Shared posts

02 Dec 20:18

10+ Babies Who Look Like Celebrities

by Inga Ko

These are trippy.

My Son Looks Like Danny Devito

My Son Looks Like Danny Devito


My Baby Looks Like A Thoughtful Vladimir Putin

My Baby Looks Like A Thoughtful Vladimir Putin


Our Baby Looks Exactly Like Gordon Ramsay

Our Baby Looks Exactly Like Gordon Ramsay


So My Friend’s Baby Looks Like Gandalf

So My Friend's Baby Looks Like Gandalf


My Godson Think He’s The Royal Prince

My Godson Think He's The Royal Prince


Baby Looks Like Kevin From The Office

Baby Looks Like Kevin From The Office


My Friend’s Son Looks Like Jay-Z

My Friend's Son Looks Like Jay-Z


Charlie Looks Like Cam From Modern Family

Charlie Looks Like Cam From Modern Family


Isabelle Looks Like Tiny Jamie Oliver

Isabelle Looks Like Tiny Jamie Oliver


Friend’s Baby Looks Like Wallace Shawn

Friend's Baby Looks Like Wallace Shawn


02 Dec 20:17

Trump University: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

by LastWeekTonight

This is real life.

Trump University recently settled its lawsuits for $25 million; here's some background.
02 Dec 19:18

The Daily Show - Tomi Lahren - Giving a Voice to Conservative America on "Tomi"

by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah


"Tomi" host Tomi Lahren gives her take on the Black Lives Matter movement and explains why she lashed out against Colin Kaepernick for his national anthem protest.

Watch full episodes of The Daily Show now -- no login required:

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah airs weeknights at 11/10c on Comedy Central.
01 Dec 03:52

Perfectly Imperfect: I Upcycle My Dolls By Giving Them A More Natural Look

by Mim Hammonds

So great.

Rescuing and upcycling preloved dolls. Cleaning them, washing and brushing their hair, repainting their face and giving them new outfits appropriate for young children.

Show Full Text

It is a joy to watch them transform before my eyes, and to create a unique personality for them embracing their strengths and passions.

More info: Facebook


Milly is a clever and vivacious young girl. She is a very quick thinker and loves to play with words – always making her friends and family laugh with her witty comments and puns. Funny, perceptive one-liners roll off her tongue spontaneously. Milly giggles and shrugs when asked how she thinks of responses so fast – it’s too difficult trying to explain that her mind just works like a visual dictionary and thesaurus. She just loves words, and words love her!


“Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?” Quite well thank you, replies Mary patiently, each and every time she is asked. Mary loves flowers but is not at all contrary. She has a little timber flower press and enjoys collecting petals and blossoms to press and dry. Her grandmother taught her how to do this using an old, heavy book with tissue paper to protect the pages.


Josephine loves all things rainbow and bright! The more colours, the better. She is a budding artist and uses colour to express emotions and experiences. Her artworks are a little too contemporary for some but she just loves to paint – it calms her swirling thoughts and unpredictable emotions. Jo really wants to study pediatric art therapy and work with sick children in hospitals, helping them understand and express their feelings, fears and complex thoughts in a safe environment.


Katie loves to climb trees; to breathe deep the scent of bark and sap, to think her own thoughts, to dream her own dreams, legs swinging gently in the breeze

Each girl is unique, and has their own story and personality

I try to rescue and reuse as much as possible, including carving high heels into ballet shoes


Meet Nancy! The sweetest, most loyal friend in the world. She is kind, and funny, and sensitive to others’ feelings and needs. She loves her pyjamas and would wear them every day if she could. Nancy has an amazing throwing arm and takes great pride in being able to peg a ball further than any boy she knows. She really does throw like a girl!


Jess is small but fast! She is captain of her soccer team and a winger due to her discipline and endurance. She loves to kick a ball around at all opportunities and has just about mastered the Crofe Move. She hopes to one day represent Australia and play for the Young Matilda’s!

Girl with flowers in her hair


Celia loves to dance! From the moment she took her first steps she has lived and breathed ballet – leaping around the loungeroom, pirouetting her way to dinner, and walking in pointe as soon as she could. Her favourite ballet is Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and she one day dreams of performing with the Australian Ballet as the hauntingly beautiful Odette.

Imperfectly perfect

Each doll has her own unique imperfections, and is important and loved for who they are and what they are capable of, not for their appearance.

21 Nov 19:58

What happened at 'Hamilton' last night says a lot about the kind of America we want to be.

by Erin Canty

Yeah, I'm worried.

