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09 Aug 19:47

New online magazine highlights Gazillion Voices of adult adoptees

by Tamara Winfrey Harris


“There’s this story out there: ‘We started when we fell out of the plane. We were destined for our adoptive families, and that we are just like you — we are exceptional. We are not like the other poor, undocumented communities that we were born from. And I had questions about that, even as a 5-year-old.”

– Laura Kunder, on being adopted from Korea by a white American family

Gazillion Voices, a Minnesota-based online magazine which was scheduled to launch Monday, aims to change the traditional narrative of global adoptions, by injecting race into the discussion, according to a piece on Minnesota Public Radio (MPR). Created by Kevin Vollmers, who was born in South Korea and adopted by a Minnesota family at age 7, the new magazine is designed to give voice to adult adoptees in defiance of a traditional narrative that focuses most on adoptive families and the babies they bring home, ignoring “what becomes of those babies.”

Vollmer advocates preparing white families to raise children of color, saying:

“If you are going to place an African-American child in the middle of nowhere in northern Minnesota where they are going to be the ‘diversity,’ you best make sure there are resources available for those kids.”

Listen to the MPR report on Gazillion Voices.

09 Aug 17:45


09 Aug 17:32

Did a drone fly through Disney's California Adventure?

Kevin Roderick: Several employees said they saw a small drone buzz through the park at about 40 feet last week. Officially, it didn't happen.
06 Aug 04:53

This Amazing Dog Is the Most Talented Person on Earth

by Laura Beck


It's so great when he walks on his hind legs — it looks like he's late to a date with a poodle!


05 Aug 20:21

Slutty Teen Juvie Inmate Wanted to Be Raped by Her Guard, Lawyers Say

by Katie J.M. Baker

Slutty Teen Juvie Inmate Wanted to Be Raped by Her Guard, Lawyers Say

A 14-year-old who was regularly raped by a 40something juvenile detention guard was asking for it, says the detention center's attorneys, who claim the two couldn't have had sex within the walls of the Louisiana juvie without her "cooperation." Plus, the girl's no "Little Miss Muffin," if you know what they mean! (Nudge nudge, wink wink, slam your head against your computer screen.)


05 Aug 20:20

World's First Lab-Grown Burger Is Short on Flavor But Has Good Texture

by Robyn Lee

From A Hamburger Today


Cooking a burger made from Cultured Beef. [Photograph: David Parry / PA Wire]

The world's first lab-grown burger, which has been in development for five years as a potential sustainable alternative to meat production, was unveiled and tasted today at a live event in London. The tasters' first impressions: "it had the texture of meat but was short of flavor because of the lack of fat," reports AP. The five-ounce burger was made of nearly 20,000 strands of meat, seasoned with salt, egg powder, and bread crumbs, and colored with red beet juice and saffron. It was pan fried in sunflower oil and butter. You can watch a video of the hour-long event at Cultured Beef.


A burger made from Cultured Beef. [Photograph: David Parry / PA Wire]

Dr. Mark Post of Maastricht University, head of the team developing the lab-grown burger, explains how the burger is made in this video from BBC News. Here's a quick rundown:

He starts with stem cells extracted from cow muscle tissue. In the laboratory, these are cultured with nutrients and growth promoting chemicals to help them develop and multiply. Three weeks later, there are more than a million stem cells which are put into smaller dishes where they coalesce into small strips of muscle about a centimetre long and a few millimetres thick.

These strips are collected into small pellets which are frozen. When there are enough, they are defrosted and compacted into a patty just before being cooked.

The cost of developing the burger was €250,000 (about $331,200) and it was funded by Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

Cultured Beef Introduction Video

[Video: DeptOfExpansion on YouTube]

About the author: Robyn Lee is the editor of A Hamburger Today and takes many of the photos for Serious Eats. She'll also doodle cute stuff when necessary. Read more from Robyn at her personal food blog, The Girl Who Ate Everything.

Love hamburgers? Then you'll Like AHT on Facebook! And go follow us on Twitter and Pinterest while you're at it!

