping her to turn away from the windows of the elevator as the doors closed, Keith cupped Cassie’s cheeks to give her something to focus on. Seeing the fear in her eyes, he asked: “Tell me a story, Cassie.”

The elevator shifted, beginning to move, and Cassie clutched at Keith’s wrists. Her thoughts were a blur, trying to say something, anything. What came out was a surprise to both of them. “There’s a couple I know, known them for a long time. They tell me about the moment they met, how they knew they were soulmates. She explained to me that it was like something she’d been missing inside was suddenly there. I never really understood that. I’ve … always been alone, never had a love to call my own.”


Cassie closed her eyes: “I didn’t really believe in it. It was something you read in fairy tails and romances; it wasn’t something for me.” The Temptress opened her eyes and held his so-blue ones with her own green ones: “Then, I found you.”

The kiss was unexpected, Keith being pressed back against the elevator doors by Cassie. The elevator stopped, eventually, and a soft sound announced they had arrived. The Temptress finally broke the kiss and took a step back as the doors began to open: “I think I understand what my friends meant. When you find the right person, you just know.”

Keith led the way out of the elevator, Cassie holding his hand, not saying a word. But there was no question now: this was all meant to happen. She didn’t know how it was going to be when she returned to the Realm, but she’d decided on one thing: she would tell him the truth, all of it, before he met Tera.

She’d never been in a place like this, the restaurant slowly turned somehow, she was sure that Keith would know how and could tell her, if she’d just ask. The night changed her perspective of the world outside of the windows. The night shaded the height somewhat, the lights of the buildings below and the colours of the city below stretching to the horizon looked like a picture, and the fear wasn’t so bad. Wanting to be with Keith, to be perfect in this moment, helped a lot.

Dinner was lovely; she didn’t expect anything less from him. Somehow, he managed to keep the silver-tail’s attention on everything else other than being scared of heights. This was, Cassie later figured out, the very first time she’d spent hours with Keith talking and just being a couple. She wasn’t tempting him. He wasn’t playing one of their games with her. They were a couple, out on the town for the night, talking about themselves and trying to figure each other out.

With dessert came the piano at the centre of the space being played, marking the opening of the dance floor for the evening.

“Would you like to dance, Cassie?”

“I’m a lousy dancer, and I know you aren’t much better.”

Keith arched an eyebrow at that comment. He hadn’t mentioned that to Cassie. Then with a familiar, bemused smile he replied: “Then let’s shuffle in circles for a while.”

Together they moved to the outer edge of the restaurant, the dance floor a wide strip of glass that moved with everything else. Cassie didn’t realize the floor looked straight down to the base of the tower–Keith didn’t give her the chance.

The Temptress settled in, resting her head on Keith’s left shoulder, he holding her close as the music played. They didn’t speak–there wasn’t a need to–though, from time to time, green eyes found so-blue ones, leading into a kiss shared and the moment being more than the silver-tail had ever expected.

The evening was one that Cassie wished would never end. Those around them seeing a vision in silver in a slow dance with her desired one, the world turning about them slowly, their eyes only for each other …

28 Jul 13:30

What’s in a note? Part 1

by Alex

Most notes in the DDC do a pretty good job of getting across their intent in plain English (or in the language of your chosen translation). If you’re classifying a work on a given topic and find the topic in a note that says “class here” or “including”, you know you’re in the right place. If you see it in a note that refers you to a different number, you know you should head over there. A note by any other wording would do just as well, right? Not exactly. By minding the wording of a note in addition to just looking for the topics, you can get some valuable information about how to classify.

This is the first in a two-part series about some of the different types of notes that may initially sound like they’re saying the same thing, but actually have some important differences. First, I’ll compare the notes that tell you you’re in the right place (class-here and including), and the next will cover notes that point elsewhere.

A topic in a class-here note is said to approximate the whole of the class number. That doesn’t mean it’s identical, but it’s close enough that we probably won’t give that topic its own number in the future. For example, the caption at 597 is “Cold-blooded vertebrates”. Since reptiles and amphibians have their own numbers underneath, that mostly leaves fishes. Most of the numbers under 597 are about fish, except for those dedicated to reptiles and amphibians. We will probably never continue fishes and have separate numbers for fishes and (all) cold-blooded vertebrates.

