Shared posts

28 Mar 20:32

Innocent driver mugged by passing motorcyclist

28 Mar 20:22

Cards Against Humanity: my proudest moment

28 Mar 20:17

48 anime films you should see before you die


I've seen 18 of these.

28 Mar 20:15

I guess there's a guy at Google who has to name every single exit.

28 Mar 20:11

I'm dead.


Wow. I'm still surprised by some of the combinations in this game.

28 Mar 20:08

My uncle set up a trail camera near a dead deer and caught this, I thought it was awesome!

28 Mar 19:36

Xbox One griefers may have Twitch privileges, dessert taken away

by Mike Suszek

Still don't quite understand this new reputation system.

When Microsoft revealed its reputation system for Xbox One in July, it sought to match the worst members of the gaming community with one another based on a long-term gauge of their behavior in online games. Now, the console manufacturer will begin...
28 Mar 19:35

This Is What Happens When You Drive Like an Asshole

by Gabrielle Bluestone

The video is titled "instant karma," but that's not what it is. It is exactly what happens when you drive like an asshole.



28 Mar 19:15

Woman Named Crispi Tried to Burn Ex's House Down with a Pound of Bacon

by Gabrielle Bluestone

Crispi bacon?

Woman Named Crispi Tried to Burn Ex's House Down with a Pound of Bacon

Police say they arrested a Utah woman named Crispi for trying to burn her ex-boyfriend's house down with a flaming pile of bacon.



28 Mar 18:33

Someone Is Going to Follow Rob Ford Around With a Tuba for a Whole Day

by Jay Hathaway

Thank you, baby Jesus!

Someone Is Going to Follow Rob Ford Around With a Tuba for a Whole Day

A Craigslist ad is seeking someone to follow Toronto mayor and comedy goldmine Rob Ford around for an entire day while playing a tuba, and it looks like it may actually happen.



28 Mar 18:33

The Year's First Must-See Horror Movie Is So Much More Than That

by Rich Juzwiak

The Year's First Must-See Horror Movie Is So Much More Than That

Jennifer Kent's Australian thriller The Babadook is of the big success stories from this year's Sundance Film Festival. The story seems standard enough: A boogieman character named the Babadook terrorizes a single mother, Amelia (Essie Davis) and her son Samuel (Noah Wiseman), who's so poorly behaved, he's a bit of a monster himself. But the film has surprising depth.



27 Mar 18:55

Russia Takes Control of Ukraine's Combat Dolphin Program

by Jay Hathaway

Of course the Ukraine had a "Combat Dolphin Program."

Russia Takes Control of Ukraine's Combat Dolphin Program

As Russia seizes control of Crimea, one of the stranger things it will be taking over is a unit of trained military dolphins run by the Ukrainian Navy since the fall of the Soviet Union. Ukraine had planned to disband the program in April due to a lack of funds, but Russia has decided to keep it running.



27 Mar 18:54

Wu-Tang Clan will only sell one copy of an album they secretly recorded over the last few years.

by Gabrielle Bluestone

Wu-Tang Clan will only sell one copy of an album they secretly recorded over the last few years. According to RZA, "This is like somebody having the scepter of an Egyptian king."



27 Mar 18:50

Surgeons Will Experiment With Putting Patients in Suspended Animation

by Jay Hathaway

"The process requires surgeons to rapidly drain all of a patient's blood, replacing it with a cold saline solution."

Surgeons Will Experiment With Putting Patients in Suspended Animation

Surgeons are preparing to place patients between life and death in the first-ever human trial of a new suspended animation technique. Victims of stabbings or gunshot wounds will have their bodies rapidly cooled at Pittsburgh's UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, buying doctors an extra 2 hours to save them.



27 Mar 18:49

Bank Accidentally Deposits $31k in Teen's Account, Hero Teen Spends It

by Taylor Berman

Bank Accidentally Deposits $31k in Teen's Account, Hero Teen Spends It

Earlier this month, a bank teller accidentally deposited $31,000 into a teenager's bank account. The teen did the sensible thing and immediately started buying shit, spending more than $25,000 in just ten days.



27 Mar 18:48

This Visual Effects Genius Turned His Kid Into a Real-Life Action Hero

by Jay Hathaway

Ok that is great.
Only 12 seconds!

Every kid imagines the floor is lava, that Lego gun is really a Star Wars blaster, or they've really got Batman's grappling hook. But not every kid has a Dreamworks animator for a dad.