04 Aug 18:32

The Second Sons of Anarchy Teaser Is Explosive

by Delia Paunescu

In keeping with their signature dark and ominous thing, Sons of Anarchy’s second season six teaser trailer (the first one is here), titled "Mayhem," shows the club riding down a street as a building painted with images of Gemma (Katey Sagal), Clay (Ron Perlman), and Tara (Maggie Siff) literally explode in their wake. While Entertainment Weekly wonders, "Could it mean that Jax is willing to cut all of them loose; that those three, like the MC itself, are in danger of imploding; or that they’ll be problems for Jax?" we know better than to try to find any plot reveals in prestige TV drama promos. So, just sit back and enjoy Black Sabbath’s "God Is Dead?" until the September 10 premiere, which promises an even darker, more violent twist than last season’s finale.

Read more posts by Delia Paunescu

Filed Under: sons of anarchy ,promos ,tv ,explosions ,trailer mix ,video

02 Aug 17:27

Woman Survives In Wilderness For 12 Days After Sex Attack

by ent lawyer
Stephanie Beaverbones was found by an oilfield worker this week after surviving for 12 days in the wilderness of Alberta. She survived by eating berries and drinking river water. Her ordeal began when her car broke down. Two of her friends went for help while Stephanie and a man she barely knew stayed with the car. That is when he made his move. She ran for it and during her escape broke her jaw and suffered a mild concussion, but kept right on going. She ran and ran and then realized she was lost and had no idea how to get back to the road or anywhere else. Police have charged her attacker with aggravated assault and sexual assault.
02 Aug 17:10

According to Lyoto Machida, UFC pressured Anderson Silva into a rematch with Chris Weidman

by Nate Wilcox



When Anderson Silva initially lost to Chris Weidman he was very vocal about not wanting to rematch Weidman for the title. Then he changed his tune. Now we're looking forward to Weidman vs. Silva 2 at UFC 168, but something clearly went on to change Silva's mind.

Silva's friend and training partner Lyoto Machida believes the UFC had to work hard to change Silva's mind. Here's what he told Globo (via Fighters Only):

"Anderson's rematch is fair; the guy ruled the division for a long time. He maybe didn't really want to fight for the belt again but the UFC demanded it. I believe it wasn't only Anderson's intentions that prevailed in this situation."

If this is true and the UFC arm-twisted Silva into a rematch, one has to wonder how the fight itself will pan out. Silva's career has been marred by his bizarre in-cage antics during bouts he wasn't interested in like UFC 112's fiasco against Demian Maia as well as his KO-precipitating clowning against Weidman at UFC 162.

If Anderson Silva doesn't want to fight, the UFC can't make him and fans may be looking forward to a clusterfuck of epic proportions should Silva choose to act out again in the rematch with Weidman.

Lyoto Machida faces Phil Davis at UFC 163 this Saturday.

02 Aug 15:20

Curbed Inside: Touring a Thousand Possible Alternate Versions of Los Angeles

by Adrian Glick Kudler

[Photos by Elizabeth Daniels]

Everyone is talking about Never Built: Los Angeles, the new exhibit that just opened at the A+D Museum, because it's thrilling and sad and really fun (assuming you're an LA nerd, which we're assuming you are). The tour through dozens of gamechanging projects that could've been built in LA, but weren't, shows just how much vision there is for the city (some good, some bad), and also how easy it is to snuff vision out here. The show--put together by Sam Lubell and Greg Goldin, and designed by Clive Wilkinson Architects--features projects that would've seriously altered LA (or parts of LA) as we know it: a comprehensive subway system, a vast(er) freeway network, a thorough parks network, a nature center in Griffith Park designed by John Lautner, Disneyland in Burbank, a manmade island off the coast of Santa Monica, a redesign of the entire Civic Center with underground roads. There are tons of great models and drawings, a little working monorail, video renderings of some of the lost projects, and an enormous LEGO version of a 50-story Catholic cathedral designed by Lloyd Wright. It's all really delightful.