You can add standard subdivisions for any topic in a class-here note, so 597.03 is equally valid for an encyclopedia of fishes or an encyclopedia of cold-blooded vertebrates. Class-here notes have hierarchical force, meaning they apply at the number where they’re given and all of its subdivisions. Another topic in the class-here note at 597 is “bony fishes”, which describes the vast majority of all living fish species. So an encyclopedia of bony fishes could also class at 597.03, and even as you go further down in 597, you don’t need to distinguish between cold-blooded vertebrates, fishes, and bony fishes.

What about including notes, then? Topics there still class at the number where the note appears, but they are topics in standing room; they do not approximate the whole. For example, let’s look at 595.387 Anomura. Anomura is a taxonomic group of crustaceans. Among other animals, hermit crabs are part of Anomura. But in the DDC, hermit crabs are in an including note there. Because they don’t approximate the whole, standard subdivisions cannot be added for hermit crabs. A zoological journal dedicated to Anomura would class at 595.38705, but a journal dedicated to hermit crabs would just be 595.387, with no standard subdivision.

There are two main reasons why we would put a topic in an including note—and sometimes it’s both:

  1. The topic is just one smaller part of what’s in the class. Using the example of 595.387, there are many Anomura species that are not hermit crabs.
  2. There were not enough works about the topic when we last checked (what we call literary warrant).

It’s important to note the part about “when we last checked”. If you ever come across a topic in standing room that seems like it obviously deserves its own number, you may well be right! Sounds like a great opportunity to contact us and get involved in the editorial process yourself! (See for more information.)

I hope this has been helpful in explaining the difference between two notes that seem to do the same thing, but still signal important differences. Stay tuned for the next post on see references, class-elsewhere notes, and see-also notes.

28 Jul 13:20

You can make diamonds out of tequila

by Nicolas
28 Jul 13:19

Debate Club


26 Jul 14:31

A Review of The Succubi’s Apprentice by Alana Church

by TeraS

The Succubi's Apprentice by Alana Church

The Succubi's Apprentice by Alana Church

The Succubi’s Apprentice by Alana Church

Back in April I reviewed the first work in the Hell’s Horny Angels series by Alana Church and you can find that review here on the Tale. The following work in the series was recently published to my delight and bemusement and once again Alana has reminded me why she is one of my favourite authors… not that the appearance of a certain ebon maned red tail this time would have anything at all to do with that.

Life, they say, is a learning experience. It’s held that we need to learn from our mistakes and, given the chance, that will be. The question that needs to be considered however is what it all means and what you can do to make things better.

The work tells of:

Morgan is a succubus, the first new one in centuries. But she has to learn how to protect herself. Who could possibly be a better teacher than sexy, exotic Althea, one of the oldest succubi of all? Can Morgan and her twin cousins, John and Jasmine, learn to fit into Altheas’s household? And what will happen when Althea and Morgan have to take on one of the evil demon spawn?

The universe is full of surprises and not even the Succubi can see what the future holds. The appearance of Morgan, the first succubus in ages is a momental moment in many ways. But she needs to learn about herself and there’s no question that Althea can show her the way. But she’s never alone and when one a demon appears and they need to deal with it, there’s always help waiting for a call.

The work connects several other stories and series by this author in themes, plots and having characters appear throughout the story. It’s well written, delightfully fun at times and so very serious at others. The erotica has lovely heat, the story flows well and it’s a delight from beginning to end.

I adore Althea, I have from her first appearance and as the stories in this universe have been told, she’s grown and changed, becoming a delightful succubus character that I adore. It’s wonderful to see where she is now, how she acts with Morgan, and in the telling of the story comes a lot that brings about the filling in of more of her story.

Morgan is wonderfully lost at the beginning of the story and as things unfold she’s a bit less so, a bit more focused and becomes more sure in herself from her first appearance as well. There’s a lot of promise in her character and seeing how Althea adores her, regardless of her moods, just makes me smile.

