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01 Sep 22:26

Meet Frankie, Taronga Zoo's Playful Kid

by Andrew Bleiman

this is the handsomest goat i have ever seen

1 goat

These little goats just keep coming! Born Friday 9th August, Frankie is the new female kid at Taronga Zoo in Australia. Frankie needed some extra care from keepers after her mom, BJ, was not able to feed her. With the help of bottle-feedings, Frankie is healthy and kicking.  Just like her dad, Gucci, she has a very playful personality and has won the hearts of staff and visitors. Taronga Zoo's goats are part of an interactive exhibit called Backyard to Bush, which includes a farm area.

2 goat

3 goat

4 goat

5 goat

6 goat
Photo credits: Taronga Zoo

01 Sep 02:01

Cool Map Thing: Pretty Map Shows Just How Not Integrated Los Angeles Is

by Adrian Glick Kudler


Confirmed: the Westside is full of white people. That and other revelations, like "damn, Los Angeles is actually that unintegrated," come courtesy of this clickable, color-coded race map of the US--a fellow named Dustin Cable out of UVA plotted 308,745,538 people by their race (well, by four major ethnic groups and "other"), as collected in the 2010 US Census. (According to Wired, he also "assigned shades of color based on the multiple dots therein. From a distance, for example, certain neighborhoods will look purple, but zooming-in reveals a finer-grained breakdown of red and blue–or, really, black and white." Meaning the Westside isn't quite as white as it looks.) Compare Los Angeles to a collection of other cities here. Now let's all discuss this like adults!
· Incredibly Detailed Map Shows Race, Segregation Across America In Beautiful Color [HuffPo]

30 Aug 02:06

Kids Will Be Kids: Little Pygmy Goats Play at Five Sisters Zoo

by Andrew Bleiman


Two Pygmy Goat kids are outside enjoying the warm weather at Five Sisters Zoo in the UK! And more are on the way: another female goat, Molly, is heavily pregnant, with zookeepers expecting her to give birth any day now. Pygmy Goats, often kept as pets as well as for their milk,  are a breed of domestic goat originating from wild goats of West Africa.





Photo credits: Five Sisters Zoo

29 Aug 05:07

Final Real Estate: Meet the Mystery Chickens of East LA's Serbian Cemetery

by Eve Bachrach

08.13chickens.jpg[Image via Eastsider LA]

Chickens: they're not just for dinner, factory farms, and hipster backyards anymore. Eastsider has the heartwarming tale of the chickens of East LA's Serbian Cemetery, and the mourners who love them. "It's very natural for the chickens to be here. I love that the chickens have a safe place to roam and eat the grass. It's fantastic. It's like a sanctuary here," said one woman who was there to visit her father's grave. Another chicken fan and cemetery visitor, who often leaves food for the chickens, told the site that "the majority of people don't mind because the chickens are making people feel welcome." No one's quite sure how the chickens-at-the-cemetery thing got started, but it's been going on for years. And fear not, animal lovers: the chickens like the arrangement, too. According to the cemetery's caretaker, "The chickens are happy living here. I feed them and take care of them because it's not their fault they were left here."
· Chickens and roosters turn East L.A. graveyard into barnyard [ELA]

29 Aug 01:19

Billy Ray Cyrus Has Chimed In So That Settles That

by Kate Dries

devastated that there is not a portal to this alternate universe that we can all quantum leap to immediately

"Mile, if twerkin woulda been invented.... And I had a foam finger.... I woulda done the same thang you did." - DAD

— Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) August 28, 2013


28 Aug 22:18

Nice try

by Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson

mormon mommy blogger weighs in on the "MTV music awards"

Jane has always loved to read.  Always.
I can give her a book and she will read it all in one day- if I'd let her.
She got home from school and sat on our front porch and
 I didn't see her until dinner.
I love that about my Jane.

I didn't watch the MTV music awards last Sunday, but I heard about them.  
I heard they were crass, explicit, embarrassing and very disrespectful.
I like a good song as well as the next person, but
If those idiots ever think they can come into my home
and mess with my children and influence them with their "shocking" ways;
then I say:
over my dead freaking body.
Nice try world.  