But that's not entirely the point--some of these things were never built because they're insane or awful, but a lot of truly great projects died at the hands of risk-averse developers or risk-averse politicians or risk-averse NIMBYs (often all three, actually). As a press release puts it, "The stories surrounding these projects shed light on a reluctant city whose institutions and infrastructure have often undermined inventive, challenging public schemes." And it's easy to see how nothing's really changed (there are projects in the show that only died in the last few years), but Never Built throws down a gauntlet: are we really going to keep letting this happen? Anyway, go see it, remember that Los Angeles deserves great big ideas, and deserves to see them realized too.

And PS, we're featuring some of the wildest Never Built projects throughout the run. See them all here.
· Never Built: Los Angeles [A+D Museum]

02 Aug 11:46

Netflix Now Allows Multiple Queues and Recommendations on One Account

by Lindsey Weber

Do you share a Netflix account with several family members (or, maybe, college roommates?) and find yourself constantly embarrassed about their (or, more likely, your) viewing habits? Well, say good-bye to poorly skewed recommendations. Today, Netflix is adding customizable profiles to its interface. Going forward, each single account will allow up to five different users to have their own queues, recommendations, and social network connections (which includes, for now, just Facebook).

Read more posts by Lindsey Weber

Filed Under: netflix ,movies ,tv ,streaming ,upgrades

02 Aug 05:09

Cheetah Triplets Weigh In at Zoo Salzburg

by Andrew Bleiman

the :O one!


A trio of Cheetah cubs was born on June 28 at Zoo Salzburg in Austria. The trio, which consists of two males and one female, were born to mother Ginger. Ginger is taking great care of her cubs, who have grown considerably since their birth. Born at 250 grams each (about 1/2 pound), the males now weigh 1,200 grams each (2.65 pounds) and the female weighs 900 grams (just under 2 pounds).


Cheetahs have a short gestation period of about 90-95 days. Young Cheetah cubs have a greyish coat and lack the distinctive spot markings of their species. Cheetahs are currently listed as Vulnerable to Extinction, with under 12,500 individuals remaining in the African wild. Native to Africa and southwestern Asia, a small population of the species also exists in Iran. Adult females are solitary, while males live in social groups. Females are very selective in choosing mates, and their social and breeding behaviors tend to make breeding within zoos a challenge.

Photo Credit Zoo Salzburg

Related articles
01 Aug 20:16

A mother left this sign in her bathroom to scold her masturbation-happy 13-year-old.

by Laura Beck

emasculating your child as punishment for his masturbation seems like a bad move, but oh my god teenage boys

A mother left this sign in her bathroom to scold her masturbation-happy 13-year-old. But what if he's into My Little Pony and/or Justin Bieber?


01 Aug 20:10

Scoobies Rejoice! Sarah Michelle Gellar Is Down to Make a Buffy Movie

by Madeleine Davies

Scoobies Rejoice! Sarah Michelle Gellar Is Down to Make a Buffy Movie

Blow off your slayer duties and get ready to party at The Bronze tonight because we've got a reason to celebrate. While promoting her new sitcom The Crazy Ones, Sarah Michelle Gellar said that she's open to the possibility of returning to the role of Buffy Summers in a film version of the Buffy TV show — the most beloved TV show in the world (or, at the very least, in this particular writer's heart).


01 Aug 19:00

Quiz: Can You Match Mark Wahlberg’s Abs to the Movie?

by Jesse David Fox,Justin McCraw,Linsey Fields,Jed Egan

Are you a fan of Mark Wahlberg's abs? Of course you are. But are you an expert? Can you tell his Basketball Diaries abs from his Fear abs — his Pain & Gain abs from his Invincible abs? That's where our Mark Wahlberg Name that Abs Quiz comes in. Each question has a shot of his ageless midsection and you have to guess what movie, music video, or advertisement it appeared in. Think of it as the SAbTs (or AbCTs, if you live in the Midwest). Good luck!