History has its eyes on you, Mike Pence.


Vice President-elect Mike Pence wanted to be in the room where it happens. So he went to see "Hamilton" on Nov. 18, 2016.

But when Pence arrived at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York City to see the critically acclaimed hip-hop musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton, he was met with a chorus of boos and jeers (and, for the record, a few scattered claps).

Matthew Anderson, a theater buff visiting New York from Minneapolis said the display before the show was unlike anything he'd seen.

Pence was brought to his seat shortly before the show began.

"All of a sudden it was this rising, booing, general sounds of disapproval," Anderson said. "You couldn't miss it. Everyone in the mezzanine and the upper levels was standing up and craning over to see what was going on."

From his seat, Anderson heard mostly jeers and hissing, though one man yelled out, "We love you, Mike."

But once the show started, Anderson said things were essentially back to normal ... almost.

"Everyone was just in it, immediately," he said. Though the audience did respond with thunderous applause and cheers during certain moments, including Angelica Schuyler dreaming of including women in the founding of the country.

"I have to think it was a much bigger reaction than that line usually gets," Anderson said. "I'm sure it's usually warmly received, but this definitely felt like it was ... as much about who was in the house hearing the support for it."

Meanwhile, news of the brief but raucous display quickly spread to the internet, where a virtual debate fired up on Twitter: Was the audience right to boo Pence?

First, he's vice president-elect, and for some people, that was enough of a reason not to boo.

And vice president-elect or not, seeing a show starring people of color about an immigrant leading America to victory in the Revolutionary War and founding some of the nation's most sustaining institutions isn't a bad thing, right?

On the other hand, Pence has done little for women, people who are LGBTQ, and people of color — the very people starring in the show he happily paid to see.

With tensions high in and outside the theater, the cast of "Hamilton" came to the stage for their curtain call and read a letter to Pence as he left his seat.

Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr (a former vice president), called to Pence. According to The New York Times, a show spokesman said that Pence stood outside the entrance to the auditorium and heard the full remarks from the hallway.

The message, written by Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, director Thomas Kail, and lead producer Jeffrey Seller, with contributions from cast members, is worth a watch and read:

The key part is this:

"Vice President-elect Pence, we welcome you, and we truly thank you for joining us here at 'Hamilton: An American Musical,' we really do. We, sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us — our planet, our children, our parents — or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us. Again we truly thank you for sharing this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men and women of different colors, creeds, and orientations."

"It was the opposite of the audience reaction at the top, which felt very hostile and confrontational," Anderson said. "It was deeply respectful. It was warm, and it felt like it was very much in keeping with the spirit of the show we had just watched."

Despite the unifying message, Donald Trump couldn't help but get involved as the story continued the day after.

But here's what the president-elect, the vice president-elect, and all of us need to remember, especially in uncertain times: Dissent is not disrespectful; it's American.

In the United States, we can dissent, demonstrate, debate, and disagree without fear of prosecution or imprisonment. At least that's what our founders, like Alexander Hamilton, intended.

Those booing were voicing their frustration and displeasure at a man with a long and storied history of disrespect and outright wrongdoing toward traditionally underrepresented people.

Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images.

And here is his record.

Pence suggested women seek funerary services for miscarried or aborted fetuses. That's disrespectful.

Pence supported diverting taxpayer money to conversion therapy programs for gay and lesbian people, including children. And he suggested Congress oppose any measure that would put same-sex marriages on equal footing with heterosexual marriages.  That's disrespectful.

Pence slashed public health spending in Indiana, forcing a Planned Parenthood to close in Scott County, the one HIV testing center in the area. As intravenous opioid use rose, so did needle sharing. Pence opposed needle exchanges too. Soon, the county saw as many as 20 new cases of HIV each week. More than 200 cases were diagnosed before the outbreak ended. That's disrespectful.

Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.

Pence runs the transition team for a newly elected president who has yet to condemn those committing hate crimes and violence in his name on Twitter but has spoken out against The New York Times six times and the cast of "Hamilton" twice. That's disrespectful.

But people who disagree with him should keep their mouths shut when he steps out to enjoy a night of entertainment performed by men and women of color and led by a gay, HIV+, Latino actor? No. Not today. Not ever.

Disagreeing with Pence and others of his ilk isn't disrespectful; it's powerful and necessary.

Comparing a few minutes of hurt feelings with the systematic oppression and silencing of women, people who are LGBTQ, low-income people, and people of color is not just incorrect — it's dangerous.

