Shared posts

10 Oct 19:06

'Tis the Season to Shed Your Outer-Gourd

10 Oct 16:44

Split Personalities

by thebrainbehind

Photography by toby dixon

10 Oct 16:41

PHOTOS: Oiled Up, Muscular Turks Stuff Their Hands Down Each Others Pants — For Tradition’s Sake

by Les Fabian Brathwaite

You're welcome.


PHOTOS: Who needs Grindr when the national sport involves going spelunking down another dude’s trousers? Though Turkey may have banned the hookup app from its borders, there’s more than enough homoeroticism going around in the country’s time-honored pastime, oil wrestling. Pass the olive oil and break out the leather capris — some traditions deserve to die — ’cause we’re going a-grapplin’.

Photos: Cemil Kömürcü Photography 
















h/t: GSN

10 Oct 16:35

A Real Mexican Hero

10 Oct 14:28

Welcome to Elmo's World bitch

09 Oct 20:20

famous movie cars

by thebrainbehind

Car porn created by nicolas bannister. Via thisisnthappiness and fromupnorth

09 Oct 15:07

Corgi Pup struggles

09 Oct 15:06

To the man who put a tie on his dog. Thank you...

08 Oct 17:02

What Is Disgaea? A Beginner's Guide To Tactical Role-Playing Bliss

by Mike Fahey

This really is only to explain why I will not be going out or talking with anyone for the next couple of months. Bai!

What Is Disgaea? A Beginner's Guide To Tactical Role-Playing Bliss

Years after everyone has caught all the latest Pokemon and the credits roll on Ellen Page, people will still be playing tone of this week's more low-profile release — Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness. What is Disgaea, you ask? Let me explain.


07 Oct 20:20

Dammit Jacques Cousteau!

by thebrainbehind

hahha via poorlydrawnlines

07 Oct 16:21

most notorious baldies

by thebrainbehind

More to see over Mr Peruca :-)

07 Oct 16:21

Unfortunate Food Product Names

by thebrainbehind

:-) More to see over at buzzfeed

07 Oct 14:43

Full moon rising over Mt. Hood

07 Oct 14:10

All the references in Del Toro's Simpsons intro with handy labels

by Lauren Davis

Now I REALLY want to watch "Devil's Backbone."

All the references in Del Toro's Simpsons intro with handy labels

Didn't catch all of the references in Guillermo Del Toro's amazingly comprehensive Treehouse of Horror intro for The Simpsons? These folks think they did. (Though there are a few more in the comments.)



07 Oct 13:54

A mom and her baby

05 Oct 22:07

Rough Seas

04 Oct 14:25

a conversation about the weather

by thebrainbehind
04 Oct 14:05

Not sure if old abandoned observatory or...........Planet Express HQ???? Liege, Belgium.

03 Oct 18:54

One Ordinary Day With Chris Riddell Doodles

by Neil Gaiman

Feel free to skip to the series of sketches in the middle of the post.

I'm in a departure lounge, right now. First an automated message called from Delta to tell me my plane would take off on time and arrive an hour and a half late. Then it called back to tell me we were leaving an hour and a half late too, which made a little more sense.

 People have written and asked why I'm not posting about walking with my dog in the woods, and it's mostly because I haven't walked with my dog in the woods since the start of tour season, except for a couple of days in early August. I wish I had.

I borrowed Glen, next-door's working sheepdog, to go for walks with when I was in Scotland, though. He wasn't very good at going for walks. He was very aware that he ought to be working, and would shoot off home to move sheep around the moment I took I my attention off him.

I was meant to be writing when I was in Scotland. Mostly, I was recovering from the tour -- from the whole thing, from early June on. Recharging my batteries by walking and cooking things on the Aga and juicing and not really writing at all. And then I recharged and started writing once again.

2011, Seattle, "Makin' Whoopie".

So, it's been a wonderful, crazed few weeks. FORTUNATELY THE MILK came out in the US and the UK, and got some wonderful reviews (including this one, from Boing Boing), and went onto the Bestseller Lists on both sides of the Atlantic. I finished, yesterday morning, writing a Sekrit Thing that took me a month longer than I'd expected it to. I'll tell you all about it in another month, by which time it will be less sekrit.

Chris Riddell, illustrator of FORTUNATELY THE MILK in the UK has asked me to tell the world that he will be doing a signing for his wonderful Goth Girl book (but he will also sign your Fortunately The Milk!) in Brighton on the 12th of October (at 4 pm at the North St Branch of Waterstones, to be precise). Chris also sends me amazing doodles of his touring life. (Can I put some of them on my blog? I asked him. Of course, he said, they are my therapy.)