 If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, 
we seek after these things.
27 Aug 21:32

Tim McGraw And Faith Hill Deny Divorce

by ent lawyer

where is his junk; what is with the hand positioning in this picture

Five days after The National Enquirer announced that Tim McGraw and Faith Hill were divorcing, the couple finally responded to say they are not getting divorced. I think that five day gap shows that maybe the two of them are not on the same page about whether they are getting divorced or not. Without actually saying he was cheating on Faith, the Enquirer did say that Tim had sexual chemistry with Taylor Swift. Does anyone really have sexual chemistry with Taylor? I'm not putting it past the two of them to hook up, but I think they wanted to say things about other women, but couldn't find anyone to step up and spill. McGraw is also said to be fed up with the way Faith treats him and wants out.
27 Aug 15:06

I Can't Stop Watching This Man's Impression of a Vicious Dog

by Laura Beck

I Can't Stop Watching This Man's Impression of a Vicious Dog

I cannot stop watching this man's master class performance of an attacking dog. This is some high-level method acting right here — Bryan Cranston doesn't have anything on this dude. I'm just not sure whether I should laugh, cry, or hide under my bed until this man no longer exists.


27 Aug 07:41


27 Aug 07:41

Baby Goat Takes No Shit from Goat in the Mirror

by Laura Beck

She's asking the goat in the mirror to change her ways, but that's just not happening.


26 Aug 23:44

Do you miss Bunheads?

by Kate Dries

Do you miss Bunheads? You do! Here's a goodbye video of the cast performing Elton John’s “Blues for Baby and Me" that can act as a balm during your extended mourning period.


26 Aug 21:56

Dude Wakes Up and Can Only Speak Swedish, So He Moves to Sweden

by Lindy West

Michael Boatwright, a 61-year-old Navy veteran, was found unconscious in a Palm Springs Motel 6 with five tennis rackets and no memory of being Michael Boatwright. When he woke up in a hospital a few days later, he insisted that his name was Johan Ek, he lived in Sweden, he didn't know shit about tennis rackets, and he only spoke Swedish. MYSTERIES ABOUND.


26 Aug 02:18

Crackdown on 'Pastafarians' Shows Kremlin-Church Ties

by WillaCatheter on Clashtalk, shared by Doug Barry to Jezebel

Crackdown on 'Pastafarians' Shows Kremlin-Church Ties

The march of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster had all signs of being a satirical stunt – some of its 100 participants were armed with colanders on their heads and pasta in their mouths.


23 Aug 05:23

Drunk History's Dolly Parton Segment Is as Epic as You'd Imagine

by Madeleine Davies

On the list of people universally adored, Dolly Parton likely ranks in the top 10. Everyone loves Dolly and there's no wondering as to why — she's talented, down-to-earth, sweet as sugar and progressive. All of these ingredients add up to an extremely well-liked person and they're also why Parton makes such a perfect subject for Derek Water's Drunk History.


22 Aug 19:33

Watch Taylor Swift’s ‘Closer’ Duet With Tegan & Sara

by Lindsey Weber

holy shit

At last night's Staples Center show, Taylor Swift brought out Tegan & Sara as her special guests (the night before, she sang "Brave" with Sara Bareilles and "Want U Back" with Cher Lloyd), and the three of them, dubbed Tegan, Sara & Taylor, sang "Closer" with a few breaks for the audience to jump along.

Read more posts by Lindsey Weber

Filed Under: music ,taylor swift ,tegan and sara ,duets ,videos

21 Aug 11:56

OUTRAGE: Dogs No Longer Allowed on the Set of Downton Abbey

by Madeleine Davies


OUTRAGE: Dogs No Longer Allowed on the Set of Downton Abbey

There are more hard times ahead for Downton Abbey. After withstanding a world war, near financial ruin and several devastating deaths, the fictional estate has now been dealt another blow, only this is one it might never recover from. Lady Carnavon, owner of the real-life Downton Abbey (actually called Highclere Castle) where the show shoots, has — after one actor's dog caused a destructive ruckus on set — banned all cast members' dogs from the property.


21 Aug 00:25

Today in Do Not Want: Pix of Justin Bieber Naked With a Guitar

by Anna Breslaw

Today in Do Not Want: Pix of Justin Bieber Naked With a Guitar

While the last bastion between us and Justin Bieber's ass has been little more than thin cotton boxers for awhile now, it's all over. I have seen Culo del Beebo, and so will you. These photos were taken at Thanksgiving at his grandma's house in Toronto, where he serenaded her, naked, with an acoustic guitar. Because one shows Grandma their taint. That is what one does.