27 Mar 18:47

Michael Bay's First Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trailer Is Here

by Jay Hathaway


The highly anticipated/dreaded trailer for the Michael Bay-produced reboot/massacre of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is finally here.



27 Mar 18:45

Ratzilla, the 16-Inch "Rat From Hell," Finally Captured in Sweden

by Taylor Berman

Ratzilla, the 16-Inch "Rat From Hell," Finally Captured in Sweden

Ratzilla, the big ass rat that terrorized a Swedish family for weeks, is finally dead.



26 Mar 20:09

"yoooo ctfu"

26 Mar 20:01

Making marbles


Making Marbles... Could either be a sex move, or a term for pooping.

26 Mar 19:58

Shots fired

26 Mar 19:43

Well, looks like the Simpsons called it.


So many good FB/Oculus posts today...

26 Mar 19:41

Before my mom leaves the house, she sets up the kindle so the cat can watch bird videos in bed.

26 Mar 19:40

Batman is real

26 Mar 19:38

When you have a cat, it's important to assert dominance over it.

26 Mar 19:38

/v/ on the future of the Oculus Rift

26 Mar 19:23

Facebook buys Oculus VR

by Jessica Conditt

What horrors will arise from this pairing?

Facebook has acquired Oculus VR, the company building the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, for $2 billion. Oculus will keep its headquarters in Irvine, California. "We are excited to work with Mark and the Facebook team to deliver the very best...
26 Mar 19:22

Texas parents opt out of STAAR testing for their kids


Violates Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.
That's an interesting argument..

Next week starts STAAR season for Texas public school students. For a few parents across the state, that’s the deadline for them to decide whether to opt out — to refuse to let their children take the state-required exams.  Earlier this week, a Waco couple took their decision unusually public. They sent an opt-out letter to their children’s school and posted it on the Internet. It was quickly picked up on the informal network of national organizations that oppose high-stakes testing.  The letter from Kyle and Jennifer Massey had been downloaded more than 30,000 times by Tuesday morning, Jennifer Massey said.   “It took off faster than we expected,” she said.

STAAR — State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness — is the battery of tests given each year to public school students. Proponents say such tests are the best way to determine whether all students are learning the required curriculum. They say that use of the results for accountability — for students and the school system — have driven improvements in test scores and education.

Opponents, like the Masseys, say that an unhealthy focus on test scores has warped what happens in the classroom, so that too much time is spent on testing strategy and on drills that are designed to maximize test scores at the expense of other valuable skills that aren’t assessed by STAAR.  “We are trying to raise attention to the issue and to make people know this is a valid option for them,” Jennifer Massey said.

More on this story:


"Austins Morning News" on News Radio KLBJ talked about this topic: Listen below



Dear [Insert Principal] [insert date]


I am respectfully presenting a written statement to remove my child during the mandated standardized testing days this year. It is my parental right to choose to “opt my child out” of curriculum or instruction that is harmful to children as stated in the Texas Education Code CHAPTER 26. PARENTAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Sec. A26.010.EXEMPTION FROM INSTRUCTION. (a) A parent is entitled to remove the parent ’s child temporarily from a class or other school activity that conflicts with the parent ’s religious or moral beliefs if the parent presents or delivers to the teacher of the parent ’s child a written statement authorizing the removal of the child from the class or other school activity. I believe it is morally wrong to put children through the ordeal of a week of pointless testing. I also believe the practice of high stakes standardized testing is morally wrong. High stakes standardized testing:


AFFECTS SOCIO-EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING: Our system of constant testing seems designed to produce anxiety and depression.


KILLS CURIOSITY AND LOVE OF LEARNING: Actually limits and reduces the amount of QUALITY learning experiences. Rather than focusing on a child’s natural curiosity, testing emphasizes (and drills in) isolated facts limiting teacher’s ability to create environments that stimulate a child’s imagination.


REDUCES A CHILD’S CAPACITY FOR ATTAINING NEW KNOWLEDGE: If children cannot actively make connections between different topics of study, they don’t remember what they learn from day to day. Most standardized tests are still based on the recall of isolated facts and narrow skills. (


REPLACES HIGHER ORDER THINKING WITH SKILL, DRILL AND KILL: Most tests include many topics that are not important, while many important areas are not included on standardized tests because they cannot be measured by such tests. Teaching to the test does not produce real and sustained gains on independent learning measures. (


NARROWS THE CURRICULUM: The loss of a rich curriculum has been documented in research, in the media, and in teacher testimony. Forget art, music, science and PE (in spite of the decades of research that correlates student overall school achievement to participation in these experiences). State-wide testing generally focuses only on math and reading. And with these critical subjects, teachers are forced to focus only on those test-taking strategies that reflect the way material is presented on the tests.