The actions, decisions, and campaign promises of the Trump-Pence administration are not OK. They're divisive, hateful, and xenophobic. Standing up to toxic bigotry like that, by marching in protest, with calls to elected officials or boos in a theater is absolutely vital.

George Washington University students and others protest the election of Donald Trump at the White House. Photo by Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images.

And if the president-elect or vice president-elect have a problem with this, they can take a cue from "Hamilton" itself:

"'Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'
We fought for these ideals; we shouldn’t settle for less."

Thanks to Matthew Anderson for the interview.

12 Nov 15:55

5 important things every young woman should remember in the wake of the election.

by Tara Mastrelli

And this is just one group that was marginalized...


After this divisive election, I want to take a moment to speak directly to young women in this country. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry we failed you. I’m sorry you have woken up to a reality where you believe not only can a woman not be president, but in place of a competent professional woman, we’ve selected a man who treats women badly and speaks about women in such a degrading manner. We as a country have sent you a terrible message, and I want to apologize for that.

You are beautiful.

Despite what you’ve heard, you are not defined by a number on a 1–10 scale. Beauty is not defined only as a Barbie doll with a certain breast size, five-inch pumps, and perfect hair — although that’s what you will be led to believe by the comments he has made and the choices he has made in his personal life. I assure you that is not the case.

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and colors. If the magazines you’re reading tell you any different, stop buying them. If the fashion brands you’re wearing tell you any different, stop buying them.

It is not OK for someone to grab you. Ever.

That hand that slips into the back of your cocktail dress at an event. That hand on your thigh at the bar. That boy who pulls your pants down in gym class as a joke. That boy who rips your shirt off in school as a joke. That guy on the street who puts his hand on your shoulder and tells you to smile. That guy on the train who pretends it’s just crowded. None of it is OK. And don’t let anyone tell you any different.

You are not defined by your relationship to a man.

It is disappointing that the only real woman presidential candidate our country could stomach was launched into the political sphere through her husband. For some reason, too many people in this country still feel “It’s OK, as long as he’ll be there with her calling the shots.” We need to redefine that. First lady cannot and should not be the only plausible path to the White House.

Be smart. Be a badass.

The questions should be: What do you want to be when you grow up? What do you want to do? Not what you want to look like, what size you want to be, what bag you want to own, who you want to marry.

What do you want to do?

If you’re smarter than the boys, be smarter than them. Don’t dumb yourself down to not intimidate them. If you can kick their ass in sports, do it. Don’t worry about being feminine or girly or worry about whether a boy will like you. Do what you love. Be who you are. And don’t apologize.

Make it rain glass.

We’ve done it wrong. We’ve walked it off too many times. We’ve awkwardly giggled when dealing with harassment in the workplace because we’ve thought that anything else would leave us out of the conversation.

We’ve been timid. We’ve tiptoed. We’ve played the game. No more.

I said during the third debate there was a moment I felt it and could see in Hillary’s eyes 30 years of biting her tongue, of being held to a different level of scrutiny, of that constant anxiety of not getting too loud or too emotional lest you be branded a bitch, or aggressive. I saw that feeling of being a woman in a man’s world.

My favorite post this week was from a woman who said she was catcalled on her way to vote. Her response: “Grab your umbrellas, boys. It’s about to rain glass.”

Just because Hillary did not win does not mean we need to lose that feeling, that bravado, that fearlessness.

Do not back down now. Make it rain glass. Mothers, tell your daughters. Be an example. Make it rain, little girls. We are deflated​ but not defeated. Instead, it’s time to make it rain.


This piece first appeared on the author’s Medium page and is reprinted here with permission.

11 Nov 22:14

15+ Of The Best Reactions To Trump Winning The Election

by Julija Nėjė

Some good ones...







Orange Is The New Black

Orange Is The New Black


The Whole World Right Now:

The Whole World Right Now:


Motivation Time

Motivation Time


Meanwhile At Canadian Borders…

Meanwhile At Canadian Borders...


We Have To Go Back!

We Have To Go Back!

All Europeans Waking Up

All Europeans Waking Up


No Caption Needed

No Caption Needed


Oh The Irony

Oh The Irony


The Revelation

The Revelation


A Lot Of Americans This Morning

A Lot Of Americans This Morning


Peace Out

Peace Out


This Isn’t What It Looks Like

This Isn't What It Looks Like


Experience Not Required

Experience Not Required





Be Careful

Be Careful


Good Morning America!

Good Morning America!


The Opposite Of Netflix And Chill

The Opposite Of Netflix And Chill


Hurry Up, Uk!