Important things you should know:

1) BOSTON AREA: There are still tickets for the Becca Tribute night in Boston on Monday. The Dresden Dolls reunion! Me reading New Stuff I've Not Ever Read To Paying Audiences Before! Jason Webley nips out of retirement! Emilyn Brodsky is herself! A Cast of Thousands well hundreds well lots of amazing people... It's going to be wonderful. Get your tickets now at

2) NEW YORK AREA: The Evening With Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer at the Town Hall in New York on Saturday the 23rd of November sold out very quickly, with a lot of disappointed people, so we added another night: Friday the 22nd of November. Now you can see us AND catch the 50th Anniversary Episode of Doctor Who too. (It's an all ages event but there is likely to be swearing or songs and stories not meant for children.)  You can get tickets at this ticketmaster link.)

3) EVERYWHERE IN THE WHOLE WORLD AREA: The Evening With Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer triple CD, recorded from the tour of 2011 due to the loveliness of Kickstarter supporters, will finally be released to the general public on November the 19th.   It's a different edition to the one that 3500 Kickstarter backers got. You can also order it as a double LP.

It's up for preorders now. 

And there is also stuff! you can get with the pre-order, with Cynthia Von Buhler's amazing paper cut-out of Amanda and me on it, said stuff including a teapot, a tea towel, a notebook and mugs (There is a theme here.) All of it should be delivered well in time for the holidays.

To preorder it, just go to


And lastly, go and look at the TerraMar Project's website, if you haven't:
The seas are our heritage, and we need to preserve and conserve them, for our children, for our planet, and for ourselves.
03 Oct 18:52

Marvel Families

by Alex Santoso

Pretty sure this has been shared before, but never hurts to make sure, because this is charming as hell.

Family Assemble! by Andry Rajoelina

As a follow up for his incredibly cute and very popular series Justice League Families we covered before on Neatorama, cartoonist Andry "Shango" Rajoelina of El Shango Wuz Here created the Marvel version for the Paris Comic Con, as hosted by Geek-Art.

Now, how adorable are these?

Cosmic Dad

Magnetic Dad

Uncanny Dad

Fantastic Parents

Amazing Uncle

Take a look at more over at Andry's deviantArt gallery.

03 Oct 18:30

GOP House Rep Confronts Park Ranger, Demands Apology For Shutdown

by Joe

It is some bullshit like this which is making it increasingly hard not to experience visceral anger everytime I see congressional Republicans on TV.

Gawker has the recap:
In an astounding confrontation that took place yesterday at the World War II Memorial in DC, a Tea Party congressman from Texas appeared to blame the Park Service for denying veterans access to the facility — and then made a Park Ranger apologize for the shutdown. "How do you look at them and ... deny them access?" Rep. Randy Neugebauer asked the unidentified Ranger in an incredible exchange that was caught on camera by NBC Washington. In fact, the Park Service has been invoking the First Amendment in order to allow vets into the memorial despite the shutdown making it illegal for the department to do so. "It's difficult," the Ranger replied. "Well, it should be difficult," scorned the congressman. "It is difficult," the Ranger repeated. "I'm sorry, sir." "The Park Service should be ashamed of themselves," said Neugebauer. "I'm not ashamed," the Ranger retorted.  "You should be," sneered Neugebauer.

RELATED: The National Journal ranks Neugebauer as the "most conservative member of Congress." You might recall that it was Neugebauer who shouted "Baby killer!" at a Democrat during the Obamacare debate in the House.
03 Oct 18:06

Hi, I'm the Keymaster, Are You the Gatekeeper?

Hi, I'm the Keymaster, Are You the Gatekeeper?

Submitted by: Unknown

03 Oct 14:55

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Season 1, Episode 1

by Chad Sell

Finally, my friends! Logo is re-airing the first season of RuPaul’s Drag Race after securing the rights to do so. (I’m not clear on the specifics, but my guess is that those Destiny’s Child tracks from the second episode were expensive, girl!) And so I’ve decided to revisit that first season and do my usual thing, drawing my favorite looks and moments from each episode.

It’s hard to imagine a world before the Drag Race, isn’t it? Maybe that’s being overly dramatic, but we’re talking drag queens, so it’s fitting. I watched the show from the start five years ago, and it was a fun, unexpected diversion from an otherwise really, really difficult time of my life.

It’s strange to think that the show has become so important for me and my career–I consider it one of those cosmically serendipitous and absurd twists of fate that you’d scarcely believe if it didn’t happen to you.


An admittedly underwhelming drawing I did last year of Nina’s stunning runway look.

In any case, I was a little nervous returning to this first episode–would it live up to my nostalgic expectations? Would it seem dated and quaint compared to the subsequent seasons? I only started illustrating the Drag Race in season 3, though I did revisit some earlier queens prior to the All Stars season. (Like these portraits of Nina and Tammie.) Ultimately, though, I was worried that I might not be inspired by these early episodes.