There’s the appearance of an incubus, Devin. for the first time and he’s just amazing in his personality, but more so in how he isn’t afraid to speak his mind and do what’s right. I’d really like to see more of him, to see behind the incubus and what drives him on. That really interests me about him.

There’s also the appearance of a certain ebon maned succubus sister of Althea named Tera, who is every bit as bemused, naughty and occasionally sarcastic as her namesake. She’s every bit what she should be, and her being described as Snow White’s sexy older sister still gives me a giggling fit for which I am delighted.

A fun and wonderfully told story that is just amazing. Nothing feels out of place with the characters, the story is told well. The heat in the erotica is right. When the story has to be serious, it is, but that doesn’t take away from the fun and delight in the telling.

Five out of five pitchforks.

I really hope Morgan’s story continues, there’s a lot to develop in her. At the same time there really isn’t enough Althea ever. This story universe just continues to expand and become more with every tale.

A little thank you note here for Alana in letting “me” appear in her stories about succubi on the edges. To say that I am bemused can’t really say how wonderful my appearance was to see.


26 Jul 14:03

Grrl Power #965 – Tab AAAAAAA into Slot a

by DaveB

No smash cut for Maxima. If for no other reason, they used up the most of the choker’s charge while they were futzing with the enchantment. She’ll have to wait a bit for it to recharged before she can take it out for a drive.

I decided I really wanted the break panels on the bottom half of the page, so the pictures Sydney is showing Dabbler are unfortunately a little small. For that reason, I’m going to make the double res version of the comic over at Patreon available to everyone. I do hope everyone gets what Sydney is putting out there. If not, I’m sure the first few comments will spell it out. If you’re having trouble figuring it out, just keep in mind that Frix is two feet taller than Sydney, and saying that he is proportionally larger all over would… er, not do Frix justice.

Edit: Whoops, I autopiloted the patreon post and made it just for supporters. I’ve updated it so everyone can see it now. Here’s a direct link.

Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:

This might be a bad idea, but I thought I’d post my progress with the latest novel. I keep say it’s getting close to being done, but I feel like I’ve been saying that for several months at least. The problem is, while I’ve been working on it fairly consistently, sometimes I’m only getting a few paragraphs done each evening once I get all the comic work out of the way. Actually, I think the thing that slows me down the most is re-reading chapters I’ve already finished, most of which have entertaining scenes in them. I get little minor edits done while I do that, but it’s not conducive to rapid progress.

Unfortunately, the book is closing in on 170K words, and I feel like it’s really back heavy. There’s a lot going on in the final few chapters, to the point that I’m probably going to cut a character I really wanted. Maybe there will be a book three? There’s enough set up in this book to justify it, certainly, but these are full length novels here, and since they’re fanfic (I don’t think that’s the right term since I’m not using any of the original characters or locations, just the basic setup) I’m not charging for them. I’m writing them because it entertains me, but at some point, I should probably consider writing something original.

Anyway, the actual progress report: I (think) I’m a chapter and a half from finishing. Oh, and a sex scene I left with just a [sex scene here] notation because I wasn’t in the mood to write it at the time. (I don’t do any kind of outlines for the stuff I write, I just kind of write until it’s where I want it.) Once I actually finish, I’ll go and do a pacing and continuity pass. Basically, I want each scene to have the right weight.

It’s a literary pet peeve of mine when an author reveals important information to the characters/reader and the characters have no reaction. I bought a 3 novels in one audiobook, and immediately in the first chapter, there’s The Thing That Happens which motivates everything else in the story. A massive event that changes the whole world, so the characters have no reaction whatsoever and decide to go and feed the chickens. It wasn’t like a dragon attacks, but the main characters realize they’re not equipped to fight it so they run away, it was like, the characters are walking down a road, and the next sentence is; “After the dragon attacked and the 5 nations’ armies gathered to battle it, taking a dozen hours and thousands of men to bring it down, the characters decided to set up camp for the night.” And then you re-read the sentence three times because you’re sure you didn’t read it right, and then finally realize that the author doesn’t want to be telling the story he seems to be telling. Or he’s like, “yeah, yeah, that’s just stuff that happened. I want to write about how the main character organized the rocks in the fire ring.”