20 Aug 22:31

Weed and Nutella together at last, in Nugtella

by By Jenn Harris
Nutella goes great with everything, just ask anyone. Especially if that anyone has a California medical marijuana card. 
20 Aug 22:29

Report: Ronda Rousey close to landing part in Fast & Furious 7

by Tim Burke

Could the UFC women's bantamweight champion be the next high-profile women's MMA fighter to leave the sport for the bright lights of Hollywood? It's a little premature to think that Ronda Rousey will follow in the footsteps of Gina Carano at this point, but her mainstream recognition continues to grow. After being featured in ESPN's The Body issue last year and on the cover of Maxim recently, Rousey just landed a part in The Expendables 3. And she is now close to acting in the latest flick in another movie franchise - Fast & Furious 7 (via Variety):

In the first major casting for the next installment of the "Fast & Furious" franchise, Ultimate Fighting Champion Ronda Rousey is ready to take her talents to the big screen landing a supporting role in "Fast & Furious 7."

Rousey has just started negotiations to join the cast of "Fast & Furious 7″ but if it closes, it would be the first major role cast for the next installment in the franchise.

The film is gearing up with the plan to start shooting this fall, and Rousey would move training for her next fight to Atlanta where the film is set to shoot.

Ronda was also offered a part in The Hunger Games 2 back in February. Rousey is very different than Carano in the fact that she grew up in Judo and was an Olympian, but I wonder how Dana White is feeling about Rousey's burgeoning movie career. And the fact that she's moving her fight camp to accommodate an acting job is probably not going to please him either.

Rousey will meet rival Miesha Tate in the co-main event of UFC 168 on December 28th.

19 Aug 06:12

Extremely Tolerant Milk Dog Lets Goats Shake It Down for Dairy

by Doug Barry

can't not share this. the one goat is wearing a headband.

First thing to mention about this vaguely pornographic video of young goats drinking milk from two giant bottles strapped to the thorax of an overly-tolerant bull terrier: goats wag their tails! Am I just finding this out? My uncle had a bunch of goats when I was younger and they never wagged their tails. Were they miserable or something? I thought they were my good friends. I fed them old shirts and everything. Now, seeing these tail-wagging goats, I know that I was merely being put up with, like a cloud of flies or some other farmyard pestilence. Fuck you, goats — I was only trying to be nice anyway. I would have preferred a single dog friend to all three of you.


16 Aug 01:58

Six fighters removed from UFC roster

by Zane Simon

The UFC giveth and the UFC taketh away. The ufc has signed 8 fighters in the last month alone who have yet to make their promotional debut, it only stands to reason, with that kind of influx there would be a few fighters going the other way as well. Now it appears the ties have been cut with another five fighters and one we already knew about.

To get the old news out of the way, the UFC has removed Roger Gracie's profile from their middleweight ranks. Reports of Gracie's release surfaced last week and came on the heels of his loss to Tim Kennedy in a fight where he not only failed to out strike his opponent but failed to out grapple him as well. It would appear that another five fighters are accompanying Gracie in his journey into the non-UFC MMA world. Those fighters whose names have been removed from the UFC rosters are Dave Herman, Ednaldo Oliveira, Bristol Marunde, John Maguire, and Vinny Magalhaes.

Not to be down on any of these fighters, but there are no real surprises here. Gracie was the biggest surprise, but that's already been covered. Apart from him, the case for keeping Magalhaes could be made but only entirely on his successes outside the UFC, and more to the point outside MMA. Magalhaes' grappling is great, amongst the best in the world, but his ability to work his one amazing skill into a fighting game plan is intensely limited. He threatened to retire if released from the UFC, so I'll be keeping my ears open to see if he carries through on that promise.

Apart from him Herman, Oliveira, Marunde, and Maguire have all looked sub-par as of late and need a lot of work rounding out their skills and, in many cases, developing the sort of sustained tenacity necessary to consistently fight at a high level. Maguire and Oliveira probably have some chance of coming back with a couple wins if they can look impressive in smaller promotions. I have my doubts that we'll see Herman or Marunde in the Octagon again. We'll be sure to keep you posted as there are always organizations looking to snap up UFC fighter fresh of their release, and there are probably more cuts coming. Also, please keep in mind that this is in response to profile adjustments. We will be updating with confirmation from the fighters when and if available.