Read more posts by Jesse David FoxJustin McCrawLinsey FieldsJed Egan

Filed Under: mark wahlberg ,movies ,abs ,vulture quiz ,2 guns

01 Aug 15:26

Miranda Lambert Still Thinks Blake Shelton Will Cheat

by ent lawyer
Apparently those lovey dovey impressions that Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert have been trying to convey to the public are not the impressions that are actually going on in the couple's home. According to Life & Style, Miranda has hired people to be on tour with Blake who will report back to her everyday about what he is doing and who he is with and basically make sure that he does not cheat on her. Of course, even though Miranda has also been accused of cheating on Blake, he has not hired anyone to follow her. When you have to start hiring people to keep track of your partner 24/7, then maybe it is time to think about finding a new partner. Miranda can go off with Eric Church and Blake can get back with Cady Groves or one of his numerous other supposed flings.
01 Aug 04:41

Will a sheep's wool grow forever?

by Laura Beck

Will a sheep's wool grow forever? A: I hope so. (JK, that sounds awful for the poor sheep.) (Also, his little sheep smile in the last photo is the best thing.)


01 Aug 02:21

Office Space: Creepy Startup Has Workers All Living Together in Bel Air Rental

by Adrian Glick Kudler


Updated 1:27 pm: Hey, those of you at the office right now--you're definitely thinking "Boy, I wish I could spend literally all my time here, in this office, thinking about this work and being around these coworkers," right? Who isn't! The staffers at startup Enplug certainly are--twelve of them, including the CEO, live together in a rental house in Bel Air. The rental house has six bedrooms. And three bathrooms. Twelve people. Coworkers. And Enplug is in the business of creating digital billboards, so it's all in the service of a noble cause. Here are some great perqs their living sitch has to offer:

-- Super cool values: "The idea is to live and breathe work—24 hours a day, seven days a week—without the commute and few outside distractions," says the Wall Street Journal.
-- Great work hours/appropriate dress code: "It's past midnight, but many staffers at Enplug ... are milling about the office in their T-shirts and boxers, writing code and talking strategy."
-- Lots of personal time: "Employees and managers meet, work, eat, clean, exercise and sleep in the same space."
-- Facetime with the boss: "there are occasional uncomfortable moments, such as nudging your boss to do the dishes."
-- Excellent compensation: "Most of the staffers living in the house get paid a modest stipend in lieu of salary, while the founders forgo salaries altogether, funneling company earnings back into rent, utilities and large boxes of Cheerios."
-- Fun totalitarianish atmosphere, in the words of the CEO: "We don't try to separate work life from our personal life … It's a little bit cultish … It is also extremely efficient."
-- But probably no sex: one couple who lives in the house, "both Enplug software developers in their 30s, say the practical perks, such as free food and rent, make up for the lack of privacy."

Notably, "Employees who choose to live in such arrangements are generally single 20-somethings who have recently left dorm life," because you wanna get to 'em before they realize that "work-life balance" is a thing.

Update: According to a listing from last summer, the house really only has five bedrooms and rents for $5,995 per month. So employees are getting about $500 in free rent a month. Totally worth it.
· House Party: Working and Living at the Office [Wall Street Journal]

31 Jul 11:36

The Best Sodas We Tried at Galco's Summer Soda Tasting in Los Angeles

by Farley Elliott

From Drinks


[Photographs: Paul Bartunek]

We here at Serious Eats definitely like soda, but John Nese really likes the stuff. So much so, he converted an entire grocery store in L.A.'s Highland Park neighborhood into a shrine of soda, Galco's Soda Pop Stop. There are still aisles to push your cart down, but the shelves are floor-to-ceiling soda bottles.


To celebrate the bubbly diversity on their shelves, Galco's began hosting annual soda tasting events in their parking lot. The Galco's events feature small pours of an array of different soda styles. On some occasions, the soda-makers themselves have stepped out of the shadows to help pour the shot-glass sized gulps.

The annual Summer Soda Tasting gives you the chance to expand your soda palate. Here are a few of the best sodas we tried at this year's event.

Vanilla Butterscotch Root Beer from O-So


Old timers may remember O-So Soda, with their cutesy labels and classic lettering. The O-So Beverage Company originally brewed out of Peoria, Illinois, but fell to the wayside after years of slowing sales. Now, the brand—complete with puffy logo and old-school flavors—is back on the market, so all those eBay sellers trying to make $13 off of an empty glass bottle are screwed. By way of a welcoming party, John Nese invited O-So to pour at the tasting event, and the team served up samples of their classic grape and a tinkered version of a regular root beer.