Hurry Up, Uk!


Make America Great Britain Again

Make America Great Britain Again

In Common

In Common


What Is Happening

What Is Happening


Looks Great Now

Looks Great Now


Democrats Right Now

Democrats Right Now


09 Nov 16:35

If you're tempted to move to Canada because of Trump, please read this first.

by Eric March

"We can't leave the burden on those who can least afford the risk." Tom's thoughts which are now my sad.


OK. First. Breathe.

Deep breath.

Deeeeeeeeep breath.



Look, your arm.

Photo by Eric March/Upworthy.

Your arm is still here. And your left foot.

Photo by Eric March/Upworthy.

Yep. Still attached.

Donald Trump is going to be president for the next four years. But you're still here. And that's what matters.

If you're a progressive, non-white, a woman, a moderate Republican, or simply a fan of tasteful interior decorating, you're probably asking yourself, "What now?"

For some, the answer has been obvious for months:

Canada! Photo by Monam/Pixabay.

It's hard to deny that the situation north of the border is looking pretty good right about now. Tolerance and pluralism. Universal health care. A head of government who looks good with his shirt off. It's tempting to empty the bank account, put a down payment on a cozy two-bedroom cabin in Meat Cove, and wait till this all blows over.

It's the easy answer. But it's the wrong answer.

Of course, if you're Muslim or Mexican or black or LGBT or a member of any one of the 57 bazillion groups Trump has singled out for scorn over the course of his life and campaign — this shit is scary, and I don't blame you for hightailing it out of here if you so choose.

If, however, you — like me — have the privilege of being among the paler, maler slice of the electorate likely to remain first class citizens under President Trump, put down that suitcase. Stop googling mph-to-kph conversion tables. Unstudy the participle passe.

Things might be about to get pretty dicey here in America. And we need you! For too many reasons to enumerate. But here are a few:

1. Like it or not, a Trump presidency will likely affect the whole world all at once.

We're in this. Photo by George Burns/EPA/Wikimedia Commons.

Show me the serene, wealthy, developed country with plenty of English speakers and an advanced social welfare state you plan to flee to, and I'll show you a junior partner in an economic and/or military alliance with the United States.

President Trump tries to blow up NAFTA? Canada's gonna have to deal with that. NATO starts cracking up over Trump's pay-to-play plans? Suddenly, Europe ain't looking so hot. China seizes the opportunity to get aggressive in the South Pacific? So much for Japan and Australia.

Like it or not, the highly erratic decisions Trump might make are going to affect you anywhere you go in the world. The only chance we have of limiting the damage is if someone is here to push back.

Now, more than ever, we need to stand with women, people of color, and LGBTQ folks, and let them know we're on their side.

Speaking of...

2. We have to human shield our non-white fellow citizens with our pasty bodies.

Muslim Americans, Latino Americans, black Americans, LGBTQ Americans, disabled Americans, women Americans. They're our friends, family members, and neighbors. And they don't all have a crash pad in Quebec waiting for them.

Trump has promised to deport 11 million people. Many of those people have family members who are U.S. citizens; they have lived, worked, and paid taxes here for years (or decades). Some came here when they were children. Anti-Muslim violence has risen to its highest level since 9/11. His followers — or people purporting to be his followers — burned down a black church in Mississippi just last week.

We need to do whatever we can to slow or stop the injustices from piling up. If it requires civil disobedience, we need to be here to disobey. We can't leave the burden on those who can least afford the risk.

The best use of our privilege isn't to leverage it for entry into a receptive foreign country where we can spend the next four years feeling smug and superior to our suffering compatriots. It's as a barrier between our less privileged peers and the newly empowered clique that seeks to surveil their communities, break up their families, and deny them their rights.

3. Trump will be personally sad and possibly even ineffective if we make his life hard.

Expect more goofy, baffled faces like this for the next few years. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.

Trump is lazy. For months, he campaigned by watching cable news and ranting on Twitter rather than doing the hard work of building an actual campaign. Miraculously, it worked despite his best non-efforts.

Trump is only effective when he can bully people into shutting up and doing his bidding. Lots of people have been doing this all year: Paul Ryan, John McCain, Ted Cruz, Jason Chaffetz, Chris Christie, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. When he has to actively fight back against opponents who stand up to him, he staggers and flails.

If those of us who oppose him and everything he stands for move to Canada, leaving only those who he can cow, we might not like how this place looks when we move back in 2021.

The work of democracy doesn't end when you lose or when things get dark.

It gets harder, but it goes on.