More from Bloody Elbow:

15 Aug 19:08

Modafferi, Baszler, Evinger among notable names on The Ultimate Fighter season 18 cast

by Mookie Alexander

With just three weeks to go before a new season of The Ultimate Fighter, the UFC has announced the the 32 fighters who will be on the 18th installment of the reality TV competition. For the first time ever, both men's and women's fighters will be competing, training, and living together in the Las Vegas TUF house. Originally, women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey was going to coach opposite Cat Zingano, but Zingano's knee injury forced a switch to Miesha Tate, who despite losing to Zingano in April, will take her coaching spot and title shot vs. Rousey.

These are the men's and women's bantamweights who you'll be seeing over the next few months on their way to the December season finale:

Women's Bantamweight Fighters

Shayna Baszler (15-8), 33, Sioux Fall, S.D.
Revelina Berto (3-1), 24, Winter Haven, Fla.
Jessamyn Duke (2-0-1), 27, Richmond, Ky.
Tonya Evinger (11-6), 32, Lake St. Louis, Mo.
Laura Howarth (4-0), 26, Hove, East Essex, ENG
Tara LaRosa (21-3), 35, Albuquerque, N.M.
Valerie Letourneau (4-3), 30, La Prairie, CAN
Bethany Marshall (4-1), 25, Newport News, Va.
Sarah Moras (3-1), 25, Kelowna, CAN
Margaret "Peggy" Morgan (2-0), 33, Nashua, N.H.
Gina Mazany (3-0), 25, Seattle, Wash.
Roxanne Modafferi (15-10), 30, Pittsfield, Mass.
Julianna Pena (4-2), 24, Spokane, Wash.
Raquel Pennington (3-3), 24, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Jessica Rakoczy (1-3), 36, Las Vegas, Nev.
Colleen Schneider (4-3), 31, Las Vegas, Nev.

Male Bantamweight Fighters

Christopher Beal (7-0), 28, Somis, Calif.
Cody Bollinger (14-3), 22, Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.
Louis Fisette (6-1), 23, Winnipeg, CAN
Rafael Freitas (6-0-1), 29, Albuquerque, N.M.
David Grant (8-1), 27, Bishop Auckland, ENG
Tim Gorman (9-2), 30, West Des Moines, Iowa
Anthony Gutierrez (4-0), 22, Lee's Summit, Mo.
Emil Hartsner (4-0), 23, Luberod, SWE
Joshua Hill (9-0), 26, Binbrook, CAN
Chris Holdsworth (4-0), 25, Woodland Hills, Calif.
Patrick Holohan (9-0-1), 25, Dublin, IRL
Sirwan Kakai (9-1), 23, Coconut Creek, Fla.
Daniel Martinez (18-4), 28, San Diego, Calif.
Matthew Munsey (4-1), 26, Hollywood, Fla.
Lee Sandmeier (9-0), 30, Knoxville, Iowa
Michael Wootten (6-0), 24, Liverpool, ENG

Chances are the women's bantamweights are the more recognizable names, and that's not surprising given several of them have fought on Strikeforce and/or Invicta shows. Modafferi fought twice in Strikeforce, including a title loss to Sarah Kaufman. Baszler, LaRosa, Pennington, and others have spent time in Invicta, with Baszler earning FOTN honors in her main event loss to Sara McMann at InvictaFC 2. Lastly,

As far as the men, Cody Bollinger was the 9th ranked featherweight on the 2011 BE scouting report, and fought in Bellator last year, losing to Shahbulat Shamhalaev in October. Joshua Hill has been a fixture on the regional scene in eastern Canada, particularly on the (now defunct) Score Fighting Series.

TUF 18 premieres on Wednesday, September 4th at 11 PM ET on Fox Sports 1, following the completion of UFC Fight Night: Teixeira vs. Bader, which starts at 8 PM ET.

At the bottom of the page we have two playlists (courtesy of Zombie Prophet) featuring the majority of the cast members.



13 Aug 02:00

And Now a Yoga Lesson With a Sexy Italian Dude and His Chihuahua

by Dodai Stewart

Respira, respira, respira. Perfetto.