O-So's vanilla butterscotch bottles were the best sips of the day by far, with a flood of creamy butterscotch flavors at the top, followed by a soothing vanilla finish to go along with the dark root beer bottom. This is a fully realized soda, perfectly combining like elements into something so much tastier than its classic iteration. For anyone thinking it might be fun to drop a few shaves of pure butterscotch candy into an already hearty root beer, don't bother; O-So is already doing a better version than you will ever come up with.

Sparkling Pink Grapefruit from Bundaberg


This Australian outfit is already well known for their pull-top ginger beers. You know, the squat brown bottles with the yellow labels? Well, it turns out Bundaberg brews a whole array of colas, root beers, sarsaparillas, cream sodas, and so-called Sparkling Selections. Infused with fresh fruits like peach, guava and blood orange, each bottle provided a punch of sharp carbonation, backed with a wave of sweet juicy flavors.

The winner of the Bundaberg bunch was the Pink Grapefruit, with a lighter body that didn't coat your mouth with overwhelming sugars. The neon pink soda also did away with most of the tartness you'll find in a freshly cut grapefruit, leaving only the balanced, smooth acid to play against the carbonation.

Almond Cream Soda from Red Ribbon Soda Works


As a century-old imprint of the small Pennsylvania-based Natrona Bottling Company, Red Ribbon Soda Works is perhaps best known for their grape flavored Pennsylvania Punch. But it's their nearly clear Almond Cream Soda that emerged from the Galco's shelves to nearly steal the show. The lightly carbonated cream soda uses only 100% cane sugar. Like any decent cream soda, your tastebuds will swirl with sugar and toasted vanilla. But with Red Ribbon's almond cream version, there is an unmistakable nuttiness to the finish. It's subtle, but helps to round out the sweeter edges of each sip, adding depth to the drink as a whole. Think of a lighter version of a root beer float, with a few tree nuts sprinkled on top.

Lavender Sweet Blossom from Global Beverage Enterprises


Brewing specialty sodas under the ominous moniker Global Beverage Enterprises, the Florida-based company behind the pale Sweet Blossom line is actually in the business of reengineering some of the sodas that have disappeared over the years. The team works closely with Galco's owner John Nese, who distributes some of their bottles both online and through his store. Each of the Sweet Blossom flower sodas are brewed using real flower petals that have been crushed and filtered and distilled, giving the sodas a distinct earthiness.

That earthiness is the primary flavor you'll find with the Lavender Sweet Blossom soda. Far from tasting like a pile of dirt, the slightly funky earth you'll catch a taste of in each purple pour is more like a garden. It's as floral as you might expect, but the result is smooth drinking that will give your tongue a little taste of summer, any time of year.

Plantation Style Mint Julep


Brewed under the same Natrona Bottling Company as the Red Ribbon line, Plantation Style Mint Julep soda is a style unto itself. Far from being a 'stunt soda' that weakly tries to impersonate the alcoholic drink, this mint julep soda works remarkably well on its own. With a regular ginger ale base that pops and bursts with bright flavors, the soda is already off to a fine start. Add to that the freshness of muddled mint, and you've got a crisp soda that feels as natural to your summer plans as any boozy drink ever could.

Our Own!


That's right, Galco's officially unveiled their personal soda-making station for the summer tasting event. With dozens of possible syrup flavorings to choose from, all you had to do was pump in nine squirts of anything you please and then head down the line to the carbonation station. There, you could choose from a band of carbonation levels, from lightly bubbly to practically foamy.

Our DIY soda was white chocolate and cherry, with two splashes of chocolate for every dose of cherry. The hope was to create a creamy, sweet soda with a touch of cherry snap, and that's exactly what happened. While we're a bit biased, the resulting bottle of soda wasn't half bad.

That is, until you look down the aisles and aisles of soda bottles at Galco's, and realize the competition you're up against.

About the author: Farley Elliott is a writer and comedian living in Los Angeles. He writes about strip mall food for LA Weekly and covers the LA beer scene for KCET.