Trump is going to be president now. It's a sad fact, but a fact nonetheless. I'm pretty devastated, and I'm really not sure what to do next. And if I, a white guy, am feeling this way, I can only imagine how the millions of women, LGBT folks, immigrants, and people of color are coping.

Leaving for a place where our values are ascendant might be what you or I want. But that's not what this country needs.

We need votes for politicians who oppose Trump's agenda. We need people to stand in the streets when he tries to deport our colleagues and friends. We need an on-point team to make sure that this weird national freakout only lasts four years.

After last night, the Trump machine is up and running at full power.

Now it's time for the American machine — of checks and balances, of free speech and a free press, and the great tradition of political protest — to answer.

08 Nov 19:38

Listening to Benedict Cumberbatch Read the 2016 Election Like a Bedtime Story Might Help Convince You That This Was All a Bad Dream


Somehow my son, both.

07 Nov 17:39

Let John Oliver Show You How Donald Trump Blew it at a Charity Roast


It's you, Trump, it's you.

03 Nov 15:37

The vandals who burned a black church and wrote 'Vote Trump' on it are not who we are.

by Eric March



This is not supposed to be happening.

Photo by Rogelio V. Solis/AP.

Last night, a fire broke out at Hopewell Missionary Baptist, a black church in Greenville, Mississippi. Police believe the blaze was ignited intentionally and are investigating it as a hate crime, according to CNN. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

The words "Vote Trump" were scrawled on the side of the building.

We still don't know who did it and, despite the message written on the church, what their motivations are. But we are better than this.

Photo by Rogelio V. Solis/AP.

Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church is the latest crime scene in a surge of arson attacks against black churches that began last year.  

"It happened in the '50s, it happened in the '60s, but we're in 2016 and that should not happen," Greenville Mayor Errick Simmons told CNN.

Here's what this kind of attack means for the people targeted.

Dozens of congregants are now afraid to attend their house of worship for fear of further attacks.

Their children now know what it means to be violently targeted because of their race.

A whole community is transported back to a time in the not too distant past when violence against their bodies and institutions was not only tolerated, but often encouraged.

Police are investigating whether the attack was an attempt to intimidate congregants and local residents and prevent them from voting.

Photo by Rogelio V. Solis/AP.

Voter intimidation attacks against black Americans are nothing new.

The fact that they are happening now is cause for serious alarm, especially when coupled with legal attempts to disenfranchise black and minority voters across several states. In heavily black Charlotte, North Carolina, state officials cut early voting locations from 22 in 2012 to 10 this year. In Guilford County, 16 early voting locations became just one.

Early turnout in that county, predictably, fell sharply as a result.

Attacking people's right to exercise their franchise — whether through legislation or a lit match — is an attack on our highest ideals.

Photo by Joshua Lott/Getty Images.

It was wrong then. It's wrong now.

The right to vote, like the right to worship freely and in peace, is sacrosanct in this country.

It's not a privilege. Not a suggestion. Not a nice thing to have.

For millions of Americans of color, it may be under attack, but it's still a right.

No amount of threats, intimidation, or violence should stop any American from exercising it.

03 Nov 00:23

People Are Rioting on Twitter Right Now after Bono Was Crowned 'Woman of the Year'


Is this real life?


Submitted by:

Tagged: Music , news , FAIL , reactions , bono , funny
02 Nov 12:13

15+ Funny Tweets That Only Book Worms Will Understand

by Giedrė

That traffic one, too good.

Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


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Book Tweets


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Book Tweets

Book Tweets


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Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


Book Tweets

Book Tweets


01 Nov 14:33

20+ Perfect Pics That Will Satisfy Every Perfectionist’s Soul (Part 3)

by Viktorija G.

These are nice, maybe shopped, but nice anyways.