REDUCES SOCIALIZATION AS A CENTRAL CORE OF LEARING: The opportunity to learn to socialize through recess, and collaborative classroom activities reduces children’s opportunities to develop healthy social skills. Being seated alone at a desk all day isolates children from learning how to develop community-based problem solving skills they will need as adults.


WASTES VALUABLE EDUCATIONAL TIME SPENT TAKING TESTS: Texas Public Schools will spend one of every five days or nearly 20% of the school year conducting tests. According to the Texas Education Agency, Texas public schools will spend 34 out of the 185 day long year conducting tests mandated by the state government. This does not include the regular testing in schools such as six-weeks tests, quizzes, and final exams. (State Board of Education Member Bill Ratliff, Sept 12, 2011)


VIOLATES ALL CHILDRENS’ RIGHTS TO A FREE AND APPROPRIATE EDUCATION: High stakes testing leads to under-serving or mis-serving all students, especially the most needy and vulnerable, thereby violating the principle of ‘do no harm.’ For example, students living in poverty, who already lack critical access to books and free reading, are condemned to test prep instead of having opportunities to read. Monies desperately needed for vital school resources such as clean drinking water, supplies and roofs that don’t leak are being spent on testing materials. Texas spends $44 billion per year on public education, of that $1 billion is spent just on testing days. (Ratliff, 09/12/11) Texas Education Agency spent $88 million on Pearson standardized test products, such as TAKS tests, in fiscal year 2010 for testing grades 3-11 with plans to spend $470 million over the next 5 years. Pearson is part of a London-based media conglomerate, Pearson PLC. Our needed tax dollars for Texas schoolchildren go to London. (Egan (2010) Retrieved from


VIOLATES FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT OF 1938: If a child is given work or assessments to do in the classroom that will eventually determine the income of a teaching professional, that student is providing the catalyst for the pay. In Texas, administrators and teachers are paid “bonuses” or additional stipends through “strategic compensation” programs that are dependent upon the school-wide TAKS (standardized tests) growth or other student performance goals. This breaches the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938, which states that sixteen is the basic minimum age for employment. It also says that when young people work, the work cannot jeopardize their health, well-being, or educational opportunities.


Parental rights are broadly protected by United States Supreme Court decisions (Meyer and Pierce), especially in the area of education. The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that parents posses the “fundamental right” to “direct the upbringing and education of their children.” Furthermore, the Court declared that “the child is not the mere creature of the State: those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right coupled with the high duty to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” (Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510, 534-35) The Supreme Court criticized a state legislature for trying to interfere “with the power of parents to control the education of their own.” (Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 402.) In Meyer, the Supreme Court held that the right of parents to raise their children free from unreasonable state interferences is one of the unwritten "liberties" protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. (262 U.S. 399). The immorality of high stakes testing in the public schools, as stated earlier, constitute an unreasonable state interference in the operation of public schools.


The right to opt out of standardized test ought to be an option for every child’s parent or guardian — the right to say, without being pressured or penalized by state or local authority, “Do not subject my child to any test that doesn’t provide useful, same-day or next-day information about performance.”


With consideration of the Texas Education Code, Chapter 26, and the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, I would appreciate your cooperation in securing my right as a parent to opt out my child of standardized testing.



Thank you,

[Insert your name]


 Avoiding the stress of standardized tests

26 Mar 18:55

Man Serves 15-Year Sentence, Immediately Robs Same Store Upon Release

by Taylor Berman

Persistent bastard. I'll give him that much.

Man Serves 15-Year Sentence, Immediately Robs Same Store Upon Release

On Friday, Christopher Miller was released from a New Jersey prison, where he'd spent the past 15 years for robbing a shoe store near the Jersey Shore. On Saturday, he took a bus to that same store and allegedly robbed it again.



26 Mar 18:51

Every Man in North Korea Now Has to Get a Kim Jong-Un Haircut

by Jay Hathaway

Lifelong dictator of an entire (albeit shitty) country, and this is what you decide to do. Holy shit man. Really?

Every Man in North Korea Now Has to Get a Kim Jong-Un Haircut

North Korean Dear Leader/monster Kim Jong-Un is now requiring every man in the country to copy his exact haircut. The rule was reportedly introduced in Pyongyang two weeks ago.