Well, guess what? Turns out the Drag Race was stellar from the start. Don’t get me wrong–the video format looks comically fuzzy, and the sets are rinky dink. But the show’s structure and sense of humor are all there, RuPaul werks it, and the QUEENS! My god, I had forgotten what an incredible cast of queens graced this first season.


Considering the small cast of just 9 girls, they represent a huge range of approaches to drag, and they’re a perfect blend of personalities.

You’ve got some edgy queens, the rule-breakers: Nina, Ongina, and Tammie. There are the glamour girls, Bebe and Shannel. Rebecca and Jade are both beautiful, but struggle with channeling their drag queen charisma.

Akashia’s a brash loudmouth who brings it onstage, and then there’s Victoria “Porkchop” Parker, whom I love. It’s a shame she went home so quickly, because I did find her charming and fun, if not the most fashionable.

Okay! On to the art. First: Ongina!


As soon as she walked into the workroom, I remembered: Oh, right! Ongina is awesome! Her playful, buoyant personality is a huge contribution to the show, but I also love her sleek, modern sense of style. She’s a queen with a very particular, well-polished look, though it’s disheartening to hear Ru and the judges push her to be more feminine.


Nina is another gem of the season. To me, this episode set her up as both the most stylish queen, and the sweetest. Her warm personality can seem incongruous with her sharp, angular makeup, but I think it makes her all the more fascinating.

Shannel, the first one in the workroom, immediately showed off both her ego and her asscheeks, but in a way that I find totally endearing. She doesn’t bring the malice to the competition that you see from other queens in subsequent seasons. Just… her sense of total infallibility and perfection. Which I am okay with. Her runway look probably had a little too much going on, but I tried to simplify it and show off her… best assets.


And then you’ve got TAMMIE BROWN. I mean, you can’t even, it’s… my god.


In five seasons, there’s never been as crazy a character as her. Sharon, Jinkx, and Alaska all bring subversive and unexpected dimensions to their acts, but Tammie works on a whole other level. I think it’s because, for Tammie, it’s not an act. She’s kooky, funny, and a little unnerving, but not to be provocative or ironic. She seems entirely genuine and good-natured, as if she walked straight out of some lost episode of I Love Lucy. And it’s some damn fine television. (Seriously, seeing her brought out to the first mini-challenge, coached to be “hypersexual” and like Paris Hilton? Ha! But she was game and did her best.)

I’m seriously excited to keep going with this season, to see what other incredible moments and performances I had long forgotten. When I first heard the news that Logo was re-airing this “Lost Season”, I was skeptical, but man! What fun it’s turned out to be!

Check back in next week for my thoughts and drag doodlings after the second episode has re-aired!

03 Oct 14:54

Slo-Mo Skateboarding + Chalk = Shredding In Style

by Patricia Hernandez

It might be messy to pull, but if you add a whole lot of chalk dust to your skateboard before doing a trick, the resulting cloud of colors can be amazing.


03 Oct 14:54

Got emm

03 Oct 13:52

Who needs cats?


Last share was heavy. This is silly as hell.

03 Oct 13:52

My brother came out and told the family he's gay. They shut him out. Our reaction when I told him he could move in with me.

03 Oct 13:51

Inside the Large Hadron Collider

02 Oct 18:40

Banksy Tags West Chelsea

by Joe
Stand by for that garage door to be ripped down and sold for a jillion dollars in one of the nearby fancy galleries. (Via Gothamist)
02 Oct 18:36

Letter from Grandfather Standing Up for His Gay Grandson Goes Viral: READ IT

by Andy Towle


A letter that a grandfather wrote to his daughter after she kicked out her son for being gay is taking social media by storm. There are few further details as to the authenticity of the letter — the group says it was "sent in by a supporter" — than the letter itself, but folks online are rallying behind the sentiment.

Dear Christine:

I’m disappointed in you as a daughter. You’re correct that we have a “shame in the family”, but mistaken about what it is.

Kicking Chad out of your home simply because he told you he was gay is the real “abomination” here. A parent disowning her child is what goes “against nature”.

The only intelligent thing I heard you saying in all this was that “you didn’t raise your son to be gay”. Of course you didn’t. He was born this way and didn’t chase it any more than he being left-handed. You however, have made a choice of being hurtful, narrow-minded and backward. So, while we are in the business of disowning our children, I think I’ll take this moment to say goodbye to you. I now have a fabulous (as the gays put it) grandson to raise, and I don’t have time for heart-less B-word of a daughter.

If you find your heart, give us a call

- Dad

Writes FCKH8: "We were blown away by how this guy stands by his grandson and stands up against his own homophobic daughter. This is real l♥ve!"