Japanese Flower Phi At Its Finest

Japanese Flower Phi At Its Finest


This Iceberg’s Shadows Divide The World Into 4 Perfect Quadrants

This Iceberg’s Shadows Divide The World Into 4 Perfect Quadrants


Perfect Handwriting

Perfect Handwriting


This Spectrum Reflected Off The Dining Room Window Through A Chair Back

This Spectrum Reflected Off The Dining Room Window Through A Chair Back


I’ll Just Leave This Here

I'll Just Leave This Here


The Pattern The Snow Makes On This Bench Is So Satisfying

The Pattern The Snow Makes On This Bench Is So Satisfying


Another Perfect Gradient

Another Perfect Gradient


Chasing Sunrise

Chasing Sunrise


Square Roots

Square Roots





Perfect Cake

Perfect Cake





This Flower With Near-Perfect Yellow Circle And White, Daisy Fringe

This Flower With Near-Perfect Yellow Circle And White, Daisy Fringe


Interesting Unmelted Snow In Madison, Wisconsin

Interesting Unmelted Snow In Madison, Wisconsin





Found This Chili With A Perfect “mild To Hot” Gradient

Found This Chili With A Perfect


Trail Of My Sugar Cube Falling Through The Milk Froth

Trail Of My Sugar Cube Falling Through The Milk Froth


Dispensed Some Dark Green Paint Into A Gallon And Made A Perfect Tear Drop

Dispensed Some Dark Green Paint Into A Gallon And Made A Perfect Tear Drop


I Cracked This Egg But The Yolk Sac Remained Intact

I Cracked This Egg But The Yolk Sac Remained Intact


Perfect Forest

Perfect Forest

17 Oct 12:53

Men’s Bathrooms In U.S. Will Now Require Baby Changing Stations After Obama Signs Babies Act

by Rokas L


Parenting is a tough job. Both dads and moms have their difficulties doing it. However, one of them – changing the child – is about to get a lot better. On the 7th of October, President Obama signed the Babies Act (H.R.5147). This bill requires female AND male bathrooms in public buildings to be equipped with baby changing facilities.

Show Full Text

Congressman David N. Cicilline was the one who introduced the bill earlier this year. “Government needs to do more to ensure that public buildings are family-friendly,” he said. “No mom or dad should ever have to worry about finding a safe, sanitary place to change their baby.”

Babies Act describes “changing facilities” as “a table or other device suitable for changing the diaper of a child age 3 or under”. These facilities also have to be “physically safe, sanitary, and appropriate.”

The beauty of the bill is that it not only provides more changing stations, but makes them available for mothers and fathers.

(h/t: the huffington post)

President Obama signed the Babies Act, introduced by Congressman David Cicilline


Image credits: barackobama

This bill requires baby changing facilities in both female and male bathrooms in public buildings


Image credits: Roger Wright

“No mom or dad should ever have to worry about finding a safe, sanitary place to change their baby,” Cicilline said


Image credits: barackobama

16 Oct 14:24

15+ Of The Dumbest Customer Questions Ever Asked

by Greta J.

"I had to break it to him gently." Haha.

Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


Dumb Customer Questions

Dumb Customer Questions


10 Oct 21:04

15+ Incredible Origami Animals By Spanish Artist Gonzalo Calvo

by Greta J.

I mean, I can do these too.












































































07 Oct 21:34

Each Table At This Couple’s Wedding Was Inspired By A Different Disney Movie

by Rūta Grašytė

Wow, that is some Disney love.

After getting engaged next to Sleeping Beauty’s castle at Disneyland, Ty Junemann and Ashley Idema knew there was no better way to celebrate their wedding than with a beautiful Disney theme.

Show Full Text

With her master DIY skills, the bride Ashley created a different Disney-inspired centerpiece for each reception table at the wedding. The head table, of course, featured Sleeping Beauty’s castle, while others were inspired by different Disney movies including Cinderella, Tangled, and The Little Mermaid. “The guests loved it, and spent part of their evening wandering around to each table,” Dawn Browne, the couple’s photographer, said. “It was definitely a great way to get the guests mingling!”

(h/t: countryliving)









07 Oct 20:43

Mom Crochets E.T. Costume For Her Son, And Does It Freehand!

by James Gould-Bourn

You have 4 days Abinadi. Also, why Jack and Jake...

Most kids are lucky if they get a crocheted hat or a pair of socks. But one mom in Mentor, Ohio just went way beyond the call of duty by making this awesome crocheted E.T. costume for her 2-year-old son Jack!

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The out-of-this-world outfit took Stephanie Pokorny four days to make. Her grandma taught her to crochet when she was a teen and so she put those skills to the test by making the costume freestyle without using any sort of pattern. Jack might not be old enough to appreciate the retro brilliance of his outfit but we certainly are. Jealous? You should be. There’s still three weeks until Halloween though, so “phone home” and ask your mom to make you an E.T. costume.

More info: Facebook

Stephanie Pokorny completed this ET costume just in 4 days


It’s not the first costume that the creative crocheter has made however


She’s also crocheted a Star Wars BB-8 space helmet…


A cute puppy ear-warmer…


She even made an Absolem costume for Jack and a Clint Eastwood costume for her other son Jake!