Basically I got about 17 minutes into a 27 hour audiobook and quit right then and there. What if the fun of writing anything if the characters don’t react to it? I guess authors like that are… anti-Spielbergs?

Anyway, once I’ve finished that pass, I’ll put a call out for some proofers. Please, when I do, keep in mind that the book will be released for free a few weeks after that, and I really do need people who are willing to go through 170,000 words to tell me how many times I transposed “an” with “and.”

July’s vote incentive is up!

You guys don’t know who this is yet. (Her name is Xerxa.) I will give you one single guess what she might be from. (And no, it’s not Dabbler’s mother.) It was a piece I had half finished from a little while ago and given my time constraints this month, I threw a little polish and some background on it and here you are. Unfortunately there aren’t nine separate versions because she’s not wearing a ton to begin with.  Hopefully you can read about that soon. I hope you like it, personally I think it turned out pretty good.

As always, nude version are up at Patreon.

Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.

26 Jul 13:58

Midlife Crisis Protocol – DORK TOWER 26.07.21

by John Kovalic

Beome a DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is 100% reader-funded, and updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, thanks its generous Patreon supporters. The next goal is four strips a week! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help us reach that! We have a ton of fun! Also: swag!

22 Jul 20:31

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Wow!


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

This comic is only pessimistic if you are a human.

Today's News:
21 Jul 21:53

Aging Like a Fine Whine – DORK TOWER 21.07.21

by John Kovalic

Beome a DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is 100% reader-funded, and updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, thanks its generous Patreon supporters. The next goal is four strips a week! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today, and help us reach that! We have a ton of fun! Also: swag!

21 Jul 21:49

Act of Contrition by TeraS

by TeraS

Cassie’s story continues today on the Tale. You can find the previous parts here, here, here and here and last week’s story here. More often than not, there comes a time when we have to offer an …

Act of Contrition
By TeraS

Cassie thought she knew everything about Keith; well, at least the important things. But she’d never really considered stepping away from teasing and tempting him—it was her nature, of course. Cornering him in an alcove somewhere in the palace, sneaking up behind and covering his eyes with her hands, purring “Guess who?” was fun, after all. He didn’t mind, she knew that. She loved the sparkle in his so-blue eyes, the kiss they’d share in those moments after made it all worthwhile.

This was something completely different, the Temptress realized, as Keith brushed off the wrought iron bench and she looked around the park. The maple was tall, very old, the leaves a shade of red that was close to her ebon-maned Queen’s tail. What Cassie hadn’t realized from the photo was the other tree that stood nearby. The leaves very close to her own silver-tail in colour. Goddess was having far too much fun. But she couldn’t do much about that.

Turning her attention back to him, Cassie reminded herself this was Keith before the Realm, before he’d become part of her life. This was Keith in the time before he knew that succubi were real. She couldn’t just come out and start talking about what would be. Things had to happen, in time, in the way they were supposed to.

That was a shame, honestly. Cassie would have loved to place herself over him on the bench, sitting on his lap, lunch forgotten. She imagined the intimacy, the wonder of being with her desired one, giving herself to him. Of course, this was the mortal world and not the Realm. They probably wouldn’t take kindly to all of the naughty things the silver-tail wanted to do, would do, was ready to do.

Time and space were headache-inducing things.

To be honest, Cassie thought it would be worth it, but she’d be a good girl. At least until she didn’t have to be. Still, she hadn’t been a “good girl” with Keith all that much in the Realm. Well occasionally, perhaps, but those were rare moments when she had to be good. Her smile was delicious as she remembered those moments with him. Settling onto the bench, Cassie mused: “I might be a bit overdressed for a picnic.”

Her so-blue eyed companion handed the silver-tail a wax paper-wrapped sandwich: “Then we’ll just have to make sure not to make a mess, won’t we?”