30 Jul 19:41

Sweet Hacks: 10 Easy S'mores Variations

by The Serious Eats Team

From Sweets


VIEW SLIDESHOW: Sweet Hacks: 10 Easy S'mores Variations

[Photographs: Robyn Lee]

Lightly sweet graham crackers, melty chocolate, gooey and golden toasted marshmallows—a traditional s'more is practically perfect. But here at Serious Eats we tend to look at a good thing and wonder, "How can we make this better?"*

*See: Ways to hack your Bud Lime-A-Rita, hummus, Girl Scout Cookies, Oreos, Peeps, and popcorn to name a few.

So, without further ado, check out the slideshow above to see 10 ways to bring your s'mores to the next level.

Do you hack your s'mores? Tell us how in the comments section below!

30 Jul 19:22

ABC Family Renews Switched at Birth

by Margaret Lyons


ABC Family has renewed Switched at Birth for a third season and ordered more episodes of The Fosters and Twisted, the network announced today. SaB had a 30-episode first season and is in the middle of a twenty-episode second, which means there's a tremendous amount of SaB, given that the show is relatively new. No word yet on how many episodes the first-year shows have been renewed for, but based on last night's episode of The Fosters, one hopes it's a lot. Oy, that show is so lovely.

Read more posts by Margaret Lyons

Filed Under: renewals ,switched at birth ,the fosters ,twisted ,abc family

30 Jul 17:11

The Cronut Umami Burger Is a Culinary Match Conceived in Hell

by Laura Beck

The Cronut Umami Burger Is a Culinary Match Conceived in Hell

What happens when you pair the trendiest burger with the trendiest pastry product? Probably something that costs about $15, took many hours to assemble, and tastes pretty alright.


29 Jul 21:23

NYC Introduces Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program

by Leah Douglas


[Photograph: Flickr]

New York City Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs and Health Commissioner Thomas Farley announced this week that New York will launch a new chapter of the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program, or FVRx, a program that allows doctors to "prescribe" fruits and vegetables to families at risk for obesity and diet-related illness. Patients can receive a dollar per day for each member of their family—a family of four could receive $28 per week—to redeem at New York City farmer's markets. Each month, patients meet with their doctors for prescription renewal and to have their weight and BMI measured. Hospitals will try to retain participants for at least 4 months.

FVRx is a program run by Wholesome Wave, a Bridgeport-based organization working on hunger and food issues across the northeast. Wholesome Wave launched their pilot FVRx programs in 2011 in Massachusetts, Maine, California and Rhode Island. The program was then expanded to Connecticut, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington, D.C. in 2012.

Wholesome Wave's 2012 FVRx impact report shows many positive results from the program. According to their data, 55% of participants in FVRx reported increased fruit and vegetable consumption, and almost 40% of child participants reduced their BMI. A large majority of participants in FVRx are from low-income families and have limited access to healthy food. Wholesome Wave touts the ability of the FVRx program to empower these families to seek out healthier food options.

Lincoln Medical Center and Harlem Hospital Center are the first two medical centers to launch the program; each aims to enroll up to 70 patients in the FVRx program. FVRx is a next step in ongoing efforts by GrowNYC, the NYC Department of Health, and the mayor's office to increase access to local and healthy food to New York's low income residents.

About the Author: Leah Douglas is a freelance writer in San Francisco, and loves learning about, talking about, reading about, and consuming food. Her other work can be found at her website.

29 Jul 19:17

Blind Item #3

by ent lawyer
This drummer of a three person band who is one of the top bands of all-time has more money than he could ever spend. Did he spend it on his nephew when his nephew was dying of leukemia? Nope. Not one penny. He wanted nothing to do with it or death and told his sister that he was not going to help her or his nephew. The nephew died. Think about that when he is out promoting a new record.
29 Jul 06:10

Even the umpire loves Vin Scully (video)


Baseball people

Kevin Roderick: On Vin Scully Bobblehead Night at Dodger Stadium on Thursday, the sellout crowd gave Mister Los Angeles a standing ovation. Check out the home plate ump (and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Magic Johnson.)
28 Jul 02:02

A Game of Chairmen

by a_blackpanther on Observation Deck, shared by Anna Breslaw to Jezebel

A Game of Chairmen

Shutterstock is apparently a fan of Game of Thrones, and they whipped up these amazing houses at modern-day corporations ads.