06 Oct 13:07

Mom Gets Charged Extra $39.35 To Hold Her Baby After Giving Birth

by Rokas L


Hospitals do everything in their power to provide the best conditions for a mother giving birth and it’s completely fine that they charge people for these services, but one facility went a step too far. A new mother received a $39.35 hospital bill for  “Skin To Skin” service which is just a fancy term for holding your child.

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“The nurse let me hold the baby on my wife’s neck/chest. Even borrowed my camera to take a few pictures for us. Everyone involved in the process was great, and we had a positive experience. We just got a chuckle out of seeing that on the bill,” the father said.

(h/t: distractify)


Image credits: halfthrottle


Image credits: Angela Gallo


05 Oct 01:23

You Can Fix Wet Book Pages With This Simple Life Hack From Japan

by James Gould-Bourn

#notworthit? #justbuyanewone

Getting caught in the rain when you’re walking home from school is pretty annoying, but at least you can dry yourself afterwards. But what about your school books? They don’t dry so easily, and when they do their pages are generally warped and curled forever afterwards. But did you know that there’s a cheap and simple trick to fix your soggy notebooks? No? Well, neither did we until we found this awesome life hack from Jaluka Nohana, a Japanese artist, author, and illustrator.

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All you have to do is place loose pieces of white toilet paper in-between the wet pages and then put something heavy (like a stack of books) on top. Keep replacing the toilet paper until it soaks up all the water and voila! Your notebook is ready to use again.

More info: Twitter (h/t: rocketnews24)

If your notebook has gotten wet then just follow these simple instructions


Place a piece of white toilet paper in-between each of the wet pages


Put something heavy (like a stack of books) on top


Keep replacing the toilet paper until it soaks up all the water, and voila! Your soggy notebook is fixed


02 Oct 01:15

10+ Awesome Body Hacks You Probably Didn’t Know

by Iveta Pete

I think most of these were written to make you do dumb things? Like, say "Rise Up Lights" out loud and see what happens.

Body Hacks

Body Hacks


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Body Hacks


01 Oct 17:36

Dragon Slippers With Crochet Scales To Keep Your Toes Warm Because Winter Is Coming

by Bonita Patterns

I'll take one pair for me and one for Taryn, thanks Abinadi!

Release the whimsical and stylish in you while keeping your toes cozy with these Dragon Stitch slippers.

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For lovers of fairies, elves, dragons and all scaly creatures, voila! These DIY crocheted boots make perfect gifts or quick projects to sale.

The patterns are rated intermediate and include photo tutorials to help those not familiar with the stitch. They come in baby, child and other sizes.

More info: Etsy

You can buy these patterns on Etsy

30 Sep 18:00

This Terrifying Halloween Decoration Was Pulled From Stores For Being Too Scary

by Rokas L

Yup, creepy.

There’s a very thin line between what’s funny and what’s not. Home Depot Canada pulls ‘Scary Peeper Creeper’ decoration from shelves because it’s too… scary! This Halloween prop was designed to be used as a prank, but it received customer complaints and one of them even contacted CBC News. “I fail to see the humour in it,” Breanne Hunt-Wells, a concerned teacher and mother of two, said during her interview. “It makes light of a very serious crime. Voyeurism is a crime in Canada.”

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Eventually, Home Depot reacted to the situation and removed the product from their assortment in Canada. Ironically, this is probably the best recognition a Halloween prop can receive. However, if you want to give somebody a heart attack, it’s still available to purchase in the US.

More info: (h/t: the daily dot, cbc)




29 Sep 14:43

Georgia Dad Destroys Daughter's Car After Catching Her Joyriding With a Boy


Wow, a bit much?!

angry,anger management,dating,facebook,dad,destruction,parenting

When this Georgia dad found out that his daughter was with a guy that "shouldn't have been" in his daughter's car, he went completely berserk.

All the kids who grew up around the short tempered dad, Mike Card, can completely relate to the rampage. The man has a reputation of doing anything to "prove a point". In this case, destroying his daughter's car was the only way to get his point across.

Submitted by:

26 Sep 14:29

The Fawcett’s donated to the Dutch auction!

by ToMolly

Local heroes!

Molly with the Fawcett's donations

Local heroes, Dave and Stefanie Fawcett donated games to our Dutch auction!

Thanks Dave and Stefanie!

24 Sep 19:01

An interview Malcolm X gave in 1964 is shockingly relevant in 2016.

by Jon Comulada

Super relevant and sad. We have a lot of work to do.