That idea of having her way with him started becoming more and more irresistible, the blonde Temptress leaning over and kissing him on the cheek: “Always thoughtful.”

He shrugged: “Been told that I’m a good person. Try to be.”

Cassie unwrapped her lunch: “I think that’s just a part of your story, Keith.”

Chewing on his, Keith considered: “Not much to tell about me.”

To Keith’s surprise, Cassie rested her head on his shoulder: “Any hopes and dreams?”

“Oh I have dreams, Cassie; we all do.”

“Dreams do come true.”

He chuckled: “My Lady, are you trying to tempt me?”

Cassie kissed his cheek: “Do you want me to?”

Keith lacing the fingers of his right hand with Cassie’s left delighted her. His next words told her again why she loved him: “I don’t think I’m good enough for you, Cassie. You’re beautiful, and that’s not doing you justice. I’m sure there are many who are vying for you. I’m nothing special, and you deserve better.”

Her admission surprised him: “I’ve been saving myself for Mr. Right.”

His smile was achingly familiar: “I wish him luck.”

“Doesn’t need luck. He does need to ask me out for dinner tonight, however.”

Crumpling up the wax paper, Keith wondered: “Might I be forward and ask if you’d like to have dinner with me tonight?”

She just managed to keep from pulling him into a long, deep kiss: “I thought you’d never ask.”

The afternoon’s shoot was Cassie and the other models standing around the limo, or getting out of it, or some other posed idea that the director came up with. Amid the clicking of cameras and flashing of lights, she did catch sight of Keith in the background watching and taking it all in. The Temptress knew that he was a photographer—not of this sort of thing, but he had a niche that he was very good at.

At one point, Cassie was told to step out of the limo and blow a kiss to the camera. The focus of her desires found himself captured by green eyes, a naughty smile, and a look that would have melted the cameras if it was directed at them as she blew the kiss. The silver-tail was delighted when he mimed catching the kiss and placing his hand on his heart.

Soon the shoot was over for the day and the group was breaking up for the evening. After changing, and not looking as messy as she did in the morning, Cassie found Keith waiting for her.

His concern made her smile: “You look tired. Want to take a rain check? The place is kind of formal.”

Cassie’s purr was both a promise and a warning: “You aren’t getting away so easily.”

All Keith could do was shake his head and write down Cassie’s hotel and what room she was in. They parted with a promise they’d see each other soon.

Soon came with Keith pressing the buttons on the hotel lobby phone. Waiting for Cassie to pick up, he looked into the mirror. A tuxedo wasn’t his favourite thing, but the red bow tie was somehow appropriate.

When Cassie answered, it was short and to the point: “Wait for me. I’ll be right there.”

Idly, Keith wondered if she wasn’t ready yet and how long she’d be. Sooner than he expected the elevator chime sounded and an elevator door opened to the sight of a vision in silver.

Cassie was right: she looked perfect in silver. The silver dress made love to her curves, she was stunning. Silver earrings, silver bracelets on both wrists and a pair of silver heels made her gleam in the low light of the elevator lobby.

The Temptress stepped out, then made a slow turn so that the object of her desires could see all of her. She wanted, no, needed him to know how much she wanted him, that there was no question of her desires for him.

Facing Keith once more, Cassie’s eyes looked down, taking note of the patterns in the carpet, not wanting to say the wrong thing. She hoped she’d made an impression with him. Finding herself in Keith’s embrace was wonderful. The kiss took her breath away. Being lost in his love was ecstasy. The elevator door closed and the kiss went on.

In the lobby mirror nearby, the moment was reflected perfectly. Silver horns sparkled in the alcove light and a long silver tail wrapped itself possessively around Keith’s leg.

The Temptress knew her Queen would understand.

17 Jul 11:59

Morrigan Aensland by SynphuAs found...

Morrigan Aensland by Synphu

As found at:

16 Jul 23:55

Pre-Pandemic Ketchup

I wonder what year I'll discard the last weird food item that I bought online in early 2020.
16 Jul 10:39

Big Man – DORK TOWER 12.07.21

by John Kovalic