12 Aug 22:41

Open Thread: Selling Bras with the Male Body

by Lisa Wade, PhD

Screenshot_2Sorry for the spoiler!  The gaze in the Wacoal commercial below, sent in by Kathe L., dances all over the body of a lovely young woman, focusing especially on the curve of her breast alongside the lace of her bra.  She slowly removes her make-up and disrobes, only to reveal a male body underneath.  The message?  A push-up bra so good it can even give men breasts.

I wonder what y’all think.  Does this queer the body?  Is there a transgressive identity behind the gaze?  Or is it just more gimmicky advertising based on normative expectations?  Both?

Lisa Wade is a professor of sociology at Occidental College. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

(View original at

12 Aug 22:05

Sears is having an 'elegant moment'

by themeaghanshow on Groupthink, shared by Laura Beck to Jezebel
12 Aug 21:48

Here's the Breaking Bad Theme Song Played on Meth Lab Equipment

by Laura Beck

This is incredibly dope — but it's also just a reason to have an open thread to talk about Breaking Bad's final season premiere. Which is tonight. You knew that right? I'm making some Blue Rock Candy.


12 Aug 20:51

See a Picture of Channing Tatum With a Flesh-Colored Beard in Jupiter Ascending

by Lindsey Weber

weird looking chantates share

Strapped into a harness and sporting sandy facial hair, Channing Tatum looks like he's Spencer Pratt getting ready to play paintball. Alas, it's just his costume for the long-awaited Wachowski-helmed Jupiter Ascending — a film where Tatum plays a bounty hunter tasked with finding a cleaning lady who has the lucky genes of a Queen. He should maybe also hunt himself a barber, because that facial hair is already too distracting.

Read more posts by Lindsey Weber

Filed Under: channing tatum ,jupiter ascending ,flesh-colored beards ,movies

11 Aug 04:32

Item of the Day: Joe & Seph’s Gin and Tonic Gourmet Popcorn

by Heather Taylor

probably not

Item of the Day: Joe & Seph’s Gin and Tonic Gourmet Popcorn

Item of the Day: Joe & Seph’s Gin and Tonic Gourmet Popcorn

If you’ve ever wanted a little more “pop” in your popcorn on a Friday night (or any night really), you’ve come to the right place with Joe & Seph’s gin and tonic infused gourmet popcorn! Handmade in England using 5% real gin and 5% real tonic, this masterpiece in the world of popped corn is also gluten free and vegetarian, making it just the perfect pre-cocktail companion for your evening. As an added, awesome bonus, you’ll be hangover free the next morning!

But if a G&T isn’t your preferred libation of choice to smother kernels of popcorn with, Joe & Seph’s also offers up plenty of popcorn pouch alternatives in their online shop. Choose from a sea of fabulous concoctions including caramel with Belgium chocolate, strawberry cheesecake, olive oil with mozzarella and tomato, caramel with macchiato and whisky, and many more varieties of popcorn flavors I never knew could exist until now. And now that you know, you can never look at popcorn the same way ever again!

Pick up a bag from Joe & Seph’s online shop today or make the purchase on for $10.69 a bag!

Image courtesy of

The post Item of the Day: Joe & Seph’s Gin and Tonic Gourmet Popcorn appeared first on HelloGiggles.

11 Aug 04:28

Period Fear: An Open Letter To Men Everywhere

by Refinery29

Period Fear: An Open Letter To Men Everywhere

Period Fear: An Open Letter To Men Everywhere

My friend Patrick is one of those rare species of straight-guy buddies who makes you realize you can be friends with a guy. If my life were a semi-independent small release movie — he’d be Jason Segel. Sure, we’ve had a lot of gender-neutral good times together, but this guy has also put up with some incredibly girly sh*t from me over the years. He has proofread OkCupid emails. He refrained from using the word “moist” when I went through that phase. He has literally let me cry on his shoulder, in a crowded bar after a fight with my mom. I have gone full-on Bridget Jones on this dude, and somehow, he’ll still have a beer with me. I don’t get it. But I’m grateful.