In the 1960s, New York City Police Commissioner Michael J. Murphy enacted a series of policies that put Harlem under what was effectively a police state.

It was the dawn of the modern civil rights movement, and racial tensions were high. Murphy promised to be tough on "racial extremists" and even refused several times to listen to the pleas of civil rights groups who wanted an investigation into police brutality.

The Harlem riot of 1964. Photo via Dick DeMarsico/New York World Telegraph & Sun/Wikimedia Commons.

On July 16, 1964, New York Police Department officer Thomas Gilligan shot and killed a black teenager named James Powell on the Upper East Side. Hundreds protested in the streets, sparking the infamous Harlem riot.

The officer was investigated and then cleared of any wrongdoing.

"In our estimation this is a crime problem and not a social prob­lem," said Commissioner Murphy.

In a 1964 interview, civil rights leader Malcolm X spoke out against Commissioner Murphy.

He said Muphy's policies and rhetoric had led to a deep distrust between the black community and the NYPD, as well as an increase in violence.

Shaun King, senior justice writer for the New York Daily News and a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement, recently tweeted a video of that interview.

King noted that 52 years later, Malcolm X's words are as "shockingly relevant" today as when they were first spoken.

GIF via YouTube.

"This gives the police the impression that they can then go and brutalize the Negroes or suppress the Negroes or even frighten the Negroes," Malcolm X continues in the interview.

"Whenever something happens, 20 police cars converge on one area."

While the civil rights movement of the '60s made great progress for racial equality, all you need to do is turn on the news to see that the distrust between the black community and police is still prevalent.

Hundreds of protestors are marching through the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina, in response to the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott, a black man who police say was armed, though his family disputes that claim. The story is still developing.

Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images.

That's only the most recent example. In fact, it's only the most recent example in Charlotte, North Carolina. There have been dozens of similar stories from communities across the country over the past few years — stories of unarmed black men and women being brutalized or killed by the cops sworn to keep their communities safe.

You can see a palpable anger on the streets of Charlotte just as you could see it in the streets of Baton Rouge, Dallas, Tulsa, St. Paul, Chicago, Seattle, Baltimore, New York, Boston, Salt Lake City, and more. It's in Colin Kaepernick's national anthem protest, and in the Black Lives Matter movement.

Malcolm X's words are especially worth remembering as presidential candidate Donald Trump has proposed a stop-and-frisk policy that certainly would not help matters.

In response to a question about violence in black communities, the Republican presidential nominee recently said that he would enact a wide-reaching version of the policy known as stop-and-frisk, which empowers police officers to search virtually anyone they find suspicious.

"I would do stop-and-frisk," Trump said. "I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well."

No, it didn't. Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images.

While Trump later clarified that he only meant Chicago, that doesn't stop his proposal from being deeply troubling.

Despite Trump's claim to the contrary, all evidence shows that stop-and-frisk didn't work in New York City.

Studies show that the vast majority of individuals stopped by the police under stop-and-frisk were black and Latino, despite the fact that white people were more likely to be carrying weapons or drugs. So all the policy accomplished was to deepen the existing distrust between police and minority communities.

Like Murphy in 1964, Trump has a poor grasp of the facts when it comes to addressing issues of race relations and crime — whether he's tweeting false crime statistics, threatening to fight Black Lives Matter protesters, or saying things like this:

We need to get better, not worse. Enacting a policy rooted in racism — especially without proposing any policies to counter the systemic racial bias that the Justice Department continues to uncover in police departments across the country — that continues to treat the black community as dangerous-until-proven-otherwise is categorically worse.

It's scary to think that Malcolm X's words from half a century ago can still be applied to society today.

It's even more remarkable that a potential world leader is proposing policies and spouting rhetoric in 2016 that would feel right at home in 1964.

It shows that while we've come a long way, not nearly enough has changed — and if we continue to ignore the mistakes of the past, we will surely be doomed to repeat them.

Click here to make sure you're ready to cast a ballot on Nov. 8, 2016.

22 Sep 14:16

A Designer at London Fashion Week Just Had Models Wearing Crocs and Oh God the Internet is Not Okay With This


Ethan has been ahead of the fashion industry for years. Why isn't he on TOR again?

20 Sep 20:36

Not Even Being a Literal Astronaut Will Save You From Being Mansplained To Online


Out of control.

Submitted by: (via @Astro_Jessica)

19 Sep 21:21

You Can't Stop a R347 L337 iPhone 7 H4CKZ0R Apple



funny twitter image iphone 7 headphone hack parody

Submitted by: (via @JoyrexJ9)