Shared posts

20 Apr 15:54

Hairless Chewbacca costume

by Cory Doctorow

Costume Craze's sold-out "Chewbacca Second Skin Star Wars Costume" is a great choice for cosplayers who don't like their wookiee suits too hairy. It's the sexy catsuit of the 21st century!

Chewbacca Second Skin Star Wars Costume (via Kottke)


15 Mar 20:14

Global children with their favorite toys

by David Pescovitz

The pictures are pretty great and it's an interesting look into kids lives.


Toyssssss Gabriele Galimberti photographed children around the world posed with their favorite toys and possessions. At top, Pavel (Kiev, Ucraina). Above, Maudy (Kalulushi, Zambia) and Noel (Dallas, Texas). "Toy Stories"

15 Mar 20:06

Eros | Tang Yau Hoong

by tang
15 Mar 17:43

Game of Thrones 1995

by Rob Beschizza

the end makes it

I want it all, and I want it now. [Video Link]

14 Mar 20:51

Virus Venn Diagram


Welcome to 100% of my job

Within five minutes of the Singularity appearing, somebody will suggest defragging it.
14 Mar 18:40

G-G the book - G-G on Facebook - G-G on Twitter

14 Mar 18:36

G-G the book - G-G on Facebook - G-G on Twitter

14 Mar 18:34

Books Worth Reading /

by nemoflow