However, there’s one fatal flaw in Patrick’s Jason Segellian persona, and it took a paisley print maxi-pad for me to discover it. The guy cannot deal with periods. Period. There are other topics we can get in arguments over — vegetarianism, bridesmaid duties, Toddlers & Tiaras. But when it comes to Aunt Flo, he’s like an evangelical missionary. He is right, and periods are just wrong.Patrick and I used to work together and spent most of our lunch hours flipping through trashy gossip rags, making fun of celebrities (and just in case you’re asking at this point, yes, he’s straight). During one such lunch, I came across an ad for the snazzy new tween-targeted Kotex products, and naturally, shoved it in his face, quoting, “Who says tampons can’t have style?!” Patrick lurched back in his seat like I’d pulled a glock on him. “Oh, oh oh oh oh,” was all he could say. It was as if I’d somehow poured coffee all over his CPU, and the guy was restarting in safety mode. I laughed and kept going, “Come on, this one’s called the All-Nighter. Sexy, huh?! Don’t you just wanna bleed all over that?!”

He literally couldn’t get a sentence out. It was just one long talk-to-the-hand and loud, defensive repetition of my name:

“Kelsey. Kelsey. KELSEY. Uhh ohh no, KELSEY.”

Finally, he stood up, threw out the rest of his sandwich and declared: “That is one part of life that I don’t need to know about.”

Bull. Fellas, no female is particularly psyched about her Woman’s Time, but this is a part of lady life. If you want to keep a lady in yours then you either have to learn to live with it (sans shrieking), or you have to build a red tent on your desert compound where she can weave baskets during the time when she is unclean. I was so amused and annoyed about Patrick’s adolescent response that I decided work wasn’t as important as shaming him all week.

“Your favorite client’s coming in this afternoon,” I teased, referring his longtime crush on a gorgeous Latina actress we worked with. “You know she bleeds out of her vagina every month?”

“Enjoying the new Beyoncé? Oof, I bet she has to use a tampon and a pad when she’s performing.”

“Hey Patrick, your mom’s on line three! One-in-four chance she’s bleeding from the vag right now!” For all of this, I got a visible flinch.


Some might call this kind of behavior childish, but it’s no more immature than a grown-ass man getting swoony over the menstrual cycle. Where is the pioneering Sex Ed teacher who will teach boys about puberty, safe sex, and breathing exercises to help stem the panic attack they might have, should they encounter a box of tampons?

Until that Sex Ed teacher comes along, I think we’re it, ladies. There are plenty of guys out there who can handle the fact that their girlfriends have a period, without the assistance of self-help literature. There are even some who aren’t bothered at all — especially if it’s one of those thank-god-we’re-not-pregnant months. But, there are also the Patricks of the world: wonderful in many ways but reduced to a quivering puddle of hysteria in the face of pastel maxi pad. And that’s just not okay. After all, there’s no male equivalent that women are given a free pass to reject on principal. You don’t see me leaving the table at the mere mention of a receding hairline. If we have to deal with it, you have to deal with it. You don’t even have to deal with it — you just have to deal with us dealing. If not, deal-breaker.

Women of the world, let’s all pinky swear to adhere to this rule for a while: If you’re dating a dude who just “doesn’t want to hear about it”? That dude either gets dumped or gets schooled. No one’s asking them to run out for potato chips and Midol when you’re crampy (though that would be amazing) but they do need to collectively get it together and grow up. If they want your vagina, they have to take it for better or for bloodier. This squeamishness is no longer permissible, unless you’re dating a sixth-grader (also a deal-breaker, in case that wasn’t clear).

I don’t know how well I got through to Patrick, but I definitely caused some significant trauma. Maybe hitting bottom was what he needed to accept that his period-phobia was a real problem — hell, maybe it even led him to seek some sort of peer counseling. Maybe moving in with his girlfriend helped him to accept that she menstruated every month, but he needn’t fear drowning in a tidal crimson wave. Either way, we’ll see how he’s doing in the next seven to 10 days, when he receives the U by Kotex samples I had sent to his new office. Listen, he’s the one that needs to grow up — not me.

Originally published on Refinery29 by Kelsey Miller

Image: via Kotex

Illustrated by Ammiel Mendoza

The post Period Fear: An Open Letter To Men Everywhere appeared first on HelloGiggles.

10 Aug 04:25

Thieves return stuff stolen from Sexual Assault charity with apology

by lurkerbynature on Groupthink, shared by Laura Beck to Jezebel

Thieves return stuff stolen from Sexual Assault charity with apology

A San Bernardino, CA non-profit focused on helping survivors of sexual assault was broken into and its computers were stolen, along with children's story books and candy.