27 Jul 11:48

Item of the Day: The Frozen S’more

by Sophia Elias

Item of the Day: The Frozen S’more

Item of the Day: The Frozen S’more

The sweet mastermind behind The Cronut is dishing out yet another mouth watering treat to add to our bucket lists. Say hello to Chef Dominique Ansel‘s newest creation, the Frozen S’more.

While the treat is simple in both its name and appearance, this is no ordinary marshmallow-chocolate-graham cracker triad. These golden cubes are filled with vanilla custard ice cream and crispy chocolate wafer. This creamy, crunchy core is secured by a square mold, overflowing with ooey-gooey marshmallow, homemade by Ansel.


A chunk of ice cream wrapped in wafer going into the marshmallow mold

A chunk of ice cream wrapped in wafer makes its way into the marshmallow mold

Don’t be fooled into thinking all that bronze goodness is anything graham cracker related, though. Spoiler alert: there is no graham cracker to be found in this s’more. Once the marshmallow cubes are frozen, Ansel torches each one before serving, so it’s imperative that you sink your teeth into its sizzling surface ASAP.

I don’t imagine I’d have an issue with that.

To fully understand this treat’s greatness, I recommend you watch this video.

If you’re able to withstand the long lines, make sure to stop by Dominique Ansel’s bakery if/when you’re in NYC!

Image via TheKitchn

The post Item of the Day: The Frozen S’more appeared first on HelloGiggles.

27 Jul 07:38

How Many Times Will You See Your Parents Before They Die?

by Erin Gloria Ryan

How Many Times Will You See Your Parents Before They Die?

Hey, guess what? Everything you love is gonna die someday, including your parents. Now, thanks to a new app, you can guesstimate exactly how many more times you'll be able to look into the eyes of your most immediate ancestors before they are committed to dust. Cool. Great job, internet.


27 Jul 01:51

Oh, God: Carl's, Jr. Has Created a Pop Tart Ice Cream Sandwich

by Callie Beusman

Oh, God: Carl's, Jr. Has Created a Pop Tart Ice Cream Sandwich

Ok, everyone, I get it. The Cronut has goaded our hubris, and now our sudden compulsion to create decadent food-mutants has gotten the best of us. Is this the new phase of enlightened human consciousness, or will it end terribly (with a rioting hoard of angry villagers chasing a croissantwich into a windmill and then, carried away by their own violent compulsions, proceeding to raze to the ground civilization as we know it)? I guess that only time will tell.


26 Jul 21:44

Ultimate Fighter alumnus Jimmy Quinlan rescues man from car crash

by Zane Simon

In a world filled with coincidences it was the best of luck that Jimmy "Crash" Quinlan was on the road when a truck rolled in front of him. Quinlan, on his way to training at the time and had to punch kick his way through the driver's windshield (sans shoes) to pull the bleeding man from the wreck. He talked about the experience to Fox Sports:

"There were all these little pieces of glass in my hands and my feet where I was kicking the glass out of the windshield. The guy was sideways in his truck hanging over his seatbelt full of blood, so the only way I could access his seatbelt was by smashing out the windshield and going inside the truck. Fluid was leaking out of the truck so I didn't want to waste time getting him out."

"I was on my way to training...between rolling in the gi, wrapping my hands for boxing and then drilling it doesn't look bad at all anymore, just scrapes."

"Although after drilling with Joe Lauzon for about an hour for his upcoming fight I pulled another small piece of glass out of my foot .. . I just wish I had thought to throw an MMA glove on from my car haha."

He posted a picture of the accident to Instagram as well, with the following commentary:

"So this just happened right in front of me my hands and feet are bleeding from punching out his windshield to drag him out... Wish I had shoes on"

It should be noted that Quinlan is a part time police officer as well as his careers as a fighter and wrestling coach, so he was well trained for this roadside rescue operation. I don't know if we'll see him in the UFC again soon, but I'll certainly be rooting a bit harder for him next time out.